Alabama State Constitution of 1901/Amendments 201-300
Amendment 201 ratified
[edit]Promotion of Cattle Industry.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Constitution, the legislature may hereafter, by general law, provide for the promotion of the production, distribution, marketing, use, improvement and sale of cattle. The legislature may provide for the promotion of cattle and the cattle industry by research, education, advertising and other methods, and the legislature is further authorized to provide means and methods for the financing of any such promotional activity by prescribing a procedure whereby owners of cattle may by referendum held among the owners of cattle in this state levy upon themselves and collect assessments, fees, or charges upon the sale of cattle for the financing of any promotional program or activity in cooperation with processors, dealers and handlers of cattle. Provided, no assessment levied hereunder shall exceed ten cents (10¢) per head on any cattle or calves sold by cattle producers and no assessments shall be levied or deducted from the sale price of any cattle or calves which sell for less than ten dollars ($10.00) per head. The legislature shall make provisions for the nonpayment of assessments by cattle owners, and for the refund of assessments to any cattle owner dissatisfied with the assessment program. The legislature shall provide for the collection and distribution of any such assessments or charges by dealers, handlers, processors and purchasers of cattle and provide penalties for failure to make collection and distribution of such assessments. The legislature shall provide for the designation of a nonprofit association or organization organized for the promotion and betterment of cattle and beef products to administer and carry out such promotional program which shall include the conducting of elections or referendums among cattle owners. The legislature shall further provide for the deposit, withdrawal, disbursement and expenditure by the designated association of any funds received subject to the supervision and control of the activities authorized herein by the department of agriculture and industries and the state board of agriculture and industries. Assessments, fees or other charges collected as authorized by any legislative act adopted in pursuance hereof shall not be considered as a tax within the meaning of this Constitution or any provision thereof. Any uniformity requirements of this Constitution shall be satisfied by the application of the program upon cattle and beef products.
Amendment 202 ratified
[edit]Additional Property Tax for County Educational Purposes.
The court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or other like governing body of each of the several counties in the state shall have the power to levy and collect a special county tax of not to exceed fifty cents on each one hundred dollars of taxable property, in addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, for educational purposes, on the value of the taxable property in the county as assessed for state taxation, provided the purpose thereof, and the time such tax is proposed to be continued shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. If any proposal to levy the tax is defeated in any election, subsequent elections thereon may be held at any time. The election provided for herein shall be called, held, conducted, paid for, and governed otherwise in the manner provided for an election on the school district tax authorized in constitutional amendment III [3].
Amendment 203 ratified
[edit]Additional Property Tax for Educational Purposes in Jackson County.
The court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or like governing body of Jackson county shall have the power to levy and collect a special property tax, in addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, of five mills on each dollar's worth of taxable property in the county as assessed for state taxation during the preceding year, provided that the question of levying the tax, the purpose thereof, and the time such tax is proposed to be continued, shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election; and provided further, that the total of all taxes levied for educational or school purposes in any school district of the county shall not exceed a total of fourteen and one-half mills on each dollar's worth of taxable property located in the district. If any proposal to levy the tax is defeated in any election, subsequent elections thereon may be held at any time. The election provided for herein shall be called, held, conducted, paid for and governed otherwise in the manner provided for an election on the school district tax authorized in amendment III [3], article III [XIX], of the Constitution of Alabama, by article 7, chapter 10, Title 52, Code of Alabama 1940. The tax shall be collected in the same manner and under the same requirements and laws as the taxes of the state are collected. The proceeds of the tax authorized by this amendment shall be used exclusively for educational purposes, provided that the revenue derived from four and one-half mills of the total rate of taxation authorized herein shall be devoted only to purposes of capital outlay, and the revenue derived from the remaining three mills shall be devoted to current operating expenses.
Amendment 204 ratified
[edit]Special School Taxes in Walker County.
Section 1. If authorized at an election held for such purpose, the governing body of Walker county may levy and collect a special county tax at a rate not exceeding one-half of one percent on the value of the taxable property within the county as assessed for state taxation, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for public school purposes; provided, however, that the governing body of Walker county shall not levy the special county property tax authorized by this amendment in addition to any tax authorized by a constitutional amendment proposed by the legislature at the same session of the legislature at which this amendment was proposed authorizing the governing body of each of the several counties in the state to levy an additional property tax for school purposes [amendment No. 202]. This tax shall be apportioned among the county and city school systems on a teacher unit basis in the manner that minimum program funds are distributed.
Section 2. An election shall be ordered by the county governing body to determine whether or not a special tax shall be levied for public school purposes as authorized herein upon the request of the county board of education, and the election shall be held and conducted in accordance with general laws providing for school tax elections pursuant to constitutional amendment III [3].
Amendment 205 ratified
[edit]Special Property Taxes for School Purposes in Marion County.
The court of county commissioners, board of revenue or other like governing body of Marion county may levy and collect a special property tax, in addition to all taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, at a rate not exceeding one-half of one percent on the value of the property in the county as assessed for state taxation during the preceding year, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for current operating expenses of public schools, excluding capital outlays or debt service; provided that the rate of such tax and the purpose or purposes thereof, and the time such tax is proposed to be continued, shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election; provided, further that the funds derived by the county under this amendment shall be apportioned between the county and any independent city school system existing in the county in the same proportion that state funds are distributed under the minimum program funds. If any proposal to levy a tax as provided in this amendment is defeated in any election, subsequent elections thereon may be held at any time. The elections provided for herein shall be called, held, conducted, paid for, and governed otherwise in the manner provided for elections on school district taxes authorized in amendment III [3], article XIX of the Constitution, as prescribed by article 7, chapter 10, Title 52, Code 1940.
Amendment 206 ratified
[edit]Special Property Taxes for School Purposes in Marion County.
The court of county commissioners, board of revenue or other like governing body of Marion county may levy and collect a special property tax, in addition to all taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, at a rate not exceeding one-half of one percent on the value of the property in the county as assessed for state taxation during the preceding year, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for current operating expenses of public schools, excluding capital outlays or debt service; provided that the rate of such tax and the purpose or purposes thereof, and the time such tax is proposed to be continued, shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election; provided, further that the funds derived by the county under this amendment shall be apportioned between the county and any independent city school system existing in the county in the same proportion that state funds are distributed under the minimum program funds. If any proposal to levy a tax as provided in this amendment is defeated in any election, subsequent elections thereon may be held at any time. The elections provided for herein shall be called, held, conducted, paid for, and governed otherwise in the manner provided for elections on school district taxes authorized in amendment III [3], article XIX of the Constitution, as prescribed by article 7, chapter 10, Title 52, Code 1940.
Amendment 207 ratified
[edit]Amendment of Section 178. SECTION 178
Residency, registration and poll tax requirements for electors.
To entitle a person to vote at any election by the people, he shall have resided in the state at least one year, in the county six months, and in the precinct or ward three months, immediately preceding the election at which he offers to vote, and he shall have been duly registered as an elector, and shall have paid on or before the first day of February next preceding the date of the election at which he offers to vote, all poll taxes due from him for the two calendar years next preceding. Provided, that any elector who, within three months next preceding the date of the election at which he offers to vote, has removed from one precinct or ward to another precinct or ward in the same county, incorporated town, or city, shall have the right to vote in the precinct or ward from which he has so removed, if he would have been entitled to vote in such precinct or ward but for such removal.
Amendment 208 ratified
[edit]Amendment of Section 215. SECTION 215
Limitation on county property tax rates; special county taxes for public buildings, bridges or roads; disposition of revenue from special tax.
No county in this state shall be authorized to levy a greater rate of taxation in any one year on the value of the taxable property therein than one-half of one per centum; provided, that to pay debts existing on the sixth day of December, eighteen hundred and seventy-five, an additional rate of one-fourth of one per centum may be levied and collected which shall be appropriated exclusively to the payment of such debts and the interest thereon; provided, further, that to pay any debt or liability now existing against any county, incurred for the erection, construction, or maintenance of the necessary public buildings or bridges, or that may hereafter be created for the erection of necessary public buildings, bridges, or roads (a) any county may levy and collect such special taxes, not to exceed one-fourth of one per centum, as may have been or may hereafter be authorized by law. The proceeds of taxes levied under said proviso (a) for public building, road, or bridge purposes in excess of amounts payable on bonds, warrants, or other securities issued by the county may be spent for general county purposes, in such manner as the court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or other like county governing body may determine.
Amendment 209 ratified
[edit]Additional Tax in City of Mountain Brook.
Any provision of the Constitution and laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, the city of Mountain Brook, in Jefferson county, shall have, in addition to the power to levy and collect ad valorem tax each year at the rate authorized immediately prior to the adoption of this amendment, the further power to levy and collect each year an additional tax of one-fourth of one per centum based upon the value of the property therein as fixed for state taxation; provided, that before any such additional tax may be so levied and collected a majority of the qualified electors of said municipal corporation voting at an election called for that purpose shall vote in favor of the levy thereof; and provided further, that the adoption of this amendment or the levying of said tax shall in no wise affect, limit, modify, abridge or impair the power, authority or right of such municipality to levy and collect the special school taxes now or hereafter vested or conferred upon it under the Constitution, or any amendment thereto. Each election held under the provisions hereof shall be ordered, held, canvassed and may be contested in the same manner as may be provided by law applicable to municipal corporations for elections to authorize the issuance of municipal bonds. The ballots used at such elections shall contain the words "for 1/4 % additional rate of taxation," and "Against 1/4 % additional rate of taxation," so that the voter may record his choice for or against said additional tax.
Amendment 210 ratified
[edit]Warrants Payable Out of Proceeds of Special Taxes for Educational Purposes in DeKalb County.
In addition to all other purposes for which the county board of education or any city board of education in DeKalb county is authorized by law to issue and sell warrants payable out of the proceeds from any special school tax or special tax for educational purposes generally, duly levied pursuant to this Constitution or amendments thereto, the county board of education of DeKalb county or the city board of education of any city in such county is authorized to issue and sell warrants payable out of the proceeds of such special taxes for the purpose of refinancing any deficit created by proration of school funds prior to June 1, 1962. Before any warrants are issued hereunder the existence of such deficit and the amount thereof shall be determined by the state department of examiners of public accounts and certified to the board of education desiring to issue the warrants. All warrants issued hereunder shall be issued, sold, redeemed and otherwise handled in the same manner and upon the same terms and conditions as warrants issued pursuant to article 4, chapter 10, Title 52, Code of 1940.
Amendment 211 ratified
[edit]Further Provisions as to Additional Tax for School Purposes in Franklin County.
1. The court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or other like governing body of Franklin county shall have power to levy and collect the special property tax authorized by amendment CLXXIII [173] on all the taxable property in the county situated outside the corporate limits of the city of Russellville, as such property was assessed for state taxation during the preceding year, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for public school purposes; provided that such tax and the purpose or purposes thereof and the time the tax is proposed to be continued shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of Franklin county residing outside the city of Russellville, and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. Elections on proposals to levy the tax on the property in the county situated outside the city of Russellville shall be called and held in the same manner as now provided by law for an election on the school district tax authorized in amendment III [3], article XIX, of the Constitution.
2. The county governing body may likewise levy and collect said special property tax on the property situated within the city of Russellville, as assessed for state taxation during the preceding year, provided that such tax and the purpose or purposes thereof and the time such tax is proposed to be continued shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the city of Russellville and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election.
3. The additional taxes levied on property under amendment CLXXIII [173] and this amendment shall be collected in the same manner and under the same requirements and laws as other taxes levied on property for public school purposes.
Amendment 212 ratified
[edit]State Tax on Net Income of Corporations.
The legislature shall have power to levy and provide for the collection of taxes for state purposes on net income of corporations, from whatever source derived, for the calendar year 1963, or for any fiscal year beginning in the calendar year 1963, and each year thereafter, at a rate not exceeding five percent. However, all federal income taxes paid or accrued within the taxable year by corporations shall always be deductible in computing net income taxable under the income tax laws of this state, provided that in the case of foreign corporations the amount of federal income tax deductible shall be in proportion to income derived from sources within Alabama, to be determined in accordance with such laws as the legislature may enact.
Amendment 213 ratified
[edit]Bonds for State Docks Facilities.
The state of Alabama is authorized to become indebted for improvements at the Alabama state docks and the refunding of state docks revenue bonds, and in evidence of the indebtedness so incurred to issue and sell, in addition to all other bonds of the state, interest bearing general obligation bonds of the state not exceeding ten million dollars ($10,000,000) in principal amount. The full faith and credit and taxing power of the state are hereby pledged to the prompt and faithful payment of the principal of the bonds and the interest thereon. The Alabama state docks department (which term as used herein shall be construed to include any other agency of the state that may succeed to said department's functions) shall pledge and use so much of the revenues derived from its seaport facilities as may be necessary to pay at their maturities the principal of and interest on said bonds, and may pledge, agree to use, and use so much of said revenues as the said department with the approval of the governor may determine shall be necessary or desirable to build up and maintain a reserve for the payment of said principal and interest and for the maintenance, replacement and improvement of its seaport facilities.
The proceeds from the sale of any such bonds shall, after payment of the reasonable and necessary expenses of their issuance, be set aside in a special fund in the state treasury and shall be paid out of the Alabama state docks department upon authorization by the governor and shall be held by the said department in a special trust fund designated "state docks bond fund" and therefrom be disbursed as follows:
(a) Not exceeding $3,000,000 may be used to pay the reasonable and necessary costs of constructing and equipping works of internal improvement for use and operation as a part of the state docks facilities; provided that, if said department shall have issued subsequent to July 1, 1963, any notes in anticipation of the sale of bonds for any of said purposes, then so much as may be necessary, not exceeding $1,000,000, of said $3,000,000 shall be used to retire or fund said notes; and
(b) Not exceeding $7,000,000 may be used to refund and provide for the retirement of all or such part of the outstanding revenue bonds heretofore issued by said department as the director thereof, with the approval of the governor, shall deem advantageous, including payment of any redemption premiums required under the terms of said outstanding bonds to be paid in order to effect redemption thereof prior to their maturities; provided, that pending any redemption date or dates on which the outstanding bonds so refunded can be redeemed under their terms, any part of said $7,000,000 and any other funds of the said department may be invested in securities that are direct obligations of the United States of America, and such securities may be deposited by said department under irrevocable trust agreements, which said department is hereby authorized to enter into with any corporate trustee, and used to pay principal, interest and redemption premiums on said outstanding bonds.
Alabama state docks department is hereby vested with full authority, except as limited herein, to prescribe the terms of the bonds and to provide for the issuance and sale thereof. The bonds may be sold, executed and delivered at any time and from time to time, may be in such forms, denominations, series and numbers, may be of such tenor and maturities, may bear such date or dates, may be in registered or bearer form either as to principal or interest or both, with rights of conversion into another form, may be payable in such installments and at such place or places, may bear interest at such rate or rates, payable and evidenced in such manner, and may contain provisions for redemption at the option of the state to be exercised by the state docks department at such date or dates prior to their maturity and upon payment of such redemption price or prices, all as shall be provided by the said department in the order or orders under which the bonds are issued. The principal of each series of bonds shall mature in annual installments in such amounts as shall be specified in the authorizing order or orders, the first of which installments shall mature not later than one year after the date of the bonds of such series and the last of which installments shall mature not later than twenty years after the date of the bonds of the same series. The largest installment of principal and interest maturing on each series of the bonds in any one year shall not exceed twice the preceding smallest installment of principal and interest maturing thereon in any prior year. None of the bonds shall be sold for less than face value plus accrued interest thereon to the date of delivery. The bonds shall be sold only at public sale or sales, either on sealed bids or at auction, after such advertisement as may be prescribed by the said department to the bidder whose bid reflects the lowest net interest cost to the state computed to the respective maturities of the bonds sold; provided, that if no bid deemed acceptable by the said department is received all bids may be rejected.
The bonds shall be signed in the name of the state by the governor and countersigned by the state docks director, and the great seal of the state of Alabama or a facsimile thereof shall be impressed, printed or otherwise reproduced thereon and shall be attested by the signature of the secretary of state; provided, that facsimile signatures of any one or any two (but not all) of said officers may be reproduced on any of such bonds in lieu of being manually signed thereon. Coupons attached to the bonds and representing installments of interest thereon shall be signed with the facsimile signature of the state treasurer, which facsimile signature shall constitute due and sufficient authentication of said coupons.
All bonds issued under the provisions of this amendment, together with the interest income thereon, shall forever be exempt from taxation in this state.
The authorization to incur debt and issue bonds contained in this amendment shall supersede and take the place of any authorization for Alabama state docks department to issue revenue bonds granted by act of the legislature on the effective date of this amendment.
The provisions of this amendment shall be self-executing and authorization from or other action by the legislature shall not be a prerequisite to the issuance of bonds hereunder.
Amendment 214 ratified
[edit]Promotion of Poultry and Poultry Products.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Constitution, the legislature may hereafter, by general law, provide for the promotion of the production, distribution, marketing and use of poultry and poultry products. The legislature may provide for the promotion of poultry and poultry products and the poultry industry by research, education, advertising and other methods, and the legislature is further authorized to provide means and methods for the financing of any such promotional activity by prescribing a procedure whereby producers, owners or growers of poultry may by referendum held among such producers, owners or growers of poultry in this state levy upon themselves and collect assessments, fees, or charges upon the sale of poultry and poultry products for the financing of any such promotional program or activity in cooperation with processors, dealers, handlers and other buyers of poultry and poultry products. Provided, no assessment levied hereunder shall exceed one cent (1¢) per hen or other domesticated fowl or any other classes of poultry sold by producers thereof. The legislature is authorized to make provisions for nonpayment and for the refund of assessments levied upon owners, producers or growers of poultry to any such person who does not desire to participate in the promotional program. The legislature shall provide for the collection and distribution of assessments or charges authorized hereunder and to provide penalties for failure to make such collection and distribution of assessments. The legislature shall provide for the designation of a nonprofit association or organization organized for the promotion and betterment of poultry and poultry products in Alabama to administer and carry out such promotional program which shall include conducting elections or referendum among producers, owners or growers of poultry. The legislature shall further provide for the deposit, withdrawal, disbursement and expenditure by the designated association of any funds received subject to the supervision and control of the activities authorized herein by the department of agriculture and industries and the state board of agriculture and industries. Assessments, fees or other charges collected as authorized by any legislative act adopted under authority hereof shall not be considered as a tax within the meaning of this Constitution or any provision thereof. Any uniformity requirements of this Constitution shall be satisfied by the application of the program upon poultry and poultry products.
Amendment 215 ratified
[edit]Costs and Charges of Court and Fees, etc., of Officers of Marshall County.
The legislature may, by general or local laws, fix, alter, and regulate the costs and charges of court and the fees, commissions, percentages, allowances, and salaries, including the method or basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by the judge of probate, sheriff, circuit clerk, register of the circuit court, tax assessor, tax collector, or any other officer of Marshall county, and may place any of such officers on a salary and provide that the fees, commissions, percentages, and allowances collected by such officers shall be paid into the county treasury from which their salaries shall be paid. The compensation of such officers shall not be increased or diminished during their terms.
Amendment 216 ratified
[edit]Warrants Payable from Proceeds of Special School Taxes in Coffee County.
In addition to all other purposes for which the county board of education or any city board of education in Coffee county is authorized by law to issue and sell warrants payable out of the proceeds from any special school tax or special tax for educational purposes generally, duly levied pursuant to this Constitution or amendments thereto, the county board of education of Coffee county or the city board of education of any city in such county is authorized to issue and sell warrants payable out of the proceeds of such special taxes for the purpose of refinancing any deficit created by proration of school funds prior to June 1, 1963. Before any warrants are issued hereunder the existence of such deficit and the amount thereof shall be determined by the state department of examiners of public accounts and certified to the board of education desiring to issue the warrants. All warrants issued hereunder shall be issued, sold, redeemed and otherwise handled in the same manner and upon the same terms and conditions as warrants issued pursuant to article 4, chapter 10, Title 52, Code of 1940.
