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American Pocket Library of Useful Knowledge/Synopsis

From Wikisource


Showing the year in which each State of the Union was settled, and by what people–the number of square miles–time of holding elections–qualification of voters, and number of Representatives and Electors from each State.

Maine. Settled 1630, by English; 32,000 square miles; capital Augusta; General Election second Monday in September; Legislature meet first Wednesday in January; Voters must reside in the state three months before any election; sends Members of Congress, 8; Electors, 10.

New Hampshire. Settled 1623, by English; 9,500 square miles; capital Concord; General Election second Tuesday in March; Legislature meets on the first Wednesday in June; Voters require no other qualification than to be twenty-one years of age; sends Members of Congress, 6; Electors. 7.

Massachusetts. Settled 1620, by English; 7,500 square miles; capital Boston; General Election second Monday in November; Legislature meet first Wednesday in January; Voters, one year’s residence in the state, and have paid a state or county tax; sends Members of Congress, 12; Electors, 14.

Vermont. Settled 1749, by English: 10,200 square miles; capital Montpelier; General Election first Tuesday in September; Legislature meet second Thursday in October; Voters, to reside in the state one year; sends Members of Congress, 5; Electors, 7.

Rhode Island. Settled 1636, by English; 1,360 square miles; capital Providence; General Election for governor and senators in April; for representatives in April and August; Legislature meet first Wednesday in June and last Wednesday in October; Voters must be resident in the state three months, and have a freehold of 134 dollars; sends Members of Congress, 2; Electors, 4.

Connecticut. Settled 1633, by English; 4,760 square miles; capital New Haven; General Election first Monday in April; Legislature meet first Wednesday in May; Voters to hold a freehold of 7 dollars per annum, or have done Military duty, paid a state tax, and taken the prescribed oath; sends Members of Congress, 6; Electors, 8.

New York. Settled 1614, by Dutch; 46,000 square miles; capital Albany; General Election first Monday in Nov. 3 days; Legislature meet first Tuesday in January; Voters, citizens 21 years of age, inhabitants of state for last year, and resident of county for last six months; coloured men, a freehold of 230 dollars, paid taxes, and been a citizen three years; sends Members of Congress, 40; Electors, 42.

New Jersey. Settled 1624, by Danes; 8,300 square miles; capital Trenton; General Election, second Tuesday in October; Voters, to be citizens of the state one year, and worth fifty pounds proclamation money; sends Members of Congress, 6; Electors, 8.

Pennsylvania. Settled 1682, by English; 44,000 sq. miles; capital Harrisburg; Gen. Elec. 2d Tuesday in Oct.; Legislature meet 1st Tues. in Jan.; Voters, white, one year in state, 10 days where voting, and pay tax assessed 10 days before election, between 21 and 22 vote without tax; sends Mem. of Con., 28.; Electors, 30.

Delaware. Settled 1627, by Swedes and Fins; 2,100 square miles; capital Dover; General Election 2d Tuesday in October, or November; Legislature meet first Tuesday in January; Voters, the same qualifications required as in Pennsylvania; sends members of Congress, 1; Electors. 3.

Maryland. Settled 1634, by English; 14,000 square miles; capital Anapolis; General Election first Monday in October; Legislature meet first Monday in December; Voters, one year’s residence in the county where he shall offer to vote; sends Members of Congress, 8; Electors. 10.

Virginia. Settled 1607, by English; 64,000 square miles; capital Richmond; General Election in April; Legislature meet first Monday in December; Voters, freehold of value of 25 dollars, or been a housekeeper one year, or been assessed, amounts to almost universal suffrage; sends Members of Congress, 21; Electors, 23.

North Carolina. Settled 1650, by English; 48,000 square miles; capital Raleigh; General Election in August; Legislature meet second Monday in November; Voter, citizen of the state one year, may vote for a member of the House of Commons, but must own fifty acres of laud to vote for a senator; sends Members of Congress, 13; Electors, 15.

South Carolina. Settled 1689, by English; 24,000 square miles; capital, Columbia; General Election second Monday in October; Legislature meet 4th Monday in November; Voter, resident of the state two years, and six months of the district where voting; sends Members of Congress, 9; Electors, 11.

