Account of the royal visit of George the IVth to Scotland
The Royal Visit

Printed by H. Crawford, Bookseller,
His Majesty's Visit to Scotland.

THE visit of George the Fourth to the Scottish metropolis may well be considered a remarkable event in our national annals. Certain it is, that no other event of a domestic nature could have occurred more honourable to the people of Scotland, or more gratifying to their feelings.- Edinburgh is regarded by the Scots with pride, and a veneration almost religious, of which strangers to their character can have no adequate conception. It is not merely the capital of the country, and celebrated as a seat of science and of literature, but it has still higher claims upon their respect as the favourite abode of their ancient monarchs-as the scene, in latter ages, of every great political transaction in which the nation has been concerned—and as the depository of the only remaining symbols of its former independence. Its castle, its palace, its courts of justice, those hallowed vestiges of the olden time, are familiar household words in the remotest districts: they are still approached by the provincial Scot with the pious feeling of a pilgrim, and never fail to inspire him with all the fervid enthusiasm of patriotism.
In the spring, the rumour of the King being about to visit Scotland was again revived and implicitly relied on, until contradicted in a form, which, though not official, was so decided and peremptory as to induce the opinion that his Majesty had suspended his gracious intentions. But all doubt and uncertainty were soon removed, by a letter received by the Lord Provest of Edinburgh, upon the 18th of July, from Lord Viscount Melville, Lord Privy Seal for Scotland, intimating, that his Majesty had positively resolved to visit Scotland during the summer, and might be expected to reach Edinburgh on or about the 10th of August. The deputy-keeper of Holyroodhouse received a letter to the same effect, in order that the necessary preparations might be made for his Majesty's reception.
The announcement of this intelligence produced in Edinburgh a sensation not to be described. Various and splendid preparations were instantly begun-roads were repaired, arches and platforms erected, buildings offensive to taste removed;- an order was issued by the civic authorities for persons to appear in a blue coat, white vest, and nankeen pantaloons, and a St. Andrew's cross on the left side of the hat. Holyroodhouse, the Castle, St. Giles's Church, and the Parliament house, underwent very considerable repairs.- Meetings of the Lieurenancy of Scotland, the Faculty of Advocates, the Highland Society, &c. were held, for the purpose of voting dutiful and loyal addresses to his Majesty. The ladies of Scotland, at this time resident in the metropolis, participated largely in the enthusiasm which animated all classes. They delegated Sir Walter Scott, the bard of chivalry and romance, to greet the approach of their sovereign to the Scottish shore, and to do homage in their name, by laying a St. Andrew's Cross, the ancient emblem of Scotland, at the feet of his Majesty. The design of this elegant offering is chaste, and worthy of the fair hands that formed it. It consists of a broad and rich cross of pearls raised on blue velvet, and enclosed within a belt of gold, on which is embroidered, with pearls, the Gælic motto of Riogh Albhain gu brath.-Hail to the King of Scotland. -The belt is attached by a brilliant diamond buckle, and from its extremity is suspended a magnificent pearl, the produce of Scotland, and probably the finest ever found in this country. The whole is surmounted by the imperial crown, girt round with brilliants, and richly decorated with rubies, emeralds, and the topaz, alternating with pearls, in the manner of the ancient Scottish crown, long forgotten, but auspiciously brought to light a little before this period. A band with a buckle of Scottish gems is adjusted, so as to admit of this elegant and costly jewel being worn either on the hat or bound round the arm.
His Majesty selected Dalkieth house as his place of residence-and it was fitted up in a most magnificent and splendid manner. On the 12th of August, with all due ceremony, the Regalia of Scotland were taken from the Castle to the Palace of Holyrood.
On Saturday the 11th of August the King embarked at Greenwich for Scotland and on the 14th he arrived in Leith Roads. When the arrival of Sir Walter Scott alongside the royal yacht was announced to the King, “What I” said his Majesty, “Sir Walter Scott? the man in Scotland I most wish to see! Let him come up.” This distinguished baronet then ascended the ship, and was presented to the King on the quarter-deck, by whom he was most graciously received; and, after an appropriate speech, in the name of the ladies of Edinburgh, presented his Majesty with the St. Andrew's Cross, which his fair subjects had provided for him. The king, with evident marks of satisfaction, made a gracious reply to Sir Walter, received the gift, and promised to wear it in public. Sir Walter knelt and kissed the hand of his sovereign.
