Adolf Hitler's Own Book Mein Kampf (My Battle)/Chapter 11
Chapter XI
State and Race
There are many truths lying about so utterly commonplace, like the famous egg of Columbus, that no one sees them: one of the most important of these, passed blindly by today, is the inner aloofness of all the diverse species of the earth’s living inhabitants.
Superficial observation shows that like attracts only like: the titmouse seeks the titmouse, the finch mates with the finch, the wolf unites with the wolf, etc.
- (Hitler is now working into his racial theory, and in this chapter he attempts to explain why Jews should be persecuted.
- (His entire theory of race, however, was recently summed up in these words by the Nazi “New Basis of Racial Research”:
- (“If non-Nordics are more closely allied to monkeys and apes than they are to Nordics, why is it possible for them to mate with Nordics—but not with apes? The answer is this: It has never been proven that non-Nordics cannot mate with apes.”)
Only the most unusual circumstances can break this law of nature, for instance the compulsion of captivity, but even then nature staunchly resists, sterilizing the bastard offspring.
Cross-breeding between two creatures of unequal standards always results in offspring whose level is the half-way mark; the bastard is inferior to the superior parent, but superior to the inferior parent.
That is because this sort of mating breaks nature’s law, and nature’s will to breed for ever higher standards. Nature’s method is not to hitch inferior to superior; it is instead to compel the absolute victory of the latter.
The strong must rule.
Only the weak can hold this to be cruel.
The law of race purity is instinctive. A fox is always a fox, a goose a goose, a tiger a tiger, and never will be found a fox with humane ideas concerning geese, just as no cat is friendly with mice.
Everything Not Prohibited is Compulsory
“Nazi employees and employers are at one and the same time subject to and protectors of the entire national community.
Great personal liberty must therefore be accorded them in their activity because experience proves that the efficiency of the individual is increased by liberty, hampered by force.”
Mein Kampf—Chapter XIV
(Roy Howard, famous American journalist and publisher, in recent despatches from both Germany and Italy declared that what they call “absorption of unemployment” in the dictatorship countries we call WPA or PWA. Nazi Germany has large civilian armies mobilized for forced labor. Strikes are outlawed.
Howard found industrialists bitterly regretting that they ever helped Hitler and Mussolini along the way to power. Employers have been subjected to strict government control, lockouts have been abolished, and the economy is now being nationalized, factory by factory, and industry by industry—not in the interests of the people, but for war purposes.Nature is pleased by all this, for the weak die out.
Nature dislikes a mating between a weak and a strong individual, but she abhors a mating between a lower race and a higher one—for in this way thousands of years of work would be smashed at one blow.
History gives enormous evidence that this is true. With horrifying plainness it is shown that every mixture of Aryan blood with inferior races has destroyed the carrier of civilization.
- (Science knows no “Aryan blood” or Aryan race.” There is no such thing. The word “Aryan” refers to people speaking languages evolved from Sanscrit, or else it refers to the languages themselves.
- (Anthropologists, in their researches, have found so much intermingling of bloods through centuries of invasions and migrations that few of them are willing to concede any pure racial distinctions between peoples.)
North America, with a population composed overwhelmingly of Germanic elements—which mingle very little with inferior, colored races—shows a higher humanity and culture than does Central and South America, where the Latin settlers had mixed with the aborigines.
The German settler of the North American continent keeping himself pure, has mastered the land; he will hold his position as long as he avoids blood defilement.
To provoke the results of cross-breeding—the decline of the superior race, and a wasting physical and moral disease—is to sin against the will of the Eternal Creator.
When man acts in the face of this, he defies the principle of nature to which his very existence is due, and so obviously he thereby seals his doom.
Naturally, now it is time for the impudent Jewish answer of the Pacifist:
“But man conquers nature!”
Millions unthinkingly fall victim to this Hebrew nonsense. Yet, actually, no man has ever conquered nature.
To Create Peace:
Wage War
Ideas have been created only out of the mind of man and therefore cannot conquer the rules for the existence of man, since the idea through its dependence upon man depends in turn upon those rules. Ideas are absolutely linked to those men who have created them, and thus their preservation depends upon the continued existence of those men.
To give an example, a man desiring world pacifism could only hope for its achievement through the conquest of the world by the German; for if he should try the opposite way, the idea and the possibility of World Pacificism would die with the destruction of the last German, for no other race has taken this pacifist nonsense so seriously in all its denial of nature and reason.
Thus to arrive at pacificism one would have to make war. It is precisely this which the American “savior of the world”, Wilson, desired—at least so thought our German “visionaries”, and with this the purpose was fulfilled.
