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An Act respecting the Canadian Pacific Railway/Schedule A

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The agreement incorporating the CPR with regulations setting out corporate bylaws and procedures which could later be modified-within limits-by votes of the CPR Board of Directors or CPR Shareholders.



1. George Stephen, of Montreal, in Canada, Esquire ; Duncan Mclntyre, of Montreal, aforesaid. Merchant ; John S. Kennedy, of New York, in the State of New York, Banker ; the firm of Morton, Rose and Company, of London, in England, Merchants; the firm of Kohn, Reinach and Company, of Paris, in France, Bankers; Richard B. Angus, and James J. Hill, both of St. Paul, in the State of Minnesota. Esquires ; with all such other persons and corporations as shall become shareholders in the Company hereby incorporated, shall be and they are hereby constituted a body corporate and politic, by the name of the "Canadian Pacific Railway Company."

2. The capital stock of the Company shall be twenty-five million dollars, divided into shares of one hundred dollars each - which shares shall be transferable in such manner and upon such conditions as shall be provided by the bylaws of the Company ; and such shares, or any part thereof may be granted and issued as paid-up shares for value bona fide received by the Company, either in money at par or at such price and upon such conditions as the Board of Directors may fix, or as part of the consideration of any contract made by the Company.

3. As soon as five million dollars of the stock of the Company have been subscribed, and thirty per centum thereof, paid up, and upon the deposit with the Minister of Finance of the Dominion of one million dollars in money or in securities approved by the Governor in Council, for the purpose and upon the conditions in the foregoing contract provided the said contract shall become and be transferred to the Company, without the execution of any deed or instrument in that behalf; and the Company shall, thereupon, become and be vested with all the rights of the contractors named in the said contract, and shall be subject to, and liable for, all their duties and obligations, to the same extent and in the same manner as if the said contract had been executed by the said Company instead of by the said contractors; and thereupon the said contractors, as individuals, shall cease to have any right or interest in the said contract, and shall not be subject to any liability or responsibility under the terms thereof otherwise than as members of the corporation hereby created. And upon the performance of the said conditions respecting the subscription of stock, the partial payment thereof, and the deposit of one million dollars to the satisfaction of the Governor in Council, the publication by the Secretary of State in the Canada Gazette, of a notice that the transfer of the contract to the Company has been effected and completed shall be conclusive proof of the fact. And the Company shall cause to be paid up, on or before the first day of May next, a further instalment lot twenty per centum upon the said first subscription of five million dollars, of which call thirty days' notice by circular mailed to each shareholder shall be sufficient. And the Company shall call in, and cause to be paid up, on or before the 31st day of December, 1882. the remainder of the said first subscription of five million dollars.

4. All the franchises and powers necessary or useful to the Company to enable them to carry out, perform, enforce, use, and avail themselves of, every condition, stipulation, obligation, duty, right, remedy, privilege, and advantage agreed upon, contained or described in the said contract hereby conferred upon the Company. And the enactment of the special provisions hereinafter contained shall not be held to impair or derogate from the generality of the franchises and powers so hereby conferred upon them.


5. The said George Stephen, Duncan Mclntyre, John S. Kennedy, Richard B. Angus, James J. Hill, Henry Stafford Northcote, of London, aforesaid. Esquires, Pascoe du P. Grenfell, of London, aforesaid. Merchant, Charles Day Rose of London, aforesaid, Merchant, and Baron J.de Reinach, of Paris, aforesaid. Banker, are hereby constituted the first directors of the Company, with power to add to their number, but so that the directors shall not in all exceed fifteen in number; and the majority of the directors, of whom the President shall be one, shall be British subjects. And the Board of Directors so constituted shall have all the powers hereby conferred upon the directors of the Company, and they shall hold office until the first annual meeting of the shareholders of the Company.

