Alumni Oxonienses: the Members of the University of Oxford, 1715-1886/P
[edit]- Pacey, Frederick William
- Pack, Arthur (Denis Henry Heber) Reynell
- Pack, John Christopher
- Pack, Lewis
- Packe, Alfred Edmund
- Packe, Charles
- Packe, Charles James
- Packe, Charles William
- Packe, Christopher
- Packe, Henry Vere
- Packe, Horace
- Packe, William James
- Packer, Arthur
- Packer, Edward
- Packer, Henry
- Packer, Isaac George
- Packer, Leonard Frederick
- Packwood, Gery
- Packwood, Josias
- Packwood, Rogers Porter
- Packford, William
- Paddison, Richard
- Paddon, Charles Edward
- Paddon, John
- Paddon, Thomas Henry
- Paddon, William Francis Locke
- Padley, Charles John Allen Newton
- Padley, Henry Madeley
- Padman, Jenner
- Padmore, Thomas
- Padwick, Henry
- Page, Arnold Henry
- Page, Rev. Arthur Charles
- Page, Caesar
- Page, Charles (1)
- Page, Charles (2)
- Page, Charles (3)
- Page, Charles (4)
- Page, Cyril William
- Page, Rev. Edmund Skikelthorp
- Page, Francis
- Page, Frederick
- Page, George
- Page, Herbert Vivian
- Page, Herbert William Cobbold
- Page, James
- Page, John (1)
- Page, John (2)
- Page, John (3)
- Page, John Charles
- Page, John Ernest
- Page, Lawrence Bernard
- Page, Philip
- Page, Richard (1)
- Page, Richard (2)
- Page, Robert
- Page, Robert Henry Frederick
- Page, Thomas (1)
- Page, Thomas (2)
- Page, Thomas Douglas
- Page, Vernon
- Page, Vernon Francis
- Page, Walter Sylvester
- Page, William
- Page, William (Emanuel)
- Page, William Emanuel
- Page, William Robert
- Paget, Hon. Sir Arthur
- Paget, Arthur John Snow
- Paget, Hon. Berkeley (Thomas)
- Paget, Cecil George
- Paget, Charles
- Paget, Edward Clarence
- Paget, Edward Heneage
- Paget, Edward James
- Paget, Francis
- Paget, Francis Edward
- Paget, Sir George Edward
- Paget, Henry
- Paget, Henry Bayly
- Paget, Henry Luke
- Paget, Henry William
- Paget, (Sir) James (Bart.)
- Paget, John (1)
- Paget, John (2)
- Paget, John (3)
- Paget, John (4)
- Paget, John Moore
- Paget, Peter
- Paget, Richard (1)
- Paget, Richard (2)
- Paget, Robert
- Paget, Stephen
- Paget, Thomas
- Paget, Thomas Bradley
- Pagett, Simon
- Pagett, William
- Paige, John
- Paige-Browne, John Browne
- Paige, Robert
- Paige, William Edward
- Pain, Andrew Reed
- Pain, Rev. Frederick William Goodyer
- Pain, John Lloyd
- Pain, Montagu
- Pain, Philip
- Pain, Richard
- Pain, Richard Ernest
- Pain, Rev. Robert
- Pain, Thomas Holland
- Pain, Thomas Lloyd
- Paine, Ernest Charles
- Paine, Gerald
- Paine, Herbert Norman
- Paine, John (1)
- Paine, John (2)
- Paine, Marshall Harcourt
- Paine, William Henry
- Paine, William Worship
- Painter, John
- Paitson, Leonard William
- Pakenham, Francis John
- Pakenham, Rev. and Hon. Henry Robert
- Pakenham, Thomas
- Pakenham, Thomas, Lord Pakenham
- Pakenham, Thomas Cecil
- Pakenham, William Lygon
- Pakington, Herbert
- Pakington, Herbert Perrot Murray
- Pakington, (Sir) John (Bart.)
- Pakington, John Slaney
- Pakington, John Somerset
- Pakington, Thomas
- Palairet, Rev. Charles
- Palairet, Henry Hamilton
- Palairet, Richard
- Palairet, Septimus Harry
- Palatiano, Henry Leonidas Hartley de
- Paley, Algernon Herbert
- Paley, Edmund
- Paley, James
- Paley, Thomas
- Palgrave, Augustine Gifford
- Palgrave, Francis Milnes Temple
- Palgrave, Francis Turner
- Palgrave, William Gifford
- Palin, Edward
- Palin, William
- Paliologus, Nicholas Lower
- Palk, Arthur George
- Palk, Ashley
- Palk, Augustus
- Palk, (Hon.) Edward Arthur
- Palk, Henry Laurence
- Palk, Jonathan
- Palk, (Sir) Laurence (Bart.)
- Palk, Laurence Hesketh
- Palk, (Sir) Laurence Vaughan (Bart.)
- Palk, (Sir) Robert (Bart.)
- Palk, Robert
- Pallavicino, Charles Alfred Alexander Manfrid Luserna d'Angrogno-, Marquis
- Pallett, Rev. Thomas Carter
- Palling, Edward
- Palliser, Joseph Marryat
- Pallmer, Charles
- Pallmer, Charles Nicholas
- Palmer, Rev. Albert Reynolds
- Palmer, Alfred Zouch
- Palmer, Arthur
- Palmer, Benjamin
- Palmer, Charles (1)
- Palmer, Charles (2)
- Palmer, Charles (3)
- Palmer, Charles (4)
- Palmer, Charles (5)
- Palmer, Charles Archdale
- Palmer, (Sir) Charles Harcourt (Bart.)
- Palmer, Charles Samuel
- Palmer, (Sir) Charles Thomas (Bart.)
- Palmer, Charles Thomas
- Palmer, Edmund Charles
- Palmer, Edmund Richard Hopper Griffith
- Palmer, Edward (1)
- Palmer, Edward Davidson
- Palmer, Edward (2)
- Palmer, Edwin
- Palmer, Felix
- Palmer, Felix Henry Price
- Palmer, Francis (1)
- Palmer, Francis (2)
- Palmer, Francis (3)
- Palmer, Francis Beaufort
- Palmer, Frederick William Henry
- Palmer, (Sir) Geoffrey (Bart.)
- Palmer, George
- Palmer, George Fortescue
- Palmer, George Horsley
- Palmer, George Hudson
- Palmer, (Sir) George Joseph (Bart.)
- Palmer, Rev. George Thomas
- Palmer, Gerard Walker
- Palmer, Greville Horsley
- Palmer, Henry (1)
- Palmer, Henry (2)
- Palmer, Henry (3)
- Palmer, Henry (4)
- Palmer, Henry (5)
- Palmer, Henry Edmund Michell
- Palmer, Henry James
- Palmer, Henry Marson
- Palmer, Henry Norton
- Palmer, Herbert
- Palmer, Hurly Pring
- Palmer, Rev. James
- Palmer, Rev. James Howard
- Palmer, James Nelson (1)
- Palmer, James Nelson (2)
- Palmer, John (1)
- Palmer, John (2)
- Palmer, John (3)
- Palmer, John (4)
- Palmer, John (5)
- Palmer, John (6)
- Palmer, John Cook
- Palmer, John Fox
- Palmer, (Sir) John Henry (Bart.)
- Palmer, John Howard
- Palmer, Jordan (Roquette Palmer)
- Palmer, Joseph
- Palmer, Joseph Blades
- Palmer, Lewis Henry
- Palmer, Lyttelton
- Palmer, Nicholas
- Palmer, Peregrine
- Palmer, Ralph (1)
- Palmer, Ralph (2)
- Palmer, Ralph Charlton
- Palmer, Richard (1)
- Palmer, Richard (2)
- Palmer, Richard Frederick
- Palmer, Rev. Richard Thomas
- Palmer, Rodber
- Palmer, (Sir) Roger William Henry (Bart.)
- Palmer, Roundell
- Palmer, Rev. Rowland John
- Palmer, Samborne Stucley
- Palmer, Samuel
- Palmer, Thomas (1)
- Palmer, Thomas (2)
- Palmer, Thomas (3)
- Palmer, Rev. Thomas
- Palmer, Thomas (4)
- Palmer, Walter Harvey
- Palmer, William (1)
- Palmer, William (2)
- Palmer, William (3)
- Palmer, William (4)
- Palmer, William (5)
- Palmer, William (6)
- Palmer, William (7)
- Palmer-Morewood, William
- Palmer, William (8)
- Palmer, William (9)
- Palmer, William Henry
- Palmer, William James
- Palmer, William (Jocelyn)
- Palmer, William (Patrick)
- Palmer, William Waldegrave, Viscount Wolmer
- Palmes, Arthur Lindsay
- Palmes, George
- Palmour, John
- Panioty, Constantine Demetrius
- Panizzi, Sir Antonio
- Pannell, John
- Panter, Charles Edward
- Panter, Frederick Downes
- Panter, Philip
- Pantin, Charles
- Pantin, James Henry
- Pantin, John Wickliffe
- Pantin, Rev. Thomas
- Pantin, Thomas Pinder
- Pantin, William Edward Pinder
- Panting, George
- Panting, John
- Panting, Matthew
- Panting, Richard
- Panting, Samuel
- Panting, Stephen
- Panting, Thomas
- Panting, William (Scott)
- Panton, David Brook
- Panton, George Bryan
- Panton, John Edward Wilson
- Panton, Richard
- Pape, Daniel
- Papendick, Rev. Frederick Henry
- Papillon, Rev. Duncan
- Papillon, Godfrey Keppel
- Papillon, John
- Papillon, Pelham Rawstorne
- Papillon, Philip
- Papillon, Philip Oxenden
- Papillon, Richard
- Papillon, Thomas
- Papillon, Rev. Thomas Henry
- Papillon, Thomas Leslie
- Papillon, William
- Papineau, Rossall William
- Paradise, John
- Paramore, David Robert
- Paravicini, Francis de (1)
- Paravicini, Francis de (2)
- Parcq, John du
- Pardew, John
- Pardo, John
- Pardoe, Geffrey
- Pardoe, George (1)
- Pardoe, George (2)
- Pardoe, George (Dansey)
- Pardoe, George Owen
- Pardoe, Thomas
- Pare, Edward Thomas
- Pare, Frederick Harry
- Pares, John Tylston
- Parfect, John
- Parfitt, Peter Lewis
- Parfitt, Thomas
- Pargeter, Rev. Robert
- Pargeter, Robert
- Pargeter, Rev. William
- Pargiter, Alfred Arthur
- Pargiter, Frederick Eden
- Pargiter, George Edgar Augustus
- Parham, Francis
- Paris, John Ayrton
- Paris, John Hen.
- Paris, Joseph
- Parish, Charles
- Parish, Charles Samuel Pollock
- Parish, Henry (1)
- Parish, Henry (2)
- Parish, Samuel
- Parish, William
- Parish, William Douglas
- Park, Alexander Atherton
- Park, Alexander Waldegrave
- Park, Sir James Allan
- Park, James Allan (1)
- Park, James Allan (2)
- Park, James Allan (3)
- Park, Rev. Mungo Travers
- Park, Patrick Gray
- Park, Rev. Philip Lees
- Park, William Waldegrave
- Parke, Alfred Watlington
- Parke, Charles Joseph
- Parke, Gilbert
- Parke, Roger Kennedy
- Parke, William Alcock Whitbeck
- Parker, Albert Edmund, Viscount Boringdon
- Parker, Alfred
- Parker, Alfred John
- Parker, Alfred Traill
- Parker, Algernon Robert
- Parker, Anthony
- Parker, (Rev. and Hon.) Archibald
- Parker, Arthur Percy
- Parker, Arthur William
- Parker, Banaster (1)
- Parker, Banaster (2)
- Parker, Cadowgan Francis
- Parker, Charles (1)
- Parker, Charles (2)
- Parker, Rev. Charles
- Parker, Charles (3)
- Parker, Charles (4)
- Parker, Rev. Charles Alexander Campbell
- Parker, Charles Arthur
- Parker, Charles Edward Neville
- Parker, Charles Frederick
- Parker, Charles (Hubert)
- Parker, Charles John
- Parker, Charles John (Bullivant)
- Parker, Charles John Ernest
- Parker, Charles Lewis
- Parker, Rev. Charles Lewis Edward
- Parker, Charles Pomeroy
- Parker, Charles Sandbach
- Parker, Charles Stuart
- Parker, Charles William
- Parker, Christopher William
- Parker, Rev. Cuthbert Joseph
- Parker, Edmund, Viscount Boringdon
- Parker, Edward (1)
- Parker, Edward (2)
- Parker, Edward Barnwell
- Parker, Rev. Edward George
- Parker, Edward Melville
- Parker, Edwin James
- Parker, Elliot Anderson
- Parker, Francis (1)
- Parker, Francis (2)
- Parker, Frederick Perrott
- Parker, Frederick William
- Parker, George (1)
- Parker, George (2)
- Parker, George, (2nd) Earl of Macclesfield
- Parker, George (3)
- Parker, George (4)
- Parker, George (5)
- Parker, George Augustus
- Parker, George Bertie
- Parker, George (Lane)
- Parker, Gilbert
- Parker, Harry Clince
- Parker, (Sir) Henry (Bart.)
- Parker, Henry (1)
- Parker, Henry (2)
- Parker, Henry (3)
- Parker, Henry (4)
- Parker, Henry (5)
- Parker, (Sir) Henry John (Bart.)
- Parker, Henry John
- Parker, Henry Martyn
- Parker, Henry Royster
- Parker, Horace
- Parker, Humphrey Timmins
- Parker, James (1)
- Parker, James (2)
- Parker, James (3)
- Parker, James Benjamin
- Parker, James Edward
- Parker, John (1)
- Parker, John (2)
- Parker, John (3)
- Parker, John (4)
- Parker, John (5)
- Parker, John (6)
- Parker, John (7)
- Parker, John (8)
- Parker, John (9)
- Parker, John (10)
- Parker, John (11)
- Parker, John, (2nd) Baron Boringdon
- Parker, John (12)
- Parker, John (13)
- Parker, John (14)
- Parker, John (15)
- Parker, John Bartholomew
- Parker, John Fleming
- Parker, John Henry
- Parker, John Oxley
- Parker, John Paget
- Parker, John Skipwith
- Parker, John Thomas
- Parker, John Webster
- Parker, Joseph
- Parker, Joseph Timothy
- Parker, Lewis James
- Parker, Marcus Aurelius
- Parker, Montagu Edmund (1)
- Parker, Montagu Edmund (2)
- Parker, Montagu Edmund Newcomb
- Parker, Pelley
- Parker, Peregrine
- Parker, Reginald
- Parker, Richard (1)
- Parker, Richard (2)
- Parker, Richard (3)
- Parker, Richard (4)
- Parker, Richard (5)
- Parker, Richard Thomas
- Parker, Richard William England
- Parker, Robert
- Parker, Robert Gabbett
- Parker, Robert John Crompton
- Parker, Robert Townley
- Parker, Samuel (1)
- Parker, Samuel (2)
- Parker, Samuel Hay
- Parker, Samuel Perrott
- Parker, Thomas, Viscount
- Parker, Thomas (1)
- Parker, Thomas (2)
- Parker, Thomas (3)
- Parker, Thomas (4)
- Parker, Thomas (5)
- Parker, Thomas (6)
- Parker, Thomas (5th Earl of Macclesfield)
- Parker, Thomas (7)
- Parker, Thomas Augustus Wolstenholme
- Parker, Thomas Browne
- Parker, Rev. Thomas Brownbill James
- Parker, Thomas Comyns
- Parker, Thomas Netherton
- Parker, Thomas (Townley)
- Parker, Thomas Townley
- Parker, Walter
- Parker, William (1)
- Parker, William (2)
- Parker, William (3)
- Parker, William (4)
- Parker, William (5)
- Parker, William (6)
- Parker, William (7)
- Parker, William (8)
- Parker, William (9)
- Parker, Sir William (Bart.)
