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Account of the executions in Scotland for the past 200 years

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Account of the executions in Scotland for the past 200 years (1856)
3219239Account of the executions in Scotland for the past 200 years1856







200 YEARS.



Murdoch Currie, theft
Patrick Lunnay, murder

June 14, 175
Juny. 18 1861

WILLIAM CALCRAFT the general executioner of Great Britain, and who officiated at Dumbarton on the 18th Jan. 1861, was born in the year 1801, of humble but industrious parents, in a little village about ten miles from London, situate in the county of Essex. When 19 years of age he was appointed to the office of Newgate Hangman, and on being installed swore to the following oath.—“I swear to hang or behead, and to draw and quarter, or otherwise destroy all felons and enemies to the peace of our Lord the King, and of his subjects duly sentenced according to Law, and I will do the like unto father, mother, sister or brother, and all other kindred whatsoever, without favour or hindrence. So help me God.”

Thereupon a black veil is thrown over him at his rising ’when he is conducted out of the court, amid the groaning of the assemblage, the tolling of the death-bell, and horrifying words of the city judge grating in his ears, “Get thee hence, wretch!”

The hall in which the oath is administered contains a table with the following articles placed thereon:-An axe, well sharpened!—the same as that used for the beheading of traitors— a pair of leg-irons—handcuffs—and other fetters—a small coil of rope—a pair of white caps.


At the Howgate Head where the Monkland Canal Basin is now situated

Date of Execution
Hugh Bisland, robbery, July 10, 1765
Agnes Dougal, murder Nov. 1 67
Andrew Marshall, murder,—hanged in chains, Oct, 25,60
William Mitchell and Charles Gordon, robbery, Nov. 17, 73
George M‘Taggart, housebreaking, &c. June 21, 76

At the Castle Yard where the Royal Infirmary now stands

James Jack, robbery June 7, 1784
James and Win. Brodie & Jean Scott, housebreaking Nov. 3, 84
Neil M‘Lean, forgery June 1, 85
David Steven, murder June 3, 85
Thomas Vernon, robbery Nov. 9, 85
James Spence, housebreaking and theft June 7, 86
Elizabeth Paul, housebreaking and theft Oct. 25, 86
John M‘Aulay, Thomas Veitch, and Thomas Gentles robbery May 28, 88
ohn Hill and William Porter, assault and robbery May 12, 1830
William M‘Feat, murder Sept. 30 30

At the Cross

Walter M'Intosh, robbery Oct 22, 1788.
William Scott, housebreaking and theft.—This criminal was tried and condemned by the Sheriff Dec. 3, 88
John Prown, forgery June 9, 90
James Day, murder Oct. 20, 90
James Plauket, robbery Jan. 11, 92
James Dick, murder May 16, 92
Mortimer Collins, murder Nov. 7, 92
Agnes White, murder, and James M'Kenzie, robbery May 22, 92
James M'Kean, murder Jan. 23, 97
John M'Millan, murder May 6, 98
Peter Gray, ham sucken May 28, 1800
William Cunningham, theft June 8, 03
David Scott and, Hugh Adamson, forgery June 5, 06
Adam Cox, murder June 10, 07
James Gilchrist, murder July 20, 08
John Gordon M‘Intosh and George Stewart housebreaking Nov 8,09
James Ferguson, robbery May 26, 13
W. Muir and W. Mudie, robbery Nov 17, 13


