Admiral Phillip/Index
A |
Aborigines (see New South Wales, natives). |
Active, 225. |
Admiral Barrington, 225. |
Albemarle, 225. |
Alexander, 23, 248. |
Alt, Augustus Theodore Henry, |
Baron of Hesse Cassel, 124. |
Arabanoo, native, 67, 69, 182. |
Ariadne, 5. |
Arndell, Surgeon, colony under Phillip's successor described by, 222. |
Ascott, convict, 146. |
Australia, colonisation of (see New South Wales). |
B |
Ball, Lieutenant, Arabanoo captured by, 67; Batavia, voyage to, 147; Lord Howe Island discovered and named by, 118. |
Ballooderry, native, 81, no, 112. |
Banks, Sir Joseph, 9, 103, 245. |
Barangaroo, native, 184. |
Barrington, convict, 205. |
Barton, Mr G. B., xiii. |
Basilisk, 4. |
Batavia, voyage of Supply to, 147. |
Bathampton, Church of St Nicholas at, xii. |
Bellevue named by Phillip, 109. |
Bellona, 232. |
Bennilong, native, 69, 71, 74. |
Berwick (see Sirius). |
Bligh, Governor, 6, 99, 241. |
Blue Mountains named by Phillip, 117. |
Botany Bay (see under New South Wales). |
Brannegan, James, convict, 145. |
Breach, Elizabeth, 2. |
Broken Bay, explorations in, 106. |
Bryant, William, convict, escape of, 181. |
Butler, Rev. W., extract from letter of, concerning Phillip, 103. |
C |
Cæsar, convict, 185. |
Campbell, Captain, 95. |
Cape of Good Hope, the, arrival of Fleet at, 39; departure from, 40; Dutch soldier discovered as stowaway in ship of Fleet, 38; Sirius despatched to, for provisions, 135. |
Careening Cove named by Phillip, 118. |
Cascade Bay, 144. |
China, convicts' attempted escape to, 180. |
Clarke, Marcus, 164; his novel on convict life, 163. |
Coleby, or Colbee, native, 69, 110, 112. |
Collins, Lieutenant, inauguration ceremony at Port Jackson, part taken in, 52; Judge-Advocate, 33; resignation of office desired by, 95; lieutenant of marines, 33; watch of convicts placed under control of, 93; writings of, extracts from, 28, 41, 136, 143, 185, 239. |
Convicts, transportation of (see Fleet of Transports); Settlement of, in New South Wales (see New South Wales). |
D |
Daly, convict, 170. |
Daringa, native, 183, 184. |
Dawes, Lieutenant, character and scientific knowledge of, 98, 100, 111; observatory, building of, directed by, 56; Phillip, disagreements with, 98. |
Dove, Mary Ann, 255, 257. |
Dundas, Mr (Home Secretary), Phillip's last despatch to, extracts from, 199; extract from despatch concerning Phillip's return home, 237. |
E |
East Indies, Phillip's services in, 5. |
Emigrants to New South Wales, first batch of, 232. |
Europe, 5. |
Everet, Captain Michael, Phillip's service under, 2. |
F |
Famine (see under New South Wales). |
Farm Cove named by Phillip, 118. |
Fish, Rev. Lancelot J., xii. |
Fleet of transports (first). List of expedition, 29; Phillip appointed commander, 10; Government instructions regarding expedition, 10; preparations for voyage; Phillip's letter to Admiralty, 18; scanty victualling of marines for voyage, 25; departure from England, 30; delay beforehand at Portsmouth, 28; arrival at Teneriffe, 33; arrival at Rio de Janeiro, 36; voyage between Rio and Cape of Good Hope described, 38; arrival at Cape of Good Hope, 39; division into two squadrons for latter part of voyage, 41. Convicts, arrangements for provisions, 25; condition of, when sent on board, 27; character of, 32; mutiny of, on voyage, 33; attempted escape of convict at Santa Cruz, 35; false money coined for sailors by convict, 36. New South Wales, arrival at Botany Bay, 41; mooring in Sydney Cove, 48; meeting with La Pèrouse and French exploring ships at Botany Bay, 48. |
Fleet of transports (second), arrival at New South Wales, 154, 159; convicts, condition on arrival and sufferings during voyage, 44, 158, 160. |
Fleet of transports (third), arrival at New South Wales, 161. |
Fortune, 2. |
Frazer, convict, 171. |
Fry, Mrs, description of Newgate by, 167. |
G |
Garden Island, convict banished to, 186: encounter with natives on, 65; its present use, 66. |