- Parker, William (10)
- Parker, William (11)
- Parker, William George Gaskin
- Parker, William Hasell
- Parker, William Henry
- Parker, William Herbert
- Parker, William (Hooper)
- Parker, William John
- Parker, William Ricketts
- Parker, William Sackville
- Parker, William Windsor
- Parkes, Alfred Marshall
- Parkes, Francis (Barney)
- Parkes, Harry Rutherford
- Parkes, John
- Parkes, John Augustine
- Parkes, Richard
- Parkes, Robert
- Parkhouse, William Heathman
- Parkhurst, Fleetwood (1)
- Parkhurst, Fleetwood (2)
- Parkhurst, John
- Parkhurst, Lewis Evan
- Parkhurst, Robert
- Parkhurst, William Horatio
- Parkin, Arthur Osborn
- Parkin, Charles
- Parkin, Rev. Charles Inglewood
- Parkin, George
- Parkin, George Robert
- Parkin, James (1)
- Parkin, James (2)
- Parkin, James (3)
- Parkin, Lewis
- Parkin, Miles
- Parkin, Montagu Lewis
- Parkin, William
- Parkins, Christopher
- Parkins, Henry
- Parkins, John Bateman
- Parkins, Thomas
- Parkins, William Trevor (1)
- Parkins, William Trevor (2)
- Parkinson, Rev. Charles Luke
- Parkinson, Edward
- Parkinson, Israel
- Parkinson, James
- Parkinson, John (1)
- Parkinson, John (2)
- Parkinson, John (3)
- Parkinson, John Posthumous
- Parkinson, Rev. Richard
- Parkinson, Robert Clarke
- Parkinson, Robert John Hinman
- Parkinson, Roger
- Parkinson, Thomas
- Parkinson, William (1)
- Parkinson, William (2)
- Parkinson, William Grantham
- Parkyn, Frederick Silly
- Parkyn, William
- Parkyns, (Sir) Thomas George Augustus (Bart.)
- Parkyns, Thomas Mansfield Forbes
- Parlby, Rev. John Hall
- Parlby, Samuel
- Parlby, Walter Coventry Hall
- Parminter, Henry
- Parmiter, Spurrier Clavell
- Parne, Thomas
- Parnell, Rev. Arthur Henry
- Parnell, Francis
- Parnell, Paul
- Parnell, Thomas Augustus
- Parnell, Thomas Parnell
- Parnell, Victor Alexander Lionel Dawson
- Parnther, Robert
- Parody, Augustus Lyon
- Parr, Arthur Dudley
- Parr, Bertie Chiverton
- Parr, Cecil Francis
- Parr, Codrington
- Parr, Edward
- Parr, Edward George Codrington
- Parr, Henry
- Parr, Henry Dimsdale
- Parr, James
- Parr, John
- Parr, Rev. John
- Parr, John Edward
- Parr, John Owen (1)
- Parr, John Owen (2)
- Parr, John Walter (1)
- Parr, John Walter (2)
- Parr, Percivall Chase
- Parr, Robert (1)
- Parr, Robert (2)
- Parr, Samuel
- Parr, Thomas Clements
- Parr, Thomas Henning
- Parr, Thomas Roworth
- Parr, Rev. Willoughby Chase
- Parr, Wolstenholme
- Parratt, Charles
- Parratt, Walter
- Parris, Francis Sawyer
- Parris, Paul Carrington
- Parrott, James Alfred
- Parrott, Richard
- Parry, Charles Clinton
- Parry, Charles David
- Parry, Charles Henry (1)
- Parry, Charles Henry (2)
- Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings
- Parry, David (1)
- Parry, David (2)
- Parry, David (3)
- Parry, Edmond Wynne
- Parry, Edward (1)
- Parry, Edward (2)
- Parry, Edward (3)
- Parry, Edward (4)
- Parry, Rev. Edward Archibald
- Parry, Edward Henry
- Parry, Edward Hogarty
- Parry, Edward Price
- Parry, Rev. Edward St. John
- Parry, Francis (1)
- Parry, Francis (2)
- Parry, Francis Charles
- Parry, Frederick Sydney
- Parry, George
- Parry, George Frederick
- Parry, George Williams
- Parry, Gregory
- Parry, Henry (1)
- Parry, Henry (2)
- Parry, Henry (3)
- Parry, Henry (4)
- Parry, Henry Hutton
- Parry, Hugh
- Parry, Humphrey
- Parry, James (1)
- Parry, James (2)
- Parry, James Patrick
- Parry, John (1)
- Parry, John (2)
- Parry, John (3)
- Parry, John (4)
- Parry, John (5)
- Parry, John (6)
- Parry, John (7)
- Parry, John (8)
- Parry, John (9)
- Parry, John (10)
- Parry, John (11)
- Parry, John (12)
- Parry, John (13)
- Parry, Rev. John
- Parry, John Edward
- Parry, John Jeffreys Bulkeley Jones-
- Parry, John Morgan
- Parry, John Parry Jones
- Parry, Joseph
- Parry, Joseph Henry
- Parry, Joshua
- Parry, Lewis James
- Parry, Sir Love Parry Jones
- Parry, Morris Vivian
- Parry, Owen
- Parry, Randolph
- Parry, Rice
- Parry, Richard (1)
- Parry, Richard (2)
- Parry, Richard Price
- Parry, Robert (1)
- Parry, Robert (2)
- Parry, Robert (3)
- Parry, Robert Colt
- Parry, Robert Lloyd Jones
- Parry, Rowland
- Parry, Samuel Pryce
- Parry, Sidney Llewellyn
- Parry, Thomas (1)
- Parry, Thomas (2)
- Parry, Thomas (3)
- Parry, Thomas (4)
- Parry, Thomas (5)
- Parry, Thomas (6)
- Parry, Thomas (7)
- Parry, Rev. Thomas
- Parry, Thomas (8)
- Parry, Thomas (9)
- Parry, Thomas (10)
- Parry, Thomas Love Duncombe Jones
- Parry, Thomas Macdonald
- Parry, Thomas William
- Parry, William (1)
- Parry, William (2)
- Parry, William (3)
- Parry, William (4)
- Parry, William (5)
- Parry, William (6)
- Parry, William (7)
- Parry, William (8)
- Parry, William Corbet Jones
- Parry, Admiral Sir William Edward
- Parry, William Louis
- Parry, William (Warner)
- Parslow, Daniel
- Parson, Rev. Charles
- Parson, James Douglas
- Parson, John (1)
- Parson, John (2)
- Parson, John Campbell
- Parson, Rev. Richard
- Parson, Thomas Hardwick
- Parson, William Henry
- Parson, William Henry Onslow
- Parsons, Andrew Evered
- Parsons, Anthony
- Parsons, Charles (1)
- Parsons, Charles (2)
- Parsons, Rev. Charles James
- Parsons, Rev. Charles Joseph
- Parsons, Daniel
- Parsons, Edward
- Parsons, Francis Crane (1)
- Parsons, Francis Crane (2)
- Parsons, Frederick James
- Parsons, Frederick William
- Parsons, George Lodowick
- Parsons, Harold George
- Parsons, Rev. Hector Laurence
- Parsons, Henry (1)
- Parsons, Henry (2)
- Parsons, Henry (3)
- Parsons, Henry (4)
- Parsons, Henry (5)
- Parsons, Henry George Joseph
- Parsons, Henry James (1)
- Parsons, Henry James (2)
- Parsons, Herbert
- Parsons, Herbert John
- Parsons, Isaac
- Parsons, James (1)
- Parsons, James (2)
- Parsons, James (3)
- Parsons, James (4)
- Parsons, James Ramsay
- Parsons, John (1)
- Parsons, John (2)
- Parsons, John (3)
- Parsons, John (4)
- Parsons, John (5)
- Parsons, John (6)
- Parsons, John (7)
- Parsons, John (8)
- Parsons, John (9)
- Parsons, John (10)
- Parsons, John (11)
- Parsons, John (12)
- Parsons, John (13)
- Parsons, John Clere
- Parsons, John Tournay
- Parsons, Joseph (1)
- Parsons, Joseph (2)
- Parsons, Laurence, (4th) Earl of Rosse
- Parsons, (Sir) Mark, (Bart.)
- Parsons, Read
- Parsons, Robert
- Parsons, Thomas
- Parsons, Wallace Edward
- Parsons, William (1)
- Parsons, William (2)
- Parsons, William (3)
- Parsons, William, Baron Oxmantown
- Partington, Charles Edward
- Partington, Henry
- Partington, Thomas (1)
- Partington, Thomas (2)
- Partington, William Charles Mackenzie
- Partridge, Aubrey Arthur Hungerford
- Partridge, Christopher (1)
- Partridge, Christopher (2)
- Partridge, Francis
- Partridge, Henry (1)
- Partridge, Henry (2)
- Partridge, Henry Champion
- Partridge, Henry Samuel
- Partridge, James
- Partridge, John (1)
- Partridge, John (2)
- Partridge, John Anthony
- Partridge, Joseph Ashby
- Partridge, Lionel Stroud
- Partridge, Richard William
- Partridge, Robert Wynyard
- Partridge, Samuel
- Partridge, Samuel John
- Partridge, Thomas (1)
- Partridge, Thomas (2)
- Partridge, Thomas (3)
- Partridge, Thomas Esbury
- Partridge, William (1)
- Partridge, William (2)
- Partridge, William Campbell
- Partridge, William Edwards
- Partridge, William Robinson
- Pasco, Thomas
- Pascoe, James (1)
- Pascoe, James (2)
- Pascoe, Richard
- Pascoe, Richard Corbett
- Pascoe, Thomas
- Pascoe, Wellington Renton
- Paske, George
- Pasley, General Sir Charles William
- Pasley, Hamilton Sabine
- Pasmore, John
- Pass, Robert
- Pass, William
- Passand, Henry
- Passand, Henry John
- Passingham, Rev. Robert Townsend
- Passmore, Hugh Maire
- Passmore, William Philip
- Passow, John Claus de
- Patch, Gayer
- Patch, James Terry
- Patch, John Barnes
- Patch, Rev. Robert (Gayer)
- Patch, Robert Burnett
- Patchell, Charles Watson
- Pater, Walter Horatio
- Paterson, Archibald Robert
- Paterson, Arthur Bourne
- Paterson, Rev. Francis
- Paterson, George
- Paterson, George Frederick
- Paterson, George Mapletoft
- Paterson, Gordon Walker
- Paterson, James
- Paterson, James Alexander
- Paterson, James Erskine
- Paterson, Leslie Rimmer
- Paterson, Noel Huntingdon
- Paterson, Thomas Board
- Paterson, William Vantier
- Pateshall, John
- Pateshall, Walter (Lechmere)
- Patey, Charles Robert
- Paton, Alexander
- Paton, Alfred Vaughan
- Paton, Frederick Lechmere
- Paton, James
- Paton, Rev. John Duguid
- Paton, Walter Boldero
- Paton, William Roger
- Patourel, Wallace Mackenzie le
- Patriarche, John
- Patrick, Rev. John Arthur
- Patrick, Robert
- Patridge, Sylvanus Roger
- Patten, Alexander
- Patten, James
- Patten-Bold, Peter
- Patten, Thomas (1)
- Patten, Thomas (2)
- Pattenden, Frederick William Waldebrand
- Pattenden, George Edwin
- Pattenson, Arthur Henry Tylden
- Pattenson, Charles
- Pattenson, Christopher
- Pattenson, Robert Cane
- Pattenson, Thomas
- Patterson, James Laird
- Patterson, James William
- Patterson, Rev. John Irwin
- Patterson, Sutton
- Patterson, William Harry
- Patterson, William Talbot Nugent
- Patteson, Edward (1)
- Patteson, Rev. Edward
- Patteson, Edward (2)
- Patteson, James Henry
- Patteson, John Coleridge
- Patteson, Thomas
- Patteson, Thomas Charles
- Patteson, William
- Pattinson, James Pearson
- Pattinson, John
- Pattison, Mark
- Pattison, Mark James
- Patton, Frederick Joseph
- Patton, Rev. Thomas Lionel
- Pattrick, Arthur Henry Saint
- Pattrick, Beaufoy James Saint
- Pattrick, Charles Thomas
- Pattrick, Rev. John Brooke
- Pattrick, Reginald Saint
- Paty, George Perry Heywood
- Paul, Albert Saint
- Paul, Alfred Wallis
- Paul, Charles Kegan
- Paul, Dolben
- Paul, Edward Clifford
- Paul, Rev. Frederick Campbell
- Paul, Frederick William
- Paul, (Sir George) Onesiphorus (Bart.)
- Paul, George Woodfield
- Paul, Herbert Woodfield
- Paul, John (1)
- Paul, John (2)
- Paul, John (3)
- Paul, Sir John Dean, Bart.
- Paul, John Paul
- Paul, Joseph (1)
- Paul, Joseph (2)
- Paul, Richard
- Paul, Robert Bateman
- Paul, Robert Macleane
- Paul, Samuel Paul
- Paul, Walter Matthews
- Paul, William
- Paulet, Charles Newton
- Paull, Charles Paine
- Paull, Christian William Henry
- Paull, Henry Samuel Benoni
- Paull, Dr. Reinhold
- Paull, Henry Hugh Beams
- Paull, Richard Beams
- Paulson, Frederick George
- Paulson, George Robert
- Paulson, Richard Ellwyn
- Paulson, William Henry
- Pauncefort-Duncombe, Philip Duncombe
- Pauncefote, Bernard
- Pauncefote, Robert
- Pavey, Alfred
- Pavey, Alfred Katenbeck
- Pavier, Thomas
- Pawson, Louis
- Pawson, William John
- Paxton, Francis Valentine
- Paxton, Henry Arthur
- Paxton, James Claudius
- Paxton, William Archibald
- Paxton, William Gill
- Payler, Anthony (Charles)
- Payler, Frederick Morgan
- Payler, Frederick Payler Morgan-
- Payler, Thomas Watkinson
- Payler, William (Watkinson)
- Payne, Abraham
- Payne, Alfred (1)
- Payne, Alfred (2)
- Payne, Alfred Dalrymple
- Payne, Alfred Ernest
- Payne, Arthur Frederick
- Payne, Charles
- Payne, Charles Gillies
- Payne, Charles Henry
- Payne, Charles William Medows
- Payne, Charles Wynter
- Payne, David Richards
- Payne, Edward (1)
- Payne, Edward (2)
- Payne, Edward (3)
- Payne, Edward John
- Payn, Francis
- Payne, Rev. Frederick Edward Henry
- Payne, George (1)
- Payne, George (2)
- Payne, George Augustus
- Payne, Rev. George Speke
- Payne, Harry Alfred
- Payne, Henry
- Payne, Henry (Thomas)
- Payne, James
- Payne, John Orlebar
- Payne, John Vaughan
- Payne, Joseph (1)
- Payne, Joseph (2)
- Payne, Joseph (3)
- Payne, Joseph Francis
- Payne, Peter George Stanhope
- Payne, Rev. Peter Samuel Henry
- Payne, Ralph (1)
- Payne, Ralph (2)
- Payne, Rev. Randolph
- Payne, Richard (1)
- Payne, Richard (2)
- Payne, Robert Adair
- Payne, Salusbury Gillies
- Payne, Samuel (1)
- Payne, Samuel (2)
- Payne, Samuel (3)
- Payne, Samuel (4)
- Payne-Gallwey, Stephen
- Payne, Thomas
- Payne, Thomas Charles Pigot
- Payne, William (1)
- Payne, William (2)
- Payne, William (3)
- Payne, William (4)
- Payne, William Arthur
- Paynter, John
- Paynter, John de Camborne
- Paynter, Thomas Beville
- Paynter, Rev. William Camborne
- Paynton, George
- Payton, Thomas Bartram
[edit]- Peabody, George
- Peace, Albert Lister
- Peace, Peter
- Peacey, Rev. William John
- Peach, Henry (1)
- Peach, Henry (2)
- Peach, Henry (3)
- Peach, Henry (Peach) Keighly
- Peach, James Jarvis
- Peach, John
- Peach, Paul
- Peach, Samuel
- Peach, Samuel Cruger
- Peach, Samuel Peach
- Peache, Alfred
- Peache, Gilbert Alan
- Peachey, Charles
- Peachey, (Sir) James (Bart.)
- Peachey, James Herbert
- Peachey, (Sir) John (Bart.)