Amendment 217 ratified
[edit]Economic Development of Clarke County and Municipalities Therein.
Clarke county and the incorporated municipalities therein, jointly or severally, after an election held in accordance herewith shall have full and continuing power and authority to:
1. Purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind.
2. Lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, or give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation.
3. Promote local industrial, commercial, or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein.
4. Become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company.
5. Lend its credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever.
6. Become indebted and to issue and sell interest bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of the county or municipality or may be limited as to the source of their payment.
7. Levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes of not exceeding two percent on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in the same manner as other county or municipal taxes are levied and collected. Such tax may be upon all property in the county or in any municipality in Clarke county or upon all property in any district to be specially improved and benefited by any proposed use or expenditure of the proceeds of such tax.
8. Pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it.
9. Create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body and subject to such limitations as the governing body of Clarke county may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the judge of probate or the secretary of state, or their respective successors in function and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon the county or any municipality.
The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes, or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligations or evidences of indebtedness shall have been paid in full. The bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness issued hereunder shall not be considered an indebtedness of Clarke county or any municipality therein for the purpose of determining their borrowing capacity under sections 224 and 225 of the Constitution; and the taxes herein authorized shall be in addition to those provided for or permitted in sections 215 and 216 of the Constitution and all amendments thereto.
This amendment shall be self-executing; but the legislature may enact laws supplemental to this amendment or in furtherance of the purposes and objectives hereinabove set forth.
Neither the county nor any municipality therein shall make any engagement or commitment or undertake any project under the provisions hereof unless and until the proposition has been approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the locality affected thereby. The governing body of the county or any municipality may provide for holding such elections, but in no case shall an election be held until notice of the election and of the proposition to be voted on has been published for at least three successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the county.
Amendment 218 ratified
[edit]Special School Tax in City of Huntsville.
Section 1. In addition to any taxes now authorized, or that may be hereafter authorized, by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, there is hereby levied a special school tax of fifty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in the school tax district of the city of Huntsville in Madison county to be used solely for public school purposes; provided the levy of said tax shall first have been approved by the qualified electors of the school district as hereinafter provided.
Section 2. The proceeds of said tax shall be used exclusively for constructing and improving school buildings and acquiring sites therefor in the school tax district of the city of Huntsville, Alabama.
Section 3. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of the school tax district of the city of Huntsville who vote thereon vote in favor of the adoption of this amendment when it is submitted, the additional tax provided for in section 1 shall be levied and collected for a period of thirty years without any other election having been held hereon. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of the school tax district of the city of Huntsville who vote thereon vote against its approval, the tax shall not be levied unless the rate of the tax, the time it is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been again submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the school tax district of the city of Huntsville and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. Subsequent elections may be held at intervals of not less than one year and shall be called, held, conducted, paid for, and governed otherwise in the manner provided for an election on the school district tax authorized in constitutional amendment III [3].
Amendment 219 ratified
[edit]Levy of Certain Privilege Licence Taxes by Municipalities in Mobile County.
No incorporated municipality in Mobile county shall have power to levy, impose, or collect a privilege license tax upon or in respect of the employees of an employer which is measured by or based on income derived from wages, salaries, commissions, or bonuses, for personal services rendered, unless the levying thereof shall have been authorized before the enactment of such ordinance by a vote of the duly qualified electors of the city or town at an election held for such purpose, in the manner prescribed by the city or town council or commission.
Amendment 220 ratified
[edit]Promotion of Industrial, Commercial and Agricultural Development in City of Bayou La Batre.
Any provision or limitations in this Constitution or laws to the contrary notwithstanding, the city of Bayou La Batre shall have full and continuing power and authority to do any act hereinafter described or engage in any activity mentioned if the same is first approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the county who vote thereon at a referendum election held for such purpose. The city or governing body thereof may purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind and may lend its credit or grant public money and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation, to promote local industrial, commercial, or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses in the city. The city or the governing body thereof may borrow money and pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full, and may pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased, or sold by it. The provisions of this article of amendment shall be self-executing; however, the governing body of the city shall have power to enact appropriate ordinances to implement and enforce the provisions hereof.
Amendment 221 ratified
[edit]Economic Development of City of York.
Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, the municipality of York in Sumter county shall have full and continuing power and authority, after an election held in accordance herewith, to do any one or more of the following:
1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind.
2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation.
3. To promote local industrial, commercial or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein.
4. To become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company.
5. To lend this credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever.
6. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding fifty percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) to be issued upon the full faith and credit of the municipality of York, or may be limited as to the sources of their payment.
7. To levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes of not exceeding two percent on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in the same manner as other county or municipal taxes are levied and collected. Such tax may be upon all property in the municipality of York in Sumter county, or upon all property in any district the boundaries of which the governing body of such municipality shall describe and which it shall determine to be specially improved and benefited by any proposed use or expenditure of the proceeds of such tax.
8. To pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it.
9. To create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body, and subject to such limitations as the governing body of the municipality of York in Sumter county may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the judge of probate or the secretary of state, or their respective successors in function, and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon the municipality.
The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive, no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligations or evidences of indebtedness shall have been paid in full. The bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness issued hereunder shall not be considered an indebtedness of the municipality of York in Sumter county for the purpose of determining the borrowing capacity of the county under section 225 of the Constitution; and the taxes herein authorized shall be in addition to those provided for or permitted in section 216 of the Constitution and all amendments thereto.
This amendment shall be self-executing; but the legislature shall have the right and power by general, special or local act to adopt laws supplemental to this amendment or in furtherance of the purposes and objectives hereinabove set forth.
10. The municipality of York in Sumter county shall not make any engagement or commitment or undertake any project under the provisions hereof unless and until the proposition has been approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the municipality. The governing body of the municipality may provide for holding such election, but in no case shall an election be held until notice of the election and of the proposition to be voted on has been published for at least three successive weeks.
Amendment 222 ratified
[edit]Bonds for State Docks Facilities.
The state of Alabama is authorized to become indebted for improvements at the Alabama state docks and in evidence of the indebtedness so incurred to issue and sell, in addition to all other bonds of the state, interest bearing general obligation bonds of the state not exceeding three million dollars ($3,000,000) in principal amount. The full faith and credit and taxing power of the state are hereby pledged to the prompt and faithful payment of the principal of the bonds and the interest thereon.
The Alabama state docks department (which term as used herein shall be construed to include any other agency of the state that may succeed to said department's functions) shall, subject to the provisions of the bond order relating to the sale of $10,000,000 principal amount of general obligation seaport facilities bonds of the state of Alabama dated March 1, 1964, pledge and use so much of the revenues derived from its seaport facilities as may be necessary to pay at their maturities the principal of and interest on said bonds, and may pledge, agree to use, and use so much of said revenues as the said department with the approval of the governor may determine shall be necessary or desirable to build up and maintain reserves for the payment of said principal and interest for the maintenance, replacement and improvement of its seaport facilities. The proceeds from the sale of any such bonds shall, after payment of the reasonable and necessary expense of their issuance, be set aside in a special fund in the state treasury and shall be paid out to the Alabama state docks department upon authorization by the governor and shall be held by the said department in a special trust fund designated "Alabama state docks expansion bond fund" and therefrom be disbursed to pay the reasonable and necessary costs of constructing and equipping works of internal improvement for use and operation as a part of the state docks facilities; provided that, if said department shall have issued any notes in anticipation of the sale of bonds for any of said purposes, then so much as may be necessary, not exceeding $1,000,000, shall be used to retire or fund said notes.
The Alabama state docks department is hereby vested with full authority, subject to the provisions of the bond order relating to the sale of $10,000,000 principal amount of general obligation seaport facilities bonds of the state of Alabama dated March 1, 1964, and except as limited herein, to prescribe the terms of the bonds and to provide for the issuance and sale thereof. The bonds may be sold, executed and delivered at any time and from time to time, may be in such forms, denominations, series and numbers, may be of such tenor and maturities, may bear such date or dates, may be in registered or bearer form either as to principal or interest or both, with rights of conversion into another form, may be payable in such installments and at such place or places, may bear interest at such rate or rates, payable and evidenced in such manner, and may contain provisions for redemption at the option of the state to be exercised by the state docks department at such date or dates prior to their maturity and upon payment of such redemption price or prices, all as shall be provided by the said department in the order or orders under which the bonds are issued. The principal of each series of bonds shall mature in annual installments in such amount as shall be specified in the authorizing order or orders, the first of which installments shall mature not later than one year after the date of the bonds of such series and the last of which installments shall mature not later than twenty years after the date of the bonds of the same series. The largest installment of principal and interest maturing on each series of the bonds in any one year shall not exceed twice the preceding smallest installment of principal and interest maturing thereon in any prior year. None of the bonds shall be sold for less than face value plus accrued interest thereon to the date of delivery. The bonds shall be sold only at public sale or sales, either on sealed bids or at auction, after such advertisement as may be prescribed by the said department to the bidder whose bid reflects the lowest net interest cost to the state computed to the respective maturities of the bonds sold; provided, that if no bid deemed acceptable by the said department is received all bids may be rejected.
The bonds shall be signed in the name of the state by the governor and countersigned by the state docks director, and the great seal of the state of Alabama or a facsimile thereof shall be impressed, printed or otherwise reproduced thereon and shall be attested by the signature of the secretary of state; provided, that facsimile signatures of any one or any two (but not all) of said officers may be reproduced on any of such bonds in lieu of being manually signed thereon. Coupons attached to the bonds and representing installments of interest thereon shall be signed with the facsimile signature of the state treasurer, which facsimile signature shall constitute due and sufficient authentication of said coupons.
All bonds issued under the provisions of this amendment, together with the interest income thereon, shall forever be exempt from taxation in this state.
The authorization to incur debt and issue bonds contained in this amendment shall supersede and take the place of any authorization for Alabama state docks department to issue revenue bonds granted by act of the legislature in effect on the effective date of this amendment.
The provisions of this amendment shall be self-executing and authorization from or other action by the legislature shall not be a prerequisite to the issuance of bonds hereunder.
Amendment 223 ratified
[edit]Qualifications and Registration of Electors; Repeal of Section 181.
1. The following persons, and no others, who, if they are citizens of the United States over the age of twenty-one years and have the qualifications as to residence prescribed in section 178 of this Constitution, as amended, shall be qualified to register as electors provided they are not disqualified under section 182 of this Constitution: Those who can, except for physical disability, read and write any article of the Constitution of the United States in the English language, and makes proof of the same in such manner as may be prescribed by the legislature. The legislature shall enact general registration laws whereby upon personal application a voter may be registered and his registration continued so long as he shall remain qualified to vote from the same address, and may provide by law for ascertaining by proper proofs, the citizens who shall be entitled to the right of suffrage.
2. Article VIII, section 181, of this Constitution, as amended, is hereby repealed.
Amendment 224 ratified
[edit]Bonds for Display of Certain Exhibits in Madison County.
The state of Alabama is authorized to become indebted for the purpose of providing and equipping permanent facilities in Madison county, Alabama for displaying certain exhibits in cooperation with the United States Department of the Army and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and in evidence of the indebtedness so incurred to sell and issue, in addition to all other bonds of the state, interest bearing general obligation bonds of the state not exceeding one million nine hundred thousand dollars ($1,900,000) in principal amount. The bonds shall be general obligations of the state of Alabama and the full faith and credit and taxing power of the state are hereby pledged to the prompt and faithful payment of the principal of the bonds and the interest thereon. The proceeds from the sale of such bonds are hereby appropriated and shall be used exclusively for the purpose of paying the expenses incurred in the sale and issuance thereof and for the construction, alteration, improvement, enlargement and equipment of exhibition buildings and related facilities, including parking areas and ramps, roadways, sewers, curbs, and gutters, but not including the purchase of sites therefor. Such buildings and facilities shall be constructed by a space science exhibit commission, or such other state agency as may be created by act of the legislature, and shall be operated by or in cooperation with the Department of the Army and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under such arrangements as may be authorized by law.
The Alabama Space Science Exhibit Commission or any instrumentality of the state created and established for the purpose of providing for such facility, its management or control, is hereby vested with the authority to provide for the sale and terms of the bonds and the issuance thereof, subject to the approval of the governor. The bonds may be sold, executed and delivered at any time and from time to time, may be in such forms, denominations, series and numbers, may be of such tenor and maturities, may bear such date or dates, may be in registered or bearer form either as to principal or interest or both with rights of conversion into another form, may be payable in such installments and at such place or places, may bear interest at such rate or rates payable and evidenced in such manner, and may contain provisions for redemption at the option of the state to be exercised by said commission at such date or dates prior to their maturity and upon payment of such redemption price or prices, all as shall be provided by the said commission in the resolution or resolutions whereunder the bonds are issued. The principal of each series of bonds shall mature in annual installments in such an amount as shall be specified in the resolution or resolutions of the said commission under which they are issued, the first of which installments shall mature not later than two years after the date of the bonds of such series and the last of which installments shall mature not later than twenty-one years after the date of the bonds of the same series. When each series of bonds is issued, the maturities of the bonds of that series shall, to such extent as may be practicable, be so arranged that during each then succeeding fiscal year of the state the aggregate installments of principal and interest that will mature on all bonds that will be outstanding hereunder, immediately following the issuance of the bonds of that series, will be substantially equal; provided, that the determination by the said commission that the requirements of this sentence have been complied with shall be conclusive of such compliance and the purchasers of the bonds with respect to which such determination is made and all subsequent holders thereof shall be fully protected thereby. None of the bonds shall be sold for less than face value plus accrued interest thereon to the date of delivery, and all of the bonds shall be sold only at public sale or sales, either on sealed bids or at public auction, after such advertisement as may be prescribed by the said commission, to the bidder whose bid reflects the lowest net interest cost to the state computed to the respective maturities of the bonds sold; provided, that if no bid deemed acceptable by the said commission is received all bids may be rejected.
The bonds shall be signed in the name of the state by the governor and countersigned by the chairman of the commission and the great seal of the state of Alabama or a facsimile thereof shall be impressed, printed or otherwise reproduced thereon and shall be attested by the signature of the secretary of state; provided that facsimile signatures of any one or any two (but not all) of said officers may be reproduced on such bonds in lieu of their manually signing the same. Coupons attached to the bonds and representing installments of interest thereon shall be signed with the facsimile signature of the state treasurer, which facsimile signature is hereby adopted as due and sufficient authentication of said coupons.
All bonds issued under the provisions of this amendment, together with the interest income thereon, shall forever be exempt from taxation in this state.
The proceeds from the sale of bonds hereby authorized, after the payment of all expenses of the sale thereof shall be set apart in a special fund in the state treasury to be designated The Alabama Space Science Exhibit Commission Fund; and such proceeds shall be used solely for the purposes, hereinabove enumerated, for which the bonds are authorized to be issued.
The provisions of this amendment shall be self-executing and no further authorization from the legislature shall be a prerequisite to the validity of any bonds issued hereunder. However, the legislature may enact appropriate legislation implementing its provisions.
Amendment 225 ratified
[edit]Deduction of Federal Income Tax From Gross Income When Computing State Income Tax.
In computing net income for state income tax purposes for the calendar year 1965 and each year thereafter, a resident individual taxpayer shall be allowed to deduct from his gross income the amount of federal income tax paid or accrued within the taxable year. A nonresident individual income taxpayer shall be allowed to deduct only that amount of federal income tax paid or accrued in the taxable year on income received from sources within the state.
Amendment 226 ratified
[edit]Designation of Circuit Solicitor as District Attorney.
The solicitor or prosecuting officer who prosecutes criminal cases for the state in each judicial circuit of Alabama as provided for in article 6, section 167 of this Constitution shall hereafter be designated and known as the district attorney. Wherever the words circuit solicitor or words of like import are used in any law of this state they shall be taken to mean the district attorney, unless the context in which such words are used requires a different meaning.
Amendment 227 ratified
[edit]Development of Irrigation Districts.
The legislature may by general, special or local laws authorize the formation of a body corporate for the development of one or more irrigation districts for the purposes of providing irrigation and water conservation in the state of Alabama, and may authorize the counties and municipalities lying within the boundaries of such district or districts to contribute public funds to such body corporate, and may authorize such body corporate to enter into contract with the government of the United States or any agency thereof, and with other states or political subdivisions thereof, and with other bodies corporate organized within this or other states for the development of one or more irrigation districts in the state of Alabama, and may authorize such body corporate to issue revenue bonds payable solely out of revenues accruing to such body corporate, and may authorize such body corporate to do and perform all other such acts necessary and proper for the full development of said Alabama irrigation district or districts provided, however, nothing herein shall authorize any such public corporation to engage in or finance, directly or indirectly, the production, transmission or sale of electric power.
Amendment 228 ratified
[edit]Bonds for Enlargement, etc., of Municipally-Owned Manufacturing, Industrial or Commercial Projects.
Revenue bonds at any time issued by a municipality (a) for the purpose of enlarging, improving or expanding any manufacturing, industrial or commercial project then owned by such municipality and acquired by it pursuant to the provisions of Act No. 756 enacted at the 1951 regular session of the legislature of Alabama as heretofore amended, or (b) for the combined purpose of so enlarging, improving or expanding any such project and of refunding any revenue bonds theretofore issued by it under said Act 756, shall not be deemed to constitute bonds or indebtedness of such municipality within the meaning of sections 222 and 225 of this Constitution if by their terms such bonds are not made a charge on the general credit or tax revenues of the issuing municipality and are made payable solely out of revenues to be derived by such municipality from the leasing of such project as so enlarged, improved or expanded. Each municipality in the state is hereby authorized so to issue such revenue bonds, for either or both such purposes, at any time and from time to time and on the same terms and conditions, with the necessary changes in details, as prescribed in said Act No. 756 for the issuance of revenue bonds for the purpose of acquiring such a project, anything in the Constitution of this state or in said Act No. 756 to the contrary notwithstanding.
Amendment 229 ratified
[edit]Costs and Charges of Courts, and Compensation of Certain Officers, in Baldwin County.
1. The legislature may, by general or local laws, fix, alter, and regulate the costs and charges of court and the fees, commissions, percentages, allowances, and salaries, including the method or basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by the judge of probate, sheriff, circuit clerk, register of the circuit court, tax assessor, tax collector, or any other officer of Baldwin county, and may place any of such officers on a salary and provide that the fees, commissions, percentages, and allowances collected by such officers shall be paid into the county treasury from which their salaries shall be paid. The compensation of such officers shall not be increased or diminished during their terms.
2. This article of amendment shall not become operative unless the same is approved by a majority of the qualified electors of Baldwin county who vote thereon upon its submission.
Amendment 230 ratified
[edit]Special District Tax for Public Hospital Purposes in Baldwin County.
In addition to any taxes now authorized or that may be hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, the governing body of Baldwin county shall levy and cause to be collected annually a special district tax, not exceeding 50 cents on each 100 dollars assessed valuation of taxable property in election precincts numbered one through seven of Baldwin county, Alabama, to be used exclusively for public hospital purposes (as the term "public hospital purposes" is defined in amendment LXXVI [76] to the Constitution proposed by Acts of 1949, page 897, submitted December 13, 1949, and proclaimed ratified December 21, 1949) within said election precincts numbered one through seven; provided that the time during which such tax is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors in election precincts numbered one through seven of Baldwin county and voted for by a majority of such electors voting at such election. The governing body of Baldwin county may call an election at any time, and it shall be the duty of such governing body to call an election to be held within ninety days after receipt by it of a petition signed by not less than 5% of the qualified electors of said election precincts numbered one through seven, requesting that such election be called. The governing body may call such election to be held at the same time that this amendment is submitted to the electors of the state for ratification and such election shall be effective to require the levy and collection of such tax in the event that this amendment shall be ratified. The notice of such election, ballots to be used at such election and procedures for holding and determining the results of such election shall be prescribed by the governing body of Baldwin county. No election shall be held hereunder within one year from the date of the last election so held.