His Majesty, we are most happy to say, though he encountered much rough weather on his voyage, endured no sea sickness; but on account of the badness of the day did not immediately land,
Next day, before twelve o'clock, a gun from the Royal George announced that the King had entered his barge. The moment the signal was heard, a shout was raised by the thousands assembled upon shore, the effect of which was indescribably striking. When at some distance from the shore, his Majesty was saluted by Mr. Kent, who was walking upon the water, to whom his Majesty bowed. When his Majesty advanced to the landing place, three distinct, well-timed cheers were given by the tars who manned the smacks abreast of the bridge; which was followed up by the universal shouts of all upon the ever greeted the ears of a monarch. At twenty minutes past twelve o'еlook, his Majesty, who was dressed in an admiral's uniform, with a thistle and a sprig of heath in his hat, and the St. Andrew's Cross, presented to him in the name of the ladies of Edinburgh, upon his breast, was alongside the landing-place. The Marquis of Lothian and Sir Charles Bentinck assisted his Majesty to step out of the launch upon the raft, where both these noblemen did homage, and the former had the honour of kissing his Majesty's hand. The King then ascended the gangway with great alacrity, leaning slightly on the Marquisses of Lothian and Conyngham, and was received on the platform by the Lord Clerk Register, who made his obeisance. The shouts of the multitude, the roaring of artillery, and the warlike notes of the trumpet, now announced the landing of King George IV. upon Scottish ground.
After his Majesty was seated in his carriage, Glengary, on horseback, forced his way through every obstacle, and, advancing close to the royal carriage, exclaimed, “Your Majesty is welcome to Scoiland;” a salutation which was returned by a most gracious bow from the King. After the King had rested a few minutes in his carriage, which was an open landau, hung very low, and drawn by eight beautiful bays, the drivers being in state liveries, the procession moved slowly towards Edinburgh.
The King, as he approached his ancient city, was welcomed, not by cheers, but by one running cheer along the whole line of procession from the spectators along. By means of the scaffolding, measure, divided into distinct but contiguous masses. By each mass, as the King proceeded, he was saluted by a loud and cordial cheer. The King was evidently much moved by these demonstrations of affection to his royal person Along the whole road he frequently raised his hat and bowed to the people, whom he regarded with fixed attention.
As the procession advanced towards the city, the Lord Provost, Magistrates and Town Council of Edinburgh, proceeded from the house of Mr. Craufuird to the barrier, (front which was suspended a variety- of flags;) and immediately ordered the gates to be shut, and then took up their station upon a platform provided for their accommodation. In about ten minutes after, the Depute Lyon King at Arms, and the Usher of the White Rod, preceded by two Heralds, gallopped up to the gate} and, after a flourish of trumpets, the Usher of the White Rod knocked three times at the gate, which was answered by the City Officer, to whom it was communicated, that his Majesty desired to visit his ancient city of Edinburgh. An answer was made by the Chamberlain, that the gates would be opened to his Majesty, which was immediately done when the Depute Lyon King at Arms, and Usher of the White Rod, along with the Heralds, returned with the answer, and took their places in the precession.
Upon his Majesty’s carriage coming within the barrier, it was drawn up, when the Lord Provost, followed by the Magistracy, approached near to the south side of the royal carriage; and, after they had made their obeisances, his Majesty stood up uncovered, and leaned towards the Lord Provost, who, holding the cushion on which the keys of the city were placed, addressed his Majesty;-assuring him of their attachment, and requesting his acceptance of the keys of the city of Edinburgh. His Majesty in a most gracious speech replied, that the keys could not be placed in better hands, and dropped them upon the cushion.
The Lord Provost and Magistrates then returned to their carriages, and took their appointed places in the procession. Loud cheers from the immense assemblage collected around the barrier followed this ceremony, by which the King was formally received within his ancient city.
The royal carriage, at the conclusion of the ceremony, moved slowly forward about 50 yards, to the point at the end of Picardy Place, where Leith Street on the left, and York Place on the right, are distinctly seen. The procession advanced along Picardy Place, York Place, and north and south St. Andrew's Street When the royal carriage entered St. Andrew's Square, a diffarent scene, but one of equally unique character presented itself. On reaching Prince's Street, a new scene presented itself to our monarch, who exclaimed, “How superb!” The procession now descended the Abbey-Hill, and in a few minutes was in front of the palace.
