Alexander and Dindimus/Glossary
[The following Index, though not quite a full concordance, is very nearly so. Though I may not have cited every word, I have not wittingly omitted any. For very common words, such as in, is, I have only supplied about a couple of references. In the case of more unusual words, I have inserted many references, but by no means all.
The following symbols are used in a special sense; viz. v. = infin. mood of a verb; pr. s. = third person sing, of present tense; pr. pl. = third person plu. of present tense; pt. s. = third person sing, of past tense; pt. pl. = third person plu. of past tense. In the case of other persons, the number 1 or 2 is added. Other symbols are the usual ones.
References to "Alex. A." are to the Alexander, fragment A, in my edition of William of Palerne.]
- A, emphatic, one, 324, 706; unemphatic, a, 45, &c.
- A, art. a, 45, 105, 127, 131, &c.
- Abide, to abide, 982 ; to endure, 1061.
- A-boue, prep. above, 116; Abouen, 1000.
- Aboute, adv. around, 54, 122, 440; round about, 843.
- Abowe, ger. to bow down to (yourselves), 577; 2 p. pl. pr. Abowen, ye bow down to, ye worship, 675. It is not followed by to; hence to may be omitted in Alex. A. 1167. Sometimes, however, to occurs after it; see abuȝn in Stratmann, p. 2. A.S. ábúgan (Grein).
- Acorde, ger. to agree, 910; acorde of, to agree in, 875; Acordeþ, pr. s. is like, 482; Acordeþ to, agrees with, 903. O. F. acorder.
- Aday, adv. by day, 425.
- Addre, s. adder, 799; pl. Addrus, adders, 157.
- Adoutede, redoubted, dreaded, 970; Adouted, 1130.
- Afore, before, 405.
- Aftur, after, 778, 781; afterwards, 167, 170, 1109; according to, 652, 773; Aftyr, after, 155.
- Again, adv. in return, 817; again, 77; Agayn, prep, against, 347. See Agyn.
- Age, s. age, 331, 931, 936, 939.
- Agrisen, pp. terrified, afraid, 50. Cf. A.S. ágrisan, to dread (Bosworth).
- Agyn, again, 246. See Again.
- Ai-lastinge, everlasting, 70.
- Air, air, 699.
- Al, all, 153; pl. Alle, 37, 701.
- Alaid, laid down, put down, quenched, 888. A.S. álecgan, to lay down.
- Aldur-fadur, ancestor, 1050.
- Alegge, v. to allege, 220.
- Aliue, alive, 557.
- Almus-dede, alms-deed, 870.
- Alofte, on the top of, high amongst, 134; aloft, 503.
- Alone, alone, 169, 641.
- A-lose, v. to praise, 814; pt. 8. Alosed, boasted (himself), 1066; pp. Alosed, renowned, 250, 554, 822, 1078, 1112; praised (as), renowned (as), 665, 694. O. F. aloser, to praise; from los, praise, Lat. laus.
- Alowe, v. to approve of, 508; pres. s. Aloweþ, approves of, 212; 1 p. s. Alowe, I approve of, 259; 1 p. pl. Alowen, we approve of, praise, 398; 2 p. Alowe, ye praise, 1093; ger. Alowe, to praise = to be praised, 874. O.F. allouer, to praise.
- Alse, also, 549, 562, 722, 930, 1093. See Al-so.
- Al-so, as, 42, 117; al-so = as, and is found alternating with it. See Alse.
- An, I am, 74, 75, 98, &c.
- Amende, v. to amend, 1033.
- Amongus, prep. amongst, 28, 353, 486 845, 901, 1040.
- And, conj. generally &, 4, 5, 7, &c.
- Angur, anger, 660.
- Anied, pp. annoyed, 816, See Any.
- Anon, anon, 816.
- Anoþur, another, 1058.
- Answere, s. answer, 63, 822 (rubric); pl. Answerus, 24.
- Any, s. annoy, annoyance, sorrow, grief, 769. See Anied.
- Any, any, 6, 220, &c.
- Apere, v. to appear, 104.
- Ar, we are, 377; they are, 775. See Arn.
- Aradde, pt. s. read, 821. See Arede.
- Araie, 1 p. pl. pr. we array, 599.
- Arede, v. to read, read out, 248; pt. s. Aradde, read, 821. See araden in Stratmann, p. 7.
- Arereþ, pr. s. rears, raises, excites,
- Ariseþ, pr. pl. arise, 662.
- Armus, pl. (1) arms (of the body), 672, 674; (2) weapons, armour, 377, 521, 822.
- Arn, pres. pl. are, 198, 338, 1112; Arne, 62; 1 p. we are, 1007; 2 p. ye are, 1097. See Ar, and Ben.
- As, conj. as, 27, &c.; cf. al-so, 42.
- Aschamed, pp. ashamed, 421.
- A-seled, pp. sealed, 226, 1085; Aselede, 286. See Asele in Gl. to Alex. A.
- Asent, assent, 1095.
- Asingned, assigned, 321.
- Askape, v. to escape, 159.
- Askeþ, pr. s. asks, 170; Askyþ, requires, 407; pt. s. Askede, 55. See Axeþ.
- Askinge, s. asking, question, 244.
- Aspien, v. to espy, enquire, ask; let aspien, caused to make inquiries, 172 1 p. pr. pl. Aspie, espy, see, 343
- Astored, pp. stored, 114.
- At, to, 370; at, 1, 352.
- Aþel, noble, 822. A.S. æðele, Grein, p. 50. See Hathel.
- Atir, attire, 599.
- Atiren, 1 p. pl. pr. we attire, 403.
- Atlede, pt. s. essayed to go, 15. See Attele in Gloss. to Alex. A. Icel. ætla, to aim at.
- Auaunt, boast, 570.
- Auht, adj. good, excellent, i. e. full, complete (said of strength), 936.
See æhte, ohte in Gloss. to Layamon, and aht in Stratmann; and cf. áhtlíce = manfully, in A.S. Chron. an. 1071. [Mr. Stevenson explains it by 'increased'; but it is not easy to get the form auht out of A.S. eced or ge-eced.]
- Auowen, ye avow to be, ye declare to be, 671,
- Auterus, s. pl. altars, 1045.
- A-wecchen, pr. pl. awake, arouse, 96; pr. s. Awecheþ, awakes, 485.
- Axeþ, pr. s. requires, 916. See Askeþ.
- Ay, adv. ever, 334, 342, 377, 567, 1109.
- A eins, prep. against, 82.
- Bad, pt. s. subj. should pray, 602, A.S. biddan, to pray.
- Bad, pt. s.' bade, 147; 2 p. s. pt. Bade, didst bid, 511. A.S. beódan, to bid.
- Badde, adj. bad, 1000.
- Bakke, s. a bat, 723. Cf. Dan, aftenbakke, a bat, lit. evening-bat.
- Bal, ball, 934.
- Baldere, bolder, 582; Baldest, boldest, 1081. See Bold.
- Bale, harm, evil, 163, 637; misery, 333; misfortune, 808.
- Balful, adj. full of evil, angry, 512; grievous, 714.
- Balfulli, cruelly, 598; Balfully, evilly, 775.
- Banke, bank, 144.
- Bannede, pl. cursed, 808.
- Bar, adj. bare, 6 ; Bare, 33.
- Baren, pt. pl. bore, 116. See Bere.
- Baþ, bath, 423.
- Be, v. p. to be, 103; pr. s. subj. may be, 68; whether (he) be, 418; whether (it) be, 867. See Ben.
- Ben we be, are, 33; ye are, 1012; they are, 200, 794, 1098. See Be.
- Bere, v. to bear, 619; 2 p. pr. s. Berest, nearest, 342; pr. s. Bereþ, he bears, 683; Bereþ him, conducts himself, 574; pt. pl. Baren, 116.
- Best, best, 224, 831, 1086; def. Beste, 260, 515.
- Best, beast, 300, 608; pl. Bestes, 105, 858; Bestus, beasts, cattle, 54, 163, 598, 619, 872; gen. pl. Bestene, of beasts, 611, 640.
- Bettere; þe bettere, the better, 404.
- Bettur, better, 315; Betture, 1001; Betur, 103, 934; Beture, 962.
- Be-wepe, ger. to lament, i. e. to be lamented over, 1108. See By-wepe.
- Bi, by, 325, 327; beside, 54, 144, 152; as regards, respecting, with regard to, 209, 550; By, 560.
- Bi for Be, ye are, 636.
- Bi, on error for Mi, my, 214. See Miȝht.
- Biclipth, pr. s. beclips, embraces, 489.
- Bidde, pr. pl. subj. may ask, 68; 1
p. pr. pi. we ask, 239; pr. s. Biddeþ, prays, 613.
- Bigat, pt. s. begat, 194; By-gat, 825, 1083.
- Biggede, pt. s. built, pitched, 144. Cf. Dan. bygge, to build.
- Bi-hoiden, ger. to behold, 46.
- Bi'hote, 1 p. s. pr. I promise, 227. A.S. behátan.
- Bibous, pr. s.' it behoves, 856.
- Bileue, belief, 272.
- Bi-reue, v. to deprive, bereave, 31; ger. rob, 82.
- Biseche, 1 p. s. pr. I beseech, 206.
- Bi-sette, pr. pl. employ, keep busy, 758. See Bi-setten in Alex. A. 437.
- Bi-side, prep. beside, 160, 341.
- Bi-þenke, v. to think about, 285; 2 p. pr. pl. ye consider, 782.
- Bitide, v. to happen, 700.
- Bi-ȝonde, prep, beyond, 145.
- Blasinge, blazing, 523.
- Blastus, blasts, 488.
- Ble, s. complexion, 411; appearance, brightness, 523. A.S. bleó, hue.
- Bled, pp. bled, 543.
- Blendeþ, pr. s. does away with, lit. blinds, 624; pr. pl.' Blenden, blind, 523. A.S. blendan, to
- Blessed, blessed, 624.
- Bliken, v. to shine, look bright, 411. A.S. blícan, to shine, blink.
- Blinne, v. to cease, 803. See Alex. A. 398.
- Blisse, joy, 541; dat. 330, 395, 1105; Blysse, 985.
- Bliþure, more blithe, 411. See Blyþe.
- Blod, blood, 611.
- Blysse, bliss, 985. See Blisse.
- Blyþe, adj. glad, happy, 624.
- Bochours, pl. butchers (Lat. text carnifices 750.
- Bodius, pl. bodies, 320; Bodies, 423. See below.
- Body, 644, 892 ; Bodi, 6. See above.
- Bold, bold, 127, 713; pl. Bolde, 992; def. Bolde, 147; voc. Bolde, 512. See Baldere.
- Boldus, pl. buildings, habitations, 437, 848, 852. A.S. bold, a dwelling; Grein.
- Bole, bull, 737.
- Bollere, s. lit. bowler, i. e. fond of the bowl, tippler, hard drinker, 675. See note.
- Bone, s. boon, petition, 602, 764, 1049; pl. Bonus, 68, 768.
- Bonus, pl. bones, 594.
- Boot, boat, 16S ; Bot, 183.
- Bor, s. boar, 713, 736.
- Bore, pp. born, 808.
- Borewen, v. to bail, give security for a person, release on security, 637.
- Borou, borough, town, 934.
- Bost, boast, pride, 637, 1068.
- Bostful, boastful, 1017.
- Bote, s. advantage, profit, 962; remedy, 1036. A.S. bót.
- Bote, but, except, 434.
- Bourde, dat. jest, 469.
- Bow, s. bough, 127, 135; pl. Bowus, 116, 351.
- Braunchus, branches, 124, 134, 503, 729.
- Bredde, pp. bred, by birth, 287; Bred, 175, 586.
- Breke, ger. to break; breke spouce, to break espousals, to commit adultery, 393. See Spousebreche.
- Brem, adv. loud, 503; pl. Breme, furious, 923. A.S. breme, renowned.
- Brem, adv. mightily, furiously, 521.
- Bremliche, adv. briskly (but merely an expletive), 134, 586. See above.
- Brenne, v. to burn, 235; pt. s. Brente, burnt, 555; pres. pt.
- Brenninge, 683. A.S. brinnan.
- Breste, dat. breast, 665.
- Breþeren, brethren, 430; Brejrorne, 287.
- Brid, s. a bird, 134; pl. Briddus, 302, 956; gen. pl. Briddene, of birds, 503.
- Brigge, dat.; must be an error for briche, i. e. breach, violation of the marriage-vow, adultery, 393. See
bruche in Stratmann, p. 78; and cf. A.S. bryce, a breach, violation. And see note to 1. 393.
- Briht, bright, 923; Bryht, 521, 683, 926.
- Bringe, v. to bring, 393; pl. Bringen, bring, 714; 2 p. s. Bringest, 521; 3 p. Bringeþ, brings, 372 ; v. Bringe forþ, to produce, 307.
- Brod, s. brood, 302 ; kindred, 430.
- Brode, broad, 968.
- Brand, brand, 683.
- Brouht, pp. brought, 430, 1075.
- Broun, brown, dusky, 923.
- Bryht, bright, 521, 683, 926.
- Bryngen, ye bring, 719; pr. pl. Brynge, 632. See Bringe.
- Bulde, ger. to build, 437, 1044; v. Bulden, 1134 ; 2 p. pl. pr. Bulde, ye build, 848.
- Burde, s. bride, woman, 418; pl. Burdus, 893.
- Buren, 2 p. pl. pr. ye bury, 593; pp. Bured, 775.
- Burn, s. man, 103, 135, 175, 426, 574, 582; burn ojror burde = man or woman, 418; pl. Burnus, 147, 713.
- Busiliche, adv. busily, 239.
- Buskede, pt. s. got ready, endeavoured, 135. IceL búa-sk, to prepare oneself.
- Busy, busy, 426.
- But, unless, 366; except, 10, 456; Butȝif, unless, 549, 571.
- By, as regards, 795; by means of, 56.
- Bydewen, pr. pl. bedew, 425.
- Bygan, began, 972.
- Bygat, pt. s. begat, 825, 1083.
- Byhouus, pr. s. it behoves, 866.
- By-kenneþ,/w. s. commends to, makes known to, 1084.
- By-lad, pp. led astray, 906.
- By-leue, belief, 1113.
- By-secheþ, pr. s. beseeches, 811.
- Byset, pp. beset, encompassed, 1088.
- Bytauhte, pp. made over to, given over to, 1069.
- By-wepe, ger. to lament over, 1114; 1 p. pr. pl. that we may lament over, 1057; pr. s. Bywepeþ, laments for, 1059. See Be-wepe.
- Cache, ger. to catch, 800.
- Caire, care, i.e. anxiety, eagerness, 29. See Care.
- Caire, pr. pl. go, 59. See cairen in Stratmann, p. 85.
- Calf, calf, 612.
- Callede, pt. s. called, 141; pt. pl. called, 527; pp. Called, 11, 138, 173, 356, 526, 799, 1004; 1 p. pl. pr. Callen, we call, 308.
- Can, pr. s. knows, 932.
- Care, anxiety, trouble, 1102; misery, 679; Caire, eagerness, 29.
- Carefule, pl. full of care, i. e. miserable, wretched, vain, 651; Careful, causing care, terrible, 158.
- Carien, v. to carry, 184; ye carry, 725.
- Carpe, ger. to talk,-179, 230; Carpen, 166, 455. Cf. Gl. to Alex. A.