6. Each of the directors of the Company, hereby appointed, or hereafter appointed or elected, shall hold at least two hundred and fifty shares of the stock of the Company. But the number of directors to be hereafter elected by the shareholders shall be such, not exceeding fifteen, as shall be fixed by by-law, and subject to the same conditions as the directors appointed by, or under the authority of, the last preceding section ; the number thereof may be hereafter altered from time to time in like manner. The votes for their election shall be by ballot.

7. A majority of the directors shall form a quorum of the board; and until otherwise provided by by-law, directory may vote and act by proxy - such proxy to be held by a director only; but no director shall hold more than two proxies, and no meeting of directors shall be competent to transact business unless at least three directors are present thereat in person, the remaining number of directors required to form a quorum being represented by proxies.

8. The Board of Directors may appoint, from out of their number, an Executive Committee, composed of at least three directors, for the transaction of the ordinary business of the Company, with such powers and duties as shall fixed by the by-laws; and the President shall be ex officio a member of such committee.

9. The chief place of business of the Company shall be at the City of Montreal, but the Company may, from to time, by by-law, appoint and fix other places within or beyond the limits of Canada at which the business of the Company may be transacted, and at which the directors or shareholders may meet, when called as shall be determined by the by-laws. And the Company shall appoint and fix by by-law, at least one place in each Province or Territory through which the railway shall pass, where service of process may be made upon the Company, in respect of any cause of action arising within such Province or Territory, and may afterwards, from time to time, change such place by by-law. And a copy of any by-law fixing or changing any such place, duly authenticated as herein provided, shall be deposited by the Company in the office, at the seat of Government of the Province or Territory to which such by-law shall apply, of the clerk or prothonotary of the highest, or one of the highest, courts of civil jurisdiction of such Province or Territory. And if any cause of action shall arise against the Company within any Province or Territory, and any writ or process be issued against the Company thereon out of any court in such Province or Territory, service of such process may be validly made upon the Company at the place within such Province or Territory so appointed and fixed; but if the Company fail to appoint and fix such place, or to deposit, as hereinbefore provided, the by-law made in that behalf, any such process may be validly served upon the Company, at any of the stations of the said railway within such Province or Territory.


10. The first annual meeting of the shareholders of the Company, for the appointment of directors, shall be held on the second Wednesday in May, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two, at the principal office of the Company, in Montreal; and the annual general meeting of shareholders, for the election of directors and the transaction of business generally, shall be held on the same day in each year thereafter at the same place unless otherwise provided by the by-laws. And notice of each of such meetings shall be given by the publication thereof in the Canada Gazette for four weeks, and by such further means as shall, from time to time, be directed by the by-laws.

11. Special general meetings of the shareholders may be convened in such manner as shall be provided by the by-laws ; and except as hereinafter provided, notice of such meetings shall be given in the same manner as notices of annual general meetings, the purpose for which such meeting is called being mentioned in the notices thereof; and except as hereinafter provided, all such meetings shall be held at the chief place of business of the Company.

12. If at any time before the first annual meeting of the shareholders of the Company, it should become expedient that a meeting of the directors of the Company, or a special general meeting of the shareholders of the Company, should be held, before such meeting can conveniently be called, and notice thereof given in the manner provided by this Act, or by the by-laws, or before by-laws in that behalf have been passed, and at a place other than at the chief place of business of the Company in Montreal before the enactment of a by-law authorizing the holding of such meeting elsewhere; it shall be lawful for the President or for any three of the directors of the Company to call special meetings either of directors or of shareholders, or of both, to be held at the City of London, in England, at times and places respectively, to be stated in the notices to be given of such meetings respectively. And notices of such meetings may be validly given by a circular mailed to the ordinary address of each director or shareholder as the case may be, in time to enable him to attend such meeting, stating in general terms the purpose of the intended meeting. And in the case of a meeting of shareholders, the proceedings of such meeting shall be held to be valid and sufficient, and to be binding on the Company in all respects, if every shareholder of the Company be present thereat in person or by proxy, notwithstanding that notice of such meeting shall not have been given in the manner required by this Act.