The pacifist-humane idea may be perfectly fine when the highest man has conquered the world, and is its absolute ruler; for an idea can do no harm when its practical application is impossible.
The only alternative to a pacifist world not dominated by the highest breed of man would be anarchy lacking any ethical idea—in other words, first barbarism, then chaos.
Science and art, invention and industry, every single thing created by man that we admire—all these are the product of only a few peoples, and perhaps originally of one race.
The great civilizations of history died out when, and because, the originally-created race destroyed itself with blood poisoning. Each time this occurred because it was forgotten that culture depends upon man, and dies with the man who has created it.
He who would live must fight—and he who will not battle in the eternal struggle has no right to live on this earth.
He who ignores the laws of race relinquishes his destined happiness. He halts the glorious progress of the best (sic!—Hitler makes no qualification here, so every race is “best”, but some people are too stupid to realize it!) race and thus abandons the prime basis of all human progress.
It is futile to haggle over the question of which race or races originated human civilization, but from evidence before us it is a simple matter to see that culture today is almost exclusively Aryan-produced. This easily-perceived fact allows the deduction that he was the creator of civilization as a whole, and is thus the prototype of what we now mean by the word “man”.
He is the Prometheus, the great genius with the spark of heaven, of mankind.
Eliminate him, and darkness will again fall upon the earth, and perhaps in a few thousand years civilization will disappear and the world will be a desert.
The Japanese, for example, do not add anything but style to European creations—Japanese culture is really European and American, that is, Aryan. If suddenly all Aryan influence upon Japan were stopped, Japan’s present advance in science and technology would within a few years begin to die away.
Auxiliary forces are the necessary complement of technical genius, and thus without the possibility of using inferior peoples the Aryan could never have made the first advance toward his present culture; precisely in the same way he has benefited from the opportunity of taming animals and putting them to work in his service.
- (In 1937 Hitler allied himself with the Japanese, forming the Berlin-Rome-Tokio Anti-Komintern Pact. Hitler thus considers the Japanese an inferior race, to be impressed into the service of the Nazi Aryans until they are no longer useful, then to be abandoned, and allowed to decay and die—unless, of course, they are to be preserved as slaves.)
Everything in this world that is not of good race is rubbish.
All the great events of history are simply the expression, good or evil, of racial instinct for self-preservation.
The most primitive human beings think only of themselves; they are purely egotistical, exactly like animals. All community urge is lacking, only families holding together.
When the family begins to develop, however, when individuals fight to feed or protect mates or offspring, the first basis for the formation of a community and eventually of a state exists.
In a word, the first requisite for union of individuals is sacrifice. This instinct is most highly developed in the Aryan.
The Aryan is greatest, not in his intellectual capacities as such, but in the extent to which he is ready to lend all his capacities to the service of the community.
Intellectual talents are not the keynote of the Aryan’s creative abilities.
Armed only with these he would only be a destroyer, for the requisite of creation is the individual’s willingness to suppress personal opinion and interests, giving up both for the sake of the majority. It is because of this idealistic sense as opposed to the alternative egoistic sense, that the Aryan today occupies his present high position in the world.
Only idealism opens the eyes of man to the right of force and power.
Purist idealism is really the most profound knowledge.
The proof of this can be seen in the small child—the still pure, healthy child.
The Public and the Press
“People who read can be put into three groups:
First, those who believe everything they read.
Second, those who have reached the point where they no longer believe anything they read.
Third, those who critically examine what they read, and pass judgment accordingly.
Of course, the first group is by far the greatest. The masses form it—they actually believe everything offered to them! The press has limitless control over these people, which is of advantage if their enlightenment is in the hands of truth-lovers, but it is ruinous when in the hands of crooks and liars.
Thus the state must watch the press with ceaseless vigilance, and must never be fooled by idle talk about ‘freedom of the press’—instead the state ruthlessly must use the press for the service of the state and nation.”
Mein Kampf—Chapter X
The same child who is angered by the ridiculous pacifist is eager to sacrifice his young life for the ideal of his nationality.
Extreme Racist? …
Thus it can be seen how the instinct of racial self-preservation, a fundamental law of nature, is opposed to the cowardly and egotistical pacifist; for the real man is ready to give up individual interest for the sake of his race.
The Jew is the extreme opposite of the Aryan.
The instinct of racial self-preservation is strong among the Hebrew people—that is proved by the way they have resisted racial change in the last two thousand years.
Extremely Selfish?
Yet among the Jews idealism, the first requisite of culture, is utterly lacking. The Jew does not possess the will to sacrifice beyond the interests of the individual.