- Cas, case; in cas, perhaps, 228.
- Casteþ, pr. s. casts, 483; pl. Casten, 767; pt. s. Caste, 480.
- Castelus, gen. pl. of chattels, of goods, 370
- Cauys, s. pl. caves, 7; Cauus, 38, 52, 59, 434; people of the caves, 13.
- Chalis, chalice, cup, 727.
- Chariteuus, charitable, or rather meritorious, 894.
- Chase, 1 p. s. pr. endeavour, lit. chase, pursue, 110.
- Chaste, adj. 892.
- Chaste, v. to chasten, 379.
- Chaunce, chance, opportunity, 1001; fortune, 110; destiny, 1080.
- Chaungeþ, pr. s. changes, 922; Chaunce, ye change, 569; pr. pl. Chaunge, 96; pt. pl. subj. Chaungede, should change, were to change, 417.
- Chef, adj. chief, 107, 1080.
- Cherched, pp. churched, i. e. brought to church to be baptised, 941.
- Chere, s. cheer, face, look, cheerfulness, 83, 411, 727.
- Chese, v. to choose, 941, 1001; pt. s. Ches, chose, 107; ger. Chese, to choose, 417.
- Chene, ger. to achieve, to succeed,
- Children, 53, 417.
- Chois, choice, 894; pl. Choisus, 997:
- Chois, adj. choice, precious, 727,
- Chose, pp. chosen to be, 1080.
- Claime, v. to claim, 1003; ger. Claimen, 899; ye claim, 1013. See Clameþ.
- Clameþ, pr. s. claims, 625.
- Clanly, adv. cleanly, 833; purely, 629; Clanliche, cleanly, 288.
- Clene, adj. clean, pure, true, 1003; clean, 496; pure, 623, 899.
- Clene, adv. clean, entirely, 1099.
- Clene-mindede, pl. pure in mind, 626.
- Clennesse, cleanness, 625.
- Clepeþ, pr. s. calls, 625; pp. Cleped; 636, 1003.
- Clere, clear, 489.
- Clergie, learning, 899
- Cleuen, ye cleave; cleuen in, cleave to, 636.
- Closeþ, pr. s. closes, encloses, 489.
- Cloþ, cloth, 402.
- Cloþus, s. pl. clothes, 1013.
- Cloudus, clouds, 118.
- Cocodrillus, crocodiles, 158. See the note.
- Cof, adv. quickly, soon, 42, 247. A.S. caf, prompt; Grein.
- Cofli, adv. quickly, 48, 125; Cofliche, 64; Cofly, 1037, 1076.
- Cold, s. cold, 331.
- Colour, colour, 482.
- Comaundede, pl. s. commanded, 125.
- Come, v. to come; come schal, is to come, 363; ger. Come, 166; Come; ye come, 1012; pr. s. Comeþ, comes, 331, 436, 1102; it befals, 833; no comeþ, comes not, 905; 2 p. s. pr. subj. Come, mayst come, 29; pt. pl. Come, came, 818; pp. Come, 247.
- Comeliche, comely, 730.
- Comelokur, comelier, 407, 414.
- Comine, common, 715; comine peple, people in general, the world at large, 875.
- Cominnge, s. coming, due course, 325. (Reading uncertain.)
- Conne, pr. s. subj. may know, 572.
- Conquerour, conqueror, 26, 60.
- Conscience, 903; Consience, 767, 987,
- Contre, country, 4; pl. Centres, 26,
- Coren, pp. chosen, 415. See below.
- Corn, pp. chosen; comelokur corn, chosen as comelier, 407; kindeli coren, chosen by nature, 415, Coren is the pp. of Chese, q. v.
- Corn, corn, 725.
- Corone, crown, 978.
- Corsed, pp. cursed, 730, 1028; Corsede, B79, 1037; pl. Corse, 767, 800.
- Cortais, adj. courteous, 64; cortais ikid = known to be courteous, famous for courtesy.
- Coruen, pp. carved, i.e. shaped, made, 431
- Cost, s. coast, country, 141.
- Costom, custom, wont, 504, 875; Costum, 715, 7255 pl. Costomus, 60,213. See Custum.
- Couaite, v. to covet, desire, 213; 1 p. s. pt. Cousitede, I wished, 179; pr. s. Cousitep, covets, 942.
- Couaitise, covetousness, 267, 370; Couaytise, 1037.
- Cousitous, covetous, greedy, 800; pl. Couaitouse, 803.
- Coup, pp. as. adj. known, famous, 191. A.S. cúð, known.
- Craft, skill, 410, 414; pl. Craftus, crafts, trade, 837'; skilful works, 702.
- Crauen, pr. pl. crave, endeavour, 414.
- Crye, ger. to cry, 385,
- Castum, custom, 833. See Costom,
- Dales, s. pl. days, 76, 444, 876, 928; days (of life), 401; gen. pl. days’, 1098; daies time, course of your daye, 584. See Day.
- Daintè, pleasure, 876.
- Dainteys, s. pl. dainties, 306,
- Damued, damned, 1111.
- Day, day, 118; lifetime, 670, 1113; appointed time, 326.
- Ded, adj. dead, 180, 446, 634; Dede, 595.
- Dede, pt. pl. did, 652. See Do.
- Dede, s. deed, act, 223, 380, 400, 505, 634; and see note to 349; pl. Dedes, 212; pl. Dedus, 584, 595, 630, 909, 999; Dedeus, 694, 1017.
- Defoule, v. to defovl, tread upon, 1097. O. F. defouler, to tread under foot.
- Degre, degree, advance, 931.
- Deie, v. to die, 399, 589, 1061.
- Deie, v. to dye; don deie, we cause to be dyed, 408.
- Deliten, 1 p. pl. pr. we delight, 805.
- Deme, T judge, suppose, 965; ye suppose, 834, 1007; Demen, ye suppose, 870; pr. s. Demus, doonis, adjudges, decides, 325; Demeþ, 589; pp. Demed, adjudged, doomed, 78, 85, 110, 1060; considered, 958; demed for wise, accounted as wise, 218.
- Demere, s. judge, ruler, 176.
- Den, den, 448; nest, 721,
- Dep, deep, 1098.
- Dere, dear, 178, 218, 810.
- Dere, adv. dearly, chiefly; dere þoute, seemed good, 1183.
- Derely, adv. dearly, 364, 826,
- Dereworþe, adj. noble, excellent, 243; Derworþe, precious, 721.
- Derye, pr. s. subj. may harm, 71; v. Deri 94. A. S. derian, to harm.
- Desire, 1 p. pr. pl. we desire, 71, 306.
- Destenè, destiny, 89, 984.
- Deþ, death, 71.
- Deuelus, s. pl. devils, 390, 608,
- Dewus, s. pl. dews, 425.
- Dide, aux. did, 248; caused; dide hit red, caused (men) to read it, 971; dide calle, caused to be called, 166; Dide him, pt. s. refl. put himself; dide him forþ, put himself forward, i.e. advanced, 138.
- Dimme, pl. dim, 928.
- Dine, s. din, noise, 498.
- Dintas, s. pl. dints, blows, 85.
- Discorden, 1 p. pl. pr. we disagree, 222; pr. pl. disagree, 273.
- Dismembre, ger. to dismember, take limb from limb, 750.
- Dispit, despite, reproach, 958.
- Distroie, ger. to destroy, 79.
- Dite, s. ditty, story, 819; Chaucer has ditè; tr. of Boethius.
- Diuerse, diverse, 402; Diuerce, 492; divers, 999
- Diuisede, pt. s. planned, 670.
- Do, cause; we do þe to kenne, we make thee know, 979; to do, 672. See Dide, Dede, Don.
- Doctour, doctor, 249; Docktour, teacher, 973; pl. Doctourus, 778; Doctoures, 217; Docturus, 798.
- Dolfinus, dolphins, 492.
- Doluen, pp. dug, 447.
- Dome, doom, 984; pl. Domus, judgments, 380.
- Don, v. to do, shew (mercy), 901; 2 p. pl. pr. ye do, 273, 649; pr. pl. cause, 223, 754; don þe to knowe, do thee to wit, 422; pp. Don, ended, 118; put, 1098; we don deie, we cause to be dyed, 402. See Do.
- Done, s. kind of, 222, 999. See note to P. Plowman, B. 18. 298.
- Doom, judgment, 1061. See Dome.
- Dosain, dozen, 670.
- Doþ, pr. s. causes, 505, 880, 928; doþ for to grete, greets, 195. See Don.
- Douhtie, adj. as sb. doughty man, warrior, 349; Douhty, doughty, 422.
- Doun, down, 130, 446.
- Doute, v. to fear, 326; pp. Doutede, dreaded, dread, 422; 1 p. pl. pr. Doute, we fear, 349.
- Douue, dove, 721.
- Dradde, pt. s. dreaded, 192, 823, 1079.
- Dragonus, dragons, 156.
- Drawen hem, draw near, 156.
- Drawht, s. draught, 529.
- Dreche, pr. s. subj. may vex, may afflict, 1032. AS. dreccan, to vex.
- Dredful, dreadful, 156.
- Drie, adj. pl. dry, 529.
- Drie, ger. to suffer, 753, 857; 1 p. pl. pr. we endure, 291. A.S. dreógan, to endure.
- Drihten, s. the Lord, 88. AS. drihten.
- Drinke, ger. to drink, 355, 757; v. 1026.
- Drinke, s. drink, 1032; Drynke, 791.
- Drinkinke-drawht, drinking-draught, quantity drunk, 529.
- Drouhþe, drought, 1032.
- Drounke, drunken, 676.
- Dryen, ye endure, 1095. See Drie.
- Drynke, dat. drink, 791.
- Dryue, v. to drive, 853.
- Duk, duke, 970.
- Dul, s. dool, sorrow, grief, misfortune, mourning, 89, 130, 778, 875, 1111. F. deuil.
- Dulfully, adv. sorrowfully, 390. See above.
- Dure, v. to endure, 361; ger. to last, 78, 364; 2 p. pl. pr. Duren, ye remain, 634.
- Dwelle, v. to dwell, 998; pr. s. Dwelleþ, dwells, 616; pr. pl. Drwellen, 339; pt. s. Dwelde, dwelt, 247
- Dwele, s. delay, 276
- Echon, each one, 760, 851, 1058; Echone, 626, 888.
- Echue, v. to eschew, 1001.
- Keggen, pr. pl. incite, egg on, 757.
- Egre, eager, keen, 1129.
- Egrest, most eager, most keen, 251, 975.
- Elde, dat. old age, 943.
- Eldren, pl. elders, ancestors, 776; Eldrene, 468.
- Eldure, elder, older, 936.
- Ellus, adv. else, besides, 409, 1019; otherwise, 421, 862, 1008.
- Emperour, emperor, 24, 812.
- Enchesoun, s. reason, 107. O.F. enchesun, occasion, reason.
- Ende, end, 75.
- Endelese, endless, immortal, 669.
- Endite, v.; let endite, caused to be written, 181; pr. s. Enditeþ, endites, indites, 810, 826; pt. s. Endited, wrote, dictated, 1133.
- Enditinge, enditing, 243.
- Endure, v. 269.
- Endus, pr. s. ends, 1111; Endeþ, 1129; pt.s. Endid, perished, 1065; pp. Ended, put an end to, 1062.
- Enemis, enemies, 338, 343.
- Enforceþ, pr. s. forces, 688.
- Engendreþ, engenders, produces, 587; pp. Engendred, 656.
- Englaymed, pp. glued fast, held as by birdlime or a viscous substance, stuck fast, 676. "Gleymyn or yngleymyn, visco, invisco. Gleymows, viscosus, glutinosus;” Prompt. Parv. p. 198, q. v.
- Enoine, ger. to anoint, 410.
- Enquere, v. to enquire, 148.
- Ensample, example, 233, 552, 566.
- Enuie, envy, 283, 373; Enuye, 842, 993, 1008.
- Ere, s. ear, 948; pl. Erene, 812. A.S. eáre, pl. eáran.
- Eren, 2 p. pl. pr. ye plough, 201. See Erie.
- Erie, ye plough, 847; Erien, 850; 1 p. pl. pr. subj. Erie, we may plough, 293. A.S. erian, Goth. arjan, cognate with Lat. arare.
- Eritage, heritage, 981.
- Erne, v. to earn, 201.
- Erren, ye err, 1053.
- Errours, pl. errors, 744.
- Erþe, dat. earth, 57, 70, 86, 106; nom. 981.
- Erþliche, earthly, 440, 1053; Erþeliche, 360; Erthely, 849.
- Ese, ease, 360, 539, 757.
- Et, for Eteþ, pr. s. he eats, 862. See below.
- Ete, ger. to eat, 757; 1 p. pl. pr. Eten, we eat, 360; 2 p. ye eat, 539. See above.
- Euene, adv. exactly, or wholly, 1139.
- Euere, for ever, 364.
- Eueri, each one (severally), 106, 736; Euerich, 751; Euerych a, every, 86; Euery, 101.
- Euyl, adv. ill, evilly, 1065.
- Euyre, ever, at any time, 387.
- Exkused, pp. excused, 277, 851.
- Fablus, fables, 1070.
- Face, 408, 410.
- Faileþ, fails, 509; Failus, ends, 746; pt. s. Failede, lacked, 266.
- Fain, adj. fain, anxious, willing, 237.
- Fain, adv. gladly, 806.
- Fair, fair, 113, 716; Faire, 45; pl. Faire, 495.
- Faire, adv. fairly, 572.
- Fairere, fairer, 405.
- Faiþ, faith, 966; belief, 1113.
- Faiþful, true, 65; faithful, 908.
- Falce, false, 396, 550, 638, 643, 1046, 1113; Fals, 397.
- Fale, adj. many, 317, 528, 633; al so fale, just so many, 643, 648. A.S, fela, much.
- Falleþ, pr. s. impers. it falls (to him), it is (his) duty, 648; Fallus, befals, 323, 326; it suits, 753.
- Fare, v. to go, 330; to act, go on, 266; to travel, 28, 45, 162; to act, 397; 2 p. s. pr. Farest, goest, comest, 79; pr. s. Farus, goes, comes, 113; it fares, 237; Fareþ, fares, happens, 795; 1 p. pl. Faren, we go, 332, 1024; 2 p. ye fare, go; ȝe wiþ faren = ye fare with, i.é. possess, 242; pr. pl. Fare, go, 376; Faren, go, 341; Fare wiþ, go with, use, 618; Faren, fare, 116; Fare, pp. travelled, 1137; one, advanced. 939; fare wiþ, to give upon, 202. And see Ferde.
- Fare, s. fare, food, 868, 878; condition, 48, 150, 214; welfare, 986; doings, 1096.
- Fast, s. fast, fasting, 538.
- Faste, adv. quickly, 51.
- Faute, fault, 303.
- Fauure, ye favour, 740.
- Feche, ger. to fetch, 125.
- Feden, ger. to feed, 861; Fede, 805; Fed, to eat, 303; pr. s. Fed dep, feeds, 955, 1021; pp. Fed, 497.
- Fel, pt. s. fell, 130.
- Fel, cruel, 664.
- Feld, field, 105, 113, 295; pl. Feldus, 494. AS. feld.
- Fele, 1 p. pr. pl. we feel, 333.
