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Acreage (2007)
United States Department of Agriculture

From the USDA’s web site

121468Acreage2007United States Department of Agriculture

Cr Pr 2-5 (6-07)


National Agricultural Statistics Service


Washington, D.C.

Released June 29, 2007, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture. For information on "Acreage" call (202) 720-2127, office hours 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET.

  • Corn Planted Acreage Up 19 Percent from 2006
  • Soybean Acreage Down 15 Percent
  • All Wheat Acreage Up 6 Percent
  • All Cotton Acreage Down 28 Percent

Corn planted area for all purposes is estimated at 92.9 million acres in 2007, up 19 percent from 2006 and 14 percent higher than 2005. Farmers increased corn plantings 3 percent from their March intentions, resulting in the highest planted area since 1944 when 95.5 million acres were planted for all purposes. Wet conditions during March and April delayed field preparations and planting activities in the Corn Belt and Great Plains. Conditions dried out considerably in the eastern Corn Belt and Ohio Valley during May allowing producers to make good planting progress, but the lack of precipitation reduced topsoil moisture and increased stress on the crop. Meanwhile, excessive rainfall in parts of the western Corn Belt, central and southern Great Plains, and middle Mississippi Valley during much of May continued to hamper fieldwork. Despite the weather related delays, growers made rapid progress and planting was completed ahead of the average pace. Farmers reported that 99 percent of the intended corn acreage had been planted at the time of the survey interview which is slightly above the average for the past 10 years.

The 2007 soybean planted area is estimated at 64.1 million acres, down 15 percent from last year's record high. Area for harvest, at 63.3 million acres, is also down 15 percent from 2006. This is the lowest planted and harvested area for soybeans since 1995. With the exception of New York, Pennsylvania, and the Southeast States, planted acreage decreased in all States across the country. Growers in Illinois and Iowa showed the largest decrease in soybean acreage from last year, down 1.75 million acres and 1.35 million acres, respectively. Large declines in soybean area occurred across the Corn Belt and Great Plains, with planted acreage also down more than one million acres from last year in Indiana, Minnesota, and Nebraska. Many farmers across the country shifted to planting more corn this year at the expense of soybeans. However, increases in soybean area occurred across the Southeast, where some farmers shifted from cotton to corn and soybeans. New York and Pennsylvania both set new record high planted areas, at 215,000 and 440,000 acres, respectively. Nationally, farmers reported that 88 percent of the intended soybean acreage had been planted at the time of the survey interview, compared with the average of 81 percent for the past 5 years.

All wheat planted area is estimated at 60.5 million acres, up 6 percent from 2006. The 2007 winter wheat planted area, at 45.1 million acres, is 11 percent above last year and up 1 percent from the previous estimate. Of this total, about 32.4 million acres are Hard Red Winter, 8.80 million acres are Soft Red Winter, and 3.91 million acres are White Winter. Area planted to other spring wheat for 2007 is estimated at 13.1 million acres, down 12 percent from 2006. Of this total, about 12.6 million acres are Hard Red Spring wheat. The Durum planted area for 2007 is 2.23 million acres, up 19 percent from the previous year.

All Cotton plantings for 2007 are estimated at 11.1 million acres, 28 percent below last year and the lowest since 1989. Upland planted area is estimated at 10.8 million acres, also down 28 percent from 2006. Lower upland planted acres are estimated for nearly all States with the largest decline in Texas, at 1.40 million acres below 2006. Large decreases in acreage also occurred in the Southeast and Delta regions. American-Pima cotton growers planted 298,000 acres, down 9 percent from last year.

This report was approved on June 29, 2007.

          Secretary of
          Mike Johanns

 Agricultural Statistics Board
         Carol C. House


Principal Crops. . . . . . . . . 4

Grains & Hay
   Barley. . . . . . . . . . . . 8
   Corn. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
      Biotechnology Varieties. .24
   Hay . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
   Oats. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
   Proso Millet. . . . . . . . .12
   Rice. . . . . . . . . . . . .12
   Rye . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
   Sorghum . . . . . . . . . . . 6
   Wheat, All. . . . . . . . . . 9
       Durum . . . . . . . . . .11
       Other Spring. . . . . . .11
       Winter. . . . . . . . . .10

   Canola. . . . . . . . . . . .17
   Flaxseed. . . . . . . . . . .17
   Peanuts . . . . . . . . . . .15
   Mustard Seed. . . . . . . . .17
   Rapeseed. . . . . . . . . . .17
   Safflower . . . . . . . . . .17
   Soybeans. . . . . . . . . . .14
      Biotechnology Varieties. .25
      Soybeans Following Another Crop15
   Sunflower . . . . . . . . . .16

Cotton, Tobacco & Sugar Crops
   Cotton. . . . . . . . . . . .18
      Biotechnology Varieties. .25
   Sugarbeets. . . . . . . . . .19
   Sugarcane for Sugar and Seed.19
   Tobacco, by Class and Type. .21
   Tobacco, by State . . . . . .20

Dry Beans, Peas & Lentils
   Dry Edible Beans. . . . . . .22

Potatoes & Miscellaneous Crops
   Potatoes, Summer. . . . . . .23
   Sweet Potatoes. . . . . . . .22

Alaska . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Crop Comments. . . . . . . . . .33
Crop Summary . . . . . . . . . .26
Information Contacts . . . . . .43
Reliability of Acreage Data in this Report41
Spring Weather Summary . . . . .30

           Principal Crops: Area Planted by State and United States,
                                  2005-2007 1/

     State  : 2005  : 2006  : 2007

              : 1,000 Acres
AL  : 2,037 1,982 2,010
AZ  : 730 674 703
AR  : 7,559 7,769 8,031
CA  : 4,487 4,250 4,335
CO  : 6,210 5,678 6,095
CT  : 93 92 79
DE  : 443 442 443
FL  : 1,061 998 1,040
GA  : 3,656 3,652 3,685
HI  : 24 22 22
ID  : 4,219 4,288 4,303
IL  : 23,111 23,232 23,321
IN  : 12,330 12,345 12,310
IA  : 24,680 24,485 24,635
KS  : 22,711 22,506 22,577
KY  : 5,415 5,526 5,593
LA  : 3,365 3,185 3,340
ME  : 290 274 262
MD  : 1,345 1,429 1,454
MA  : 113 105 107
MI  : 6,537 6,519 6,508
MN  : 19,377 19,682 19,673
MS  : 4,305 4,327 4,552
MO  : 13,474 13,855 13,990
MT  : 9,495 8,559 8,968
NE  : 18,867 18,689 18,715
NV  : 479 508 493
NH  : 72 65 60
NJ  : 323 314 331
NM  : 1,138 1,078 1,179
NY  : 3,088 2,917 2,980
NC  : 4,635 4,643 4,737
ND  : 21,317 21,501 21,711
OH  : 10,103 10,082 10,085
OK  : 10,150 10,418 10,805
OR  : 2,169 2,144 2,141
PA  : 3,753 3,912 3,971
RI  : 12 10 11
SC  : 1,583 1,626 1,649
SD  : 16,998 16,222 16,510
TN  : 4,590 4,554 4,809
TX  : 22,265 22,315 22,769
UT  : 1,013 1,007 1,020
VT  : 335 335 290
VA  : 2,732 2,652 2,725
WA  : 3,615 3,639 3,728
WV  : 645 660 667
WI  : 8,197 8,193 8,176
WY  : 1,589 1,483 1,504
US 2/  : 317,754 315,835 320,052

1/ Crops included in area planted are corn, sorghum, oats, barley, winter
    wheat, rye, Durum wheat, other spring wheat, rice, soybeans, peanuts,
    sunflower, cotton, dry edible beans, potatoes, sugarbeets, canola, and proso
    millet. Harvested acreage is used for all hay, tobacco, and sugarcane in
    computing total area planted. Includes double cropped acres and unharvested
    small grains planted as cover crops. Fall potatoes carried forward from
    the previous year for current year totals.
2/ States do not add to U.S. due to sunflower, canola, and rye acreage not
    allocated to States.

          Corn: Area Planted for All Purposes and Harvested for Grain
                      by State and United States, 2006-2007

        : Area Planted for All Purposes  : Area Harvested for Grain
  State :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
        : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007 1/

        : 1,000 Acres
AL  : 200 300 165 240
AZ  : 50 55 18 19
AR  : 190 560 180 530
CA  : 520 670 110 190
CO  : 1,000 1,200 860 1,050
CT 2/  : 27 28
DE  : 170 185 161 175
FL  : 60 75 30 40
GA  : 280 530 225 480
ID  : 270 260 65 80
IL  : 11,300 13,200 11,150 13,000
IN  : 5,500 6,600 5,380 6,450
IA  : 12,600 14,300 12,350 13,950
KS  : 3,350 3,700 3,000 3,400
KY  : 1,120 1,420 1,040 1,340
LA  : 300 750 290 730
ME 2/  : 26 29
MD  : 490 540 425 470
MA 2/  : 18 19
MI  : 2,200 2,500 1,960 2,230
MN  : 7,300 8,200 6,850 7,650
MS  : 340 980 325 950
MO  : 2,700 3,500 2,630 3,380
MT  : 65 70 18 22
NE  : 8,100 9,100 7,750 8,700
NV 2/  : 4 5
NH 2/  : 14 14
NJ  : 80 100 64 84
NM  : 130 130 45 45
NY  : 950 1,060 480 540
NC  : 790 1,100 740 1,030
ND  : 1,690 2,500 1,400 2,200
OH  : 3,150 4,000 2,960 3,780
OK  : 270 300 220 250
OR  : 51 60 29 35
PA  : 1,350 1,450 960 1,000
RI 2/  : 2 2
SC  : 310 390 290 370
SD  : 4,500 5,000 3,220 4,450
TN  : 550 840 500 780
TX  : 1,760 2,100 1,450 1,850
UT  : 65 70 17 22
VT 2/  : 85 85
VA  : 480 530 345 400
WA  : 140 200 75 130
WV  : 45 46 26 31
WI  : 3,650 4,050 2,800 3,300
WY  : 85 85 45 45
US  : 78,327 92,888 70,648 85,418

1/ Forecasted.
2/ Area harvested for grain not estimated.

         Sorghum: Area Planted for All Purposes and Harvested for Grain
                      by State and United States, 2006-2007

        : Area Planted for All Purposes  : Area Harvested for Grain
  State :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
        : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007 1/

        : 1,000 Acres
AL  : 10 8 5 4
AZ  : 24 45 7 18
AR  : 63 220 60 210
CA  : 32 32 10 8
CO  : 280 210 130 160
GA  : 40 55 26 30
IL  : 75 80 72 78
KS  : 2,750 2,800 2,500 2,600
KY  : 18 13 16 11
LA  : 90 210 87 205
MS  : 15 140 13 130
MO  : 100 100 95 95
NE  : 370 260 240 150
NM  : 110 125 60 70
NC  : 17 17 13 12
OK  : 270 240 200 210
PA  : 13 11 5 4
SC  : 11 9 7 6
SD  : 220 270 80 180
TN  : 14 20 11 17
TX  : 2,000 2,900 1,300 2,500
US  : 6,522 7,765 4,937 6,698

1/ Forecasted.

                   Oats: Area Planted and Harvested by State
                          and United States, 2006-2007

        : Area Planted 1/  : Area Harvested
  State :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
        : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007 2/

        : 1,000 Acres
AL  : 50 50 10 20
CA  : 270 200 20 25
CO  : 85 85 10 10
GA  : 70 60 30 30
ID  : 90 80 20 20
IL  : 60 35 40 20
IN  : 25 20 14 9
IA  : 210 130 110 75
KS  : 100 90 40 40
ME  : 31 32 30 30
MI  : 80 80 65 70
MN  : 290 270 200 190
MO  : 40 25 28 15
MT  : 70 80 24 20
NE  : 160 125 55 30
NY  : 85 100 67 78
NC  : 60 50 26 25
ND  : 420 500 120 220
OH  : 70 75 55 60
OK  : 35 90 8 25
OR  : 50 60 20 12
PA  : 135 120 110 90
SC  : 33 33 18 13
SD  : 380 400 95 190
TX  : 760 690 100 100
UT  : 45 40 7 7
VA  : 16 15 4 4
WA  : 30 30 8 12
WI  : 370 250 230 160
WY  : 48 45 12 12
US  : 4,168 3,860 1,576 1,612

1/ Includes area planted in preceding fall.
2/ Forecasted.

                  Barley: Area Planted and Harvested by State
                          and United States, 2006-2007

        : Area Planted 1/  : Area Harvested
  State :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
        : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007 2/

        : 1,000 Acres
AZ  : 25 35 22 33
CA  : 90 110 65 60
CO  : 47 60 42 58
DE  : 27 23 24 20
ID  : 530 580 510 560
KS  : 24 20 18 16
KY  : 15 12 14 6
ME  : 18 15 17 14
MD  : 50 45 32 34
MI  : 15 14 14 13
MN  : 105 130 90 120
MT  : 770 900 620 730
NV  : 4 3 2 1
NJ  : 3 3 2 2
NY  : 17 16 12 12
NC  : 24 22 17 16
ND  : 1,100 1,450 995 1,350
OH  : 5 3 4 2
OR  : 55 65 42 55
PA  : 55 60 46 45
SD  : 55 50 14 30
UT  : 40 40 30 30
VA  : 58 53 42 35
WA  : 200 230 190 225
WI  : 50 45 30 30
WY  : 70 60 57 45
US  : 3,452 4,044 2,951 3,542

1/ Includes area planted in preceding fall.
2/ Forecasted.

