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Admiral Phillip/Index

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Aborigines (see New South Wales, natives).
Active, 225.
Admiral Barrington, 225.
Albemarle, 225.
Alexander, 23, 248.
Alt, Augustus Theodore Henry,
Baron of Hesse Cassel, 124.
Arabanoo, native, 67, 69, 182.
Ariadne, 5.
Arndell, Surgeon, colony under Phillip's successor described by, 222.
Ascott, convict, 146.
Australia, colonisation of (see New South Wales).
Ball, Lieutenant, Arabanoo captured by, 67; Batavia, voyage to, 147; Lord Howe Island discovered and named by, 118.
Ballooderry, native, 81, no, 112.
Banks, Sir Joseph, 9, 103, 245.
Barangaroo, native, 184.
Barrington, convict, 205.
Barton, Mr G. B., xiii.
Basilisk, 4.
Batavia, voyage of Supply to, 147.
Bathampton, Church of St Nicholas at, xii.
Bellevue named by Phillip, 109.
Bellona, 232.
Bennilong, native, 69, 71, 74.
Berwick (see Sirius).
Bligh, Governor, 6, 99, 241.
Blue Mountains named by Phillip, 117.
Botany Bay (see under New South Wales).
Brannegan, James, convict, 145.
Breach, Elizabeth, 2.
Broken Bay, explorations in, 106.
Bryant, William, convict, escape of, 181.
Butler, Rev. W., extract from letter of, concerning Phillip, 103.
Cæsar, convict, 185.
Campbell, Captain, 95.
Cape of Good Hope, the, arrival of Fleet at, 39; departure from, 40; Dutch soldier discovered as stowaway in ship of Fleet, 38; Sirius despatched to, for provisions, 135.
Careening Cove named by Phillip, 118.
Cascade Bay, 144.
China, convicts' attempted escape to, 180.
Clarke, Marcus, 164; his novel on convict life, 163.
Coleby, or Colbee, native, 69, 110, 112.
Collins, Lieutenant, inauguration ceremony at Port Jackson, part taken in, 52; Judge-Advocate, 33; resignation of office desired by, 95; lieutenant of marines, 33; watch of convicts placed under control of, 93; writings of, extracts from, 28, 41, 136, 143, 185, 239.
Convicts, transportation of (see Fleet of Transports); Settlement of, in New South Wales (see New South Wales).
Daly, convict, 170.
Daringa, native, 183, 184.
Dawes, Lieutenant, character and scientific knowledge of, 98, 100, 111; observatory, building of, directed by, 56; Phillip, disagreements with, 98.
Dove, Mary Ann, 255, 257.
Dundas, Mr (Home Secretary), Phillip's last despatch to, extracts from, 199; extract from despatch concerning Phillip's return home, 237.
East Indies, Phillip's services in, 5.
Emigrants to New South Wales, first batch of, 232.
Europe, 5.
Everet, Captain Michael, Phillip's service under, 2.
Famine (see under New South Wales).
Farm Cove named by Phillip, 118.
Fish, Rev. Lancelot J., xii.
Fleet of transports (first). List of expedition, 29; Phillip appointed commander, 10; Government instructions regarding expedition, 10; preparations for voyage; Phillip's letter to Admiralty, 18; scanty victualling of marines for voyage, 25; departure from England, 30; delay beforehand at Portsmouth, 28; arrival at Teneriffe, 33; arrival at Rio de Janeiro, 36; voyage between Rio and Cape of Good Hope described, 38; arrival at Cape of Good Hope, 39; division into two squadrons for latter part of voyage, 41. Convicts, arrangements for provisions, 25; condition of, when sent on board, 27; character of, 32; mutiny of, on voyage, 33; attempted escape of convict at Santa Cruz, 35; false money coined for sailors by convict, 36. New South Wales, arrival at Botany Bay, 41; mooring in Sydney Cove, 48; meeting with La Pèrouse and French exploring ships at Botany Bay, 48.
Fleet of transports (second), arrival at New South Wales, 154, 159; convicts, condition on arrival and sufferings during voyage, 44, 158, 160.
Fleet of transports (third), arrival at New South Wales, 161.
Fortune, 2.
Frazer, convict, 171.
Fry, Mrs, description of Newgate by, 167.
Garden Island, convict banished to, 186: encounter with natives on, 65; its present use, 66.