- Fendus, pp. fiends, 649, 705, 1069.
- Fenked, pp. vanquished, 339. See Alex. A.111. From F. vaincre, to conquer.
- Fer, adj. far, 939; adv. farther, 162.
- Ferde, pt. s. subj. would fare, i.e. would seem, 105; pt. pl. went, 54, 163; pt. s. Ferde, 55; happened, 137. See Fare.
- Fere, fear, 346.
- Ferke, pr. pl. 1 p. we hasten, 300. See ferkien in Stratmann, and ferke in Gl. to Alex. A.
- Ferþe, adv. forth, on, 93.
- Fet, feet, 1027.
- Figure, 600.
- Fihche, ger. to fish, 204.
- Fihs, fish, 491; Fihes, 298; Fihch, 955; Fihches, fishes, 492.
- Filtere, fighter, warrior, 664.
- Fihtinge, pres. pl. fighting, 79; 2 p. s. pr. Fihtest, fightest, 341.
- Fillen, pr. pl. fill, 317, 795; 2 p. ye fill, 538.
- Fin, adj. fine, grand, 591, 600, 1015.
- Finden, v. to find, 1070; ger. Finde, 204; pr. s. Findeþ, supplies, 358 1 p. pl. Finde, we 303; Finden, 962; we procure what we want), 375; 2 p. Finde, ye find, 865; pr. s. subj. may find, 232; 1 p. I may find, 211.
- Fingrus, s. pt. fingers, 332, 1015.
- Finnede, pp. finned, furnished with fins, 298.
- Fir, s. fire, 136, 753, 1069; Fur, 682.
- Fir-hil, fire-hill, hill of fire; it should rather be fir-helle, i.e. hell of fire, 1069.
- Fiȝhte, ger. to fight, 29, 37.
- Fle, ger. to flee, 334.
- Flech, flesh, 339, 688, 861.
- Flechliche, fleshly, 334.
- Fledde, 1 p. s. pt. subj. were to flee from, 89.
- Fletinge, pr. part. swimming, 491. A.S. fleótan, to float, swim; see fleoten in Stratmann, p. 173.
- Flod, s. flood, al, 1023; and rubric to l. 187; 138, 146.
- Flourus, pl. flowers, 495, 730.
- Fode, food, 202, 298, 352, 354, 450, 860.
- Fol, s. fool, 266; pl. Folus, 627, 1113.
- Folewe, v. to follow, 232, 874; pr. s. Foleweþ, follows, remains with, 376; Folweþ, follows, 155; pl. Folewen, follow, 528.
- Folie, folly, 591, 686, 880, 966; pl. Folies, 633 ; Foliuus, 806.
- Folie, adj. foolish, 682.
- Folk, folk, people, 37, 111, 146.
- Folliche, foolish, 603, 740.
- Fom, foam, 204, 491.
- Fon, s. pl. foes, 339, 342, 346, 397.
- Fonde, n. to endeavour, 214, 301, 401, 567; to endeavour to fulfil, 528 : Fonden, to endeavour, 874; pr. s. : Fondes, attempts, endeavours, 112; ger. Fonden, to endeavour to fulfil, 457; 2 p. pl. pr. Foude, try, try to achieve, 538; Fonden, ye endeavour, 643; ye seek after, 7 87, 871; 2 p. s. pr. subj. Fonde, mayst attempt, 37; pr s. subj. fonde he fewe othur fale, whether he may seek after (i. e. obtain) few or many, 801. A.S. fandian, to seek
after, prove, try, enquire into. See Founde.
- Fonge, v. to receive, 1123; to receive, take, learn; soþ fonge, learn the truth, 552. A.S. fon, for fangan.
- For, prep. on account of, 159, 163; for wise, as wise, 218.
- For, conj. because, inasmuch as, 65, 221, 380, 654, 660, 664, 667, 669, 1099; in order that, 605; for, 31, &c.
- Fordon, pp. ended, put an end to, 118.
- Forgiuen, v. to forgive, 386.
- For leten, v. to leave entirely, forsake, 329.
- Forsaide, aforesaid, 19; Fore-saide, foresaid, 113.
- Forsaken, 1 p. pl. pr. we forgo, 377.
- Forþ, forth, 1074; forward, 138; on, 939; forþ bringe, bring forth, 307.
- Forþen, v. to carry out, fulfil, 570. Cf. mod. E. to further.
- For-þi, for that reason, therefore, 110, 147, 206, 313, 558, 1068; Forþy, 910. Written forþei, 313, 558.
- Forwes, s. pl. furrows, 294.
- Foule, adv. foully, ill, 1065.
- Foulen, ye defile, 633.
- Founde, ger. to attempt, 392, 913; v. to experience, follow after, 392; 1 p. pl. pr. Founden, we endeavour, 334; 2 p. Founde, ye endeavour, 901, 1046; Founden, ye endeavour, 708; 2 p.s. pr. subj. Founde, mayst endeavour, 337; pt. s. Foundede, followed after, sought after, 682. See Fonde.
- Founde, pp. found, 32, 152, 315, 1116; found to be, 1023.
- Foundur, founder, 664.
- Foure, four, 794.
- Four-fotede, fourfooted, 300.
- Fourme, 1 p. pl. pr. we form, fashion, 600.
- Fram, from, 215; see Fro.
- Fre, liberal, 953.
- Freke, man, 1004; pl. Frekus, men, 120, 126, 958, 1117. A.S. free, bold; freca, a hero.
- Freliche, adj, excellent (lit. free-like), 126. (Perhaps an error for ferliche, i. e. wonderful.)
- Frely, adv. freely, indubitably, 1004,
- Frend, friend, 1004.
- Friþ, s. frith, wood, forest of trees; 120. See Gl. to Alex. A.
- Fro, prep. from, 52, 113, 480; From, 53; Fram, 215.
- Frut, fruit, 116, 120, 126, 352, 953, 1117; pl. Fratus, 114
- Ful, full, 105.
- Ful, adv. very, 2, 5, 113, 721.
- Fulfille, ger. to fulfil, 563.
- Fullen, ye fill, 1015.
- Fulsome, adj. filled with food, satisfied, 497.
- Fundeþ, pr. s. finds, 861.
- Fur, fire, 682; see Fir.
- Galful, adj. eloquent, 668; blissful, 389. The context in 1. 668 requires the sense ‘eloquent’; in l. 389 it is a mere expletive. See the note to l. 668.
- Game, game, amusement, 470; pl. Gamus, games, 935.
- Gan, aux. did, 121, 129.
- Gay, gay, 883, 1028.
- Gaynsaie, 1 p. pr. pl. we gainsay, speak against, 396; 3 p. Gaynsain,
- Gaynus, pr. s. it profits, 1028. See Gayne in Gl. to Wm. of Palerne.
- Geduren, ye gather, 575.
- Gentil, gentle, 23.
- Ger, s. gear, equipment, 522.
- Gete, ger. to obtain, get, 305; 1 p. I get, acquire, 84; 2 p. Getist, gettest, 30; 2 p. pl. Geten, ye get, 796.
- Gien, ger. to guide, govern, 561; Gie, 992; pr s. Gieþ, controls, 661, 670.
- Gile, v. to beguile, cheat, 464.
- Gile, guile, 748, 758.
- Gilt, s. guilt, 386, 994, 1059.
- Gilte, 1 p. pl. pr. we offend, 384; 2 p. ye sin, 550.
- Gin, s. contrivance, 656.
- Giour, s. guider, ruler, 703. See Gien.
- Gise, guise, 883.
- Giue, we give, devote, 305, 994; 2 p. ye give, 638; Giuen no of, ye care not for, 841; imp. pl. Giuus, give ye, 972.
- Glad, 391.
- Glade, v. to be glad, to rejoice, 472, 1110,
- Gle, s. glee, mirth, 789.
- Glose, v. to flatter, 391.
- Glose, flattery, 1016.
- Glotenye, gluttony, 676.
- Glotounius, gluttonous, 790.
- God, adj. good, 561, 668, 690; pl. Gode, 274. See Goode.
- God, s. property, 638; pl. Godus, goods, 604, 804, 987. See Good.
- God, God, 36, 107; dat. to Gode, with God, before God, 476; pl. Godus, gods, 396, 550, 638; Goodus, 95; Godous, 772; gen. sing. Godus, God's, 315, 1004.
- Godesse, goddess, 561; Goodesse, 690, 695.
- Gol, gold, 575; Gold, 389, 1015, 1021.
- Gold, adj. golden, 535; or read gold-ore, a compound sb.
- Gome, s. man, 30, 83, 94, 101, 246, 550; pl. Gomus, 11, 522, 661, 796, 996.
- Gon, v. to go; sendeþ him gon, sends (a letter) to go to him, 197. [The reading ioie, i. e. joy, would be far better; cf. 1. 254.) See below.
- Gon, pr. pl. go, walk about, 772, 883; 2 p. ye go, 1013.
- Good, s. good, 30, 229; dat. Goode, righteousness, 989. See God, s.
- Goode, adj. pl. good, 23. See God.
- Goodesse, goddess, 690, 695. See God.
- Goodis, goods, property, 305; Goodus, 1103; see God.
- Goodly, righteously, in a right: spirit, 1059; well, 972; Goodliche excellently, 246.
- Goodus, for Goddus, i.e. gods, 95; see God.
- Gostliche, spiritual, 772.
- Goþ, pr. s. goes, walks, 101.
- Gouernance, conduct, 568 (rubric).
- Grace, grace, 84, 254; divine assistance, 673; ȝour grace, favour shewn to you, 606
- Graciouce, gracious, favourable, propitious, 193; Graciose, 1082; Graciouse, 824; Graciouce, pleasing, 954.
- Graie, gray, 1138.
- Graipus, pr. s. prepares, makes ready, sends, 977. See Grayþe.
- Grante (miswritien grane), to grant, 383, See Graunte.
- Graspen, v. to grasp, snatch at (used with on), 502
- Graue, s. grave, 447; pl. Grauus, 590.
- Graue, pp. graven, 1138; dug, 7.
- Grauel, gravel, 525.
- Graunt, s. grant, 87.
- Graunte, v. to grant, 602; ger. 764; 1 p. pr. s. Graunte, I grant, 68; pr. pl. 709; pp. Graunted, 73.
- Grauntinge, s. a granting, 254.
- Grauus, pl. graves, 590. See Graue.
- Grayþe, 2 p. pl. pr. ye prepare, 590; pp. Grayped, prepared, made ready, 447, Ieel. greiþa, to prepare.
- Greden, 2 p. pl. pr. ye cry aloud for, implore, 606; ye pray, 764. A.S. grǽdan, to exclaim.
- Gref, grief, harm, 50.
- Grene, pl. green, 124.
- Grene, s. green, i.e. green things,
- Gret, great, 452, 713; pl. Grete, 7 ; great men, 1012; sing. 124 (or perhaps adv., i.e. greatly).
- Grete, ger. to greet, 195; 1 p. pr. pl. we greet, worship, 274.
- Gretinge, greeting, 977; and see below.
- Gretiþinge, greeting, 254. [Perhaps miswritten for Gretinge, q. Vv. ]
- Grettest, greatest, 252, 976.
- Greue, v. to grieve, 228; Greuen, 229; pr. pl. Greuen, grieve, 709, 770.
- Grime, grim, 1138.
- Grimmest, most fierce, 87, 252.
- Griþ, s. protection, safety; of griþ, for their protection, 764 See Alex. A., ish.
- Ground, dat. ground, 7,10; Gronde, 119; Grounde, 447.
- Groweþ, pr. s. grows, 931; Growus, 954; pt. s. Grouuede, grew, 124 see note); pp. Growe, grown, 133; lgrowe, 252.
- Gruche, pr. pl. grudge, refuse (a prayer), 770.
- Grym, s. anger, 50.
- Grymmest, grimmest, most cruel, most stern, 976
- Guldene, golden, 522.
- Gyen, v. to guide, 815; ger. Gye, to govern, 263.
- Hadde, s. had, 1, &c.; pl. 7,9, 41, &c.
- Haddest, 2 p. pr. s. subj. if thou hadst, 339. See below.
- Han, pl. have, 713, 1117; 1 p. we have, 199.
- Handlinge, s. handling, 948.
- Handus, pl. hands, 703, 1067.
- Hap, s. good fortune, 749.
- Happili, adv. by chance, haply, 35; Happily, 863.
- Harde, hard, penurious, 869.
- Harde, adv. hardly, in a meagre way, 856.
- Hardy, bold, 935.
- Harm, harm, 40, 46, 164; dat. Harme, 366.
- Hast, thou hast, 28, &c.
- Haste, haste, 168.
- Hastly, hastily, soon, 155; Hasteli, 605.
- Hate, 961.
- Haten, pr. pl. hate, 408, 1127; 2 p. Hatien, ye hate, 842.
- Hab, pr. s. possesses, 642; hath, 47, &c.; 2 p. pl. ye have, 630.
- Haþel, adj. as sb. noble person, noble, 219, 277, 348; man, 613; gen. pl. Haþelene, of noble or skilful men, 320; voc. O noble one, 856. The same word as Aþel.
- Haue, ger. to have, 25; cf. 65, 84, 189, 277, &c.
- Hauen, we have, 35, 310.
- Hauke, ger. to hawk, 299.
- Haunte, ger. to practise, 790; to keep company with, 565; pr. s. Hauntus, practises, 935; Haunteþ, haunts, clings to, 371; pr. pl. Haunten, practise, 884.
- Hauter, for Auter, altar, 728.
- He, he, 2, &c.
- Hed, s. head, 408; dat. Hede, 656; Heed, 658; pl. Hedus, heads, 794.
- Heie, 'adj. high, 358, 601, 641, 1127; pl. 95. See Hie.
- Heiede, pt. pl. hied, hastened, 51.
- Held, pt. s. held, 815; pl. Helde, 1035 ; thought, 5.
- Helle, dat. hell, 558, 799.
- Helle-hond, hell-hound, Cerberus, 792; Helle-hound, 536.
- Help, dat. help, 320, 733; army, host, 1137.
- Helpe, ger. to help, 1029; v. 761; pr. s. Helpeþ, helps, 588.
- Helpe, an error for Gelpe or ȝelpe, i.e. boast, 1042. See ȝelpen in Stratmann, p. 235.
- Helplich, helpful, 673.
- Helþe, health, 314.
- Helyn, ger. to heal, 320.
- Hem, pron. them, 16; themselves, 5, 10.
- Hem-self, themselves, 917.
- Hende, adj. handy, dexterous, skilful, attentive, 100.
- Hendschipe, s. courtesy, 277.
- Henne, adv. hence, 314, 376, 807, 1020.
- Her, here, 35, 1125, &c.
- Her-aftur, hereafter, 363.
- Here, ger. to hear, 466; v. 502, 605, 979; Heren, 601; pr. s. Hereþ, 610; pl. Heren, 765; 1 p. we hear, 27; pp. Herd, 630.
- Here, their, 8, 46, 1035, &c.
- Herie, v. to praise, 648; 1 p. pl. pr. we praise, 358; 2 p. Herien, ye praise, 641, 731,733. A.S. hérian; Grein.
- Heringe, s. hearing, 948.
- Herte, s. heart, 816; dat. 272, 358.
- Herteli, adj. hearty, encouraging, bold, 95, 961. Lit. heart-like.