Wm. Higgins and Thos. Harold, robbery Oct 10, 1814
John Sherry, robbery Nov 8, 15
William M‘Kay, forgery May 28, 15
Freebairn Whitehill, robbery Willam M'Kecbnie and James M'Cormick, housebreaking and theft Oct 29, 17
William Baird and Walter Blair, robbery June 3, 18
Matthew Clydesdale, murder, and Simon Ross, housebreaking Nov. 4, 18
A. Robertson, housebreaking and theft April 7, 19
B. M'Kinlay, Hunter Guthrie, J. Forbes, and William Buchauan, housebreaking and theft Nov. 3, 19
John Buchanan, murder Nov. 17, 19
Richard Smith, housebreaking May 21, 20
James Wilson, high treason—hanged and beheaded Aug. 30, 20
William Leonard Swan, forgery June 5, 21
Malcolm M'Intyre, William Paterson, and James Dyer housebreaking Oct. 24, 22
Donachy, housebreaking and theft June 5, 22
John M‘Dougall and James Wilson, housebreaking and theft June 24, 23
David Wylie, theft Nov. 12, 24
W. M'Teague, uttering forged notes May 19, 24
Francis Kean, robbery and George Laidlaw, theft June 2, 24.
J. M'Crevie, housebreaking and theft June 2, 24
William Devon, murder July 21, 25
James Stevenson highway robbery June 1, 26
James Dollan, street robbery.—This was the first criminal who suffered between eight and ten June 7, 26
Andrew Stewart and Edward Kelly, street robbery Nov. 1, 26
Jas. Glen, murder.—This criminal was dressed in white Dec. 12 27
Thomas Connor and Bell M‘Menemy assault & robbery Oct. 22, 28
Edward Moore, murder May 30, 28
David Little, stouthrief Jan 17 31
James Campbell, housebreaking and theft May 16, 31
James Byers and Mary Steel, murderers Oct. 6, 31
William Heath, housebreaking Oct. 20, 32
William Lindsay, murder Jan. 18, 32
Philip Camay ripe, and John Barklay, murder May 14, 32
Henry Burnett, street robbery Jan. 13. 33
George Duffy, murder Jan. 20, 35
Hugh Kennedy, throwing vitriol Sep. 20, 34
George Campbell, murder Sep. 20, 36
Mrs Jeffrey, murder May. 21, 36
Thomas Templeton. murder May, .27, 40
Denis Doolan, and Patrick Redding, murder—Executed at Crosshill near Glasgow May 14, 41
Charles M‘Kay, murder May 18, 43
Margaret Lennox or Hamilton, forgery and murder Jan. 31, 50
Archibald-Hare, murder Oct. 24, 51
Hans Smith, M'Farlane and Helen Blackwood, murder Aug, 11, 53
Alexander-Stewart, murder May 23, 55
Mrs M‘Lauchlan was sentenced to be executed for the murder of Jessie M‘Pherson on the 11th Oct. 1862, but Was respited.
John Reilly, murder May 16, 64
Dr. E. W. Pritchard executed for the murder of his wife and mother in law. by poison, July 28, 65


Thomas Hunter, A. M, murder Aug. 8, 1700
Nicol Musher, murder Aug. 8, 10
Margaret Dickson, murder—This person recovered and lived 30 years at Musselburgh where she was known 23 by the name of “ill hanged Maggie” Aug. 2, 56
Agnes Crocket, child murder Sep. 8, 58
Ann Morrison, child murder Mar. 7, 61
Janet Heatly, child murder April 1, 61
Patrick Ogilvie, for the murder of Thomas Ogilvie of Easterhill, bis brother, and adultery of his wife Nov. 18, 65
Margaret Adam, murder Mar. 2, 65
Robert Hay, street robbery Mar. 25, 67
John Raybould. forgery Feb. 24, 68
William Harris, forgery May 20, 70
Alexander M‘Dorlaid, and Charles Jamieson, shop breaking at Lithgow Bridgend Sep. 2, 70
Daniel Deveron, robbery Jan. 1, 87
Chas. and James Jamieson, robbing the mail Jan. 29, 87
John Reid, murdering his san Mar. 21, 87
William Brodie, and George Smith, theft Oct 1, 88
Jas. Falconer, and Peter Bruce, bank robbery Dec. 24, 88
Bartholomew Collins, murder Feb. 8, 90
William Gatlesby, robbery Feb. 2, 92
William Smith, housebreaking Oct 12, 92
John Paul and James Stewart, street robbery July 27, 94
Robert Watt, high, treason Oct. 13, 94
Melisias Roderick M‘Ullan, forgery on the Paisley Bank 98
Thomas Urquliatti postmaster of Kirkwall Orkney, opening letter's, and abstracting money therefrom Oct, 16, 1800
Richard Brodie, theft Feb. 11, 1801
George Lindsay, murder April 7, 1802
Margaret Curninghare, murder Jan. 7, 1807
Matthew Smith, murder ——— 08
Barbara Malcolm, murder Feb. 10, 08
Robert Stewart, housebreaking & theft Feb. 22, 09
John Armstrong, do do Jan. 17, 10
A am Lyal, highway robbery Mar. 27, 11
Hugh M‘Donald, Neil Sutherland, and Hugh M'Intosh, street robbery April 22, 12
John M‘Donald, and James Jack, murder April 14, 12
James M'Dongal, forgery Aug. 10, 14
John Marroch, murder Mar. 29, 15
David Thomson, housebreaking & theft Mar. 15, 16
Robert Johnstone, robbery Dec. 30, 18
George Warden, taking money out of letters in Post Office Aberdeen April 14, 19
John Denipey, murder Dec. 13, 20
Samuel Maxwell, housebreaking & robbery Jan. 17, 21
David Haggart, murder July 18, 21
John Rennie, and William Sutherland, housebreaking and theft Aug. 22, 21
Peter Hachan, and Francis Gantred, piracy and murder at Leith Jan. 9, 22
William M'Intyre, housebreaking Feb. 26, 23
Mary M‘Kinnon, murder April 16, 23
Daniel M‘Donald Elphinstone, murder July 3, 24
William Burke, murdering 16 individuals by suffocating them, and selling their bodies for desection Jan. 28, 29
John Stewart, and Catherine Wright, for murdering three persons, by giving them poison Aug. 19, 29
Wiliam Adams or Reid, robbery Jan. 6, 29
Robert Edmond, Haddington murders Mar. 17, 30
John Thompson, &. David Dobbie, murder Aug. 19, 30
George Gilchrist, robbery Aug. 3, 30
John M'Court, murder Dec. 19, 31
John Howieson, murder Jan. 21, 32
Thomas Sweeney, assult and robbery—executed at Greenlaw April 4, 34
James Bell, murder July 6, 35
Elizabeth M‘Neil, murder Aug. 3, 35
James Wemyes, murder April 16, 34
James Bryce, murder April 3, 44
William Benui, for poisoning his wife Aug. 16, 50
John Williams, murder—executed at Greenlaw Mar. 14, 53
William Cumming, murder Jan. 25, 54
——— Bryce, murder June 31,' 64