The King was received at the Palace by the Duke of Hamilton, Keeper of the Palace, who had the honour to kiss hands; the Duke of Montrose, the Lord High Chamberlain, Lord Melville, the Lord in Waiting, &c.
Immediately on his Majesty being seated on his throne, the Knight Marischal and his two Esquires, (who were ready at the lower end of the room) advanced, bearing the regalia, towards the throne, and making three reverences; first, at the place where they were stationed; secondly, at the middle of the room; and, thirdly, at the foot of the throne. The Knight Marischal then (on his knee) presented the crown, and the Deputy Lord Lyon of Scotland, in obedience to his Majesty's command, summoned the Duke of Hamilton to receive it, (on his knee) from the Knight Marischal, and he immediately took his station on the right hand of the King. The Knight Marischal then received from his Esquire the sceptre, and presented it in like manner as the crown.- The Deputy Lord Lyon then summoned Lord Francis Levison Gower, as the representative of the Earl of Sutherland, who, on his knee, received the sceptre from the Knight Marischal, and took his station on the left hand of the King - The sword of state was in like manner presented and delivered to the Earl of Errol, who took his station on the right hand of the King. The Knight Marischal then had the honour to kiss the King's hand, and retired with his two Esquires making three reverences, to the lower end of the room.
Immediately afterwards, the Duke of Montrose announced, that the Lord Provost and Magistrates of Edinburgh were in attendance to present an address. The Duke, by his Majesty's command, introduced the Lord Provost and Magistrates and Council, who advanced with three reverences to the foot of the throne, when an address was read by Mr. Cunningham, the senior City Clerk, and was graciously answered by his Majesty.
On Friday, the 16th of August, the day after his landing, the King remained at Dalkeith-house, and resigned himself to the simple recreations of rural retirement. The reception which he had met with upon his landing, and the orderly and decorous appearance of his Scottish subjects; the intellectual dignity of their manner, which regulated, and, at the same time, gave a deeper tone to their enthusiasm, were the frequent themes of his Majesty's conversation. The same evening, the citizens of Edinburgh did honour to his Majesty's arrival by a most brilliant and even gorgeous illumination.. The streets were crowded to excess, but nothing could exceed the orderly demeanour of the people, who moved about with the same serenity, and nearly the same ease, as if in the enjoyment of an ordinary promenade. The High Street presented a most joyous appearance. Bands of boys paraded about with flaming torches; and groupes of sailors were observed dancing reels to the sound of the bagpipe. In the course of the evening, numberless rockets were discharged from every quarter. About ten o'clock, salvos of cannon were discharged from the Castle, Calton hill, and Salisbury Crags, Leith Battery, and the ships of war in the roads; the solemn pauses between which were interrupted by foux de joie from the 13th and 66th regiments, drawn up in front of the Crags.
On Saturday, the 17th of August, his Majesty, according to previous announcement, held his first levee in Holyrood Palace, the attendance upon which was most numerous and splendid. The King arrived at the Palace at a quarter before two o'clock, having been only nineteen minutes on the road between Dalkeith and Holyrood-house. In complement to the country, his Majesty appeared in complete Highland costume, made of the royal Stuart tartan, which displayed his manly and graceful figure to great advantage.
About a quarter past four, his Majesty took his departure in a carriage and four for Dalkeith, accompanied by the Duke of Dorset and the Marquis of Conynham. On getting into his carriage, his Majesty was surrounded by an immense concourse of people, who expressed their duty and affection by loud acclamations, and by the waving of hats and handkerchiefs. His Majesty replied to these testimonies of loyalty by waving his hand and politely bowing to the people, who continued to crowd round the carriage, and to run after it a considerable way through the park.
On Sunday, the 18th of August, in the churches of Edinburgh, and in the churches of all the parishes where the intelligence had been received, thanks were offered up for the safe arrival of his Majesty, in his ancient kingdom of Scotland. and the Divine blessing implored upon an event so memorable, and so grateful to the feelings of his people. The day was passed by the King in privacy.
On Monday the 19th August, at half past two o'clock, his Majesty held a court and closet audience at Holyrood Palace. The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, the Universities, and the Highland Society, presented addresses, and received answers.
