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Advanced Automation for Space Missions/Acknowledgments

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The participants would like to thank all the visitors from NASA Headquarters, who gave tirelessly of their time and assistance in these endeavors, the Office of Aeronautics and Space Technology and other NASA offices for their support, and especially the NASA Administrator, Dr. Robert A. Frosch, for his personal attendance on two separate occasions at our deliberations. We would also like to thank various NASA Centers, SRI International, Lockheed Missiles & Space Company, Martin-Marietta Corporation, Battelle Memorial Institute, Science Applications, Inc., and a number of visitors from NASA/JPL for the many invaluable seminars, personal contacts, demonstrations, and facilities graciously and effectively provided during the course of the Summer Study. We also thank our hosts, University of Santa Clara for its lovely physical facilities and Ames Research Center for providing the administrative support. Special thanks goes to the Technical Information Division at Ames for continuing graphics assistance and particularly to Susie Rydquist for the final editing and preparation of this report.