An Act respecting Insurance Companies/Schedule
Form A.
Statement to be made by every Life or Accident Insurance Company, except Companies mentioned in Section fifteen.
(Name of the Company.) | $ cts. |
Assets of the Company.
| |
Liabilities of do.
| |
Amount of Capital Stock.
| |
Amount paid thereon.
| |
Of what the assets of the Company consist, viz:
(insert particulars). | |
Total premiums received during the year.
| |
Number and amount of Policies issued during the year.
| |
Amount of claims from death (or accident) do.
| |
Expenses of management, agency, &c.
| |
Total premiums received during the year in Canada.
| |
Number and amount of Policies issued do.
| |
Amount at risk on total policies issued in Canada.
| |
Number and amount of policies that have become claims in Canada, during the year by death (or accident)
Form B.
Statement to be made by a Fire or Guarantee Insurance Company, whose deposits are not less than one hundred thousand dollars, (except Companies mentioned in section 15,) referred to in section four.
$ cts. | |
Assets of the Company.
| |
Liabilities of the Company.
| |
Amount of Capital Stock.
| |
Amount paid thereon.
| |
Of what the assets of the Company consist, viz:
{insert particulars) | |
Amount of losses paid during the year.
| |
Amount of losses due and unpaid Losses adjusted and not due.
| |
Losses in suspense and waiting further proof.
| |
Losses, the payment of which is resisted and for what cause
| |
All other claims against the Company.
| |
Amount of premiums earned for the past year.
| |
Amount of premiums unearned for the past year.
| |
Number and amount of policies issued during the year.
| |
Amount at risk on total policies in force in Canada.
| |
Losses in Canada paid during the year.
| |
Do.adjusted and not due
| | suspense and waiting for further proof
| |
Do.the payment of which is resisted and for what cause.
| |
All other claims against the Company.
| |
Premiums earned in Canada during the year.
| |
Do.unearned dodo |
Form C.
Statement to be made by a Fire or Guarantee Insurance Company whose deposits are under one hundred thousand dollars, except those referred to in section four.
$ cts. | |
Amount of Premiums received during the year on risks effected in Canada less twenty-five per cent, and the net amount of losses actually paid.
| |
Deposit in conformity with the second section of the said Act.
| |
Assets of the Company.
| |
Liabilities of the Company.
| |
Amount of Capital Stock.
| |
Amount paid thereon.
| |
Of what the assets of the Company consist, viz:
{insert particulars) | |
Amount of losses paid during the year.
| |
Amount of losses due and unpaid.
| |
Losses adjusted and not due.
| |
Losses in suspense and waiting for further proof.
| |
Losses the payment of which is resisted, and for what cause.
| |
All other claims against the Company.
| |
Amount of premiums earned during the past year.
| |
Amount of premiums unearned.
| |
Amount at risk on total policies in force in Canada.
| |
Losses in Canada paid during the year.
| |
Losses in Canada adjusted and not due.
| |
Losses in suspense and waiting for further proof.
| |
Losses the payment of which is resisted and for what cause.
| |
All other claims against the Company.
| |
Premiums earned in Canada during the year.
| |
Premiums unearned in Canada during the year.
Form D.
Statement to be made by an Insurance Companies referred to in Section fifteen.
$ cts. | |
Total premiums received during the year, in Canada
| |
Number and amount of policies issued do. do.
| |
Amount at risk in total policies in force in Canada.
| |
Number and amount of policies that have become claims in Canada during the year.
| |
Amount of losses in Canada paid during the year.
| |
Amount of losses in Canada in suspense and waiting further proof.
| |
Losses in Canada the payment of which is resisted and for what cause
| |
Amount of premiums earned for the past year in Canada.
| |
Amount of premiums unearned in Canada.