13. No shareholder holding shares upon which any call is overdue and unpaid shall vote at any meeting of shareholders. And unless otherwise provided by the by-laws, the person holding the proxy of a shareholder shall be himself a shareholder.

14. No call upon unpaid shares shall be made for more than twenty per centum upon the amount thereof.


15. The Company may lay out, construct, acquire, equip, maintain and work a continuous line of railway, of the gauge of four feet eight and one-half inches; which railway shall extend from the terminus of the Canada Central Railway near Lake Nipissing, known as Callander Station, to Port Moody in the Province of British Columbia; and also a branch line of railway from some point on the main line of railway to Fort William on Thunder Bay ; and also the existing branch line of railway from some point on the main line of railway to Fort William on Thunder Bay ; and also the existing branch line of railway from Selkirk, in the Province of Manitoba, to Pembina in the said Province ; and also other branches to be located by the Company from time to time as provided by the said contract - the said branches to be of the gauge aforesaid ; and the said main line of railway, and the said branch lines of railway, shall be commenced and completed as provided by the said contract ; and together with such other branch lines as shall be hereafter constructed by the said Company, and any extension of the said main line of railway that shall hereafter be constructed or acquired by the Company, shall constitute the line of railway hereinafter called THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY.

16. The Company may construct, maintain and work a continuous telegraph line and telephone lines throughout and along the whole line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, or any part thereof, and may also construct or acquire by purchase, lease or otherwise, any other line or lines of telegraph connecting with the line so to be constructed along the line of the said railway, and may undertake the transmission of messages for the public by any such line or lines of telegraph or telephone, and collect tolls for so doing; or may lease such line or lines of telegraph or telephone, or any portion thereof; and if they think proper to undertake the transmission of messages for hire, they shall be subject to the provisions of the fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth sections of chapter sixty-seven of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada. And they may use any improvement that may hereafter be invented (subject to the rights of patentees) for telegraphing or telephoning, and any other means of communication that may be deemed expedient by the Company at any time hereafter.


17. " The Consolidated Railway Act, 1879," in so far as the provisions of the same are applicable to the undertaking authorized by this charger, and in so far as they are not inconsistent with or contrary to the provisions hereof, and save and except as hereinafter provided, is hereby incorporated herewith.

18. As respects the said railway, the seventh section of "The Consolidated Railway Act, 1879," relating to POWERS, and the eighth section thereof relating to PLANS AND SURVEYS, shall be subject to the following provisions:

a. The Company shall have the right to take, use and hold the beach and land below high-water mark, in any stream, lake, navigable water, gulf or sea, in so far as the same shall be vested in the Crown and shall not be required by the Crown, to such extent as shall be required by the Company for its railway and other works, and as shall be exhibited by a map or plan thereof deposited in the office of the Minister of Railways. But the provisions of this sub-section shall not apply to any beach or land lying East of Lake Nipissing except with the approval of the Governor in Council.

b. It shall be sufficient that the map or plan and book of reference for any portion of the line of the railway not being within any district or country for which there is a Clerk of the Peace, be deposited in the office of the Minister of Railways of Canada; and any omission, mis-statement or erroneous description of any lands therein may be corrected by the Company, with the consent of the Minister and certified by him; and the Company may then make the railway in accordance with such certified correction.

c. The eleventh sub-section of the said eighth section of the Railway Act shall not apply to any portion of the railway passing over ungranted lands of the Crown, or lands not within any surveyed township in any Province; and in such places, deviations not exceeding five miles from the line shown on the map or plan as aforesaid, deposited by the Company, shall be allowed, without any formal correction or certificate ; and any further deviation that may be found expedient may be authorized by order of the Governor in Council and the Company may then make their railway in accordance with such authorized deviation.

d. The map or plan and book of reference of any part of the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway made and deposited in accordance with this section, after approval by the Governor in Council, and of any branch of such railway hereafter to be located by the said Company in respect of which the approval of the Governor in Council shall not be necessary, shall avail as if made and deposited as required by the said " Consolidated Railway Act, 1879," for all the purposes of the said Act, and of this Act; and any copy of, or extract therefrom, certified by the said Minister or his deputy, shall be received as evidence in any court of law in Canada.

e.It shall be sufficient that a map or profile of any part of the completed railway, which shall not lie within any country or district having a registry office, be filed in the office of the Minister of Railways.