Whenever such tax shall have been authorized by vote of such qualified electors, and levied by the governing body of Baldwin county, such governing body may anticipate the proceeds therefrom for any one or more of the purposes for which the tax shall have been voted, by issuing, without further election, interest bearing tax anticipation bonds, warrants, or certificates of indebtedness of said county payable solely from and secured by a pledge of a sufficient amount of the annual proceeds from said tax received by the county.
The governing body of Baldwin county shall have power to designate as the agency of the county, to construct, acquire, equip, operate and maintain public hospital facilities for said election precincts numbered one through seven any public corporation heretofore or hereafter organized for hospital purposes in the county. When a public corporation shall have been so designated, the proceeds of said tax thereafter collected shall be paid to it and shall be used by it for any one or more of the purposes for which the tax shall have been voted; provided, that payments of the proceeds of said tax to said public corporation shall be made only to such extent as will not result in the impairment of the obligation of any contract theretofore made with respect to said tax. Said public corporation may anticipate the proceeds from said tax so required to be paid to it by issuing, for any one or more of the purposes for which the tax shall have been voted, the bonds, warrants, or certificates of indebtedness of said corporation, and may pledge for the payment of the principal thereof and interest thereon a sufficient amount of the annual proceeds from said tax so paid to it.
No securities issued or contracts made by Baldwin county under the authority of this amendment, which are payable solely out of the proceeds of said tax, and no securities issued or contracts made by any such public corporation, whether or not issued or made under the authority of this amendment, shall be construed to be bonds of Baldwin county or of a political subdivision thereof within the meaning of section 222 of the Constitution, or construed to create or constitute an indebtedness of the county within the meaning of section 224 of the Constitution. Said securities shall be construed to be negotiable instruments notwithstanding the fact that they may be payable solely from a limited source. All pledges of said tax and all contracts made with respect thereto pursuant to the provisions of this amendment shall take precedence in the order in which they are made and shall create a charge on the proceeds of said tax prior to the expenses of operating and maintaining any public hospital facilities.
As used in this article, the term "election precincts" means the election precincts or beats of the county as they existed on July 27, 1965.
Amendment 231 ratified
[edit]Compensation of Certain Officers of Bullock County.
The legislature may by general or local laws, fix, alter, and regulate the fees, commissions, percentages, allowances, and compensation, and the method or basis of fixing the compensation to be charged or received by the tax assessor and the tax collector of Bullock county, and may put such officers on a salary basis and provide that the fees, commissions, percentages, and allowances payable to such officers according to law shall be paid into the county treasury.
Amendment 232 ratified
[edit]Special School Tax in City of Anniston.
(A) In addition to any taxes now authorized, or that may be hereafter authorized, by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, there is hereby levied a special school tax of fifty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in the school tax district of the city of Anniston in Calhoun county, to be used solely for public school purposes, such tax to be levied and collected for a period of thirty years commencing with the tax year beginning October 1, 1977, with the first year's tax being payable October 1, 1978; provided such tax and the time it is to continue shall have been first submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the school district in which such tax is to be collected, and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election; otherwise said tax shall not be collected. A special separate election is hereby called on the first Tuesday after sixty days following the date this amendment becomes effective, to be held in the school tax district of the city of Anniston in Calhoun county, at which election the qualified voters in said school tax district may vote as to whether said special school tax herein levied shall be effective; and if the majority of those voting at said election vote in favor of said special school tax, such school tax shall, commencing with the tax year beginning October 1, 1977, be levied and collected as other property taxes in said school district are levied and collected for a period of thirty years. If the proceeds of the tax are pledged to the payment of the principal and interest of the bonds hereinafter provided for, the tax collector of Calhoun county shall, upon collection thereof, pay such proceeds to the city of Anniston, and if the proceeds of the tax are not so pledged, he shall pay such proceeds to the board of education of the city of Anniston. This section shall be self-executing.
(B) After said tax has been voted, and without further authorization, and notwithstanding that any such request may be made prior to October 1, 1977, the city of Anniston shall, as and when requested by the board of education of Anniston, issue and sell interest bearing bonds, with principal and interest to be paid from the proceeds to be derived from said special school tax, for the sole purpose of construction and improvement of school buildings within such school tax district, and acquiring sites therefor. The net proceeds of the sale of such bonds shall be immediately paid to the board of education of the city of Anniston. The proceeds to be derived from said special school tax may be pledged by the city of Anniston for the payment of said bonds and the interest thereon, but said bonds shall not be a general obligation of the city of Anniston or of Calhoun county, and shall not be charged to the constitutional debt limit of the city of Anniston or of Calhoun county.
(C) Except as herein otherwise provided the election hereinabove provided for shall be called, held and conducted as provided for by law for the calling, holding and conducting of district school tax elections; provided, however, that the governing body of the city of Anniston shall call said election, it shall give at least thirty days' notice thereof by publication in some newspaper published in the city of Anniston and by written notices posted in three public places within the city for at least thirty days prior to said election, it shall appoint and designate the officers, managers, clerks and returning officers to conduct said election, it shall furnish the supplies and facilities necessary for the holding of said election, it shall pay out of the city treasury the expenses incident to the holding of said election, it shall designate the polling places to be used in said election, and it shall canvass, tabulate and declare the result of said election.
Amendment 233 ratified
[edit]Legislation as to Costs and Charges of Courts in Dallas County.
The legislature may from time to time, by general, special or local laws, fix, regulate, and alter the costs and charges of courts in Dallas county, and the method of disbursement thereof.
Amendment 234 ratified
[edit]Special School Tax for City of Fort Payne.
(A) In addition to any taxes now authorized, or that may be hereafter authorized, by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, there is hereby levied a special school tax of one dollar on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in the school tax district of the city of Fort Payne in DeKalb county to be used solely for public school purposes; provided such tax and the time it is to continue shall have been first submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the said school tax district in which such tax is to be collected and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election; otherwise said tax shall not be collected. A special separate election is hereby called on the first Tuesday after sixty days following the date this amendment becomes effective in the school tax district of the city of Fort Payne, in DeKalb county, at which election the qualified voters in the said school tax district of DeKalb county may vote as to whether said special school tax herein levied shall be effective; and if the majority of those voting at said election vote in favor of said special school tax, such school tax shall immediately be levied and collected annually thereafter on the first day of October by the tax collector of DeKalb county and paid to the city of Fort Payne. The proceeds of the tax are hereby solely for public school purposes. This section shall be self-executing.
(B) Except as herein otherwise provided the election hereinabove provided for shall be called, held and conducted as provided by law for calling, holding and conducting of district school tax elections. The governing body of the city of Fort Payne shall appoint and designate the officers, managers, clerks and returning officers and shall call, canvass, tabulate, and declare the result of the election provided for in the city of Fort Payne. The election shall otherwise be conducted, held, canvassed, tabulated and the results declared as general elections are conducted, held, canvassed, tabulated and the results declared in Alabama.
Amendment 235 ratified
[edit]Trial Tax or Charge on Litigation in Etowah County.
The legislature may by general or local law provide that a trial tax or charge on litigation of not more than ... dollars ($...) shall be taxed as costs in any case, action, or proceeding hereafter filed in the circuit court of Etowah county, whether at law or in equity, and that a like tax or charge of not more than ... dollars ($...) shall be taxed as cost in any case hereafter filed in the Etowah county court, the proceeds of such tax or charge shall be used for establishing, equipping, maintaining and operating the public law library in Etowah county established pursuant to Act No. 191, H. 596, which became effective August 1, 1955 (Acts of Alabama 1955, page 485), including the payment of the salaries of the personnel needed to operate such library.
Amendment 236 ratified
[edit]Compensation of Certain Officers of Greene County.
1. In Greene county the sheriff and the clerk and register of the circuit court shall be compensated on a salary basis. The sheriff shall be entitled to receive an annual salary of seven thousand five hundred dollars, payable in equal monthly installments from the general fund of the county; the clerk and register of the circuit court shall be entitled to receive an annual salary of five thousand dollars, payable in equal monthly installments from the county treasury, and a clerk-hire allowance of one thousand dollars a year, payable from the county treasury in equal monthly installments. The salaries of these officers shall be their entire compensation for the performance of the duties of their respective offices and shall be in lieu of all costs and charges of courts, commissions, fees, percentages, and allowances collected by them, which shall be paid into the general fund of the county. However, the court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or other like governing body of Greene county shall provide the sheriff such deputies, clerks, and assistants as may be necessary for the performance of the duties of his office, and pay their compensation from the county treasury.
2. This article of amendment shall be inoperative and of no effect unless it shall have been approved by a majority of the qualified electors of Greene county who voted thereon upon its submission. If the amendment be so approved, the provisions hereof shall be effective from the first of the month next following the date of the election.
Amendment 237 ratified
[edit]Bonds for Courthouse and Jail in Henry County.
Henry county is hereby authorized to incur indebtedness to the extent of not exceeding $700,000 in aggregate principal amount, and to issue its bonds in evidence of the indebtedness so incurred, for the combined purpose of constructing and equipping a new courthouse and a new jail in said county. Said bonds may be issued only after the question of the issuance thereof shall have been submitted to the qualified electors of said county at an election called for that purpose by the governing body of said county and a majority of said qualified electors voting at said election shall have voted in favor of the issuance of said bonds, which election shall be called, held, conducted, canvassed and may be contested in the manner provided by the then existing laws of Alabama with respect to elections on the issuance of bonds by counties; provided however, that if a majority of the qualified electors of said county participating in the election on the adoption of this amendment shall vote for the adoption thereof then the approval of this amendment expressed by the vote in said county in favor of its adoption shall of itself authorize the issuance of the bonds, and in that event no additional election by the electors of said county shall be required to authorize the issuance of said bonds. In the event the majority vote in said county on the adoption of this amendment is against the adoption hereof, or in the event the majority vote at any election held in said county pursuant to the provisions of this amendment after its adoption is not in favor of the issuance of the bonds proposed at such election, the governing body of said county may from time to time call other elections hereunder on the issuance of said bonds, but not more than one such election shall be held during any period of twelve consecutive months. The power to become indebted and to issue bonds in evidence of such indebtedness shall be in addition to all other powers which the said county may have under the Constitution and laws of Alabama, and any bonds issued pursuant to this amendment shall not be chargeable against the amount of indebtedness which said county may incur under the Constitution and laws in effect prior to the adoption of this amendment.
All bonds issued under this amendment shall be general obligations of the county secured by an irrevocable pledge of its full faith and credit. The governing body of said county may further, if it deems such action desirable, pledge for payment of the principal of and the interest on said bonds any tax which said county may be authorized to levy under any provision of the Constitution. All bonds, issued hereunder shall be issued in accordance with, and shall be subject to, the provisions of the general laws of Alabama existing at the time of the sale of said bonds respecting the maturities, sale, execution and redemption of bonds by counties.
Amendment 238 ratified
[edit]Bonds for Civic Centers in Certain Counties.
Any corporation heretofore or hereafter created in any county of the state having a population of 500,000 according to the last or any subsequent federal census, for the purpose of establishing, maintaining and operating a civic center in the municipality in which the county seat of such county is situated, shall be authorized, without the necessity of any election, to issue bonds, warrants or other evidence of indebtedness, and to pledge for the payment of the principal and interest due thereon the revenue received, or to be received, by such corporation, and also to pledge for such payment the proceeds derived, or to be derived, from any taxes made payable by the act, or acts, levying such taxes to the said public corporation, any provision of the Constitution of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding. No securities issued by such corporation shall be considered indebtedness of such county or any municipality therein within the meaning of sections 224 and 225 of the Constitution of Alabama. The rent or rentals that the county or the said municipality may be obligated to pay under the terms of any lease between the said corporation and the said county or the said municipality shall not be considered in determining whether the county or the municipality has exceeded the debt limitation prescribed for the county or the municipality, as the case may be, by any provision of the Constitution of Alabama.
Amendment 239 ratified
[edit]Fire Protection or Garbage and Trash Disposal Districts in Jefferson County.
The legislature may provide for the formation of districts in Jefferson county, Alabama, for establishing and maintaining a system for fighting or preventing fires or for the collection and disposal of garbage and trash; provided, however, that no territory lying within the limits of a municipal corporation at the time of the establishment of any such district shall be included within such district; and, provided further, that no such district shall be established unless the establishment thereof has been first approved by the qualified electors residing within the proposed district at an election held as provided for by a law or laws adopted by the legislature. A district may be established for either or both of the aforesaid purposes. The legislature may provide for submitting to the qualified electors residing within the proposed district the question of whether the district shall be created to establish and maintain a firefighting and fire prevention system, or the question of whether the district shall be created to establish and maintain a garbage collection and garbage disposal system; and to provide that the two questions may be submitted separately at the same election.
The expenses of establishing and maintaining any such firefighting and fire prevention system or any such garbage collection and disposal system in a district, as the case may be, shall be paid for exclusively by the proceeds of a service charge, which shall be levied and collected in an amount sufficient to pay the said expenses.
No service charge shall be levied unless the same has been first approved at an election by the qualified electors residing within the district, or in the proposed district if the question of the levy of the service charge is submitted simultaneously with the question of whether the district shall be created.
Said service charges shall be levied upon and collected from the persons and property to whom and to which such services are available; and the service charge shall be a lien upon any such property.
The legislature may provide for the enlargement of a district by the addition of territory thereto, subject to the following conditions: (1) No territory lying within a municipal corporation at the time the additional territory is brought within the district shall be included; (2) no territory shall be added unless the qualified electors of the territory to be added have approved the inclusion of said territory within the district at an election held for that purpose within the territory proposed to be added; (3) no territory shall be added unless the majority of the electors residing within the territory proposed to be added have first approved at an election held within such territory every service charge in effect within the district at the time the said addition is proposed.
The legislature shall have the authority to adopt laws providing for the administration of the affairs of the district by the governing body of the county or by an agency of the county.
The legislature may provide for the issuance of bonds for such districts with or without an election; provided, however, that all bonds issued hereunder shall be payable only out of the proceeds of the service charge authorized hereby, and no such bond shall be a general obligation of the county.
Amendment 240 ratified
[edit]Special Ad Valorem Tax for Paying Principal and Interest on Bonds of City of Birmingham.
Section 1. In addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized by law, the governing body of the city of Birmingham shall have the power and authority to levy and collect each year a special ad valorem tax of fifty cents (50¢) on each one hundred ($100) dollars worth of taxable property in the city of Birmingham, based on the valuation of such property as assessed for state taxation for the tax year ending on the 30th day of September next succeeding the levy, to be used by the city of Birmingham solely for paying principal and interest on general obligation bonds of the city of Birmingham heretofore or hereafter issued under authority of law; provided that the authority to levy such tax in accordance with this amendment to the Constitution shall first have been approved by the qualified electors of the city of Birmingham, prior to the first annual levy thereof, as hereinafter provided.
Section 2. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of the city of Birmingham who vote thereon vote in favor of the adoption of this amendment when it is submitted, the governing body of the city of Birmingham shall have the power and authority to levy and collect thereafter each year the special ad valorem tax provided for in section 1 hereof. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of the city of Birmingham who vote thereon vote against its approval, the authority to levy and collect said tax shall not be given unless the rate of the tax and the purpose thereof shall have been again submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the city of Birmingham and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election prior to the first annual levy of such tax. Each such election shall be ordered, held, canvassed and may be contested in the same manner as is or may be provided by the law applicable to the city of Birmingham for elections to authorize the issuance of municipal bonds. The ballots used at such election shall contain the words "For Special Ad Valorem Tax of fifty cents per One Hundred Dollars of Taxable Property" and "Against Special Ad Valorem Tax of fifty cents per One Hundred Dollars of Taxable Property." The voter shall record his choice, whether for or against the special ad valorem tax by placing a cross mark before or after the words expressing his choice. Voting machines shall be used in any such election to the extent required by law. In the event the authority to levy the special ad valorem tax is defeated, subsequent elections for the approval of such tax may nevertheless be held again but no election shall be held within one year of any previous such election. Once the authority to levy such tax has been approved no further election shall be required thereon.
Amendment 241 ratified
[edit]Compensation of Certain Officers of Lauderdale County.
The legislature may from time to time, by general or local laws applicable to or operative in Lauderdale county, fix, regulate, and alter the fees, commissions, allowances, and salaries, including the method and basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by the judge of probate, sheriff, tax assessor, tax collector, and clerk and register of the circuit court of Lauderdale county; and may place any or all of such officers on a salary and provide for the fees, commissions, allowances, and percentages collectible by such officers to be paid into the treasury from which their salaries are paid.
Amendment 242 ratified
[edit]Special Property Tax for Recreational Purposes in City of Auburn.
The city of Auburn may levy and collect annually an additional tax of one-fifth of one per centum upon the value of the property therein as assessed for state taxation, the proceeds of which shall be applied exclusively for public recreational projects, provided the rate of the tax, the time it is to continue, which shall not exceed twenty-five years, and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the city and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. The taxes authorized in this article shall be in addition to the taxes heretofore or hereafter authorized by this Constitution and the laws of this state. The council or commission of the city may on its own motion, and shall upon written petition of not less than five per centum of the qualified electors of the city, call and provide for holding elections under this article.
Amendment 243 ratified
[edit]Development of Elk River Watershed Area in Lauderdale and Limestone Counties.
Any provision of sections 93 or 104 of the Constitution to the contrary notwithstanding and either with or without compliance with section 106 of the Constitution, the legislature shall have full power and authority to enact laws to provide for the formation of a public body corporate which shall be an instrumentality of the state for purposes of development, management, and control of the Alabama portion of the Elk river watershed area, in Lauderdale and Limestone counties, and any such legislation which may have been enacted by the 1965 legislature authorizing the formation of such public bodies corporate is hereby ratified, confirmed, and given full effect in all respects.
Amendment 244 ratified
[edit]Economic Development of Town of Lester.
Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, the town of Lester in Limestone county shall have full and continuing power and authority, after an election held in accordance herewith, to do any one or more of the following:
1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind.
2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation.
3. To promote local industrial, commercial or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein.
4. To become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company.
5. To lend this credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever.
6. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding fifty percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of the town of Lester, or may be limited as to the source of their payment.
7. To levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes of not exceeding two percent on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in the same manner as other county or municipal taxes are levied and collected. Such tax may be upon all property in the municipality, or upon all property in any district the boundaries of which the governing body of such municipality shall describe and which it shall determine to be specially improved and benefited by any proposed use or expenditure of the proceeds of such tax.
8. To pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it.
The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligations or evidences of indebtedness shall have been paid in full. The bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness issued hereunder shall not be considered an indebtedness of the municipality for the purpose of determining the borrowing capacity of the county under section 225 of the Constitution; and the taxes herein authorized shall be in addition to those provided for or permitted in section 216 of the Constitution and all amendments thereto.
9. To create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body, and subject to such limitations as the governing body of the town of Lester may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the judge of probate of Limestone county or the secretary of state, or their respective successors in function, and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon the municipalities.
10. The town of Lester shall not make any engagement or commitment or undertake any project under the provisions hereof unless and until the proposition has been approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the municipality. The governing body of the municipality may provide for holding such elections, but in no case shall an election be held until notice of the election and of the proposition to be voted on has been published for at least three successive weeks in a newspaper having general circulation in Limestone county.
This amendment shall be self-executing; but the legislature shall have the right and power by general, special or local act to adopt laws supplemental to this amendment or in furtherance of the purposes and objectives hereinabove set forth.
Amendment 245 ratified
[edit]Amendment of Amendment No. 191.