On Tuesday, the 20th of August, his Majesty held a drawing-room at the Palace, which was attended by about five hundred ladies of the most distinguished rank, fashion, and beauty in Scotland. The entire novelty of such a scene, at least in our metropolis, attracted an immense concourse of spectators, the expression of whose curiosity and interest could scarcely fail to enhance the mingled emotions of satisfaction, anxiety, and apprehension, depicted on the countenance of many of their fair country-women, who were borne along in unwonted splendour, to endure for the first time the glance of royalty, and receive, with delicate but proud submission, the familiar salutation which custom has prescribed for such an occasion.
At an early hour on Thursday, the 22d of August, the city presented a scene of extraordinary bustle, in consequence of the arrangements which had been agreed upon for his Majesty's procession to the Castle. The weather was peculiarly unpropitious.
About one o'clock the different public bodies, incorporations, and trades, had taken up the ground assigned to them, reaching from the precincts of the Abbey to the Castle-hill; they were in lines two deep, and in many places three.
Both sides of the streets were lined by dragoons and cavalry, stationed in very extended order; and the centre of the streets was kept entirely clear of all passengers.
The different Magistrates were seen at times examining the extended files which lined the streets, and prepared to exert their authority, had that been necessary, in preserving order. We also observed Sir Walter Scott, dressed in the Windsor uniform, walking up the centre of the street along with two other gentlemen, and, as he advanced, casting a glance of lofty enthusiasm upon the marshalied bands of hardy burghers, whose military appearance must have been associated, in his mind, with awful but proud recollections. A numb of those assembled did homage to the genius of the worthy Baronet, by loudly cheering him. The usual Celtic guard, which mounted daily in the Palace over the Regalia, strengthened early in the forenoon by a detachment of the grenadiers, had been formed into a guard of honour, under the command of Dr. Mackintosh, one of the Captains of the Celts, who, after receiving the Knight Marischal with proper hononrs: escorted the Regalia, carried by the Knight Marischal and his esquires, into the King's closet, where they awaited his Majesty's arrival. The guard was countermarched, and drawn up on each side of the door, to be in readiness to attend his Grace the Duke of Hamilton, who soon appeared, bearing the Crown of Scotland on a crimson velvet cushion. On the approach of his Grace, the guard filed to the right and left, in order of procession, the two rear files wheeling up to close the rear; and the whole then proceeded to be front of the Palace. The Crown being properly adjusted, the Duke mounted his horse just as his Majesty entered his state carriage,
About a quarter past two o'clock, the procession moved from the Palace at a slow pace, which was quickened as the procession advanced, owing to the state of the weather. His Majesty was dressed in a Field Marshal's uniform, and looked extremely well, and in excellent spirits.
It would be vain to attempt a description of the feelings of the multitude as the regalia of Scotland passed before their eyes, carried triumphantly by the ancient nobles of the land, whose ancestors had often fought and bled for that independence of which they were the sacred and venerable symbols. Upon the crown, carried by the premier peer of Scotland, all eyes were concentrated; and the hearts of all filled and throbbed with patriotic emotions, which were expressed in boisterous cheers, as they surveyed the same diadem that had invested the brows of the royal Bruce-of his warlike descendants- of the lovely and unfortunate Mary. The cheers that hailed the regalia were repeated with increased enthusiasm, accompanied by the waving of handkerchiefs from every window and balcony, as his Majesty advanced, who acknowledged the salutations of his people in the most gracious manner. When the carriage of his Majesty reached the Netherbow, six beautiful girls, dressed in white, with blue sashes across their shoulders, from which depended the St Andrew's cross, and their heads adorned with wreaths, proceeded before the royal carriage, and strewed the way with flowers.
When the King arrived at the barrier-gate, he alighted from his carriage on a raised platform, covered with crimson cloth, where the Lord High Constable and Lord Cathcart were stationed to receive him. The keys of the Castle were then tendered to his Majesty, by Lieutenant-General Sir Alexander Hope, the Lieutenant-Governor, accompanied by Major-General Sir Thomas Bradford, Commander of the Forces, besides a numerous body of officers belonging to the garrison. His Majesty having returned the keys, walked with a firm step along the drawbridge, till coming to the inner-gate, he stepped into another carriage, which stood waiting, the grenadier company of the 66th regiment forming his guard of honour. The procession moved slowly through the winding passages of the Castle, till it came to the half-moon battery. where were erected two platforms, raised one upon the other, with a stair leading up to them. The King ascended the upper platform, and presented himself to the view of his admiring subjects. At this moment a royal salute was fired from the guns on the ramparts, and the bands played “God save the King.” On descending from the platform. the King proceeded to the Governor's house, which was elegantly fitted up for his reception.
