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Act No. 38 (Moro Province)

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Act No. 38 (1904)

Enacted, February 11, 1904. Approved by the Philippine Commission March 11, 1904.

4606490Act No. 381904

By authority of the Philippine Commission, be it enacted by the Legislative Council of the Moro Province, that:

Section 1.

All that portion of the Island of Jolo comprised within the limits below described, including all wharves and buildings adjacent to the shore line shall constitute the Municipality of Jolo:
Beginning at the point M, which is on the shore and 3,091.2 feet from, and bears north 38 degrees 30′ east from the nearest angle of the wall, thence south 65 degrees 30′ east a distance of 7,733 feet to the point N, thence south 29 degrees west a distance of 8,730 feet to the point O, thence north 42 degrees west a distance of 10,033 feet to the point P, upon the shore line, thence meandering along the shore line a distance of approximately 7,577 feet to the point of beginning, all bearings being true bearings, and all distances and bearings being scaled from a map on file in the office of the Secretary of the Moro Province.

Sec. 2.

All that portion of the Island of Siassi included within a circle of one mile radius, whose center is at the middle point of the shore or inner end of the timber portion of the public wharf, shall constitute the municipality of Siassi.

Sec. 3.

The entire Island of Cagayan de Sulu and its dependencies shall constitute the municipality of Cagayan de Sulu.

Sec. 4.

The municipalities of Jolo, Siassi and Cagayan de Sulu shall be recognized as municipal corporations. They may sue and be sued, contract and be contracted with, and acquire and hold real and personal property for the general interests of the municipality. All property and property rights vested in any of said municipalities under its former organization shall continue to be vested in the same municipality after its incorporation under this act. They shall be subject to and governed by the following provisions of the Municipal Code of the Moro Province: Section 17; section 18; subsections (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (j), (n), and (o) of section 19; subsections (a) and (d) of section 20; section 21; section 22; section 30; section 31; section 32; subsection (a) of section 33; section 35; section 36; subsection (b) of section 39; section 40; section 41; except subsection (b) thereof; section 42, except subsection (a) thereof; section 43; chapter V and section 73.

Sec. 5.

In each of the municipalities of Jolo, Siassi and Cagayan de Sulu there shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary, two councillors and a treasurer, all of whom shall be appointed by the Governor of the District of Sulu and hold office during his pleasure, except the treasurer as to whose appointment, removal, qualifications, salary and duties the provisions of subsection (l) of section 19 and subsection (a) of section 23 of the Municipal Code of the Moro Province shall apply. All other municipal officers and employees authorized by the municipal council shall be appointed and may be suspended, reinstated or removed by the president, subject in every instance to the approval of the District Governor. The president, vice-president, secretary and councillors and their lieutenants shall receive no compensation.

Sec. 6.

The municipal council shall divide the municipality into two districts, which taken collectively shall include the entire territory of the municipality and shall place each of such districts under the direction and administrative control of one of the councillors. For convenience in administration the districts may be subdivided into barrios.

Sec. 7.

The president, vice-president, secretary and councillors shall constitute the municipal council, and each member shall have a right to vote therein. The president, and in his absence the vice-president, shall be the presiding officer of the council.

Sec. 8.

In cases of the violation of municipal ordinances within the limits of the municipality the process of the president while sitting as a municipal court at the trial thereof shall run through all that part of the district of Sulu not included in other municipalities.

Sec. 9.

Every municipal officer and employee shall exercise the powers conferred upon him under the direct supervision and control of the District Governor.

Sec 10.

Subject to annulment or amendment by the Philippine Commission, this act shall take effect on its passage.

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