                 All Wheat: Area Planted and Harvested by State
                          and United States, 2006-2007

        : Area Planted 1/  : Area Harvested
  State :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
        : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007 2/

        : 1,000 Acres
AL  : 100 120 45 80
AZ  : 79 85 76 83
AR  : 365 800 305 670
CA  : 520 640 315 355
CO  : 2,170 2,470 1,919 2,269
DE  : 48 57 45 55
FL  : 8 13 5 10
GA  : 230 400 120 250
ID  : 1,255 1,305 1,195 1,245
IL  : 930 970 910 810
IN  : 470 450 460 400
IA  : 25 35 18 25
KS  : 9,800 10,300 9,100 9,400
KY  : 430 440 320 240
LA  : 115 220 105 210
MD  : 210 225 125 175
MI  : 660 660 650 630
MN  : 1,750 1,810 1,695 1,755
MS  : 85 350 73 330
MO  : 1,000 1,050 910 850
MT  : 5,300 5,280 5,215 5,175
NE  : 1,800 2,100 1,700 2,000
NV  : 23 23 10 13
NJ  : 25 31 22 26
NM  : 440 490 120 280
NY  : 105 100 95 90
NC  : 560 630 420 500
ND  : 8,800 8,170 8,290 7,895
OH  : 990 870 960 780
OK  : 5,700 6,100 3,400 4,300
OR  : 880 900 845 875
PA  : 160 170 150 155
SC  : 130 160 123 135
SD  : 3,310 3,310 2,576 3,139
TN  : 280 450 190 300
TX  : 5,550 6,200 1,400 4,000
UT  : 144 146 136 134
VA  : 190 230 155 185
WA  : 2,280 2,270 2,225 2,235
WV  : 8 8 6 6
WI  : 261 309 240 278
WY  : 158 158 141 141
US  : 57,344 60,505 46,810 52,484

1/ Includes area planted in preceding fall.
2/ Forecasted.

               Winter Wheat: Area Planted and Harvested by State
                          and United States, 2006-2007

        : Area Planted 1/  : Area Harvested
  State :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
        : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007 2/

        : 1,000 Acres
AL  : 100 120 45 80
AZ  : 4 5 2 4
AR  : 365 800 305 670
CA  : 450 550 250 270
CO  : 2,150 2,450 1,900 2,250
DE  : 48 57 45 55
FL  : 8 13 5 10
GA  : 230 400 120 250
ID  : 750 780 710 740
IL  : 930 970 910 810
IN  : 470 450 460 400
IA  : 25 35 18 25
KS  : 9,800 10,300 9,100 9,400
KY  : 430 440 320 240
LA  : 115 220 105 210
MD  : 210 225 125 175
MI  : 660 660 650 630
MN  : 50 60 45 55
MS  : 85 350 73 330
MO  : 1,000 1,050 910 850
MT  : 1,950 2,200 1,920 2,150
NE  : 1,800 2,100 1,700 2,000
NV  : 17 17 8 12
NJ  : 25 31 22 26
NM  : 440 490 120 280
NY  : 105 100 95 90
NC  : 560 630 420 500
ND  : 200 370 180 345
OH  : 990 870 960 780
OK  : 5,700 6,100 3,400 4,300
OR  : 760 770 730 750
PA  : 160 170 150 155
SC  : 130 160 123 135
SD  : 1,450 1,900 1,150 1,800
TN  : 280 450 190 300
TX  : 5,550 6,200 1,400 4,000
UT  : 130 135 125 125
VA  : 190 230 155 185
WA  : 1,850 1,820 1,800 1,790
WV  : 8 8 6 6
WI  : 250 300 230 270
WY  : 150 150 135 135
US  : 40,575 45,136 31,117 37,588

1/ Includes area planted in preceding fall.
2/ Forecasted.

                Durum Wheat: Area Planted and Harvested by State
                          and United States, 2006-2007

        : Area Planted  : Area Harvested
  State :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
        : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007 1/

        : 1,000 Acres
AZ  : 75 80 74 79
CA  : 70 90 65 85
ID  : 15 15 15 15
MT  : 400 530 395 525
ND  : 1,300 1,500 1,260 1,450
SD  : 10 10 6 9
US  : 1,870 2,225 1,815 2,163

1/ Forecasted.

            Other Spring Wheat: Area Planted and Harvested by State
                          and United States, 2006-2007

        : Area Planted  : Area Harvested
  State :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
        : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007 1/

        : 1,000 Acres
CO  : 20 20 19 19
ID  : 490 510 470 490
MN  : 1,700 1,750 1,650 1,700
MT  : 2,950 2,550 2,900 2,500
NV  : 6 6 2 1
ND  : 7,300 6,300 6,850 6,100
OR  : 120 130 115 125
SD  : 1,850 1,400 1,420 1,330
UT  : 14 11 11 9
WA  : 430 450 425 445
WI  : 11 9 10 8
WY  : 8 8 6 6
US  : 14,899 13,144 13,878 12,733

1/ Forecasted.

                    Rye: Area Planted and Harvested by State
                          and United States, 2006-2007

            : Area Planted 1/  : Area Harvested
    State  :-------------------------------------------------------------------
            : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007 2/

            : 1,000 Acres
GA  : 230 230 25 30
OK  : 310 300 65 70
Oth  :
 Sts 3/  : 856 824 184 206
US  : 1,396 1,354 274 306

1/ Includes area planted in preceding fall.
2/ Forecasted.
3/ Other States include IL, KS, MI, MN, NE, NY, NC, ND, PA, SC, SD, TX, and

               Rice: Area Planted and Harvested by Class, State,
                          and United States, 2006-2007

      Class  : Area Planted  : Area Harvested
       and  :---------------------------------------------------------------
      State  : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007 1/

                : 1,000 Acres
Long Grain  :
  AR  : 1,300 1,180 1,295 1,175
  CA  : 6 7 5 7
  LA  : 340 380 335 375
  MS  : 190 175 189 174
  MO  : 215 205 213 203
  TX  : 149 149 149 148
  US  : 2,200 2,096 2,186 2,082
Medium Grain  :
  AR  : 105 120 104 119
  CA  : 460 455 458 452
  LA  : 10 10 10 10
  MO  : 1 1 1 1
  TX  : 1 1 1 1
  US  : 577 587 574 583
Short Grain 2/  :
  AR  : 1 1 1 1
  CA  : 60 60 60 60
  US  : 61 61 61 61
All  :
  AR  : 1,406 1,301 1,400 1,295
  CA  : 526 522 523 519
  LA  : 350 390 345 385
  MS  : 190 175 189 174
  MO  : 216 206 214 204
  TX  : 150 150 150 149
  US  : 2,838 2,744 2,821 2,726

1/ Forecasted.
2/ Includes sweet rice.

               Proso Millet: Area Planted and Harvested by State
                          and United States, 2006-2007

        : Area Planted  : Area Harvested
  State :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
        : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007 1/

        : 1,000 Acres
CO  : 290 250 255
NE  : 135 190 110
SD  : 155 170 110
US  : 580 610 475

1/ Estimates to be released January 2008 in the Annual Crop Production Summary.

                       Hay: Area Harvested by Type, State
                          and United States, 2006-2007

        : All  : Alfalfa and  : All
        : Hay  : Alfalfa Mixtures  : Other
  State :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
        : 2006  : 2007 1/  : 2006  : 2007 1/  : 2006  : 2007 1/

        : 1,000 Acres
AL 2/  : 720 800 720 800
AZ  : 295 295 250 250 45 45
AR  : 1,465 1,520 15 20 1,450 1,500
CA  : 1,580 1,570 1,050 950 530 620
CO  : 1,530 1,550 780 800 750 750
CT  : 62 48 7 4 55 44
DE  : 14 15 5 5 9 10
FL 2/  : 260 300 260 300
GA 2/  : 650 600 650 600
ID  : 1,520 1,490 1,180 1,200 340 290
IL  : 760 680 440 380 320 300
IN  : 650 640 360 300 290 340
IA  : 1,500 1,370 1,180 1,080 320 290
KS  : 3,050 3,050 950 900 2,100 2,150
KY  : 2,480 2,470 280 270 2,200 2,200
LA 2/  : 390 400 390 400
ME  : 140 127 10 7 130 120
MD  : 205 210 40 40 165 170
MA  : 83 84 13 7 70 77
MI  : 1,140 1,060 830 830 310 230
MN  : 2,070 2,100 1,350 1,300 720 800
MS 2/  : 780 750 780 750
MO  : 4,140 4,200 390 400 3,750 3,800
MT  : 2,260 2,550 1,550 1,650 710 900
NE  : 2,800 2,750 1,250 1,200 1,550 1,550
NV  : 470 455 270 265 200 190
NH  : 51 46 8 6 43 40
NJ  : 115 115 25 20 90 95
NM  : 310 350 220 260 90 90
NY  : 1,520 1,450 370 400 1,150 1,050
NC  : 690 701 10 11 680 690
ND  : 2,720 3,000 1,450 1,550 1,270 1,450
OH  : 1,210 1,130 470 430 740 700
OK  : 3,180 3,290 380 390 2,800 2,900
OR  : 1,050 1,000 430 400 620 600
PA  : 1,750 1,700 500 550 1,250 1,150
RI  : 7 8 1 1 6 7
SC 2/  : 360 360 360 360
SD  : 3,100 3,600 1,800 2,100 1,300 1,500
TN  : 1,830 1,900 30 40 1,800 1,860
TX  : 5,150 5,320 150 120 5,000 5,200
UT  : 710 720 560 565 150 155
VT  : 250 205 45 30 205 175
VA  : 1,240 1,280 110 110 1,130 1,170
WA  : 770 780 440 430 330 350
WV  : 590 600 35 30 555 570
WI  : 2,140 2,050 1,650 1,600 490 450
WY  : 1,050 1,100 500 550 550 550
US  : 60,807 61,789 21,384 21,451 39,423 40,338

1/ Forecasted.
2/ Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures included in all other hay.

                 Soybeans: Area Planted and Harvested by State
                          and United States, 2006-2007

                : Area Planted  : Area Harvested
      State  :---------------------------------------------------------------
                : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007 1/

                : 1,000 Acres
AL  : 160 180 150 170
AR  : 3,110 2,800 3,070 2,750
DE  : 180 160 177 155
FL  : 7 13 5 11
GA  : 155 220 140 205
IL  : 10,100 8,350 10,050 8,300
IN  : 5,700 4,600 5,680 4,580
IA  : 10,150 8,800 10,100 8,770
KS  : 3,150 2,400 3,080 2,300
KY  : 1,380 1,150 1,370 1,140
LA  : 870 600 840 580
MD  : 470 430 465 420
MI  : 2,000 1,800 1,990 1,790
MN  : 7,350 6,300 7,250 6,200
MS  : 1,670 1,460 1,650 1,440
MO  : 5,150 4,500 5,110 4,450
NE  : 5,050 4,000 5,010 3,950
NJ  : 88 80 86 78
NY  : 200 215 198 213
NC  : 1,370 1,400 1,360 1,370
ND  : 3,900 3,100 3,870 3,050
OH  : 4,650 4,000 4,620 3,980
OK  : 310 270 215 250
PA  : 430 440 425 435
SC  : 400 420 390 410
SD  : 3,950 3,300 3,850 3,250
TN  : 1,160 1,100 1,130 1,070
TX  : 225 80 155 75
VA  : 520 500 510 490
WV  : 17 13 16 13
WI  : 1,650 1,400 1,640 1,390
US  : 75,522 64,081 74,602 63,285

1/ Forecasted.

    Soybeans: Percent of Acreage Planted Following Another Harvested Crop,
                Selected States and United States, 2003-2007 1/

   State  : 2003  : 2004  : 2005  : 2006  : 2007

          : Percent
AL  : 12 11 8 6 10
AR  : 16 16 4 6 23
DE  : 37 29 41 25 50
FL  : 38 41 29 * 71
GA  : 33 61 51 69 77
IL  : 5 5 3 6 6
IN  : 3 3 1 3 4
KS  : 7 2 * 11 15
KY  : 24 34 29 21 26
LA  : 9 10 9 14 22
MD  : 43 43 27 32 47
MS  : 4 8 1 4 14
MO  : 7 10 7 11 13
NJ  : 22 13 31 38 27
NC  : 41 31 32 30 38
OH  : 1 1 1 * 1
OK  : 24 34 3 20 64
PA  : 11 7 4 11 19
SC  : 38 38 37 29 36
TN  : 28 32 15 20 31
TX  : 5 3 4 * *
VA  : 34 37 7 25 44
WV  : 1 17 9 * 4
US  : 5 6 4 5 8

1/ Data as obtained from area frame samples. These data do not represent
    official estimates of the Agricultural Statistics Board but provide raw
    data as obtained from survey respondents. The purpose of these data is to
    portray trends in soybean production practices.

  • Data rounds to less than 0.5 percent.

                  Peanuts: Area Planted and Harvested by State
                          and United States, 2006-2007

                : Area Planted  : Area Harvested
      State  :---------------------------------------------------------------
                : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007 1/

                : 1,000 Acres
AL  : 165.0 150.0 163.0 147.0
FL  : 130.0 110.0 120.0 100.0
GA  : 580.0 520.0 575.0 515.0
MS  : 17.0 17.0 16.0 16.0
NM  : 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0
NC  : 85.0 94.0 84.0 94.0
OK  : 23.0 15.0 22.0 14.0
SC  : 59.0 55.0 56.0 52.0
TX  : 155.0 190.0 145.0 185.0
VA  : 17.0 24.0 16.0 23.0
US  : 1,243.0 1,187.0 1,209.0 1,158.0

1/ Forecasted.

