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America's Highways 1776–1976: A History of the Federal-Aid Program/Legislation

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The following is a chronological list of national laws which have had a significant impact on the growth and development of the Federal-Aid Highway System. The full title, date of passage and citation number are given for each reference.

Title Date Number
Land Grant to Ohio Act of 1823 Feb. 28, 1823  3 Stat 727
Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1894 Mar. 3, 1893 27 Stat 134
Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1895 Aug. 8, 1894 28 Stat 264
Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1896 Mar. 2, 1895 28 Stat 727
Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1897 Apr. 25, 1896 29 Stat 99
Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1898 Apr. 28, 1897 30 Stat 1
Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1899 Mar. 22, 1898 30 Stat 30
Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1900 Mar. 1, 1899 30 Stat 47
Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1901 May 25, 1900 31 Stat 191
Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1902 Mar. 2, 1901 31 Stat 22
Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1903 June 3, 1902 32 Stat 286
Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1904 Mar. 3, 1903 32 Stat 1147
Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1905 Apr. 23, 1904 33 Stat 226
Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1906 Mar. 3, 1905 33 Stat 361
Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1907 June 30, 1906 34 Stat 369
Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1908 Mar. 4, 1907 34 Stat 2256
Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1909 May 23, 1908 35 Stat 251
Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1910 Mar. 4, 1909 35 Stat 1039
Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1911 May 26, 1910 36 Stat 416
Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1912 Mar. 4, 1911 36 Stat 1235
Post Office Appropriation Act of 1913 Aug. 24, 1912 37 Stat 551
Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1914 Mar. 4, 1913 37 Stat 828
Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1915 June 30, 1914 38 Stat 415
Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1916 Mar. 4, 1915 38 Stat 1088
Federal Aid Road Act of 1916 July 11, 1916 39 Stat 355
Post Office Appropriation Act of 1917 July 28, 1916 39 Stat 412
Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1917 Aug. 11, 1916 39 Stat 446
Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1918 Mar. 4, 1917 39 Stat 1134
Post Office Appropriation Act of 1919 July 2, 1918 40 Stat 742
Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1919 Oct. 1, 1918 40 Stat 973
Post Office Appropriation Act of 1920 Feb. 28, 1919 40 Stat 1189
Army Appropriation Act of 1919 July 11, 1919 41 Stat 105
Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1920 July 24, 1919 41 Stat 234
Wadsworth-Kahn Act of 1920 Mar. 15, 1920 41 Stat 530
Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1921 May 31, 1920 41 Stat 694
Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1922 Mar. 3, 1921 41 Stat 1315
Budget and Accounting Act June 10, 1921 42 Stat 207
Federal Highway Act of 1921 Nov. 9, 1921 42 Stat 22
Post Office Appropriation Act of 1923 June 19, 1922 42 Stat 660
Federal- Aid Highway Amendment of 1925 Feb. 12, 1925 43 Stat 889
Federal-Aid Highway Amendment of 1926 June 22, 1926 44 Stat 760
Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1928 Jan. 18, 1927 44 Stat 976
Federal-Aid Highway Amendment 1927 Mar. 3, 1927 44 Stat 1398
Federal-Aid Highway Amendment 1928 May 21, 1928 45 Stat 683
Federal-Aid Highway Amendment 1930 May 5, 1930 46 Stat 261
George Washington Memorial Parkway Act 1930 May 29, 1930 46 Stat 482