- Hertely, adv. heartily, 613, 641, 731,
- Heruest, harvest, autumn, August, 155.
- Heste, s. hest, 528.
- Hete, heat, 328, 424, 687.
- Heuene, heaven, 219, 475; gen. of heaven, 95, 325; dat. 131
- Heuys, s. pl. hues, 402.
- Hiden, v. to hide, 10; pp. Hid, 40; pt. pl. Hidden, hid, 51.
- Hidur, hither, 1137.
- Hie, v. to hasten, 985.
- Hie, high, 114, 435, 437, 985; superl. Hiest, 1018; Hieȝest, 16. See Hih.
- Hih, high; an hih, on high, 848. See Hie.
- Hihten, ger. to embellish, adorn, 406; Hihte, 891; pr. pl. Hihten, 418; 2 p. ye adorn, 728, 731; pp. Hiht, 408. Cf. A.S. hyhtan, to extol.
- Hillus, s. pl. hills, 435.
- Hilþe, health, 658.
- Him, dat. to him, 727; for Hem, them, 416; acc. Hin, him (see note), 703.
- Him-self, dat. (to) himself, 362.
- Hir, adv. here, 314. See Her.
- Hirde, pt. s. heard, 812; 1 p. 209: See Here.
- His, its, 235; his, 1, &c.
- Hit, it, 141, 366, 484, 485, 486, 489, 812, A.S. hit.
- Hiȝte, pt. s. was named, 1064.
- Hiȝþe, dat. height, 123.
- Ho (sic), he, 166. [Prob. miswritten for he.]
- Ho, who, 174.
- Ho so, whoso, 1060.
- Holde, v. to hold, 507; to observe, 213; ger. Holden, to protect, 435; Holde out, to keep out, 443; 2 p. s. pr. Holdest, hast, 532; 3 p. Holdeþ, possesses, 642; 1 p. pl. Holden, we consider, 381; 2 p. ye deem, esteem (as), 274, 1125; Holde, ye consider, deem, esteem, 558, 653, 1113; pp. Holde, held to be, 13, 176, 974; Holden, 16; kept, 687.
- Holde, for Olde, adj. pl. old, 327.
- Holdeus, s. pl. dwellings (Lat. text domos), 576.
- Hole, adj. pl. whole, hale, 333; sing. entire, 565, 642, 961, 1127.
- Holi, holy, 139, 219.
- Holliche, wholly, 657, 792; Holly, 630.
- Holsome, excellent, 1125.
- Holus, s. pl. holes, 10, 434; Holis, 40, 51, 57.
- Holwe, hollow, 10; Holw, 57; Holou,
- Hom, home, 46; at hom, 381.
- Hondis, pl. hands, 683.
- Hongur, hunger, 1029.
- Hope, 733.
- Hope, let him hope, 869; 1 p. pl. pr. Hopen, we hope, 363.
- Hordom, whoredom, 557, 565.
- Houede, pt. s. hovered, abode, waited about, 164. See note to P. Plowman, C. xxi. 83.
- Hound-fich, dog-fish, 164.
- Houngur, hunger, 1030.
- Houp, whoop, call, 167.
- Hous, house, 62, 434, 985.
- Housinge, dwelling, habitation, 443.
- How, how, 56, 887.
- Hue, pron. she, 562, 656. A.S. heó.
- Huge, 530; Hugeste, 488.
- Hundred, 234.
- Hungur, hunger, 863, 866, 881.
- Hunte, ger. to hunt, 299.
- Huo, who, 596, 943; Huo so, whosoever, 1001.
- Hur, their, 407, 563. See Hure.
- Hurde, pt. s. heard, 943; hurde telle, heard tell, 14; 1 p. s. pt. Hurde, I heard, 991.
- Hure, dat. to her, 562, 723; acc. her, 657, 695.
- Hure, poss. pron. their, 16, 48, 123, 410, 418; Hur, 407, 411, 414, 733.
- I, I, 65, 68. See Ich.
- Iangle, s. jangling, prattling, idle talk: slander. 456, 462, 667.
- Iargoun, jargon, idle talk, 462.
- Iaudewin, adj. (as an epithet of Jupiter, 659). The first syllable is obviously the O.F. joe, ju, or jeu(see Roquefort) still retained in F. jeudi, and derived from Lat. acc. Iouem, Jove. The rest of the word appears to be a mere variant of O.F. devin, Lat. diuinus. Thus the sense is ‘divine Jove.’ Stevenson prints jandewin, which cannot be explained,
- Iboren, pp. born, 598; Ibor, 982.
- Ich, I, 180, 215, 1137. See I.
- Idolus, pl. idols, 632, 754.
- I-eged, pp. egged on, incited, 556.
- Ifounde, pp. found (to be), 497.
- Igrowe, pp. grown, 252. See Growe.
- I-kid, pp. known (to be), famous; cortais ikid, famous as being courteous, 64. See Kid.
- Iliche, adv, equally, alike, 102.
- I-like, like, 792.
- Ile, adj. pl. ill, mischievous, 157.
- Ille, adv. ill, 786.
- Ille, s. evil, 754, 932.
- In, prep. in, 10, 22, &c.
- Inne, adv. within, in, 10, 435, 489; upon, 597
- Innocent, 932.
- I-now, enough, 309, 318, 548.
- Inpossible, impossible, 268, 915.
- Ioie, joy, 502, 726, 977, 1118.
- Ioiful, blissful, 659.
- Ioilese, joyless, wretched, 553; miserable, 697
- Iproued, proved to be, 685.
- Iput, pp. put, 291, 452.
- Iren, iron, 851.
- Is, for His, his, 731, 805.
- Is, pr. 8. is, 12, 26, &c.
- Isaid, pp. said (to be), called, 100.
- Isene, seen, 666.
- Iset, pp. set, 454.
- Isustained, pp. sustained, 620.
- It, pron. it, 22, 68, &c.
- Iuge, judge, 1115.
- Iuggementis, s. pl. judgments, 462.
- Iuggen, ye judge, esteem, 697; pp. Iuged, judged, 1118; condemned, 553.
- Iwrouht, pp. wrought, made, 660.
- I-ȝoulde, pp. yielded, given, 63.
- Kairus, pr. s. turns, goes, 48. See Cairen, Karre.
- Kallen, ye call, 651.
- Kariede, pp. carried, sent, 1076.
- Karre, v. to return, 986. See Kairus,
- Kene, keen, bold, 536.
- Kenne, v. (1) to know, 210, 515, 979; to perceive, 120; ger. to know, 48, 241; 1 p. pl. pr. Kenne, we know, 308, 1023; 3 p. Kenep, know, 596; pt. s. Kende, knew, 42; 1 p. pl. Kenden, we knew, perceived, 257;
also (2) Kenne, v. to make known, teach, 230, 278, 455; tell, 986; pr. s. Kennep, instructs, teaches, 910, 989; pl. Kennen, shew, 60; pt. pl. Kenden, have known, or fave shewn, made known, 1051.
- Kepe, ger. to keep, take care of, 74, 658; preserve, 686; v. to guard, 38, 81; pt. pl. Kepte, guarded, 52.
- Kepere, keeper, 677.
- Keture, adj. pl. braver, stronger, more famous, 578. See kete in Stratmann, and in Gl. to Wm. of Palerne. The true sense is not quite certain, and it is used in a rather vague way.
- Keucred, pp. covered, 351.
- Kid, pp. made known, famous, renowned, 26, 431; manifested to be, 803; begotten, 1012; bred, 173; badly spelt Kidde, 191; pl. Kidde, 581. See Y-kid. Kid = cud, pp. of M.E, cuðen; Stratmann, p. 109
- Kiddeste, best known, most remarkable, most notable, 13; most renowned, 978. See Kid.
- Kide, kid, 612, 715.
- Kille, ger. to kill, 300, 540; 1 p. pl. pr. we kill, 598; pp. Kild, 612.
- Kin, kindred, 1051; kinnus nie, near of kin, 986.
- Kinde, nom. nature, 910; acc. 1023; dat. 456, 1012, 1034; of kinde, by nature, 554, 905; for kinde, as (being) nature, by the name of nature, 308. See Kynde.
- Kinde, adj. natural, 331, 482, 989.
- Kindeli, adj. naturally, 415, 903.
- Kindus, s. pl. kinds, sorts, 490, 958.
- King, king, 13; pl. Kinguus, 82, 90, 107.
- Kiþ, s. country, land, 179, 455, 1084, 1089. See Kyþ.
- Kiþe, v. to make known, shew, grant, 605; kiþe ȝe ȝou, ye prove yourselves, 540. (See kiþen in Gl. to Wm. of Palerne.
- Knewe, 2 p. pl. pt. ye knew, 397.
- Kniht, knight, 127.
- Knowe, ger. to know, 149, 422; to know about, 189; pr. s. Knowiþ, knows, 229; 2 p. Knowist, knowest, 77; 1 p. pl. Knowen, we know, 451, 844; 2 p. Knowe, ye know, 718; pp. Knowe, known, 1052.
- Konne, 1 p. pl. pr. we can, 278; i. e. can do, 456. See Kunne.
- Konninge, cunning, skill, 230, 583; knowledge, 905.
- Kouþ, adj. known, famous, 578. A.S. cúð, known.
- Kunne, ye can, 803; 3 p. pl. Kun, can, 763. See Konne.
- Kydde, pp. born, produced, 1051. See Kid
- Kynde, dat. nature, 325; Kinde, 327; of kynde, by nature, 35; nom. 407. See Kinde.
- Kyþ, s. kith, country, 173.
- Kyþen, 1 p. pl. pr. we exhibit, make known, manifest, 504; 2 p. ye exhibit, shew, 651. See Kiþe.
- Lacchen, ger. to receive, 70; Lacche, to catch, 298; v. Lacche, to catch, 998; v. Lache, 264, 576; pr. s. Lacchus, receives, 188; 1 p. pl. Lacche, we receive, 40; Lachen, we catch, 956. A.S. læccan, to seize.
- Laie, 1 p. pl. pt. we lay, 448.
- Laik, s. play, game, 465. Swed. lek, O. Icel. leikr, a game.
- Lak, s. blame, 220. See Lakke.
- Lakke, ger. to blame, 838, 897. Du. laken, to blame.
- Lakken, pr. pl. lack, are deficient in, 328.
- Lande, dat. land, 172, 665; Land, 174, 843; pl. Landus, 369.
- Langage, language, 56, 142.
- Large, large, ample, 113; i. e. large river, 526.
- Lasse, less, 579; lasse no more, smaller nor greater, 704.
- Last; adv. last, 1072.
- Last, conj. lest, 132.
- Laste, v. to last, continue, endure, 270, 322, 981; pr. s. Lasteþ, 236.
- Lastinge, everlasting, 781, 1119.
- Latur, adv. later, more faintly, 235.
- Lauȝe, ger. to laugh, 470.
- Lawe, law, 260, 379, 508, 513, 515, 100; pl. Lawus, 506, 911; Lawes, 506
- Laweles, lawless, 906.
- Lay, pt. s. lay, 563.
- Lechoures, gen. pl. of lechers, 631; Lecherus, 684.
- Lechourus, lecherous, 554; Leccherouse, 694; Lechorus, 755.
- Lechurie, lechery, 788, 884, 887; Lecherie, 562; Leccherie, 681; gen. Leccheries, of lechery, 392.
- Lede, v. to lead, 445; Leden, 858; pr. s. Ledus, carries, takes, 186; 1 p. pl. pr. Leden, we lead, 444, 1005; 2 p. Lede, 629; Leden, 1011.
- Ledere, leader, 174, 974.
- Lef, adj. dear, lief, 259; pleasant, 498, 1091; fond, 838; lef oþur loþ, pleasing or unpleasing, 867.
- Legge, ger. to lay, 438, 592.
- Lelliche, truly, 622.
- Lem, s. gleam, brightness, 122; light, 934, 476, 520; flame, 684. A.S. leóma, E. g-leam.
- Lenge, ger. to dwell, 1119; v. 781; pr. s. Lengus, 558, 706; Lengeþ, 628; 2 p. pl. Lenge, 1091; pt. pl. subj. 1 p. Lengede, we were to dwell, 872; pp. Lengged, 1132. See Gl. to Wm. of Palerne.
- Lengeþ, length, 444.
- Lengþe, ger. to lengthen, 76.
- Lenguare, adv, longer, 324.
- Lente, pt. s. lent, i. e. gave, 413.
- Lepus, pr. s. leaps, 168; pl. Lepen, 491
- Lere, (1) ger. to teach, inform, 66, 238; pr.s. Lereþ, teaches, 1100; 2 p. s. pt. Leredest, didst instruct, 850; pp. Lered, taught, 453; (2) Lere, ger. to learn, 260, 461; v. 216. A.S. lǽran, G. lehren, to teach.
- Les, adj. false, 66. A.S. leás.
- Lesen, v. to lose, 235; Lese, 322; 1 p. pl. pr. Lesen, we lose, 328.
- Lesinge, dat. leasing, lying, 458. ALS. leásung.
- Let, pt. s. caused; let sende = caused to be sent, sent, 18; let reden = caused to be read, 21; let bitake = caused to take, 43; and see 171, 181, 968.
- Lettere, letter, 1072. See Lettres.
- Lettest, 2 p. s. pr. hinderest, 520; pt. pl. Lette, hindered, 158.
- Lettres, s. pl. letters (used in the sing. sense, i.e, a letter), 18, 20, 43, 181, 226, 245; Lettrus, 817, 820.
- Leþur, wicked, 1100. See leþerly in Gl. to Wm. of Palerne.
- Leue, (1) ger. to leave, let alone, 227; 2 p. pl. pr. Leven, ye let alone, 946; (2) intrans. pr. s. Leueb, remains, 704.
- Leue, ger. to believe, 829; 1 p. pl. pr. we believe, 205, 329; Leuen, 597; 2 p. Leuen, ye believe, 628, 701, 706. AS. lýfan.
- Leue, v. to live, 56.
- Leue, s. leave, permission, 293, 299.
- Leue, adj. dear; þat ȝou leue were, that which may be dear to you, i.e. that which you most wish for, 67.
- Leuus, s. pl. leaves, 501.
- Leuyng, s. living, 355 (rubric).
- Libbe, ger. to live, 833, 843, 894, 1102, 1117; v. 374; 1 p. pl. pr. Libben, we live, 288, 373; 2 p. ye live, 539, 867; Liben, 788; 3 p. 1087.
- Liben, for Libben, ye live, 788.
- Licam, body, 592; gen. Licamus, body's, 555, A.S. líc-hama.
- Liche, adj. like, 1041, 1097; adv. like; liche wel, equally well, 106.
- Lie, ger. to tell lies, 460.
- Lie, a flame, torch, 555. See Piers Plowman, B. xvii. 207. A.S. líg, flame; lég, flame.
- Lif, life, 66, 70, 76, 180, 1119.
- Liftime, lifetime, 565, 681.
- Ligge, v. to lie, 1025; 1 p. pl. Liggen, we lie, 446. AS. liegan.
- Liht, s. light, 235, 480.
- Lihtede, pt. pl. subj. should light, 234.
- Lihtliche, easily, 515.
- Like, ger. to like, to be pleased, be glad, 316; v. to like, 404; wel to like, very pleasant, 926; pr. s.