George III., birthday of, celebrated in New South Wales, 203-212; extracts from address sent to, 213. |
Gilbert, Captain, duel with Lieutenant Macarthur, 216. |
Grenville, Lord (Home Secretary), first Government despatch to Phillip, 132; Phillip's letters to, extracts from, 96, 160, 186, 214, 236. |
Grose, Major, Governor of New South Wales, appointed as Phillip's successor, 207, 210; New South Wales corps raised by, 159, 215. |
Guardian, 133, 154. |
H |
Hawkesbury River discovered by Phillip, 117. |
Henriques, Mr G. J., 259. |
Herbert, Captain, 2. |
Hervey, Rear-Admiral, 259. |
Holt, Joseph, convict, 212. |
Howe, Lord, 14. |
Hunter, Captain, Major Ross's conduct towards, 95; Norfolk Island, voyage to, 144; Sirius, appointed second captain of, 19, 33; site for settlement, Phillip assisted by, in discovering, 47; voyage home of, 196; writings of, extracts from, 66, 74, 246. |
Hyæna, 29. |
J |
Jamieson, Mr, surgeon, 119. |
Johnson, Rev. Richard, chaplain of colony, difficulties as, 207; colony under Grose's administration described by, 221; Grose, friction with, 207, 210; return to England, 212. |
Johnston, Lieutenant George, 67. |
Justinian, 159. |
K |
Keeling, Herbert, Judge Advocate, 174, 175. |
King, Lieutenant, Batavia, Phillip's despatch on voyage to, 148, 149} Governor of New South Wales, appointed, 199; recommended by Phillip, 244; journals kept by, 19, 33; letters of, extracts from, 206, 245, 247, 249; Norfolk Island, commander of, appointed, 49, 106; difficulties encountered in, 118; progress in agriculture, 121; Phillip's letter to, after resignation as Governor, 245; voyage home of, and return to New South Wales, 198. |
L |
La Pérouse, meeting of fleet with, 48, 204. |
Lady Juliana, 133, 154. |
Lady Penrhyn, 27. |
Lake Narrabeen, 108. |
Lancefield, Mr Thomas, 255. |
Lancefield, Rev. Arthur Phillip, 256. |
Land Laws of New South Wales, their present condition, 228; Phillip's land regulations, 229. |
Liberty Plains, 232. |
Lord Howe Island, 118. |
M |
Macarthur, Lieutenant, 216. |
Macarthur, Mrs, extracts from letters of, 69, 72, 196, 216. |
Macdonell, Sir Hugh, 260. |
MacEntire, convict, murdered by native, 76. |
Macquarie, Governor, 241. |
Manly Cove, 63, 71. |
Margarot, favourable comments on Phillip's administration by, 248. |
Marines, Collins lieutenant in command of, 33; quarrel between Ross and his officers, 86; relief of, 97; Ross, Major, commandant of, 32; scanty supply of ammunition for equipment of, 34; services of, in Australia, 83. |
Marriage amongst convicts advocated by Phillip, 54. |
Mason, botanist, 40. |
Matra, J. Maria, 9. |
Maxwell, Mr, madness of, 143. |
Meredith, Captain, 97. |
Mitchell, Mr, D. S., 13. |
N |
Nanberry, native boy, 69, 171. |
Natives (see under New South Wales). |
Nelson, Mr, 216. |
Nepean, Captain, 70. |
Nepean (Under-Secretary for Home Department), Phillip's letters to, extracts from, 29, 38, 58, 95, 224, 238; Ross's letters to, extracts from, 84, 89. |
Nepean River, 110, 117. |
Neutral Bay named by Phillip, 118. |
New South Wales. Causes leading to colonisation of, 8; Government scheme for penal settlement, 10; Phillip appointed Governor, 15; instructions to, 16; salary of, 25; Fleet moored in Sydney Cove, 48. Botany Bay, arrival of Fleet at, 41; unsuitable for settlement, 46; meeting of Fleet with La Pérouse at, 48. Convicts, scurvy outbreak amongst on arrival, 49; trial of, at Port Jackson, for misconduct, 50; Phillip's address to, at inauguration ceremony. Port Jackson, 53; number of, shortly after arrival, 57; officers' refusal to interfere with, 85; misconduct of, 55; quarrels with natives, 65, 81, 181; plot of, to capture Norfolk Island, 119; rations of, reduced, 137; courageous conduct of two convicts, 145; rogueries of, 170, 172; attempted escapes of, 180; punishment of, for robbery, 183; watch established to prevent, 92; land allotted to, 190; marriage amongst, advocated by Phillip, 54; problem