George III., birthday of, celebrated in New South Wales, 203-212; extracts from address sent to, 213.
Gilbert, Captain, duel with Lieutenant Macarthur, 216.
Grenville, Lord (Home Secretary), first Government despatch to Phillip, 132; Phillip's letters to, extracts from, 96, 160, 186, 214, 236.
Grose, Major, Governor of New South Wales, appointed as Phillip's successor, 207, 210; New South Wales corps raised by, 159, 215.
Guardian, 133, 154.
Hawkesbury River discovered by Phillip, 117.
Henriques, Mr G. J., 259.
Herbert, Captain, 2.
Hervey, Rear-Admiral, 259.
Holt, Joseph, convict, 212.
Howe, Lord, 14.
Hunter, Captain, Major Ross's conduct towards, 95; Norfolk Island, voyage to, 144; Sirius, appointed second captain of, 19, 33; site for settlement, Phillip assisted by, in discovering, 47; voyage home of, 196; writings of, extracts from, 66, 74, 246.
Hyæna, 29.
Jamieson, Mr, surgeon, 119.
Johnson, Rev. Richard, chaplain of colony, difficulties as, 207; colony under Grose's administration described by, 221; Grose, friction with, 207, 210; return to England, 212.
Johnston, Lieutenant George, 67.
Justinian, 159.
Keeling, Herbert, Judge Advocate, 174, 175.
King, Lieutenant, Batavia, Phillip's despatch on voyage to, 148, 149} Governor of New South Wales, appointed, 199; recommended by Phillip, 244; journals kept by, 19, 33; letters of, extracts from, 206, 245, 247, 249; Norfolk Island, commander of, appointed, 49, 106; difficulties encountered in, 118; progress in agriculture, 121; Phillip's letter to, after resignation as Governor, 245; voyage home of, and return to New South Wales, 198.
La Pérouse, meeting of fleet with, 48, 204.
Lady Juliana, 133, 154.
Lady Penrhyn, 27.
Lake Narrabeen, 108.
Lancefield, Mr Thomas, 255.
Lancefield, Rev. Arthur Phillip, 256.
Land Laws of New South Wales, their present condition, 228; Phillip's land regulations, 229.
Liberty Plains, 232.
Lord Howe Island, 118.
Macarthur, Lieutenant, 216.
Macarthur, Mrs, extracts from letters of, 69, 72, 196, 216.
Macdonell, Sir Hugh, 260.
MacEntire, convict, murdered by native, 76.
Macquarie, Governor, 241.
Manly Cove, 63, 71.
Margarot, favourable comments on Phillip's administration by, 248.
Marines, Collins lieutenant in command of, 33; quarrel between Ross and his officers, 86; relief of, 97; Ross, Major, commandant of, 32; scanty supply of ammunition for equipment of, 34; services of, in Australia, 83.
Marriage amongst convicts advocated by Phillip, 54.
Mason, botanist, 40.
Matra, J. Maria, 9.
Maxwell, Mr, madness of, 143.
Meredith, Captain, 97.
Mitchell, Mr, D. S., 13.
Nanberry, native boy, 69, 171.
Natives (see under New South Wales).
Nelson, Mr, 216.
Nepean, Captain, 70.
Nepean (Under-Secretary for Home Department), Phillip's letters to, extracts from, 29, 38, 58, 95, 224, 238; Ross's letters to, extracts from, 84, 89.
Nepean River, 110, 117.
Neutral Bay named by Phillip, 118.