             Sunflower: Area Planted and Harvested by Type, State,
                          and United States, 2006-2007

                : Area Planted  : Area Harvested
  Varietal Type :---------------------------------------------------------------
    and State  : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007 1/

                : 1,000 Acres
Oil  :
  CO  : 80 105 75 95
  KS  : 140 130 130 125
  MN  : 55 70 53 66
  NE  : 34 14 31 13
  ND  : 770 790 740 765
  SD  : 485 360 410 335
  TX  : 29 20 13 18
  Oth Sts 2/  : 65 51 62 48
  US  : 1,658 1,540 1,514 1,465
Non-Oil  :
  CO  : 20 15 18 13
  KS  : 10 20 9 19
  MN  : 34 40 32 37
  NE  : 19 8 18 8
  ND  : 130 170 120 160
  SD  : 45 35 38 31
  TX  : 23 24 11 21
  Oth Sts 2/  : 11 12 10 11
  US  : 292 324 256 300
All  :
  CO  : 100 120 93 108
  KS  : 150 150 139 144
  MN  : 89 110 85 103
  NE  : 53 22 49 21
  ND  : 900 960 860 925
  SD  : 530 395 448 366
  TX  : 52 44 24 39
  Oth Sts 2/  : 76 63 72 59
  US  : 1,950 1,864 1,770 1,765

1/ Forecasted.
2/ Other States include CA, IL, MI, MO, MT, OK, WI, and WY.

                  Canola: Area Planted and Harvested by State
                          and United States, 2006-2007

                : Area Planted  : Area Harvested
      State  :---------------------------------------------------------------
                : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007 1/

                : 1,000 Acres
MN  : 28.0 35.0 27.0 31.0
MT  : 10.0 12.0 9.8 11.5
ND  : 940.0 1,050.0 935.0 1,020.0
Oth Sts 2/  : 66.0 68.0 49.2 61.5
US  : 1,044.0 1,165.0 1,021.0 1,124.0

1/ Forecasted.
2/ Other States include CO, ID, KS, MI, OK, OR, and WA.

                 Flaxseed: Area Planted and Harvested by State
                          and United States, 2006-2007

                : Area Planted  : Area Harvested
      State  :---------------------------------------------------------------
                : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007 1/

                : 1,000 Acres
MN  : 8 5 7 5
MT  : 35 30 33 29
ND  : 750 420 715 410
SD  : 20 10 12 9
US  : 813 465 767 453

1/ Forecasted.

                 Safflower: Area Planted and Harvested by State
                          and United States, 2006-2007

                : Area Planted  : Area Harvested
      State  :---------------------------------------------------------------
                : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007 1/

                : 1,000 Acres
CA  : 56.0 50.0 55.5 48.5
MT  : 39.0 53.0 37.0 50.0
Oth Sts 2/  : 94.0 67.0 86.5 64.0
US  : 189.0 170.0 179.0 162.5

1/ Forecasted.
2/ Other States include AZ, CO, ID, ND, SD, and UT.

                  Other Oilseeds: Area Planted and Harvested,
                            United States, 2006-2007

                : Area Planted  : Area Harvested
      Crop  :---------------------------------------------------------------
                : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007 1/

                : 1,000 Acres
Rapeseed  : 1.4 1.4 1.0 1.2
Mustard Seed  : 40.5 57.5 39.2 54.8

1/ Forecasted.

               Cotton: Area Planted and Harvested by Type, State
                          and United States, 2006-2007

      Type  : Area Planted  : Area Harvested
       and  :---------------------------------------------------------------
      State  : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007 1/

                : 1,000 Acres
Upland  :
  AL  : 575.0 400.0 560.0
  AZ  : 190.0 180.0 188.0
  AR  : 1,170.0 830.0 1,160.0
  CA  : 285.0 185.0 283.0
  FL  : 103.0 105.0 101.0
  GA  : 1,400.0 1,050.0 1,370.0
  KS  : 115.0 55.0 110.0
  LA  : 635.0 340.0 630.0
  MS  : 1,230.0 680.0 1,220.0
  MO  : 500.0 400.0 496.0
  NM  : 50.0 50.0 48.0
  NC  : 870.0 540.0 865.0
  OK  : 320.0 200.0 180.0
  SC  : 300.0 200.0 298.0
  TN  : 700.0 480.0 695.0
  TX  : 6,400.0 5,000.0 4,100.0
  VA  : 105.0 65.0 104.0
  US  : 14,948.0 10,760.0 12,408.0
Amer-Pima  :
  AZ  : 7.0 4.0 7.0
  CA  : 275.0 265.0 274.0
  NM  : 13.0 9.0 12.5
  TX  : 31.0 20.0 30.0
  US  : 326.0 298.0 323.5
All  :
  AL  : 575.0 400.0 560.0
  AZ  : 197.0 184.0 195.0
  AR  : 1,170.0 830.0 1,160.0
  CA  : 560.0 450.0 557.0
  FL  : 103.0 105.0 101.0
  GA  : 1,400.0 1,050.0 1,370.0
  KS  : 115.0 55.0 110.0
  LA  : 635.0 340.0 630.0
  MS  : 1,230.0 680.0 1,220.0
  MO  : 500.0 400.0 496.0
  NM  : 63.0 59.0 60.5
  NC  : 870.0 540.0 865.0
  OK  : 320.0 200.0 180.0
  SC  : 300.0 200.0 298.0
  TN  : 700.0 480.0 695.0
  TX  : 6,431.0 5,020.0 4,130.0
  VA  : 105.0 65.0 104.0
  US  : 15,274.0 11,058.0 12,731.5

1/ Estimates to be released August 10, 2007 in the "Crop Production" report.

                Sugarbeets: Area Planted and Harvested by State
                         and United States, 2006-2007 1/

            : Area Planted  : Area Harvested
    State  :-------------------------------------------------------------------
            : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007 2/

            : 1,000 Acres
CA  : 43.3 39.5 43.1 39.1
CO  : 42.1 32.0 38.0 29.8
ID  : 188.0 168.0 187.0 166.0
MI  : 155.0 150.0 154.0 148.0
MN  : 504.0 522.0 477.0 496.0
MT  : 53.6 47.5 48.5 47.1
NE  : 61.3 48.0 57.8 45.0
ND  : 261.0 211.0 243.0 203.0
OR  : 13.1 12.0 13.1 11.5
WA  : 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
WY  : 42.8 31.0 40.1 30.0
US  : 1,366.2 1,263.0 1,303.6 1,217.5

1/ Relates to year of intended harvest in all States except CA. In CA, relates
    to year of intended harvest for fall planted beets in central CA and to
    year of planting for overwintered beets in central and southern CA.
2/ Forecasted.

             Sugarcane for Sugar and Seed: Area Harvested by State
                          and United States, 2006-2007

            : Area Harvested
    State  :-------------------------------------------------------------------
            : 2006  : 2007 1/

            : 1,000 Acres
FL  : 400.0 396.0
HI  : 22.4 21.7
LA  : 435.0 430.0
TX  : 40.7 44.0
US  : 898.1 891.7

1/ Forecasted.

              Tobacco: Area Harvested by State and United States,

           : Area Harvested
   State  :--------------------------------------------------------------------
           : 2005  : 2006  : 2007 1/

           : Acres
CT  : 2,450 2,500 2,800
FL 2/  : 2,500 1,100
GA  : 16,000 17,000 20,000
KY  : 79,700 83,000 87,500
MA  : 1,190 1,150 1,220
MO  : 1,350 1,500 1,700
NC  : 126,000 158,800 167,000
OH  : 3,400 3,500 3,300
PA  : 5,000 7,900 9,400
SC  : 19,000 23,000 22,000
TN  : 22,950 19,800 19,050
VA  : 17,140 19,650 21,700
WV 3/  : 400
US  : 297,080 338,900 355,670

1/ Forecasted.
2/ Estimates discontinued in 2007.
3/ Estimates discontinued in 2006.

                 Tobacco: Area Harvested by Class, Type, State,
                          and United States, 2005-2007

                          : Area Harvested
      Class and Type  :-----------------------------------------------------
                          : 2005  : 2006  : 2007 1/

                          : Acres
Class 1, Flue-cured  :
   FL 2/  : 2,500 1,100
   GA  : 16,000 17,000 20,000
   NC  : 123,000 155,000 163,000
   SC  : 19,000 23,000 22,000
   VA  : 14,000 17,000 19,000
   US  : 174,500 213,100 224,000
Class 2, Fire-cured  :
   KY  : 6,000 6,200 6,500
   TN  : 5,500 5,300 6,400
   VA  : 340 350 400
   US  : 11,840 11,850 13,300
Class 3A, Light Air-cured :
  Burley  :
   KY  : 70,000 73,000 77,000
   MO  : 1,350 1,500 1,700
   NC  : 3,000 3,800 4,000
   OH  : 3,400 3,500 3,300
   PA  : 2,200 5,500 6,500
   TN  : 17,000 14,000 12,000
   VA  : 2,800 2,300 2,300
   WV 3/  : 400
   US  : 100,150 103,600 106,800
  Southern MD Belt  :
   PA  : 1,500 1,100 1,100
Total Light Air-cured  : 101,650 104,700 107,900
Class 3B, Dark Air-cured  :
   KY  : 3,700 3,800 4,000
   TN  : 450 500 650
   US  : 4,150 4,300 4,650
Class 4, Cigar Filler  :
  PA Seedleaf  :
   PA  : 1,300 1,300 1,800
Class 5, Cigar Binder  :
  CT Valley Binder  :
   CT  : 1,520 1,650 1,800
   MA  : 900 950 1,000
   US  : 2,420 2,600 2,800
Class 6, Cigar Wrapper  :
  CT Valley Shade-grown  :
   CT  : 930 850 1,000
   MA  : 290 200 220
   US  : 1,220 1,050 1,220
All Cigar Types  : 4,940 4,950 5,820
All Tobacco  : 297,080 338,900 355,670

1/ Forecasted.
2/ Estimates discontinued in 2007.
3/ Estimates discontinued in 2006.

             Dry Edible Beans: Area Planted and Harvested by State
                         and United States, 2006-2007 1/

            : Area Planted  : Area Harvested
    State  :-------------------------------------------------------------------
            : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007 2/

            : 1,000 Acres
CA  : 67.0 60.0 65.0 58.0
CO  : 70.0 55.0 60.0 50.0
ID  : 105.0 90.0 103.0 88.0
KS  : 11.0 7.0 10.0 6.5
MI  : 225.0 200.0 215.0 195.0
MN  : 145.0 145.0 135.0 135.0
MT  : 19.5 18.0 18.6 17.0
NE  : 140.0 100.0 124.0 95.0
NM  : 8.2 7.5 8.2 7.5
NY  : 19.0 18.0 18.0 17.0
ND  : 670.0 670.0 640.0 630.0
OR  : 10.0 8.5 9.8 8.3
SD  : 21.5 15.0 19.0 13.9
TX  : 20.0 10.0 18.0 9.0
UT  : 3.0 3.5 0.5 3.3
WA  : 61.0 60.0 60.5 60.0
WI  : 5.6 6.0 5.5 5.9
WY  : 29.0 25.0 27.5 24.0
US  : 1,629.8 1,498.5 1,537.6 1,423.4

1/ Excludes beans grown for garden seed.
2/ Forecasted.

              Sweet Potatoes: Area Planted and Harvested by State
                          and United States, 2006-2007

            : Area Planted  : Area Harvested
    State  :-------------------------------------------------------------------
            : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007 1/

            : 1,000 Acres
AL  : 2.4 2.2 2.3 2.1
CA  : 12.2 13.3 12.2 13.3
LA  : 18.0 16.0 13.5 15.0
MS  : 18.0 20.0 15.5 19.0
NJ  : 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.1
NC  : 40.0 41.0 39.0 40.0
SC  : 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5
TX  : 2.2 1.8 2.1 1.7
VA  : 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.5
US  : 95.2 96.5 86.8 93.2

1/ Forecasted.

              Summer Potatoes: Area Planted and Harvested by State
                          and United States, 2006-2007

            : Area Planted  : Area Harvested
    State  :-------------------------------------------------------------------
            : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007 1/

            : 1,000 Acres
AL  : 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.4
CA  : 6.3 7.0 6.3 7.0
CO  : 4.1 3.0 4.0 2.9
DE  : 3.0 3.3 2.1 3.2
IL  : 6.5 6.0 6.3 5.8
KS  : 6.0 4.5 5.7 4.4
MD  : 4.0 4.0 2.9 3.9
MO  : 7.8 7.5 7.6 7.3
NJ  : 2.5 2.3 2.5 2.3
TX  : 10.5 11.2 9.7 10.3
VA  : 6.0 6.0 5.6 5.8
US  : 58.4 56.3 54.3 54.3

1/ Forecasted.

                   Alaska: Area Planted by Crop, 2005-2007 1/

                          : Area Planted
           Crop  :-----------------------------------------------------
                          : 2005  : 2006  : 2007

                          : Acres
All Oats  : 2,100 2,000 2,000
All Barley  : 4,600 4,500 4,400
All Hay 2/  : 21,000 20,000 24,000
Potatoes  : 830 860 900

1/ Estimates are provided to meet special needs of crop and livestock
    production statistics users. Estimates are excluded from commodity data
2/ Area harvested.