- Likeþ, likes, 212; pleases, 445; Likus, impers. it pleases, 362, 576; pr. s. subj. Like; no like, let him not be pleased, 868; pt. s. subj. Likede, would please, 934; pp. Liked, pleased, 178.
- Likful, adj. pleasing, delightful, 498.
- Likinge, pl. pleasing, 949.
- Likinge, wish, will, desire, 755; pleasure, 785, 887. See below.
- Likinge, a sufficient quantity, enough to satisfy, 956.
- Liknen, ye liken, 645; pp. Likned, likened, 802.
- Lime, s. limb, 650, 704; pl. Limus, 328, 413.
- Lin, 1 p. pl. pr. we lie, 441, 448.
- Lisse, s. bliss, happiness, 476. A.S. lis, liss.
- List, s. pleasure, desire, 189.
- List, pr. s. it pleases, 441; 1 p. pl. Liste, we desire, 355; 2 p. List, ye please, 539. A.S. lystan.
- Listene, v. to listen, 820; ger. Listne, to listen to, 768; pp. Listned, heard, 180, 199.
- Lite, adv. little, 886, 932, 1028. AS. lyt.
- Litil, little, 168, 645, 878.
- Litil, adv. little, 205, 324.
- Liþus, imp. pl. listen ye, 820.
- Liue, ger. to live, 911; pr. s. Liuþ, he lives, 324; 1 p. pl. we live, 270; 2 p. Liven, ye live, 785, 1055, 1110; pt. s. Liuede, lived, 265, 562.
- Liue, I believe, 579.
- Liue, dat. life, 551; pl. Liuus, lives, 885; gen. pl. Liuus, lives’, 596.
- Light, s. light, 122.
- Liȝthe, 1 p. pl. pr. lit. lighten; but obviously an error for Liten, i. e. stain, 400. See note.
- Lodlich, loathly, 592.
- Lof, air; lof briddus, birds of the air, 956. Written for loft. See below.
- Loft, s. the sky, 480; air, 474; of loft, either (1) of the sky; or (2) put for on loft, aloft, 476; on þe loft, aloft, 122. And see above.
- Loken, ger. to look, 474; pr. s. Lokus, looks, 188.
- Lome, s. either (1) tool (lit. loom); or (2) loam, elay (which better suits the context and the Lat. text; see note), 439.
- Lond, land, 142; dat. Londe, 350. See Land.
- Long, adj. long, 276.
- Long, in phr. long in = long of, i. e. along of, owing to, 510.
- Longe, adv. for a long time, long since, 178; a long while, 1132.
- Longeþ, pr. s. impers. it belongs: a lud longeþ, it belongs to a man, 650, 1114; belongs, 458, 1110; Longus, 258; pr. pl. Longen, belong, 946, 949.
- Lord, lord, 174, 316, 628, 665.
- Lordliche, adj. lordly, 181, 576.
- Lordschipe, dominion, lordship, power over, 76, 264, 428, 1011.
- Lore, s. lore, learning, 453, 458; pl. Lorus, teachings, lessons, 217, 224, 226, 457, 828, 1121.
- Los, s. praise, 221.
- Loþ, adj. loath, displeasing, distasteful, 284, 438, 460, 768, 867, 872; Loþe, hated, wretched, 1097; be you loþ oþur lef, be it unpleasant or pleasant to you, 1091.
- Loþeth, pr. s. impers. it makes (us) loath, 392; 1 p. pl. pr. Loþen, we loathe, 272, 373.
- Loþliche, loathsome, hateful, 1087.
- Loue, love, 373.
- Louen, ger. to love, 316, 404; v. 887; pr. s. Louus, 1041; 1 p. pl. pr. we love, 1005; 3 p. 596; pt. s. Louede, loved, 681.
- Low, low, subject, inferior, 264; pl. Lowe, 441
- Lowe, imp. s. lower, let down, lay aside, 517; pp. Lowed, subjected, 519.
- Lowe, for Loue, love, 253.
- Loweste, most inferior, humblest, 265.
- Lud, s. man, person; wight, 18, 106, 168, 324, 510, 515, 519; pl. Ludus, men, 56, 142, 284, 311, 355, 838, 843, 858, 1110, 1112, 1114; gen pl. Ludene, of men, 773. A.S. leód.
- Luf, adj. lief, dear, pleasing, 562, 788.
- Lust, lust, 392, 555, 684; pl. Lustus, 334.
- Luþur, adj. bad, evil, 272, 400, 569, 773, 946; bad, meagre, 868, 878; as sb. evil, 629. See Leþur.
- Luþurly, adv. wickedly, 460, 1055; evilly, 785. See above.
- Lym, lime, 438.
- Lyuede, pt. s. subj. were to live, should live, 106. See Liue.
- Maad, pp. made, 108, 889, 998. See below
- Made, pt. s. made, caused, 148, 413; 2 p. Madest, 527.
- Main, strength, 663.
- Maistrie, dominion, 433; supreme power, 535, 742.
- Maistrus, s. pl. masters, 108.
- Makelese, matchless, peerless, 1130. See Makus; and Alex. A. , 799.
- Maken, v. to make, 852; to cause, 36; pr. s. Makus, makes, 879; 1 p. pl. pr. we make, 319; 2 p. ye make, 530; and see Maad, Made.
- Makus, s. pl. companions, husbands, mates, 58. See Make in Gl. to Wm. of Palerne.
- Man, a man, 36, 192; Men, 28.
- Manere, s. manner 948, 1123; Maner, 722; kind of (without of following), 734; Manere, 997; Mantr, 335; pl. Manerus, 200, 897.
- Man-kinde, mankind, 839, 914.
- Many, many, 7; Manie, 26, &c.
- Marbre, marble, 1134.
- Marbyl, marble, 1139 (rubric).
- March, s. mark, i. e. marches, boundar , country, 382, 845, 1090. See Marke
- Marke, s. march, i.e. region, country, 1139.
- Marke, mark (?), 696.
- Marked pp. appointed, 1120; Markid, destined, 90, 109.
- Massage, message, 248.
- Matere, matter, 573.
- Maugre, s. ill will, 544; cf. Maugray, in spite of, 895. F. malgrè.
- Maumentrie, idolatry, 681 (rubric). Lit. Mahomet-ry.
- May, pr. s. 1 p. I can, 285; 3 p. he can, 36
- Me, dat. for me, 109, 178; acc me, 77, &c.
- Mede, reward, 869, 1101, 1123.
- Medisine, medicine, 319, 702.
- Medle, ger. to meddle, lie with, 893.
- Medus, pl. meads, meadows, 494.
- Meek, adj. sober, staid, 949; pl. Mek, 546; Meke, 626.
- Megre, meagre, thin, weak, 889.
- Mekenesse, meekness, 614; Meekness, 334.
- Mekliche, meekly, 269.
- Mel, s. meal, 304.
- Membrus, pl. members, 707; Membrys, 644, 647,
- Men, s. pl. men, 143, 433; indef. pron. one, people, folks (in sing. with sing. verb), 91, 141, 209.
- Men, adj. mean, intermediate, 145.
- Mende, imp. s. amend, 517; v. Menden, to mend, 1031.
- Mene, adj. mean, common, 108.
- Mene, ger. to mean, 12.
- Menske, v. to grace, confer credit upon, 228; pr. s. Menskeþ, pays respect to, 1058; pp. Mensked, respected, 1040; 2 p. pl. pr. Mensken, ye worship, honour, 726. See mensk in Gl. to 1 m. of Palerne.
- Menskinge, favour, graciousness, maunerliness, 951.
- Menskliche, courteously, 1073.
- Ment, pp. meant, 28.
- Mentaine, ger. to maintain, 667.
- Mercy, 382, 383, 385, 900.
- Meruailouse, marvellous, 210.
- Message, 255; Massage, 248.
- Mesure, s. a moderate quantity, 312; moderation, 791.
- Mete, meat, 307, 312, 1031; dat. 859, 791.
- Meuen, 1 p. pl. pr. we move, turn, apply, 466; pr. pl. Meven, move, 1139; pp. Meve, moved, 383.
- Mich, adj. much, 999, 353, 1030; Miche, many, 180.
- Miche, adv. much, 150, 500, 532, 667, 897, 1058.
- Michel, adj. much, great, 285, 653.
- Michel, adv. much, 550; Michil, 200.
- Miht, 2 p. mightest, 533 ; Mihtest, 534; 2 p. pl. Mihte, ye might, 852; Miht, could ye, 887; pl. Mihte,
might, 336.
- Mihte, s. might, power, 328, 1003; Miht, 653, 739.
- Mihteles, mightless, powerless, 732.
- Mihtful, mighty, 663.
- Min, my, 75, &c.; My, 67.
- Minde, mind, 1014; dat. 285, 612; haue in minde, have in our minds, have to remember, 385.
- Minegeþ, pr. s. makes mention of, recounts, 573; states, 614. See munegen in Stratmann, p. 356.
- Minnge, v. to make mention, recount, 514. See above.
- Minstralus, gen. pl. of minstrels, 702.
- Mirie, merry, 927.
- Mirthe, mirth, 464, 465, 726; pl. Mirþus, games, pleasures, 945, 1099.
- Mischef, misfortune, 372; hardship, affliction, 1030; want, lack, 859; hard fare, 889, 893; evil fate, 1101, 1115, 1120.
- Misdeede, misdeed, 394.
- Mis-do, v. to act amiss, do wrong, 464.
- Missed, pp. missed, lost, 1099.
- Mithtelese, adj. might-less, i. e. weak, 712.
- Miȝht, s. might, 214; for mi miȝht, to the best of my power; Miȝhte, 85.
- Miȝhte, pt. s. might, could, 104; pl. 56; 2 p. Miȝt, mightest, 31.
- Miȝzhteles, mightless, unable, 74.
- Mo, more, other, 90; more in number, besides, 732, 897. A.S. má.
- Mod, mood, 927.
- Modur, mother, 307, 586.
- Molde, mould, i.e. the earth, 101, 546, 791, 839, 900, 1099; the world, 617; mould, part, 739.
- Mor, more (in quantity), 742; greater, 94, 704.
- More, adv. more, 210; longer, 322; the mor, the more, 1040.
- Most, adj. greatest, 109; adv. most, 666, 1108.
- Mosten, 1 p. pl. pt. subj. should have to, 385. See below.
- Mote, ye must, 859, 895. A.S. mótan, to be obliged; pt. t. móste.
- Mourne, ger. to mourn, 928.
- Mourninge, pres. pt. mourning, mournful, 1115,
- Mourninge, s. mourning, 472.
- Mouþ, mouth, 951; Moufe, 977.
- Mowe, pr. pl. 1 p. we may, 290, 1024; we must, 100, 323; 2 p. ye may, can, 1090, 1092; Mow, 854; Mow, ye must, 858, 864; 3 p. Mowe, can, 478, 619, 761.
- My, my, 67, &c.
- Mylk, milk, 353.
- Myrthe, mirth, 1011.
- Nacion, nation, 149.
- Nai, nay, 73.
- Nakid, naked, 12; Naked, 34.
- Name, name, 12, 149, 1048; to name = for a name, 139; pl. Names, 652.
- Name-kouþ, known by name, renowned, famous, 823, 1079; Namkouþe, 979.
- Namned, pp. named, 531. A.S. nemnan, to name.
- Ne, not, 9, 76, 201, 384.
- Ne, for No, no, 834.
- Nede, s. need, 62, 614; necessity, want, 318, 857, 1036; trouble, 1094; at nede, in our need, 309.
- Nede, adv. of necessity, 859.
- Nedeþ, impers. it is necessary, 357.
- Nedful, needy, poor, 879, 964; necessary, 292.
- Nedfully, of necessity, 849.
- Nedli, adv. by force of necessity, compulsorily, 149.
- Nebþeles, nevertheless, 267.
- Nettus, nets, 297.
- Neuere, never, 39, 192.
- Newe, new, 22; new (messages), 1074.
- Nie, nigh, near; kinus nie, near of kin, 986.
- Nien, we annoy, vex, 995. See Nye.
- Niht-brid night-bird, nocturnal bird, 723.
- Nime, v. to take, 292; pr. pl. Nime, take, 318. A.S. niman.
- Nis, it is not, 894; is not, 379.
- Nisetè, folly, 879.
- No, no, none, 9; Non, 46. No, nor, 120, 235, 281, 403; not, 868; no no = nor no, 1. e. not any, 94.
- Noble, noble one, 73; noble, 531, 823, 1066.
- Noblete, nobility, 192.
- Noht, not, 384.
- Nolle, 1 p. pl. pr. we will not, we desire not, 344; Nol, 347; 2 p. ye will not, 1056.
- Non, s. no, 46; pl. None, none, 340.
- Nor, nor, 9, &c.
- Norscheþ, pr. s. nourishes, 309;
- Norcheþ, produces, 769.
- Note, s. use, utility, usefulness, 849. See Stratmann, p. 368.
- Noþir, neither, 612; Noþur, nor, 612.
- Nouht, nothing, 34, 998.
- Nouht, not, 78, 151, 803, 1060; Noukt, 991; Nouht but, only, 625.
- Nouþe, adv. now, 71, 239, 583, 1007, 1068; Nowpe, 651.
- Nouþeles, nevertheless, 816.
- Now, 12, 1094.
- Noy, annoyance, grief, 1094. See below.
- Nye, v. annoy, injure, 340. O.F. nuire, Lat. nocere.
- O, one, 97.
- Of, prep. of (on the), 5, &c.; by, 74, 118; from, 119; some of, 126; concerning, 66, 780, 1056; out of, beyond, 1090; acorde of = agree in, 875; lauze of = to laugh at, 4703 like of = be pleased with, 868.
- Offren, v. to offer, 720; pr. pl. Ofren, 712.
- Offrin, offering, 718; pl. Offringus, 711.
- Ofset, pp. beset, 987.
- Ofte, adv. often, 199, 452, 709, 711.
- Olde, pl. old, 798.
- On, prep. on, 7, &c.; in, 57, 548, 683, 721, 749; in the case of, 1064.
- On, one, 794; þat on, the one, 526. See One.
- On-cauȝt, pp. uncaught, 38.
- One, dat. adj. alone, by itself, 548; alone, only, 698.
- Onliche, only, 745.
- Onurable, honourable, 194, 1083; Onorable, 825.
- Onus, once; at onus, at once, 735.
- Ony, any, 296, 320.
- Or, ere, before, 40, 85, 468, 692, 1135.
- Or...or, either..or, whether.. or, 359.
- Ordre, order, rule, 327, 720.
- Ore, s. ore, 525.
- Ost, host, army, 3, 15, 533,
- Oþirwise, otherwise, 419.
- Oþur, other, 54, 107; an oþur, another, 103; pl. Oþure, other, 157.
- Oþur, or, 310, 360.
- Oule, owl, 723.
- Our, our, 176; Oure, 38, &c.
- Out-taken, except, 153.
- Ouur, prep. over, 108, 151, 533.
- Ouyrcomen, ger. to overcome, 338; Ourcomen, we overcome, 345; Ouurcome}, he overcomes, 583.
- Owen, pr. pl. possess, 440.
- Owne, own, 745, 880.
- Oxe, ox, 612; pl. Oxen, 296.
- Oxian, s. the ocean, 533. [Here is meant the great river Oceanus, running round the world.]
- Pacen, pr. pl. pass, pace, walk, go about, 741.