- Peachey, John
- Peachy, Erlysman
- Peachy, William
- Peacock, George
- Peacock, John
- Peacock, Mark Beauchamp (1)
- Peacock, Mark Beauchamp (2)
- Peacock, Matthew Henry
- Peacock, Walter Gilbert
- Peacocke, George Montague Warren
- Pead, Leonard Walter
- Pead, Prince
- Peake, Arthur Samuel
- Peake, Charles William
- Peake, Edward
- Peake, George (1)
- Peake, George (2)
- Peake, Rev. George Eden
- Peake, George Eden Frederick
- Peake, Henry
- Peake, Henry William
- Peake, Rev. James Room
- Peake, John
- Peake, Rev. Vincent William
- Peake, Walter Ancell
- Pearce, Alexander
- Pearce, Baker
- Pearce, Benjamin
- Pearce, Charles
- Pearce, Francis
- Pearce, Francis Joseph (1)
- Pearce, Francis Joseph (2)
- Pearce, Henry
- Pearce, James
- Pearce, John (1)
- Pearce, John (2)
- Pearce, John William Ernest
- Pearce, Joseph (1)
- Pearce, Joseph (2)
- Pearce, Joseph (3)
- Pearce, Maresco
- Pearce, Richard
- Pearce, Robert
- Pearce, Stephen Austen
- Pearce, (Stephen) James
- Pearce, Rev. Stephen Spencer
- Pearce, Thomas (1)
- Pearce, Thomas (2)
- Pearce, Thomas (3)
- Pearce, Thomas (4)
- Pearce, William (1)
- Pearce, William (2)
- Pearce, Rev. William
- Pearce, Wredenhall
- Peard, Henry
- Peard, John
- Peard, John Whitehead
- Peard, Oliver
- Peareth, John
- Peareth, John Lennox
- Peareth, William Jennens
- Pearkes, John
- Pearman, Augustus John
- Pearman, Morgan Thomas
- Pearman, Rev. William Allwright
- Pears, Edmund Ward
- Pears, Henry Temple
- Pears, Hugh Vaughan
- Pears, James
- Pears, Rev. James Robert
- Pears, Philip Walter
- Pears, Steuart Adolphus
- Pearsall, John
- Pearse, Arthur Henry
- Pearse, Beauchamp Kerr Warren
- Pearse, Brice Hugh
- Pearse, George Wingate
- Pearse, Henry Thornton
- Pearse, Herbert George
- Pearse, John (1)
- Pearse, John (2)
- Pearse, Nicholas
- Pearse, Rev. Reginald Vincent Beville
- Pearse, Richard
- Pearse, Robert
- Pearse, Robert Wilson
- Pearse, Samuel Winter
- Pearse, Shortrudge
- Pearse, Thomas
- Pearse, Thomas Deane
- Pearse, Vincent
- Pearse, William Bradley
- Pearson, Albert Harford
- Pearson, Alexander (1)
- Pearson, Alexander (2)
- Pearson, Alfred
- Pearson, Andrew
- Pearson, Arthur Cyril
- Pearson, Arthur Hubert
- Pearson, Benjamin
- Pearson, Charles Buchanan
- Pearson, Charles Henry
- Pearson, Charles Hugh
- Pearson, Charles John
- Pearson, Rev. Charles William
- Pearson, Edward (1)
- Pearson, Edward (2)
- Pearson, Ernest William
- Pearson, Francis Campbell
- Pearson, Frederick James Norman]
- Pearson, Frederick Richard
- Pearson, Frederick Thorpe
- Pearson, George
- Pearson, George Charles
- Pearson, George Frederick
- Pearson, Henry
- Pearson, Henry Daniel
- Pearson, Henry Hollingworth
- Pearson, Herbert
- Pearson, Hugh
- Pearson, Hugh Nicholas
- Pearson, James Hugh
- Pearson, John (1)
- Pearson, John (2)
- Pearson, John (3)
- Pearson, John (4)
- Pearson, Rev. John Armstrong
- Pearson, John Henry
- Pearson, John Noble
- Pearson, John Yardley
- Pearson, Rev. Richard (1)
- Pearson. Rev. Richard (2)
- Pearson, Robert (1)
- Pearson, Robert (2)
- Pearson, Roland George
- Pearson, Thomas (1)
- Pearson, Thomas (2)
- Pearson, Thomas (3)
- Pearson, Thomas (4)
- Pearson, Thomas Horner
- Pearson, Thomas Sherwin
- Pearson, William (1)
- Pearson, William (2)
- Pearson, William (3)
- Pearson, William Henley
- Pearson, William Henry
- Pearson, William Lawrence Wemyss
- Pearson, William Webster
- Pearson, Wilson
- Peart, Francis
- Pease, Frederick
- Pease, Henry Joseph Robinson
- Pease, Howard
- Pease, Peter Richard
- Pease, William
- Peat, John
- Peat, Thomas Heaviside
- Peat, William
- Peatt, Joshua
- Pech, James
- Peche, Rev. George
- Pechell, Augustus (1)
- Pechell, Augustus (2)
- Pechell, Edward Rodney Cecil
- Pechell, (Sir) George Samuel (Bart.)
- Pechell, Horace Robert
- Pechell, (Sir) Thomas (Brooke, Bart.)
- Peck, Awdry
- Peck, Edward
- Peck, Edward Ellis
- Peck, Henry Cecil
- Peck, Rev. Jasper
- Peck, Kenrick
- Peck, Philip
- Peck, Philip Richardson
- Peck, Robert Holman
- Peck, William Awdry
- Peckard, Henry
- Peckard, Peter
- Peckham, Harry
- Peckham, Harry John
- Peckham, Henry
- Peckham, Richard (1)
- Peckham, Richard (2)
- Peckham, William
- Peckwell, Henry
- Peckwell, Robert Henry
- Pedder, Arthur Lionel
- Pedder, Edward
- Pedder, James
- Pedder, Rev. John
- Pedder, John Leacock Kortright
- Pedder, Rev. John Wilson
- Pedder, Thomas
- Pedder, William
- Pedder, William George
- Pedder, William Lewes
- Pedder, William Newland
- Pedder, Wilson
- Peddle, James Dick
- Pedding, John
- Peddle, John
- Pedlar, George Henry Orchard
- Pedley, James
- Pedley, James Thomas
- Pedley, Robert
- Peeke, Favell
- Peel, Alfred Henry
- Peel, Rev. Alfred Lennox
- Peel, Archibald
- Peel, Arthur
- Peel, Arthur George Villiers
- Peel, Arthur Wellesley
- Peel, Charles Steers
- Peel, Edmund (1)
- Peel, Edmund (2)
- Peel, Edmund Yates
- Peel, Edward
- Peel, Edward Lennox
- Peel, Francis William
- Peel, Frederick (1)
- Peel, Frederick (2)
- Peel, Gerald
- Peel, Giles Haworth
- Peel, Herbert Richard
- Peel, John
- Peel, Lieut.-General Jonathan
- Peel, Lawrence
- Peel, Right Hon. Sir Lawrence
- Peel, (Sir) Robert (Bart.) (1)
- Peel, Rev. Robert
- Peel, (Sir) Robert (Bart.) (2)
- Peel, Robert
- Peel, Robert Augustus Lawrence
- Peel, Rev. Robert Kennedy
- Peel, St. Vincent
- Peel, Samuel
- Peel, Sydney
- Peel, Rev. William
- Peel, William (1)
- Peel, William (2)
- Peel, William Augustus
- Peel, William Frederick
- Peel, William Robert Wellesley
- Peers, Charles
- Peers, Henry (1)
- Peers, Henry (2)
- Peers, Henry (3)
- Peers, Rev. Herbert James
- Peers, John (Witherington)
- Peers, John Witherington
- Peers, Richard
- Peers, Robert
- Peers, Samuel
- Peet, Arthur William
- Peet, Henry Herbert
- Peet, Rev. Thomas
- Peete, William Willox
- Peeters, John
- Pegge, (Sir) Christopher
- Pegge, Samuel
- Peglar, John
- Pegler, John
- Pegus, Frederick Edward
- Peil, John Alexander
- Peile, (Sir) James Braithwaite
- Peile, James Hamilton Francis
- Peile, Walter Octavius
- Peirce, Aaron
- Peirce, John (1)
- Peirce, John (2)
- Peirse, Rev. Windham de la Poer Beresford-
- Peirson, Peter
- Peisley, Anthony
- Peisley, Bartholomew
- Pelham, Augustus Thursby
- Pelham, Charles Anderson
- Pelham, Henry Francis
- Pelham, Henry Thursby
- Pelham, Rev. Herbert
- Pelham, John Thomas
- Pelham, Sidney
- Pelham, Walter Thursby
- Pelicier, Paul Charles Jules
- Pell, (Sir) Albert
- Pell, Albert Julian
- Pell, Jens
- Pell, Robert (1)
- Pell, Robert (2)
- Pellatt, Henry
- Pellatt, Thomas
- Pellet, Stephen
- Pellew, Edward, Viscount Exmouth
- Pellew, Edward
- Pellew, Hon. Fleetwood John
- Pellew, George
- Pellew, George Israel
- Pellew, Henry Edward
- Pellew, Samuel Humphrey
- Pelly, Francis
- Pelly, Frederick William
- Pelly, Sir Harold, (4th) Bart.
- Pelly, John
- Pelly, Theophilus
- Pember, Edward
- Pember, Edward Henry
- Pember, Francis William
- Pember, Frederick
- Pember, Howard Edward
- Pemberton, Bertram Roper Stote
- Pemberton, Charles Orlando Childe
- Pemberton, Christopher Robert
- Pemberton, Edward
- Pemberton, Edward (John)
- Pemberton, Edward Leigh
- Pemberton, Edward Robert
- Pemberton, Edward William Smythe
- Pemberton, Francis Reginald
- Pemberton, George
- Pemberton, Rev. James
- Pemberton, John
- Pemberton, John Stapylton Grey
- Pemberton, Joseph Hardwicke
- Pemberton, Ralph Hylton
- Pemberton, Randle Jackson
- Pemberton, Richard
- Pemberton, Richard Laurence
- Pemberton, Robert (1)
- Pemberton, Robert (2)
- Pemberton, Robert (3)
- Pemberton, Robert (4)
- Pemberton, Robert Norgrave
- Pemberton, Stanley
- Pemberton, Stephen
- Pemberton, Thomas (1)
- Pemberton, Thomas (2)
- Pemberton, Wilfrid Leigh
- Pemberton, William (1)
- Pemberton, William (2)
- Pemberton, William (3)
- Pemberton, Rev. William Arthur
- Pembroke, Charles John
- Pembrey, Marcus Seymour
- Pendarves, Edward William Wynne
- Pendarves, William Cole
- Pendlebury, Rev. John Roger
- Pendlebury, William Henry
- Pendleton, John William
- Pendrill, John
- Penfold, Edward Bainbridge
- Penfold, Edward Hollingworth
- Penfold, George Saxby
- Penfold, John
- Penfold, William
- Penfold, William Thomas
- Penfound, William
- Pengelly, Henry
- Penhall, William
- Penleaze, John
- Penleaze, John (Story)
- Penlington, Edmund Tom
- Penlington, George
- Penlington, William
- Penn, Granville
- Penn, Granville John
- Penn, James
- Penn, Richard
- Penn, Thomas Gordon
- Penn, William (1)
- Penn, William (2)
- Penn, William Charles
- Pennant, Claud Douglas
- Pennant, David (1)
- Pennant, David (2)
- Pennant, Edward (1)
- Pennant, Edward (2)
- Pennant, George Sholto Gordon Douglas
- Pennant, John
- Pennant, Thomas (1)
- Pennant, Thomas (2)
- Penneck, Henry (1)
- Penneck, Henry (2)
- Penneck, John
- Penneck, Richard
- Pennefather, Charles Edward
- Pennefather, Edward
- Pennefather, Edward Graham
- Pennefather, John
- Pennefather, Joseph Lysaght
- Pennefather, Richard
- Pennefather, Somerset Edward
- Pennefather, William (Henry)
- Pennell, Aubray Percival
- Pennell, George Herbert
- Pennell, Henry Lee
- Pennell, Richard
- Pennell, Richard Lewin
- Pennell, Shelley Pilkington
- Penney, Johnston
- Penney, Rev. William Campbell
- Penney, William Henry
- Pennicott, William
- Pennington, Arthur Delgarno
- Pennington, Christopher
- Pennington, Frederick
- Pennington, George
- Pennington, James
- Pennington, John
- Pennington, Lowther Augustus John, Baron Muncaster
- Pennington, Montagu
- Pennington, Thomas
- Pennington, William (1)
- Pennington, William (2)
- Pennington, William (3)
- Pennington, William (4)
- Penny, Rev. Benjamin
- Penny, Charles (1)
- Penny, Charles (2)
- Penny, Charles (3)
- Penny, Charles Joseph
- Penny, Rev. Charles William
- Penny, Edmund Henry
- Penny, Edward
- Penny, Edward Lewton
- Penny, Edward William
- Penny, Fraser Hislop
- Penny, Frederick Prescott
- Penny, Henry
- Penny, Rev. Henry
- Penny, Henry Harwood
- Penny, James
- Penny, John
- Penny, Richard
- Penny, Robert
- Penny, Robert George
- Penny, Thomas
- Penny, William
- Penny, William Goodenough
- Penny, William Perkins
- Pennyman, (Sir) James (Bart.)
- Pennyman, John (1)
- Pennyman, John (2)
- Pennyman, (Sir) William Henry (Bart.)
- Penrhyn, Arthur Leycester Leycester
- Penrhyn, Edward Hugh Leycester
- Penrhyn, Oswald Henry Leycester
- Penrice, Harry
- Penrice, John
- Penrose, Charles
- Penrose, John (1)
- Penrose, John (2)
- Penrose, John (3)
- Penrose, John (4)
- Penrose, Rev. John
- Penrose, John (5)
- Penrose, Robert Uniacke (Fitzgerald)
- Penrose, Rumney (1)
- Penrose, Rumney (2)
- Penrose, Samuel
- Penrose, Thomas (1)
- Penrose, Thomas (2)
- Penrose, Thomas (3)
- Penrose, Thomas (Trevenen)
- Penruddocke, Charles (1)
- Penruddocke, Charles (2)
- Penruddocke, Charles (3)
- Penruddocke, Charles (4)
- Penruddocke, John Hungerford
- Penruddocke, John Powys
- Penruddocke, Thomas
- Penruddocke, William Fielding
- Penry, James
- Penson, George Willis
- Penson, John
- Penson, John Pavitt
- Penson, Peter
- Penton, Frederick Thomas
- Penton, Henry (1)
- Penton, Henry (2)
- Penton, Thomas
- Pentreath, Arthur Godolphin
- Pentreath, Frederick Richard
- Pentcross, Rev. Frederick John
- Penwarne, Thomas
- Penyston, Fairmedow
- Penyston, Francis (1)
- Penyston, Francis (2)
- Pepall, Robert
- Pepin, Rev. John
- Peploe, John Birch
- Peploe, Samuel (1)
- Peploe, Samuel (2)
- Pepper, Benjamin Huffum
- Pepper, John
- Pepper, Michael
- Pepperell, William Royal
- Peppin, Arthur Hamilton (1)
- Peppin, Arthur Hamilton (2)
- Peppin, Arthur Reginald Joseph
- Peppin, Stephen Francis Bedford
- Peppin, Sydenham (Henry)
- Pepys, Edmund
- Pepys, Henry
- Pepys, John Alfred
- Pepys, (Sir) Lucas (Bart.)
- Pepys, (Sir) William Weller (Bart.)