Biotechnology Varieties

The National Agricultural Statistics Service conducts the June Agricultural Survey in all States each year. Randomly selected farmers across the United States were asked if they planted corn, soybeans, or upland cotton seed that, through biotechnology, is resistant to herbicides, insects, or both. Conventionally bred herbicide resistant varieties are excluded. Insect resistant varieties include only those containing bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). The Bt varieties include those that contain more than one gene that can resist different types of insects. Stacked gene varieties include only those containing biotech traits for both herbicide and insect resistance. The States published individually in the following tables represent 86 percent of all corn planted acres, 89 percent of all soybean planted acres, and 92 percent of all upland cotton planted acres.

                   Corn: Biotechnology Varieties by State and
              United States, Percent of All Corn Planted, 2006-2007

          : Insect Resistant (Bt)  : Herbicide Resistant
   State  :---------------------------------------------------------------------
          : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007

          : Percent
IL  : 24 19 12 15
IN  : 13 12 15 17
IA  : 32 22 14 19
KS  : 23 25 33 36
MI  : 16 19 18 22
MN  : 28 26 29 32
MO  : 38 30 14 19
NE  : 37 31 24 23
ND  : 29 29 34 37
OH  : 8 9 13 12
SD  : 20 16 32 34
TX  : 27 22 37 37
WI  : 22 19 18 23
Oth Sts 1/: 20 20 25 33
US  : 25 21 21 24
          : Stacked Gene Varieties  : All Biotech Varieties
          : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007
          : Percent
IL  : 19 40 55 74
IN  : 12 30 40 59
IA  : 18 37 64 78
KS  : 12 21 68 82
MI  : 10 19 44 60
MN  : 16 28 73 86
MO  : 7 13 59 62
NE  : 15 25 76 79
ND  : 20 22 83 88
OH  : 5 20 26 41
SD  : 34 43 86 93
TX  : 13 20 77 79
WI  : 10 22 50 64
Oth Sts 1/: 10 14 55 67
US  : 15 28 61 73

1/ Other States includes all other States in the corn estimating program.

              Upland Cotton: Biotechnology Varieties by State and
           United States, Percent of Upland Cotton Planted, 2006-2007

          : Insect Resistant (Bt)  : Herbicide Resistant
   State  :---------------------------------------------------------------------
          : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007

          : Percent
AL  : 10 10 25 25
AR  : 28 32 21 16
CA  : 9 4 40 51
GA  : 19 17 13 10
LA  : 13 17 13 11
MS  : 7 16 22 19
MO  : 32 13 40 63
NC  : 19 13 19 16
TN  : 16 10 10 17
TX  : 18 16 34 36
Oth Sts 1/: 21 27 24 20
US  : 18 17 26 28
          : Stacked Gene Varieties  : All Biotech Varieties
          : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007
          : Percent
AL  : 60 60 95 95
AR  : 45 47 94 95
CA  : 8 6 57 61
GA  : 64 68 96 95
LA  : 68 68 94 96
MS  : 69 62 98 97
MO  : 25 23 97 99
NC  : 60 64 98 93
TN  : 67 71 93 98
TX  : 18 28 70 80
Oth Sts 1/: 45 42 90 89
US  : 39 42 83 87

1/ Other States includes all other States in the upland cotton estimating

                 Soybeans: Biotechnology Varieties by State and
            United States, Percent of All Soybeans Planted, 2006-2007

          : Herbicide Resistant  : All Biotech Varieties
   State  :---------------------------------------------------------------------
          : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007

          : Percent
AR  : 92 92 92 92
IL  : 87 88 87 88
IN  : 92 94 92 94
IA  : 91 94 91 94
KS  : 85 92 85 92
MI  : 81 87 81 87
MN  : 88 92 88 92
MS  : 96 96 96 96
MO  : 93 91 93 91
NE  : 90 96 90 96
ND  : 90 92 90 92
OH  : 82 87 82 87
SD  : 93 97 93 97
WI  : 85 88 85 88
Oth Sts 1/: 86 86 86 86
US  : 89 91 89 91

1/ Other States includes all other States in the soybean estimating program.

       Crop Summary: Area Planted and Harvested, United States, 2006-2007
                               (Domestic Units) 1/

                                : Area Planted  : Area Harvested
              Crop  :-----------------------------------------------
                                : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007

                                : 1,000 Acres
Grains & Hay  :
  Barley  : 3,452.0 4,044.0 2,951.0 3,542.0
  Corn for Grain 2/  : 78,327.0 92,888.0 70,648.0 85,418.0
  Corn for Silage  : 6,477.0
  Hay, All  : 60,807.0 61,789.0
    Alfalfa  : 21,384.0 21,451.0
    All Other  : 39,423.0 40,338.0
  Oats  : 4,168.0 3,860.0 1,576.0 1,612.0
  Proso Millet  : 580.0 610.0 475.0
  Rice  : 2,838.0 2,744.0 2,821.0 2,726.0
  Rye  : 1,396.0 1,354.0 274.0 306.0
  Sorghum for Grain 2/  : 6,522.0 7,765.0 4,937.0 6,698.0
  Sorghum for Silage  : 347.0
  Wheat, All  : 57,344.0 60,505.0 46,810.0 52,484.0
    Winter  : 40,575.0 45,136.0 31,117.0 37,588.0
    Durum  : 1,870.0 2,225.0 1,815.0 2,163.0
    Other Spring  : 14,899.0 13,144.0 13,878.0 12,733.0
Oilseeds  :
  Canola  : 1,044.0 1,165.0 1,021.0 1,124.0
  Cottonseed  :
  Flaxseed  : 813.0 465.0 767.0 453.0
  Mustard Seed  : 40.5 57.5 39.2 54.8
  Peanuts  : 1,243.0 1,187.0 1,209.0 1,158.0
  Rapeseed  : 1.4 1.4 1.0 1.2
  Safflower  : 189.0 170.0 179.0 162.5
  Soybeans for Beans  : 75,522.0 64,081.0 74,602.0 63,285.0
  Sunflower  : 1,950.0 1,864.0 1,770.0 1,765.0
Cotton, Tobacco & Sugar Crops  :
  Cotton, All  : 15,274.0 11,058.0 12,731.5
    Upland  : 14,948.0 10,760.0 12,408.0
    Amer-Pima  : 326.0 298.0 323.5
  Sugarbeets  : 1,366.2 1,263.0 1,303.6 1,217.5
  Sugarcane  : 898.1 891.7
  Tobacco  : 338.9 355.7
Dry Beans, Peas & Lentils  :
  Austrian Winter Peas  : 46.0 37.0 22.5
  Dry Edible Beans  : 1,629.8 1,498.5 1,537.6 1,423.4
  Dry Edible Peas  : 925.5 902.0 884.1
  Lentils  : 429.0 340.0 407.0
  Wrinkled Seed Peas 3/  :
Potatoes & Misc.  :
  Coffee (HI)  : 6.3
  Ginger Root (HI)  : 0.1
  Hops  : 29.4 31.0
  Peppermint Oil  : 79.2
  Potatoes, All  : 1,134.7 1,115.5
    Winter  : 17.7 11.5 17.5 11.5
    Spring  : 70.7 73.0 67.5 70.4
    Summer  : 58.4 56.3 54.3 54.3
    Fall  : 987.9 976.2
  Spearmint Oil  : 18.5
  Sweet Potatoes  : 95.2 96.5 86.8 93.2
  Taro (HI) 4/  : 0.4

1/ Data are the latest estimates available, either from the current report or
    from previous reports. Current year estimates are for the full 2007 crop
2/ Area planted for all purposes.
3/ Acreage is not estimated.
4/ Area is total acres in crop, not harvested acreage.

        Crop Summary: Yield and Production, United States, 2006-2007
                             (Domestic Units) 1/

                              :  : Yield  : Production
             Crop  : Unit :---------------------------------------
                              :  : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007

                              :  : ------ 1,000 -----
                              :  :
Grains & Hay  :  :
  Barley  : Bu  : 61.0 180,051
  Corn for Grain  : "  : 149.1 10,534,868
  Corn for Silage  : Tons : 16.2 104,849
  Hay, All  : "  : 2.33 141,666
    Alfalfa  : "  : 3.35 71,666
    All Other  : "  : 1.78 70,000
  Oats  : Bu  : 59.5 93,764
  Proso Millet  : "  : 21.5 10,195
  Rice 2/  : Cwt  : 6,868 193,736
  Rye  : Bu  : 26.3 7,193
  Sorghum for Grain  : "  : 56.2 277,538
  Sorghum for Silage  : Tons : 13.4 4,642
  Wheat, All  : Bu  : 38.7 1,812,036
    Winter  : "  : 41.7 1,298,081
    Durum  : "  : 29.5 53,475
    Other Spring  : "  : 33.2 460,480
                              :  :
Oilseeds  :  :
  Canola  : Lbs  : 1,366 1,394,332
  Cottonseed 3/  : Tons : 7,347.9
  Flaxseed  : Bu  : 14.4 11,019
  Mustard Seed  : Lbs  : 720 28,220
  Peanuts  : "  : 2,874 3,474,450
  Rapeseed  : "  : 1,100 1,100
  Safflower  : "  : 1,069 191,405
  Soybeans for Beans  : Bu  : 42.7 3,188,247
  Sunflower  : Lbs  : 1,211 2,143,613
                              :  :
Cotton, Tobacco & Sugar Crops :  :
  Cotton, All 2/  : Bales: 814 21,587.8
    Upland 2/  : "  : 806 20,822.4
    Amer-Pima 2/  : "  : 1,136 765.4
  Sugarbeets  : Tons : 26.1 34,064
  Sugarcane  : "  : 32.9 29,580
  Tobacco  : Lbs  : 2,144 726,644
                              :  :
Dry Beans, Peas & Lentils  :  :
  Austrian Winter Peas 2/  : Cwt  : 1,151 259
  Dry Edible Beans 2/  : "  : 1,577 24,247
  Dry Edible Peas 2/  : "  : 1,493 13,203
  Lentils 2/  : "  : 797 3,244
  Wrinkled Seed Peas 3/  : "  : 590
                              :  :
Potatoes & Misc.  :  :
  Coffee (HI)  : Lbs  : 1,160 7,300
  Ginger Root (HI)  : "  : 43,000 4,300
  Hops  : "  : 1,964 57,686.7
  Peppermint Oil  : "  : 92 7,248
  Potatoes, All  : Cwt  : 390 434,589
    Winter  : "  : 257 215 4,495 2,473
    Spring  : "  : 293 294 19,766 20,668
    Summer  : "  : 338 18,350
    Fall  : "  : 402 391,978
  Spearmint Oil  : Lbs  : 110 2,038
  Sweet Potatoes  : Cwt  : 187 16,248
  Taro (HI) 3/  : Lbs  : 4,500

1/ Data are the latest estimates available, either from the current report
    or from previous reports. Current year estimates are for the full 2007
    crop year.
2/ Yield in pounds.
3/ Yield is not estimated.

       Crop Summary: Area Planted and Harvested, United States, 2006-2007
                                (Metric Units) 1/

                                : Area Planted  : Area Harvested
              Crop  :-----------------------------------------------
                                : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007

                                : Hectares
Grains & Hay  :
  Barley  : 1,396,990 1,636,570 1,194,240 1,433,410
  Corn for Grain 2/ :31,698,150 37,590,840 28,590,540 34,567,810
  Corn for Silage  : 2,621,180
  Hay, All 3/  : 24,607,980 25,005,390
    Alfalfa  : 8,653,890 8,681,010
    All Other  : 15,954,090 16,324,390
  Oats  : 1,686,750 1,562,100 637,790 652,360
  Proso Millet  : 234,720 246,860 192,230
  Rice  : 1,148,510 1,110,470 1,141,630 1,103,180
  Rye  : 564,950 547,950 110,890 123,840
  Sorghum for Grain 2/  : 2,639,390 3,142,420 1,997,950 2,710,610
  Sorghum for Silage  : 140,430
  Wheat, All 3/ :23,206,540 24,485,770 18,943,540 21,239,750
    Winter :16,420,300 18,266,090 12,592,740 15,211,490
    Durum  : 756,770 900,440 734,510 875,340
    Other Spring  : 6,029,480 5,319,250 5,616,290 5,152,920
Oilseeds  :
  Canola  : 422,500 471,460 413,190 454,870
  Cottonseed  :
  Flaxseed  : 329,010 188,180 310,400 183,320
  Mustard Seed  : 16,390 23,270 15,860 22,180
  Peanuts  : 503,030 480,370 489,270 468,630
  Rapeseed  : 570 570 400 490
  Safflower  : 76,490 68,800 72,440 65,760
  Soybeans for Beans :30,563,000 25,932,940 30,190,680 25,610,810
  Sunflower  : 789,150 754,340 716,300 714,280
Cotton, Tobacco & Sugar Crops  :
  Cotton, All 3/  : 6,181,240 4,475,060 5,152,310
    Upland  : 6,049,310 4,354,460 5,021,390
    Amer-Pima  : 131,930 120,600 130,920
  Sugarbeets  : 552,890 511,120 527,550 492,710
  Sugarcane  : 363,450 360,860
  Tobacco  : 137,150 143,940
Dry Beans, Peas & Lentils  :
  Austrian Winter Peas  : 18,620 14,970 9,110
  Dry Edible Beans  : 659,560 606,430 622,250 576,040
  Dry Edible Peas  : 374,540 365,030 357,790
  Lentils  : 173,610 137,590 164,710
  Wrinkled Seed Peas 4/  :
Potatoes & Misc.  :
  Coffee (HI)  : 2,550
  Ginger Root (HI)  : 40
  Hops  : 11,880 12,560
  Peppermint Oil  : 32,050
  Potatoes, All 3/  : 459,200 451,430
    Winter  : 7,160 4,650 7,080 4,650
    Spring  : 28,610 29,540 27,320 28,490
    Summer  : 23,630 22,780 21,970 21,970
    Fall  : 399,790 395,060
  Spearmint Oil  : 7,490
  Sweet Potatoes  : 38,530 39,050 35,130 37,720
  Taro (HI) 5/  : 150

1/ Data are the latest estimates available, either from the current report or
    from previous reports. Current year estimates are for the full 2007 crop
2/ Area planted for all purposes.
3/ Total may not add due to rounding.
4/ Acreage is not estimated.
5/ Area is total hectares in crop, not harvested hectares.