His Majesty having regained his carriage at the barrier-gate, the procession returned to the Palace by the Earthen Mound, Prince's Street, the Regent's Bridge, and New Road, along the whole of which an astonishing multitude patiently waited his approach, and whose loyal greetings met him at every step.
If, as was complained by some, the Highland part of the Scottish population was pressed too much upon his Majesty's notice, the fault was amply redeemed by a grand cavalry review, which took place on Portobello sands, upon Friday, the 23d of August, of the whole volunteer cavalry and yeomanry of the principal lowland districts. We may venture to say, that a finer body of men, better equipped and mounted, or, under the same disadvantages, better disciplined, never before passed under the review of his Majesty. A squadron of the 7th dragoon guards. kept the ground clear. The other troops of the line present were -the royal artillery, the 3d dragoon guards, and Scots Greys. The volunteer troops were- the Glasgow troop of volunteer cavalry; the Peeblesshire and Selkirkshire yeomanry cavalry; the Fifeshire troop of lancers; the Fifeshire, Berwickshire. East Lothian. West Lothian, Roxburghshire, and Mid-Lothian yeomanry cavalry. About twelve o'clock, the whole corps, in number above 5000, were formed in a line, extending upwards of a mile in open order; the regulars, commanded by Colonel Holmes of the 3d drageon guards, and the volunteer corps by Sir James Baird, Bart. of Saughtonhall, bath officers of service and experience, and highly esteemed in the army, with Major-General Sir Thomas Bradford, and his staff, stationed in front, ready to receive his Majesty.
The approach of his Majesty was announced by hoisting the royal standard upon the quay at Portobello. About twenty minutes past one o'clock, his Majesty arrived on the field in a close carriage, drawn by four horses, accompanied by the Duke of Dorset, Loid Graves, Lord F. Conyngham, and Sir A. Barnard, and preceded by another carriage and four, containing more of his suit. The arrival of his Majesty was hailed by the loud acclamations of the assembled multitude; and a royal salute was immediately fired from a battery established on the pier, the colours lowered to the ground, and the pipers playing the Prince's Welcome.
Upon alighting from his carriage, the King was received by the Marquis of Lothian, Lord Lieutenant of the county, on foot, who afterwards attended his Majesty on horseback, during his stay on the ground.
The King, as soon as he alighted, mounted the fine light-grey horse, purchased from Cornet Edlman; and, being joined by Sir Thomas Bradford and his staff, proceeded from the right along the front of the line, guarded by a detachment of the Greys, and returned from the left, between the front and rear ranks, in open order. After passing his Majesty, in excellent style, each column rode off at quick time; after which the whole again took up their original ground, and formed into line. The troops then closed their ranks, and advanced in line to within fifty yards of his Majesty, then halted, and gave a general salute, the bands playing “God save the King.”
His Majesty returned in his open carriage, with the same attendants who accompanied him, to Dalkeith-house, where he arrived at ten minutes before four o'clock, and afterwards dined alone. On his return, the King passed some warm encomiums upon the appearance of the troops; and was heard to say to the Duke of Dorset, that he never was at a review with which he was more delighted.
In the evening the King attended a ball, given by the Peers of Scotland, in the Waterloo Hotel Assembly Rooms. He remained only a short time present, and returned to Dalkeith-house about a quarter past ten o'clock.
On the forenoon of Saturday, the 24th of August, the Regalia of Scotland were carried from Holyrood Palace, and re-deposited in the Crown-room of the Castle. The procession was received at the barrier by a guard of honour of the 77th regiment; the Lieutenant-Governor, Colonel Bromhead of the 77th, commanding the garrison; Brigade-Major Lindsay, &c. Admittance to the garrison was demanded in the usual form, which being granted, the procession moved on to the Crown-room, preceded by the above officers, uncovered. The guard presented arms, the band playing “God save the King.” The Crown was then carried by the Knight Marischal, the sceptre by the Honourable J. M. Steuart, and the sword by Captain Ferguson, Keeper of the Regalia.