For the promotion of local industrial, commercial or agricultural development, Madison county and the city of Huntsville shall each have full and continuing power (a) to purchase, construct, lease and otherwise acquire industrial, commercial and agricultural projects, including real and personal property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind whatsoever, (b) to lease, sell, exchange or otherwise convey all or any part of any such project to any person, firm or corporation, and (c) after an approving election if required as hereinafter provided, to sell and issue for such purposes interest-bearing general obligation bonds. Neither the county nor the city shall issue any bonds under the authority of this amendment, other than bonds issued to finance the acqusition [acquisition] of industrial sites, unless the question of the issuance of such bonds has first been submitted to the qualified electors of the county or the city, as the case may be, and approved at such election by a majority of the qualified electors voting thereat. Each such election shall be called, held and conducted, and may be contested, in the manner provided by law for county or municipal bond elections, as the case may be. Bonds issued under the authority of this amendment shall not be considered indebtedness of the county or the city, as the case may be, within the meaning of sections 224 and 225 of the Constitution of Alabama, but neither the county nor the city shall at any time issue any bonds under the authority of this amendment if as a result thereof it will have outstanding an aggregate principal amount of bonds issued hereunder in excess of twenty percent of the assessed value of the property in the county or the city, as the case may be. Neither shall the county or the city issue any bonds under the authority of this amendment, except bonds issued to finance the acquisition of industrial sites, unless prior thereto or contemporaneously therewith the county or the city, as the case may be, has entered into a lease or other similar agreement, with respect to the project being financed by such bonds, providing for the payment to the county or the city, as the case may be, of net rentals sufficient to pay the principal of and the interest on such bonds at the respective maturities of such principal and interest, and any bonds issued hereunder shall be secured by a pledge of such rentals and may be secured by a foreclosable mortgage on such project and by a pledge of any other taxes and revenues which the county or the city, as the case may be, is authorized by law to pledge to the payment of its bonded indebtedness. All bonds issued under the authority of this amendment shall be sold at public sale in the manner required by law for the sale of county or municipal bonds, as the case may be, and shall mature and be payable in annual or semi-annual installments in such amounts and at such times as to result in the aggregate amount of principal and interest maturing thereon in each year following the year of their issuance being substantially equal, but shall not be subject to any other provisions of law relating to maturities of county or municipal bonds. In the event that any such action is necessary to prevent or cure a default in payment of the principal of or the interest on any bonds issued under the authority of this amendment, the county or the city, as the case may be, is authorized to levy and collect ad valorem taxes, without limitation as to rate or amount, on the assessed value of all taxable property in the county or the city, as the case may be, but only so long as and only to such extent as necessary to prevent or cure any such default.
In carrying out the purposes of this amendment, neither Madison county nor the city of Huntsville shall be subject to the provisions of section 93 of the Constitution of Alabama, and the taxes which the county and the city are hereinabove authorized to levy and collect are in addition to all other taxes which the county and the city are authorized to levy and collect. This amendment shall be self-executing, but, notwithstanding any contrary provisions of section 104 of the Constitution of Alabama, the legislature shall have the power, by general, special or local act, to enact laws supplemental hereto or in furtherance of the purposes hereof.
Amendment 246 ratified
[edit]Refunding of Securities by Certain Municipalities in Marion County.
Any provision of the Constitution or the laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, any municipality in Marion county, Alabama, that has heretofore issued, or that may hereafter issue, interest-bearing bonds, warrants, notes or other securities pursuant to the provisions of that certain amendment to the Constitution of Alabama that was proposed by Act No. 1 [amendment No. 84] enacted at the 1950 second special session of the legislature of Alabama (herein called "the 1950 amendment"), shall have full and continuing power and authority to do any one or more of the following:
(1) To refund, or provide for the refunding of, any bonds, warrants, notes or other securities issued by it pursuant to the provisions of the 1950 amendment or pursuant to the provisions hereof (whether before, at or after the maturity of the securities being so refunded and whether or not all or any part of such securities are then subject to redemption) by the sale and issuance of refunding bonds, warrants, notes or other securities in a principal amount not in excess of the principal amount of securities being refunded plus any premium necessary to redeem or retire the securities being refunded and any interest accrued on, or to accrue to the date of payment or redemption of, such securities;
(2) In the event any of the securities being so refunded cannot, by their terms, be redeemed or otherwise retired simultaneously with the issuance of the refunding securities, to invest, until the earliest date on which such redemption or retirement can be effected, such portion of the principal proceeds from the sale of such refunding securities as may not then be used for redemption or retirement of the refunded securities, in any investments in which municipal sinking funds are authorized to be invested by the provisions of section 265 of Title 37 of the Code of Alabama of 1940, as it exists at the time of the adoption of this amendment;
(3) To issue bonds, warrants, notes or other securities for the combined purpose of so refunding any such securities and of acquiring, constructing, extending or improving any one or more industrial or manufacturing plants or properties within the corporate limits or the police jurisdiction of such municipality, in which case the provisions of the preceding subdivisions (1) and (2) of this amendment shall apply to those of such bonds, warrants, notes or other securities that are being issued for refunding purposes;
(4) To pledge for payment of any securities issued by it pursuant to the provisions hereof not only any taxes and revenues authorized to be pledged for securities authorized to be issued pursuant to the provisions of the 1950 amendment, but also any other taxes or revenues that such municipality is authorized by law to pledge for payment of its general obligation bonds;
(5) To mortgage, as security for payment of any securities issued by it hereunder, (a) any industrial or manufacturing plants and properties acquired, constructed, extended or improved, in whole or in part, out of the proceeds from the sale of any securities being refunded, in whole or in part, by such securities, and (b) any industrial or manufacturing plants and properties to be acquired, constructed, extended or improved, in whole or in part, out of the proceeds from the sale of such securities; and to pledge for payment of any such securities the revenues and receipts to be derived from the leasing or sale of any such plants and properties; and
(6) In connection with the issuance of any securities by it hereunder, to reserve the right to issue additional such securities hereunder, on a parity with the securities then being issued, on such terms and conditions as shall be specified in the proceedings of its governing body or other documents under which such securities are being issued.
Any securities issued by a municipality pursuant to the provisions of this amendment may be issued on the full faith and credit of such municipality or may be limited as to the source of their payment, all as the governing body of such municipality may determine. Any securities so issued, in whole or in part, for refunding purposes hereunder may be in the form of bonds, warrants, notes or other securities, irrespective of whether the securities being refunded thereby consist of bonds, warrants, notes or other securities or any combination thereof, and may be limited as to the source of their payment, as aforesaid, even though the securities being refunded thereby were issued on the full faith and credit of such municipality. Any securities issued by a municipality pursuant to the provisions hereof that are payable, as to both principal and interest, solely out of revenues and receipts to be derived from the leasing or sale of one or more industrial or manufacturing plants or properties owned by it shall not be considered indebtedness of such municipality for the purpose of determining its borrowing capacity under section 225 of the Constitution or under the 1950 amendment. No municipality in Marion county, Alabama, shall issue any securities pursuant to the provisions of the 1950 amendment or of this amendment, other than securities that are payable (as to both principal and interest) solely out of revenues to be derived from the leasing or sale of one or more industrial or manufacturing plants or properties owned by it, unless the principal amount of such securities, when added to the aggregate of the principal amount of any other securities of such municipality then outstanding hereunder or the 1950 amendment, does not exceed fifty percent of the assessed value of the taxable property therein, as determined for state taxation; provided however, that securities for the payment of the principal of and the interest on which an irrevocable trust fund consisting of cash or securities that are direct general obligations of the United States of America, or both, has been established shall not, for the purposes of this amendment or the 1950 amendment, be considered as outstanding to the extent that the retirement thereof shall be provided by said fund (including the cash therein and all sums due to be paid by the United States of America under the terms of any such United States securities that form a part of said trust fund).
No municipality shall exercise any power and authority hereunder unless the question of whether such municipality shall have the full and continuing power to exercise all the powers and authority referred to herein shall have first been submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of said municipality at an election to be called for that purpose by the governing body of said municipality and the full and continuing exercise of said powers and authority shall have been authorized by a majority of said qualified electors voting at said election. Each election provided for herein shall be called, held, conducted and canvassed, and may be contested, in the manner provided by law for the calling, holding, conducting, canvassing and contesting of municipal bond elections; provided however, that if a majority of the qualified electors in any municipality in Marion county participating in the election on the adoption of this amendment shall vote for the adoption hereof, then the approval of this amendment expressed by the vote in said municipality in favor of its adoption shall of itself authorize the full and continuing exercise by such municipality of all the powers and authorities granted hereunder and in that event no additional election by the electors of said municipality shall be required to authorize the exercise of such powers.
Amendment 247 ratified
[edit]Development of Bear Creek Watershed Area.
The legislature may by general, special, private or local laws authorize the formation in any manner of a public corporation for the development of Bear Creek, its tributaries and watershed, for the purposes of navigation, water conservation and supply, flood control, irrigation, industrial development, public recreation, and related purposes, and may authorize the counties of Marion, Colbert, Franklin and Winston and all municipalities lying within Marion, Colbert, Franklin and Winston counties to donate or contribute public funds to such public corporation and may authorize such public corporation to enter into contracts with the United States of America or any agency thereof, and with the several states or political subdivisions thereof, and with other public or private corporations organized within any of the several states, for the development of the Bear Creek watershed, and may authorize such public corporation to acquire by purchase, construction, lease, gift, condemnation, or otherwise property of any kind, real, personal or mixed, to mortgage or sell its property and to issue revenue bonds and other revenue securities payable solely out of revenues accruing to such public corporation, and may exempt such public corporation from all taxation in the state of Alabama, and may grant such public corporation all other powers and privileges which may be necessary and proper for the full development of said Bear Creek watershed. The provisions of sections 106, 222 and 225 of the Constitution of Alabama shall not apply to any public corporation which may be organized pursuant to enabling legislation herein authorized or to any revenue bonds and other revenue securities at any time issued by such public corporation. Such public corporation shall be deemed a political subdivision of the state of Alabama. Nothing herein shall authorize any such public corporation to engage in or finance, directly or indirectly the production, transmission, or sale of electric power. The area comprising the Bear Creek watershed shall include such land defined in enabling legislation herein authorized as shall lie within the counties of Marion, Colbert, Franklin and Winston.
Amendment 248 ratified
[edit]Amendment of Amendment No. 195.
A. The terms "three mills" be, and the same hereby are, changed to read "six mills" wherever the same appears in paragraphs B and C of amendment CXCV [195] to the Constitution of Alabama.
B. The parenthetical phrase "(after deduction of costs of assessment and collection thereof pursuant to any statutory provisions at the time applicable)" appearing in paragraph D of amendment CXCV [195] to the Constitution of Alabama be, and the same hereby is, deleted therefrom.
C. Paragraph E of amendment CXCV [195] to the Constitution of Alabama be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: "The rate of ad valorem taxation for general municipal purposes that is at the time otherwise permitted by the Constitution to each particular municipal corporation in Mobile county shall be reduced for the tax year of the municipality next succeeding any tax year of Mobile county for which the special tax shall have been levied at a rate exceeding one and one-half mills on each dollar of taxable property in the county, any such reduction to be by a rate of millage equal to the rate by which the special tax levied for that tax year exceeds one and one-half mills on each dollar of such taxable property or by one and one-half mills on each dollar of taxable property in the county, whichever shall be the lesser reduction."
D. If a majority of the qualified electors of Mobile county participating in the election on the adoption of this amendment shall vote in favor thereof, then the approval of this amendment expressed by said vote shall of itself authorize the special tax and in that event no additional election by the voters of Mobile county shall be required to authorize the levy of the special tax.
Amendment 249 ratified
[edit]Costs and Charges of Courts, and Compensation of County Officers, in Shelby County.
The legislature may from time to time, by general or local laws, fix, alter and regulate the costs and charges of court in Shelby county and the fees, commissions, percentages, allowances, and compensation to be charged or received by the judge of probate, sheriff, tax assessor, tax collector, clerk of the circuit court, register in chancery, and any other officer of Shelby county, including the right to place any of such officers on a salary, provide for the operation of their respective offices on such basis, and provide that any and all fees, commissions, percentages, or allowances charged or collected by them, including all fees, allowances, commissions, and percentages of the tax assessor and tax collector for assessing and collecting municipal taxes, shall be paid into the county treasury; provided, that no law shall be effective to change the method of compensating any officer, nor to diminish his compensation, during the term for which he shall have been elected or appointed, and no law changing the method of compensating county officers shall be effective unless it shall have been approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the county who vote thereon at a referendum election held for such purpose.
Amendment 250 ratified
[edit]Economic Development of Sumter County.
Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, Sumter county acting through the county governing body shall have full and continuing power and authority, after an election held in accordance herewith, to do any one or more of the following:
1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind.
2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation.
3. To promote local industrial, commercial or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein.
4. To become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company.
5. To lend its credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever.
6. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidence of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding fifty percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidence of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of Sumter county, or may be limited as to the source of their payment.
The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidence of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligations or evidence of indebtedness shall have been paid in full. The bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidence of indebtedness issued hereunder shall not be considered an indebtedness of Sumter county for the purpose of determining the borrowing capacity of the county under section 224 of the Constitution; and the taxes herein authorized shall be in addition to those provided for or permitted in section 215 of the Constitution and all amendments thereto.
7. To levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes of not exceeding two percent on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in the same manner as other county taxes are levied and collected. Such tax may be upon all property in the county, or upon all property in any district the boundaries of which the governing body of such county shall describe and which it shall determine to be specially improved and benefited by any proposed use or expenditure of the proceeds of such tax.
8. To pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidence of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidence of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it.
9. To create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body subject to such limitations as the governing body of Sumter county may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the judge of probate or the secretary of state, or their respective successors in function, and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon the county.
Sumter county shall not make any engagement or commitment or undertake any project under the provisions hereof unless and until the proposition has been approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the county who vote thereon at a referendum election held for such purpose. The governing body of the county may provide for holding such election, but in no case shall an election be held until notice of the election and of the proposition to be voted on has been published once a week for three successive weeks before the election.
This amendment shall be self-executing; but the legislature may enact general, special or local laws supplemental to this amendment or in furtherance of the purposes and objectives hereinabove set forth.
Amendment 251 ratified
[edit]Economic Development of Municipality of Livingston.
Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, the municipality of Livingston in Sumter county shall have full and continuing power and authority, after an election held in accordance herewith, to do any one or more of the following:
1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind.
2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation.
3. To promote local industrial, commercial or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein.
4. To become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company.
5. To lend this credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever.
6. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding fifty percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of the municipality of Livingston, or may be limited as to the source of their payment.
7. To levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes of not exceeding two percent on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in the same manner as other county or municipal taxes are levied and collected. Such tax may be upon all property in the municipality of Livingston in Sumter county, or upon all property in any district the boundaries of which the governing body of such municipality shall describe and which it shall determine to be specially improved and benefited by any proposed use or expenditure of the proceeds of such tax.
8. To pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it.
9. To create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body, and subject to such limitations as the governing body of the municipality of Livingston in Sumter county may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the judge of probate or the secretary of state, or their respective successors in function, and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon the municipality.
The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligations or evidences of indebtedness shall have been paid in full. The bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness issued hereunder shall not be considered an indebtedness of the municipality of Livingston in Sumter county for the purpose of determining the borrowing capacity of the county under section 225 of the Constitution; and the taxes herein authorized shall be in addition to those provided for or permitted in section 216 of the Constitution and all amendments thereto.
This amendment shall be self-executing; but the legislature shall have the right and power by general, special or local act to adopt laws supplemental to this amendment or in furtherance of the purposes and objectives hereinabove set forth.
10. The municipality of Livingston in Sumter county shall not make any engagement or commitment or undertake any project under the provisions hereof unless and until the proposition has been approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the municipality. The governing body of the municipality may provide for holding such election, but in no case shall an election be held until notice of the election and of the proposition to be voted on has been published for at least three successive weeks.
Amendment 252 ratified
[edit]Special School Tax in School District No. 1 of Talladega County.
1. The governing body of Talladega county shall have power to levy and collect annually a special school district tax not exceeding thirty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in school district number one, Talladega county, as assessed for state taxation, for public school purposes, provided the rate of such tax, the time it is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the district and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. Such tax shall be in addition to all other taxes provided for by law. The funds arising from such special district tax levied and collected by the county shall be expended for the exclusive benefit of the district. Elections under this amendment shall be called, held, and conducted in the same way that elections are called, held, and conducted in relation to the levying of special school district taxes under the third amendment to the Constitution.
2. If a majority of the qualified electors of school district number one, Talladega county, who participate in the election on the adoption of this article of amendment vote in favor of such adoption, then the approval of the amendment as expressed by such vote shall of itself authorize the levying of the special tax provided for herein at the maximum rate specified for a period not exceeding twenty years.
Amendment 253 ratified
[edit]Special Property Tax for Educational Purposes in City of Jasper.
1. The council or commissioners or other like governing body of the city of Jasper may levy and collect a special tax at a rate not exceeding one-half of one percent on the value of the taxable property within the city, the proceeds of which tax shall be used exclusively for educational purposes, provided the rate of such tax, the time it is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the city of Jasper and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election.
2. Elections may be called, held and conducted under this amendment in accordance with general laws providing for and regulating elections on district school taxes as authorized by the third amendment to this Constitution.
Amendment 254 ratified
[edit]Additional Taxes for Hospital Purposes in Winston County.
In addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized by law, the court of county commissioners, board of revenue, or like governing body of Winston county shall have the power to levy and collect, for a period not exceeding twenty years, a special ad valorem tax on property situated within said county, at a rate of five mills on each dollar of property as assessed for state taxation for the preceding year, the proceeds of said tax to be used solely for acquiring, by purchase, lease, or otherwise, constructing, operating, equipping, or maintaining county hospitals or other public hospitals, nonprofit hospitals, and public health facilities. Provided, the question of levying the tax, the purpose thereof, and the time such tax is proposed to be continued shall have been first approved by a majority of the qualified electors of Winston county voting at a referendum to be held for that purpose. The referendum shall be held on the same day as the first countywide primary, general, or special election held in the county after the ratification of this amendment. The board of revenue, court of county commissioners or like governing body of the county shall order and provide for holding the referendum on such date.
Amendment 256 ratified
[edit]Economic Development of Municipalities of Addison and Lynn.
Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, the municipalities of Addison and Lynn in Winston county shall have full and continuing power and authority, after an election held in accordance herewith, to do any one or more of the following:
1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind.
2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation.
3. To promote local industrial, commercial or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein.
4. To become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company.
5. To lend this credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever.
6. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding fifty percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of the municipalities of Addison and Lynn, or may be limited as to the source of their payment.
7. To levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes of not exceeding two percent on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in the same manner as other county or municipal taxes are levied and collected. Such tax may be upon all property in the municipalities of Addison and Lynn, or upon all property in any district the boundaries of which the governing body of such municipality shall describe and which it shall determine to be specially improved and benefited by any proposed use or expenditure of the proceeds of such tax.
8. To pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it.
9. To create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body, and subject to such limitations as the governing bodies of the municipalities of Addison or Lynn may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the judge of probate or the secretary of state, or their respective successors in function, and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon the municipalities.
The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligations or evidences of indebtedness shall have been paid in full. The bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness issued hereunder shall not be considered an indebtedness of the municipalities of Addison and Lynn for the purpose of determining the borrowing capacity of the county under section 225 of the Constitution; and the taxes herein authorized shall be in addition to those provided for or permitted in section 216 of the Constitution and all amendments thereto.
This amendment shall be self-executing; but the legislature shall have the right and power by general, special or local act to adopt laws supplemental to this amendment or in furtherance of the purposes and objectives hereinabove set forth.
10. The municipalities of Addison and Lynn shall not make any engagement or commitment or undertake any project under the provisions hereof unless and until the proposition has been approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the respective municipality. The governing body of each of the two municipalities may provide for holding such elections, but in no case shall an election be held until notice of the election and of the proposition to be voted on has been published for at least three successive weeks.
Amendment 257 ratified
[edit]Water Management Districts.
Section 1. The legislature may provide for the formation of water management districts for the establishment of works of improvement for the drainage of wet, swamp, and overflowed lands of the state, and for flood prevention or the conservation, development, utilization, and disposal of water within the state; confer the right of eminent domain for such purposes, provide for the taxing of the whole or part of the cost of such improvements against the lands and property in such district to the extent of the increased value thereof by reason of special benefits derived from such improvements; and provide for the issuance of bonds for such districts with or without an election; provided, however, that nothing herein shall authorize any such water management districts to engage in or finance, directly or indirectly, the production, transmission or sale of electric power.