19. It shall be lawful for the Company to take from any public lands adjacent to or near the line of the said railway, all stone, timber, gravel and other materials which may be necessary or useful for the construction of the railway ; and also to lay out and appropriate to the use of the Company, a greater extent of lands, whether public or private, for stations, depots, workshops, buildings, sidetracks, wharves, harbours and roadway, and for establishing screens against snow, than the breadth and quantity mentioned in " The Consolidated Railway Act, 1879," - such greater extent taken, in any case being allowed by the Government, and shown on the maps or plans deposited with the Minister of Railways.

20. The limit to the reduction of tolls by the Parliament of Canada provided for by the eleventh sub-section of the l7th section of " The Consolidated Railway Act, 1879, respecting TOLLS, is hereby extended, so that such reduction may be to such an extent that such tolls when reduced shall not produce less than ten per cent. per annum profit on the capital actually expended in the construction of the railway, instead of not less than fifteen per cent. per annum profit, as provided by the said sub-section ; and so also that such reduction shall not be made unless the net income of the Company, ascertained as described in said sub-section, shall have exceeded ten per cent. per annum instead of fifteen per cent. per annum as provided by the said sub-section. And the exercise by the Governor in Council of the power of reducing the tolls of the Company as provided by the tenth sub-section of said section seventeen is hereby limited to the same extent with relation to the profit of the Company, and to its net revenue, as that to which the power of Parliament to reduce tolls is limited by said sub-section eleven as hereby amended.

21. The first and second sub-sections of section 22 of " The Consolidated Railway Act. 1879," shall not apply to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company; and it is hereby enacted that the transfer of shares in the undertaking shall be made only upon the books of the Company in person or by attorney, and shall not be valid unless so made ; and the form and mode of transfer shall be such as shall be, from time to time, regulated by the by-laws of the Company. And the funds of the Company shall not be used in any advance upon the security of any of the shares or stock of the Company.

22. The third and fourth sub-sections of said section 22 of " The Consolidated Railway Act, 1879," shall be subject to the following provisions, namely - that if before the completion of the railway and works under the said contract, any transfer should purport to be made of any stock or share in the Company, or any transmission of any share should be effected under the provisions of said sub-section four, to a person not already a shareholder in the Company, and if in the opinion of the board it should not be expedient that the person (not being already a shareholder) to whom such transfer or transmission shall be made or effected should be accepted as a shareholder, the directors may by resolution veto such transfer or transmission ; and thereafter, and until after the completion of the said railway and works under the said contract, such person shall not be, or be recognized as a shareholder in the Company ; and the original shareholder, or his estate, as the case may be, shall remain subject to all the obligations of a shareholder in the Company, with all the rights conferred upon a shareholder under this Act. But any firm holding paid-up shares in the Company may transfer the whole or any of such shares to any partner in such firm having already an interest as such partner in such shares, without being subject to such veto. And in the event of such veto being exercised, a note shall be taken of the transfer or transmission so vetoed in order that it may be recorded in the books of the Company after the completion of the railway and works as aforesaid; but until such completion, the transfer or transmission so vetoed shall not confer any rights, nor have any effect of any nature or kind whatever as respects the Company.

23. Sub-section sixteen of section nineteen, relating to PRESIDENT AND DIRECTORS, THEIR ELECTION AND DUTIES ; sub-section two of section twenty-four relating to by-laws, NOTICES, etc., sub-sections five and six of section twenty-eight, relating to GENERAL PROVISIONS, and section ninety-seven, relating to RAILWAY FUND, of " The Consolidated Railway Act, 1879," shall not, nor shall any of them apply to the Canadian Pacific Railway or to the Company hereby incorporated.