Jews unite only when forced to by a common danger, or when pursuing some common prey; at all other times egotism rules and they become rats waging a battle of gore among themselves.
If the Jews were alone in this world, they would commit mass suicide battling each other in their own filth. Of course, their lack of all knowledge of what self-sacrifice means, would be expressed in cowardice, which would make this internecine warfare rank comedy.
- (Note that just three paragraphs ago Hitler declares that the Jews have the “instinct of racial self preservation” to a great degree. But then he immediately contradicts himself, here denouncing the Jews because they “unite only when forced to by a common danger or when pursuing some common prey.” He scorns them because “at all other times egotism rules”.)
It is because of the selfishness of the individual Jew that the Jewish “state”—and remember that a state is supposed to be the living organism for the preservation of a race—knows no territorial frontiers. This explains why the Jewish people are without any true civilization, especially one of their own.
There never has been—and there is not today—any Jewish art. Particularly the two Queens of Art, architecture and music, owe nothing at all that is original to Jewry. Whatever they have achieved in the great field of art is either degenerate, or else it has been stolen from some non-Jew. The Jew lacks the necessary qualities.
- (No music composed by the Jew Mendelssohn may be played in Nazi Germany, probably because if it was it would be enough to destroy this theory. It was found impossible to stop Germans from singing the Jew Heinrich Heine’s famous, beloved Rhine song, “Lorelei”; but now printed copies say, beneath the title, “Author Unknown.”)
The Jew is often found in one particular field of art, acting—but there, again, he is a parasite, in other words a copying monkey.
- (After Hitler grabbed Austria, the people of that country—and of all the world—were deprived of the great annual Salzburg Festivals, for the genius who directed them, Max Reinhardt, was a Jew and therefore no longer physically safe in this Nazi territory.)
The Jew’s intellect, totally unconscious of the possibility of man’s potential development toward a higher sphere, is destructive, never constructive. All progress of man takes place not through the Jew, but in spite of him.
- (The Jew Albert Einstein, who made the mistake of developing the “destructive” theory of relativity, is a refugee in America from Nazi Germany.)
Since the Jew has never possessed his own territorial state, and no culture, it has become widely believed that he is a “nomad”—this is a serious mistake, a dangerous one. The nomad possesses his own bounded territory, but instead of settling down in any particular spot, he wanders about with his herd, perhaps because the soil where he exists is not fertile; the real cause lies in the difference between the technical achievements of any age and the soil upon which those achievements are made.
It must not be forgotten that after the discovery of the American continent, many Aryans battled for life as trappers, huntsmen, etc.—often in quite large groups which included women and children—wandering about in such a way that their existence was similar to that of nomads. Only when greater numbers and technically superior equipment allowed them to clear the wilderness and resist the aborigines, did settlements arise throughout the land.
The Aryan was probably a nomad at the very first, but after a time he settled down, and for this reason he was never a Jew! No, the Jew is not a nomad—he is a parasite upon the body of other peoples. It is not to be thought that he is a nomad because sometimes he suddenly leaves his dwelling place—he does this simply because he is thrown out by his abused hosts. The Jew does not consider leaving the occupied territory; he is content to sit there, a sponger. He spreads elsewhere only if he spies exceedingly rare pickings.
- (Germans, Italians, Irish, English, Slavs, etc., are as widely scattered throughout the world as are the Jews.)
Thus the Jew builds his “state” always in the state of another people, masking it as a religious community until he thinks himself strong enough to discard his protective covering, and then people suddenly see what previously they had refused to see or believe: the real Jew.
- (Here Hitler conveniently overlooks the fact that precisely because the Jews have no country of their own, they do not menace the country in which they live by clamoring for a return to any “Fatherland.” Hitler’s main technique of aggression against peaceful states has been to whip German minorities into a frenzied desire to return “home”—they cry for the Fatherland’s “protection”. “Protection” comes in the form of a German conquest of the country in which they live—as happened in the case of Czechoslovakia.
- (Possessing no mother country, the Jews can never cause such trouble for their hosts. Their efforts to built a National Home in Palestine menace no other state.)
The Great Master
Of Lying
It is the Jew’s life as a parasite, a life dependent upon falsehood, which caused Schopenhauer to state that the Jew is the “great master of lying”. The first lie I have already mentioned, namely, the Jew’s pretense that he is a member of a “religious community” and not of a peculiar race. Thus some people really believe that the Jew is really a Frenchman, an Englishman, an Italian or a German—and merely of a different religious belief.
The Jew, lacking all idealism, devoid of faith in the Hereafter, has not the talents necessary for the creation or possession of a religious institution. The Talmud is a practical guide to material prosperity in this world, and has nothing to do with preparation for the Hereafter.
