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Adolf Hitler's Own Book Mein Kampf (My Battle)/Chapter 13

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Adolf Hitler's Own Book Mein Kampf (My Battle) (1939)
by Adolf Hitler, translated by Alan Cranston
Adolf Hitler4750107Adolf Hitler's Own Book Mein Kampf (My Battle)1939Alan Cranston

Chapter XIII

View of World and Party

It is usually hard to understand the basic aims of the usual Bourgeois parties. This is partly because their leaders constantly go about eaves-dropping among the dear people, and as soon as it is found that the dear people seem to desire some particular thing, that thing is immediately incorporated in the party platform.

Of course, after the elections are over, all this is forgotten for quite some time.

The whole parliamentary system consists only of a number of individual battles for seats in parliament; at least this is true in the case of the Bourgeois parties. It is because of this that they lack the magnetic attraction which is needed to draw the masses, the follow only the overwhelming impression of principles which are so strongly emphasized as to create blind faith as well as fanatic fervor to fight in their defense.

A group equipped with all the powerful weapons of a world idea, no matter if the idea is criminal in a thousand ways, can be halted as it sets out to overcome the world only if resistance itself also takes up as a weapon a new faith, which has a brave battle cry of attack, and not a cowardly defense slogan.

As we formed our party we had constantly to avoid allowing it to become a club worrying over parliamentary interests. The first measure to be taken was the creation of an inalterable program, expressed in brief, strong language, promising relief for the terrible weaknesses which brought about Germany’s downfall.

Fight, Fight
For Anything

Every view of the world fails to make any dent unless its principles are written indelibly upon the banner of a fighting movement.

The current conception of the world in general depends upon the notion that while a state has culture-making energy, it is fundamentally an economic unit and has nothing to do with race.

This nation-leveling idea would inevitably lead to leveling of the individuals into a common lump—in other words, would wind up by making a negroid-inhabited planet.

Upon the existence of the Aryan depends the civilization of the world—he who dares to lay hands upon the great likeness of the Lord sins against the Creator of this miracle and provokes the expulsion from Paradise.

Only when the Marxist international view of life is directly opposed by a racial view of life, as strongly organized as are the Marxists and as ready to fight, will success fall to the side of Eternal Truth.

Make All Enemies Seem as One

“If they had only realized the stupidity of the masses, and understood that for purely psychological reasons one must present not two enemies to the masses, but only one! A single enemy must be pushed forward and all hate must be concentrated upon this sole opponent.

It is part of the genius of a true leader to make even widely different enemies appear to belong to but a single category….

Moreover, the thought that there are various enemies will frighten people and cause them to doubt their own right. Then they come to fear that perhaps they themselves are wrong and the others are right. Then they are paralyzed. But if the masses believe that they battle but a single enemy, then belief in their own cause is strengthened and hate of one enemy is ever more bitter; is in fact boundless.”

Mein Kampf—Chapter III

(Like every politician, Hitler had a variety of opponents—bankers, business men, labor leaders, democrats, capitalists, communists, Frenchmen. His technique was to lump them all into one—and call them Jews.

The Catholic is an “internationalist”. The Jew is an “internationalist”. Therefore, Nazi propaganda reasons: “The Pope is a Jew!”)

But the new world view destined to overthrow Marxism must be built only upon a solid construction of the racial view.

This is the aim of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.

Our party must awaken the slumbering tendencies of folkish unity, taking out of these only the strongest essentials. With these a devout racial political creed must be formed out of the masses of the nation, providing the basis and the belief for a smashing victory of this world view.