of time-expired convicts, 175; Phillip's power to emancipate, 176; Phillip's views on punishment of, 1845 methods of, 34, 166; outline of assignment system, 230; Ascott, intrepid conduct of, 146; Mr Harrington, 205; James Brannegan, 145; William Bryant's escape to Timor Island, 181; Cæsar, Phillip's humane treatment of, 185; Daly, roguery of, 170; Frazer, ingenuity of, 171; Joseph Holt, 212; MacEntire murdered by native, 76; James Ruse, farm held by, 169; conditions attached, 192. Criminal Court, meeting of, to try convicts, 50; officers' reluctance to sit as, and correspondence with Home Government on, 87; climate described by Phillip, 59, 122; exploring expeditions, 106; report of colony (1790) by Phillip, 122. Famine, approach of, 136; distress during prevalence of, 142, 146; reduction of rations, 136, 139, 149; Military Corps of New South Wales, arrival of, by second and third fleets, 159, 194; Major Grose raising Corps, 214; police system in colony, Phillip's code of regulations, 173; progress of settlement after four years described, 187; allotments to convicts at Prospect Hill, 190; condition of Sydney (1791) described by Tench, 193; population (1791), 194; celebration of George III.'s birthday, 203, 212; society in settlement, 203, 215; religion in colony, 206; visit to colony described by Mrs Parker, 218; evil effects of rum traffic, 221, 224; Phillip's disposal of Crown lands, 228; contraband trade, 225; first batch of emigrants, 232; inception of whaling industry, 232; failing health of Phillip, 236; departure of Phillip from colony, 239; later landmarks in Australian history, 241; Phillip's death recorded by Sydney Gazette, 250; Bellevue named by Phillip, 109; Blue Mountains named by Phillip, 117; Broken Bay, explorations in, 106; Careening Cove and Farm Cove named by Phillip, 118; Hawkesbury River discovered by Phillip, 117; Lake Narrabeen described by Phillip, 108; Liberty Plains allotted to emigrants, 232; Manly Cove, 63, 71; Neutral Bay and Sirius Cove named by Phillip, 118; Parramatta, 117, 124; Pitt Water named by Phillip, 107; Richmond Hill, 116; Tench's Prospect Mount, 116. Natives, appearance, manners and customs of, described by Phillip, 62; character of, 61, 64, 115, 184; attitude towards settlers, 62; estimated number of, in region of Botany Bay, 65, 81; quarrels with convicts, 65, 81, 182; smallpox, outbreak amongst, 68; difficulties of effecting intimacy with, 69; Phillip wounded by native, 72; convict murdered by native, 76; members of exploring expedition, 112, 114; aversion shown by, to spectacle of punishment by flogging, 184; policy of Phillip towards, 76; treatment of, enjoined by 'Instructions,' 60; Arabanoo, 67, 69, 182; Ballooderry, 81, 110, 112; Barangaroo, 184; Bennilong, 69, 71, 74; Coleby, or Colbee, 69, 110, 112; Daringa, wife of Coleby, 183, 184; Nanberry, 69, 71, Port Jackson selected as site of settlement, 47; scanty previous knowledge of, from Cooke's Voyages, 51; official proclamation of colony at, 52. Provisions, appeal to England for, 55; despatch announcing fresh supply of, 133; scarcity of, 127, 199; Sirius despatched to Cape of Good Hope for, 135; Supply despatched to Batavia for, 147. Rose Hill, Phillip's house at, 111; farms established at, 117; Phillip's report of, 122; town laid out and named Parramatta, 124; condition of (1791), described by Tench, 187. |
Norfolk Island, convicts' plot to capture, 1195 hurricane in, 120; martial law proclaimed by Major Ross, 150; Phillip's care of, 239; population of (1791), 194; Ross's account of affairs in, 194; sea-birds, chief subsistence of settlers during famine, 197; second expedition to, 139; wreck of Sirius, 142; settlement of, entrusted to Lieutenant King, 49, 106; progress of, 121. |
P |
Palmerston, Lord, his opinion of qualifications of naval officers, 227. |
Parker, Mrs, visit to colony in Gorgon described by, 218. |
Parramatta, 117, 124. |