- (This is an absolutely false summation of the Talmud, which has much to say in support of the belief in immortality.)
The Jew lives for this world, and his spirit is today anti-Christian just as much as it was demonstrated to be 2000 years ago to the Holy Founder of the new faith. He did not hide his attitude toward the Jews, and with whips drove out of the Lord’s temple this enemy of mankind who saw in religion only a way to good business. Of course Christ was crucified for this, and yet now our present Christian parties beg for Jew votes, and so prepare their own ruination.
- (The Nazis indignantly deny that Christ could possibly have been a Jew!)
The Jew has followed this original lie about his “religion” with more lies needed in consequence of this first one. The Jew uses language not to express his thoughts, but to mask them. He may speak French, but he is thinking Jewishly, and when he dribbles poetry in the German language he is really expressing the nature of his own race.
- (This has been elaborated upon by the newspaper Frankfurter Zeitung, which Hitler attacked in the last chapter for its pre-Nazi “decency”. On April 26, 1933, thoroughly Nazified, this paper, which was once one of the greatest in Europe, said, “A Jew can only think Jewish. When he writes German he lies!”)
As long as the Jew is a parasite, he must use the language of the people to which he has poisonously attached himself; but let the world become enslaved to the Jews, and a universal language would be installed to make simpler domination—for instance, Esperanto!
Greatest proof of the nature of the Jew lies in the “Protocols of Zion”, supposedly so abhorred by the Jews. The Frankfurter Zeitung sobs once a week that these are “forgeries”—and this in itself is undeniable proof that they are genuine.
What some Jews may do only unconsciously is in the “Protocols of Zion” consciously demonstrated. To examine the history of the past few hundred years in the light of this book is at once to understand the Jewish press.
- (The Protocols of Zion purport to be the minutes of a meeting of Jewish leaders held in 1897, at which they outlined a plot to destroy civilization and enslave the world under Jewish rule. They are actually copied word for word—except for the substitution of the word Jew—from a French political polemic of the 1860’s, which had nothing whatever to say about Jews.)
The first Jews came to Germany ahead of the Romans, of course as tradesmen. The Judaization of Central and Northern Europe began with the creation of the first Germanic state.
The Jew slowly fastens his grip upon the state he has chosen to live upon, and eventually he is found bubbling with “enlightenment”, “progress”, “freedom”, “humanity”, etc.—but always he strictly keeps pure his race. Now and then he may attach his women to influential Christians, but he keeps his male line unviolated. He poisons Christian blood, but jealously guards his own. The Jew will not marry a Christian woman; but the Christian marries a Jewess. Yet the bastard is Jewish. Our nobility particularly debases itself in this way.
The Jewish talons are fastened everywhere; through the stock exchange he wriggles his way into national economic life, and becomes the master of national business and trade. The Jew deprives factories of the basis of personal ownership, and becomes the owner, or at least the ruthless controller, of the laboring force of the nation, and then provokes class warfare.
The final goal of the Jew is the victory of “democracy”, because it destroys personality—substituting for it the power of the moronic, incompetent, cowardly majority.
- (This is what the dictator’s state attempts to do. Hitler has already carefully described how the “moronic, incompetent, cowardly” masses are to be captured with clever lie-propaganda.)
The gigantic economic development leads to rigid social classifications, small craftsmen die away, and the workers chance to earn an independent livlihood is destroyed. He now becomes a “factory worker” and his life depends upon the factory where he works—he is without property, so that his old age is tortured.
Then the system of pensions is inaugurated—and so an entire class remains without property, but is kept in the totality of the people.
The worker is driven to lower and lower depths, until the one-time respect for the handicrafts is turned into contempt for physical work. A lowly, scorned class is created.
But this new group includes not the worst element of the people, but the most energetic—for here the foppish refinements of so-called civilization has not yet gotten in its destructive work.
This great mass was in most part not yet struck by the poison of pacifist weakness—it was robust, and brutal when brutality was required.
Reason and
While the bourgeoisie ignores all this, the Jew fastens upon the limitless potentialities of this situation. On the one hand he organizes capitalistic methods of ruthless human exploitation, and then he injects himself among the masses as a leader of their battle against himself. To say “against himself” is of course only to speak figuratively, for the Jew is really preparing the worst betrayal of all time.
This is the way the Jew proceeds:
He pretends to pity the worker in order to gain his confidence. He awakens in the worker a longing for improvement of his lot. Slyly, he awakens the sense of social justice, dormant (sic) in every single Aryan, until it flares into hatred for the more fortunate, thus creating a desire for reform. He forms the Marxist idea.