          Crop Summary: Yield and Production, United States, 2006-2007
                                (Metric Units) 1/

                                : Yield  : Production
              Crop  :-----------------------------------------------
                                : 2006  : 2007  : 2006  : 2007

                                : Metric Tons
Grains & Hay  :
  Barley  : 3.28 3,920,150
  Corn for Grain  : 9.36 267,597,970
  Corn for Silage  : 36.29 95,117,410
  Hay, All 2/  : 5.22 128,517,230
    Alfalfa  : 7.51 65,014,300
    All Other  : 3.98 63,502,930
  Oats  : 2.13 1,360,980
  Proso Millet  : 1.20 231,220
  Rice  : 7.70 8,787,720
  Rye  : 1.65 182,710
  Sorghum for Grain  : 3.53 7,049,790
  Sorghum for Silage  : 29.99 4,211,150
  Wheat, All 2/  : 2.60 49,315,540
    Winter  : 2.81 35,327,980
    Durum  : 1.98 1,455,350
    Other Spring  : 2.23 12,532,210
Oilseeds  :
  Canola  : 1.53 632,460
  Cottonseed 3/  : 6,665,900
  Flaxseed  : 0.90 279,900
  Mustard Seed  : 0.81 12,800
  Peanuts  : 3.22 1,575,980
  Rapeseed  : 1.23 500
  Safflower  : 1.20 86,820
  Soybeans for Beans  : 2.87 86,769,860
  Sunflower  : 1.36 972,330
Cotton, Tobacco & Sugar Crops  :
  Cotton, All 2/  : 0.91 4,700,190
    Upland  : 0.90 4,533,540
    Amer-Pima  : 1.27 166,650
  Sugarbeets  : 58.58 30,902,340
  Sugarcane  : 73.83 26,834,520
  Tobacco  : 2.40 329,600
Dry Beans, Peas & Lentils  :
  Austrian Winter Peas  : 1.29 11,750
  Dry Edible Beans  : 1.77 1,099,830
  Dry Edible Peas  : 1.67 598,880
  Lentils  : 0.89 147,150
  Wrinkled Seed Peas 3/  : 26,760
Potatoes & Misc.  :
  Coffee (HI)  : 1.30 3,310
  Ginger Root (HI)  : 48.20 1,950
  Hops  : 2.20 26,170
  Peppermint Oil  : 0.10 3,290
  Potatoes, All 2/  : 43.67 19,712,630
    Winter  : 28.79 24.10 203,890 112,170
    Spring  : 32.82 32.91 896,570 937,480
    Summer  : 37.88 832,340
    Fall  : 45.01 17,779,820
  Spearmint Oil  : 0.12 920
  Sweet Potatoes  : 20.98 737,000
  Taro (HI) 3/  : 2,040

1/ Data are the latest estimates available, either from the current report or
    from previous reports. Current year estimates are for the full 2007 crop
2/ Production may not add due to rounding.
3/ Yield is not estimated.

Spring Weather Summary

Highlights: A severe, early-April freeze, following record-setting March warmth, caused varying degrees of damage to a variety of crops from the central and southern Plains into the Ohio Valley and the Southeast. Aside from the major freeze, the majority of the Nation experienced unusually warm spring weather, particularly during March and May.

Spring precipitation was poorly distributed, resulting in increasingly wet conditions across the central one-third of the Nation and drought intensification in the Southeast and parts of the West. Spring rainfall topped 20 inches on parts of the southern Plains, where wetness slowed planting and hampered initial winter wheat harvest efforts. Nevertheless, the Plains' rain and snow provided abundant moisture for pastures, winter wheat, and summer crops. In contrast, spring rainfall totaled less than 4 inches at a few Southeastern locations. In fact, March-May precipitation was less than half of normal from the Delta and the Tennessee Valley eastward to the southern Atlantic Coast, severely stressing pastures and rain-fed summer crops. It was the driest spring during the 113-year period of record in Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee. By May, dryness began to creep into the eastern Corn Belt, although underlying subsoil moisture reserves remained mostly favorable in the wake of a wet fall, winter, and early spring. Unfavorably dry spring weather also prevailed west of the Rockies, ensuring below-normal summer runoff in most Western river basins.

March: Record-setting warmth in March followed a nearly nationwide cold snap from mid-January through February. Monthly temperatures averaged at least 10 degrees F above normal at several sites across the central one-third of the Nation, while cooler-than-normal weather was confined to the Northeast and scattered locations in Florida and along the Pacific Coast. Warmth rivaled conditions observed in March 2004, which was the Nation's second-warmest March since the beginning of the 20th century.

From the Rockies westward, above-normal temperatures promoted fieldwork and rapid crop development, but caused premature melting of high-elevation snowpacks. Implications of early melting could include the need for careful water management to meet the summer needs of agricultural, environmental, industrial, municipal, and recreational users. Meanwhile on the Plains, winter wheat growth advanced at a faster-than-normal pace, with nearly half (46 percent) of the crop jointing in Kansas by early April (the 5-year average for April 1 is 19 percent) and some heading underway in Texas (7 percent by April 1) and Oklahoma (1 percent). Through the end of March, conditions for wheat development on the Plains were nearly ideal and stood in stark contrast to last year's drought, although frequent storms and abundant soil moisture slowed planting preparations and other spring fieldwork. Farther east, melting snow and a number of moisture-laden storms soaked the western Corn Belt and maintained soggy conditions farther east. Excessive Midwestern moisture was detrimental to winter grains, especially in parts of the eastern Corn Belt, and prevented or significantly curtailed spring planting preparations. Nearly the opposite conditions prevailed across the Southeast, where warm, mostly dry weather promoted planting activities and rapid growth of pastures, winter grains, and emerging summer crops. By month's end, however, worsening Southeastern drought boosted irrigation demands and increased stress on rain-dependent crops.

April: A severe and historic early-April freeze followed record-setting March warmth. On April 7-8, several monthly record lows were established in locations that had just experienced record-high March temperatures. In fact, Oklahoma had experienced its warmest March on record (tied with 1907 and 1910), and it had been among the ten warmest in 19 other States from Oregon and California eastward to Kentucky and Tennessee. Days later, areas hardest hit by the early-April freezes stretched from the central and southern Plains into the Southeast, resulting in varying degrees of damage to jointing- to heading-stage winter wheat, emerged corn, tree fruits (blooming and beyond), and a variety of other crops. In addition, new growth of pastures, alfalfa, and red clover was burned back by the freezes. Although temperatures generally rebounded in the wake of the cold snap, additional frost was reported deep into the Southeast as late as April 16. By month's end, however, much of the Nation was again experiencing above-normal temperatures, including several monthly record highs in the West and Midwest. For the month as a whole, temperatures were mostly below normal from the Plains to the East Coast and above normal across the Intermountain West. A few locations on the Plains experienced cooler weather in April than March.

Aside from the freeze, the month's most significant weather development was the continuation and expansion of precipitation across the central and southern Plains and the Midwest. The combination of cool, wet Midwestern soils seriously curtailed summer crop planting. Spring wheat planting, which had been advancing slowly on the northern Plains, accelerated toward month's end under a warm, dry regime. Elsewhere, very wet conditions in the Northeast contrasted with drought intensification across much of the Southwest, while variable amounts of rain and snow fell elsewhere in the West. Northeastern rain (and high-elevation snow) was particularly heavy at mid-month, when an intense storm lingered near the northern Atlantic Coast. Ironically, the same storm produced high winds throughout the East, toppling a tree onto a power line near the Okefenokee Swamp and sparking the largest wildfire in Georgia's history. Other Southeastern concerns related to the drought included stress on pastures and summer crops, unusually heavy irrigation demands, and diminishing water supplies especially in southern Florida's Lake Okeechobee. In fact, drought stress aggravated the effects of freeze damage, especially for pastures and forage crops, in parts of the Southeast. Farther west, much of the West continued to experience prematurely melting mountain snow packs, setting the stage for a summer of below-normal runoff in many river basins. Potential impacts of meager spring and summer runoff could include low stream flows above dams and diminishing reservoir storage as water managers attempt to balance agricultural, environmental, industrial, municipal, and recreational requirements.

May: Wet weather across the central one-third of the Nation contrasted with drier-than-normal conditions in the East and West. In fact, record or near-record May wetness was observed in several locations from Texas to the Dakotas, maintaining abundant to locally excessive moisture reserves for pastures, filling winter wheat, and emerging summer crops. However, heavy downpours also caused local flooding and fieldwork delays. Specifically, rain on the central and southern Plains hampered initial winter wheat harvesting and threatened the quality of maturing wheat. The Plains' wetness also slowed cotton, sorghum, and soybean planting. Meanwhile, generally wet weather in the western Corn Belt contrasted with below-normal rainfall in most Midwestern areas from the Mississippi Valley eastward. Although monthly rainfall totals of 1 inch or less in parts of the Ohio Valley represented near-record short-term dryness, stress on pastures and summer crops only gradually increased due to generally adequate subsoil moisture reserves. Farther south, however, drought intensified in most areas from the Delta to the southern Atlantic Coast. In terms of statewide precipitation rankings, May 2007 was the driest on record in Georgia, and the 3rd driest on record in Alabama. The Southeastern drought hampered wildfire containment efforts, increased irrigation demands, and maintained severe stress on pastures and rain-fed summer crops. Late-month showers provided much-needed moisture across southern Florida but largely bypassed the remainder of the Southeast. More significant rain, associated with the passage of Tropical Storm Barry, fell across the southern Atlantic region in early June. Elsewhere, New Mexico experienced wet weather, but warm, mostly dry conditions across the remainder of the West promoted fieldwork and crop development. Scattered late-month showers aided pastures and small grains in the Northwest. Due to largely disappointing cold-season snowfall and unusual spring warmth, much of the West continued to brace for below-normal summer runoff. In addition, May reservoir storage was already below-average for this time of year in Arizona, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming.

The majority of the Nation experienced warmer-than-normal weather, with May 2007 ranking as the 11th warmest on record in the contiguous U.S. Monthly readings averaged at least 5 degrees F above normal in parts of the Midwest and at a few Western locations. In contrast, near-normal temperatures prevailed along the Atlantic Coast, while cooler-than-normal conditions (readings as much as 5 degrees F below normal) were confined to southern portions of the Rockies and High Plains. The Midwestern warmth accelerated corn and soybean planting and emergence, with both crops developing well ahead of the 5-year average by month's end. Despite the generally above-normal temperatures, mid-month freezes threatened blooming fruit trees and other temperature-sensitive crops in western Michigan's fruit belt. However, the chilly readings were rapidly replaced by numerous daily record high temperatures by month's end.

Spring Agricultural Summary

Hot, dry weather throughout the spring in most States west of the Rocky Mountains, promoted fieldwork and crop development, but increased irrigation demands. Four inches or less of precipitation fell in California, where pasture and range conditions were rated 97 percent poor to very poor by the end of May. Meanwhile, on the Great Plains, showers and thunderstorms maintained abundant moisture for pastures, winter wheat, and other summer crops. However, the persistent spring rains delayed fieldwork, primarily from Texas to the eastern areas of the Dakotas, where precipitation was 200 percent of normal in some areas. Farther east, early season showers delayed fieldwork in the central and eastern Corn Belt and Ohio Valley. However, a late season drying trend promoted spring activities, and as a result planting of summer crops progressed ahead of normal. Elsewhere, critically dry conditions persisted in most areas from the Delta to the southern Atlantic Coast, hindering planting activities and emergence of summer crops. In drought-stricken Georgia, where fieldwork and crop emergence were well behind the normal pace, precipitation was 25 percent of normal in some areas.

Corn planting progressed behind normal in early April but accelerated thereafter to ahead of normal. By May 27, growers had planted 97 percent of their intended acreage, 1 point ahead of last year and 4 points ahead of normal. Seeding exceeded the normal pace in all States except Kansas, Missouri, South Dakota, and Texas. Meanwhile, emergence of the crop also progressed ahead of normal. On June 10, ninety-nine percent of the crop had emerged, 2 points ahead of last year and 4 points ahead of the 5-year average. Emergence advanced ahead of normal in all States, except Colorado, under favorably warm, moist conditions. Condition of the crop was down from last year, with 70 percent of the acreage rated good or excellent, compared with 77 percent last year.