- Paie, (1) ger. to pay (tribute), 710; pr. pl. pay, 716; (2) pr. s. Paieþ, pleases, 374.
- Paine, pain, punishment, torment, 390, 395, 537, 553; penalty, 809; pl. Painus, torments, 753.
- Painede, pp. inured to hardships, 268.
- Paradis, Paradise, 140.
- Parte, ger. to share, 104; v. to part, 395; pt. s. Partyd, departed, rubric to l. 1; 2 p. pl. pr. ye depart, 807; Parten, 1107; pp. Parted, distributed, 705.
- Passe, v. to pass, go away, depart, 1135; 1 p. pl. pr. subj. Passe, may pass, go, 314; pr. s. Passeth, passes, flows, 140.
- Pay, pleasure, 315.
- Pelyr, pillar, 1139 (rubric).
- Penance, punishment, 807; penance, 291.
- Peple, people, 4, 108, 815; assembly, 1127.
- Perichen, pr. pl. perish, 452.
- Peril, 452.
- Perles, peerless, 915; Perlese, 140.
- Pes, peace, 377.
- Philozofrus, s. pl. philosophers, 457, 1070.
- Picht, pt. s. put, placed, 1139 (rubric).
- Pilegrimus, pilgrims, 983.
- Piler, pillar, 1135. See Pelyr.
- Pinchen, v. to pinch, torment, 751; pr. s. Pinncheþ, torments, 1107.
- Place, place, land, 97, 130, 296, 847, 853; pl. Placus, 495.
- Plain, adj. plain, flat, open, 495.
- Plaunten, v. to plant, 853; Plaunte, ye plant, 847.
- Plentè, plenty, 495, 1025.
- Plokke, ger. to pluck, draw; to plokke, to draw (the plough), 296.
- Plow, plough, 296, 847, 853.
- Point, dat. point, state, 315.
- Pokok, peacock, 716.
- Pore, poor, 104, 527, 890, 983.
- Poudur, s. powder, 1063.
- Pouert, poverty, 374; Pouerte, 291.
- Power, 705.
- Praie, s. prey, 204.
- Praien, 1 p. pl. pr. we pray, beg, 225; Prayen, 319.
- Praiere, prayer, 766.
- Praisen, ye praise, 560.
- Preche, ger. to preach, 280; pp. Preched, 366.
- Prented, pp. impressed, 256.
- Pres, press, host, army, 161, 509.
- Presoun, prison, 1098.
- Prest, adj. ready, 1075.
- Prest, adv. readily, soon, 161, 766.
- Prestly, quickly, 225.
- Preuey, adj. privy, 696.
- Pride, 637.
- Prince, 225, 509, 968; Prinse, 811; pl. Princis, 251; Princes, 975.
- Pris, value, 716.
- Pris, adj. noble, 161.
- Procre, v. to procure, cause, 347; to insure, 1019; pp. Procred, turned, 366.
- Profit, 1019.
- Profite, v. to profit, 509; pr. s. Profiteþ, 280.
- Profre, ye proffer, offer, 766.
- Proud, 937; pl. Proude, 5, 11, 547.
- Prouede, no doubt an error for Proude, 547; see the word repeated in the same line. Or it may mean “approved.” Cf. 1. 5.
- Prouen, v. to prove, 937; pp. Proued, proved, known to be, approved, 5. See Prove.
- Prove, 1 p. s. pr. I prove, test, 560. See Prouen.
- Prow, s. profit, 366, O.F. prou, profit; Cotgrave.
- Pryde, pride, 1019.
- Prynce, prince, 16, 19, 111. See Prince.
- Prys, s. value, estcem, 590; prys holde of, esteem, 937; prys of hem helde, thought much of themselves, 5
- Pulle, ger. to pull, pluck, 128.
- Punched, pp. punished, 679, 747.
- Purchas, s. acquisition, 807.
- Purpre, s. purple colour, 482.
- Put, pp. put, placed, 705, 983.
- Quainte, adj. pl. knowing, wise, 17.
- Quaintise, s. daintiness, pleasurableness, 950. O.F. coint, quaint, dainty, trim.
- Quedfulle, adj. full of evil, 541. Cf. Du. kwaad, evil.
- Quelleþ, pr. s. kills, 611; 2 p. pl. Quellen, ye kill, 608, 1047. A.S. cwellan.
- Queme, ger. to please, 541, 608, 643, 1047; pr. s. Quemus, pleases, 177. A.S. cwéman.
- Queminge, s. pleasing, satisfaction, 950. A.S. cwéman, to please.
- Quencheþ, pr. s. quenches, does away with, 960; pl. Quenchen, destroy, 541.
- Quene, queen, 194, 825.
- Quik, adj. living, 608; Quike, 1047.
- Raddo, pl. s. read, 819, 1073, 1076; pp. Rad, 969.
- Raiken, 1 p. pl. pr. we wander, go, betake ourselves, 467. Icel. reika, to wander.
- Rainus, s. pl. rains, 436.
- Raþe, adv. soon, 2, 21, 93, 136, 337, 969; As raþe, as soon as possible, 121; al so raþe, 129.
- Reeche, 1 p. pl. pr. we reck, 369. A.S. récan, réccan.
- Reche, ger. to reach, 1067.
- Red, s. counsel, 398. A.S. rǽd.
- Rede, (1) ger. to read, i.e. to be read, 1075; v. Red, 971; Reden, 21; L p. s. pr. Reed, I read, 8 738; pl. Reden, we read 467 ; (2) to advise; 1 p. s. pr. Rede, I advise, 337; pl. we Maviae, 507. A.S. rǽdan, to read, to advise. See Radde.
- Rede, pl. red, 479.
- Redileche, readily, easily, 375; Redely, 821.
- Redlese, adj. devoid of rede, i. e. of counsel, 907.
- Redy, ready, 780, 969.
- Reed, adj. red; or rather adv. redly, 121.
- Refe, to seize, 803. See note.
- Regne, kingdom, 642; pl. Rengnus, 82.
- Reke, pp. raked, raked over, buried slightly, 594.
- Rekenen, 1 p. pl. pr. we reckon, account, 375.
- Remewid, pt. s. removed, rubric to l. 137.
- Rengnus, s. pl. kingdoms, 82. See Regne.
- Renonun, s. renown, 369, 581.
- Reproue, ger. to reprove, 220.
- Rereth, pr. s. rears, 485; Here, ye rear, 1045.
- Resoun, s. reason, 398.
- Reste me, rest myself, 93.
- Reufully, piteously, 1062.
- Reule, s. rule, 507.
- Reuled, pp. ruled, 904, 915.
- Reward, regard, 907.
- Riche, rich, 104, 361, 337, 967 Richest, richest, 1131.
- Richesse, riches, 31,581; Riechesse, 369.
- Ride, ger. to ride, 112; v.' 93; pp. Riden, ridden, travelled, experienced in travel, 1131
- Rif, adj. rife, full, 501; pl. Riue, abundant, 160.
- Riht, adj. right true, 261.
- Riht, adv. right, 816.
- Rihte, dat. right, justice, 416.
- Rihte-wisnesse, righteousness, 258.
- Rihtful, adj. righteous, just, 398.
- Rink, s. man, 21, 31, 129, 151, 662, 821. A.S. rinc.
- Ris, s. bough, 129, 501. See hris in Stratmann, p. 378,
- Riue, adj. pl. rife, abundant, numerous, 160, 14, 1045. See Rif.
- Riuer, river, 160.
- Robbe, ger. to rob, 789; pp. Robbed, 524.
- Romauncus, pl. romances, 467.
- Rome, v. to roam, range, 146; ger. 501; pt. s. Rommede, 23; pl. Romede, 160; pr. s. Romwus, roams, wanders, 169.
- Romme, adj. wide, 151. A.S. rúm, roomy, wide.
- Romme, adv. far and wide, 80, 581; romme riden, much travelled, 1131. See above.
- Ros, pt. s. rose, 121.
- Roten, ger. to rot, 594,
- Rotus, pl. roots, 662.
- Rouh, rough, 594.
- Rout, s. company, host, 524.
- Ryde, v. to ride, 49; pr. s. Rydus, 1138; pres. pt. Rydinge, 2. See ride.
- Ryht, s. right, justice, 82. See Rihte.
- Ryngus, s. pl. rings, 1015.
- Sacrifice, 388, 542, 1048.
- Sad, adj. firm, heavy, thick, clayey (said of earth), 919.
- Sadliche, adv. firmly, 1135.
- Saf, safe, saved, 830.
- Sai, pt. s. saw, 115, 137; pl. Saien, 146.
- Saide, pt. s. said, 41; pl. 61; 2 p. ye said. 1006 pp'. Said, 111. See Sain.
- Saile, ger. to sail, 297, 449; v. 533; pr. pl. Sailen, sail, 451; 2 p. Saile, ye sail, 203.
- Sain, ger. to say, 475; Saie, 154; 1 p. pl. pr. Sain, we say, 368, 991; ye say, 646, 685, 689, 1095; they say, 798. See Saide.
- Sake, sake, 283, 361, 559, 784, 830, 1105; account, 1054, 1122.
- Same, same, 197, 780, 896, 1009.
- Saue, ger. to save, 811.
- Sauiour, saviour, 420; Sauyour, 784.
- Sauouron, pr. pl. savour, give forth a scent, 496.
- Sauur, s. savour, taste, 947.
- Sawe, s. saying, saw, 42, 111, 209, 552, 646, 1096; pl. Sawus, 44, 459, 798.
- Say, pt. s. saw, 187. See Sai.
- Say, imp. s. say, 283. See Sain,
- Schadde, pt. s. shed, 640.
- Schal, 1 p. s. pr. must, 326; pr. to, 700; shall, 213,
- Schalk, s. man, wight, 20, 432, 449, 463. AS. sceale.
- Schame, shame, 401, 1109.
- Schamfall, shameful, 468.
- Schamlese, shameless, 20.
- Schamly, shamefully, 809.
- Schap, shape; to schap, in our shapes, 330; shape, or creation, 960 pl. Schappus, created forms, 417.
- Schape, ger. to shape, form, 294; pp. Schape, shaped, formed, created, 412, 419, 809, 1109; intended, 918.
- Schappere, s. creator, 479, 959.
- Schar, ploughshare, 294,
- Scharpede, pp. sharpened, 294.
- Schast, chaste, 894.
- Sche, she, 309.
- Schene, ger. to cause to shine; hem to schene, to cause themselves to shine, to seem to shine, 412,
- Schene, adj. bright, 1027.
- Schent, pp. shamed, 809, A.S. scendan, to put to shame.
- Schenure, adv. more brightly, more beautifully, 412.
- Schewe, ger. to shew, 59; pr. s. Schewiþ, 463; pr. pl. Schewen, shew, 421; Schewen hem, shew themselves, 479; 2 p. Schewe, ye aren, 959; pt. pl. Shewden, shewed, 20.
- Schinden, ye shame, disgrace, 960. See Shent.
- Schine, v. to shun, avoid, 416; pr. s. Schineþ, shuns, 449.
- Sones ger. to shine, 117, 520; v. 121.
- Schining, shining, 479.
- Schippus, s. pl. ships, 449.
- Scholde, pt. s. ought, 416; pt. pl. might, 108; would have to, 781; 1 p. we ought, 874. See Schulle, Schal.
- Schop, pt. s. shaped, created, 330, 416, 432, 996. See Schape.
- Schorted, pp. shortened, 401.
- Schulle, 1 p. pl. pr. shall, 38; we must, are to, 322, 329; 2 p. ye must ought to, 1106; Schullen, 720.
- Sckaþe, dat. scath, harm, 81. See Skaþbe.
- Sclain, pp. slain, 344.
- Sclepe, v. to sleep, 344, 441; ger. 535.
- Sclowpe, dat. sloth, 344.
- Scole, school, 453, 899.
- Scorpionus, scorpions, 159.
- Se, 1 p. pl. pr. we see, 399.
- Se, s. sea, 203, 297, 481, 955; See, 91, 451.
- Seche, 1 p. pl. pr. we seek, 348.
- Seg, s. man, 27, 49, 61, 206, 971; pl. Seggus, men, 165, 371, 580, 689, 1054; Seggeus, 478. A.S. secg, a man.
- Segge, ger. to tell, 1096; 2 p. pl. pr. ye say, 657, 740; Seggen, 1048.
- Seie, pp. seen, 1064; seen (to be), 313, 890.
- Sel, s. seal, 182, 256, 817, 968.
- Selkoupe, adj. strange, various, 475, 649; Selcouþe, 490, 925; Selkowþe, 917. Cf. Alex. A. 130.
- Selkouþus, wonders, 1022. See above.
- Seme, v. to seem, 405, 414; 1 p. pl. pr. Semen, we seem, 33; pr. s. Semeþ, it seems, 840; Semus, 929; 2 p. pl. Semen, ye seem, 890; pr. s. subj. Seme, may seem (to be), 231.
- Semliche, adj. seemly, 111, 115.
- Sen, v. to see, 478, 481; 1 p. pl. pr. we see, 475, 947, 1022.
- Sende, v. to send, 18, 225; imp. s. Send, 207; pr. s. Sendeþ, sends, 197, 253; pt. s. subj. Sente, were
to send, sent, 101; pt. s. Sente, sent, 361, 817; Sendyd, 973 (rubric); 2 p. Sentest, didst send, 255, 828; Senteste, 275; pp. Sent, 131, 511; Sente, 41.
- Sengle, single, i. e. simple, 33.
- Sertaine, certain, 321.
- Sertefied, certified, made known, 27.
- Sertus, adv. certes, certainly, 73, 177.
- Seruantis, s. pl. servants, 362, 577; Seruauntus, 100.
- Serue, ger. to serve, 316, 708; v. 427; pr. pl. serve, 797; 2 p. ye serve, 632; subj. Serue, may serve, 735.
- Sese, v. to cease, 336; ger. to make to cease, put a bound to, 1037; pr.s. Seseþ, ceaseth, leaves off, i. e. becomes quiet, 91; 1 p. pl. pr. Sesen, we cease, 368, 471; pt. s. Sesede, ceased, 117; pl. Seseden, 119.
- Sesoun, season, 154, 929; pl. Sesounus, 925.
- Sete, s. seat, place, 988.
- Seþ, pr. s. see, 91. See Sen.
- Sette, v. to set, put, 295; ger. Sette, to plant, 912; pr. s. Settus, sets, 182; pp. Set, set, placed, 477, 481.
- Seue, seven, 477.
- Sew, pt. s. sowed, 692.
- Seye, pp. seen, 1074. See Seie.
- Sichus, s. pl. sighs, 1115.
- Side, side, part, 86, 297.
- Side, adj. large, ample, wide, 165, 481.
- Sien, pt. pl. saw, 49; Sie, 126; 1 p.
- Sihen, we saw, 256.
- Sience, science, 454.
- Sihen; see Sien.
- Siht, sight, 929.
- Sike, adj. pl. sick, 313.
- Sikur, adj. sure, 75.
- Sikurede, pt. s. secured, i. e. assured, made them assured, 44.
- Silf, self, selves, 33, 61, 1009; Silue, 454. See Vs.
- Siluer, silver, 389, 575.
- Simple, simple, poor men, 288; simple, 580; foolish, 873, 890; innocent, 459; easily pleased, 933.