This Marxist doctrine is an inseparable mixture of reason and frenzy, prepared in such a way that only the lunacy, and never the reason, can become fact.
Denying personality, and thus nation and race too, it systematically destroys the very foundations of human civilization.
The destruction of personality, nation, and race which this is intended to bring about removes the only barrier to domination of the world by the inferior man—the Jew.
The Captured
While the workers are prepared to play their part in this Jew plot, the “intelligentsia” is reached by Freemasonry, and the captured press is utilized to poison the Bourgeoisie.
Widespread pacifist paralyzation of the national self-preservation instinct now develops rapidly, and it is time for the Jews to take up their most fearful weapon—brute force. Attack columns are organized to finish off the products of the previous-prepared degeneracy.
First of all, the Jew becomes leader of the labor unions. Then he commences making demands which are either impossible or which if granted would destroy the national economy. The Jew has of course taken over the labor movement as such partly because he wants, not honestly convinced followers, but a herd of oppressed people, ready blindly to obey him; it was precisely for this reason that he first bent them down into the dirt.
The Jewish leadership of unions cannot be broken until vast educational work is done among the masses, or until the state disposes of Jews. As long as the intelligence of the masses remains as slight as it is the masses will always follow the lead of whoever presents the most pleasing economic promises.
The Jew is the master of this technique, for his activities are unhampered by any moral scruples!
The incredible means which the Jew is ready to use to achieve his ends are so vicious that it is not to be wondered at that among our people the figure of the Devil, symbol of evil, takes the form of a Jew!
“It must never be left to the individual to define his faith and his will.”
Mein Kampf—Chapter XIII
Step by step, the fear of the Jewish Marxist weapon creeps like a nightmare into the soul of good people. They begin to tremble before the dreadful enemy, and thus become his victims.
Many Jews now become so arrogant that they proclaim themselves as Jews racially at last, and go so far as openly to admit that they have no thought of actually carrying out Zionism and that they really have no desire to build a Jewish National State in Palestine in order to inhabit it—they only want a central organization beyond control of other states where villains can take refuge or future villains be schooled.
It is a sign of their increasing confidence and sense of security that while some Jews still fraudulently masquerade as Germans, Frenchmen, or Englishmen, others openly admit that they are members of the Jewish race.
Their belief in impending victory is clearly demonstrated in the horible wray in which their intercourse with other peoples is now carried out.
The black-haired Jew boy, devilish jubilation written on his face, waits hours in hiding for the unsuspecting girl whom he outrages with his blood, and thus takes from her people.
- (This sentence has convinced many of the great psychiatrists of the world that Hitler, in view of the fanatic persecution of the Jews in Germany since the Nazi regime came to power, is definitely insane at least on the subject of race.)
Everywhere the Jew strives to break down barriers of blood. The Jews brought—and still bring—negroes to the Rhine, clearly with the intention of destroying the white race, which they so detest. For a racially pure people cannot be enslaved by the Jew.
Politically, the Jew slowly begins to substitute the idea of the dictatorship of the proletariat for the idea of democracy, for in the organized mass of Marxism he has found a great weapon.
In the field of culture he infects art and everything else, destroying all ideals of beauty and ability, and thus drags into the gutter everything which is great, including the people he craves to destroy.
Religion is scoffed at, customs and morals are scorned as outmoded, until the last supports of national struggle for existence disappear.
Now the Jew becomes a tyrant—an example of what he will do in the final stages of the revolution can be seen by looking at Russia.
Where with mass slaughter, starvation, and Satanic tortures close to 30,000,000 people, were done away with so that a band of Jewish writers and stock exchange bandits could rule a great people.
- (Trotsky was the only important leader of the Russian Revolution who was a Jew—and he is now exiled in Mexico.)
But the end is not only the end of people attacked by the Jew, but also the end of these parasites themselves: with the death of the victim, the vampire itself must die.
If we study the German collapse it is clear that the real cause was failure to understand the race problem, particularly the Jewish menace.
The old Reich did not preserve the racial basis of the nation.
Any calamity—defeat in war, or anything else, can serve as a stimulant to ultimate achievement. Only the loss of blood purity destroys inner happiness once and for all and eternally debases man. Once that has happened, the consequences exist forever more in body and spirit.
The old Reich had allowed the Jew to infiltrate into and weaken so many of its parts that when it went on the battlefield in August, 1914, this was only the last flicker of the national instinct of self-preservation.
With this realization we come to the guilding principle and tendency of the new movement which alone, in our belief, will be able to halt the decline of the German people and to lay the granite foundation over which one day shall be erected a state representing not an alien economic mechanism, but an organism of the people:
A Germanic state of the German nation.