Section 2. The provisions of this amendment are cumulative and shall not be construed to repeal amendment XV [15] or amendment XXII [22].
Amendment 258 ratified
[edit]Legislation as to Jurisdiction of Inferior Courts Established in Lieu of Justices of the Peace in Jefferson County.
The legislature of Alabama may by general or local laws fix, regulate, and change the jurisdiction of any or all inferior courts established in lieu of justices of the peace in Jefferson county, in all civil cases so long as the amount in controversy does not exceed five hundred dollars, except in cases of libel, slander, assault and battery, and ejectment. All acts of the legislature of Alabama, whether general or local providing for such courts or for such enlargement of jurisdiction prior to the adoption of this amendment, and all judgments of such courts rendered pursuant to such acts, are hereby ratified, validated and confirmed.
Amendment 259 ratified
[edit]Promotion of Industrial, Commercial and Agricultural Development in City of Evergreen.
Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, the city of Evergreen in Conecuh county shall have full and continuing power and authority, subject to the election hereinafter provided for, to promote local industrial, commercial or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses in the city or anywhere inside the county within fifteen miles of said city, whenever such action shall be deemed by the governing body of said city to be in furtherance of such purposes; also full and continuing power and authority to do any one or more of the following:
1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind.
2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, or give and convey any such property described in subparagraph 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation, which shall locate or agree to locate a new industry or business in the city or anywhere inside the county within fifteen miles of said city.
3. To become a stockholder in any corporation which shall locate or agree to locate a new industry or business in the city or anywhere inside the county within fifteen miles of said city.
4. To lend its credit or grant public monies and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation, which shall locate or agree to locate a new industry or business in the city or anywhere inside the county within fifteen miles of said city.
5. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes, evidences of indebtedness, or other obligations (all of which are hereinafter referred to as "obligations"), to a principal amount not exceeding 50% of the assessed valuation of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subparagraph 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subparagraph 7 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of said city or may be limited as to the source of their payment.
6. To levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes not exceeding 2% on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation in the same manner as other municipal taxes are levied and collected.
7. To pledge to the payment of any of its obligations the annual proceeds of any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations shall have been paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it.
The recital in any obligations that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein granted or that any special tax herein authorized has been levied and pledged to the payment of such obligations shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligations shall have been paid in full. The obligations which may be issued hereunder shall not be considered an indebtedness of said city for the purposes of determining its borrowing capacity under section 225 of the Constitution; and the taxes herein authorized shall be in addition to those provided for or permitted in section 216 of the Constitution, as amended.
The exercise of the powers and authority hereinabove set forth are subject to the prior approval thereof at an election called by the governing body of said city at which a majority of the qualified electors voting at said election shall vote in favor of such proposal. Notice of such election shall be given by publication for three consecutive weeks, the first publication to be at least thirty days before the date of the election, in a newspaper circulated in the city. The notice and ballot shall briefly summarize the proposal and in so doing may make reference to documents on file and available for public inspection in the office of the city clerk. In the event that the proposal shall include the issuance of any obligations, the principal amount of such obligations, the maturities thereof, and the maximum rate or rates of interest which they shall bear shall be set forth in the notice and on the ballot. In the event that the proposal shall include the levy and collection of any tax, the notice and ballot shall state the maximum rate of such tax. No further or other election shall be required by section 222 of the Constitution for the issuance of bonds herein authorized to be issued.
This amendment shall be self-executing; but the legislature shall have the right and power by general, special or local act, to adopt laws supplemental to this amendment or in furtherance of the purposes and objectives hereinabove set forth.
Amendment 260 ratified
[edit]Amendment of Amendment No. 175.
That subsection (a) of section 1 of amendment CLXXV [175] to the Constitution of Alabama shall be amended so that said subsection (a) as amended shall read as follows:
"That part of Jefferson county outside of the municipalities of Birmingham, Bessemer, Fairfield, Tarrant city and Mountain Brook as one district, except that the Jefferson county board of education is authorized and empowered to designate any part or portion of said district as a separate school district."
Amendment 261 ratified
[edit]Promotion of Industrial, Commercial and Agricultural Development in City of Bayou La Batre.
Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, the city of Bayou La Batre, Mobile county, Alabama, shall have full and continuing power and authority, subject to the election hereinafter provided for, to promote local industrial, commercial or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses in or within 15 miles of said city, and whenever such action shall be deemed by the governing body of said city in its discretion to be in furtherance of such purposes, also full and continuing power and authority to do any one or more of the following:
1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind.
2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, or give and convey any such property described in subparagraph 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation, which shall locate or agree to locate a new industry or business in or within 15 miles of said city.
3. To become a stockholder in any corporation which shall locate or agree to locate a new industry or business in or within 15 miles of said city.
4. To lend its credit or grant public monies and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation, which shall locate or agree to locate a new industry or business in or within 15 miles of said city.
5. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes, evidences of indebtedness, or other obligations (all of which are hereinafter referred to as "obligations"), to a principal amount not exceeding 50% of the assessed valuation of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subparagraph 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subparagraph 7 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of said city or may be limited as to the source of their payment.
6. To levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes not exceeding 2% on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation in the same manner as other municipal taxes are levied and collected.
7. To pledge to the payment of any of its obligations the annual proceeds of any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligation shall have been paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it.
The recital in any obligations that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein granted or that any special tax herein authorized has been levied and pledged to the payment of such obligations shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligations shall have been paid in full. The obligations which may be issued hereunder shall not be considered an indebtedness of said city for the purposes of determining its borrowing capacity under section 225 of the Constitution; and the taxes herein authorized shall be in addition to those provided for or permitted in section 216 of the Constitution, as amended.
The exercise of the powers and authority hereinabove set forth are subject to the prior approval thereof at an election called by the governing body of said city at which a majority of the qualified electors voting at said election shall vote in favor of such proposal. Notice of such election shall be given by publication for three consecutive weeks, the first publication to be at least thirty days before the date of the election, in a newspaper circulated in the city. The notice and ballot shall briefly summarize the proposal and in so doing may make reference to documents on file and available for public inspection in the office of the city clerk. In the event that the proposal shall include the issuance of any obligations, the principal amount of such obligations, the maturities thereof, and the maximum rate or rates of interest which they shall bear shall be set forth in the notice and on the ballot. In the event that the proposals shall include the levy and collection of any tax, the notice and ballot shall state the maximum rate of such tax. No further or other election shall be required by section 222 of the Constitution for the issuance of bonds herein authorized to be issued.
This amendment shall be self-executing; but the legislature shall have the right and power by general, special or local act, to adopt laws supplemental to this amendment or in furtherance of the purposes and objectives hereinabove set forth.
Amendment 262 ratified
[edit]Hospital Tax in Districts 1, 2 and 3 of Franklin County.
In addition to any taxes now authorized or that may be hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, the governing body of Franklin county shall levy and cause to be collected annually a special district tax, not exceeding 50 cents on each 100 dollars assessed valuation of taxable property in districts one, two, and three of Franklin county, Alabama, to be used exclusively for public hospital purposes (as the term "public hospital purposes" is defined in amendment LXXVI [76] to the Constitution proposed by Acts of 1949, page 897, submitted December 13, 1949, and proclaimed ratified December 21, 1949) within said districts one, two, and three; provided that the time during which such tax is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors in districts one, two, and three of Franklin county and voted for by a majority of such electors voting at such election. The governing body of Franklin county may call an election at any time, and it shall be the duty of such governing body to call an election to be held within ninety days after receipt by it of a petition signed by not less than 5% of the qualified electors of said districts one, two, and three, requesting that such election be called. The governing body may call such election to be held at the same time that this amendment is submitted to the electors of the state for ratification and such election shall be effective to require the levy and collection of such tax in the event that this amendment shall be ratified. The notice of such election, ballots to be used at such election and procedures for holding and determining the results of such election shall be prescribed by the governing body of Franklin county. No election shall be held hereunder within one year from the date of the last election so held.
Whenever such tax shall have been authorized by vote of such qualified electors, and levied by the governing body of Franklin county, such governing body may anticipate the proceeds therefrom for any one or more of the purposes for which the tax shall have been voted, by issuing, without further election, interest-bearing tax anticipation bonds, warrants, or certificates of indebtedness of said county payable solely from and secured by a pledge of a sufficient amount of the annual proceeds from said tax received by the county.
The governing body of Franklin county shall have power to designate as the agency of the county, to construct, acquire, equip, operate and maintain public hospital facilities for said districts one, two, and three, any public corporation heretofore or hereafter organized for hospital purposes in the county. When a public corporation shall have been so designated, the proceeds of said tax thereafter collected shall be paid to it and shall be used by it for any one or more of the purposes for which the tax shall have been voted; provided, that payments of the proceeds of said tax to said public corporation shall be made only to such extent as will not result in the impairment of the obligation of any contract theretofore made with respect to said tax. Said public corporation may anticipate the proceeds from said tax so required to be paid to it by issuing, for any one or more of the purposes for which the tax shall have been voted, the bonds, warrants, or certificates of indebtedness of said corporation, and may pledge for the payment of the principal thereof and interest thereon a sufficient amount of the annual proceeds from said tax so paid to it.
No securities issued or contracts made by Franklin county under the authority of this amendment, which are payable solely out of the proceeds of said tax, and no securities issued or contracts made by any such public corporation, whether or not issued or made under the authority of this amendment, shall be construed to be bonds of Franklin county or of a political subdivision thereof within the meaning of section 222 of the Constitution, or construed to create or constitute an indebtedness of the county within the meaning of section 224 of the Constitution. Said securities shall be construed to be negotiable instruments notwithstanding the fact that they may be payable solely from a limited source. All pledges of said tax and all contracts made with respect thereto pursuant to the provisions of this amendment shall take precedence in the order in which they are made and shall create a charge on the proceeds of said tax prior to the expenses of operating and maintaining any public hospital facilities.
Districts one, two, and three of Franklin county herein referred to are the commissioners districts one, two, and three now established in Franklin county as authorized by law.
Amendment 263 ratified
[edit]Economic Development of Municipalities in Geneva County.
Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, any municipality in Geneva county, or any one or more of them, shall have full and continuing power and authority, after an election held in accordance herewith, to do any one or more of the following:
1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind.
2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, or give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation.
3. To promote local industrial, commercial or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein.
4. To become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company.
5. To lend its credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever.
6. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest-bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding fifty percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of the municipality or may be limited as to the source of their payment.
7. To levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes of not exceeding two percent on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in the same manner as other county or municipal taxes are levied and collected. Such tax may be upon all property in any municipality in Geneva county or upon all property in any district the boundaries of which the governing body of such municipality shall describe and which it shall determine to be specially improved and benefited by any proposed use or expenditure of the proceeds of such tax.
8. To pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it.
9. To create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body and subject to such limitations as the governing body of any municipality in Geneva county may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the judge of probate or the secretary of state, or their respective successors in function, and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon any such municipality.
The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligations or evidences of indebtedness shall have been paid in full. The bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness issued hereunder shall not be considered an indebtedness of any municipality in Geneva county for the purpose of determining the borrowing capacity of such municipality under sections 224 and 225 of the Constitution; and the taxes herein authorized shall be in addition to those provided for or permitted in sections 215 and 216 of the Constitution and all amendments thereto.
This amendment shall be self-executing; but the legislature shall have the right and power by general, special or local act to adopt laws supplemental to this amendment or in furtherance of the purposes and objectives hereinabove set forth.
No municipality in Geneva county shall make any engagement or commitment or undertake any project under the provisions hereof unless and until the proposition has been approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the locality affected thereby who vote thereon at a referendum election held for such purpose. The governing body of any municipality may provide for holding such election, but in no case shall an election be held until notice of the election and of the proposition to be voted on has been published once a week for at least three successive weeks before the election in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality.
Amendment 264 ratified
[edit]Bonds for Courthouse in Marengo County.
Marengo county is hereby authorized to incur indebtedness to the extent of not exceeding $400,000 in aggregate principal amount, and to issue its bonds in evidence of the indebtedness so incurred, for the purpose of constructing and equipping a new courthouse in said county. Said bonds may be issued only after the question of the issuance thereof shall have been submitted to the qualified electors of said county at an election called for that purpose by the governing body of said county and a majority of said qualified electors voting at said election shall have voted in favor of the issuance of said bonds, which election shall be called, held, conducted, canvassed and may be contested in the manner provided by the then existing laws of Alabama with respect to elections on the issuance of bonds by counties; provided however, that if a majority of the qualified electors of said county participating in the election on the adoption of this amendment shall vote for the adoption thereof then the approval of this amendment expressed by the vote in said county in favor of its adoption shall of itself authorize the issuance of the bonds, and in that event no additional election by the electors of said county shall be required to authorize the issuance of said bonds. In the event the majority vote in said county on the adoption of this amendment is against the adoption thereof, or in the event the majority vote at any election held in said county pursuant to the provisions of this amendment after its adoption is not in favor of the issuance of the bonds proposed at such election, the governing body of the said county may from time to time call other elections hereunder on the issuance of said bonds, but not more than one such election shall be held during any period of twelve consecutive months. The power to become indebted and to issue bonds in evidence of such indebtedness shall be in addition to all other powers which the said county may have under the Constitution and laws of Alabama, and any bonds issued pursuant to this amendment shall not be chargeable against the amount of indebtedness which said county may incur under the Constitution and laws of Alabama in effect prior to the adoption of this amendment. All bonds issued under this amendment shall be general obligations of the county secured by an irrevocable pledge of its full faith and credit, shall be issued in accordance with, and shall be subject to, the provisions of the general laws of Alabama existing at the time of the sale of said bonds respecting the maturities, sale, execution and redemption of bonds by counties.
If the said bonds are authorized to be issued, either by a majority of the qualified electors of said county participating in the election on the adoption of this amendment voting for the adoption thereof or by a majority of the qualified electors of said county voting in favor of the issuance of said bonds at a separate county bond election on the question of the issuance of said bonds, and if the said bonds or any part thereof are actually issued, the governing body of said county shall thereafter have the power, without any further election, to agree to levy and collect, and to levy and collect, for a period of not exceeding seven years and for the sole purpose of paying the principal and interest on such bonds and creating a reserve therefor, a special additional annual ad valorem tax of not exceeding two mills on each dollar's worth of taxable property in said county, as assessed for state taxation for the preceding tax year. The said county shall not, however, in any event have the power to levy said tax or any part thereof with respect to any tax year beginning after final payment and retirement of said bonds. The term "taxable property" as used in this amendment shall include any property that has heretofore been or may hereafter be exempted from county taxes pursuant to the provisions of sections 3 to 5, inclusive, of Title 51 of the Code of Alabama of 1940, as amended, or other similar statute, and the tax herein provided for, if authorized, levied and collected, shall be levied on and collected with respect to all such property just as if it had not been exempted from county taxes. Any provision of section 71 of Title 51 of the Code of Alabama of 1940 to the contrary notwithstanding, the tax herein provided for may, if authorized to be levied, be levied by the governing body of the county at any time prior to the September 1 next preceding the date on which such tax is to become due and payable.
The provisions of this amendment shall be self-executing.
Amendment 265 ratified
[edit]Compensation of Certain Officers of Marengo County.
The legislature may hereafter, from time to time, by general, special or local laws, fix, regulate and alter the fees, commissions, allowances or salaries to be charged or received by the tax assessor or the tax collector of Marengo county, and may put such officers on a salary basis and provide for operation of their offices on such basis.
Amendment 266 ratified
[edit]Bond Issue for Acquisition, Improvement, etc., of Mental Health Facilities.
The state of Alabama is authorized to become indebted and to sell and issue interest-bearing bonds, in addition to all other bonds of the state, in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $15,000,000. The proceeds derived from the sale of said bonds shall be used solely for the purpose of paying the expenses incurred in the sale and issuance thereof and for the acquisition, construction and improvement of mental health facilities, including (a) improvements to the existing state hospitals for the mentally ill known as Bryce and Searcy hospitals and to the existing state facilities for treatment and care of the mentally retarded known as Partlow School, for which improvements not exceeding $3,000,000 of the proceeds from the said bonds may be used, (b) acquisition by construction and otherwise of one or more new state facilities and regional centers, or either, for treatment and care of the mentally retarded, for which purpose not exceeding $9,000,000 of the proceeds from the said bonds may be used, and (c) acquisition by construction and otherwise of regional and community-based mental health centers and regional and community-based centers for treatment and care of the mentally retarded, for which purpose not exceeding $3,000,000 of the proceeds from the said bonds may be used; provided, that bond proceeds may be used for a center referred to in the foregoing clause (c) only if a portion of the cost of that center is to be paid out of funds supplied by federal grant or by contribution of local political subdivisions or other local sources, or by both federal grant and such contribution. The improvement of a facility shall be deemed to include the renovation, modernization, remodeling, and equipment thereof and the construction of additions thereto; and the construction of a facility shall be deemed to include the acquisition of real estate sites and equipment therefor. Said bonds shall be sold only at a duly advertised public sale or sales, upon sealed bids or at auction, to the bidder whose bid reflects the lowest net interest cost to the state for the bonds offered for sale, and shall be sold at not less than their face value plus accrued interest thereon. Said bonds shall be direct general obligations of the state and for the prompt and faithful payment of the principal thereof and interest thereon the full faith and credit of the state are hereby irrevocably pledged. In addition thereto, there is hereby specially and irrevocably pledged for payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds, pro rata and without priority of one bond over another by reason of prior issuance or otherwise, that portion of an additional privilege and license tax on the sale, storage, use, consumption, or delivery of cigarettes, levied by an act adopted at the 1967 regular session of the legislature of Alabama, that was appropriated in the said act to the purpose of acquiring and constructing mental health facilities in the state. The said special pledge shall create a charge on the tax proceeds herein specially pledged prior to all other charges or expenses for any purpose. The bonds issued under this amendment and the income therefrom shall be exempt from all taxation in the state. The legislature shall adopt appropriate enabling legislation to carry out the intent and purpose of this amendment.
Amendment 267 ratified
[edit]Bond Issue to Acquire, Develop, etc., State Parks and Park Facilities.
The state of Alabama is authorized to become indebted for acquiring, providing, constructing, developing, and equipping state parks and park facilities, and in evidence of the indebtedness so incurred to issue and sell, in addition to all other bonds of the state, interest-bearing general obligation bonds of the state, not exceeding forty-three million dollars ($43,000,000) in principal amount. The proceeds from the sale of any such bonds shall, after payment of the reasonable and necessary expenses of their issuance, be set aside in the state treasury in a special trust fund designated "state parks bond proceeds fund" and shall be disbursed therefrom on order of the director of conservation, approved by the governor, for payment of costs of acquiring, providing, constructing, developing and equipping state parks and park facilities; provided, that any proceeds held in the state parks bond proceeds fund for more than thirty days shall be invested in securities which are direct and general obligations of the United States of America. The said bonds shall be direct general obligations of the state, and for the prompt and faithful payment of the principal thereof and interest thereon the full faith and credit of the state are hereby irrevocably pledged. In addition thereto, there is hereby specially and irrevocably pledged for payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds, pro rata and without priority of one bond over another by reason of prior issuance or otherwise, so much as may be necessary for said purpose of that portion of an additional privilege and license tax on the sale, storage, use, consumption, or delivery of cigarettes, levied by an act introduced at the 1967 regular session of the legislature of Alabama as Senate Bill 280, that was appropriated in the said act to the development of state parks and state park facilities. The said special pledge shall create a charge on the tax proceeds herein specially pledged prior to all other charges or expenses for state park purposes or any other purposes whatever.