- Perceval, Colonel Alexander
- Perceval, Arthur Philip
- Perceval, Arthur (William) Bernard
- Perceval, Ascelin Spencer
- Perceval, Augustus George
- Perceval, Charles George (1)
- Perceval, Charles George (2)
- Perceval, Cyril Ambrose
- Perceval, Dudley Montagu
- Perceval, Henry
- Perceval, John Thomas
- Perceval, Philip
- Perceval, Robert
- Percival, Edward France
- Percival, Edward Lockwood (1)
- Percival, Edward Lockwood (2)
- Percival, Francis William
- Percival, John (1)
- Percival, John (2)
- Percival, John (3)
- Percival, John (4)
- Percival, John Guthrie
- Percival, Lewis
- Percival, Lovibond John Exley
- Percival, Thomas Cozens
- Percy, Algernon, Baron Prudhoe
- Percy, Algernon George (6th Duke of Northumberland)
- Percy, (Lord) Algernon Malcolm Arthur
- Percy, Algernon Payan
- Percy, Barnard Elliot
- Percy, (Lord) Charles Greatheed-Bertie-
- Percy, Henry George (Earl Percy)
- Percy, Hugh
- Percy, Thomas (1)
- Percy, Thomas (2)
- Percy, William
- Percy, William Murray
- Pereira, Agostinho Henry
- Pereira, Henry Wall
- Pereira, Lynwode Charles
- Perfect, Caleb
- Perfect, Henry
- Perfect, John (1)
- Perfect, John (2)
- Perfect, Robert
- Perfect, Robert Frederick Strode
- Perfect, Thomas
- Perfect, William (1)
- Perfect, William (2)
- Perfect, William Mosley
- Periam, George
- Periam, John (1)
- Periam, John (2)
- Periam, John (3)
- Periam, Zac.
- Pering, Benedict (1)
- Pering, Benedict (2)
- Pering, John (1)
- Pering, John (2)
- Pering, Rev. John Symons
- Pering, Peter
- Perkin, Frederick William
- Perkin, John
- Perkin, John Arthur
- Perkins, Algernon
- Perkins, Benjamin Robert
- Perkins, Charles Mathew
- Perkins, Daniel
- Perkins, Rev. Duncombe Steele (1)
- Perkins, Rev. Duncombe Steele (2)
- Perkins, Edmund
- Perkins, Frederick David
- Perkins, Rev. George
- Perkins, George Joseph
- Perkins, Henry
- Perkins, Hewlett Charles
- Perkins, John (1)
- Perkins, John (2)
- Perkins, John David
- Perkins, Oswald Thrale
- Perkins, Robert Cyril Layton
- Perkins, Samuel
- Perkins, Samuel Wootton
- Perkins, Shirley Farmer Steele
- Perkins, Vincent Robert
- Perkins, William (1)
- Perkins, William (2)
- Perkins, William (3)
- Perks, Bernard
- Perks, Edwin Hollis
- Perks, Ethelbert
- Perks, Francis
- Perks, Nathaniel
- Perks, Walter
- Pern, Andrew
- Perny, John (Anthony)
- Perowne, Edward Henry
- Perowne, John James Stewart
- Perrin, Louis
- Perrin, William Philp
- Perrin, William Wilcox
- Perrins, Charles William Dyson
- Perring, Albert Glenie
- Perring, Charles
- Perring, John Peter
- Perring, John William Cowell
- Perring, Peter
- Perring, Sir Philip (Bart.)
- Perrott, Edward John
- Perrott, George St. John
- Perrott, George Wigley
- Perrott, Gregory
- Perrott, Henry
- Perrott, Humphrey
- Perrott, John (1)
- Perrot, John
- Perrott, John (2)
- Perrott, John (Stanford)
- Perrott, Rev. John Wigley
- Perrott, Rev. Octavius George Dalhousie
- Perrott, Thomas
- Perrott, Walter
- Perrott, William
- Perrott, William Stafford
- Perry, Arthur John
- Perry, Charles
- Perry, Charles Copland
- Perry, Rev. Clement Raymond
- Perry, Edward
- Perry, Rev. Edward John
- Perry, Frederick
- Perry, Frederick Robert
- Perry, Frederick Samuel
- Perry, Frederick William George
- Perry, George Gresley
- Perry, George Henry
- Perry, Rev. George Lockyer.
- Perry, Herbert Louis
- Perry, Hugh
- Perry, John (1)
- Perry, John (2)
- Perry, John (3)
- Perry, John Robert
- Perry, Littleton
- Perry, Robert Charles
- Perry, Septimus
- Perry, Thomas (1)
- Perry, Thomas (2)
- Perry, Thomas (3)
- Perry, Thomas Corbett
- Perry, Walter Churchill
- Perry, William (1)
- Perry, William (2)
- Perry, William (3)
- Perry, William Frederick Robert
- Perry, William Parker
- Perry, William Payne
- Perry, Right Rev. William Stevens
- Perryman, Richard
- Perryn, Gerrard Alexander
- Perryn, (Sir) Richard
- Perryn, Richard
- Perryn, Richard George Henry
- Perryn, Richard Gerrard
- Persehowse, Richard
- Persehowse, Thomas
- Pershouse, William Bradney
- Pertvee, Arthur
- Pery, Hon. Edmund Sexten
- Pery, John (1)
- Pery, John (2)
- Pery, Multon
- Pescod, George
- Pescod, Robert
- Pescod, William
- Peshall, Samuel (1)
- Peshall, Samuel (2)
- Peshall, Samuel D'Oyly
- Pestell, William
- Pester, John (1)
- Pester, John (2)
- Pesterre, William Arthur
- Petch, George
- Petch, George Ellis
- Petch, James
- Peter, Edward
- Peter, Rev. Hoblyn
- Peter, John
- Peter, John Thomas Henry
- Peter, Lewis Morgan
- Peter, Robert
- Peter, Robert Rous
- Peter, William (1)
- Peter, William (2)
- Peter, William (3)
- Peters, Arthur Edward George
- Peters, Charles
- Peters, Charles Powell
- Peters, Edmund
- Peters, Edward
- Peters, Frank Hesketh
- Peters, Jonathan (1)
- Peters, Jonathan (2)
- Peters, Rev. Michael Nowell
- Peters, Richard
- Peters, Thomas
- Peters, William (1)
- Peters, William (2)
- Peters, William Birdseye
- Peters, William Harold Stilwell
- Peters, William Henry
- Peterson, Arthur Frederick
- Peterson, Edward
- Peterson, Peter
- Peterson, William
- Pethen, William
- Petit, Rev. John Lewis
- Petit, Peter
- Petley, Charles Robert Carter
- Petley, Francis Woodgate
- Petley, Rev. Henry
- Petre, Oswald Henry Philip
- Petry, Henry James
- Pett, Phineas
- Pettat, Charles Richard
- Pettat, John
- Pettat, Thomas
- Pettener, Thomas
- Petters, William Griffith
- Pettigrew, William Vesalius Davison
- Pettingal, Charles Richard
- Pettingal, Charles Thomas
- Pettingal, Rev. George Hanbury
- Pettingal, John
- Pettingal, Thomas
- Pettipher, William
- Pettit, Charles William
- Pettit, James
- Pettman, Edward
- Pettman, Hatfield Edge
- Petty, James
- Petty, John, Earl of Shelburne
- Petty, John Procter
- Petvin, John
- Petvin, Joseph
- Petvin, William
- Peyton, Algernon Francis
- Peyton, (Sir) Henry (Bart.) (1)
- Peyton, (Sir) Henry (Bart.) (2)
- Peyton, Thomas Griffith
- Peyton, Thomas Thornhill
[edit]- Phabayn, John Baron
- Phabayn, John Finden Smith
- Phaire, Robert
- Pheasant, Rev. John Leslie Nevins
- Pheasant, Rev. William
- Phelips, Alfred Dering
- Phelips, Charles
- Phelips, Charles James
- Phelipps, Edward
- Phelips, Edward
- Phelipps, John
- Phelips, John
- Phelips, Richard Colston
- Phelips, Robert
- Phelips, Rev. William
- Phelips, William
- Phelp, John
- Phelp, William Awbery
- Phelps, Rev. Abraham
- Phelps, Arthur Whitmarsh
- Phelps, Charles
- Phelps, Edward Robert
- Phelps, Edward Spencer
- Phelps, Ernest James
- Phelps, Frederic Philip
- Phelps, Francis Robinson
- Phelps, Henry Cecil
- Phelps, Henry (Dampier) (1)
- Phelps, Henry Dampier (2)
- Phelps, James
- Phelps, John (1)
- Phelps, John (2)
- Phelps, John (3)
- Phelps, John (4)
- Phelps, John Blagden
- Phelps, John Delafield
- Phelps, John Freeman
- Phelps, Rev. Lancelot Ridley
- Phelps, Philip Ashby
- Phelps, Richard
- Phelps, Rev. Robert
- Phelps, Thomas (1)
- Phelps, Thomas (2)
- Phelps, Thomas (3)
- Phelps, Thomas (4)
- Phelps, Thomas Prankerd (1)
- Phelps, Thomas Prankerd (2)
- Phelps, Thomas Spencer
- Phelps, William (1)
- Phelps, William (2)
- Phelps, William Edward
- Phelps, William John
- Phelps, William (Whitmarsh)
- Phelps, William Whitmarsh
- Pheysey, Percy Alfred
- Philbedge, Evan
- Philby, James Bridgen
- Philcox, Charles
- Philcox, Henry Edward
- Philip, Alexander John Wilson
- Philipson, Hylton
- Philipson, Ralph Hilton
- Phillimore, Arthur
- Phillimore, Everton Grenville Bagot
- Phillimore, George
- Phillimore, George Greville
- Phillimore, Greville
- Phillimore, John Boucher
- Phillimore, John George
- Phillimore, Joseph (1)
- Phillimore, Joseph (2)
- Phillimore, Raymond Hawkeswood
- Phillimore, Reginald Phillimore
- Phillimore, Richard
- Phillimore, Robert
- Phillimore, (Sir) Robert Joseph (Bart.)
- Phillimore, (Sir) Walter George Francis (Bart.)
- Phillimore, William
- Phillimore, William Phillimore Watts
- Phillimore, William Robert
- Philips, Alexander
- Phillipps, Ambrose
- Phillipps, Charles (1)
- Phillips, Charles (1)
- Phillips, Charles (2)
- Philipps, Charles
- Phillipps, Charles (2)
- Phillips, Charles (3)
- Phillips, Charles Bannerman
- Phillips, Charles Edward
- Phillips, Charles James
- Phillips, Charles Maud
- Phillips, Charles Palmer
- Phillips, Charles Walter
- Phillips, Daniel
- Philips, David
- Phillips, Edward (1)
- Phillips, Edward (2)
- Philipps, Edward (1)
- Philipps, Edward (2)
- Phillips, Edward (3)
- Philips, Edward
- Phillips, Edward Mowbray
- Philipps, (Sir) Erasmus (Bart.)
- Philipps, Evan
- Philipps, Faulkner Cecil Lloyd
- Philips, Francis
- Phillips, Francis Angelo Theodore
- Phillips, Francis Barclay Willmer
- Phillips, Rev. Francis George Anderson
- Philips, Francis Maitland
- Phillips, Francis Roberts
- Phillips, Frank Henry
- Philips, Frederick
- Philipps, Frederick Lewis Lloyd
- Phillips, Frederick Parr
- Phillips, George (1)
- Phillips, George (2)
- Philips, George (1)
- Phillips, George (3)
- Phillips, George (4)
- Phillips, George (5)
- Philips, George (2)
- Philipps, George
- Philips, George Henry
- Phillips, George Newnham
- Phillips, George Waller
- Philips, George Washington (Edward)
- Philips, Gilbert Henderson
- Philipps, Griffith
- Philipps, Henry
- Phillips, Henry
- Philipps, Rev. Henry
- Phillips, Henry Charles Burnell
- Phillips, Henry Frederick
- Phillips, Henry John
- Phillipps, Henry March-
- Phillips, Herbert
- Phillips, Herbert Edward
- Phillips, Rev. Howell Jones
- Phillipps, Hugh March-
- Phillips, Hugh Moreton
- Phillips, James (1)
- Phillips, James (2)
- Philips, James (1)
- Philipps, James (1)
- Philips, James (2)
- Phillips, James (3)
- Phillips, James (4)
- Phillipps, James
- Philipps, James (2)
- Philipps, (Sir) James Erasmus (Bart.)
- Philipps, (Sir) James Evans (Bart.)
- Phillips, James Henry Alexander
- Phillips, Jenkin
- Philipps, Jeremiah
- Phillipps, John (1)
- Philipps, (Sir) John (Bart.)
- Philipps, John (1)
- Phillipps, John (2)
- Phillips, John (1)
- Philipps, John (2)
- Philips, John
- Phillips, John (2)
- Philipps, John (3)
- Phillipps, John (3)
- Philipps, John (4)
- Phillips, John (3)
- Philipps, John (5)
- Phillipps, John (4)
- Phillips, John (4)
- Phillips, John (5)
- Phillipps, John (5)
- Philipps, John (6)
- Phillipps, John (6)
- Phillips, John (6)
- Phillips, John (7)
- Phillips, John (8)
- Phillips, Rev. John
- Phillips, John Bartholomew
- Phillips, John George
- Philipps, John Henry
- Philipps, John Lloyd
- Phillips, John Shawe
- Phillips, John Spencer
- Philipps, John Wynford
- Phillips, Lewis Guy
- Philips, Luke
- Phillips, Martin Luther
- Philipps, Michael
- Phillips, Moreton Hassall
- Phillips, Nathaniel
- Phillipps, Nicholas
- Phillips, Owen
- Philipps, Owen
- Phillips, Rev. Percy Roberts
- Phillips, Philip (1)
- Philipps, Philip Lovell
- Phillips, Philip Lovell
- Phillips, Philip (2)
- Phillipps, Richard
- Phillips, Richard (1)
- Philips, Richard
- Philipps, Richard
- Phillips, Richard (2)
- Phillips, Richard Ballard
- Phillips, Robert (1)
- Phillips, Robert (2)
- Phillips, Robert (3)
- Phillipps, Robert Biddulph
- Philips, Roger
- Phillips, St. John Knox Rickards-
- Phillips, Samuel John
- Phillips, Sidney
- Phillips, Spencer William
- Philips, Stephen (1)
- Philips, Stephen (2)
- Philips, Stephen (3)
- Phillips, Sydney Archer
- Phillips, Thomas (1)
- Phillipps, Thomas (1)
- Phillipps, Thomas (2)
- Phillipps, Thomas (3)
- Phillips, Thomas (2)
- Phillips, Thomas (3)
- Phillipps, Thomas (4)
- Phillips, Thomas (4)
- Phillipps, Thomas (5)
- Phillipps, Thomas (6)
- Phillips, Thomas Falkner
- Phillipps, Thomas John
- Phillips, Thomas Lloyd
- Phillips, Thomas Shaw
- Philips, Walter Alison
- Philips, Walter Hibbert
- Phillips, William (1)
- Philips, William (1)
- Philipps, William
- Philips, William (2)
- Philips, William (3)
- Phillips, William (2)
- Philips, William (4)
- Phillipps, William
- Phillips, William (3)
- Phillips, William Alfred Maclure
- Philipps, William Charles
- Phillips, William Davies
- Phillipse, William George Thomas
- Phillips, William Hamilton
- Philipps, William Lewis
- Phillips, William Lucas
- Philips, William Morton
- Phillips, William Page Thomas
- Phillips, William Parr
- Philipps, (Sir) William Philipps Laugharne
- Phillips, William Spencer
- Philipps, William Thomas
- Phillips, Wilmot
- Phillipson, William Wynne Burton
- Phillott, Charles
- Phillott, Edward
- Phillott, Rev. Francis
- Phillott, George Henry
- Phillott, Henry Wright
- Phillott, Rev. Herbert
- Phillott, James (1)
- Phillott, James (2)
- Phillott, James Russell
- Phillott, John Stevens
- Phillpot, William Edwin
- Phillpotts, Rev. Barrington Henry Arthur
- Phillpotts, Edward Copleston
- Phillpotts, Henry
- Phillpotts, Henry John
- Phillpotts, Henry Robertson
- Phillpotts, James Surtees
- Phillpotts, John Hughes
- Phillpotts, John Scott
- Phillpotts, William Francis
- Phillpotts, William John
- Philosofof, General
- Philp, William
- Philpin, Frederick Style
- Philpot, George Douglas
- Philpot, Hamley Stanley
- Philpot, John Gold
- Philpot, Joseph Charles
- Philpot, William
- Philpot, William Benjamin
- Philpot, William Doveton
- Philpott, Charles Barrington
- Philpott, Rev. Francis Octavius
- Philpott, Henry Charles
- Philpott, Humphrey
- Philpott, John
- Philpott, Rev. John Nigel
- Philpott, Octavius
- Philpott, Other (1)
- Philpott, Other (2)
- Philpott, Thomas
- Philpott, Vaughan Williams
- Philpott, William
- Phinn, Charles Percival
- Phinn, Thomas
- Phipps, Rev. Barré
- Phipps, Constantine
- Phipps, Rev. Constantine Osborne
- Phipps, Edmund
- Phipps, Edward James
- Phipps, Frederick Hothersall
- Phipps, James (1)
- Phipps, James (2)
- Phipps, John Capel Barré
- Phipps, Pickering
- Phipps, Pownoll William
- Phipps, Richard Leckonby Hothersall
- Phipps, Thomas
- Phipps, Thomas Hele
- Phipps, Walter Tudway
- Phipps, William (Wilton)
- Phipson, Weatherley
- Phyn, John
[edit]- Piaget, Amy Petrus
- Picard, George
- Picart, Samuel (1)
- Picart, Samuel (2)
- Piccop, John
- Piccope, George John
- Pick, James
- Pickard, Charles Edward
- Pickard, George
- Pickard, Rev. Henry Adair
- Pickard, William Jesse
- Pickard, John Trenchard
- Pickering, (Sir) Edward (Bart.)
