Alumni Oxonienses: the Members of the University of Oxford, 1500-1714/W
- Wallis, John (1)
- Wallis, John (2)
- Wallis, John (3)
- Wallis, John (4)
- Wallis, John (5)
- Wallis, John (6)
- Wallis, Knightley
- Wallis, Richard (1)
- Wallis, Richard (2)
- Walleys, Robert
- Wallis, Robert
- Wallis, Roger
- Wallis, Samuel
- Wallis, Stafford
- Wallis, William (1)
- Wallis, William (2)
- Wallis, William (3)
- Wallop, Bluet
- Wallope, Giles
- Walloppe, (Sir) Henry
- Wallop, Henry
- Wallop, John
- Wallop, Oliver (1)
- Wallop, Oliver (2)
- Walloppe, Richard
- Wallop, Richard
- Wallop, Robert
- Walloppe, William (1)
- Walloppe, William (2)
- Walls, Benjamin
- Walls, George
- Walls, James
- Wallworth, Samuel
- Walmer, Thomas
- Walmisley, Charles
- Walmsley, Edward
- Waringe, Walter
- Waring, Walter
- Waring, William
- Warkman
- Warland, Ed.
- Warman, John
- Warme, John
- Warmington, Nicholas
- Warmington, Robert
- Warmington, Thomas
- Warmington, William (1)
- Warmyngton, William
- Warmington, William (2)
- Warmouthe, Francis
- Warmouth, Henry
- Warmstrey, Gervase
- Warmstry, John (1)
- Warmstry, John (2)
- Warmstrey, Robert
- Warmstry, Thomas
- Warmstrey, Thomas
- Warmstry, William
- Warne, Edward
- Warne, John
- Warne, Stephen
- Warneford, Edmund (1)
- Warneford, Edmund (2)
- Warneford, Edward
- Warneford, Francis
- Warneford, Henry (1)
- Warneford, Henry (2)
- Warneford, John
- Warnford, John
- Warneford, Launcelot
- Warnforde, Richard
- Warner, Bartholomew
- Warner, Edward
- Warner, Francis
- Warner, Henry (1)
- Warner, Henry (2)
- Warner, Henry (3)
- Warner, Henry Lee
- Warner, John (1)
- Warner, John (2)
- Warner, John (3)
- Warner, John (4)
- Warner, John (5)
- Warner, John (6)
- Warner, John (7)
- Warner, Jonas
- Warner, Nathaniel
- Warner, Thomas (1)
- Warner, Thomas (2)
- Warner, Thomas (3)
- Warner, Thomas (4)
- Warner, Walter
- Warner, William (1)
- Warner, William (2)
- Warner, William (3)
- Warner, William (4)
- Warner, William (5)
- Warner, William (6)
- Warner, William (7)
- Warnett, Edward
- Warr, Amias
- Warre, Edward (1)
- Warre, Edward (2)
- Warre, Edward (3)
- Wayte, Daniel
- Wayte, Edmund
- Wayt, Edmund
- Wayt, George
- Wayte, John (1)
- Wayte, John (2)
- Wayte, John (3)
- Wayte, Richard
- Wayt, Thomas
- Wayte, Thomas (1)
- Wayte, Thomas (2)
- Wayte, William (1)
- Wayte, William (2)
- Wayte, William (3)
- Waytham, Richard
- Weale, Bennett
- Weale, John (1)
- Weale, John (2)
- Weare
- Weare, Humphrey
- Weare, James
- Weare, John (1)
- Weare, John (2)
- Weare, John (3)
- Weare, John (4)
- Were, John Cotton
- Weare, Jonas
- Weare, Nicholas
- Were, Solomon
- Were, Thomas
- Were, Walter
- Wearg
- Wearg, John
- Weaver, Anthony
- Weaver, Edmond
- Weaver, Edmund
- Weaver, Edward
- Weaver, Francis
- Weaver, Gabriel
- Weaver, George
- Weaver, Henry
- Weaver, Humfrey
- Weaver, John (1)
- Weaver, John (2)
- Weaver, Joseph
- Weaver, Richard (1)
- Weaver, Richard (2)
- Weaver, Robert (1)
- Weaver, Robert (2)
- Wever, Thomas (1)
- Wever, Thomas (2)
- Weaver, Thomas (1)
- Weaver, Thomas (2)
- Weaver, Thomas (3)
- Weaver, Thomas (4)
- Weaver, William (1)
- Weaver, William (2)
- Webbe, Abraham
- Webb, Ambrose
- Webbe, Ambrose
- Webb, Antony
- Webb, Bartholomew
- Webb, Benedict
- Webbe, Christopher
- Webb, Christopher (1)
- Webb, Christopher (2)
- Webb, Daniel (1)
- Webb, Daniel (2)
- Webb, David
- Webb, Edmund (1)
- Webb, Edmund (2)
- Webb, Edward
- Webbe, Edward (1)
- Webbe, Edward (2)
- Webbe, Erasmus
- Webb, Ezechias
- Webbe, Francis (1)
- Webbe, Francis (2)
- Wentworth, (Sir) Peter
- Wentworthe, Peter
- Wentworth, Peter
- Wentworth, Philip
- Wentworth, Ruisshee
- Wentworthe, Thomas
- Wentworth, Thomas, baron Wentworth
- Wentworth, Thomas (Watson)
- Wentworth, Thomas
- Wentworthe, Walter
- Wentworth, William, (2nd) earl Strafford
- Werden
- Werdon, James
- Werden, Sir John, bart.