On the same day, a splendid banquet was given to his Majesty, in the Parliament house, by the Lord Provost, Magistrates, and town Council of the city of Edinburgh. The great Hall, as we formerly observed, was fitted up for the occasion in a style of superior magnificence. The platform, upon which the King's table was raised, was covered with crimson cloth; and beneath were six tables, in three distinct ranges, extending to the north end of the room. The two niches in which the Lords Ordinary sit were fitted up as balconies; in the one, on the south side of the door, a vocal band was stationed; and there also gentlemen connected with the press found accommodation provided for them: in the other, upon the north side, Gow's celebrated instrumental band was placed. A military band occupied a position at the north end, immediately under the city arms. The room was lighted with three large and magnificent lustres, running along with three smaller lustres on each side, all depending from the roof. Four beautifully gilded lustres were suspended behind the King's table, and one at each corner of the north end of the room.
At a quarter past six, the arrival of the King was announced, when the Lord Provost and Magistrates, and part of the King's suite, proceeded to the carriage and received his Majesty, whom they accompanied to the Advocates' Library.
About half-past six Bailie Henderson announced to the Lord Provost, who remained with his Majesty in the Library, that dinner was served up. His Majesty immediately entered the Hall, the band playing “God save the King,” and the company standing to receive him. His Majesty, who was dressed in a field-marshal's uniform, was conducted to his chair of state; and, as he advanced along the room, bowed most graciously to all around him.-stopping several times, and addressing a few words to some of the company.
Grace was said by the very Reverend Principal Baird. During dinner, his Majesty conversed in the most free and affable manner, sometimes with the Lord Provost, and at other times with the Earl of Errol. He seemed to be in excellent spirits. His Majesty partook of turtle and grouse soups, stewed carp and venison, in the first course; and, in the second course, of grouse and apricot tart. During dinner he drank moselle and a little champaigne, and claret during the rest of the evening. He made use of glasses 200 years old, of a very massive and antique form, which had been furnished for his table by Sir Walter Scott.
As soon as the King had dined, a silver basin, containing rose-water, was brought to his Majesty by William Howison Craufurd, younger of Braehead and Craufurdland, who, in right of his mother, as proprietrix of Braehead, in the county of Mid-Lothian, claims this privilege,- the service performed being the ancient tenure by which the estate of Braehead is held. He was attended by Masters Charles and Walter Scott, the one a son, the other a nephew, of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. as pages, attired in splendid dresses of scarlet and white satin: the former holding a silver ewer, and the other a salver, with a damask napkin of Scottish.manufacture, and of the finest texture. In offering the basin, Mr. Howison Craufurd knelt down to his Majesty, who, after he had dipped his fingers in the water, and wiped them with the napkin, acknowledged the service with an affability and grace peculiarly his own.
A great number of healths and toasts were drunk. About ten o'clock, the company began to retire; and they broke up about twelve. All were delighted with the evening's entertainment. His Majesty seemed to have been highly gratified with his reception, and with the ardent demonstrations of duty and affection which he received from the highly-respectable company assembled around him.
On the forenoon of Sunday, the 25th of August, the King attended divine service in the High Church of St. Giles's. The seat occupied by the King was that which is allotted to his Majesty's Commissioner to the General Assembly, in front of the gallery, and immediately opposite the pulpit. His Majesty, at a quarter past eleven set out in a close carriage for church from Holyrood Palace, (having arrived only a few minutes previously,) and where a great multitude were assembled. He was accompanied in his carriage by the Duke of Dorset, and Lord Glenlyon, the Lord in waiting. The appearance of the street at this time was extremely imposing and characteristic of a Scottish Sabbath. As his Majesty passed, the people reverently took off their hats, but not a voice was raised to hail his appearance! There did not reign in the most sequestered glen of Scotland, a more profound stillness than was now observed in the heart of the city of Edinburgh!
On his Majesty’s entry to the church, he was received by the ministers and elders arrayed in a line within the church door. His Majesty, who had a sealed packet in his hand, inquired at Principal Baird where was the usual receptacle for the congregation depositing their offerings? On being told by the Principal, that it had been removed on this occasion, as an impediment to his Majesty’s passing; the King appeared to regret the circumstance; and putting the packet, which was endorsed, “ One Hundred Pounds from his Majesty,” into the Principal’s hand, he desired that its contents might be applied, with the rest of the collection, for the benefit of the poor.