In early April, sorghum growers were planting their intended acres and were ahead of normal, however, by the end of May planting was behind last year and the 5-year average. On June 17, planting was 82 percent complete nationwide, while growers in Arkansas and Louisiana had finished seeding their crops. Soggy fields, caused by heavy thunderstorms and showers, delayed planting activities in the central and southern Great Plains, where the vast majority of the sorghum is grown. In Oklahoma, planting trailed 29 points behind last year and 13 points behind the normal pace. Elsewhere, favorable weather aided fieldwork in Colorado, Illinois, and New Mexico, where the crop was well ahead of normal. Sorghum heading was 2 points ahead of the normal pace and 76 percent of the crop was rated good or excellent on June 17.

Throughout April, oat planting lagged behind normal in all States, except Texas, where seeding was complete in the fall. However, by the end of May, planting was at or ahead of normal in all States, except South Dakota, where planting was 1 point behind the normal pace. Likewise, emergence was affected by the slow planting start, but advanced ahead of normal by the end of May. Ninety-five percent of the acreage was emerged or beyond on May 27, same as last year but 4 points ahead of the normal pace. Heading, 5 points behind last year but 4 points ahead of normal, progressed rapidly during the week ending June 17. During that week, heading advanced 27 points or more in Iowa, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and South Dakota. Heading was at or ahead of the normal pace in all States except North Dakota and Nebraska.

Barley seeding progressed ahead of normal throughout the planting season under favorable weather conditions. On May 20, planting had advanced to 95 percent complete, compared with 88 percent last year and the normal pace of 85 percent. All States were ahead of the normal pace and planting was complete or nearly complete nationwide. By June 3, emergence had advanced to 95 percent, 4 points ahead of last year and 7 points ahead of the 5-year average. During May, emergence advanced 13 points or more each week, and by month's end all States were ahead of the normal pace.

By the beginning of May, winter wheat heading advanced to 35 percent complete, 17 points behind last year and 8 points behind the 5-year average. However, by month's end winter wheat heading had advanced ahead of last year and the normal pace and was complete in Arkansas, California, North Carolina, and Oklahoma. Ninety-seven percent of the crop was headed or beyond on June 17, one point behind last year but 2 points ahead of normal. Heading was complete in most States, and was at or ahead of normal in all States except Washington. Meanwhile, harvest was well behind the normal pace, particularly in the central and southern Great Plains, where persistent showers and thunderstorms disrupted fieldwork. By June 17, eleven percent of the crop was harvested nationwide, compared with 34 percent last year and the normal pace of 20 percent.

Due to excessive moisture in the Great Plains and drought conditions in the Southeast, cotton planting trailed behind normal throughout the spring. By the end of May, 74 percent of the crop had been planted, 8 points behind last year and 5 points behind the 5-year average. Progress improved in June, advancing 23 points during the month. On June 17, planting was complete or near complete in all States. Meanwhile, squaring progressed behind the normal pace, reaching 28 percent complete by June 17, compared with 32 percent last year and 29 percent for the 5-year average. On this same date, 4 percent of the acreage was setting bolls, the same as last year but 1 point behind the normal pace.

Rice planting starting off ahead of the normal pace until mid-season weather hampered field activities. However, nearly half of the intended acreage was planted in May, reaching 98 percent complete by month's end. Planting was ahead of normal in all States except Texas, where it was slightly behind the normal pace. Similarly, emergence trailed behind normal during the middle of the growing season but accelerated ahead of last year and the 5-year average by the end of May. On June 3, ninety-six percent of the acreage had emerged nationwide, 10 points ahead of last year and 7 points ahead of the normal pace.

Soybean planting lagged behind the normal pace early in May, as producers concentrated their efforts on planting corn. However, progress accelerated after mid-May, advancing to 80 percent complete by month's end, ahead of last year and the 5-year average. By June 17, planting was 96 percent complete, compared with 97 percent last year and 94 percent for the normal pace. Meanwhile, on the same date, emergence had advanced to 92 percent, 1 point ahead of last year and 5 points ahead of the normal. Progress was at or ahead of normal in all States, except Kansas. Soybean condition compared favorably with previous years, with 65 percent of the crop rated good or excellent on June 17, compared with 67 percent last year.

During May sunflower growers planted their intended acreage ahead of the normal pace, reaching 41 percent by month's end, 9 points ahead of the normal pace. However, on June 17, eighty-two percent of the crop had been planted, compared with 92 percent last year and 87 percent for the 5-year average. Seeding was well behind normal in South Dakota but at or ahead of normal elsewhere.

Peanut planting began slowly, particularly in the drought-stricken Southeast, where producers waited for rain. By the end of May, growers had planted 63 percent of their acreage, behind last year and the normal pace. On June 17, seeding had advanced to 97 percent complete, compared with 99 percent for last year and the 5-year average. On the same date, pegging had begun on 3 percent of the acreage, 5 points behind last year and 7 points behind normal. Pegging was underway in all States except North Carolina and Virginia, but trailed behind normal in all States.

Sugarbeet planting trailed behind the normal pace at the end of April, but progressed rapidly during the month of May. With rapid progress in May, planting was ahead of the normal pace in all States except Michigan, where the crop was behind last year and the 5-year average by 2 points. In the Red River Valley, producers were 11 points or more ahead of the normal planting pace due to favorable weather conditions.

Corn: The 2007 corn planted area for all purposes is estimated at 92.9 million acres, up 19 percent from 2006 and 14 percent higher than 2005. This is the highest planted area since 1944, when 95.5 million acres were planted for all purposes. Growers expect to harvest 85.4 million acres for grain, up 21 percent from 2006 to the highest level since 1933. Farmers responding to the survey indicated that 99 percent of the intended corn acreage had been planted at the time of the interview compared with an average of 98 percent for the past 10 years.

Corn planted acreage is up from last year in nearly all States as favorable corn prices, driven by growing demand from ethanol and strong export sales, provided farmers with incentive to plant more acres to corn. The increase in corn acres is mainly offset by fewer acres of soybeans in the Corn Belt and Great Plains and fewer acres planted to cotton in the Delta and Southeast. Corn farmers in the 10 major corn producing States (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin) planted 71.7 million acres, up 15 percent from the 62.2 million acres planted last year.

Illinois farmers planted a record high 13.2 million acres of corn, up 1.90 million acres from last year. Record high corn acres were also realized in Indiana, Minnesota, and North Dakota where corn planted acreage increased 1.10 million, 900,000, and 810,000 acres, respectively. Iowa continues to lead all States in corn planted area with 14.3 million acres, up 1.70 million acres from last year.

Field preparations and planting activities got off to a slow start in March as melting snow and moderate to heavy precipitation contributed to flooding and soggy fields in much of the Corn Belt. Moderate to heavy precipitation across the central and southern Great Plains in late March also slowed field preparation activities. In contrast, warm, dry March weather in the Delta and Southeast allowed farmers to make good progress with field preparations.

Early-April freezes occurred from the central and southern Great Plains into the Southeast, resulting in varying degrees of damage to emerged corn. April also brought above normal precipitation across much of the Corn Belt and central and southern Great Plains, leaving some fields too wet for planting activities. By month's end corn planting was 23 percent complete, 25 percentage points behind last year and 19 points behind normal.

Excessive rainfall in parts of the western Corn Belt, central and southern Great Plains, and middle Mississippi Valley during much of May continued to hamper fieldwork. Meanwhile, warm, dry weather prevailed across the central and eastern Corn Belt and Ohio Valley during May, which helped promote planting activity and crop development. However, the lack of moisture in these areas reduced topsoil moisture and increased stress on the crop. Despite the weather related delays, producers made rapid planting progress during the month and by May 27, planting was 97 percent complete, 1 percentage point ahead of last year and 4 points ahead of normal.

Emergence of the crop began behind normal in most States due to the slow early season planting pace. However, generally above normal temperatures favored crop development and by June 10, ninety-nine percent of the crop had emerged, 2 points ahead of last year and 4 points ahead of the average.

Producers planted 73 percent of their acreage with varieties developed using biotechnology, up 12 percentage points from 2006. Varieties containing bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) were planted on 21 percent of the acreage, down 4 points from last year. Herbicide resistant varieties developed using biotechnology were planted on 24 percent of the acreage, up 3 points from 2006. Stacked gene varieties, those containing both insect and herbicide resistance, were planted on 28 percent of the acreage, up 13 points from the previous year.

Sorghum: Area planted to sorghum in 2007 is estimated at 7.77 million acres, up 19 percent from 2006. Area to be harvested for grain is forecast at 6.70 million acres, up 36 percent from last year. Producers in Texas expect to plant 2.90 million, up 45 percent from last year and surpassing Kansas' planted area for the first time since 1998. Kansas producers expect to plant 2.80 million acres, up 2 percent from last year.

In Kansas, as of June 17, sorghum was 76 percent planted, slightly behind the 5-year average, due in part to the wet weather conditions. Seeding in Texas was 90 percent complete, slightly ahead of normal. Favorable weather conditions in Texas allowed the crop to develop ahead of normal with 79 percent of the crop rated in good to excellent condition.

Oats: Area planted is estimated at 3.86 million acres, down 7 percent from the 4.17 million acres planted in 2006 and the lowest level on record. Acres planted declined in 17 States, and remained unchanged or increased in 13 States. The largest decline in acreage occurred in Wisconsin, where growers planted 250,000 acres this year, 120,000 fewer than 2006. Acreage in Iowa, Texas, and California also declined substantially. The largest increase in acreage from last year is in North Dakota, where an additional 80,000 acres of oats were sown. Although planted area is down 7 percent, harvested area is expected to increase by 2 percent. Growers are expected to harvest 1.61 million acres this year, compared with the 1.58 million acres harvested last year. In the Dakotas, area harvested for grain is expected to double in South Dakota, from 95,000 acres to 190,000 acres, and increase 58 percent in North Dakota, from 120,000 acres to 190,000 acres. The largest decreases in harvested area are expected in Wisconsin and Iowa, down 70,000 and 35,000 acres from last year, respectively.

Oat seedings and emergence were delayed this spring, as all States seeding oats in the spring were behind normal through the end of April. By mid-May, most States were ahead of the 5-year average with just three States still slightly behind. Oat emergence followed a similar pattern with all States lagging behind normal to close out April and begin May, but by month's end, only Pennsylvania still trailed their 5-year average. By June 17, oats were 54 percent headed, slightly ahead of the 5-year average of 50 percent. The crop was rated 17 percent excellent, 56 percent good, 19 percent fair, 7 percent poor, and 1 percent very poor.

Barley: Growers seeded 4.04 million acres for 2007, up 17 percent from the 3.45 million acres seeded last year. Acres for harvest, at 3.54 million, are up 20 percent from 2006. Planted acres increased from the previous year in each of the top six barley growing States. North Dakota growers increased planted acres 32 percent, from 1.10 million acres in 2006 to 1.45 million acres this year, and expect to harvest 1.35 million acres. Montana, Idaho, Washington, Minnesota, and California planted acres are up 17 percent, 9 percent, 15 percent, 24 percent, and 22 percent, respectively, from 2006. Acres intended for harvest in all these States, except California, also increased from last year.

Barley planting started out slow in the northern Great Plains due to cold, wet conditions in April. However, warm, dry weather in May pushed planting progress ahead of average in these areas. Emergence started slow, but quickly accelerated ahead of normal as conditions improved during May. Warm, dry weather in Montana and Idaho allowed barley planting to progress ahead of the normal pace during April and May, with emergence also slightly ahead of average. As of the week ending June 24, barley crop conditions across the northern United States, from Minnesota to Washington, were 76 percent good to excellent.

Winter Wheat: The 2007 winter wheat planted area is estimated at 45.1 million acres, up 1 percent from the previous estimate and up 11 percent from 2006. Area harvested for grain is forecasted at 37.6 million acres, up 1 percent from the June forecast and up 21 percent from last year. Planted acreage increases from the previous estimate are mainly in the Hard Red Winter growing States. States with the most notable acreage increases are Texas, Colorado, and Nebraska. Eight other States had smaller increases in planted acreage and 4 States decreased from the previous estimate. Compared with the previous report, harvested acreage increases are forecast in several States with Texas, Colorado, and Nebraska again showing the largest increases. The area expected for harvest as grain also increased from the previous forecast in many of the Soft Red growing States as producers have now fully evaluated the impact from the April freeze. Sizeable harvested acreage decreases are forecast in Oklahoma and Kansas due mainly to excessive moisture and disease pressure along with the April freeze damage. Winter wheat harvest is progressing well behind average due to cooler spring temperatures that delayed crop development and frequent rains in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas that have delayed harvest.

Durum Wheat: The Durum planted area for 2007 is estimated at 2.23 million acres, up 19 percent from last year's level. Area harvested for grain is expected to total 2.16 million acres, 19 percent above 2006. Planted acreage is up or unchanged in all producing States. Planting in Montana and North Dakota started out behind normal because of cool temperatures, but finished ahead of average, with progress currently ahead of normal in both States. In California, Durum wheat harvest is nearing completion with good yields and quality reported.

Other Spring Wheat: Area planted to other spring wheat for 2007 is estimated at 13.1 million acres, down 12 percent from last year. Grain area is expected to total 12.7 million acres, down 8 percent from 2006. Planted acreage is at or below last year's level in all States except the Pacific Northwest States and Minnesota. The largest declines from last year occurred in North Dakota and Montana, where planted area is down 1.00 million and 400,000 acres, respectively.

In Montana, spring wheat planting began a few weeks early and is rated in good to excellent condition. The spring wheat crop in the Pacific Northwest States saw hot dry conditions that accelerated the crop development ahead of normal. Spring wheat is rated as mostly fair in Oregon and good to fair in Washington.