- Simpieliche, simply, in a simple way, 290.
- Sin, since, 87, 99, 895, 914, 953, 963, 1103. See Syn.
- Sinful, a sinful man, sinner, 1064.
- Sinke, an error for Siwe or Sewe, to follow, 214, [To mistake w for nk or uk was very easy.]
- Sinne, sin, 336, 406, 987.
- Sinne, ger. to sin, 505.
- Sire, sir, 225.
- Siþen, afterwards, next, 47, 131, 478, 480
- Sittus, pr. s. sits, 1105; 1 p. pl. Sitte, we sit, 988.
- Siȝht, sight, 119.
- Skapen, ye escape, 1020.
- Skarsete, scarcity, 871.
- Skaþe, harm, damage, 159, 871, 990, 1020.
- Skile, discernment, reason, 904, 1100; skill, 81
- Skiuus, s. pl. skies, 478.
- Slepe, 1 p. pl. pr. we sleep, 359.
- Slithe, dat. sleight, 564.
- Slyhþe, dat. sleight, 301.
- Smart, adj. causing pain, painful; or perhaps swift, quick, 1063.
- Smellus, s. pl. smells, 949.
- Smeþe, smooth, 1063.
- Smite, pp. smitten, 1063.
- Snelle, pl. quick, 437.
- So, so, 49, 420, &c.
- Sodainly, suddenly, 399.
- Soffre, v. to suffer, 635; 2 p. pl. pr. ye suffer, 784
- Sofisen, pr. pl. suffice, 61.
- Soile, v. to soil, 336.
- Solas, solace, amusements, 471, 933.
- Soleþne, for Solempne, solemn, 735.
- Solow, s. plough, 295. A.S. sulh, a plough.
- Somerus, summers, 8.
- Somme, s. sum, amount, 321.
- Sonde, sending, i. e. message, 21, 41, 184, 511, 810, 826, 882, 967, 1006; pl. Sondus, messages, commands, 842; gifts, 959.
- Sone, son, 616.
- Sone, soon, 19, 817; al so sone, as soon, 117.
- Song, song, 503.
- Sonken, pt. pl. sunk, 119.
- Sonne, sun, 115, 424, 477.
- Sorw, sorrow, 1046. [But apparently corrupt.]
- Sorwe, sorrow, 624, 877.
- Sorwen, 1 p. pl. pr. we sorrow, 471.
- Sorwful, adj. miserable, disastrous, 763, 835; sorry, 724; bringing penalty, 559.
- Sory, wretched, 632, 639; miserable, 1042.
- Sostaine, ger. to sustain, 917; v. 290.
- Sote, adj. pl. or adv. sweet, or sweetly, 496.
- Sote-sauerede, pp. sweet-savoured, 128.
- Soþ, s. truth, 27, 44, 368; the truth, 451, 459; Sope, 207; pl. Sopus, truths, 1029.
- Soþli, adv. verily, truly, 9, 41; Sopliche, 100, 616; Soþly, 882.
- Soueraine, adj. sovereign, 811; Souorain, 542,
- Soule, soul, 329, 1021; pl. Soulus, 800; Soulen, 633.
- Sounde, adj. pl. in good health, 313.
- Southte (for Souchte), pt. pl. sought, 19,
- Sowe, ger. to sow, 912; v. 295.
- Space, space, duration, 885.
- Spak, spake, 667.
- Sparclus, s. pl. sparkles, sparks, 136.
- Sparen, pr. pl. spare, i. e. let alone, 885.
- Spatten, pt. pl. spat, spat forth, emitted, 136.
- Speche, speech, 65, 172, 367, 623.
- Speden, ye haste, 787.
- Spedful, adj. helpful, 623.
- Spedliche, speedily, 172.
- Speke, v. to speak, 699; 1 p. pl. pr. we speak, 367.
- Spende, 1 p. pl. pr. we spend, 367; 2. p. ye spend, 631; 3 p. Spenden, 1071. See below.
- Spene, ger. to spend, 876.
- Spille, ger. to destroy, 787, 835; pt. pl. Spilden, destroyed, 136; pp. Spild, condemned, 699, 1071.
- Spirit, 699,
- Spoken, pt. pl. spake, 1071.
- Spouce, s. espousal, wedlock, 393.
- Spouce-breche, adultery, breaking of espousal, 787; Spouse-breche, 885.
- Spradden, pt. pl. spread, 123.
- Spraies, s. pl. sprays, sprigs, branches, 123; Spraiuus, 799,
- Spreden, ye spread, 729.
- Springinge, springing, sprouting, 729.
- Spronge, pt. s. sprang: grew, 133; pl. Spronngen, 123
- Spryt, spirit, 623.
- Stable, firm, 587.
- Stale, s. stealth, i. e. stealing, robbery, 788.
- Stat, state, condition, 429, 686, 890.
- Staunche, ger. to quell, stay, withhold check, 938; v. to quench,
- Stede, stead, place, 9, 114.
- Stedefast, stedfast, 940.
- Sterne, stern, grim, 52; stern, 349; on which see the note.
- Sternere, sterner, greater, 429.
- Sterres, s. pl. stars, 477. [The seven stars are here the planets, then seven in number. ]
- Sterue, v. to die, starve, 863. A.S. steorfan.
- Sterus, pr. s. steers, goes, 185,
- Stidie, ye studie (Lat. studium non habetis), 898.
- Stifly, firmly, well, 686.
- Stille, quiet, 574, 940; adv. continually, 97.
- Stinte, v. to cease, 97, 530; stop, 143, 161; stinte of, cease from, 530; pr. s. Stinteþ, is quiet, 91.
- Stiren, pr. pl. stir, 487.
- Stiue, pt. s. started, moved hastily, 127.
- Stiue, pl. stiff, violent, 487.
- Stod, pt. s. stood, 114.
- Stomak, stomach, 686.
- Ston, stone, 438, 1138; pl. Stonus, 587.
- Stonde, ger. to stand, 587.
- Storie, s. story, i.e. meaning, 609; pl. Storrius, stories, 467.
- Stormus, storms, 487; Stormys, 923.
- Stounde, time, space of time, 97; season, 898; þat stounde, at that time, 609.
- Stoute, stout, 940; Stouter, 429.
- Straiten, pr. pl. confine, make narrow, oppress, 756.
- Strem, stream, 144, 530.
- Strenke, strength, 532, 674, 936.
- Strenkþen, pr. pl. strengthen, 756.
- Striue, ger. to strive, fight, 756.
- Stronde, s. stream, 140, 151, 165, 530; pl. Strondus, 524,
- Suffre, v. to suffer, 779, 873; to permit, 1056; ger. 75; 1 p. pl. pr. ye suffer, 1094.
- Summe, some, 755, 756, 947, 948, 949; Somme, 757.
- Sur, sure, safe, 9, 991, 1017.
- Sustaine, ger. to sustain, 362, 797.
- Swaginge, assuaging, 921.
- Swainus, pl. swains, men, 855.
- Swan, 719.
- Swangen, pr. pl. flap, 493.
- Swet, sweat, 310.
- Swete, sweetness, 952.
- Swich, such, 221, 443, 719; Swiche, 855, 1097.
- Swimmen, pr. pl. swim, 493.
- Swink, toil, labour, 310, 426, 442; Swine, 921,
- Swinke, ger. to labour at, 855. A.S. swincan.
- Swipe, adv. quickly, 921; very, 719; ful swiþe, very much, 493
- Sykur, safe, sure, 830.
- Syn, since, 77.
- Syte (dissyllabic), a city, 9.
- Ta, for To, to, 475.
- Tach, s. habit, 566; pl. Tacchus, ill habits, 463.
- Take, to take, 854; pr. s. Takus, delivers, 182; imp. Tak, take, 233; pr. pl. Taken 710; 2 p. 566 : pp. Take, taken, caught, 721.
- Tale, tale, story, 190, 365, 469, 1128; account, 66.
- Talken, v. to talk, 148.
- Taried, pp. tarried, i. e. made to linger, hindered, harmed, 132.
- Tariynge, s. tarrying, delay, 818; Tariginge, 240.
- Tast, s. taste, 357.
- Tastinge, taste, 952.
- Tauhte, pt. s. taught, 1077; pp. Tauht, 217.
- Teche, v. to teach, 237; ger. 284.
- Tellen, v. to count, compute, be aware of, 323; Telle, tell, be told, 14: 1 p. s. pr. Telle, I recount, 732; 846; Tellen, 680, 2 p. pl. ye tell 701 imp. 8. Tel, tell, 207.
- Tempest, 484.
- Temple, 714, 725; pl. Templus, 599, 1044.
- Tempren, v. temper, control, 572.
- Temted, pp. tempted, 98.
- Tende, ger. to attend to, heed, 281; 1 p. pl. pr. we attend to, heed, 365; Tenden, 469; 2 p. ye heed, 846,
1044; 1 p. pl. pr. Tendide, we attended to, 217; imp. pl. Tendeþ, attend, 190; 1 p. Tende, let us endeavour, 1128; pt. s. Tendede, attended to, 813.
- Tendere, tender, 952.
- Tendeþ, pr. s. kindles, 684; pp. Tend, kindled, 233. Cf. E. tinder.
- Tene, sorrow, affliction, 873, 950; vexation, 771; injury, 700; pl.' Tenen, vexations, 920 (yet used with a sing. verb). See below.'
- Tened, pp. vexed, 512. A.S. tynan, to afflict.
- Tenful, harmful, 566, 793.
- Tente, s. heed, endeavour, 305; attention, 972.
- Tentus, tents, 144.
- þan, than, 62.
- þanne, then, 17, 19, 21, 53, 59, 69, 447, 1104.
- þare, there, 250.
- þat, so that, 861; rel. pron. that, 5, &c.; rel. pron. 12, &c.
- þe, art. the, 7, 10, &c.
- þe, dat. to thee, 259.
- þe mor, the more, 1040. A.S. pý.
- þedirre, thither, 2; þidire, 15.
- þei, conj. though, 37, 510.
- þei, they, 6, &c.
- þei-self, for þiself, thyself, 511.
- þennus, thence, 98; þennys, rubric to l. 1.
- þer-aboute, about it, 1136.
- per-by, by it, 619.
- þere, adv. where, 446, 476, 495, 751, 1103; there, 51, &c.
- þere-on, thereon, 189.
- þerfor, therefore, 345, 1106.
- þer-inne, therein, 164, 444, 989.
- þerwip, therewith, 717.
- þi, thy, 28, &c.
- þiddire, thither, 156; þedirre, 2.
- Thikke, pl. thick, 500.
- þikke, adv. thickly, close, 116.
- þpingus, pl. things, 739, 996, 999;
- þinguus, 222; gen. þingus, 335.
- þinkeþ, it seems; þinkeþ vs, it seems to us, 1058
- þirst, thirst, 1029, 1032.
- þirsten, pr. pl. thirst, 529.
- þis, s. this, 1, 22; pl. these, 61, 609, 818.
- þo, those, these, 772, 958, 1119.
- þolie, ger. to endure, suffer, undergo, 50, 380, 866, 984. <A.S. þolian.
- þorou, prep. through, 84, 85, 547; by means of, upon, 579,
- þou, thou, 28, &c.
- þouh, though, 484. See þouȝ.
- pouhtous, pl. thoughts, 767; þouhtus, 95.)
- þoute, pt. s. seemed, 1133.
- þouȝ, though, 232, 234, 708, 1111.
- þrote, dat. throat, 677.
- þus, adv. thus, 41, 396.
- Tid, pr. s. betides, happens, 920.
- Tid, adv. soon, 98, 207, 818; quickly, 356. See Tit in Gl. to Wm. of Palerne.
- Tidi, adj. tidy, i. e. excellent, gorgeous, 599
- Tidhiche, adv. quickly, 148. See Tid.
- Til, prep. to, 48, 68, 148, 1114; badly spelt Tille, 166, 802; him tille, to himself, 1041; ȝou tielle, for yourselves, 590.
- Til, conj. until, 314.
- Tilien, ger. to till, 854; pt. s. Tilede, tilled, 691.
- Time, time, season, 217, 313, 323; in time, in due season, 712; by time, in timé, soon enough, 868; pl. Timus, 193
- Tine, v. to lose, 36; daies to tine, to lose your lives, 589. See Gl. to Wm. of Palerne.
- Titelid, pp. lit. titled; contained, arranged in order, 190.
- Tiþinge, tidings, 14, 22, 813, 818, 1077, See Gl. to Wm. of Palerne.
- To, prep. to, 3, 10, &e.
- Tokne, token, 776.
- Toknynge, tokening, token, 14.
- Tol, s. tool, 854.
- Tolde, pt. s. told, 22,1077; pl. 776; pp. 793.
- Tome, s. leisure, 281. See Gl. to Wm. of Palerne, p. 312.
- Torche, torch, 233.
- Touche, ger. to touch, touch upon, 135, 1128; v. 129.
- Touchinge, touch, 952.
- Touh, tough, 691.
- Tounge, dat. tongue, 358, 668; nom. 572; acc. 573.
- Traie, s. vexation, anguish, 710, A.S. trega.
- Tre, s. tree, 133; pl. Tres, 115, 119, 123, 132; Tren, 853.
- Trene, adj. pl. treën, of trees, 351.
- Trewe, pl. true, 829.
- Treweste, truest, 513.
- Tribit, tribute, 710.
- Trinde, pt. s. subj. should touch, 132. See the note.
- Trowen, we believe, 615; Trowe, ye believe, 841, 1009; pp. Trowen, believed, trusted; trowen on, trusted in, 829.
- Trowþe, truth, 910; Troupe, 81; Truthe, 275.
- Trye, v. to try, make trial of, 513.
- Trystli, adv. trustfully, securely, 513.
- Trysty, trusty, credible, 829.
- Tuelf monpe, twelvemonth, year, 153.
- Tulye, ger. to till, 846, See Tilien.
- Turment, torment, 776.
- Turnen, 1 p. pl. pr. we turn, 356; 1 p. s. Turne me, I turn myself, 98; pr. s. Turneþ, turns, 365, 469;
urnus, turns, 965; it turns, 765; pr. pl. Turneþ, turn, 755; pr. s. subj. Turne, may turn, 484.
- Tyme, time, 145. See Time.
- Tyr, attire, 883. A.8. dé, Icel. dérr, glory, ornament; whence O.F. atir, attire.
- Tyþinge, tidings, 207; Tiþinge, 240. See Tiþinge.
- Varied, pp. varied, different, 200.
- Verrai, true, 693 ; Verraie, 671.
- Vertue, divine power, 693; Vertu, virtue, 381; pl. Vertues, deeds of valour, 671.
- Vn, for On, i, e. upon, 717.
- Vn-blessed, unhappy, 1124.
- Vnblisful, unhappy, sad, 543.
- Vnblipe, adj. sad, 929.
- Unclene, unclean, 636.
- Vndigne, unworthy, 745.
- Vndur, under, 219, 435.
- Vundurstonde, ye understand, 609.
- Vnended, endless, 751.
- Vnharmed, unharmed, 227.
- Vnkinde, unnatural, 540.
- Vunknowe, pp. unknown (an unknown thing), 38
- Vakoube, unknown, strange, foreign, 1089.
- Vnilich, unlike, 271.
- Vumihtful, powerless, 762.
- Vumihty, feeble, 893.