24. The. said Company shall afford all reasonable facilities to the Ontario and Pacific Junction Railway Company, when their railway shall be completed to a point of junction with the Canadian Pacific Railway, and to the Canada Central Railway Company, for the receiving, forwarding and delivering of traffic upon and from the railways of the said Companies, respectively, and for the return of carriages, trucks and other vehicles ; and no one of the said Companies shall give or continue any preference or advantage to, or in favour of either of the others, or of any particular description of traffic, in any respect whatsoever ; nor shall any one of the said Companies subject any other thereof, or any particular description of traffic, to any prejudice or disadvantage in any respect whatsoever ; and anyone of the said Companies which shall have any terminus or station near any terminus or station of either of the others, shall afford all reasonable facilities for receiving and forwarding all the traffic arriving by either of the others, without any unreasonable delay, and without any preference or advantage, or prejudice or disadvantage, and so that no obstruction may be offered in the using of such railway as a continuous line of communication, and so that all reasonable accommodation may, at all times, by the means aforesaid, be mutually afforded by and to the said several railway companies; and the said Canadian Pacific Railway Company shall receive and carry all freight and passenger traffic shipped to or from any point on the railway of either of the said above-named railway companies passing over the Canadian Pacific Railway or any part thereof, at the same mileage rate and subject to the same charges for similar services, without granting or allowing any preference or advantage to the traffic coming from or going upon one of such railways over such traffic coming from or going upon the other of them, reserving, however, to the said Canadian Pacific Railway Company the right of making special rates for purchasers of land or for immigrants or intending immigrants, which special rates shall not govern or affect the rates of passenger traffic as between the said Company and the said two above-named Companies or either of them. And any agreement made between any two of the said Companies contrary to the foregoing provisions, shall be unlawful, null and void.

25. The Company, under the authority of a special general meeting of the shareholders thereof, and as an extension of the railway hereby authorized to be constructed, may purchase or acquire by lease or otherwise, and hold and operate, the Canada Central Railway, or may amalgamate therewith, and may purchase or acquire by lease or otherwise and hold and operate a line or lines of railway from the City of Ottawa to any point at navigable water on the Atlantic seaboard or to any intermediate point, or may acquire running powers over all railway now constructed between Ottawa and any such point or intermediate point. And the Company may purchase or acquire any such railway, subject to such existing mortgages, charges or liens thereon as shall be agreed upon, and shall possess with regard to any lines or railway so purchased, or acquired, and becoming the property of the Company, the same powers as to the issue of bonds thereon, or on any of them, to an amount not exceeding twenty thousand dollars per mile, and as to the security for such bonds, as are conferred upon the Company by the twenty-eighth section hereof, in respect of bonds to be issued upon the Canadian Pacific Railway. But such issue of bonds shall not affect the right of any holder of mortgages or other charges already existing upon any line of railway so purchased or acquired ; and the amount of bonds hereby authorized to be issued upon such line of railway shall be diminished by the amount of such existing mortgages or charges thereon.

26. The Company shall have power and authority to erect and maintain docks, dockyards, wharves, slips and piers at any point on or in connection with the said Canadian Pacific Railway, and at all the termini thereof on navigable water, for the convenience and accommodation of vessels and elevators; and also to acquire and work elevators, and to acquire, own, hold, charter, work and run steam and other vessels for cargo and passengers upon any navigable water, which the Canadian Pacific Railway may reach or connect with.


27. The by-laws of the Company may provide for the remuneration of the president and directors of the Company, and of any executive committee of such directors ; and for the transfer of stock and shares; the registration and inscription of stock, shares and bonds, and the transfer of registered bonds; and the payment of dividends and interest at any place or places within or beyond the limits of Canada; and for all other matters required by the said contract or by this Act to be regulated by by-laws : but the by-laws of the Company made as provided by law shall in no case have any force or effect after the next general meeting of shareholders which shall be held after the passage of such by-laws, unless they are approved by such meeting.