Four men and three womon were burned at the Gallowgreen for Witchcraft June 16, 1697
Alexander Provan, murdering his wife had his right hand cut off, and afterwards hanged 1765
Thomas Potts, housebreaking Aug. 17, 97
John Craig, and James Brown, stouthrief Oct. 16, 1829
William Pirie, murder Oct. 18, 37
John Thomson, alias Peter Walker, murder Jan. 14, 58


Moses M'Donald. housebreaking June 5, 1822
Hugh M‘llvogue, Benard M‘llvogue, and Patrick M'Crystal, rape and robbery Oct. 13, 23
John Kerr, murder June 6, 27
John Boyd, murder Oct. 27, 34


John Haddden, housebreaking Dec. 3, 1768
Matthew Hay, murder Oct. 18, 84
William Dornon, and Robert Smith, housebreaking May 16, 1816
John M‘Millian, murder May 25, 16
John M'Manurs, murder and Robert Gibson,robbery May 27, 11
George Watson, housebreaking June 7, 11
John Wetherington Symington, robbery Feb. 17, 14
William Evans, forger May 31, 15
Mary Cressan, fire raising, W'm Robertson, and Joseph Cairns, robbery Oct. 17, 17
James Anderson, and David Glen, murder Dec. 12, 26
Samuel Wangbt, murder Jan. 18, 81
James M'Wheelan, murder and robbery Oct. 26, 48
Alexander Cunningham, murder May 11, 51


Thomas M'Lauchlan, housebreaking Nov. 19, 1773
G. M‘Kerracher, forgery April 28, 83
John Smart, forgery Mar. 16, 85
T. M'Nair, robbery at Falkirk Oct. 26, 1811
Alexander O'Kane, robbery Feb. 21, 13
John Baird, and. Andrew Hardie, treason Sep. 8, 20
John Fleming, forgery May 11, 25
John M‘Grady, housebreaking May 25, 25
Peter Moffat, murder July 28, 28
Robert Tennant, murder Oct. 2, 28
Alexander Millar or Scatters, murder April 8, 37
Allan Muir, murder upwards of 80 years age Oct. 4, 43


Ann Campbell, & Sarah Graham, murder Nov, 3, 1733


Christian M‘Kechnie, murder Nov. 3, 1733
Alexander Gillan, rape and murder—hung in chains May 14, 1800
H. M'Leod, murder and robbery Oct. 24 34
John Adams, alias John Anderson, murder Oct. 16, 35