- Werden, (Sir) John
- Werden, Richard
- Werden, Robert
- Werdnam, Robert
- Werge
- Werge, John
- Werge, Richard
- Wergley
- Weriot, William
- Wescomb, Clement
- Wescomb, George
- Wescombe, George
- Wescombe, John (1)
- Wescombe, John (2)
- Wescombe, Justinian
- Wescombe, Martin
- Wescombe, William
- Wheeler, Edward
- Wheeler, Francis
- Whe(e)ler, (Sir) George
- Whe(e)ler, Gilbert (1)
- Wheeler, Gilbert (2)
- Wheeler, Henry
- Whe(e)ler, John (1)
- Wheeler, John (2)
- Wheeler, John (3)
- Wheeler, John (4)
- Wheeler, John (5)
- Wheeler, John (6)
- Wheeler, John (7)
- Wheeler, John (8)
- Wheeler, John (9)
- Wheeler, Jonas (1)
- Wheeler, Jonas (2)
- Wheeler, Jonathan
- Wheeler, Luke
- Wheeler, Maurice
- Wheeler, Richard
- Whe(e)ler, Thomas (1)
- Wheeler, Thomas (2)
- Wheeler, Thomas (3)
- Whe(e)ler, Thomas (4)
- Wheeler, William
- Wheller, John
- Whelpdall, Andrew
- Whelpdalle, John
- Whelpdale, Thomas
- Whelpdale, William
- Wherley, Francis
- Whetcombe
- Whetcombe, Benjamin
- Whetcombe, James
- Whetcombe, John (1)
- Whetcombe, John (2)
- Whetcombe, John (3)
- Whetcombe, John (4)
- White, George (1)
- White, George (2)
- White, George (3)
- White, George (4)
- White, George (5)
- White, George (6)
- White, Gilbert
- White, Griffith
- White, Guyes
- White, Henry (1)
- White, Henry (2)
- White, Henry (3)
- White, Henry (4)
- White, Henry (5)
- White, Henry (6)
- White, Hugh
- White, Ignatius
- White, James
- White, Jerome
- White, John (1)
- White, John (2)
- White, John (3)
- White, John (4)
- White, John (5)
- White, John (6)
- White, John (7)
- White, John (8)
- White, John (9)
- White, John (10)
- White, John (11)
- White, John (12)
- White, John (13)
- White, John (14)
- White, John (15)
- White, John (16)
- White, John (17)
- White, John (18)
- White, John (19)
- White, John (20)
- White, John (21)
- White, John (22)
- White, John (23)
- White, John (24)
- White, John (25)
- White, John (26)
- White, John (27)
- White, John (28)
- White, John (29)
- White, John (30)
- White, John (31)
- White, John (32)
- White, John (33)
- White, John (34)
- White, John (35)
- White, John (36)
- White, John (37)
- White, John (38)
- White, John (39)
- White, John (40)
- Whittingham, Thomas (1)
- Whittingham, Thomas (2)
- Whittingham, Thomas (3)
- Whittingham, (Sir) Timothy
- Whittingham, William (1)
- Whittingham, William (2)
- Whittingham, William (3)
- Whittingham, William (4)
- Whittington, Andrew
- Whittington, Edmund
- Whittington, Edward
- Whittington, Henry (1)
- Whittington, Henry (2)
- Whittington, Hugh
- Whittington, John (1)
- Whittington, John (2)
- Whittington, John (3)
- Whittington, John (4)
- Whittington, John (5)
- Whittington, Peter
- Whittington, Robert
- Whittington, Samuel
- Whittington, Thomas
- Whittington, Warren
- Whittington, William (1)
- Whittington, William (2)
- Whitton, Charles
- Whiton, George
- Whitton, George (1)
- Whitton, George (2)
- Whitton, Henry
- Whitton, John (1)
- Whitton, John (2)
- Whitton, Robert
- Whitton, Thomas
- Whitton, Whorwood
- Whitton, William (1)
- Whitton, William (2)
- Whitty, (—)
- Whitty, Robert
- Whitwell, William
- Whitwick
- Whitworth, Henry
- Whitworth, Miles
- Whitworth, Samuel
- Whoman, James