28. The Company, under the authority of a special general meeting of the shareholders called for the purpose, may issue mortgage bonds to the extent of ten thousand dollars per mile of the Canadian Pacific Railway for the purposes of the undertaking authorized by the present Act; which issue shall constitute a first mortgage and privilege upon the said railway, constructed or acquired, and to be thereafter constructed or acquired, and upon its property, real and personal, acquired and to be thereafter acquired, including rolling stock and plant, and upon its tolls and revenues (after deduction from such tolls and revenues of working expenses), and upon the franchises of the Company; the whole as shall be declared and described as so mortgaged in any deed of mortgage as hereinafter provided. Provided always, however, that if the Company shall have issued, or shall intend to issue, land grant bonds under the provisions of the thirtieth section hereof, the lands granted and to be granted by the Government to the Company may be excluded from the operation of such mortgage and privilege : and provided also that such mortgage and privilege shall not attach upon any property which the Company are hereby, or by the said contract, authorized to acquire or receive from the Government of Canada until the same shall have been conveyed by the Government to the Company, but shall attach upon such property, if so declared in such deed, as soon as the same shall be conveyed to the Company. And such mortgage and privilege may be evidenced by a deed or deeds of mortgage executed by the Company, with the authority of its shareholders expressed by a resolution passed at such special general meeting; and any such deed may contain such description of the property mortgaged by such deed, and such conditions respecting the payment of the bonds secured thereby and of the interest thereon, and the remedies which shall be enjoyed by the holders of such bonds or by any trustee or trustees for them in default of such payment, and the enforcement of such remedies, and may provide for such forfeitures and penalties, in default of such payment, as may be approved by such meeting; and may also contain, with the approval aforesaid, authority to the trustee or trustees, upon such default, as one of such remedies, to take possession of the railway and property mortgaged, and to hold and run the same for the benefit of the bondholders thereof for a time to be limited by such deed, or to sell the said railway and property, after such delay, and upon such terms and conditions as may be stated in such deed: and with like approval any such deed may contain provisions to the effect that upon such default and upon such other conditions as shall be described in such deed, the right of voting possessed by the shareholders of the Company, and by the holders of preferred stock therein, or by either of them, shall cease, and holders, or to them and to the holders of the whole or of any part of the preferred stock of the Company, as shall be declared by such deed ; and such deed may also provide for the conditional or absolute cancellation after such sale of any or all of the shares so deprived of voting power, or of any or all of the preferred stock of the Company, or both ; and may also, either directly by its terms, or indirectly by reference to the by-laws of the Company, provide for the mode of enforcing and exercising the powers and authority to be conferred and defined by such deed, under the provisions hereof. And such deed, and the provisions thereof made under the authority hereof, and such other provisions thereof as shall purport (with like approval) to grant such further and other powers and privileges to such trustee or trustees and to such bondholders, as are not contrary to law or to the provisions of this Act, shall be valid and binding. But if any change in the ownership or possession of the said railway and property shall, at any time, take place under the provisions hereof, or of any such deed, or in any other manner, the said railway and property shall continue to be held and operated under the provisions hereof, and of " The Consolidated. Railway Act, 1879," as hereby modified. And if the Company does not avail itself of the power of issuing bonds secured upon the land grant along as hereinafter provided, the issue of bonds hereby authorized may be increased to any amount not exceeding twenty thousand dollars per mile of the said Canadian Pacific Railway.

29. If any bond issue be made by the Company under the last preceding section before the said railway is completed according to the said contract, a proportion of the proceeds of such bonds, or a proportion of such bonds if they be not sold, corresponding to the proportion of the work contracted for then remaining incomplete, shall be received by the Government, and shall be held, dealt with, and from time to time paid over by the Government to the Company upon the same conditions, in the same manner and according to the same proportions as the proceeds of the bonds, the issue of which is contemplated by subsection d of Clause 9 of the said contract, and by the thirty-first section hereof.