The governor, the director of finance, and the director of conservation are hereby constituted a bond commission with full authority, except as herein specified or limited, to provide the terms of the bonds and to provide for the sale and issuance thereof. The governor shall be the chairman of the commission, which shall meet at his call; its proceedings shall be signed by its members and filed with the secretary of state. The bonds may be sold, executed and delivered at any time and from time to time, may be in such forms, denominations, series and numbers, may be of such tenor and maturities, may bear such date or dates, may be in registered or bearer form either as to principal or interest or both, with rights of conversion into another form, may be payable in such installments and at such place or places, may bear interest at such rate or rates, payable and evidenced in such manner, and may contain provisions for redemption at the option of the state at such date or dates prior to their maturity and upon payment of such redemption price or prices, all as shall be provided by the said commission in the order or orders under which the bonds are issued. The principal of each series of bonds shall mature in annual installments in such amounts as shall be specified in the authorizing order or orders; provided, that the first such installment shall mature not later than one year after the date of the bonds of such series, and the last such installment shall mature not later than twenty years after the date of the bonds of the same series; and provided further, that at the time of the issuance of each series of bonds, the maturities of the bonds of that series shall, to such extent as may be practicable, be so arranged that during each then succeeding fiscal year of the state the aggregate installments of principal and interest that will mature on all bonds that will be outstanding hereunder, immediately following the issuance of the bonds of that series, will be substantially equal. The determination by the commission that the requirements of the last proviso of the preceding sentence have been complied with shall be conclusive of such compliance.
The bonds shall be signed in the name of the state by the governor and countersigned by the director of finance and the great seal of the state of Alabama or a facsimile thereof shall be impressed, printed or otherwise reproduced thereon and shall be attested by the signature of the secretary of state; provided, that the facsimile signatures of any one or any two (but not all) of said officers may be reproduced on any of such bonds in lieu of being manually signed thereon. Coupons attached to the bonds and representing installments of interest thereon shall be signed with the facsimile signature of the state treasurer, which facsimile signature shall constitute due and sufficient authentication of said coupons.
All bonds issued under the provisions of this amendment, together with the interest income thereon, shall forever be exempt from taxation in this state.
The provisions of this amendment shall be self-executing and authorization from or other action by the legislature shall not be a prerequisite to the issuance of bonds hereunder.
Amendment 268 ratified
[edit]Amendment of Section 225. SECTION 225
Indebtedness of municipal corporations — Limitation; exception as to Sheffield and Tuscumbia; limitation not applicable to obligations or indebtedness exempted by Constitution or amendments thereto.
No city, town or other municipal corporation having a population of less than six thousand, except as hereafter provided, shall become indebted in an amount, including present indebtedness, exceeding twenty per centum of the assessed value of the property therein, except for the construction of or purchase of waterworks, gas or electric lighting plants, or sewerage, or for the improvements of streets, for which purposes an additional indebtedness not exceeding three per centum may be created; provided, this limitation shall not affect any debt now authorized by law to be created, nor any temporary loans to be paid within one year, made in anticipation of the collection of taxes, not exceeding one fourth of the annual revenues of such city or town. All towns and cities having a population of six thousand or more are hereby authorized to become indebted in an amount, including present indebtedness, not exceeding twenty per centum of the assessed valuation of the property therein, provided that there shall not be included in the limitation of the indebtedness of such last described cities and towns the following classes of indebtedness, to-wit: Temporary loans, to be paid within one year, made in anticipation of the collection of taxes and not exceeding one fourth of the general revenues, bonds, or other obligations already issued, or which may hereafter be issued for the purpose of acquiring, providing, or constructing school houses, waterworks, and sewers; and obligations incurred and bonds issued for street or sidewalk improvements, where the cost of the same, in whole or in part, is to be assessed against the property abutting said improvements; provided, that the proceeds of all obligations issued as herein provided in excess of said twenty per centum shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which said obligations were issued. Nothing contained in this article shall prevent the funding or refunding of valid obligations existing at the time of such funding or refunding. This section shall not apply to the cities of Sheffield and Tuscumbia.
The limitations specified in this section shall not be applicable to any obligations or indebtedness that may be exempted from the said limitations by the provisions of any portion of this Constitution, including any amendment thereto at any time adopted.
Amendment 269 ratified
[edit]Special Property Tax by Counties or Municipalities for Library Purposes.
In addition to all taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution of Alabama, any county or any incorporated municipality within the state which supports, jointly supports, or proposes to support a public library is hereby authorized to levy and collect a special tax not exceeding five one hundredths of one per centum on the value of the taxable property within such county or municipality as assessed for state taxation, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for public library purposes; provided, that the rate of such tax, the time it is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the county or municipality and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. Elections under this amendment shall be called, held and conducted in the same way as elections on special school district tax levies.
Amendment 270 ratified
[edit]Navigable Waterway Between Demopolis and Tennessee River and Flood Control Projects on Tributary Streams of Tombigbee River.
Any provision of the Constitution of Alabama or amendments thereto to the contrary notwithstanding, the legislature may by appropriate laws authorize the state to engage in works of internal improvement by fulfilling the requirements of local contribution, participation and cooperation now or hereafter established by the United States in connection with (1) the construction and maintenance of a navigable waterway (herein called "the waterway") between Demopolis, Alabama, and the Tennessee river and (2) the implementation and maintenance of flood control projects on the tributary streams of the Tombigbee river (herein called "the flood control projects").
The legislature may by appropriate laws authorize the state to become indebted and, in evidence of such indebtedness, to sell and issue its interest-bearing bonds, in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $10,000,000, for the purpose of enabling the state to discharge obligations at any time authorized by the legislature to be undertaken in connection with the waterway and the flood control project; provided, that the expenses incurred in connection with the sale and issuance of the bonds may also be paid from the proceeds thereof. Bonds evidencing the herein provided for indebtedness may be issued as direct general obligations of the state, and the state may pledge its full faith and credit to the prompt payment of the principal of the bonds and the interest thereon. The herein provided for indebtedness shall not be construed to prohibit or limit appropriations from the general fund of the state which from time to time may be made for the purpose of enabling the state to discharge obligations at any time authorized by the legislature to be undertaken in connection with the waterway and the flood control projects.
The legislature may by appropriate laws establish a public corporation and may confer upon it, in addition to all other necessary powers, full power to undertake the obligations that the state is permitted under the foregoing provisions of this amendment to undertake in connection with the waterway and the flood control projects. The legislature may from time to time appropriate money from the general fund of the state to be expended by such public corporation and may also authorize the herein provided for general obligation bonds of the state to be sold from time to time under the supervision of such public corporation; provided, that all moneys received by such public corporation from the state, whether as appropriations from the state's general fund or as proceeds of the sale of the state's bonds, shall be expended, except for reasonable administrative expenses, in discharging obligations that the state is permitted under the foregoing provisions of this amendment to undertake in connection with the waterway and the flood control projects and shall have directed such public corporation to undertake in its stead.
Amendment 271 ratified
[edit]Amendment of Section 164. SECTION 164
Appointment of clerk of supreme court; selection of clerks of inferior courts.
The clerk of the supreme court shall be appointed by the justices thereof; and the clerks of such inferior courts as may be established by law shall be selected in such manner as the legislature may provide.
Amendment 272 ratified
[edit]Game and Fish Fund.
There is hereby created and shall be a fund in the state treasury, which shall be known as the game and fish fund. This fund shall consist of:
a. All monies received from all occupational licenses or privilege taxes imposed by the state on any person, firm or corporation for engaging in any business or activity relating to taking, catching, capturing or killing any fur-bearing or game animal or game bird in this state or the taking, catching, capturing or killing of any freshwater fish or aquatic animal in the public waters of this state;
b. All monies derived from the levying or imposition upon any person, firm or corporation of any tax, license, permit, certificate, fee or any other charge, by whatsoever name called, pursuant to the game and fish laws of this state or rules and regulations promulgated thereunder;
c. All monies paid, derived, received or arising from fines, penalties and forfeitures pursuant to the game and fish laws of this state and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder;
d. All monies derived from the administration and enforcement of the game and fish laws of this state or rules and regulations promulgated thereunder;
e. All monies derived from the sale of hunting and fishing licenses or permits;
f. All monies derived from the sale of lands, timber or other natural resources owned by the game and fish division of the department of conservation;
g. All monies accruing to the game and fish fund from any other source whatsoever.
No funds accruing to the game and fish fund of the state of Alabama from any source whatsoever shall be expended for any other purpose than the payment of administrative costs of the game and fish activities of the department of conservation and for the protection, propagation, preservation, investigation of game and fish and public use of the game and fish resources of this state.
Amendment 273 ratified
[edit]Bonds for State Docks Facilities
The state of Alabama is authorized to become indebted for additional improvements for the Alabama state docks and in evidence of the indebtedness so incurred to issue and sell, in addition to all other bonds of the state, interest-bearing general obligation bonds of the state not exceeding four million dollars ($4,000,000) in principal amount. The full faith and credit and taxing power of the state are hereby pledged to the prompt and faithful payment of the principal of the bonds and the interest thereon.
The Alabama state docks department (which term as used herein shall be construed to include any other agency of the state that may succeed to said department's functions) shall, subject to the provisions of the bond order relating to the sale of $10,000,000 principal amount of general obligation seaport facilities bonds of the state of Alabama dated March 1, 1964, pledge and use so much of the revenues derived from its seaport facilities as may be necessary to pay at their maturities the principal of and interest on the bonds herein authorized, and may pledge, agree to use, and use so much of said revenues as the said department with the approval of the governor may determine shall be necessary or desirable to build up and maintain reserves for the payment of said principal and interest and for the maintenance, replacement and improvement of its seaport facilities. The proceeds from the sale of any such bonds shall, after payment of the reasonable and necessary expense of their issuance, be set aside in a special fund in the state treasury and shall be paid out to the Alabama state docks department upon authorization by the governor and shall be held by the said department in a special trust fund designated "Alabama state docks capital extension bond fund" and therefrom be disbursed to pay the reasonable and necessary costs of constructing, dredging of approaches thereto and equipment of works of internal improvement for use and operation as a part of additional state docks facilities; provided that, if said department shall have issued any notes in anticipation of the sale of bonds for any of said purposes, then so much as may be necessary, not exceeding $2,000,000, shall be used to retire or fund said notes.
The Alabama state docks department is hereby vested with full authority, subject to the provisions of the bond order relating to the sale of $10,000,000 principal amount of general obligation seaport facilities bonds of the state of Alabama dated March 1, 1964, and except as limited herein, to prescribe the terms of the bonds and to provide for the issuance and sale thereof. The bonds may be sold, executed and delivered at any time and from time to time, may be in such forms, denominations, series and numbers, may be of such tenor and maturities, may bear such date or dates, may be in registered or bearer form either as to principal or interest or both, with rights of conversion into another form, may be payable in such installments and at such place or places, may bear interest at such rate or rates, payable and evidenced in such manner, and may contain provisions for redemption at the option of the state to be exercised by the state docks department at such date or dates prior to their maturity and upon payment of such redemption price or prices, all as shall be provided by the said department in the order or orders under which the bonds are issued. The principal of each series of bonds shall mature in annual installments in such amount as shall be specified in the authorizing order or orders, the first of which installments shall mature not later than one year after the date of the bonds of such series and the last of which installments shall mature not later than twenty years after the date of the bonds of the same series. The largest installment of principal and interest maturing on each series of the bonds in any one year shall not exceed twice the preceding smallest installment of principal and interest maturing thereon in any prior year. None of the bonds shall be sold for less than face value plus accrued interest thereon to the date of delivery. The bonds shall be sold only at public sale or sales, either on sealed bids or at auction, after such advertisement as may be prescribed by the said department to the bidder whose bid reflects the lowest net interest cost to the state computed to the respective maturities of the bonds sold; provided, that if no bid deemed acceptable by the said department is received all bids may be rejected.
The bonds shall be signed in the name of the state by the governor and countersigned by the state docks director, and the great seal of the state of Alabama or a facsimile thereof shall be impressed, printed or otherwise reproduced thereon and shall be attested by the signature of the secretary of state; provided, that facsimile signatures of any one or any two (but not all) of said officers may be reproduced on any of such bonds in lieu of being manually signed thereon. Coupons attached to the bonds and representing installments of interest thereon shall be signed with the facsimile signature of the state treasurer, which facsimile signature shall constitute due and sufficient authentication of said coupons.
All bonds issued under the provisions of this amendment, together with the interest income thereon, shall forever be exempt from taxation in this state.
The authorization to incur debt and issue bonds contained in this amendment shall supersede and take the place of any authorization for Alabama state docks department to issue revenue bonds granted by act of the legislature in effect on the effective date of this amendment.
The provisions of this amendment shall be self-executing and authorization from or other action by the legislature shall not be a prerequisite to the issuance of bonds hereunder.
Amendment 274 ratified
[edit]Works of Internal Improvement Along Navigable Waterways.
When authorized by appropriate laws passed by the legislature, the state of Alabama may, in promoting and aiding the commercial flow of agricultural products within the state or in aid of commerce and use of the waterways of the state, at a cost not exceeding $2,000,000 engaged in works of internal improvement by promoting, developing, constructing, maintaining and operating within the state or along navigable streams and waterways now or hereafter existing within the state all manner of elevators, facilities, warehouses, docks, water and rail terminals and other structures and facilities and improvements needful for the convenient use of the same; provided that any such works or improvements shall always be and remain under the management and control of the state through the Alabama state docks department or other state governing agency and shall become part of the inland waterways facilities of the state. When authorized by appropriate laws passed by the legislature, the state may, in addition to all other bonds of the state, become indebted in an aggregate principal amount of not exceeding $2,000,000 for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this amendment and may cause to be issued its general direct obligation bonds for the repayment of such indebtedness and interest thereon and pledge the faith and credit of the state thereto.
Amendment 275 ratified
[edit]Special Property Tax for Public Hospital Purposes in Mobile County.
Mobile county shall have power to levy and collect a special county tax not exceeding twenty cents on each one hundred dollars worth of taxable property in the county as assessed for state taxes in addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized, for public hospital purposes, provided the rate of the tax and the time it is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election.
If a majority of the qualified electors of Mobile county who participate in the election held on the adoption of this amendment vote in favor thereof, the governing body of Mobile county must levy and collect the special tax as herein authorized at the maximum rate specified for each of the four tax years next ensuing.
If a majority of the qualified electors of Mobile county voting on this amendment vote against its adoption, the governing body of Mobile county may thereafter from time to time call other elections on the question of levying the special tax as herein authorized and must call such an election within three months after receipt by the said county governing body of a petition signed by not less than five percent of the qualified electors of Mobile county. After the special tax herein authorized shall have been levied for a period of four years, the governing body of Mobile county shall, on petition signed by not less than five percent of the qualified electors of the county, call an election on the question of discontinuance of the tax. If a majority of the electors voting upon the question shall vote in favor of discontinuance of the tax then the special tax shall be discontinued at the end of the tax year following the election. Such elections shall be called, held, conducted and canvassed in such manner as the governing board of Mobile county shall provide.
The county governing body and any city or town of Mobile county may from time to time appropriate county or municipal funds, as the case may be, for the use and benefit of any public hospital located in the county.
Amendment 276 ratified
[edit]Hospital Tax in District 2 of Walker County.
In addition to any taxes now authorized or that may be hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, the governing body of Walker county shall levy and cause to be collected annually a special district tax, not exceeding 50 cents on each 100 dollars assessed valuation of taxable property in district two of Walker county, Alabama, to be used exclusively for public hospital purposes (as the term "public hospital purposes" is defined in amendment LXXVI [76] to the Constitution proposed by Acts of 1949, page 897, submitted December 13, 1949, and proclaimed ratified December 21, 1949) within said district two; provided that the time during which such tax is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors in district two of Walker county and voted for by a majority of such electors voting at such election. The governing body of Walker county may call an election at any time, and it shall be the duty of such governing body to call an election to be held within ninety days after receipt by it of a petition signed by not less than 5% of the qualified electors of said district two, requesting that such election be called. The governing body may call such election to be held at the same time that this amendment is submitted to the electors of the state for ratification and such election shall be effective to require the levy and collection of such tax in the event that this amendment shall be ratified. The notice of such election, ballots to be used at such election and procedures for holding and determining the results of such election shall be prescribed by the governing body of Walker county. No election shall be held hereunder within one year from the date of the last election so held.
Whenever such tax shall have been authorized by vote of such qualified electors, and levied by the governing body of Walker county, such governing body may anticipate the proceeds therefrom for any one or more of the purposes for which the tax shall have been voted, by issuing, without further election, interest-bearing tax anticipation bonds, warrants, or certificates of indebtedness of said county payable solely from and secured by a pledge of a sufficient amount of the annual proceeds from said tax received by the county.
The governing body of Walker county shall have power to designate as the agency of the county, to construct, acquire, equip, operate and maintain public hospital facilities for said district two, any public corporation heretofore or hereafter organized for hospital purposes in the county. When a public corporation shall have been so designated, the proceeds of said tax thereafter collected shall be paid to it and shall be used by it for any one or more of the purposes for which the tax shall have been voted; provided, that payments of the proceeds of said tax to said public corporation shall be made only to such extent as will not result in the impairment of the obligation of any contract theretofore made with respect to said tax. Said public corporation may anticipate the proceeds from said tax so required to be paid to it by issuing, for any one or more of the purposes for which the tax shall have been voted, the bonds, warrants, or certificates of indebtedness of said corporation, and may pledge for the payment of the principal thereof and interest thereon a sufficient amount of the annual proceeds from said tax so paid to it.
No securities issued or contracts made by Walker county under the authority of this amendment, which are payable solely out of the proceeds of said tax, and no securities issued or contracts made by any such public corporation, whether or not issued or made under the authority of this amendment, shall be construed to be bonds of Walker county or of a political subdivision thereof within the meaning of section 222 of the Constitution, or construed to create or constitute an indebtedness of the county within the meaning of section 224 of the Constitution. Said securities shall be construed to be negotiable instruments notwithstanding the fact that they may be payable solely from a limited source. All pledges of said tax and all contracts, made with respect thereto pursuant to the provisions of this amendment shall take precedence in the order in which they are made and shall create a charge on the proceeds of said tax prior to the expenses of operating and maintaining any public hospital facilities.
District two of Walker county herein referred to is the commissioner's district two now established in Walker county as authorized by law.
Amendment 277 ratified
[edit]Economic Development of Town of Carbon Hill.
Any provision of the Constitution or laws of the state of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding, the town of Carbon Hill in Walker county shall have full and continuing power and authority, after an election held in accordance herewith, to do any one or more of the following:
1. To purchase, construct, lease, or otherwise acquire real property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind.
2. To lease, sell for cash or on credit, exchange, give and convey any such property described in subdivision 1 above, to any person, firm, association or corporation.
3. To promote local industrial, commercial or agricultural development and the location of new industries or businesses therein.
4. To become a stockholder in any corporation, association or company.
5. To lend this credit or to grant public moneys and things of value in aid of, or to, any individual, firm, association, or corporation whatsoever.
6. To become indebted and to issue and sell interest-bearing bonds, warrants (which may be payable from funds to be realized in future years), notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness, to a principal amount not exceeding fifty percent of the assessed value of taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in order to secure funds for the purchase, construction, lease or acquisition of any of the property described in subdivision 1 above or to be used in furtherance of any of the other powers or authorities granted in this amendment. Such obligations or evidences of indebtedness may (in addition to any pledge or pledges authorized by subdivision 8 of this amendment) be issued upon the full faith and credit of the town of Carbon Hill, or may be limited as to the source of their payment.
7. To levy and collect annually, in addition to all other taxes now authorized or permitted, a special tax or taxes of not exceeding two percent on the value of all taxable property therein as determined for state taxation, in the same manner as other county or municipal taxes are levied and collected. Such tax may be upon all property in the municipality, or upon all property in any district the boundaries of which the governing body of such municipality shall describe and which it shall determine to be specially improved and benefited by any proposed use or expenditure of the proceeds of such tax.
8. To pledge to the payment of any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness the annual proceeds from any such special tax or taxes and to obligate itself irrevocably to continue to levy and collect such taxes annually until such obligations or evidences of indebtedness are paid in full and to pledge thereto any rental or sales proceeds of property leased or sold by it.