- Whorwood, Brome
- Widdowes, Thomas (1)
- Widdowes, Thomas (2)
- Widdowes, William
- Widdowson, Richard
- Widdrington, (Sir) Thomas
- Widichennius, John
- Widley, George
- Widmerpoole, John
- Widmerpoole, Robert
- Widmerpool, Thomas
- Widmore, Joseph
- Widmore, Nicholas
- Widmore, Richard
- Widmore, Thomas
- Widmore, William
- Widner, Jonathan
- Widner, Richard
- Wigan, George
- Wigan, John
- Wigan, William
- Wigfall, Thomas
- Wigges, Alexander
- Wigge, John
- Wigge, Thomas
- Wiggs, William
- Wigge, William
- Wiggington, Henry
- Wight
- Wight, Daniel
- Wight, Gabriel
- Wight, Henry
- Wight, James
- Wight, John (1)
- Wight, John (2)
- Wight, John (3)
- Wight, Joseph
- Wight, Nathan
- Wight, Nathaniel
- Willesford, Edward
- Willesford, John
- Willet, Andrew
- Willett, Henry
- Willett, John (1)
- Willett, John (2)
- Willett, John (3)
- Willett, John (4)
- Willet, Peter
- Willotte, Philip
- Willet, Ralph (1)
- Willet, Ralph (2)
- Willet, Ralph (3)
- Willot, Richard
- Willet, Roland
- Willett, Salmon
- Willet, Thomas
- Willett, William
- Willetts, George
- Willey, Christopher
- William, Abraham
- Williams, Andrew
- Williams, Anthony (1)
- Williams, Anthony (2)
- Williams, Arthur
- Williams, Athelstan
- Williams, Balthazar
- Williams, Benjamin (1)
- Williams, Benjamin (2)
- Williams, Benjamin (3)
- Williams, Blome
- Williams, (Sir) Charles
- Williams, Charles (1)
- Williams, Charles (2)
- Williams, Charles (3)
- Williams, Charles (4)
- Williams, Henry (1)
- Williams, Henry (2)
- Williams, (Sir) Henry (1)
- Williams, Henry (3)
- Williams, Henry (4)
- Williams, (Sir) Henry (2)
- Williams, Henry (5)
- Williams, Henry (6)
- Williams, Henry (7)
- Williams, Henry (8)
- Williams, (Sir) Henry (3)
- Williams, Henry (9)
- Williams, Henry (10)
- Williams, Henry (11)
- Williams, Herbert
- Williams, Holland
- Williams, Howell (1)
- Williams, Howell (2)
- Williams, Howell (3)
- Williams, Hugh (1)
- Williames, Hugh (1)
- Williames, Hugh (2)
- William, Hugh
- Williams, Hugh (2)
- Williams, Hugh (3)
- Williams, Hugh (4)
- Williams, Hugh (5)
- Williams, Hugh (6)
- Williams, Humphrey (1)
- Williams, Hamphrey
- Williams, Humphrey (2)
- Williams, Isaac
- Williams, James (1)
- Williams, James (2)
- Williams, James (3)
- Williams, James (4)
- Williams, James (5)
- Williams, James (6)
- Williams, James (7)
- Williams, Jeffrey
- Williams, Jeffry
- Williams, Jenkin (1)
- Williams, Jenkin (2)
- Williams, Jenkin (3)
- Williams, Jeremias
- Williams, Jeremy
- Williams, Thomas (44)
- Williams, Thomas (45)
- Williams, Tobias
- Williams, Walter (1)
- Williams, Walter (2)
- Williams, Walter (3)
- Williams, (Sir) Walter
- Williams, Walter (4)
- Williams, Watkin
- Williams, William (1)
- Williams, William (2)
- Williams, William (3)
- Williams, William (4)
- Williams, William (5)
- Williams, William (6)
- Williams, William (7)
- Williams, William (8)
- Willyams, William
- Williams, William (9)
- Williams, William (10)
- Williams, William (11)
- Williams, William (12)
- Williams, William (13)
- Williams, William (14)
- Williams, William (15)
- Williams, William (16)
- Williams, William (17)
- Williams, William (18)
- Williams, William (19)
- Williams, William (20)
- Williams, (Sir) William