30. The Company may also issue mortgage bonds to the extent of twenty-five million dollars upon the lands granted in aid of the said railway and of the undertaking authorized by this Act; such issue to he made only upon similar authority to that required by this Act for the issue of bonds upon the railway ; and when so made such bonds shall constitute a first mortgage upon such lands, and shall attach upon them when they shall be granted, if they are not actually granted at the time of the issue of such bonds. And such mortgage may be evidenced by a deed or deeds of mortgage to be executed under like authority to the deed securing the issue of bonds on the railway ; and such deed or deeds under like authority may contain similar conditions and may confer upon the trustee or trustees named thereunder, and upon the holders of the bonds secured thereby, remedies, authority, power and privileges, and may provide for forfeitures and penalties, similar to those which may be inserted and provided for under the provisions of this Act in any deed securing the issue of bonds on the railway, together with such other provisions and conditions not inconsistent with law or with this Act as shall be so authorized. And such bonds may be styled Land Grant Bonds, and they and the proceeds thereof shall be dealt with in the manner provided in the said contract.

31. The Company may, in the place and stead of the said land grant bonds, issue bonds, under the twenty-eighth section hereof, to such amount as they shall agree with the Government to issue, with the interest guaranteed by the Government as provided for in the said contract; such bonds to constitute a mortgage upon the property of the Company and its franchises acquired and to be thereafter acquired - including the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and the branches thereof hereinbefore described, with the plant and rolling-stock thereof acquired and to be thereafter acquired, but exclusive of such other branches thereof and of such personal property as shall be excluded by the deed of mortgage to be executed as security for such issue. And the provisions of the said twenty-eighth section shall apply to such issue of bonds, and to the security which may be given for the payment thereof, and they and the proceeds thereof shall be dealt with as hereby and by the said contract provided.

32. It shall not be necessary to affix the seal of the Company to any mortgage bond issued under the authority of this Act; and every such bond issued without such seal shall have the same force and effect, and be held, treated and dealt with by all courts of law and of equity as if it were sealed with the seal of the company. And if it is provided by the mortgage deed executed to secure the issue of any bonds that any of the signatures to such bonds or to the coupons thereto appended may be engraved, stamped or lithographed thereon, such engraved, stamped or lithographed signatures shall be valid and binding on the Company.

33. The phrase " working expenses " shall mean and include all expenses of maintenance of the railway, and of the stations, buildings, works and conveniencies belonging thereto, and of the rolling and other stock and moveable plant used in the working thereof, and also all such tolls, rents or annual sums as may be paid in respect of the hire of engines, carriages or wagons let to the Company; also all rent, charges or interest on the purchase money of lands belonging to the Company, purchased but not paid for, or not fully paid for ; and also all expenses of, and incidental to, working the railway and the traffic thereon, including stores and consumable articles; also rates, taxes, insurance and compensation for accidents or losses ; also all salaries and wages of persons employed in and about the working of the railway and traffic, and all office and management expenses, including directors' fees, agency, legal and other like expenses.

34. The bonds authorized by this Act to be issued upon the railway or upon the lands to be granted to the Company, or both, may be so issued in whole or in part in the denomination of dollars, pounds sterling, or francs, or in any or all of them, and the coupons may be for payment in denominations similar to those of the bond to which they are attached. And the whole or any of such bonds may be pledged, negotiated or sold upon such conditions and at such price as the Board of Directors shall from time to time determine. And provision may be made by the by-laws of the Company, that after the issue of any bond, the same may be surrendered to the Company by the holder thereof, and the Company may, in exchange therefor, issue to such holder inscribed stock of the Company - which inscribed stock may be registered or inscribed at the chief place of business of the Company or elsewhere, in such manner, with such rights, liens, privileges and preferences, at such place, and upon such conditions, as shall be provided by the by-laws of the Company.