Georgia. Settled 1733, by English; 60,000 square miles; capital, Milledgeville; General Election first Monday in October; Legislature meet first Monday in November; Voter, citizen of the state, and six months’ residence of county where voting, and have paid all taxes imposed upon him; sends Members of Congress, 9; Electors, 11.

Louisiana. Settled 1699, by French; 48,000 square miles; capital, New Orleans; General Election first Monday in July; Legislature meet first Monday in January; Voter, to reside one year in the county, and paid taxes within the last six months; sends Members of Congress, 3; Electors, 5.

Ohio. Settled 1788, by English; 39,000 sq. miles; capital, Columbus; General Election 2d Tuesday in Oct.; Legislature meet 1st Monday in Dec.; Voter, one year’s residence in the state preceding the election, having paid, or been charged with, state or county tax; sends Mem. of Con. 19; Electors, 21.

Kentucky. Settled 1775, by Virginians; 42,000 sq. miles; cap., Frankfort; General Election fist Mon. day in August; Legislature meet first Monday in November; Voters, two years’ residence in the state, and in the county where offering to vote, one year preceding the election; sends members of Congress, 13; Electors, 15.

Illinois. Settled 1749, by French; 52,000 square miles; capital, Vandalia; General Election first Monday in August; Legislature meet first Monday in December; Voter, residence in the state six months, but can only vole in the county where he actually resides; sends Members of Congress, 3; Electors 5.

Indiana. Settled 1730, by French; 36,000 sq. miles; capital, Indianapolis; General Election first Monday in August; Legislature meet first Monday in December; Voter, one year’s residence in the state preceding the election, entitles to vote in county of residence; sends Members of Congress, 7; Electors, 9.

Alabama. Settled 1713, by French; cap., Tuscaloosa; General Election first Monday in August; Legislature meet fourth Monday in October; Voter, citizen of the United Slates, one year of this, and three months’ residence in the County where he shall offer to vote; sends Members of Congress, 5; Electors, 7.

Mississippi. Settled 1716, by French; capital Jackson; General Election first Monday in August; Legislature meet first Monday in November; Voter, citizen of the United Stales, and one year’s residence in this, and in county six months, and have done military duty, or paid taxes; sends Members of Congress, 2; Electors, 4.

Missouri. Settled 1763, by French; 60,000 sq. miles; capital, Jefferson City; General Election first Monday in August; Legislature meet first Monday in November; Voter, citizen of the United Slates, one year’s residence in this state next preceding the election, and three months in the county; sends Members of Congress, 2; Electors, 4.

Tennessee. Settled in 1765, by English; 40,000 square miles; capital, Nashville; Gen. Election first Tuesday in August; Legislature meet first Monday in October; Voter, citizen of the United Sales, and six months in county where his vote is offered; sends Members of Congress, 13; Electors, 15.

Florida, for near 200 years under Spain, was ceded to United Slates in 1819, and the East and West formed one Territory in 1822; St. Augustine is the oldest town in the United States; Tallahassee is the capital; Pensacola, U. S. naval station.

Michigan. Settled in 1670 by the French; contains 63,000 square miles; Indians, 30,000; capital, Detroit; Soil rich; Iron, copper, and lead mines abound; Qualifications, &c. not ascertained.

Arkansas. Settled by French from Louisiana, and formed from a part of Missouri in 1819; contains 17.000 square miles; admitted in the Union 1836; cap., Little Rock; Qualifications of voters, &c. not yet ascertained.

Wisconsin. Settled by emigrants from other, principally New England, States; bounded by lakes Michigan and Superior on the E., by Hudson Bay Co. Territories on the N., Illinois on the S., Mississippi and Iowa on the West; contains 80,000 square miles; capital, Madison.

Iowa, Territory, lies between Missouri and Mississippi rivers, bounded on the N. by Hudson Bay Co. Territories; contains 150,000 square miles; purchased of Sacs and Foxes, 1832; capital, Iowa City.

Indian or Western Territory extends from the western boundary of Arkansas and Missouri to Red river on the S., and the Punca and Platte or Nebraska on the N.; roughly estimated at about 275,000 square miles. The Western Territory, extending to the Rocky mountains, contains 340,000 square miles. Columbia, or Oregon Territory, claimed by the United States, is about 850 miles long N. and S., 400 to 700 miles broad, and estimated to contain 330,000 sq. miles.

Two Senators are sent from each State, in addition to the preceding enumeration of Members of Congress.