- Williams, William (21)
- Williams, William (22)
- Williams, William (23)
- Williams, William (24)
- Williams, William (25)
- Williams, William (26)
- Williams, William (27)
- Williams, William (28)
- Wise, Francis
- Wise, Henry
- Wise, John (1)
- Wise, John (2)
- Wise, John (3)
- Wise, John (4)
- Wise, Laurence
- Wise, Mathew
- Wise, Nicholas
- Wise, Richard (1)
- Wise, Richard (2)
- Wise, Thomas (1)
- Wise, Thomas (2)
- Wise, Thomas (3)
- Wise, Thomas (4)
- Wise, Urian
- Wise, William (1)
- Wise, William (2)
- Wiseman, Capell
- Wiseman, Charles
- Wiseman, Edmund
- Wiseman, Edmond
- Wiseman, John (1)
- Wiseman, John (2)
- Wiseman, Richard
- Wiseman, Robert (1)
- Wiseman, Robert (2)
- Wiseman, Thomas (1)
- Wiseman, Thomas (2)
- Wiseman, William
- Wishart, Robert
- Wislake, John
- Wisse, Henry
- Wisse, Thomas
- Wistede, George
- Wistowe, Humfry
- Witchell, Thomas
- Witham, John
- Witham, Thomas
- Wodwall, William
- Wogan, John (1)
- Wogan, John (2)
- Wogan, Lewis
- Wogan, Matthias
- Wogan, Mathew
- Wogan, Michael
- Wogan, Philip
- Wogan, Thomas (1)
- Wogan, Thomas (2)
- Wolcombe
- Wolcot, Hugh
- Wolcot, John
- Wolcot, Maximilian (1)
- Wolcot, Maximilian (2)
- Wolcot, Peter
- Wolcot, Robert
- Wolcot, Thomas
- Wolcot, William
- Wolfe, Edmund
- Wolfe, Isaac
- Wolfe, Joachim
- Wolfe, John (1)
- Wolfe, John (2)
- Wolfe, Nicholas
- Wolfe, Richard
- Wolfe, Robert
- Wolfe, Thomas (1)
- Wolfe, Thomas (2)
- Wolfe, William
- Wolferston, Francis
- Wolferston, Stanford
- Wolhouse, Nicholas
- Wollascott, Edmund
- Wollascott, Edward
- Wollascott, Martin
- Wollascott, William
- Wollaston, Edward (1)
- Wollaston, Edward (2)
- Wollaston, John
- Wollaston, Samuel
- Wollaston, Thomas
- Wright, William (1)
- Wright, William (2)
- Wright, William (3)
- Wright, William (4)
- Wright, William (5)
- Wright, William (6)
- Wright, William (7)
- Wright, William (8)
- Wright, William (9)
- Wright, William (10)
- Wright, William (11)
- Wright, William (12)
- Wright, William (13)
- Wrightin(g)ton, (Sir) Edward
- Wrightson, Thomas
- Wrigley, Henry
- Wriothesley, Henry
- Wriothesley, John
- Wrixham, John
- Wroe, Richard
- Wrote, Samuel
- Wrothe, Jerome
- Wroth, John
- Wroth, (Sir) John
- Wroth, Peter
- Wrothe, Robert
- Wrothe, (Sir) Thomas
- Wroth, Thomas
- Wroth, William (1)
- Wroth, William (2)
- Wroth, William (3)
- Wrottesley, (Sir) Hugh
- Wrottesley, Walter
- Wrottesley, (Sir) Walter
- Wroughton, Charles (1)
- Wroughton, Charles (2)
- Wroughton, Francis
- Wroughton, (Sir) George
- Wroughton, George
- Wroughton, (Sir) Giles
- Wroughton, Thomas (1)
- Wroughton, Thomas (2)
- Wroughton, Thomas (3)
- Wyndham, Hopton (2)
- Wyndham, Mr. Hugh
- Wyndham, Hugh
- Wyndham, James
- Wyndham, John (1)
- Wyndham, John (2)
- Wyndham, John (3)
- Wyndham, John (4)
- Wyndham, Richard
- Wyndham, Thomas (1)
- Wyndham, Thomas (2)
- Wyndham, Thomas (3)
- Wyndham, Thomas (4)
- Wyndham, (Sir) Thomas
- Wyndham, Thomas (5)
- Wyndham, Thomas (6)
- Wyndham, Thomas (7)
- Wyndham, William (1)
- Wyndham, (Sir) William
- Wyndham, William (2)
- Wyndham, Zacharias
- Wyne, John
- Wyne, Richard
- Wynell, Philip
- Wynell, Thomas
- Wynne, Cadwallader
- Wynne, Charles
- Wynne, David (1)
- Wynne, David (2)