New South Wales. Causes leading to colonisation of, 8; Government scheme for penal settlement, 10; Phillip appointed Governor, 15; instructions to, 16; salary of, 25; Fleet moored in Sydney Cove, 48. Botany Bay, arrival of Fleet at, 41; unsuitable for settlement, 46; meeting of Fleet with La Pérouse at, 48. Convicts, scurvy outbreak amongst on arrival, 49; trial of, at Port Jackson, for misconduct, 50; Phillip's address to, at inauguration ceremony. Port Jackson, 53; number of, shortly after arrival, 57; officers' refusal to interfere with, 85; misconduct of, 55; quarrels with natives, 65, 81, 181; plot of, to capture Norfolk Island, 119; rations of, reduced, 137; courageous conduct of two convicts, 145; rogueries of, 170, 172; attempted escapes of, 180; punishment of, for robbery, 183; watch established to prevent, 92; land allotted to, 190; marriage amongst, advocated by Phillip, 54; problem of time-expired convicts, 175; Phillip's power to emancipate, 176; Phillip's views on punishment of, 1845 methods of, 34, 166; outline of assignment system, 230; Ascott, intrepid conduct of, 146; Mr Harrington, 205; James Brannegan, 145; William Bryant's escape to Timor Island, 181; Cæsar, Phillip's humane treatment of, 185; Daly, roguery of, 170; Frazer, ingenuity of, 171; Joseph Holt, 212; MacEntire murdered by native, 76; James Ruse, farm held by, 169; conditions attached, 192. Criminal Court, meeting of, to try convicts, 50; officers' reluctance to sit as, and correspondence with Home Government on, 87; climate described by Phillip, 59, 122; exploring expeditions, 106; report of colony (1790) by Phillip, 122. Famine, approach of, 136; distress during prevalence of, 142, 146; reduction of rations, 136, 139, 149; Military Corps of New South Wales, arrival of, by second and third fleets, 159, 194; Major Grose raising Corps, 214; police system in colony, Phillip's code of regulations, 173; progress of settlement after four years described, 187; allotments to convicts at Prospect Hill, 190; condition of Sydney (1791) described by Tench, 193; population (1791), 194; celebration of George III.'s birthday, 203, 212; society in settlement, 203, 215; religion in colony, 206; visit to colony described by Mrs Parker, 218; evil effects of rum traffic, 221, 224; Phillip's disposal of Crown lands, 228; contraband trade, 225; first batch of emigrants, 232; inception of whaling industry, 232; failing health of Phillip, 236; departure of Phillip from colony, 239; later landmarks in Australian history, 241; Phillip's death recorded by Sydney Gazette, 250; Bellevue named by Phillip, 109; Blue Mountains named by Phillip, 117; Broken Bay, explorations in, 106; Careening Cove and Farm Cove named by Phillip, 118; Hawkesbury River discovered by Phillip, 117; Lake Narrabeen described by Phillip, 108; Liberty Plains allotted to emigrants, 232; Manly Cove, 63, 71; Neutral Bay and Sirius Cove named by Phillip, 118; Parramatta, 117, 124; Pitt Water named by Phillip, 107; Richmond Hill, 116; Tench's Prospect Mount, 116. Natives, appearance, manners and customs of, described by Phillip, 62; character of, 61, 64, 115, 184; attitude towards settlers, 62; estimated number of, in region of Botany Bay, 65, 81; quarrels with convicts, 65, 81, 182; smallpox, outbreak amongst, 68; difficulties of effecting intimacy with, 69; Phillip wounded by native, 72; convict murdered by native, 76; members of exploring expedition, 112, 114; aversion shown by, to spectacle of punishment by flogging, 184; policy of Phillip towards, 76; treatment of, enjoined by 'Instructions,' 60; Arabanoo, 67, 69, 182; Ballooderry, 81, 110, 112; Barangaroo, 184; Bennilong, 69, 71, 74; Coleby, or Colbee, 69, 110, 112; Daringa, wife of Coleby, 183, 184; Nanberry, 69, 71, Port Jackson selected as site of settlement, 47; scanty previous knowledge of, from Cooke's Voyages, 51; official proclamation of colony at, 52. Provisions, appeal to England for, 55; despatch announcing fresh supply of, 133; scarcity of, 127, 199; Sirius despatched to Cape of Good Hope for, 135; Supply despatched to Batavia for, 147. Rose Hill, Phillip's house at, 111; farms established at, 117; Phillip's report of, 122; town laid out and named Parramatta, 124; condition of (1791), described by Tench, 187.
Norfolk Island, convicts' plot to capture, 1195 hurricane in, 120; martial law proclaimed by Major Ross, 150; Phillip's care of, 239; population of (1791), 194; Ross's account of affairs in, 194; sea-birds, chief subsistence of settlers during famine, 197; second expedition to, 139; wreck of Sirius, 142; settlement of, entrusted to Lieutenant King, 49, 106; progress of, 121.

Palmerston, Lord, his opinion of qualifications of naval officers, 227.
Parker, Mrs, visit to colony in Gorgon described by, 218.
Parramatta, 117, 124.
Penal laws in England, rigour of, 165.