- Pickering, Edward
- Pickering, Francis Percy Umfreville
- Pickering, Isaac Berwick
- Pickering, James Bennett
- Pickering, James Henry
- Pickering, Rev. John
- Pickering, John
- Pickering, John Ferdinand Isaac
- Pickering, Joseph
- Pickering, Percival Spencer Umfreville
- Pickering, Percy Gilbert Umfreville
- Pickering, Richard
- Pickering, Samuel
- Pickering, Thomas
- Pickering, Thomas Edward
- Pickersgill, Richard Tennent
- Pickford, Edward Matthew
- Pickford, Rev. Francis Newland
- Pickford, James John
- Pickford, John (1)
- Pickford, John (2)
- Pickford, Rev. Joseph
- Pickford, Joseph
- Pickford, William
- Pickin, John Charles
- Pickin, Rev. Francis William
- Pickmere, Edward Ralph
- Pickthall, Henry
- Pickwick, Rev. Charles
- Pickwick, William
- Picton, Edward
- Pidcock, Benjamin
- Pidcock, John Hyde
- Pidding, Benjamin
- Pidding, James
- Piddington, Benjamin
- Piddington, William
- Piddocke, Rev. John
- Pidgeon, Winter Randell
- Pidsley, Edward (1)
- Pidsley, Edward (2)
- Pidsley, Simon
- Pidsley, Sydenham
- Pidsley, William
- Pidwell, Samuel
- Pierantoni, Augusto
- Pierce, Rev. Charles
- Pierce, Frederick
- Pierce, Henry Glyn
- Pierce, James
- Pierce, John (1)
- Pierce, John (2)
- Pierce, Robert
- Pierce, William
- Piercey, William
- Piercy, Daniel
- Piercy, George Henry
- Piercy, Rev. Peter
- Piercy, Thomas
- Pierpoint, Edward
- Pierpoint, Matthew Augustin
- Pierpoint, Robert
- Pierrepont, Charles
- Pierrepont, Charles Evelyn, Viscount Newark
- Pierrepont, Edward Willoughby
- Pierrepont, Hon. Edwards
- Pierrepont, Evelyn (Henry Frederick)
- Pierrepont, Hon. Evelyn Henry
- Pierrepont, Henry Bennet
- Pierrepont, Henry Manvers
- Pierrepont, Philip Sidney
- Pierrepont, Sidney William Herbert
- Piers, Octavius
- Pierson, Rev. Kirshaw Thomson
- Pierson, Thomas
- Pierson, William
- Piggin, John Henry
- Pigot, Arthur Cecil William
- Pigott, Arthur Gough
- Pigott, Arthur James
- Pigot, (Sir) Arthur (Leary)
- Pigott, Benjamin
- Pigott, Cecil Ernest
- Pigott, Cecil Hugh Smyth-
- Pigott, (Charles) Francis Corbet
- Pigott, Dryden Walter
- Piggott, Edmund James
- Pigott, Edward
- Pigot, Edward
- Pigot, Rev. Edward Charles
- Pigott, Edward Frederick Smyth
- Pigot, Francis
- Pigott-Stainsby-Conant, Francis
- Piggott, Fraser
- Pigott, Frederick William
- Pigot, George
- Pigott, George (1)
- Pigott, George (2)
- Pigott, George Octavius Smyth
- Pigott, George William
- Pigot, Harry Vernon
- Pigott, Henry Frederick
- Pigot, Henry Orlando
- Pigot, Henry Septimus
- Pigot, Hugh (1)
- Pigot, Hugh (2)
- Pigot, Hugh Lindsay
- Piggott, James
- Pigot, James Creswell
- Pigott, James Noel
- Pigott, John (1)
- Pigott, John (2)
- Pigott, John (3)
- Pigott, John (4)
- Piggott, John David
- Pigott, John Dryden (1)
- Pigott, John Dryden (2)
- Pigott, John Robert
- Pigot, John Tayleur
- Piggott, John William Mose Benjamin
- Pigott, Montague Horatio Mostyn Turtle
- Pigot, Richard
- Pigott, Richard Paynton
- Pigott, Robert
- Pigot, Robert
- Pigott, Robert Jackson
- Piggott, Samuel Rotton
- Pigott, Simon Fraser Cooke
- Piggott, Solomon
- Piggott, Theodore Caro
- Pigott, Thomas
- Pigot, Thomas
- Pigott, Thomas Southwell
- Pigott, Wadham
- Pigott, Wellesley Pole
- Pigott, William (1)
- Pigott, William (2)
- Pigot, William Melville
- Pigot, Clarence
- Pigot, Frederick Hugo
- Pigott, Henry Clarence
- Pigot, Robert Richard
- Pike, Arthur Leonard
- Pike, Frederick Popham
- Pike, Herbert Watson
- Pike, John
- Pike, John William
- Pike, Rev. Josias John
- Pike, Luke Owen
- Pike, Marmaduke Christian
- Pike, Thomas Mayer
- Pike, Warburton Mayer
- Pike, William Herbert
- Pilcher, Francis
- Pilcher, George Loat
- Pilcher, Giles Theodore
- Pilcher, John Harry Warton
- Pilcher, Matthew
- Pile, Archibald Jones
- Pile, George Laurie
- Pilgrim, John
- Pilgrim, Thomas
- Pilgrim, Robert Tegetmere
- Pilkington, Rev. Charles
- Pilkington, Charles (1)
- Pilkington, Charles (2)
- Pilkington, Charles (3)
- Pilkington, Charles Henry
- Pilkington, Claude William Egerton Milborne Swinnerton
- Pilkington, Frederick Wellington
- Pilkington, Harrison
- Pilkington, Henry
- Pilkington, Herbert Walter Malony
- Pilkington, James
- Pilkington, John
- Pilkington, (Sir) Lionel (Bart.)
- Pilkington, Matthew
- Pilkington, Richard
- Pilkington, (Sir) Thomas (Bart.)
- Pilkington, (Sir) Thomas Edward (Bart.)
- Pilkington, Thomas Edward Milborne Swinnerton
- Pilkington, Rev. William
- Pilkington, William Lee
- Pilling, John Henry Rushworth
- Pilling, John Rushworth
- Pilling, Octavius Frank
- Pillinger, John
- Pilsworth, Thomas
- Pim, Henry Bedford
- Pimblett, Charles Bradburn
- Pimlott, James
- Pinchback, Thomas
- Pinchin, Hugh Tennent
- Pinchin, John Robert
- Pinching, Horace Henderson
- Pinckard, Henry
- Pincke, Henry
- Pincke, Thomas
- Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth
- Pinckney, Erlysman
- Pinckney, George
- Pinckney, George Henry
- Pinckney, John Hearn
- Pinckney, Miles
- Pinckney, Robert
- Pinckney, Robert Arthur
- Pinckney, Thomas
- Pinckney, William
- Pincott, Edward London
- Pindar, John
- Pindar, Robert (1)
- Pindar, Robert (2)
- Pindar, Thomas
- Pinder, Edward
- Pinder, North
- Pinder, Reginald
- Pine, (Sir) Benjamin (Chilley Campbell)
- Pine, Edward
- Pine-Coffin, Rev. John
- Pine, Philip
- Pine-Coffin, Richard
- Pinfold, Charles John
- Pinfold, Joseph
- Ping, Andrew
- Pinhey, Arthur Francis
- Pinhey, Hugh Theodore
- Pinhey, Robert William Spottiswoode
- Pinhorn, Rev. Francis Reyner Brooksbank
- Pinhorn, George
- Pinkerton, John Saltwell
- Pinkerton, Robert Hamilton
- Pinkney, William
- Pinnell, Henry
- Pinnell, John
- Pinnell, Peter
- Pinney, John
- Pinney, William
- Pinniger, Henry Herbert
- Pinniger, Richard Broome
- Pinnock, James (1)
- Pinnock, James (2)
- Pinnock, Tom
- Pinnock, William Henry
- Pinwill, Edmund
- Pinwill, William James
- Pipe, James
- Pipe, Samuel (1)
- Pipe, Samuel (2)
- Pipon, James
- Pipon, James Clement Collier
- Pipon, Philip
- Pippin, Joseph
- Pirie, Francis Logie
- Pitcairn, Cecil Colvin
- Pitcairn, David
- Pitcairn, David Lee
- Pitcairn, James
- Pitcairn, Robert (1)
- Pitcairn, Robert (2)
- Pitcairne, William
- Pitcher, Frederick Augustus
- Pitcher, Rev. John Earle
- Pitchford, John
- Pitman, Rev. Allan Acland
- Pitman, Charles
- Pitman, Francis Edward
- Pitman, Frederick
- Pitman, Harry Anderson
- Pitman, James
- Pitman, James Campbell
- Pitman, James Samuel
- Pitman, James Walter
- Pitman, John (1)
- Pitman, John (2)
- Pitman, John (3)
- Pitman, John (4)
- Pitman, Joseph
- Pitman, Maurice William
- Pitman, Morgan
- Pitman, Thomas (1)
- Pitman, Thomas (2)
- Pitman, William Daniel
- Pitman, William Edward
- Pitman, William Parr
- Pitney, Matthew
- Pitt, Charles
- Pitt, Charles Whitworth
- Pitt, Christopher
- Pitt, Cornelius
- Pitt, Edward Martin
- Pitt, Evans
- Pitt, George (1)
- Pitt, George (2)
- Pitt, George Henry
- Pitt, George Lewis
- Pitt, Henry
- Pitt, James (1)
- Pitt, James (2)
- Pitt, James (3)
- Pitt, John (1)
- Pitt, John (2)
- Pitt, Joseph (1)
- Pitt, Joseph (2)
- Pitt, London King
- Pitt, Nicholas
- Pitt, Stephen
- Pitt, Thomas (1)
- Pitt, Thomas (2)
- Pitt, William (1)
- Pitt, William (2)
- Pitt, William Henry
- Pitt, William Morton
- Pittar, Charles William Erskine
- Pittaway, Stephen
- Pitter, John
- Pitters, Robert
- Pittman, Joseph Matthew
- Pitts, John
- Pitts, Nicholas Alfred
- Pix, George Banastre
- Pixell, John Pryn Parkes
- Pixell, Thomas
- Pizey, Charles Edward
[edit]- Place, Conyers
- Place, Edward
- Place, Matthew
- Place, Robert Harvey
- Plaisted, Henry
- Plaistowe, Richard
- Plant, Arthur Blurton
- Plant, George Ralph
- Plant, Henry Francis
- Plant, Samuel
- Plantamour, Emile Duval
- Plarr, Victor Gustavus
- Plasket, Thomas
- Plasted, Richard
- Platen, His Excellency Count de
- Plater, Rev. Herbert
- Plater, Rev. William Edward
- Platt, Alexander
- Platt, Edward Bertram Comyn
- Platt, Hugh Edward Pigott
- Platt, Noel
- Platt, Samuel
- Platt, Sydney
- Platt, William (1)
- Platt, William (2)
- Platt, Winfrid Alured Comyn
- Platten, Thomas Edward
- Platts, John Thompson
- Player, Edward
- Playfair, Arthur Grace
- Playfair, Rev. Charles Stuart Macdonald
- Playne, Arthur Twisden
- Plenderleath, William Charles
- Plessis, Peter du
- Plestow, Charles Berners
- Plestow, John Davis
- Pleydell, Edmund Morton (1)
- Pleydell, Edmund Morton (2)
- Pleydell, Jonathan Morton (1)
- Pleydell, Jonathan Morton (2)
- Pleydell, Thomas Morton
- Plimley, Henry
- Ploetz, Richard Adolf
- Plomer, John
- Plomer, Samuel
- Plomer, William
- Plow, Henry Anthony
- Plowden, Alfred Chichele
- Plowden, Charles Chichele
- Plowden, Francis
- Plowden, Thomas
- Plowman, Henry
- Plowman, John
- Plowman, John Warren
- Plows, William
- Plucknett, Charles
- Plucknett, Walter
- Plumb, Frederick
- Plumb, Thomas Street
- Plumbe, Thomas
- Plumbe, William
- Plumer, Charles John
- Plumer, Francis
- Plumer, Henry Richard Hugh
- Plumer, Henry Thomas
- Plumer, John Julius
- Plumer, (Sir) Thomas
- Plumer, Thomas Hall
- Plumer, Valentine
- Plummer, Alfred
- Plummer, Rev. Charles
- Plummer, Charles Scott
- Plummer, Francis Bowes
- Plummer, George Thomas
- Plummer, John Taylor
- Plummer, Joseph Walter Scott
- Plummer, Rowland Taylor
- Plummer, Seth Burge
- Plumptre, Charles John
- Plumptre, Charles Thomas
- Plumptre, Edward Hayes
- Plumptre, Francis Fitzherbert
- Plumptre, Frederick Charles
- Plumptre, Henry Fitzwalter
- Plumptre, Henry Scawen
- Plumptre, Henry Western (1)
- Plumptre, Henry Western (2)
- Plumptre, Henry Western (3)
- Plumptre, John Bridges (1)
- Plumptre, John Bridges (2)
- Plumptre, Robert Garland
- Plumptre, Robert William
- Plumptre, William Alfred
- Plumridge, Henry
- Plunkett, Horace Curzon
- Plunkett, Randall Edward
- Plunkett, Randal Edward Sherborn
- Plymley, Joseph
- Plymley, Panton
[edit]- Poate, Daniel
- Pochin, George
- Pocklington, Rev. Duncan
- Pocklington, Joseph
- Pocklington, Roger
- Pocock, Charles (Samuel)
- Pocock, Edward
- Pocock, (Sir) George (Bart.)
- Pocock, (Sir) George Edward (Bart.)
- Pocock, Rev. Herbert Llewellyn
- Pocock, Isaac John Innes
- Pocock, Nicholas
- Pococke, Ebenezer
- Pococke, John
- Pococke, John Blagrave
- Pococke, Richard (1)
- Pococke, Richard (2)
- Pode, Charles Coleridge
- Pode, Edward
- Pode, Ernest Duke Yonge
- Pode, John (Duke)
- Podger, John
- Podmore, Claude
- Podmore, Frank
- Podmore, George (1)
- Podmore, George (2)
- Podmore, Rev. Richard Hillman
- Podmore, Thomas Edward
- Podmore, Thompson
- Pogose, Gregory Joakim
- Pogose, Nicholas Joakim
- Pogson. Rev. Edward John
- Poingdestre, George
- Poingdestre, Herbert Allen
- Pointer, James
- Pole, Charles Chandos
- Pole, Charles Richard
- Pole, Edward (1)
- Pole, Edward (2)
- Pole, Edward (3)
- Pole, Edward (4)
- Pole, Edward Augustus
- Pole, Edward Sacheverell
- Pole, Edward Sacheverell Chandos (1)
- Pole, Edward Sacheverell Chandos (2)
- Pole, Evan William
- Pole, George Henry Law
- Pole, German
- Pole-Gell, Henry Chandos
- Pole, (Henry) Reginald Chandos
- Pole, Rev. Henry (Van Notten)
- Pole, Henry (Van Notten)
- Pole, John
- Pole, (Sir) John (Bart.)
