American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009/Division A/Title XI
TITLE XI—State, Foreign Operations, And Related Programs
[edit]Administration of Foreign Affairs
[edit]Diplomatic and Consular Programs
[edit]- For an additional amount for "Diplomatic and Consular Programs" for urgent domestic facilities requirements for passport and training functions, $90,000,000: Provided, That the Secretary of State shall submit to the Committees on Appropriations within 90 days of enactment of this Act a detailed spending plan for funds appropriated under this heading: Provided further, That with respect to the funds made available for passport agencies, such plan shall be developed in consultation with the Department of Homeland Security and the General Services Administration and shall coordinate and co-locate, to the extent feasible, passport agencies with other Federal facilities.
Capital Investment Fund
[edit](Including Transfer Of Funds)
- For an additional amount for "Capital Investment Fund", $290,000,000, for information technology security and upgrades to support mission-critical operations, of which up to $38,000,000 shall be transferred to, and merged with, funds made available under the heading "Capital Investment Fund" of the United States Agency for International Development: Provided, That the Secretary of State and the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development shall coordinate information technology systems, where appropriate, to increase efficiencies and eliminate redundancies, to include co-location of backup information management facilities, and shall submit to the Committees on Appropriations within 90 days of enactment of this Act a detailed spending plan for funds appropriated under this heading.
Office of Inspector General
[edit]- For an additional amount for "Office of Inspector General" for oversight requirements, $2,000,000.
International Commissions
[edit]International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico
[edit]Grants-In-Aid for Airports
- For an additional amount for "Construction" for the water quantity program to meet immediate repair and rehabilitation requirements, $220,000,000: Provided, That up to $2,000,000 may be transferred to, and merged with, funds available under the heading "International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico—Salaries and Expenses": Provided further, That the Secretary of State shall submit to the Committees on Appropriations within 90 days of enactment of this Act a detailed spending plan for funds appropriated under this heading.