35. It shall not be necessary, in order to preserve the priority, lien, charge, mortgage or privilege, purporting to appertain to or be created by any bond issued or mortgage deed executed under the provisions of this Act, that such bond or deed should be enregistered in any manner, or in any place whatever. But every such mortgage deed shall be deposited in the office of the Secretary of State - of which deposit notice shall be given in the Canada Gazette. And in like manner any agreement entered into by the. Company, under section thirty-six of this Act, shall also be deposited; in the said office. And a copy of any such mortgage deed, or agreement, certified to be a true copy by the Secretary of State or his deputy, shall be received as prima facie evidence of the original in all courts of justice, without proof of the signatures or seal upon such original. I

36. If, at any time, any agreement be made by the Company with any persons intending to become bondholders of the Company, or be contained in any mortgage deed executed under the authority of this Act, restricting the issue of bonds by the Company, under the powers conferred by this Act, or defining or limiting the mode of exercising such powers, the Company, after the deposit thereof with the Secretary of State as hereinbefore provided, shall not act upon such powers otherwise than as defined, restricted and limited by such agreement. And no bond thereafter issued by the Company, and no order, resolution or proceeding thereafter made, passed or had by the Company, or by the Board of Directors, contrary to the terms of such agreement shall be valid or effectual.

37. The Company may, from time to time, issue guaranteed or preferred stock, at such price, to such amount not exceeding ten thousand dollars per mile, and upon conditions as to the preferences and privileges appertaining thereto, or to different issues or classes thereof, and otherwise, as shall be authorized by the majority in value of the shareholders present in person or represented by proxy at any annual meeting or at any special general meeting thereof called for the purpose - notice of the intention to propose such issue at such meeting being given in the notice calling such meeting. But the guarantee or preference accorded to such stock shall not interfere with the lien, mortgage and privilege attaching to bonds issued under the authority of this Act. And the holders of such preferred stock shall have such power of voting at meetings of shareholders as shall be conferred upon them by the by-laws of the Company.


38. Every contract, agreement, engagement, scrip certificate or bargain made, and every bill of exchange drawn, accepted or endorsed, and every promissory note and cheque made, drawn or endorsed on behalf of the Company, by any agent, officer or servant of the Company, in general accordance with his powers as such under the by-laws of the Company, shall be binding upon the Company: and in no case shall it be necessary to have the seal of the Company affixed to any such bill, note, cheque, contract, agreement, engagement, bargain or scrip certificate, or to prove that the same was made, drawn, accepted or endorsed, as the case may be, in pursuance of any by-law or special vote or order ; nor shall the party so acting as agent, officer or servant of the Company be subjected individually to any liability whatsoever to any third party therefor : Provided always, that nothing in this Act shall be construed to authorize the Company to issue any note payable to the bearer thereof, or any promissory note intended to be circulated as money, or as the note of a bank, or to engage in the business of banking or insurance.


39. The Company shall, from time to time, furnish such reports of the progress of the work, with such details and plans of the work as the Government may require.

40. As respect places not within any Province, any notice required by " The Consolidated Railway Act, 1879," to be given in the " Official Gazette " of a Province, may be given in the Canada Gazette.

41. Deeds and conveyances of lands to the Company for the purpose of this Act (not being letters patent from the Crown), may, in so far as circumstances will admit, be in the form following, that is to say :

Know all men by these presents, that I, A. B., in consideration of ________ paid to me by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said The Canadian Pacific Railway Company, their successors and assigns, all that tract or parcel of land (describe the land) to have and to hold the said land and premises unto the said Company, their successors and assigns for ever.

Witness my hand and seal, this ________ day of one thousand eight hundred and ________

Signed, sealed and delivered
       in presence of A. B. (L. S.)
                      C. D.
                      E. F.

or in any other form to the like effect. And every deed made in accordance herewith shall be held and construed to impose upon the vendor executing the same the obligation of guaranteeing the Company and its assigns against all dower and claim for dower and against all hypothecs and mortgages and against all liens and charges whatsoever, and also that he has a good, valid and transferable title thereto.