- Pole, (Sir) John William (Bart.)
- Pole, Mundy
- Pole, Perriam
- Pole, (Sir) Peter (Van Notten, Bart.)
- Pole-Carew, Reginald
- Pole, Reginald
- Pole, Reginald Frederick
- Pole, Richard
- Pole, Samuel
- Pole, Watson Buller (Van Notten)
- Pole, William (1)
- Pole, William (2)
- Pole, William Chandos
- Pole, (Sir) William Edmund (Bart.)
- Pole, (Sir) William Templer (Bart.)
- Polehampton, Arthur
- Polehampton, Charles Arthur
- Polehampton, Edward Henry
- Polehampton, Edward Thomas William
- Polehampton, Henry Stedman
- Polehampton, Herbert Edward
- Polehampton, John
- Polehampton, Rev. John
- Polehampton, Thomas Stedman
- Poley, Arthur Pierre
- Poley, Thomas Weller
- Polhill, Charles
- Polhill, Edward
- Polhill, Frederick Campbell
- Polhill, Henry Western Onslow
- Polhill, Robert (1)
- Polhill, Robert (2)
- Polhill, Rev. William
- Polhill, William
- Pollard, Alfred William
- Pollard, Arthur Tempest
- Pollard, Rev. Cecil Sherard
- Pollard, Edward
- Pollard, George
- Pollard, Henry Bergman
- Pollard, Henry Smith
- Pollard, John (1)
- Pollard, John (2)
- Pollard, John (3)
- Pollard, Robert Crispe
- Pollard, Seth
- Pollard, Thomas
- Pollard, William Joseph
- Pollen, Arthur Joseph Hungerford
- Pollen, Benjamin
- Pollen, George Pollen Boileau
- Pollen, John
- Pollen, (Sir) John (Bart.)
- Pollen, John Douglas Boileau
- Pollen, John Hungerford
- Pollen, (Sir) John Walter (Bart.)
- Pollen, Richard (1)
- Pollen, Richard (2)
- Pollen, (Sir) Richard Hungerford (Bart.) (1)
- Pollen, (Sir) Richard Hungerford (Bart.) (2)
- Pollen, Thomas
- Polley, George
- Pollexfen, John
- Pollington, Richard
- Pollock, Arthur Williamson Alsager
- Pollock, Frank
- Pollock, Frederick
- Pollock, Henry Alsager
- Pollock, James Francis Edward Blomart
- Pollock, James Samuel
- Pollock, James Wilson
- Pollock, Thomas Benson
- Pollock, Wilfred Douglas
- Pollock, William James
- Pollok, Thomas
- Pollok, William Pollok Morris
- Polson, Hugh
- Polton, Thomas
- Polwhele, Richard
- Polwhele, William
- Pomeroy, Henry
- Pomeroy, John
- Pomeroy, John James
- Pomeroy, Joseph
- Pomeroy, William Knox (1)
- Pomeroy, William Knox (2)
- Pomery, John
- Pomery, Joseph
- Pomfret, George William Richard
- Pomfrett, Josias
- Pomphrey, John Lovell
- Pomphrey, Matthew
- Ponsford, James
- Ponsford, William
- Ponsonby, Frederick, Viscount Duncannon
- Ponsonby, Frederick John
- Ponsonby, George Glinn
- Ponsonby, John William, Viscount Duncannon
- Ponsonby, Maurice John George
- Ponsonby-Barker, William
- Pont, Henry
- Pontifex, Reginald Dalton
- Ponton, Daniel
- Ponten, Jesse
- Ponton, Thomas (1)
- Ponton, Thomas (2)
- Pooke, William Henry
- Poole, Alexander (1)
- Poole, Alexander (2)
- Poole, Alfred
- Poole, Anthony
- Poole, Arthur James
- Poole, Arthur Ruscombe
- Poole, Arthur William
- Poole, Charles (1)
- Poole, Charles (2)
- Poole, Charles (3)
- Poole, Charles Henry
- Poole, Cudworth
- Poole, Cudworth Halsted
- Poole, Domville
- Poole, Edward
- Poole, Francis
- Poole, Frederick John
- Poole, Rev. Frederick John
- Poole, Henry
- Poole, Henry James
- Poole, Henry John
- Poole, Henry Lyte
- Poole, Hugh
- Poole, Hugh Ruscombe
- Poole, James (1)
- Poole, James (2)
- Pool, John
- Poole, John (1)
- Poole, John (2)
- Poole, John (3)
- Poole, John (4)
- Poole, John (5)
- Poole, John Henry
- Poole, Josiah
- Poole, Nath.
- Pool, Nathaniel
- Poole, Reginald Lane
- Poole, Richard (1)
- Poole, Richard (2)
- Poole, Robert (1)
- Poole, Robert (2)
- Poole, Robert Blake
- Poole, Rev. Robert Burton
- Poole, Robert Henry
- Poole, Robert Henry John
- Poole, Samuel
- Poole, Rev. Sealy
- Poole, Stanley Edward Lane
- Pool, Thomas
- Poole, Thomas Eyre
- Poole, William (1)
- Poole, William (2)
- Poole, William Henry Wilkes
- Poole, William James
- Poole, William Savage
- Pooler, Henry
- Pooley, Henry
- Pooley, Rev. Herbert
- Pooley, William
- Poore, Edward (1)
- Poore, Edward (2)
- Poore, Edward (3)
- Poore, (Sir) Edward (Bart.)
- Poore, Edward Dyke (1)
- Poore, Edward Dyke (2)
- Poore, George Collins
- Poore, John
- Poore, Philip
- Poore, William Dyke
- Pope, Arthur Frederick
- Pope, Benjamin
- Pope, Charles Andrew
- Pope, Edward
- Pope, Edward Jesty
- Pope, Edwin
- Pope, Frederick Andrew
- Pope, Frederick Sherlock Willis
- Pope, George Henry
- Pope, George Uglow
- Pope, Henry Edmunds
- Pope, Henry Montagu Randall
- Pope, James
- Pope, John (1)
- Pope, John (2)
- Pope, John Billing
- Pope, John O'Fallon
- Pope, Montagu Mercer
- Pope, Reginald Henry
- Pope, Richard William Massy
- Pope, Septimus
- Pope, Simeon Lloyd
- Pope, William (1)
- Pope, William (2)
- Pope, William Burt
- Pope, William Havens
- Pope, Rev. William Henry
- Pope, William Langley
- Pope, William Law
- Pope, William Raymond
- Popham, Alexander (1)
- Popham, Alexander (2)
- Popham, Alexander (3)
- Popham, Alexander (4)
- Popham, Alexander Hugh Leyborne
- Popham, Edward (1)
- Popham, Edward (2)
- Popham, Edward (3)
- Popham, Edward William Leyborne (1)
- Popham, Edward William Leyborne (2)
- Popham, Edward William Leyborne (3)
- Popham, Francis (1)
- Popham, Francis (2)
- Popham, Francis Leyborne
- Popham, Francis White
- Popham, Francis William Leyborne
- Popham, George
- Popham, Hugh Francis Arthur Leyborne
- Popham, John (1)
- Popham, John (2)
- Popham, John Leyborne
- Popham, Thomas
- Popham, Vyvyan Wallis
- Popham, William
- Popkin, George Traherne
- Popkin, Robert
- Popkin, Thomas
- Poppe, Philip Edward
- Popplewell, William
- Porch, John
- Porcher, Charles
- Porcher, George Dupré
- Porre, William de
- Port, Bernard
- Port, George Richard ,
- Port, John
- Portal, Andrew
- Portal, Charles Septimus
- Portal, Edward Robert
- Portal, George Raymond
- Portal, Melville
- Portal, Melville Raymond
- Portal, Spencer John
- Portal, Thomas
- Portal, William (Benjamin)
- Portal, William Richard
- Portal, William Wyndham
- Portbury, Fisher
- Portbury, George
- Porten, Stanier James
- Porteous, David Scott
- Porter, Adrian Matthew
- Porter, Rev. Alfred
- Porter, Benjamin
- Porter, Charles
- Porter, Rev. Charles Kirby
- Porter, George (1)
- Porter, George (2)
- Porter, Rev. George
- Porter, George (3)
- Porter, Henry
- Porter, Rev. Henry Blanc
- Porter, Rev. Henry Leech
- Porter, John
- Porter, John Robinson
- Porter, Joseph
- Porter, Lewis
- Porter, Moses
- Porter, Reginald
- Porter, Richard (1)
- Porter, Richard (2)
- Porter, Robert
- Porter, Robert Ibbetson
- Porter, Robert Waltham
- Porter, Stafford
- Porter, Thomas (1)
- Porter, Thomas (2)
- Porter, Thomas Chinnall
- Porter, Rev. Thomas Cunningham
- Porter, Walter
- Porter, Wilfrid King
- Porter, Rev. William Warren
- Portington, Henry
- Portis, John
- Portlock, Benjamin
- Portman, Edward Berkeley
- Portman, Edward William Berkeley
- Portman, Edwin Berkeley
- Portman, Fitzharding Berkeley
- Portman, Henry Berkeley
- Portman, Henry Fitzhardinge Berkeley
- Portman, Henry William
- Portman, Walter Berkeley
- Portman, (Hon.) William Henry Berkeley
- Portrey, David
- Portney, John
- Post, Frederick Alfred
- Postance, Charles Groves
- Postance, Richard
- Postance, Rev. Walsham
- Postance, Rev. William Edmund
- Poste, Edward
- Postgate, John Lionel
- Postlethwaite, George
- Postlethwayt, John
- Postlethwaite, John
- Postlethwayt, Matthew
- Postlethwaite, Richard
- Postlethwaite, Thomas Marshall
- Potemkin, James
- Potenger, Richard
- Potier, John
- Potlrie, Charles
- Pots, John
- Pott, Alfred
- Pott, Arthur Sidney
- Pott, Charles Percivall
- Pott, Edward
- Pott, Francis (1)
- Pott, Francis (2)
- Pott, John Arthur
- Pott, John Lee
- Pottell, William
- Potter, Arthur Bayley
- Potter, Benjamin Conway
- Potter, Charles
- Potter, Charles Augustus
- Potter, Christopher
- Potter, Edward Arthur Smalley
- Potter, Emmanuel
- Potter, Fitzherbert
- Potter, Francis
- Potter, Frederick Howson
- Potter, Frederick William Cecil
- Potter, George
- Potter, Rev. George Harries
- Potter, Rev. George Walpole
- Potter, The Right Rev. Horatio
- Potter, John
- Potter, John Charles
- Potter, John Haslock
- Potter, John Henry
- Potter, Rev. John Philips
- Potter, Peter
- Potter, Thomas (1)
- Potter, Thomas (2)
- Potter, Thomas Ashton
- Potter, William
- Potticary, George Brown Francis
- Potticary, William
- Pottinger, Head
- Pottinger, (Sir) Henry (Bart.)
- Pottinger, Henry Allison
- Potts, Andrew
- Potts, Charles Henry
- Potts, Rev. Frederick Arthur
- Potts, George William
- Potts, Henry John
- Potts, John
- Potts, Leonard Francis
- Potts, Robert
- Potts, Robert Ullock
- Potts, Thomas Radford
- Poucheé, George John
- Poulden, Rev. James Bedford
- Poulett, Anne
- Poulett, John, Viscount Hinten
- Poulett, Vere
- Poulett, Vere (Viscount Hinton)
- Poulson, George (1)
- Poulson, George (2)
- Poulson, Thomas
- Poulter, Brownlow
- Poulter, Donald Francis Ogilvy
- Poulter, Edmund Sayer
- Poulter, John Sayer
- Poulter, Thomas
- Poulton, Albert Henry Allen
- Poulton, Edward Bagnall
- Pound, Alfred John
- Pound, Rev. Robert William
- Pound, Thomas
- Pouney, Henry
- Pountney, Francis
- Pountney, Humphrey
- Poutiatine, Basil
- Povah, Alfred (1)
- Povah, Alfred (2)
- Povah, Francis
- Povah, Francis Kohler
- Povah, John Richard
- Povah, Rev. Richard Worgan
- Powell, Alexander (1)
- Powell, Alexander (2)
- Powell, Alexander (3)
- Powell, Arthur
- Powell, Arthur Crofts
- Powell, Rev. Astell Drayner
- Powell, Baden
- Powell, Charles (1)
- Powell, Charles (2)
- Powell, Charles (3)
- Powell, Charles Marten
- Powell, Charles Watson
- Powell, Clement
- Powell, Daniel Philip
- Powell, David
- Powel, David
- Powell, Rev. David Thomas
- Powell, Edmund (1)
- Powell, Edmund (2)
- Powell, Rev. Edmund Nathaniel
- Powell, Edward (1)
- Powel, Edward (1)
- Powel, Edward (2)
- Powell, Edward (2)
- Powell, Edward Henry
- Powell, Rev. Edward Parry
- Powell, Evan
- Powell, Francis (1)
- Powell, Francis (2)
- Powell, Francis Sharp
- Powell, Francis Smyth Baden-
- Powell, Frank Joseph
- Powell, Frederick
- Powell, Frederick Walter
- Powell, Frederick York
- Powell, Gabriel
- Powell, George
- Powell, Rev. George Bather
- Powell, George Ernest John
- Powell, George Francis Sydenham
- Powell, George Gordon
- Powell, (Sir) George Smyth Baden-
- Powell, Rev. Gervas
- Powell, Harry George
- Powell, Harry James
- Powell, Henry (1)
- Powell, Henry (2)
- Powell, Henry (3)
- Powell, Henry Albert
- Powell, Henry Clark
- Powell, Henry Townsend (1)
- Powell, Henry Townsend (2)
- Powell, Herbert Andrews
- Powell, Hew David Steuart
- Powell, Hew Steuart
- Powell, Howell
- Powell, Isaac Ormsby
- Powell, James (1)
- Powell, James (2)
- Powell, James (3)
- Powell, James (4)
- Powell, Rev. James
- Powell, James (5)
- Powell, James (6)
- Powell, James Baden
- Powell, James Cotton
- Powell, James Howell Bevan
- Powell, John (1)
- Powell, John (2)
- Powell, John (3)
- Powell, John (4)
- Powell, John (5)
- Powell, John (6)
- Powell, John (7)
- Powell, John (8)
- Powell, John (9)
- Powell, John (10)
- Powell, John (11)
- Powell, John (12)
- Powell, John Folliott
- Powell, John Harcourt
- Powell, John Henry
- Powell, Rev. John Keal
- Powell, (Sir) John Kynaston (Bart.)