Penal laws in England, rigour of, 165. |
Penal settlement in New South Wales (see New South Wales). |
Phillip, Admiral, birth and parentage, 1; character of, 6, 21, 23, 24, 42,46, 72, 99, 136, 148, 185, 251; death at Bath, 249; record of, by Sydney Gazette, 250; family and pedigree {see Appendix I., 255-258); letters and writings of, extracts from, 18, 21, 25» 36, 55, 58, 62, 95, 229, 234, 235, 242, 243, 244, 245; marriage of, 3, 255; naval career in early life, 25 promotion, 248; New South Wales, life in (see various entries under New South Wales); office resigned by, 242; pension granted by Government, 243; personal appearance, 6; Portuguese Navy, service in, 3; documents relating to (see Appendix II, 259-327). |
Pitt Water named by Phillip, 107. |
Pococke, Sir George, 2. |
Port Jackson (see under New South Wales). |
Portsmouth Harbour, 28. |
Portugal, generous reception of Fleet by Viceroy, at Rio, 37; war with Spain, Phillip's services as post-captain accepted, 3; documents relating to Phillip's service in Portuguese Navy (see Appendix II., 259-327). |
Portuguese soldier discovered as stowaway in ship of Fleet, 37. |
Prison system in England, horrors of, 166. |
Prospect Hill, 190. |
Provisions (see under New South Wales). |
Punishment of convicts, 34, 166, 184. |
Q |
Queen, 225. |
R |
Rebello, General J. I. de Brito, 259, 260. |
Richards, Mr, contractor of provisions for Fleet, 41. |
Richmond Hill, 116. |
Rio de Janeiro, arrival of Fleet at, 36; Portuguese soldier discovered as stowaway in ship of Fleet, 37. |
Riou, Captain, 155, 156. |
Rose Hill (see under New South Wales). |
Ross, Major, ammunition, supply of, for marines neglected by, 34; character of, 98; colony's prospects, opinion on, 90; death of, 98; discontent and antagonism of, 32, 82, 91; letters of, extracts from, 84, 90, 95, 194; Meredith, Captain, put under arrest by, 97; Norfolk Island, appointed commander of, 139, 150; officers, quarrel with, 84; 'Watch' dispute, 93. |
Royal George, 28. |
Rum, purchase of, at Rio, for use of garrison, 39; traffic of, 221, 224. |
Ruse, James, convict, 169, 192. |
S |
Savages (see New South Wales, natives). |
Second Fleet, arrival and list of, 159. |
Scarborough, 33. |
'Scotch Martyrs,' 248. |
Scurvy outbreak on arrival at Port Jackson, 49. |
Shapcote, Lieutenant, 156. |
Sirius (Berwick); Cape of Good Hope, despatch to, for provisions, 135; China, intended voyage to, 139; convoy to convict transports, appointed, 11, 15; equipment and tonnage of, 19; Hunter, captain of, 33; Norfolk Island, departure for, 139; wreck on, 142, 144. |
Sirius Cove named by Phillip, 118. |
Slavery, Phillip's views on, 22. |
Smallpox, outbreak amongst natives, 68. |
Southwell, Mr, extracts from letters of, 42, 73, 100, 135, 139, 151. |
Soveral, M. de, 260. |
Stirling Castle, 2. |
Supply, Batavia, voyage for provisions to, 147; return, 195; equipment, tonnage and sailing qualities of, 20; Norfolk Island, departure for, 139; return, 140. |
Sutton, John, 232. |
Sydney (see under New South Wales). |
Sydney, Lord (Home Secretary); New South Wales expedition, arrangements for, entrusted to, 10; letter of instructions to Phillip, 12; office resigned by, 132. |
T |
Tasmania (Van Diemen's Land), |
Tench, Captain, marines, officer of, 33; writings of, extracts from, 110, 129, 137, 141, 152, 171, 187, 203. |
Tench's Prospect Mount, 116. |
Teneriffe, arrival of Fleet at Santa Cruz, 33; attempted escape of convict at, 35. |
Third Fleet, arrival of, number of prisoners, 161. |
Timor Island, convicts' escape to, 181. |
Transports with First Fleet, list of, 29. |
Transportation of convicts; horrors of system, exaggerated, 163; accommodation of convict transports, 32. |
V |
Van Diemen's Land (see Tasmania). |
Victory, 28. |
W |
Waterhouse, Lieutenant, 71. |
Whaling industry in New South Wales, inception of, 232. |
White, surgeon, 33, 69, 128. |
Wilberforce, William, 210. |
Y |
Young, Admiral Sir George, 10. |