American Company Unions/End Matter

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4613762American Company Unions — End MatterRobert Williams Dunn


American Cast Iron Pipe Co. 36
American Federation of Railroad Workers 11
Amoskeag Manufacturing Co. 18
Atterbury, W. W. 24
Bethlehem Steel Corporation 18, 39, 40, 41, 50
Breach, H. H. 61
Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit Corp. 47
Chamber of Commerce of the U. S. 6
Colorado Fuel & Iron Co. 8, 27
Company union—
Definition, 4; Extent of, 8; Statistics on, 9: On railroads, 10; Why installed, 12; Specimens of, 19; Tactics of, 46; Introducing, 46; Political activities of, 53; As economic propaganda vehicles, 57; Relation to organized labor, 59; Class collaboration and, 63.
Columbia Conserve Co. 58
Core, H. E. 26
Craft unions, out of date 23
Davis Coal & Coke Co. 8
Davis, James J. 41
Demuth, William & Co. 8
Durham Hosiery Co. 35
Eastman Kodak Co 32
Employee magazines 21, 58
Fitch, John A. 14
Ford, Henry 42
Forstmann & Huffmann Co. 38
General Electric Co. 22
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. 17
I. W. W. 56
Interborough Rapid Transit Co. 47
International Harvester Co. 33, 51
Knox Hat Co. 19
League for Industrial Rights 6, 7
Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen 10
Meat packing industry 20
Midwest Refining Co. 16
Miller, E. J. 13
Morgan, J. P. & Co. 23
Moriarity, W. D. 15
Nat'l. Association of Manufacturers 7
Nat'l. Founders’ Association 7
Nat'l Spun Silk Co. 52
Nunn, Bush & Weldon Shoe Co. 8
Pacific Coast Coal Co. 48
Pacific Mill 36
Passaic Strike 39
Pennsylvania Railroad 18, 24, 52, 54
Peoples Gas Light & Co. 43
Phelps Dodge Corporation 56
Philadelphia Rapid Transit Co. 31
Printz-Biederman Co. 8
Pullman Co. 29, 34
Railway Labor Act 27
Riverside and Dan River Mills 35
Russel Sage Foundation 27
Shell Oil Co. 56
Sleeping Car Porters, Brotherhood of 30
Sperery Gyroscope Co. 53
Spies, labor 21, 25, 29, 30, 38, 41, 52, 53, 60
Standard Gas Engine Co. 15
Standard Oil Co. 44, 51
Steel industry 39, 43
Swift & Co. 18, 20, 22
Textile industry 39
Union Pacific System 49
United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees 12
U. S. Railroad Labor Board 11
U. S. Steel Corporation 5, 42, 43
Washburn Crosby Co. 18
Western Union. Telegraph Co. 18
Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co. 18
Wheeling Steel Corporation 41
White Motor Co. 8
White, S. S. Dental Manufacturing Co. 53
Wolfe, A. B. 47
Yellow Dog Contracts 47

Biographical Note.

1. A selected list of industrial concerns having some form of company union is to be found on page 13 of "The Growth of Works Councils in the United States—Special Report No. 32," published by the National Industrial Conference Board, 247 Park Ave., N. Y. City.

2. The latest and most complete work on company unions, from point of view of management, is "Employee Representation," by Ernest R. Burton of the Bureau of Personnel Administration. Published in 1926 by Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.



In this book one feels the contagious joy and the boundless faith of the Russian workers in the future of the Soviet Revolution.

A graphic and detailed story of a trip through Soviet industry, the factories of Leningrad, the mills of Moscow, and the mines of the Donetz basin.

Though it has the facts, it is not a dry statistical study, but the picture of what a traveler sees of the wondrous new life, the tremendous progress in improving the material conditions of the workers, the spirit of joyful labor pervading the Russian working class. All seen through a journey of the leading American militant trade unionist in a very recent visit.


The Trade Union Educational League

156 W. Washington Street
Chicago, Ill.



In this book, written by the secretary of the Red International of Labor Unions, is told the intensely interesting story of the development of the ideas of Lenin during his thirty years of activity, how he studied the labor movement and drew from it such conclusions that are a guide to action in the trade union movement, as in his work as a whole, Lenin is acknowledged by friend and foe as the world's greatest labor statesman.

"Leninism has taught the left wing how and where to fight,” says William Z. Foster in the introduction to this book. "Every militant and progressive worker who hopes to become a factor in the trade union movement must become acquainted with Lenin's great work in the field of trade unionism."

We add that this book is as interesting as any story can be of the personal development of any genius in any field of human endeavor.


Bound in an attractive, durable cover.

The Trade Union Educational League
156 West Washington StreetChicago, Ill.