Amache National Historic Site Act
An Act
To establish the Amache National Historic Site in the State of Colorado as a Unit of the National Park System, and for other purposes
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
[edit]- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Amache National Historic Site Act’’.
[edit]- In this Act: (1)
- MAP.—The term ‘‘Map’’ means the map entitled ‘‘Amache National Historical Site Proposed Boundary’’, numbered 100/175348 and dated July 2021.
- (2) NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE.—The term ‘‘National Historic Site’’ means the Amache National Historic Site established by section 3(a).
- (3) SECRETARY.—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ means the Secretary of the Interior.
[edit]- (a) ESTABLISHMENT.—Subject to subsection (c), there is established the Amache National Historic Site in the State of Colorado as a unit of the National Park System
- (b) PURPOSE.—The purpose of the National Historic Site is to preserve, protect, and interpret for the benefit of present and future generations resources associated with—
- (1) the incarceration of civilians of Japanese ancestry during World War II at Amache, also known as the Granada Relocation Center, and the military service of center incarcerees;
- (2) public reaction in the State of Colorado to the incarceration of Japanese Americans, including the position of Governor Ralph Carr and the local community; and
- (3) the transition of the incarcerees and their descendants following the closure of the center and resettlement in the State of Colorado and other States.
- (c) DETERMINATION BY THE SECRETARY.—The National Historic Site shall not be established until the date on which the Secretary determines that a sufficient quantity of land or interests in land has been acquired to constitute a manageable park unit.
- (d) NOTICE.—Not later than 30 days after the Secretary makes a determination under subsection (c), the Secretary shall publish in the Federal Register notice of the establishment of the National Historic Site
- (1) BOUNDARY.—The boundary of the National Historic Site shall be as generally depicted on the Map.
- (2) AVAILABILITY OF MAP.—The Map shall be on file and available for public inspection in the appropriate offices of the National Park Service.
- (f) LAND ACQUISITION AUTHORITY.—The Secretary may acquire land or interests in land located within the boundary of the Camp Amache National Historic Landmark, as generally depicted on the Map, only by donation.
- (g) ADDITION TO BOUNDARY.—Any lands or interests in land acquired under subsection (f) shall be included within the boundary of the National Historic Site.
- (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall administer the National Historic Site in accordance with—
- (A) this Act; and
- (B) the laws generally applicable to units of the National Park System.
- (A) DEADLINE FOR COMPLETION.—Not later than 3 years after the date on which funds are first made available to the Secretary for this purpose, the Secretary shall prepare a general management plan for the National Historic Site in accordance with section 100502 of title 54, United States Code.
- (B) SUBMISSION TO CONGRESS.—On completion of the general management plan under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate and the Committee on Natural Resources of the House of Representatives the general management plan prepared under that subparagraph
- (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall administer the National Historic Site in accordance with—
- (i) ADMINISTRATIVE FACILITIES.—For the purposes of ensuring the preservation, protection, and proper management of the site and associated resources, the Secretary may establish facilities for administration, visitor services, and curation of personal property, outside the boundary of, and in the vicinity of, the National Historic Site.
- (j) COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS.—The Secretary may enter into agreements with—
- (1) the public or private entities for the purpose of establishing and operating facilities outside of the boundary of the National Historic Site for administration, visitor services and curation of personal property; and ::(2) other public or private entities for the purposes of carrying out this Act.
- (k) EFFECT ON WATER RIGHTS.—Except as provided for in subsection (l), nothing in this Act shall affect—
- (1) the use, allocation, ownership, or control, in existence on the date of the enactment of any water, water right, or any other valid existing right
- (2) any vested absolute or decreed conditional water right in existence on the date of the enactment;
- (3) any interstate water compact in existence on the date of the enactment; or
- (4) State jurisdiction over any water law.
- (1) EFFECT.—Nothing in this Act affects the authority of the town of Granada, Colorado, with respect to the operation and maintenance of all water infrastructure, systems and appurtenances located within the boundary of the National Historic Site in existence on the date of enactment of this Act, including but not limited to wells, pumps, tanks, water lines, valves, and water treatment facilities.
- (2) DETERMINATION.—The Secretary shall provide the town of Granada, Colorado, with access to those areas of the National Historic Site determined as necessary for the operation and maintenance of water infrastructure and appurtenances.
- (3) NEW WATER INFRASTRUCTURE.—The Secretary may permit the town of Granada, Colorado, to construct or install new water infrastructure, systems, or appurtenances—
- (A) consistent with applicable laws;
- (B) limited to the areas determined to be necessary under paragraph (2); and
- (C) in a manner that ensures the preservation, protection, and proper management of the National Historic Site
- (4) ACCEPTANCE OF DONATED WATER INFRASTRUCTURE.— The Secretary may accept, for addition to and administration as part of the National Historic Site, the donation of water infrastructure, systems, or appurtenances within the boundary of the National Historic Site, including associated water rights, if the water infrastructure, systems, or appurtenances are no longer used by the town of Granada, Colorado.
Approved March 18, 2022.
[edit]- H.R. 2497:
- HOUSE REPORTS: No. 117–100 (Comm. on Natural Resources). SENATE :REPORTS: No. 117–58 (Comm. on Energy and Natural Resources).
- Vol. 167 (2021): July 26, 29, considered and passed House.
- Vol. 168 (2022): Feb. 14, considered and passed Senate, amended. Feb. 18, House concurred in Senate amendments.
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