- Powell, John Robert
- Powell, John Undershell
- Powell, John Welstead Sharp
- Powell, Joseph (1)
- Powell, Joseph (2)
- Powell, Joseph (3)
- Powell, Joshua (1)
- Powell, Joshua (2)
- Powell, Legh Richmond
- Powell, Lewis
- Powell, Mansell
- Powell, Martin
- Powell, Morgan (1)
- Powell, Morgan (2)
- Powell, Rev. Morgan Jones
- Powell, Peter
- Powell, Pierce
- Powell, Powys
- Powell, Rees (1)
- Powell, Rees (2)
- Powell, Richard (1)
- Powell, Richard (2)
- Powell, Richard (3)
- Powell, Richard (4)
- Powell, Richard (5)
- Powell, Richard (6)
- Powell, Robert
- Powell, Roger
- Powell, Samuel
- Powel, Stewart McGregor
- Powell, Thomas (1)
- Powell, Thomas (2)
- Powell, Thomas (3)
- Powell, Thomas (4)
- Powell, Thomas (5)
- Powell, Thomas (6)
- Powell, Thomas (7)
- Powell, Thomas (8)
- Powell, Thomas (9)
- Powell, Thomas (10)
- Powell, Thomas (11)
- Powell, Thomas (12)
- Powel, Thomas (1)
- Powel, Thomas (2)
- Powell, Thomas (13)
- Powell, Rev. Thomas
- Powell, Thomas (14)
- Powell, Thomas Baden (1)
- Powell, Thomas Baden (2)
- Powell, Thomas Baden (3)
- Powell, Thomas Crump
- Powell, Thomas Edmund
- Powell, Thomas Edward
- Powell, Thomas Harcourt
- Powell, Thomas John
- Powell, Thomas Lewis
- Powell, Thomas (Prosser)
- Powell, Townsend
- Powell, Walter (1)
- Powell, Walter (2)
- Powell, Walter Posthumus
- Powell, Walter Rice
- Powell, Walter Rice Howell
- Powell, William (1)
- Powell, William (2)
- Powell, William (3)
- Powell, William (4)
- Powell, William (5)
- Powell, William (6)
- Powell, William (7)
- Powell, William (8)
- Powell, William (9)
- Powell, William (10)
- Powell, William Edward
- Powell, William George
- Powell, William Hawkins
- Powell, William Wilfrid
- Powell, alias Symonds, William
- Power, D'Arcy
- Power, Rev. Edward
- Power, Guy Francis Thomas
- Power, Henry Bolton
- Power, John
- Power, John Peckleton
- Power, Rev. Joseph
- Power, Manley
- Power, Philip Bennett
- Power, Philip Ernest de Poer
- Powers, George Wightman
- Powles, Allen Henry
- Powles, Ernest
- Powles, Frederick James Endell
- Powles, George le Blanc
- Powles, Henry Charles
- Powles, John Richard
- Powles, Louis Charles
- Powles, Louis Diston
- Powles, Michael
- Powles, Rev. Richard Cowley
- Powlett, Charles John
- Powlett, Harry George
- Powlett, Norton
- Powlett, Percy William
- Powlett, Robert
- Powley, Rev. Arthur Thomas
- Powley, Matthew (1)
- Powley, Matthew (2)
- Powley, Robert
- Pownall, Assheton
- Pownall, Charles Colyear Beaty
- Pownall, Francis
- Pownall, William
- Pownall, Rev. William Thomas Beaty-
- Powne, Thomas
- Powney, Rev. Henry
- Powney, Penyston
- Powney, Peniston
- Powney, Richard
- Powning, Frederick Edmonds
- Pownoll, Israel
- Powys, Atherton Legh
- Powys, Rev. Charles Richard
- Powys, Francis Arthur
- Powys, Henry
- Powys, Henry Leycester
- Powys, Henry Lyttleton
- Powys, Henry Philip
- Powys, Horace Annesley
- Powys, Hon. John
- Powys, Philip
- Powys, Philip Barrington Lybbe
- Powys, Philip Lybbe (1)
- Powys, Philip Lybbe (2)
- Powys, Richard
- Powys, Richard Thomas
- Powys, Thomas (1)
- Powys, Thomas (2)
- Powys, Thomas (3)
- Powys, Thomas (4)
- Powys, Thomas Arthur
- Powys, Thomas Atherton
- Powys, Thomas Lyttleton
- Powys, William Percy
- Poynder, Edmund Samuel
- Poynder, Frederick
- Poynder, Frederick Cecil
- Poynder, (Sir) John Poynder Dickson
- Poynder, Thomas Henry Allen
- Poynder, William
- Poynton, Arthur Blackburne
- Poynton, Francis John
- Poynton, Henry Hopwood
- Poyntz, Charles
- Poyntz, James William
- Poyntz, Nathaniel
- Poyntz, Nathaniel Castleton Stephen
- Poyntz, Newdigate (1)
- Poyntz, Newdigate (2)
- Poyntz, William
- Poyntz, William Dean
- Poyntz, William Stephen
- Poyser, Arthur Horatio
[edit]- Praed, Charles Tyringham
- Praed, Herbert
- Praed, Humphrey
- Praed, James (Backwell)
- Praed, Rev. John
- Praed, John Mackworth
- Praed, William (1)
- Praed, William (2)
- Praed, William Backwell
- Prall, Richard Evans
- Prance, Charles Henry
- Prankerd, Archibald Arthur
- Prankerd, Percy John
- Pratchet, James (1)
- Pratchet, James (2)
- Prater, Richard
- Prater, Thomas
- Pratt, Charles Durham
- Pratt, Charles Ernest
- Pratt, Charles Tiplady
- Pratt, Edward Haslope
- Pratt, Frederick Thomas
- Pratt, Rev. George Edward Haslope
- Pratt, George Henry
- Pratt, Henry
- Pratt, Henry Edward
- Pratt, Henry Madan
- Pratt, Jacob (Vivour)
- Pratt, Rev. Jermyn
- Prat, John
- Pratt, John (1)
- Pratt, John (2)
- Pratt, John (3)
- Pratt, Rev. John Joseph
- Pratt, Josiah
- Pratt, Julian
- Pratt, Mervyn
- Pratt, Philip Edgar
- Prat, Richard (1)
- Prat, Richard (2)
- Prat, Rev. Richard
- Pratt, Robert
- Prat, Samuel (1)
- Prat, Samuel (2)
- Pratt, Thomas
- Pratt, Thomas Dowell
- Prat, Thomas Heaviside
- Pratt, William (1)
- Pratt, William (2)
- Pratt, Rev. William Barrow
- Pratten, Caesar
- Prattenton, Edward
- Prattenton, Rev. George Deakin Onley
- Prattinton, James
- Prattinton, Peter
- Pré, Arthur Michael Duncombe du
- Precavance, Thomas
- Preedy, Benjamin (1)
- Preedy, Benjamin (2)
- Preedy, Charles
- Preedy, James
- Preedy, Rev. William
- Preest, William Shuttleworth
- Prendergast, Lenox
- Prendergast, Michael
- Prendergast, William Paul
- Prentice, George Hailey
- Prentice, George Seward
- Prentice, Henry
- Prescot, Charles Kenrick
- Prescot, Charless Warre
- Prescot, Edward
- Prescot, Kelsall
- Prescot, Kenrick
- Prescot, Oldfield Kelsall
- Prescot, Richard
- Prescot, Rev. William Henry
- Prescott, Benjamin Barton
- Prescott, Charles John
- Prescott, Edgar Grote
- Prescott, Henry
- Prescott, Henry Frederick
- Prescott, Isaac Philip
- Prescott, John
- Prescott, Rev. Peter
- Prescott, William Hickling
- Presland, Thomas
- Pressey, Rev. William James
- Prestidge, Thomas Kimbel
- Preston, Aaron Necke
- Preston, Anthony
- Preston, Charles Moyes
- Preston, Charles Sansome
- Preston, Charles William Antony
- Preston, Franklin Roberts
- Preston, George
- Preston, Rev. George Herbert
- Preston, George Wooller
- Preston, Henry Jacob
- Preston, Isaac (1)
- Preston, Isaac (2)
- Preston, John (1)
- Preston, John (2)
- Preston, John (3)
- Preston, John (4)
- Preston, John D'Arcy Jervis
- Preston, John D'Arcy (Warcop)
- Preston, John Wilby (1)
- Preston, John Wilby (2)
- Preston, Martin Inett
- Preston, Nicholas
- Preston, Richard
- Preston, Robert Arthur Berthon
- Preston, Robert William Pigott Clarke Campbell-
- Preston, Roland D'Arcy
- Preston, Samuel
- Preston, Stephen
- Preston, Thomas
- Preston, Thomas Henry
- Preston, William (1)
- Preston, William (2)
- Preston, William (3)
- Preston, William (4)
- Preston, Rev. William Babington
- Preston, William Michael Stephenson
- Preston, William Stephenson
- Preston, William Thomas
- Prestwich, Joseph
- Prestwood, Thomas
- Pretyman, Frederick
- Pretyman, George
- Pretyman, Henry George Middleton
- Pretyman, John Radclyffe
- Pretyman, Richard
- Prevost, Charles Thomas Keble
- Prevost, (Sir) George (Bart.)
- Prevost, George Phipps
- Priaulx, Peter
- Priaulx, Osmond
- Pricavance, Thomas
- Price, Andrew
- Price, Arthur
- Price, Arthur Henry
- Price, Arthur Radcliffe
- Price, Aubrey
- Price, Aubrey Charles (1)
- Price, Aubrey Charles (2)
- Price, Aubrey Charles (3)
- Price, Aubrey Charles (4)
- Price, Bartholomew (1)
- Price, Bartholomew (2)
- Price, Bonamy
- Price, Rev. Cadwgan Powell
- Price, (Sir) Charles (Bart.) (1)
- Price, Charles (1)
- Price, Charles (2)
- Price, (Sir) Charles (Bart.) (2)
- Price, Charles (3)
- Price, Charles (4)
- Price, Charles Cameron
- Price, Charles Godfrey
- Price, Charles James Coverly
- Price, Charles Parker
- Price, Chase
- Price, Rev. Clement
- Price, Corbet
- Price, Cormell
- Price, Cyril
- Price, Daniel
- Price, Rev. Daniel
- Price, David (1)
- Price, David (2)
- Price, David (3)
- Price, David (4)
- Price, David (5)
- Price, David (6)
- Price, David (7)
- Price, Edmund
- Price, Edward (1)
- Price, Edward (2)
- Price, Edward (3)
- Price, Edward (4)
- Price, Edward (5)
- Price, Rev. Edward William
- Price, Edwin Plumer
- Price, Eugene
- Price, Fowler Boyd
- Price, Francis
- Price, Frederick Richard
- Price, George (1)
- Price, George (2)
- Price, George (3)
- Price, George Bowen Jordan
- Price, George Frederick
- Price, George Herbert
- Price, George Winter
- Price, Griffith
- Price, Henry (1)
- Price, Henry (2)
- Price, Rev. Henry Courtenay
- Price, Henry George
- Price, Henry Hugh
- Price, Rev. Henry Malme
- Price, Henry Samuel Benbow
- Price, Henry Tilley
- Price, Herbert
- Price, Herbert Chase Green-
- Price, Herbert Coram
- Price, Howel
- Price, Hugh (1)
- Price, Hugh (2)
- Price, Hugh (3)
- Price, Hugh (4)
- Price, Hugh (5)
- Price, Hugh (6)
- Price, Hugh (7)
- Price, Hugh Bankes-
- Price, Hugh Brocas
- Price, Rev. Hugh Pendrell
- Price, James (1)
- Price, James (2)
- Price, James (3)
- Price, James (4)
- Price, James (5)
- Price, James (6)
- Price, James Higginbotham
- Price, James Mansel
- Price, James Victor
- Price, John (1)
- Price, John (2)
- Price, John (3)
- Price, John (4)
- Price, John (5)
- Price, John (6)
- Price, John (7)
- Price, John (8)
- Price, John (9)
- Price, John (10)
- Price, John (11)
- Price, John (12)
- Price, John (13)
- Price, John (14)
- Price, John (15)
- Price, John (16)
- Price, John (17)
- Price, John (18)
- Price, John (19)
- Price, John (20)
- Price, John (21)
- Pryce, John
- Price, Rev. John
- Price, John Alfred Parry
- Price, John Arthur
- Price, John Charles
- Price, John Davis
- Price, John Gilbert
- Price, John Henry
- Price, John Rice
- Price, Joseph
- Price, Langford Lovell Frederick Rice
- Price, Lewis
- Price, Lewis Herbert
- Price, Llewelyn Bankes
- Price, Lloyd John
- Price, Marmaduke Gwynne
- Price, Miles
- Price, Morgan
- Price, Owen Talbot
- Price, Peter (1)
- Price, Peter (2)
- Price, Philip Richard
- Price, Ralph (1)
- Price, Ralph (2)
- Price, Ralph (3)
- Price, Randal Rose
- Price, Rees Charles
- Price, Rice (1)
- Price, Rice (2)
- Price, Rice (3)
- Price, Rev. Rice
- Price, Richard (1)
- Price, Richard (2)
- Price, Richard (3)
- Price, Richard (4)
- Price, Richard (5)
- Price, Richard (6)
- Price, Richard (7)
- Price, Richard (8)
- Price, Richard (9)
- Price, Richard (10)
- Price, Richard (11)
- Price, Richard Edward
- Price, Richard Henry
- Price, Richard John
- Price, Richard John Lloyd
- Price, Robert (1)
- Price, Robert (2)
- Price, Robert (3)
- Price, Robert (4)
- Price, (Sir) Robert (Bart.)
- Price, Robert Albert
- Price, Robert Cholmeley
- Price, Roger
- Price, (Sir) Rose (Bart.)
- Price, Rose Lambart
- Price, Salusbury
- Price, Rev. Salisbury James Murray
- Price, Thelwall
- Price, Theophilus
- Price, Thomas (1)
- Price, Thomas (2)
- Price, Thomas (3)
- Price, Thomas (4)
- Price, Thomas (5)
- Price, Rev. Thomas (1)
- Price, Thomas (6)
- Price, Thomas (7)
- Price, Thomas (8)
- Price, Thomas (9)
- Price, Thomas (10)
- Price, Thomas (11)
- Price, Thomas (12)
- Price, Thomas (13)
- Price, Thomas (14)
- Price, Thomas (15)
- Price, Thomas (16)
- Price, Thomas (17)
- Price, Thomas (18)
- Price, Thomas (19)
- Price, Thomas (20)
- Price, Thomas (21)
- Price, Rev. Thomas (2)
- Price, Thomas Charles
- Price, Thomas Phillips
- Price, (Sir) Uvedale (Bart.)