Alexander M‘Cowan June 5, 1700
R. Davidson, and G. Bruce, robbery June 22, 33
John Dow Cameron, murder & robbery Nov. 3, 53
William Doag, murder June 13, 55
H. M‘Lean, murder hung in chains July 15, 1757
James Russell, robbery June 27, 59
Robert Keith, murder July 2, 60
John Henderson, murder—hung in Cupar Sept. 26, 63
Jean Cameran, child murder Oct. 19, 64
Duncan Campbell, & John Chapel, murder June 19, 67
Alex. M‘Donald, cattle stealing Nov. 27, 72
Francis Thornlie, housebreaking June 7, 74
John Fisher, housebreaking July 17, 75
James Dorn, highway robbery May 31, 93
Robert Rodger, highway robbery June 24, 93
Donald M‘Craw, murder Nov. 13, 95
A West, housebreaking—executed at Dundee June 12, 1801
Hans Regelson rape June 28, 12
John Larg, and John Mitchell, robbery Feb. 28, 17
Margaret Tindel, murder executed at Montrose Nov. 2, 23
David Balfour, murder—executed at Dundee June 3, 25
Margaret Wishatt, murder—executed at Forfar June 15, 27
Arthur Woods, murder—executed at Dundee Ma0. 24, 29
Thomas Leith, murder—executed at Dundee Oct. 10, 47
John Kellochar, murder executed at Forfar May 9, 52
Michael and Patrick, Scaulan, brothers murder and robbery do Cupar July 5, 52


William Johnstone, theft Nov. 3, 1780
John Carmichael, housebreaking May 27, 86
Maitland Smith, murder and robbery Oct. 21, 1800
James Gordon, murder June 6, 10
John M'Canna, and Joseph Richardson, forgery May 14, 28
James M‘Manus, highway robbery Oct. 18, 29
Mrs Reid or Timney, murder April 19, 62


John Hutchison, housebreaking & theft June 28, 1766
Helen Watt, murder Oct. 11, 63
William Keith, (her son) murder Nov. 15, 66
Jean Craig, theft July 28, 85
Elspeth Reid, theft Jan. 14, 85
Thomas Donaldson, Wm. Buchanan, and Wm. M‘Leod, housebreaking May 23, 1823
Malcolm Gillespie, forgery Nov. 17, 26
Catherine Davidson, murder Oct. 30, 36
James Burnet, murder May 28, 49
James Robb, murder Oct. 10, 49
George Christie, robbery & double murder Jan. 13, 53
John Booth, murder Oct. 21, 57


David Douglas, robbery Nov. 18, 1768
William Murray, theft May 26, 89
Charles Mercer, rape Oct. 10, 1809
John Gibson, murder May 12, 1814
Robert Scott, murder Oct. 23, 28
James Rogers, murder Oct. 20 31
M. Wilson, murder Sep. 25, 49


Andrew Brown, murder, Jan. 31 1866


Peter M‘Lean, murder Feb. 2, 1851


Allison Pearson, Fifeshire; practising sorcery and invoking the devil, strangled and burned 1582
Euphante M‘Clusean, Edinburgh, burned alive 1591
Patrick Larrie, consulting with the devil burned 1601
James Young, East Burns, strangled and burned 1621
Janet Brown, Burntisland, condemned and executed 1659
Isobel Bairdie, and three women, strangled and burned 1649
Isobel Elliot, Edinburgh for having carnal copulation with the devil, burned by the executioner 1672


In the reign of Henry VIII, according to Sharon Turner, there were executed 72,000 great and petty thieves, According to Hume, 2000 were executed annually during that reign, for theft and robbery only, besides other criminals. In the centuary from 1638 to 1738 there were 70,000 executions, or 700 per annum. From 1820 to 1824, the first inclusive and the last exclusive, or 93 a year. From 1828 to 1831, there were 230, or 574 a year. From 1832 to 1835, there were 155, or 387 a year but in the year 1836 there were only 17 executions.

The Plantagenets made 4 offences capital.
The Tudors 27
The Stuarts 35
The Hanoverians 156

Which were reduced in number, considerably in the reign of George IV and William IV., and in the reign of her present Majesty, so great has been the santoration of our Criminal Code, that there are now only 9 offences punishable with death.

For the origin of this purification of our Statue Book from blood, we, are manly indebted to the late Sir Samuel Rowiney and the late Mr Whitbread.



This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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