- Vnrith, wrong, injustice, 568.
- Vusely, adj. unhappy, wretched, miserable, despicable, 987; wretched, 797.
- Vnskile, want of skill, i.e want of reason, folly, 1020.
- Vnskilfully, without discerament, foolishly, 871.
- Vustedefast, unstedfast, 944.
- Vawasteþ, for Vuwasted, unwasted, 236
- Vnwise, unwise, 760.
- Vois, s. voice, 131.
- Vp, adv. up, 483, 487.
- Vpon, upon, 739; Upon, 39, &c.
- Vppe, upon, 861.
- Vs, dat. to us, 27, 331; for us, 447; acc. us, 28; Vs silf, ourselves, an error for hem silf, themselves, 873.
- Vse, v. to use, 439, 508; 2 p. pl. pr. Vsen, ye use, 559, 845; pr. pl. Vsen, are wont, 865. use, are used, are wont to do, 202; use, make use of, 522; pp. Vsed, 839, 1050; been wont (to do), 713.
- Vse, s. use, 720.
- Wachinge, s. washing, 409.
- Wahche, pp. washed, 423.
- Waken, 1 p. pl. pr. we wake, 359; 2 p. ye wake, 786.
- Wakrong, adj. wakeful, 537. Cf. A.S. wacol, wakeful; the suffix seems to be A.S. ranc, abundant; E. rank.
- Walke, ger. to walk, 498.
- Walleþ, pr. s. boils up, wells up, 499. A.S. weallan, to boil.
- Wan, for Whan, when, 13.
- Wante, dat. waut, 867; penury, 857; misery, 1126; lack, 1103.
- Wanteþ, pr. s. lacks, 860; Wantus, fails, lacks, 891; ȝou wantus, fails you, 851; 1 p. pl. Wante, we lack, 354; pr. s. Wanteþ, lacks, 860; pl. s. Wantede, lacked, 263.
- Wardain, warden, 537.
- Warde, s. keeping, 1035.
- Warme, ger. to warm, 332.
- Warne, 1 p. s. pr. I warn, 205; I declare, 1124; pl. we warn, 31.
- Was, pt. s. was, 4, 8, &c.
- Waste, ger. to waste, destroy, 545; pr. s. Wasteþ, wastes, 238; pres. pt. Wastinge, decaying, 980; pp. Wastid, wasted, 292.
- Watur, water, 92, 436, 485, 1026, 1033.
- Wawe, s. wave, 436, 485; pl. Wawus, 992, 483, 487.
- Waxe, wax, 236.
- Waxeþ, pr. s. grows, 926; 1 p. pr. pl. Waxen, we grow, 327.
- We, pron. we, 27, &c.
- Wede, garment, 6, 403.
- Wedur, weather, 926; pl. Wedures, storms, 443.
- Weduringe, weather, state of the weather, 922; Weduring, 1.
- Weele, apparently an error for Wel, well, 367.
- Weith (= weiht), wight, man, 1; Weiht, 185; Weizht, 150. See Weiȝ, Wiȝth.
- Weiȝ, wight, man, 69; Weih, 231, 258, 943; Wehy, 736; pl. Weihes, 238, 618; Weies, 17, 58, 585, 864; Weihuus, 698, 922, 1092; Weiȝes, 783. A.S. wiga, a warrior.
- Weke, s. wick, 236.
- Wel, well, 91, 106; wel to like, very pleasant, 926.
- Welde, 1 p. pl. pr. we wield, i. e. possess, 34; v. to possess, 289; pr. s. Weldus, possesses, 978.
- Wele, s. wealth, 32.
- Wele, for Wole, ye will, 820.
- Wel-langaged, pp. learned in languages, 171.
- Welle-springus, pl. well-springs, 499.
- Welpe, s. weal, prosperity, 700, 919.
- Wende, v. to wend, go, 178, 500, 1090, 1092; Wenden, 1106; pr. s. Wendus, goes, 3; 1 p. pl. Wende, 34, 990; 2 p. Wenden, ye turn, try, 804; 2 p. s. pr. Wendest, 80; pp. (weren) Went, 53.
- Wene, v. to ween, suppose, 943; 2 p. s. pr. Wenst, thou weenest, dost suppose, 534; pl. Wene, ye imagine, think, suppose, 548, 1121; pt. pl. Wende, weened, expected, 50.
- Wente, pt. pl. went, 6; pp. Went, 53. See Wende.
- Were, pt. pl. were, 11; Weren, 5; 1 p. pl. pr. Weren, we were, 217; pt. s. subj. might be, 67, 470; would be, 872; should chance to be, 105; pt. pl. subj. Were, might be, 132.
- Werk, work, 208, 378, 886; pl. Werkus, 567.
- Werre, s. war, 282, 545, 664.
- Werrede, 1 p. pl. pt. warred we, 39.
- Wers, worse, 23], 783, 1106.
- Wetin, 1 p. pl. pr. we know, we wit,
- Wetinge, wetting, moisture, 1033.
- Wexe, v. to wax, grow, become, 938.
- Wham, dat. whom, 793; pl. 780, 1042.
- Whan, when, 1, 106; Whanne, 466, 1107.
- What, 31, 173; whatsoever, 68; What so, whatsoever, 359.
- Wherefore, on which account, 385, 394, 401, 404, 601.
- Wherewiþ, wherewith, 852.
- Whete, wheat, 692.
- Wheþur, whether, 765.
- Whi, s. man, 571. See Weiȝ.
- Whi, why, 79, 432, 834, 836.
- Whiche; þe whicke, which, 1127.
- While, a time, period, while, 336; whilst, 236; þe while, whilst, 562; in the mean while, 1132.
- Whit, white, 719.
- Whitli, for Wihtli, nimbly, quickly, 185.
- Whon, for Won, abundance, 353.
- Wide, wide, i. e. great, 216.
- Wide, adv. far and wide, 531.
- Wifis, wives, 53; Wiuus, 403. See Wiuns,
- Wihes, s. pl. men, 263. See Weiȝ.
- Wikke, adj. wicked, 537; difficult; wikke to staunche, hard to check, 938; pl. wicked (men), 1002.
- Wikkede, adj. wicked, 378, 1057.
- Wikkednesse, wickedness, 786.
- Wil, will, pleasure, 1, 96, 99, 427; Wile 736; Wille, 72, 170, 606, 707.
- Wilde, adj. wild, 4, 938.
- Wilfully, voluntarily, by choice, 604; intentionally, 1026.
- Wilne,.1 p. pl. pr. we desire, 289, 304, 350, 600; Wilnen, 461; 2 p. 898, 900: 3 p. Wilnen, desire, 587; imp. s. Wilne, desire, 516; pt. s. Wilnede, desired, 150; 2 p. s. pr. Wilnest, desirest, 257. A.S. silnian.
- Win, s. winning (see Lat. text), 350.
- Wind, wind, 92, 436, 487, 488; pl. Windus, 484.
- Wine, wine, 678.
- Winne, ger. to win, 80, 450, 804; conquer, 548; to get, acquire, 1038.
- Winus, pl. vines (Lat. vites), 847.
- Wirche, ger. to work, 688; Wirchen, 427; v. Wirche, to do, 754; Wirchen, 551; Wirke, 46; 2 p. pl. pr. *Wirchen, ye act, 907, 1104; Wirche, ye do, 832; ye work, 629; pl. Wirchen, work, do, perform, 717.
- Wis, wise, 231, 534; pl. Wise, wise men, 12, 224, 973, 1112.
- Wische, 1 p. pr. pl. wish, 69.
- Wisdam, wisdom, 102, 211.
- Wise, s. way, manner, 22, 45, 197, 680, 1085.
- Wisliche, wisely, 516; Wisli, 844; Wisly, 913.
- Wisse, ger. to instruct, 454; to inform, 762, A.S. wísian.
- Wiste, pt. s. knew, 14; pp. Wist, known, 4, 944.
- Wit, s. wisdom, intelligence, 96, 211, 534, 924; Witte, 23, 905; wit, 966; pl. Wittus, wits, 102, 266.
- Wite, for Whit, whit, 354 (or else knowledge, acquaintance with; but less likely).
- Witen, ger. to wit, know, 150; Wite, 1002; v. Witen, 208; Wite, 258; 1 p. pl. pr. Witen, we know, 473, 585; 2 p. ye-know, 860, 922. A.S. witan.
- Witeþ, pr. s. keeps, 698. See note, and Gloss, to Will. of Palerne.
- Wiþ, prep. with, 3; against, 37, 3415 along with, 342.
- Withdrawe, v. to refrain from, 895.
- Wiþinne, prep. within, 38, 338.
- Wiþoute, prep. without, 66, 240.
- Wiþoute, adv. outwardly, 340; prep. without, 6, &c.
- Witiere, discoverer, 678.
- Wittie, adj. wise, learned, 17, 1121.
- Wiuus, pl. wives, 882, 891. See Wifis.
- Wiȝzth, wight, man, 39. See Weith.
- Wo, torment, 746; woe, pain, 857, 1033, 1106.
- Wodus, pl. woods, 500.
- Wokus, s. pl. weeks, 153.
- Wolde, pt. s. would, 45.
- Wole, 2 p.s. pr. subj. thou will, 508; pr. pl. Wolen, will, i. e. wish, 1110; Wollen, we will, 1026.
- Wolf, 860, 864.
- Wombe, belly, 317, 690, 794, 797; pl. Wombis, 538.
- Wommen, women, 557; ger. Wommenus, women’s, 1016.
- Won, s. plenty, fulness, abundance, 72, 499, 557, 575, 678; joy (?), 678; riches, 891. wán in Stratmann, p. 548.
- Won, dwelling, 1103; custom, 957. The same word as Wone, q. v.
- Wonde, we turn aside from, forsake, 990; 2 p. ye shun, fear, 957; ye forsake, 886. A.S. wandian, to shun.
- Wondrus, pr. s. impers. it makes me wonder, 886.
- Wondrus, pl. wonders, 473, 670, 699.
- Wondurful, wonderful, 4, 844.
- Wone, s. custom, usage, 567, 1016; an accustomed offering, 736; pl. Wonus, customs, usages, 208, 844. A.S. ge-wuna.
- Woneþ, pr. s. dwells, 1060; 1 p. pl. Wone, we dwell, 980; 2 p. Wonen, ye dwell, 1103; pp. Woned, wont, 378, 551. A.S. wunian.
- Wonnynge, s. dwelling, abode, 8. See above.
- Wonye, ger. to live in, 848. See Woneþ.
- Worchen, v. to work, do, 99; 1 p. pl. pr. we work, do, 359; Worchin, 361; 2. p. Worchen, ye work, 680.
- Word, word, 615, 621; Worde, 698; pl. Wordus, 461, 609, 1077.
- Word, the world, 25, 80, 419, 473, 551, 557, 746, 832, 857; Worde, 430, 548, 779, 877. See World.
- Wordle, world, 645. See World.
- Wordliche, worldly, 32, 58, 72, 102, 354, 604, 804, 837, $13, 934, 1016; human, 891. See Word.
- Wordliche, adv. in a worldly manner, 427.
- World, 261; Worlde, 105, 359; also Word, Wordle, q. v.
- Wormus, s. pl. serpents, 152, 157.
- Worschipe, worship, 17, 25, 680, 717.
- Worschipen, pr. pl. worship, 722; 2 p. ye worship, 604.
- Worschipful, honourable, fine, 403.
- Worþ, worth, 261.
- Worþe, ger. to become, 87, 933; v. become, 265; 1 p. pl. pr. Worþen, we become, 446; 2 p. Worþeþ, ye become, are, 634. A.S. weorþan.
- Worþi, worthy, 25, 746.
- Worþliche, worthy, 615, 621.
- Wost, 2 p. s. pr. knowest, 516.
- Woxe, v. to wax, grow, 115; pp. Woxe, grown, 547; Woxen, 943.
- Wrabe, v. to make angry, 994; 1 p. s. pl. subj. Wraþede, I should make angry, 88.
- Wraþful, wrathful, 660.
- Wraþþe, wrath, 662.
- Wreche, vengeance, 772, 777. A.S. wracu.
- Wrecheli, adv. wretchedly, very ill, 88.
- Wreten, pr. pl. write, 24.
- Wried, pp. turned aside, perverted, given to evil, 660. A.S. wrigan, to turn awry. See wrien in Stratmann.
- Wriht, s. writ, 139. See Writ.
- Writ, writ, 814; Wrytte, an inscription, 1136; Wriht, 139.
- Writen, pt. pl. wrote, 1136; pp Writen, 139; Write, 244.
- Wrong, s. wrong, 814.
- Wrongful, evil, wrong, 777.
- Wroþ adj. wrath, 814.
- Wrout, pt. s. wrought, acted, 1065; pt. pl. Wroahten, wrought, made, inscribed, 1136; Wrouthe, 775; Wroute, did, 468; 1 p. Wroute, we wrought, we did, 387; pp. Wrouht, wrought, 139; 1 p. s. pt. subj. Wrouthe, I should work, should act, 88. See Wirchen.
- Wrytte, a writing, inscription, 1136. See Writ.
- Wyntyrus, winters, 8.
- Y, pron. 1,110,560, 732.
- Ybore, pp. born, 1081.
- Ybrend, pp. burnt, 1068.
- Ybrouht forth, brought forth, 586.
- Ycore, chosen (to be), 978. See Corn.
- Ydemed, pp. ordained, 909.
- Ydil, idle, 754.
- Ygrowe, pp. grown (to be), become, 976.
- Y-hanteþ = yhanted, pp. practised, 988.
- Yholde, pp. held, possessed by, 863.
- Ykid, pp. known to be, renowned as, 578. See Kid.
- Yknowe, v. to know, learn, perceive, 1060.
- Ylikned, pp. likened, 864.
- Y-maad, pp. made, 617, 914; Ymad, 762, 839.
- Ynow, enough, 956.
- Ypotamus, s. pl. hippopotamuses, 157.
- Yprofred, pp. proffered, offered, 187.
- Y-punched, pp. punished, 395. See Punched.
- Ys, is, 719, 1080.
- Yschape, pp. created, made, 647.
- Ysustained, sustained, 877.
- Ywist, pp. known to be, 582.
- ȝaf, pt. s. gave, 122.
- ȝare, adv. quickly, yare, 241. A.S. gearu, prepared, ready.
- ȝe, ye, 68, 242.
- ȝeme, ger. to guard, protect, 674; to control, 1039. A.S. gýman, to take care of.
- ȝer, life, lit. year, 215; ȝere, year, 203, 711; pl. ȝerus, years, 321.
- ȝernus, pr. s. yearns, 1039; 1 p. pl. ȝernen, we desire, 241; imp. pl. ȝerns, ask ye, desire ye, 67; pp. periled, 215.
- ȝif, if, 29, 508.
- ȝift, s. gift, 67; ȝifte, 69.
- ȝit, yet, nevertheless, 734; moreover, 930.
- ȝiue, v. to give, 674.
- ȝorne, adv. eagerly, 179. A.S. georn, eager.
- ȝou, ace. you, 65; dat. to you, 67; ȝow, you, 209.
- ȝoung, young, 942.
- ȝour, your, 178.
- ȝOure, yours, 271.
- ȝoursilf, yourselves, 1095.
- ȝou-siluen, yourselves, 795.
- ȝoue, dat. youth, 215.