The recital in any bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness that they were issued pursuant to this amendment or that they were issued to provide funds to be used in furtherance of any power or authority herein authorized or that any special tax herein authorized has been pledged to the payment thereof shall be conclusive; no purchaser or holder thereof need inquire further; and the levy and collection of such tax shall continue until the principal of and interest on such obligations or evidences of indebtedness shall have been paid in full. The bonds, warrants, notes or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness issued hereunder shall not be considered an indebtedness of the municipality for the purpose of determining the borrowing capacity of the county under section 225 of the Constitution; and the taxes herein authorized shall be in addition to those provided for or permitted in section 216 of the Constitution and all amendments thereto.
9. To create a public authority or corporation having such powers, managed and governed by such board or governing body, and subject to such limitations as the governing body of the town of Carbon Hill may impose, by approving and filing a certificate to that effect in the office of the judge of probate of Walker county or the secretary of state, or their respective successors in function, and to delegate to such public authority or corporation and its board or governing body all powers and authority conferred in this amendment upon the municipality.
10. The town of Carbon Hill shall not make any engagement or commitment or undertake any project under the provisions hereof unless and until the proposition has been approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the municipality. The governing body of the municipality may provide for holding such elections, but in no case shall an election be held until notice of the election and of the proposition to be voted on has been published for at least three successive weeks in a newspaper having general circulation in Walker county.
This amendment shall be self-executing; but the legislature shall have the right and power by general, special or local act to adopt laws supplemental to this amendment or in furtherance of the purposes and objectives hereinabove set forth.
Amendment 278 ratified
[edit]Costs and Charges of Courts in Elmore County.
The legislature may from time to time, by general, special or local laws, fix, regulate and alter the costs and charges of courts in the county of Elmore and the method of distribution thereof.
Amendment 279 ratified
[edit]Special Property Tax for Educational Purposes in City of Fort Payne.
In addition to all taxes now, or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, the city of Fort Payne, DeKalb county, Alabama, shall have the power to levy and collect a special school tax up to 7 1/2 mills on each dollar's worth of taxable property in the city of Fort Payne, DeKalb county, Alabama, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for school purposes; provided that such tax and the purpose or purposes thereof, and the times such taxes are proposed to be continued, shall have first been submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the city of Fort Payne, DeKalb county, Alabama, and voted for by the majority of those voting at such election. The special tax provided herein may be renewed from time to time, in the manner provided herein, for such periods of time as are necessary. If any proposal to levy the taxes is defeated in any election, subsequent elections thereon may be held at any time. The elections provided for herein shall be called, held, conducted, and paid for by the city of Fort Payne, DeKalb county, Alabama, and governed otherwise in the manner provided for an election on the school district tax authorized in amendment three, article 19 of the Constitution of Alabama. By article 7, chapter 10, Title 52 of the Code of Alabama 1940.
The county tax collector shall collect the tax in the same manner and under the same requirements and laws as the taxes of the state are collected, and he shall keep the proceeds of this tax separate and apart from all other funds, and shall keep clear account thereof. The tax collector shall distribute the proceeds of this special tax in such manner as to turn over to the custodian of the city school funds of the city of Fort Payne, DeKalb county, Alabama, the revenue derived from the tax levied on all taxable property situated in the city of Fort Payne, DeKalb county, Alabama. Such revenues to be used by the city board of education for educational purposes in connection with schools located in the corporate limits of the city of Fort Payne, DeKalb county, Alabama.
In the event that any special property tax herein authorized shall be authorized by a majority of the qualified electors voting on the question at the election, the city board of education of the city of Fort Payne, Alabama, may at such times as to them seem necessary and proper, sell and issue their tax anticipation bonds for the purposes for which the tax was authorized, which bonds shall be in such amounts as the respective board of education shall designate and, except as otherwise provided herein shall be subject to the provisions of the general laws now pertaining to the issuance by city boards of education of capital outlay warrants, and no further election shall be required for the issuance of such bonds. The revenue derived from the sale of these bonds shall be expended by the Fort Payne city board of education, for public school purposes only. Any bonds issued under the authority of this amendment shall be payable solely out of the proceeds of the special property tax hereby authorized, all or any part of which may be pledged therefor. The bonds issued under the authority of this amendment shall constitute negotiable instruments, although payable from a limited source, and shall be eligible for the investment of trust funds. The bonds shall not constitute general obligations of the city of Fort Payne, DeKalb county, Alabama, and shall be in addition to all other bonds or warrants which the city board of education have heretofore issued or are authorized to issue under the Constitution and laws of Alabama.
The proceeds of the tax herein levied may be used for any school purpose. In addition to capital outlay, may be used for operating purposes, or any other purpose in connection with the school system of the city of Fort Payne, DeKalb county, Alabama, as may be determined by the city board of education.
Amendment 280 ratified
[edit]Amendment of Amendment No. 238.
Any corporation heretofore or hereafter created in any county of the state having a population of 500,000 or more, according to the last or any subsequent federal census, for the purpose of establishing, maintaining and operating a civic center in the municipality in which the county seat of such county is situated, shall be authorized, without the necessity of any election, to issue bonds, warrants or other evidences of indebtedness, and to pledge for the payment of the principal and interest due thereon any revenues received, or to be received, by such corporation and any tax proceeds appropriated or allocated (in whole or in part) to such public corporation by or pursuant to any act of the legislature of Alabama or by or pursuant to any resolution or ordinance of such county or any municipality therein, any provision of the Constitution or laws of Alabama to the contrary notwithstanding. No such bonds, warrants or other evidences of indebtedness issued by such corporation shall be considered indebtedness of such county or any municipality therein within the meaning of sections 224 and 225 of the Constitution of Alabama. The rent or rentals that the county or any such municipality may be obligated to pay under the terms of any lease between the said corporation and the said county or any such municipality shall not be considered as indebtedness of said county or any such municipality within the meaning of sections 224 and 225 of the Constitution of Alabama.
No tax levied by the state or any municipality or county of the state shall apply to any such corporation, unless such tax applies to the county and the city wherein the corporation is located. The word "tax" as herein used, shall include any ad valorem tax, or other direct tax, and any excise, privilege or license tax.
The following are hereby in all things validated and confirmed, any provision or provisions of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901 to the contrary notwithstanding: Acts numbered 524 [p. 767], 525 [p. 776] and 547 [p. 798] enacted at the 1965 regular session of the legislature of Alabama; Act No. 114 [p. 153] enacted at the second special session of 1965 of the legislature of Alabama; and all corporations established by said Act No. 547, as well as all acts done under the authority of any of said acts, including (without limitation) the acquisition of property, the making of contracts and the incurring of obligations and liabilities. Further, that certain bill introduced in the Alabama house of representatives on August 3, 1967 as House Bill 823, as said bill was finally enacted into law, is hereby validated and confirmed, any provision of the Constitution of 1901 to the contrary notwithstanding; provided that said bill (or a substitute therefor) is enacted by the legislature of Alabama and is approved by the governor (or becomes law without such approval).
Amendment 281 ratified
[edit]Application of Special School Taxes in City of Anniston.
(A) The purpose of this amendment is to clarify and make further provisions regarding the public school purposes for which the following special school taxes, heretofore voted in the school district of the city of Anniston, may be applied: (1) The special annual ad valorem school tax at the rate of fifty cents (50¢) on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) of taxable property which was voted for public school purposes at the special election held in the said school district on March 16, 1948, pursuant to call of the said election made in that certain amendment to the Constitution proposed by Act No. 587 adopted at the 1947 regular session of the legislature (sometimes known as, and herein called, amendment 68), and which was levied by amendment 68 for public school purposes in the said school district for a period of thirty years commencing with the tax year beginning October 1, 1947, and with the last year's tax being payable October 1, 1977; and (2) the special annual ad valorem school tax at the same rate which was voted for public school purposes at the special election held in the said school district on February 15, 1966, pursuant to call of the said election made in that certain amendment to the Constitution proposed by Act No. 72 adopted at the 1965 regular session of the legislature (sometimes known as, and herein called, amendment 232), and which was levied by amendment 232 for public school purposes in the said school district for a period of thirty years commencing with the tax year beginning October 1, 1977, and with the first year's tax being payable October 1, 1978.
(B) In addition to the public school purposes specifically mentioned in amendment 68, in amendment 232, and in that certain amendment to the Constitution, supplemental to amendment 68, that was proposed by Act No. 1045 adopted at the 1961 regular session of the legislature (sometimes known as, and herein called, amendment 165), that portion of the proceeds from the special school tax levied by amendment 68 in the school district of the city of Anniston that is not needed to pay debt service on bonds heretofore issued by the city of Anniston under amendment 68 or under amendment 165, or to comply with any other covenants contained in proceedings authorizing the issuance of the said bonds, and also the proceeds from the special school tax levied by amendment 232 may be used to pay the principal of and interest on any securities (including, but without limitation to, warrants) that may hereafter be issued by the city of Anniston, pursuant to request by the city board of education of Anniston, for the purpose of (i) paying costs of acquiring, constructing and improving public school buildings in the said school district, (ii) refunding the principal of warrants or other securities issued by the said city, after the effective date of amendment 232, for payment of costs of acquisition, construction and improvement of public school buildings, or (iii) the combined purpose of payment of such costs and such refunding. Costs of constructing a school building shall be deemed to include the costs of acquiring a site therefor. Any such securities may be either general obligations of the city of Anniston secured by a pledge of the proceeds of either or both of the said school taxes or may be special obligations of the said city payable solely out of and secured by a pledge of the proceeds of either or both of the said taxes; and any such securities shall be issued by the said city pursuant to the powers conferred on municipalities by existing statutes. Any pledges that may hereafter be made either hereunder or under amendment 232 with respect to the proceeds from the special school tax levied by amendment 232, shall take precedence in the order in which they are made. Any pledges that may hereafter be made either hereunder or under amendment 165, with respect to the proceeds from the special school tax levied by amendment 68 shall take precedence in the order in which they are made and shall be subordinate to the pledges heretofore made by the city of Anniston pursuant to either amendment 68 or amendment 165. If the proceeds of the tax levied by amendment 232 should at any time be pledged pursuant to either this amendment or amendment 232, the tax collector of Calhoun county shall, upon collection thereof, pay such proceeds to the city of Anniston; and until the proceeds of the special tax levied by amendment 232 are so pledged, he shall pay such proceeds to the board of education of the city of Anniston. If pledges are hereunder made with respect to either or both of the said special school taxes, and if the governing body of the city of Anniston shall hereafter determine that the proceeds from the tax or taxes so pledged are in excess of the amount needed to satisfy the said pledges and any other then outstanding pledges made under any of the other amendments herein referred to, then the said proceeds, to the extent of the said excess, may be applied for other public school purposes in the said school district.
(C) The provisions hereof are supplemental to amendments 68, 165, and 232 and the powers and authority herein granted shall be in addition to the powers and authority conferred by the said amendments.
(D) Each of the said special elections held as aforesaid on March 16, 1948, and on February 15, 1966, is hereby validated, in spite of any irregularities in connection with the giving of notice or the holding thereof or any other irregularity in connection therewith.
Amendment 282 ratified
[edit]Amendment of Section 116. SECTION 116
Governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, state auditor, secretary of state, state treasurer, superintendent of education and commissioner of agriculture and industries — Term of office; officers may succeed selves for one additional term.
The governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, state auditor, secretary of state, state treasurer, superintendent of education, and commissioner of agriculture and industries, shall hold their respective offices for the term of four years from the first Monday after the second Tuesday in January next succeeding their election and until their successors shall be elected and qualified. Each of said officers shall be eligible to succeed himself in office, but no person shall be eligible to succeed himself for more than one additional term.
Amendment 283 ratified
[edit]Legislation as to Jurisdiction of Inferior Courts Established in Lieu of Justices of the Peace in Jefferson County.
The legislature of Alabama may by general or local laws fix, regulate, and change the jurisdiction of any or all inferior courts established in lieu of justices of the peace in Jefferson county, in all civil cases so long as the amount in controversy does not exceed five hundred dollars, except in cases of libel, slander, assault and battery, and ejectment. All acts of the legislature of Alabama, whether general or local providing for such courts or for such enlargement of jurisdiction prior to the adoption of this amendment, and all judgments of such courts rendered pursuant to such acts, are hereby ratified, validated and confirmed.
Amendment 284 ratified
[edit]Selection, Qualifications, Powers, Duties and Tenure of State Board of Education and Superintendent of Education.
1. General supervision of the public schools in Alabama shall be vested in a state board of education, which shall be elected in such manner as the legislature may provide.
2. The chief state school officer shall be the state superintendent of education, who shall be appointed by the state board of education and serve at its pleasure. The authority and duties of the superintendent of education shall be determined by the state board of education according to such regulations as the legislature may prescribe. The superintendent of education shall receive an annual salary which shall be fixed by the legislature of Alabama and shall be paid from the state treasury in installments as the salaries of other state officers are paid.
3. The legislature shall enact appropriate laws to implement or enforce this article of amendment.
4. The provisions of article V and XIV of the Constitution of Alabama as amended in conflict with this article are expressly repealed. However, this amendment shall not be so construed as to effect the election or term of the state superintendent of education chosen before it becomes valid as a part of the Constitution.
Amendment 285 ratified
[edit]Registration of Certain Electors by Mail.
The legislature may enact appropriate legislation authorizing and providing for the following persons to register to vote by mail, if they possess the qualifications of an elector and are not disqualified from voting under the Constitution and laws of Alabama, namely, members of the armed forces of the United States, persons employed outside the United States, and the spouses and children of such persons, provided, however, that such persons shall be entitled to register only in the counties where they were residents prior to entering the status which makes them eligible for such registration.
Amendment 286 ratified
[edit]Bonds for Theodore Ship Channel Project in Mobile Harbor.
The state of Alabama is authorized to become indebted for the purpose of financing the work required of the Alabama state docks as the local sponsoring agency for the improvement in Mobile harbor, Alabama, known as the Theodore ship channel project or for additional improvements for the Alabama state docks and in evidence of the indebtedness so incurred to issue and sell, in addition to all other bonds of the state, interest-bearing general obligation bonds of the state not exceeding four million dollars ($4,000,000) in principal amount. The full faith and credit and taxing power of the state are hereby pledged to the prompt and faithful payment of the principal of the bonds and the interest thereon.
The Alabama state docks department (which term as used herein shall be construed to include any other agency of the state that may succeed to said department's functions) shall, subject to the provisions of the bond order relating to the sale of the $10,000,000 principal amount of general obligation seaport facilities bonds of the state of Alabama dated March 1, 1964, pledge and use so much of the revenues derived from its seaport facilities as may be necessary to pay at their maturities the principal of and interest on said bonds, and may pledge, agree to use, and use so much of said revenues as the said department with the approval of the governor may determine shall be necessary or desirable to build up and maintain reserves for the payment of said principal and interest for the maintenance, replacement and improvement of its seaport facilities. The proceeds from the sale of any such bonds shall, after payment of the reasonable and necessary expense of their issuance, be set aside in a special fund in the state treasury and shall be paid out to the Alabama state docks department upon authorization by the governor and shall be held by the said department in a special trust fund and therefrom disbursed to pay the reasonable and necessary costs required of the Alabama state docks as the local sponsoring agency for the improvement in Mobile harbor, Alabama, known as the Theodore ship channel project or to pay the reasonable and necessary costs of constructing, dredging of approaches thereto and equipment of works of internal improvement for use and operation as a part of additional state docks facilities; provided that, if said department shall have issued any notes in anticipation of the sale of bonds for any of said purposes, then so much as may be necessary, not exceeding $2,000,000, shall be used to retire or fund said notes.
The Alabama state docks department is hereby vested with full authority, subject to the provisions of the bond order relating to the sale of $10,000,000 principal amount of general obligation seaport facilities bonds of the state of Alabama dated March 1, 1964, and except as limited herein, to prescribe the terms of the bonds and to provide for the issuance and sale thereof. The bonds may be sold, executed and delivered at any time and from time to time, may be in such forms, denominations, series and numbers, may be of such tenor and maturities, may bear such date or dates, may be in registered or bearer form either as to principal or interest or both, with rights of conversion into another form, may be payable in such installments and at such place or places, may bear interest at such rate or rates, payable and evidenced in such manner, and may contain provisions for redemption at the option of the state to be exercised by the state docks department at such date or dates prior to their maturity and upon payment of such redemption price or prices, all as shall be provided by the said department in the order or orders under which the bonds are issued. The principal of each series of bonds shall mature in annual installments in such amount as shall be specified in the authorizing order or orders, the first of which installments shall mature not later than one year after the date of the bonds of such series and the last of which installments shall mature not later than twenty years after the date of the bonds of the same series. The largest installment of principal and interest maturing on each series of the bonds in any one year shall not exceed twice the preceding smallest installment of principal and interest maturing thereon in any prior year. None of the bonds shall be sold for less than face value plus accrued interest thereon to the date of delivery. The bonds shall be sold only at public sale or sales, either on sealed bids or at auction, after such advertisement as may be prescribed by the said department to the bidder whose bid reflects the lowest net interest cost to the state computed to the respective maturities of the bonds sold; provided, that if no bid deemed acceptable by the said department is received all bids may be rejected.
The bonds shall be signed in the name of the state by the governor and countersigned by the state docks director, and the great seal of the state of Alabama or a facsimile thereof shall be impressed, printed or otherwise reproduced thereon and shall be attested by the signature of the secretary of state; provided, that facsimile signatures of any one or any two (but not all) of said officers may be reproduced on any of such bonds in lieu of being manually signed thereon. Coupons attached to the bonds and representing installments of interest thereon shall be signed with the facsimile signature of the state treasurer, which facsimile signature shall constitute due and sufficient authentication of said coupons.
All bonds issued under the provisions of this amendment, together with the interest income thereon, shall forever be exempt from taxation in this state.
The authorization to incur debt and issue bonds contained in this amendment shall supersede and take the place of any authorization for Alabama state docks department to issue revenue bonds granted by act of the legislature in effect on the effective date of this amendment.
The provisions of this amendment shall be self-executing and authorization from or other action by the legislature shall not be a prerequisite to the issuance of bonds hereunder.
Amendment 287 ratified
[edit]Navigable Waterway Between Montgomery and Gadsden and to the Alabama-Georgia Boundary.
Any provision of the Constitution of Alabama or amendments thereto to the contrary notwithstanding, the legislature may by appropriate laws authorize the state to engage in works of internal improvement by fulfilling the requirements of local contribution, participation and cooperation now or hereafter established by the United States in connection with the construction and maintenance of a navigable waterway (herein called "the waterway") between Montgomery and Gadsden and to the Alabama-Georgia boundary.
The legislature may by appropriate laws authorize the state to become indebted, and in evidence of such indebtedness, to sell and issue its interest-bearing bonds, in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $10,000,000, for the purpose of enabling the state to discharge obligations at any time authorized by the legislature to be undertaken in connection with the waterway project; provided, that the expenses incurred in connection with the sale and issuance of the bonds may also be paid from the proceeds thereof. Bonds evidencing the herein provided for indebtedness may be issued as direct general obligations of the state, and the state may pledge its full faith and credit to the prompt payment of the principal of the bonds and the interest thereon. The herein provided for indebtedness shall not be construed to prohibit or limit appropriations from the general fund of the state which from time to time may be made for the purpose of enabling the state to discharge obligations at any time authorized by the legislature to be undertaken in connection with the waterway project.
The legislature may by appropriate laws establish a public corporation and may confer upon it, in addition to all other necessary powers, full power to undertake the obligations that the state is permitted under the foregoing provisions of this amendment to undertake in connection with the waterway project. The legislature may from time to time appropriate money from the general fund of the state to be expended by such public corporation and may also authorize the herein provided for general obligation bonds of the state to be sold from time to time under the supervision of such public corporation; provided, that all moneys received by such public corporation from the state, whether as appropriations from the state's general fund or as proceeds of the sale of the state's bonds, shall be expended, except for reasonable administrative expenses, in discharging obligations that the state is permitted under the foregoing provisions of this amendment to undertake in connection with the waterway project, and shall have directed such public corporation to undertake in its stead.