Penal settlement in New South Wales (see New South Wales).
Phillip, Admiral, birth and parentage, 1; character of, 6, 21, 23, 24, 42,46, 72, 99, 136, 148, 185, 251; death at Bath, 249; record of, by Sydney Gazette, 250; family and pedigree {see Appendix I., 255-258); letters and writings of, extracts from, 18, 21, 25» 36, 55, 58, 62, 95, 229, 234, 235, 242, 243, 244, 245; marriage of, 3, 255; naval career in early life, 25 promotion, 248; New South Wales, life in (see various entries under New South Wales); office resigned by, 242; pension granted by Government, 243; personal appearance, 6; Portuguese Navy, service in, 3; documents relating to (see Appendix II, 259-327).
Pitt Water named by Phillip, 107.
Pococke, Sir George, 2.
Port Jackson (see under New South Wales).
Portsmouth Harbour, 28.
Portugal, generous reception of Fleet by Viceroy, at Rio, 37; war with Spain, Phillip's services as post-captain accepted, 3; documents relating to Phillip's service in Portuguese Navy (see Appendix II., 259-327).
Portuguese soldier discovered as stowaway in ship of Fleet, 37.
Prison system in England, horrors of, 166.
Prospect Hill, 190.
Provisions (see under New South Wales).
Punishment of convicts, 34, 166, 184.

Queen, 225.

Rebello, General J. I. de Brito, 259, 260.
Richards, Mr, contractor of provisions for Fleet, 41.
Richmond Hill, 116.
Rio de Janeiro, arrival of Fleet at, 36; Portuguese soldier discovered as stowaway in ship of Fleet, 37.
Riou, Captain, 155, 156.
Rose Hill (see under New South Wales).
Ross, Major, ammunition, supply of, for marines neglected by, 34; character of, 98; colony's prospects, opinion on, 90; death of, 98; discontent and antagonism of, 32, 82, 91; letters of, extracts from, 84, 90, 95, 194; Meredith, Captain, put under arrest by, 97; Norfolk Island, appointed commander of, 139, 150; officers, quarrel with, 84; 'Watch' dispute, 93.
Royal George, 28.
Rum, purchase of, at Rio, for use of garrison, 39; traffic of, 221, 224.
Ruse, James, convict, 169, 192.
Savages (see New South Wales, natives).
Second Fleet, arrival and list of, 159.
Scarborough, 33.
'Scotch Martyrs,' 248.
Scurvy outbreak on arrival at Port Jackson, 49.
Shapcote, Lieutenant, 156.
Sirius (Berwick); Cape of Good Hope, despatch to, for provisions, 135; China, intended voyage to, 139; convoy to convict transports, appointed, 11, 15; equipment and tonnage of, 19; Hunter, captain of, 33; Norfolk Island, departure for, 139; wreck on, 142, 144.
Sirius Cove named by Phillip, 118.
Slavery, Phillip's views on, 22.
Smallpox, outbreak amongst natives, 68.
Southwell, Mr, extracts from letters of, 42, 73, 100, 135, 139, 151.
Soveral, M. de, 260.
Stirling Castle, 2.
Supply, Batavia, voyage for provisions to, 147; return, 195; equipment, tonnage and sailing qualities of, 20; Norfolk Island, departure for, 139; return, 140.
Sutton, John, 232.
Sydney (see under New South Wales).
Sydney, Lord (Home Secretary); New South Wales expedition, arrangements for, entrusted to, 10; letter of instructions to Phillip, 12; office resigned by, 132.
Tasmania (Van Diemen's Land),
Tench, Captain, marines, officer of, 33; writings of, extracts from, 110, 129, 137, 141, 152, 171, 187, 203.
Tench's Prospect Mount, 116.
Teneriffe, arrival of Fleet at Santa Cruz, 33; attempted escape of convict at, 35.
Third Fleet, arrival of, number of prisoners, 161.
Timor Island, convicts' escape to, 181.
Transports with First Fleet, list of, 29.
Transportation of convicts; horrors of system, exaggerated, 163; accommodation of convict transports, 32.
Van Diemen's Land (see Tasmania).
Victory, 28.
Waterhouse, Lieutenant, 71.
Whaling industry in New South Wales, inception of, 232.
White, surgeon, 33, 69, 128.
Wilberforce, William, 210.
Young, Admiral Sir George, 10.