Rye: The 2007 planted area for rye is estimated at 1.35 million acres, 3 percent below 2006. Harvested area is expected to total 306,000 acres, up 12 percent from last year. Harvesting in Oklahoma is slightly behind normal due to wet conditions in the State.

Rice: Area planted to rice in 2007 is estimated at 2.74 million acres, down 3 percent from 2006. This is the lowest planted acreage since 1989. Area for harvest is estimated at 2.73 million acres, also 3 percent below last year's area harvested. All rice-producing States except Louisiana and Texas planted fewer acres compared with last year. Growers in Arkansas planted 1.30 million acres, down 7 percent from last year.

Long grain planted acreage, representing 76 percent of the total, is down 5 percent from last year. Medium grain planted acreage, representing 21 percent of the total, increased 2 percent from 2006. Area planted to short grain varieties is unchanged from last year and represents 2 percent of the total. The decrease in long grain acreage can be attributed mainly to issues with seed availability after two prevalent seed varieties were taken off the market as a result of the possible presence of unapproved genetic material.

Planting progress in most rice-producing States was near normal throughout the planting period. In California, however, planting progress was well ahead of the 5-year average, as dry weather during the spring made it possible for rice growers to get an early start on their field preparations and allowed for rapid planting progress. Growers in California began planting rice during the middle of April and were mostly finished planting by the end of May. As of June 17, rice was completely emerged in all States, except California.

Proso Millet: Planted area for the 2007 proso millet crop is estimated at 610,000 acres, 5 percent above last year's total of 580,000 acres. Lower planted acreage in Colorado was more than offset by higher planted acreage in Nebraska and South Dakota.

Hay: Producers expect to harvest 61.8 million acres of all hay in 2007, up 2 percent from 2006. Harvested area is expected to increase from last year throughout the Great Plains, Rocky Mountains, and in the middle Atlantic Coast States. The State with the largest expected increase is South Dakota, up 500,000 acres from 2006. Montana and North Dakota are also expected to be up 290,000 and 280,000 acres, respectively. However, area for harvest in most of the States along the Pacific Coast, in the Northeast and the Corn Belt is expected to decline from 2006. The States with the largest expected decreases in harvested area from the previous year are Iowa down 130,000 acres, Ohio and Michigan down 80,000 acres, and New York down 70,000 acres. In the West, Oregon harvested area is expected to be down 50,000 acres. Overall, acres of all hay harvested are expected to increase in 24 States, while decreases in acreage are expected in 20 States.

Expected harvested area of alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures, at 21.5 million acres, is up marginally from last year. Expected area for harvest of all other types of hay totals 40.3 million acres, up 2 percent from 2006.

Soybeans: The 2007 soybean planted area is estimated at 64.1 million acres, down 15 percent from last year's record high. Planted area declined from last year in all States except New York, Pennsylvania, and the Southeast States. Area for harvest is forecast at 63.3 million acres, down 15 percent from 2006. The planted and harvested area are the lowest since 1995.

Growers in the 11 major soybean-producing States (Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, and South Dakota) planted 52.1 million acres, down 16 percent from 2006. The largest decreases are in Illinois and Iowa, down 1.75 and 1.35 million acres from last year, respectively. Soybean planted area also declined more than one million acres from 2006 in Indiana, Minnesota, and Nebraska. The primary reason for the decline of soybean acreage this year is farmers shifting their acreage to corn. Meanwhile, planted acreage increased from last year in States across the Southeast, where farmers have shifted from cotton to corn and soybeans. Record planted acreage is estimated in New York and Pennsylvania, at 215,000 acres and 440,000 acres, respectively.

Soybean planting began slowly as wet, cool weather during April across most of the major growing areas delayed progress. By the end of April, all States except North Dakota were behind last year's pace, and with the exception of Tennessee, all States were at or behind their 5-year average. Heavy spring rains across the Great Plains and western Corn Belt during the first week of May caused soybean planting to remain behind normal. As of May 6, only 10 percent of the intended soybean acreage was planted, 7 points behind last year and the 5-year average. However, as fields dried and corn planting neared completion, growers concentrated on planting soybeans. Planting progressed rapidly through the rest of the month, advancing 70 points from May 6 through May 27, to 80 percent complete, 13 points ahead of the 5-year average. By June 3, eighty-eight percent of intended soybeans were planted, with only Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and South Dakota continuing to progress behind normal. The crop began emerging slightly behind normal in mid-May, but advanced rapidly thereafter, reaching 70 percent emerged by June 3, fourteen points ahead of the 5-year average. Emergence advanced to 92 percent by June 17, at or ahead of normal in all States, except Kansas, where only 69 percent of the crop was emerged, 9 points behind normal.

Producers planted 91 percent of the 2007 soybean acreage to herbicide resistant varieties, up 2 percentage points from 2006.

Peanuts: Area planted to peanuts in 2007 is estimated at 1.19 million acres, down 5 percent from 2006. This is the lowest planted acreage since 1915. Area for harvest is forecast at 1.16 million acres, down 4 percent from last year. If realized, this will be the lowest harvested area since 1930.

Southeast growers (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, and South Carolina) planted 852,000 acres, down 10 percent from 2006. Planted area in Mississippi is unchanged from last year, but peanut acreage in all other States in the region decreased from 2006. Planted area in Alabama, at 150,000 acres, is the lowest since 1912. In Georgia, where planted area decreased 60,000 acres, severe drought prevented some producers from planting peanuts. Dry conditions also caused planting and crop development to progress behind normal. Planting progress was behind the 5-year average throughout May and June for all of the Southeast States.

Plantings in the Virginia-North Carolina region totaled 118,000 acres, up 16 percent from 2006. Increased efforts have been made to promote Virginia type peanuts throughout the region. In North Carolina, planting progress lagged slightly behind the 5-year average throughout the planting period and planting was complete by June 17. In Virginia, planting in April and May progressed slowly, but by the latter part of May and through June, planting progress was ahead of the 5-year average. In Virginia and North Carolina the peanut crop had not begun pegging by June 17.

Growers in the Southwest (New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas) planted 217,000 acres, up 14 percent from last year. Planting progress in Texas was at or near normal throughout the planting season. In Oklahoma, planting progress lagged behind normal throughout May due to the large amounts of rainfall. Three percent of the Texas peanut crop was pegging by June 17, and 10 percent of the Oklahoma crop was pegging by this date. Both States lagged slightly behind their 5-year averages.

Sunflower: Area planted to sunflower in 2007 totals 1.86 million acres, down 4 percent from 2006. Harvested area is expected to be down 5,000 acres from last year to 1.77 million acres. Planted area of oil type varieties, at 1.54 million acres, is down 7 percent from 2006 but the non-oil varieties, estimated at 324,000 acres, are up 11 percent from last year.

Acreage declines in Nebraska, South Dakota, and Texas were partially offset by increases in Colorado, Minnesota, and North Dakota. South Dakota sunflower acreage, at 395,000, is down 25 percent from last year, while acreage in Nebraska and Texas is down 58 and 15 percent, respectively. As of June 17, only 58 percent of the sunflower crop was planted in South Dakota, 21 points behind the 5-year average, as rainy weather during late May slowed progress. In North Dakota, planted area is 960,000 acres, up 7 percent from 2006. Sunflower planting got off to a good start in North Dakota, as planting progressed ahead of last year and the 5-year average during May. By June 17, planting was virtually finished in North Dakota at 96 percent complete. Eighty-five percent of the crop was rated good to excellent as of June 17, seventeen points above last year.

Canola: Producers planted 1.17 million acres in 2007, up 12 percent from 2006. Planted area increased from last year in Minnesota, Montana, and North Dakota. Producers in North Dakota planted 1.05 million acres, up from 940,000 acres in 2006. Beneficial weather conditions during May in North Dakota allowed planting to progress well ahead of last year's pace and the 5-year average. Planting was essentially complete by the end of May and emergence was progressing ahead of normal in early June. The harvested area forecast for the Nation is up 10 percent from last year.

Flaxseed: Area planted to flaxseed in 2007 totaled 465,000 acres, down 43 percent from last year's total of 813,000 acres. Area for harvest is forecast at 453,000, down 41 percent from 2006. Planted acreage is down in all 4 States in the estimating program (Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota) as favorable prices for other crops discouraged some producers from planting flaxseed. North Dakota growers planted 420,000 acres in 2007, down 44 percent from 2006. This is the lowest flaxseed planted acreage in North Dakota since 1999.

Safflower: Planted area of safflower decreased 10 percent from 2006, to 170,000 acres in 2007. Area for harvest is forecast at 162,500 acres, down 9 percent from last year. Tight water supplies in California contributed to producers only planting 50,000 acres in the State, down 11 percent from 2006. In Montana, renewed interest in safflower along with moderate temperatures and good soil moisture this spring resulted in Montana producers increasing their planted area by 36 percent from last year.

Other Oilseeds: Planted area of mustard seed is estimated at 57,500 acres, up 17,000 acres from 2006. Mustard seed area for harvest is forecast at 54,800 acres, up 15,600 acres or 40 percent from the previous year. Rapeseed growers planted an estimated 1,400 acres, unchanged from last year. Harvested rapeseed area is forecast to be 1,200 acres.

Cotton: The 2007 all cotton planted area is estimated at 11.1 million acres, down 28 percent from last year. Upland cotton planted area totals 10.8 million acres, down 28 percent from 2006 and the lowest acreage since 1989. The lower price for cotton and the higher price for bio-fuel crops led some growers to switch to those crops.

Upland growers in the Southeast States (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia) planted 2.36 million acres, down 30 percent from last year. By mid June, planting was virtually complete throughout the region except in Alabama and Georgia. Producers in those States battled extreme drought conditions which delayed planting.

In the Delta States (Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee), producers planted 2.73 million acres, down 36 percent from last year. Mississippi growers planted 680,000 acres, the lowest planted acreage since records began. In Louisiana, producers planted 340,000 acres, the lowest acreage since 1975. By the end of May, planting was complete throughout the region. The hot, dry conditions during the early of part of June allowed the crop to begin squaring ahead of normal and the crop is reported in mostly fair to good condition.

Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and New Mexico upland acreage planted totals 5.31 million acres, a 23 percent decline from last year. Texas accounts for 5.00 million of this acreage, down 22 percent from last year and the lowest acreage since 1989. Planting was underway in late March throughout southern Texas and completed by late April. In the Texas Plains, wet, cool weather slowed planting progress in May but planting was virtually complete by mid June. During the early part of June, Oklahoma producers received a break from the wet weather and made rapid planting progress but remained behind the 5-year average. The crop is rated in mostly fair to good condition throughout the region.

Upland planted area in Arizona and California is estimated at 365,000 acres, down 23 percent from last year. In California, producers planted 185,000 acres, down 35 percent from last year and the lowest since upland planted area estimates began in 1941. Planting started in early March and was completed by mid May, ahead of normal. For the week ending June 17, over half of the crop was squaring, slightly ahead of normal.

Producers planted 87 percent of their upland acreage with varieties developed using biotechnology, up 4 percentage points from 2006. Stacked gene varieties, those containing both insect and herbicide resistance, accounted for the most acreage, at 42 percent, up 3 points from the previous year. Herbicide resistant varieties were planted on 28 percent of the acreage, up 2 points from 2006. Varieties containing bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) were planted on 17 percent of the acreage, down 1 point from last year.

American-Pima planted acreage is estimated at 298,000 acres, down 9 percent from 2006. California accounts for 265,000 acres, down 10,000 acres from last year and surpasses upland acreage for the first time in history. In late March, producers were challenged with unusually cool weather and high winds but planting was complete on schedule by early May. New Mexico and Texas both dropped over 30 percent from last year, with planted acreage estimated at 9,000 and 20,000 acres, respectively.

Sugarbeets: Area planted totals 1.26 million acres, down 8 percent from 2006. The area for harvest is forecast at 1.22 million acres, down 7 percent from 2006. Planted area decreased from 2006 in all States, except Washington, which remained unchanged, and Minnesota, where acreage increased by 18,000 acres. Acres planted in 2007 in Minnesota are the highest on record.

Good weather conditions allowed for timely planting in Minnesota, the largest sugarbeet growing State, and planting was completed ahead of average. By May 13, planting was 97 percent complete in the four major producing States, compared with 78 percent last year and 89 percent for the 5-year average.

Sugarcane: Area for harvest of sugarcane for sugar and seed during the 2007 crop year is forecast at 891,700 acres, down 1 percent from 2006. Area for harvest in Louisiana is down 5,000 acres from last year and Florida growers expect to harvest 4,000 fewer acres than last year. In Louisiana, crop conditions for sugarcane have remained mostly fair to good, except in early April, when a late freeze occurred. For the week ending June 17, Louisiana's sugarcane crop condition was rated at 19 percent excellent, 45 percent good, 33 percent fair, and 3 percent poor. Sugarcane acres in Florida received sporadic rains from the end of May through mid-June, boosting growth.

Tobacco: U.S. all tobacco area for harvest in 2007 is estimated at 355,670 acres, up 5 percent from 2006 and 3 percent above the March intentions. Acreage for all types increased from 2006 despite decreases in burley and dark air-cured tobacco acreage since the March intentions.

Flue-cured tobacco, at 224,000 acres, is 5 percent above a year ago and up 6 percent from the March intentions. Flue-cured acreage accounts for 63 percent of this year's total tobacco acreage. Acreage in North Carolina, the leading flue-cured State, is up 5 percent from last year. Harvested acreage also increased in Georgia and Virginia, by 18 percent and 12 percent, respectively, from a year ago. Harvested acreage declined in South Carolina by 4 percent from 2006.