Nothing herein shall authorize the legislature to establish any such public corporation to acquire by purchase, license, lease, condemnation or otherwise a hydroelectric project (or any part thereof) heretofore or hereafter licensed by the federal power commission under the Federal Power Act of June 10, 1920, Public Law No. 280, 66th Congress, 2nd Session, and amendments thereto, or any such project (or any part thereof) otherwise authorized by act of congress.
Amendment 288 ratified
[edit]Works of Internal Improvement Along Navigable Waterways.
When authorized by appropriate laws passed by the legislature, the state of Alabama may, in promoting and aiding the commercial flow of agricultural products within the state or in aid of commerce and use of the waterways of the state, at a cost not exceeding $10,000,000, engage in works of internal improvement by promoting, developing, constructing, maintaining and operating within the state or along navigable streams and waterways now or hereafter existing within the state all manner of elevators, facilities, warehouses, docks, water and rail terminals and other structures and facilities and improvements needful for the convenient use of the same; provided that any such works or improvements shall always be and remain under the management and control of the state through the Alabama state docks department or other state governing agency and shall become part of the inland waterways facilities of the state. When authorized by appropriate laws passed by the legislature, the state may, in addition to all other bonds of the state, become indebted in an aggregate principal amount of not exceeding $10,000,000 for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this amendment and may cause to be issued its general direct obligation bonds for the repayment of such indebtedness and interest thereon and pledge the faith and credit of the state thereto.
Amendment 289 ratified
[edit]Title to Sixteenth Section of School Lands in Mobile County.
The legislature shall have power to divest the state of Alabama of title to that certain sixteenth section of school lands described as follows: section 16, township 4 south, range 2 west, St. Stephens meridian, in Mobile county, and may provide for the grant of such lands and the income therefrom to the board of trustees of the University of South Alabama.
Amendment 290 ratified
[edit]Costs and Charges of Courts, and Compensation of Probate Judge and Sheriff, in Barbour County.
The legislature may from time to time, by general or local laws, fix, alter and regulate the costs and charges of courts in Barbour county, and regulate the fees, commissions, percentages, allowances, and compensation to be charged or received by the probate judge and the sheriff of Barbour county, and may place the sheriff on a salary basis and provide for the fees charged or collected by him to be paid into the county treasury from which his salary shall be paid.
Amendment 291 ratified
[edit]Special Tax in School Districts of Calhoun County.
In addition to any taxes now authorized or that may be hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, each school district in Calhoun county, except the school district comprising the city of Anniston, shall have the power to levy and collect for public school purposes in such district an annual special ad valorem tax on the taxable properties in such district at a rate not exceeding in any one year five mills on each dollar of the value of the said properties as the same shall be assessed for state taxation; provided that prior to the levy of any special tax authorized in this paragraph, there shall be submitted to the electors of the district in which the tax is proposed to be levied, at a special election called for that purpose in the said district, the question of whether the said tax or any part thereof shall be levied, the rate thereof, the time it is to continue (which shall not exceed thirty years), and the purpose thereof, and the said tax shall be authorized at such election by a majority of the qualified electors of the district voting at such election; provided further, that if a majority of the qualified electors of any of the said districts participating in the election on the ratification of this amendment shall vote for the ratification of this amendment, then the approval of this amendment as expressed by the vote in said district in favor of its ratification shall, of itself, authorize the levy and collection of the said special tax for public school purposes in that district for a period of thirty years commencing with the levy for the tax year for which taxes will become due and payable to the said district on the October 1 next following the date of the said election on the ratification of this amendment.
Elections on the question of the levy of a district tax under the provisions of this amendment may be held at any time and from time to time, provided, that if at any such election held after the ratification of this amendment the proposal to levy the tax so submitted should be defeated then the proposal may not be submitted at another election held in the same district within one year from the last election held under this amendment. Each such election held after the ratification of this amendment shall be called and held, the results declared, and the tax levied and collected in the same manner as now or hereafter provided by law in the case of school district taxes authorized by amendment III [3] to the Constitution of Alabama, except that no countywide tax shall be required as a condition precedent for a district tax under this amendment.
The funds arising from the district tax herein authorized to be levied in each school district shall be expended for the exclusive benefit of the school district in which such district tax is levied. Nothing in this amendment shall be deemed to prevent the consolidation of any two or more school districts in Calhoun county in accordance with the applicable provisions of general law.
Amendment 292 ratified
[edit]Special School Tax in School Districts Nos. 1 and 2 of Covington County.
1. The governing body of Covington county shall have power to levy and collect annually a special school district tax not exceeding fifty cents on each one hundred dollars' worth of taxable property in school districts number 1 and 2, Covington county as assessed for state taxation, for public school purposes, provided the rate of such tax, the time it is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the districts and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. Such tax shall be in addition to all other taxes provided for by law. The funds arising from such special district tax levied and collected by the county shall be expended for the exclusive benefit of the public schools in said districts. Election under this amendment shall be called, held, and conducted in relation to the levying of special school district taxes under the third amendment to the Constitution.
2. If a majority of the qualified electors of school districts number 1 and 2, Covington county, who participate in the election on the adoption, then the approval of the amendment as expressed by such vote shall of itself authorize the levying of the special tax provided for herein at the maximum rate specified for a period not exceeding twenty years.
Amendment 293 ratified
[edit]Special School Tax in School Districts Nos. 1 and 2 of Colbert County.
The governing body of Colbert county shall have power to levy and collect annually a special school district tax not exceeding one dollar on each one hundred dollars' worth of taxable property in school districts number one and number two in Colbert county, as assessed for state taxation, for public school purposes, provided the rate of such tax, the time it is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the districts and voted for by a majority of those voting at such election. Such tax shall be in addition to all other taxes provided for by law. The funds arising from such special district tax levied and collected by the county shall be expended for the exclusive benefit of the districts. Elections under this amendment shall be called, held, and conducted in the same way that elections are called, held, and conducted in relation to the levying of special school district taxes under the third amendment to the Constitution.
Amendment 294 ratified
[edit]Special Tax in School Districts of Lawrence County and Change in Boundaries of School Districts.
Each school district of Lawrence county shall, subject to authorization at an election in such district as hereinafter provided, have power to levy and collect a special district tax, at a rate not exceeding five mills on each dollar (being equivalent to 50 cents on each $100) of the assessed valuation of the taxable property in such district for public school purposes therein, which special tax shall be in addition to all taxes now authorized or that may hereafter be authorized by the Constitution of Alabama to be levied in such district; provided, that no tax shall be levied under this amendment unless the rate of such tax, the time it is to continue, and the purpose thereof shall have been first submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of the district in which the tax is proposed to be levied and shall have been authorized by a majority of the qualified electors voting at the election at which the submission is made. Each election held under this amendment shall be called and held, the ballots canvassed, the results declared, and the tax levied and collected in the same manner as is now or may hereafter be provided by law in the case of school district taxes authorized by amendment III [3] to the Constitution of Alabama, except that no countywide tax shall be required to be levied as a condition precedent to either the authorization or levy of a district tax under this amendment. The holding of one election shall not preclude a later election in the same district under the authority of this amendment. The proceeds of any special district tax authorized by this amendment shall be expended solely for public school purposes in the district in which the tax shall be levied.
The county board of education of Lawrence county may from time to time, without the necessity of any election, change the boundaries of any school district at any time existing in the county, or consolidate any two or more school districts therein, if the taxes authorized to be levied for public school purposes in all of the territory in such district after such change of boundaries or consolidation is effected shall be at the same aggregate rate and for the same duration of time; provided, that nothing contained herein shall be construed to impair or permit the impairment of the obligation of any contract created with respect to any securities theretofore issued with respect to any such school district. The provisions of the preceding sentence shall not be deemed to abridge any existing power conferred on the said county board of education by any existing law, but shall be in addition thereto.
Amendment 295 ratified
[edit]Special Property Tax for Educational Purposes in City of Ozark and Dale County.
The court of county commissioners, board of revenue or like governing body of Dale county shall have the power to levy and collect a special property tax in addition to all other taxes, now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, of not exceeding one half of one percent on the value of the taxable property in the county situated outside the corporate limits of Ozark, as such property was assessed for state taxation during the preceding year, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for educational purposes, but may be pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on bonds, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness issued for public school purposes, which pledges shall take priority as provided in such bonds, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness; provided that such tax and the purpose or purposes thereof and the time such tax is proposed to be continued, shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county residing outside the corporate limits of Ozark, and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. Elections on proposals to levy this tax on the property in the county situated outside the corporate limits of Ozark shall be called and held in the same manner as now provided by law for an election on the school district tax authorized in amendment III [3], article XIX, of the Constitution of Alabama. The tax on property situated outside the corporate limits of Ozark shall be collected in the same manner and under the same requirements and laws as the taxes of the state are collected, and the revenues derived from such tax shall be used solely for school construction and other educational purposes in the territory of the county outside the corporate limits of Ozark.
The city of Ozark shall likewise have the power to levy and collect a special property tax, in addition to all other taxes now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, of not exceding [exceeding] one half of one percent on the value of the taxable property situated within the corporate limits of the city, as assessed for state taxation during the preceding year, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for educational purposes, but may be pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on bonds, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness issued for public school purposes, which pledges shall take priority as provided in such bonds, warrants or other evidences of indebtedness; provided that such tax and the purpose or purposes thereof and the time such tax is proposed to be continued, shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the city and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. Elections on proposals to levy this tax on property situated within the corporate limits of Ozark shall be ordered and held in the same manner as provided by the law applicable to municipal corporations for elections to authorize the issuance of municipal bonds. The additional tax, authorized by this amendment to be levied on property situated within the corporate limits of Ozark shall be collected in the same manner and under the same requirements and laws as other taxes levied on property by the city of Ozark are collected, and the revenues derived from this tax shall be used solely for school construction and other educational purposes within the limits of the city of Ozark.
If any proposal to levy a tax hereunder is defeated in any election, subsequent elections thereon may be held at any time.
This amendment shall be self-executing.
Amendment 296 ratified
[edit]Special Property Tax for Educational Purposes in Etowah County.
The court of county commissioners, board of revenue or like governing body of Etowah county shall have the power to levy and collect a special property tax, in addition to all other taxes, now or hereafter authorized by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, of not exceeding one half of one percent on the value of the taxable property in the county situated outside the corporate limits of Gadsden and Attalla, as such property was assessed for state taxation during the preceding year, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for educational purposes, but may be pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on bonds, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness issued for public school purposes which pledges shall take priority as provided in such bonds, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness; provided that such tax and the purpose or purposes thereof and the time such tax is proposed to be continued, shall have been first submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the county residing outside the corporate limits of Gadsden and Attalla, and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. Elections on proposals to levy this tax on the property in the county situated outside the corporate limits of Gadsden and Attalla shall be called and held in the same manner as now provided by law for an election on the school district tax authorized in amendment III [3], article XIX, of the Constitution of Alabama. The tax on property situated outside the corporate limits of Gadsden and Attalla shall be collected in the same manner and under the same requirements and laws as the taxes of the state are collected, and the revenues derived from such tax shall be used solely for schools and other educational purposes in the territory of the county outside the corporate limits of Gadsden and Attalla.
If any proposal to levy a tax hereunder is defeated in any election, subsequent elections thereon may be held at any time.
Nothing contained in this amendment shall be construed to authorize the levy and collection of an additional tax on property situated within the corporate limits of the cities of Gadsden or Attalla.
This amendment shall be self-executing.
Amendment 297 ratified
[edit]Compensation of Certain Officers of Tallapoosa County.
The legislature may from time to time, by general or local laws applicable to or operative in Tallapoosa county, fix, regulate, and alter the fees, commissions, allowances, and salaries, including the method and basis of their compensation, to be charged or received by the judge of probate, sheriff, tax assessor, tax collector, and clerk and register of the circuit court of Tallapoosa county; and may place any or all of such officers on a salary and provide for the fees, commissions, allowances, and percentages collectible by such officers to be paid into the treasury from which their salaries are paid. Provided, that no law changing the method or basis for compensating such officers shall become effective unless it is approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the county who vote thereon at a referendum election held for such purpose.
Amendment 298 ratified
[edit]Amendment of Amendment No. 175.
That amendment CLXXV [175] to the Constitution of Alabama, as submitted December 5, 1961 and proclaimed ratified December 18, 1961 and amended by amendment CCLX [260] submitted November 8, 1966 and proclaimed ratified November 17, 1966, be further amended by striking out the last sentence in said amendments CLXXV [175] as amended and inserting in lieu thereof the following sentence:
The proceeds of any special district tax authorized by this amendment shall be expended for the support of education only in the special district or separate district in which the tax is levied.
Amendment 299 ratified
[edit]Special School Tax in City of Oneonta.
Section 1. In addition to any taxes now authorized, or that may be hereafter authorized, by the Constitution and laws of Alabama, there is hereby levied a special school tax of one dollar on each one hundred dollars' worth of taxable property in the school tax district of the city of Oneonta, Blount county, to be used solely for public school purposes; provided the levy of said tax shall first have been approved by the qualified electors of the school district as hereinafter provided.
Section 2. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of the school tax district of the city of Oneonta who vote thereon vote in favor of the adoption of this amendment when it is submitted, the additional tax provided for in section 1 shall be levied and collected without any other election having been held thereon. In the event this amendment is approved and a majority of the qualified electors of the school tax district of the city of Oneonta who vote thereon vote against its approval, the tax shall not be levied unless the rate of the tax, the time it is to continue and the purpose thereof shall have been again submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the school tax district of the city of Oneonta and voted for by a majority of those voting at the election. Subsequent elections may be held at intervals of not less than one year and shall be called, held, conducted, paid for, and governed otherwise in the manner provided for an election on the school district tax authorized in constitutional amendment III [3]; provided however, that it shall not be a condition precedent to any election on the school district tax herein provided for or to the levy and collection of such tax that a like or any other countywide school tax be [is] being levied and collected in Blount county.
Section 3. In the event the special school tax herein authorized shall be approved as herein provided and the board of education of the city of Oneonta anticipates the proceeds therefrom by issuing securities payable, in whole or in part, out of such proceeds, the provisions of sections 220, 221 and 224 of Title 52 of the Code of Alabama of 1940 shall not apply to any such securities.
Amendment 300 ratified
[edit]Bonds for Certain Public Buildings in Mobile County.
Section A. As used in this amendment the following terms shall be given the following respective meanings:
"County" means Mobile county.
"Special tax" means the annual ad valorem tax at the rate of 1/2 of 1 per centum (equivalent to 5 mills on each dollar) of the assessed valuation of the taxable property in the county authorized to be levied by the county by the amendment known as amendment XVIII [18] to the Constitution of Alabama, as amended by the amendment to the Constitution known as amendment CLII [152], and also provided for in the amendments to the Constitution known as amendments C [100], CXXII [122], CLI [151], CXCIII [193], and CXCV [195].
Section B. Mobile county is hereby authorized to issue from time to time its bonds, not exceeding $3,000,000 in aggregate principal amount, of which $1,000,000 in principal amount shall be issued for the purpose of acquiring, providing, constructing and equipping a building for use as a juvenile detention home for the county in conjunction with the juvenile court of the county, and $2,000,000 in principal amount shall be issued for the purpose of acquiring, providing, constructing and equipping additions and improvements to the county courthouse building in the county; provided, that if all of the proceeds from the bonds issued for either of the said purposes shall not be needed for the purpose for which they were issued then the balance not so needed may in the sound judgment of the governing body of the county be expended for the said other purpose. The aggregate principal amount of all bonds at any time issued under this amendment, when added to the aggregate principal amount of all then outstanding bonds theretofore issued by the county under any other amendment to the Constitution of Alabama that are payable from or secured by the special tax shall not exceed 6 1/2 per centum of the assessed valuation of the taxable property situated in the county as assessed for state taxation for the state tax year next preceding that during which any bonds herein authorized shall be issued.
No bonds may be issued under the authority of this amendment until after the question of the issuance of such bonds shall have been submitted to the qualified electors of the county at any election called for that purpose by the governing body of the county and a majority of the said qualified electors voting at the said election shall have voted in favor of the issuance of such bonds; provided, that if a majority of the qualified electors of the county participating in the election on the adoption of this amendment shall vote for the adoption thereof, then the approval of this amendment expressed by the said vote in favor of its adoption shall of itself authorize the issuance of the bonds provided for in this amendment and no additional election by the electors of the county shall be required to authorize the issuance of the said bonds. If the majority of the qualified electors of the county participating in the election on the adoption of this amendment should not vote in favor of the adoption of this amendment, or if the majority of the qualified electors of the county voting at any election called by the governing body of the county under the provisions of this amendment should not vote in favor of the issuance of the bonds proposed at an election so called, the governing body of the county may from time to time call other elections hereunder on the issuance of such bonds, but not more than one such election shall be held during any period of twelve consecutive months. Any such election called by the governing body of the county shall be called, held, conducted and canvassed, and may be contested, in the manner and within the time provided by the then existing general laws of Alabama pertaining to elections on the issuance of bonds by counties.
The bonds issued hereunder shall be general obligations of the county for the payment of the principal of and interest on which the full faith and credit of the county shall be irrevocably pledged, and in addition thereto there shall be irrevocably pledged for payment of the said principal and interest so much of the special tax as may be necessary to pay the said principal and interest at their respective maturities, each such pledge to be on a parity with all valid pledges of the special tax at any time heretofore or hereafter made, to such extent as shall not impair the obligation of any then existing valid prior pledges.
The principal of each series of bonds issued under this amendment shall mature in annual installments, the first of which installments shall mature not later than three (3) years after the date of the bonds of that series and the last of which shall mature not later than thirty (30) years after the date of the bonds of that series; provided, that the maturities of each series of bonds issued under this amendment shall be arranged so that (a) no annual installment of principal of the bonds of such series maturing during any fiscal year of the county shall be more than four times as great as the smallest installment of principal of the same series maturing during any prior fiscal year, and (b) the aggregate amount of principal and interest that will mature in any one fiscal year with respect to that series of bonds, and also all other bonds theretofore issued by the county and then outstanding that are payable out of or secured by a pledge of the special tax, shall not exceed the amount of the proceeds collected from the special tax during the then next preceding tax year. Except as herein otherwise provided, all bonds issued under this amendment shall be issued in accordance with, and shall be subject to, the provisions of the general laws of Alabama existing at the time of the issuance of such bonds respecting the sale, execution, issuance and redemption of bonds by counties. The indebtedness evidenced by the bonds issued under this amendment or under any other amendment to the Constitution which are payable out of or are secured by a pledge of the special tax shall be in addition to and shall not be charged against the limitation on the indebtedness of the county provided for in section 224 of the Constitution.
So long as the principal of or interest on any of the bonds issued under this amendment remains unpaid, the governing body of Mobile county shall continue the levy of the special tax at such rate as may be sufficient to pay the said principal and interest at their respective maturities; provided, that the total rate of the special tax that may be levied and collected for payment of the said bonds and all other bonds payable out of or secured by a pledge of the special tax shall not exceed 4 1/2 mills on each dollar of the assessed valuation of all properties subject to taxation by the county as assessed for state taxation and that the said rate of 4 1/2 mills on each dollar of the said assessed valuation shall be reduced for each tax year for which the special hospital tax authorized in paragraph G of the amendment to the Constitution known as amendment No. CXCV [195] shall have been levied at a rate exceeding 1 mill on each dollar of the taxable property in the county, any such reduction to be by 1/2 mill on each dollar of the assessed valuation of the taxable property in the county or by rate of millage equal to the rate by which the said special hospital tax levied for that tax year exceeds one mill on each dollar of the assessed valuation of such taxable property, whichever shall be the lesser reduction. The provisions of this paragraph shall be applicable, however, only to such extent as shall not impair the obligation of any pledges of the special tax heretofore made for the benefit of any bonds issued by the county prior to the adoption of this amendment.
The provisions of this amendment shall be self-executing, and authorization from or other action by the legislature shall not be a prerequisite to the issuance of bonds hereunder or the levy of the special tax for payment thereof.