The officiating minister on this occasion was Dr. Lament, the Moderator of the General Assembly, who commenced the service by giving out the first version of the 100th Psalm. His Majesty lifted a Psalm Book, and stood during the reading; and his example was followed by the rest of the congregation. After a most eloquent and impressive prayer, the minister adopted, as the subject of his discourse, the 3d and 4th verses of the 3d chapter of the epistle to the Colossians. The sermon of the reverend Doctor was enriched by a number of sublime passages of Scripture, and throughout breathed a spirit of the most exalted piety. The good taste of the preacher was conspicuous in making his applications entirely general; and the discourse was more impressive from its not being read. His Majesty joined earnestly in the devotional exercises and listened to the discourse throughout with the most profound attention. When the service was concluded, his Majesty slightly bowed to the Preacher.
As the King proceeded to the Palace, the people observed the same reverential silence which they had done on the previous part of the day. His Majesty left Holyrood exactly at one o'clock, two noblemen being in the carriage with him. In the evening of Monday the 26th, a grand ball was given to his Majesty in the Assembly Room's, by the Caledonian Hunt, of which institution his Majesty had condescended to become the patron. The scene altogether was one of uncommon animation and splendour; and none contributed more to the hilarity of the company than his Majesty, who was in excellent spirits. The King left the assembly at eleven o'clock, bowing to all as he retired.
On Tuesday evening his Majesty honoured the Theatre with his presence. The arrangements, and decorations were most splendid,-the audience was overflowing and his Majesty in the highest spirits. The piece performed was Rob Roy. Mr. Mackay, celebrated as Bailie Nicol Jarvie, played the part with even more than his usual rumour. The King retired from the Box about eleven, and even at that hour, a numerous crowd were waiting to cheer him as he passed in a close carriage to Dalkeith-house.
His Majesty, on Wednesday the 28th of August, visited Newbattle Abbey, the seat of the Marquis of Lothian. As his Majesty drove up the avenue, he was loudly cheered by the Marquis's numerous tenantry, who lined each side of it. Immediately on his Majesty's alighting from his carriage, ‘God save the King’ was played by Mr. M Grath, who attended on the occasion, upon a very superior organ. His Majesty was conducted to the dining-room, where a very choice and splendid collation was prepared.
His Majesty, having graciously condescended to visit the Earl of Hopetoun, had selected Port Edgar, near Queensferry, as the most eligible place of embarkation, from its immediate vicinity to Hopetoun-house.
His Majesty, about twenty minutes past eleven o'clock, prepared to bid adieu to Dalkeith-house. He walked down stairs firmly, and observing Mrs Povar, housekeeper to the Duke of Buccleuch, he walked up close to her, his countenance expressive of the greatest benignity, and said, “Mrs Povar, I must return you, and all of you, my best thanks for your great kindness and attention. We have wanted for nothing. To have wished for, or desired more, would have been unreasonable,” adding, “I shall never forget the kindness I have received, May God bless you all !!!” These were the last words -spoken by his Majesty on leaving Dalkeith-house.
Shortly after his Majesty got on board the Royal George, preparations were made for weighing anchor. At half past five o'clock, the royal squadron having all sails set, passed the north side of Inchkieth; and at six o'clock a salute was given from Leith battery, the Castle, Calton-hill, and Salisbury Crags, announcing that the royal squadron was fairly at sea.
On Friday forenoon, the royal squadron passed Whitby, and a royal salute was fired from the battery. On the morning of Saturday the 31st, it passed Yarmouth Roads, through an immense feet of boats, which had put from shore to hail the presence of his Majesty. At twenty-five minutes past four o'clock, on Sunday afternoon, the King again set his foot on British ground.
As his Majesty passed through Greenwich, he was received with the shouts of the people and the waving of handkerchiefs. The King alighted at Carlton Palace at a quarter past five o'clock,- When his Majesty's arrival was known, the bells of St. Martin's, and other churches of the metropolis, were rung at intervals for the remainder of the evening.
We do not profess to have obtained information of all the charitable acts of his Majesty during his residence in Scotland, and it is probable that many of these will never become known to the public; but his munificent donations to the different charitable institutions of the city, will long endear him to the citizens of Edinburgh.
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