Light air-cured tobacco type acreage, at 107,900, is up 3 percent from last year but 1 percent below the March intentions. Burley tobacco, at 106,800 acres, is up 3 percent from 2006 but 1 percent less than the March intentions. Acreage in Kentucky, the leading burley producing State, is up 5 percent from 2006 but unchanged from the March intentions. Acreage in Missouri, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania also increased from 2006. Acreage in Ohio and Tennessee declined while acreage in Virginia remained the same. Pennsylvania's Southern Maryland type tobacco acreage is estimated at 1,100, unchanged from both a year ago and the March intentions.

Fire-cured tobacco, at 13,300 acres, is up 12 percent from 2006 and 2 percent above the March intentions. The largest increase is in Tennessee where acreage is up 21 percent from a year ago. Growers in Kentucky and Virginia increased acreage by 5 percent and 14 percent, respectively.

Dark air-cured tobacco, at 4,650 acres, is 8 percent above last year's harvested acres but 4 percent below the March intentions. Acreage in Kentucky and Tennessee increased 5 percent and 30 percent, respectively, from a year ago. Farmers in Virginia are no longer growing sun-cured tobacco due to the lack of contracts.

All cigar type tobacco, at 5,820 acres, is up 18 percent from last year and 3 percent above the March intentions. Connecticut and Massachusetts broadleaf acreage, at 2,800, is up 8 percent from a year ago. Acreage of Pennsylvania Seedleaf, at 1,800, is 38 percent above last year. Harvested acres of Connecticut and Massachusetts shade-grown tobacco are estimated at 1,220, up 16 percent from 2006.

Dry Beans: U.S. dry bean growers planted 1.50 million acres for 2007, down 8 percent from both last year and two years ago. The June planted acreage estimate is down less than 1 percent from growers plans in March. Acres to be harvested are estimated at 1.42 million, down 7 percent from both last year and 2005. The decrease in planted acres can be attributed in part to strong prices for competing crops. Fourteen of the 18 dry bean States have decreased planted acreage from a year ago, two are unchanged, and two have increased acres from 2006.

Michigan's planted area of 200,000 acres is down 11 percent from last year. In Nebraska, dry bean plantings of 100,000 acres are 29 percent below 2006, while Idaho's acreage decreased 14 percent to 90,000. Texas growers reduced planted acres by 50 percent, Kansas is down 36 percent, and South Dakota is 30 percent below 2006. Colorado is down 21 percent, Oregon 15 percent, Wyoming 14 percent, California 10 percent, New Mexico 9 percent, Montana 8 percent, New York 5 percent, and Washington decreased 2 percent from 2006. North Dakota and Minnesota's planted acres are unchanged from last year. Planted acres in Utah increased 17 percent from last year, while planted acres in Wisconsin went up 7 percent from 2006.

Planting in North Dakota started mid-May and progressed ahead of the 5-year average pace due to mostly dry conditions. However, early June showers slowed planting progress to the average pace. Crop condition as of June 10 was rated 74 percent good to excellent. In Michigan, planting progress was ahead of last year due to hot dry weather that allowed farmers to get other crops planted on time. Planting was ahead of normal in Minnesota with 90 percent planted as of June 3, compared with the 5-year average of 73 percent. In southern Idaho, competition for acreage with corn, hay, and spring wheat has resulted in less dry bean acreage. California growers face poor field conditions following a dry winter and spring. In Washington, hot weather interspersed with wet weather is promoting crop growth. In Colorado, planting is progressing behind the average pace following a late start due to excess moisture.

Sweet Potatoes: Planted area of sweet potatoes is estimated at 96,500 acres for the 2007 season, up 1 percent from last year and 6 percent above two years ago. Harvested area is forecast at 93,200 acres, up 7 percent from 2006 and 5 percent above 2005. The acreage increase is due mainly to favorable growing conditions in the largest States. Growers in California, Mississippi, and North Carolina planted more acres than last year, while planted acres are down from 2006 in Alabama, Louisiana, New Jersey, South Carolina, and Texas.

Transplanting is nearly complete in the Atlantic Coast States. As of June 17, North Carolina's fields were 82 percent transplanted and 85 percent of the crop was rated fair to good. In New Jersey, unseasonably cold temperatures combined with frequent thunderstorms during May reduced the planted acres. Transplanting continues in the Gulf States. In Louisiana, transplanting is wrapping up. Good moisture has contributed to good plant stands in most fields. In Texas, conditions are fair for planting with adequate soil moisture. Continued dry conditions in Alabama have some growers reducing planted acres. Planting is essentially complete in California. Strong winds halted field activities in May and damaged some plantings. Cool temperatures earlier in the season slowed growth.

Summer Potatoes: Growers in the summer producing States planted an estimated 56,300 acres of potatoes this year, down 4 percent from last year but 5 percent above two years ago. Harvested area is forecast at 54,300 acres, unchanged from last year but 6 percent more than 2005. Planted acreage in 6 of the 11 estimating States has decreased from 2006. The decrease is due in part to unfavorable planting conditions and uncertain water supplies.

In Illinois, a cold spring delayed planting but the crop is in good condition. Colorado growers continue to face uncertain irrigation water supplies as wells along the South Platte river remain capped due to water rights issues. Producers in Alabama have cut back acreage due to the continued dry weather. In New Jersey, thunderstorms and frequent rain during May reduced planted acres. In Virginia, growers have had ideal planting and growing conditions. California growers increased their acreage despite the lack of moisture from winter and spring rains.

Reliability of Acreage Data in this Report Survey Procedures: The estimates of planted and harvested acreages in this report are based primarily on surveys conducted the first 2 weeks of June. These surveys are based on a probability area frame survey with a sample of approximately 11,000 segments or parcels of land (average approximately 1 square mile) and a probability sample of approximately 88,000 farm operators. Enumerators conducting the area survey contact all farmers having operations within the sampled segments of land and account for their operations. From these data, estimates can be calculated. The list survey sample is contacted by mail, internet, telephone, or personal interviews to obtain information on these operations. Responses from the list sample plus data from the area operations that were not on the list to be sampled are combined to provide another estimate of planted and harvested acreages.

Estimating Procedures: National, Regional, State, and grower reported data were reviewed for reasonableness and consistency with historical estimates. Each State Office submits their analysis of the current situation to the Agricultural Statistics Board (ASB). Survey data are compiled to the National level and are reviewed at this level independently of each State's review. Acreage estimates were based on survey data and the historical relationship of official estimates to survey data.

Revision Policy: Planted acreage estimates are subject to change August 1 if actual plantings are significantly different from those reported in early June. Also, planted acreage estimates can be revised at the end of the season and again the following year, if new information is available that would justify a change. Harvested acres can be adjusted anytime a change is made in planted acres. In addition, harvested acres are subject to change anytime a production forecast is made. Estimates will also be reviewed after data for the 5-year Census of Agriculture are available. No revisions will be made after that date.

Reliability: The survey used to make acreage estimates is subject to sampling and non-sampling type errors that are common to all surveys. Both types of errors for major crops generally are between 1.0 and 6.0 percent. Sampling errors represent the variability between estimates that would result if many different samples were surveyed at the same time. Sampling errors cannot be applied directly to the acreage published in this report to determine confidence intervals since the official estimates represent a composite of information from more than a single source. The relative standard errors from the 2007 area frame survey for U.S. planted acres were: barley 8.5 percent, corn 1.0 percent, upland cotton 3.2 percent, sorghum 4.9 percent, soybeans 1.3 percent, winter wheat 1.9 percent, and other spring wheat 4.0 percent.

The biotechnology estimates are also subject to sampling variability because all operations planting biotech varieties are not included in the sample. The variability for the 48 corn States, as measured by the relative standard error at the U.S. level, is approximately 0.6 percent for all biotech varieties, 1.9 percent for insect resistant (Bt) only varieties, 1.7 percent for herbicide resistant only varieties, and 1.8 percent for stacked gene varieties. This means that chances are approximately 95 out of 100 that survey estimates will be within plus or minus 1.2 percent for all biotech varieties, 3.8 percent for insect resistant (Bt) varieties, 3.4 percent for herbicide resistant varieties, and 3.6 percent for stacked gene varieties. Variability for the 31 soybean States is approximately 0.3 percent for herbicide resistant varieties. Variability for the 17 upland cotton States is approximately 0.8 percent for all biotech varieties, 5.6 percent for insect resistant (Bt) varieties, 4.9 percent for herbicide resistant varieties, and 2.9 percent for stacked gene varieties.

Non-sampling errors cannot be measured directly. They may occur due to incorrect reporting and/or recording, data omissions or duplications, and errors in processing. To minimize non-sampling errors, vigorous quality controls are used in the data collection process and all data are carefully reviewed for consistency and reasonableness.

A method of evaluating the reliability of acreage estimates in this report is the "Root Mean Square Error," a statistical measure based on past performances shown below for selected crops. This is computed by expressing the deviations between the planted acreage estimates and the final estimates as a percent of the final estimates and averaging the squared percentage deviations for the 1987-2006 twenty-year period; the square root of this average becomes statistically the "Root Mean Square Error." Probability statements can be made concerning expected differences in the current estimates relative to the final estimates assuming that factors affecting this year's estimate are not different from those influencing the past 20 years.

For example, the "Root Mean Square Error" for the corn planted estimate is 0.7 percent. This means that chances are 2 out of 3 that the current corn acreage will not be above or below the final estimate by more than 0.7 percent. Chances are 9 out of 10 (90 percent confidence level) that the difference will not exceed 1.2 percent.

Also, shown in the table is a 20-year record for selected crops of the difference between the mid-year planted acres estimate and the final estimates. Using corn again as an example, changes between the mid-year estimates and the final estimates during the past 20 years have averaged 396,000 acres, ranging from 24,000 acres to 1.13 million acres. The mid-year planted acres have been below the final estimate 5 times and above 15 times. This does not imply that the mid-year planted estimate this year is likely to understate or overstate the final estimate.

                  Reliability of June Planted Acreage Estimates

                  :  :  : 20-Year Record of
                  :  :  : Differences Between June
                  :  :  : and Final Estimate
                  :  :  :------------------------------------
                  : Root Mean  :  : Thousand Acres  : Number of
       Crop :Square Error: 90  : Quantity  : Years
                  : Percent  : Percent  :------------------------------------
                  : :Confidence :  :  : :Below:Above
                  :  : Interval :Average:Smallest:Largest:Final:Final

                  : ----- Thousands ----- Number
Corn  : 0.7 1.2 396 24 1,126 5 15
Sorghum  : 5.0 8.6 381 1 1,113 11 9
Oats  : 1.9 3.3 80 1 213 5 15
Barley  : 3.2 5.6 159 15 907 5 15
Winter Wheat  : 1.0 1.8 382 25 1,035 3 17
Durum Wheat  : 4.0 7.0 113 0 200 12 7
Other Spring Wheat: 1.1 2.0 140 0 333 11 8
Soybeans  : 1.1 1.8 598 150 1,490 6 14
Upland Cotton  : 2.3 3.9 250 3 555 7 13

       Information Contacts

Listed below are the commodity statisticians in the Crops Branch of
the National Agricultural Statistics Service to contact for
additional information.

Jeff Geuder, Chief ................................................(202) 720-2127

    Field Crops Section
       Greg Thessen, Head..........................................(202) 720-2127
       Shiela Corley - Cotton, Cotton Ginnings.....................(202) 720-5944
       Todd Ballard - Wheat, Rye...................................(202) 720-8068
       Ty Kalaus - Corn, Proso Millet, Flaxseed....................(202) 720-9526
       Dennis Koong - Peanuts, Rice................................(202) 720-7688
       Travis Thorson - Soybeans, Sunflower, Other Oilseeds........(202) 720-7369
       King Whetstone - Hay, Oats, Sorghum.........................(202) 690-3234
       Greg Thessen - Crop Weather, Barley, Sugar Crops............(202) 720-2127

    Fruits, Vegetables & Special Crops Section
       Lance Honig, Head...........................................(202) 720-2127
       Leslie Colburn - Berries, Grapes, Maple Syrup, Tobacco......(202) 720-7235
       Debbie Flippin - Fresh and Processing Vegetables,
Onions, Strawberries.......................(202) 720-2157
       Rich Holcomb - Citrus, Tropical Fruits......................(202) 720-5412
       Doug Marousek - Floriculture, Nursery, Tree Nuts............(202) 720-4215
       Dan Norris - Austrian Winter Peas, Dry Edible Peas,
Lentils,Mint, Mushrooms, Peaches,
Pears, Wrinkled Seed Peas......................(202) 720-3250
       Faye Propsom- Apples, Apricots, Cherries, Cranberries,
                     Plums, Prunes.................................(202) 720-4288
       Kim Ritchie - Hops..........................................(360) 902-1940
       Cathy Scherrer - Dry Beans, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes........(202) 720-4285

For assistance with general agricultural statistics or further information about NASS or its products or services, contact the Agricultural Statistics Hotline at 800-727-9540, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET, or e-mail: nass@nass.usda.gov.

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To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

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For assistance with general agricultural statistics or further information about NASS or its products or services, contact the Agricultural Statistics Hotline at 800-727-9540, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET, or e-mail: nass@nass.usda.gov.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or a part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD).

To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work of the United States Department of Agriculture, part of the United States federal government (see 17 U.S.C. 105).

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