- Price, Uvedale Thomas (Shudd)
- Price, Rev. Walter Lloyd
- Price, Wilfred Thomas Rokeby
- Price, William (1)
- Price, William (2)
- Price, William (3)
- Price, William (4)
- Price, William (5)
- Price, William (6)
- Price, William (7)
- Price, William (8)
- Price, William (9)
- Price, William (10)
- Price, William (11)
- Price, William Arthur (1)
- Price, William Arthur (2)
- Price, William Brinton
- Price, William George
- Price, William Henry
- Price, Rev. William Henry
- Price, William Hughes Bankes-
- Price, William James
- Price, Rev. William Thomas
- Prichard, Albert Herman
- Prichard, Benjamin
- Prichard, Rev. Benjamin
- Prichard, Charles (Arthur)
- Prichard, Charles Collwyn
- Prichard, Constantine Estlin
- Prichard, David (1)
- Prichard, David (2)
- Prichard, Evan
- Prichard, Francis Augustine
- Prichard, George
- Prichard, George Herbert
- Prichard, Henry (1)
- Prichard, Henry (2)
- Prichard, Hugh
- Prichard, James Cowles
- Prichard, Rev. James Cowles
- Prichard, James Edward
- Prichard, John (1)
- Prichard, John (2)
- Prichard, John (3)
- Prichard, Rev. John
- Prichard, John James
- Prichard, Matthew Stewart
- Prichard, Richard (1)
- Prichard, Richard (2)
- Prichard, Richard Bethell Allan
- Prichard, Richard Posthumus
- Prichard, Robert (1)
- Prichard, Robert (2)
- Prichard, Robert Anwyl
- Prichard, Robert Robert
- Prichard, Roland
- Prichard, Rev. Theodore Joseph
- Prichard, Thomas (1)
- Prichard, Thomas (2)
- Prichard, Thomas (3)
- Prichard, Timothy
- Prichard, Walter
- Prichard, Walter Henry
- Prichard, William
- Prickard, Arthur Octavius
- Prickard, Harry Seddon
- Prickard, Nathan Seddon
- Prickard, Thomas
- Prickard, Thomas Charles
- Prickett, Giles
- Prickett, James
- Prickett, Marmaduke Alan
- Prickett, William Ward
- Pridden, Frederick Swaby
- Pridden, John
- Pridden, William
- Pridden, William Henry
- Prideaux, Charles Grevile
- Prideaux, Hugh
- Prideaux, Rev. Walter Thomas
- Prideaux, William Francis
- Prideaux, Rev. William Henry
- Pridham, Charles (1)
- Pridham, Charles (2)
- Pridham, John
- Priest, Henry
- Priest, John
- Priest, Richard (1)
- Priest, Richard (2)
- Priest, Simon
- Priest, Walter
- Priest, Rev. William John
- Priestley, Albert Wesley
- Priestley, Henry Samuel
- Priestley, John
- Priestley, Joseph William
- Priestley, Richard Edwards
- Priestley, Samuel Owen
- Priestley, William
- Priestman, John Smith
- Prime, Samuel Stansfield
- Primrose, Archibald Philip, Baron Dalmeny
- Primrose, Henry William
- Prince, Arthur
- Prince, Charles (1)
- Prince, Charles (2)
- Prince, Daniel
- Prince, Edward Becher
- Prince, George
- Prince, Harry Forth Wicksteed
- Prince, Henry Rhodes
- Prince, John (1)
- Prince, John (2)
- Prince, John (3)
- Prince, John Charles (1)
- Prince, John Charles (2)
- Prince, Philip Cowling
- Prince, Robert
- Prince, Samuel
- Prince, Thomas
- Prince, William (1)
- Prince, William (2)
- Pring, Rev. Daniel James
- Pring, Ellis Roberts
- Pring, Isaac
- Pring, Isaac Heathcote
- Pring, James Cubit
- Pring, Rev. John
- Pring, Joseph
- Pring, Joseph Charles
- Pring, William Mansfield
- Pringle, John (1)
- Pringle, John (2)
- Pringle, John Alexander Gordon
- Pringuer, Henry Thomas
- Prinsep, Harry Stewart
- Prinsep, John
- Prinsep, Thomas
- Prinsep, Thomas Levett
- Prioleau, Richard Trenholm
- Prior, Rev. Charles Edward
- Prior, Edward
- Prior, Frederick Henry
- Prior, George
- Prior, George Sayle (1)
- Prior, George Sayle (2)
- Prior, George Thurland
- Prior, Henry Granger
- Prior, Henry Lawrence
- Prior, Henry Stansfield
- Prior, Herman Ludolph
- Prior, John
- Prior, John (Laurence)
- Prior, Rev. Jonathan Charles
- Prior, Richard Chandler Alexander
- Prior, Thomas
- Prior, William
- Prior, James
- Pritchard, Rev. Albert Richard
- Pritchard, Arthur
- Pritchard, Charles
- Pritchard, Ebenezer
- Pritchard, Edward
- Pritchard, George Eric Campbell
- Pritchard, Godfrey
- Pritchard, Henry (1)
- Pritchard, Henry (2)
- Pritchard, Lorenzo Alfred
- Pritchard, Richard (1)
- Pritchard, Richard (2)
- Pritchard, Rev. Richard Hughes
- Pritchard, Robert
- Pritchard, Robert Albion
- Pritchard, Robert Henry
- Pritchard, Rowland
- Pritchard, Thomas John
- Pritchard, Thomas Sirrell
- Pritchard, Thomas William
- Pritchard, William
- Pritchett, George
- Pritchett, John
- Pritchett, John (Suckling)
- Pritchett, Richard
- Pritchett, Samuel
- Pritchett, Thomas Edward
- Pritchett, Rev. John Frederick Stephen
- Pritt, Drinkall
- Privett, Thomas
- Probart, Francis
- Probert, Thomas (1)
- Probert, Thomas (2)
- Probert, William Geoffrey
- Proberts, Charles
- Proby, John Joshua, Earl of Carysfort
- Proby, John Joshua
- Probyn, Edmund (1)
- Probyn, Edmund (2)
- Probyn, John (1)
- Probyn, John (2)
- Probyn, William
- Procter, Charles Tickell
- Procter, James (1)
- Procter, James (2)
- Procter, John
- Procter, John Mathias
- Procter, Thomas (1)
- Procter, Thomas (2)
- Procter, Thomas (3)
- Proctor, George
- Proctor, George Henry
- Proctor, George Vizard
- Proctor, Gordon Percy
- Proctor, Henry
- Proctor, John Edward Ingleby
- Proctor, Robert George Collier
- Proctor, Thomas (1)
- Proctor, Thomas (2)
- Proctor, Thomas (3)
- Proctor, Thomas (4)
- Proctor, William
- Proctor, Sir William Beauchamp, Bart.
- Proctor, William Henry
- Prodgers, Edwin (1)
- Prodgers, Edwin (2)
- Prodgers, Herbert
- Propert, James
- Propert, Thomas
- Propert, William
- Propert, William (Gough)
- Propert, William Peregrine
- Prosser, Francis Richard Wegg-
- Prosser, Henry Paul
- Prosser, James (1)
- Prosser, James (2)
- Prosser, John (1)
- Prosser, John (2)
- Prosser, John (3)
- Prosser, Joseph Camplin
- Prosser, Richard (1)
- Prosser, Richard (2)
- Prosser, Robert
- Prosser, Samuel (1)
- Prosser, Samuel (2)
- Prosser, Samuel (3)
- Prosser, Theophilus (1)
- Prosser, Theophilus (2)
- Prosser, Thomas (1)
- Prosser, Thomas (2)
- Prosser, Thomas (3)
- Prosser, Thomas (4)
- Prosser, Thomas (5)
- Prosser, Walter Byron
- Prosser, William (1)
- Prosser, William (2)
- Prosser, William (3)
- Prosser, Louis Anthony
- Prothero, David
- Prothero, Edward
- Prothero, Edward Marsh
- Prothero, Ernest Macdonald
- Prothero, Francis Thomas Egerton
- Prothero, George
- Prothero, Henry Allen
- Prothero, John Edwards
- Prothero, Michael Ernle Du Sautoy
- Prothero, Rowland Edmund
- Prothero, Thomas (1)
- Prothero, Thomas (2)
- Prothero, Thomas (3)
- Protheroe, Charles
- Protheroe, Edward (Davis)
- Protheroe, William Ford
- Prout, John Arthur
- Prout, John William
- Prout, Thomas
- Prout, Thomas Jones
- Prout, William
- Prout, William Smart
- Provand, Charles Maxwell
- Provand, Henry John
- Prower, John
- Prower, John Elton Mervin
- Prower, John Mervin
- Prower, Mervyn
- Prower, Nelson
- Prowett, John
- Prowett, Rev. John Henry
- Prowett, Richard
- Prowse, George (1)
- Prowse, George (2)
- Prowse, George (3)
- Prowse, George Bragge
- Prowse, James
- Prowse, John
- Prowse, John Arbuthnot
- Prowse, Richard Orton
- Prowse, Thomas (1)
- Prowse, Thomas (2)
- Prowse, Rev. William
- Prowse, William
- Prowse, William Charles Thomas
- Pruen, George Griffiths
- Pruen, Henry
- Pruen, Hudson Boyce
- Pruen, John
- Pruen, John Ashmead
- Pruen, Thomas (1)
- Pruen, Thomas (2)
- Pruen, William Ashmead
- Prussia, Frederick William III., King of
- Prussia, Frederick William IV., King of
- Prussia, William, King of
- Prussia, Frederick III., King of
- Prussia, Prince Augustus of
- Prussia, Prince Frederick of
- Prussia, Prince William of
- Prust, Joseph
- Prust, Joseph Prust
- Prust, Michael
- Prutheroe, Charles
- Pryce, Alexander Thomas Albert
- Pryce, Alan Cameron Bruce
- Pryce, Arthur Ivor
- Pryce, Charles
- Pryce, Edmund
- Pryce, Edward (1)
- Pryce, Edward (2)
- Pryce, Edward (3)
- Pryce, Edward (4)
- Pryce, Edward Stisted Mostyn
- Pryce, Francis
- Pryce, John (1)
- Pryce, John (2)
- Pryce, John (3)
- Pryce, John (4)
- Pryce, Rev. John
- Pryce, John (5)
- Pryce, John (6)
- Pryce, John Devereux
- Pryce, John Jones
- Pryce, John Roland
- Pryce, Rev. Jonathan
- Pryce, Joseph
- Pryce, Richard (1)
- Pryce, Richard (2)
- Pryce, Richard (3)
- Pryce, Rev. Richard Henry Mostyn
- Pryce, Robert
- Pryce, Salusbury
- Pryce, Thomas (1)
- Pryce, Thomas (2)
- Pryce, Thomas William
- Pryce, William Henry
- Prynne, George Rundle
- Prynne, William Hunt
- Pryor, Arthur Vickris
- Pryor, Edmund
- Pryor, Frederick Bell
- Pryor, Henry
- Pryor, Hubert Frederick
- Pryor, John Eade
- Pryor, Michael
- Pryor, Morris
- Pryor, Percival Arthur Leonard
- Pryor, Reginald
- Pryor, Richard Vickris
- Pryor, Roderick
- Pryor, Thomas
- Pryse, Henry Louis Vanneck
- Pryse, John (1)
- Pryse, John (2)
- Pryse, John Pughe
- Pryse, Lewis (1)
- Pryse, Lewis (2)
- Pryse, Lewis Thomas Loveden
- Pryse, Pryse
- Pryse, Thomas
- Prytherch, Stephen
[edit]- Puckle, Edwin
- Puckle, Frederick Craig
- Puckle, Horace
- Puckle, John
- Puckle, Thomas John
- Puckridge, Jonathan Samuel
- Puckridge, Richard
- Puddicombe, Richard
- Pudner, Humphrey
- Pudney, Henry
- Pudsey, Frederick William
- Puget, John Hey
- Puget, Peter
- Pughe, Arthur Owen
- Pughe, Charles Reay
- Pugh, Cecil Rose
- Pugh, David (1)
- Pugh, David (2)
- Pugh, David (3)
- Pugh, David (4)
- Pugh, David Richard
- Pughe, Edward (1)
- Pughe, Edward (2)
- Pughe, Evan (1)
- Pugh, Evan
- Pughe, Evan (2)
- Pughe, Francis Heveningham
- Pugh, Frederick
- Pugh, George Augustus
- Pughe, George Richard Gould
- Pugh, Giles
- Pugh, Henry Bruce
- Pugh, Henry John
- Pugh, Hugh (1)
- Pugh, Hugh (2)
- Pugh, Hugh (3)
- Pugh, Hugh (4)
- Pugh, Hugh (5)
- Pugh, Humphrey
- Pugh, James Baldwyn
- Pughe, John (1)
- Pugh, John (1)
- Pugh, John (2)
- Pughe, John (2)
- Pugh, John (3)
- Pughe, John (3)
- Pughe, John (4)
- Pugh, John (4)
- Pugh, John (5)
- Pughe, John (5)
- Pugh, John (6)
- Pugh, John Thomas
- Pugh, John William
- Pugh, Joshua
- Pughe, Kenneth Mackenzie
- Pugh, Lewis
- Pughe, Lewis (1)
- Pughe, Lewis (2)
- Pughe, Lewis (3)
- Pugh, Lewis Pugh
- Pugh, Lewis Pugh Evans
- Pugh, Maurice
- Pughe, Rev. Philip Alfred
- Pugh, Rice
- Pughe, Richard (1)
- Pugh, Richard
- Pughe, Richard (2)
- Pughe, Richard (3)
- Pughe, Richard (4)
- Pughe, Richard (5)
- Pugh, Robert (1)
- Pughe, Robert
- Pugh, Robert (2)
- Pughe, Robert Parry
- Pughe, Rev. Walter Reginald Heveningham
- Pugh, Watkin
- Pugh, William (1)
- Pugh, William (2)
- Pugh, William (3)
- Pugh, William (4)
- Pugh, William (5)
- Pughe, William (1)
- Pughe, William (2)
- Pugh, William Owen
- Puleston, Allen
- Puleston, Edward
- Puleston, John
- Puleston, Philip (1)
- Puleston, Philip (2)
- Puleston, Theophilus Henry Gresley
- Puleston, Watkin
- Pulford, Alfred
- Pulford, John
- Pulford, Rev. William
- Pullan, Leighton
- Pullein, John
- Pullen, John
- Puller, (Sir) Christopher
- Puller, Christopher Cholmeley
- Puller, Christopher (William Giles)
- Puller, George
- Pulley, Harry
- Pullin, Edward Tovey
- Pulling, Rev. Charles James
- Pulling, Charles William Pulling
- Pulling, Edward Herbert Langley
- Pulling, Frederick Sanders
- Pulling, Henry George
- Pulling, James
- Pulling, Rev. John Lenten
- Pulling, William
- Pullinger, Frank
- Pulman, Rev. Prockter Thomas
- Pulman, William Walker (1)
- Pulman, William Walker (2)
- Pulsford, Charles
- Pulsford, William
- Pulteney, John
- Pulteney, John Apsley
- Pulteney, Richard Thomas Pulteney
- Pulton, Thomas
- Pulvertoft, Thomas
- Punchard, Elgood George
- Purbrick, Edward
- Purbrick, Lewis
- Purcel, Alexander
- Purcell, Agustus Henry D'Olier
- Purcell, Rev. Edward
- Purcell, Francis (Talbot)
- Purcell, Gilbert Kenelm Treffry
- Purcell, Handfield Noel
- Purcell, Henry
- Purcell, John (1)
- Purcell, John (2)
- Purcell, John (3)
- Purcell, Lionel Thomas
- Purcell, Matthew
- Purcell-Llewellin, Richard Llewellin
- Purcell, Robert (1)
- Purcell, Robert (2)
- Purcell, Thomas
- Purchas, Rev. John
- Purdon, Hugh Arthur
- Purdon, Robert Eyre Coote
- Purdon, Simon George
- Purdon, Rev. William John
- Purdue, George
- Purdue, George Henry
- Purdue, John
- Purdue, William
- Purdy, Richard
- Purefoy, Amyrald Dancer
- Purefoy, George
- Purefoy, Henry
- Purefoy, Jervoise
- Purkis, John
- Purlewent, Harry
- Purlewent, Samuel
- Purnel, William
- Purnell, Christopher
- Purnell, John
- Purnell, John Bransby
- Purnell, Purnell Bransby
- Purnell, Robert Hughes (Wilkinson)
- Purnell, Thomas
- Purnell, Rev. William
- Purnell, William Oldisworth
- Purrier, Henry
- Purrier, Rev. Henry Thornton
- Purrier, John
- Pursell, John Reeves
- Purslove, Joseph
- Purt, Richardson
- Purton, John
- Purton, William (1)
- Purton, William (2)
- Purves, John
- Purves, William Alexander
- Purvis, Robert Brownrigg Arthur
- Purvis, Rev. Thomas Alexander
- Pusey, Edward Bouverie
- Pusey, Henry Bouverie
- Pusey, Hon. Philip
- Pusey, Philip
- Pusey, Philip Edward
- Pusey, Sidney Edward Bouverie
- Pusey, William Bouverie
- Putron, Godfrey Pierre de
- Putron, Pierre de
- Putt, Raymondo
- Putt, Thomas (1)
- Putt, Thomas (2)
- Putt, Thomas (3)
- Putt, Rev. William
- Puxley, Edward Lavallin (1)
- Puxley, Edward Lavallin (2)
- Puxley, Frank Lavallin Lavallin-
- Puxley, Henry Edmund Lavallin
- Puxley, Henry Lavallin (1)
- Puxley, Henry Lavallin (2)
- Puxley, Herbert (Boyne) Lavallin
- Puxley, John
- Puxley, John Lavallin (1)
- Puxley, John Lavallin (2)
- Puxley, John (Simon) Lavallin
- Puzey, Robert
[edit]- Pybus, John
- Pycroft, James
- Pycroft, (Sir) Thomas
- Pyddoke, Henry Whateley
- Pye, Benjamin
- Pye, Charles
- Pye, George
- Pye, Henry
- Pye, Henry Anthony (1)
- Pye, Henry Anthony (2)
- Pye, Henry James
- Pye, Henry John
- Pye, James Thomas
- Pye, Kellow John
- Pye, Richard
- Pye, Robert
- Pye, William (1)
- Pye, William (2)
- Pye, William Pye
- Pyefinch, John
- Pyemont, John
- Pyemont, Louis Oxley Pyemont
- Pyke, James Nott
- Pyke, John (1)
- Pyke, John (2)
- Pyke, John (3)
- Pyke, John Nott
- Pyke, Samuel
- Pyle, Edmund
- Pyle, Samuel
- Pym, Francis
- Pym, Frederick
- Pym, Frederick William
- Pym, Robert
- Pyne, Anthony
- Pyne, Arthur Thomas
- Pyne, Francis William
- Pyne, George Masters
- Pyne, Henry
- Pyne, John Ely
- Pyne, Malachy
- Pyne, Nathaniel
- Pyne, Thomas
- Pyne, William (1)
- Pyne, William (2)
- Pyner, Francis
- Pyott, Richard
- Pyrke, Charles
- Pyrke, Duncombe
- Pyrke, George
- Pyrke, Thomas
- Pyrke, Joseph (1)
- Pyrke, Joseph (2)
- Pysing, William