Alas the greeffe, and dedly wofull smart:
Alas the greeffe, and dedly wofull smart:O cruell causer of vndeserued chaunge:by great desire vnconstantly to raunge:is this your waye, for proofe of stedfastenes5 (perdye you knowe : the thing was not so straungeby former prouff) to muche my faithfulneswhat nedeth, then, suche coloured dowblenes.I have wailed, thus, weping in nyghtly payn:in sobbis, & sighes : Alas : & all in vayn:10 in inward plaint : & hertes wofull torment.and yet, Alas, lo, crueltie, & disdaynhave, set at noght a faithfull true intent:and price hath priuilege thouth to prevent.But, though I sterve : & to my deth still morne:15 and pece mele in peces though I be torn:and though I dye, yelding my weried gooste:shall never thing again make me retornI qwite thenterprise of that, that I have losttoo whome so ever lust for too proffer moost.