Emergency Construction Act of 1930 Dec. 20, 1930 46 Stat 1030
Federal-Aid Highway Amendment 1931 Jan. 31, 1931 46 Stat 1053
Emergency Relief and Construction Act 1932 July 21, 1932 47 Stat 709
National Industrial Recovery Act June 16, 1933 48 Stat 195
Hayden-Cartwright Act of 1934 June 18, 1934 48 Stat 993
Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935 Apr. 8, 1935 49 Stat 115
Davis-Bacon Act 1935 Apr. 30, 1935 49 Stat 1011
Federal-Aid Highway Act Amendment 1937 June 16, 1936 49 Stat 1519
Federal-Aid Highway Act 1938 June 8, 1938 52 Stat 633
Defense Highway Act 1941 Nov. 19, 1941 55 Stat 765
Inter-American Highway Act 1941 Dec. 26, 1941 55 Stat 860
Defense Highway Act Amendment 1942 July 2, 1942 56 Stat 562
Federal-Aid Highway Amendment 1943 July 13, 1943 57 Stat 560
Federal-Aid Highway Act 1944 Dec. 20, 1944 58 Stat 838
Federal-Aid Highway Amendment 1945 July 31, 1945 59 Stat 507
Philippine Rehabilitation Act 1946 Apr. 30, 1946 60 Stat 128
Federal-Aid Highway Amendment 1946 July 29, 1946 60 Stat 709
Federal-Aid Highway Amendment 1947 June 21, 1947 61 Stat 136
Federal-Aid Highway Act 1948 June 29, 1948 62 Stat 1105
Federal-Aid Highway Act 1950 Sept. 7, 1950 64 Stat 785
Budget and Accounting Procedures Act Sept. 12, 1950 64 Stat 832
Federal-Aid Highway Act 1952 June 25, 1952 66 Stat 158
Departments of State, Justice and Commerce Appropriation Act 1954 Aug. 5, 1953 67 Stat 367
Federal-Aid Highway Act 1954 May 6, 1954 68 Stat 70
Department of Commerce and Related Agencies Appropriation Act 1956 June 30, 1955 69 Stat 226
Inter-American Highway Appropriation Act July 1, 1955 69 Stat 244
Supplemental Appropriation Act 1956 Aug. 4, 1955 69 Stat 450
Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 June 29, 1956 70 Stat 374
Highway Revenue Act of 1956 June 29, 1956 70 Stat 387
Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1958 Aug. 7, 1958 72 Stat 389
Alaska Statehood Act Apr. 16, 1958 72 Stat 89
Alaska Omnibus Act June 25, 1959 73 Stat 141
Federal-Aid Highway Act 1959 Sept. 21, 1959 73 Stat 611
Mutual Security Appropriation Act 1960 Sept. 28, 1959 73 Stat 717
Federal-Aid Highway Act 1960 July 14, 1960 74 Stat 522
National Driver Register Service Act Aug. 14, 1960 74 Stat 526
Federal-Aid Highway Act 1961 June 29, 1961 75 Stat 122
Federal-Aid Highway Act 1962 Oct. 23, 1962 76 Stat 1145
Federal-Aid Highway Amendments Act 1963 Oct. 24, 1963 77 Stat 276
Urban Mass Transportation Act 1964 July 9, 1964 78 Stat 302
Federal-Aid Highway Act 1964 Aug. 13, 1964 78 Stat 397
Government Employees Salary Reform Act of 1964 Aug. 14, 1964 78 Stat 400
Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 Amendments 1965 Aug. 28, 1965 79 Stat 578
Highway Beautiflcation Act of 1965 Oct. 22, 1965 79 Stat 1028
National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act 1966 Sept. 9, 1966 80 Stat 718
Highway Safety Act 1966 Sept. 9, 1966 80 Stat 731
Federal-Aid Highway Act 1966 Sept. 13, 1966 80 Stat 766
Historic Preservation Act 1966 Oct. 15, 1966 80 Stat 915
Department of Transportation Act 1966 Oct. 15, 1966 80 Stat 931
Highway Interstate Systems Modification Act 1968 Jan. 2, 1968 81 Stat 772
Federal-Aid Highway Act 1968 Aug. 23, 1968 82 Stat 815
National Environmental Policy Act 1969 Jan. 1, 1970 83 Stat 852
Clean Air Amendments of 1970 Dec. 31, 1970 84 Stat 1676
Federal-Aid Highway Act 1970 Dec. 31, 1970 84 Stat 1713
Highway Safety Act 1970 Dec. 31, 1970 84 Stat 1739
Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 Jan. 2, 1971 84 Stat 1894
Noise Control Act of 1972 Oct. 27, 1972 86 Stat 1234
Federal-Aid Highway Act 1973 Aug. 13, 1973 87 Stat 250
Emergency Highway Energy Conservation Act 1974 Jan. 2, 1974 87 Stat 1046
National Mass Transportation Assistance Act 1974 Nov. 26, 1974 88 Stat 1565
Federal-Aid Highway Amendments of 1974 Jan. 4, 1975 88 Stat 2281
Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1976 May 5, 1976 90 Stat 425