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An Ainu–English–Japanese Dictionary/A

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ア イ ヌ—和—英—辭 典[1]

A ().

A, , 此 () A ハ他動詞ニ加ヘル時ハ自動詞ヲ作リ得ルナリ.例セバ、ヌヱ、書ク、アヌエ、記サレタ. A passive prefix to verbs. Thus Nuye, “to write;” anuye, “to be written.” Raige, “to kill;” araige “to be killed.” The old form still used among the Saghalin Ainu and also among those inhabiting the central districts of Yezo is an. Thus, an-nuye, “written;” an-raige, “killed.” Set akara? “Is the table to be prepared?” But this a or an is not always prefixed to the word it governs, other words may intervene between them. Thus, for wakka atare, “water was caused to be drawn,” we hear, awakka tare; and for akashiobas, “to be helped,” we hear ka hi-a-obas.

A, , 此 () A ヲ動詞ニ加フル時ハ時トシテ過去ヲ示スナリ.例セバ、アオケレ、終リシ. Sometimes a or an represents past time only. Thus; aokere, “it has been finished,” anki ruwe ne “it has been done,” or “it was finished” or “done.”

A, , 時トシテコノ () A ヲ賓格代名詞ノ直キ前ニ置クトキハ自動詞ノ第一人稱單數或ハ複數トナルナリ.例セバ、 アエンキック、我ハ打タレシ.アウンキック、吾々ハ打タレシ. When used immediately following the obj. per. pro. en, “me”, or un, “us,” and a verb, it, together with the pronoun should be translated by “I am” and “we are” respectively; for thus is formed the 1st per. sing. and pl. of the passive voice to verbs. Thus:—a-en-kik, “I am struck;” a-un-kik, “we are struck.” But when a en or a un are used before verbs made transitive by the addition of e they should be translated by “me” and “us.” Thus:—a en epotara ki ruwe ne, “they feel anxiety about me” (lit: “I am being felt anxiety about”); a un emik, “they bark at us” (lit: “we are barked at”).

A, , コノ () A ノ後ニ ne トイフ語ヲオクトキハ第一人稱代名詞ノ複數トナルナリ.例セバ、エレンアネワ、吾々三人. When followed by ne, a represents the 1st. per. pl. pro. thus:—E ren a ne wa, “we three.” But it should also be remembered that under certain conditions eren a ne wa may mean “they three.” Cfo. also etun a ne wa with tun chi ne, “we two.” Literally translated eren a ne wa is, “we being three.” Syn: chi; anokai; chiutara; chiokai utara; this latter sometimes being corrupted into chokai utara.

A, , 或時 () A ハ代名詞單數第一人稱ヲ示スモノナリ.セバ、トカプチウングルアネルエネ、我レハ十勝ノ人ナリ. Sometimes a is used for the 1st per. sing. pro. “I.” As, Tokapchi un guru a ne ruwe ne, “I am a Tokapchi man.” Ashinuma anak nei guru kot’turesh a ne ruwe ne, “I am that person’s younger sister.” Under certain conditions of context these illustrations might be translated in the 3rd person. Syn: Ku-ani.

A, , 時ニ Koro ナル動詞ト共ニ用ヰルトキハ (A) , ハ第三人複數、人代名詞トナル.例セバ、アコロアリキアムベ、彼等ノ持來タリタルモノ. Prefixed to koro, “to possess,” the 3rd per. pl. pro. “they” is formed. Thus, “the things they brought” is, akoro ariki ambe. Such is the idiom but the words mean in fact, “having the things they came.”

A, , 時ニ Koro(持)ト共ニ用ヰルトキハ第一人稱複數持格代名詞トナル.例セバ、アコロベ、我儕ノモノ. By prefixing a to the verb koro, “to have,” the 1st per. pl. poss. pro. “our” is obtained. Thus:—Akorobe, “our things.” Akoro michi, “our father.” But where there is no danger of ambiguity the koro may be dropped. As:—Shipakari, a uni wa ekbe, “only think; they came from our home!” Syn: Chikoro.

A, , 時ニ Koro ノ前ニ A ヲ加フルトキハ第一人稱單數持格代名詞トナルナリ、セバ、アコロサポ、吾ガ姊. But when used with koro, a sometimes represents the 1st per. sing. poss. pro. “my.” Thus, akoro sapo, “my elder sister.” akoro yupo, “my elder brother.”

A, , 時トシテ A ハ第二人稱持格單數代名詞トナルナリ、例セバ、アアクタリ、汝ノ弟等. Sometimes a is found for the 2nd per. sing. per. pro. “your,” and as such short for aokai or anokai, “you” and “ye.” Thus:—aakutari, “your younger brothers.” The full way of writing this would be a-koro akihi utari. See aakutari and aaktonoge.

A, , 時トシテ A ハ第二人稱單數代名詞ニ用ヰラルルコトアリ. Sometimes a represents the 2nd per. sing. per. pro. “you.” As:—Tokkari kotan wa ek a ruwe he an? “Have you come from Tokkari?” The more usual way however of using such phrases is by substituting e for a, e being a contraction of eani, “you.”

A, , 時トシテ A ハ第三人稱單數代名詞ニ用ヰラル. A is sometimes used for the 3rd per. sing. per. pro “he,” “she”; and even sometimes as the rel. pro. “who.” A-e-hotuyekara, “he is calling you.” Teda an a guru, “the person who was here.”

A, , 時トシテ A ハ動詞ノ後ニ用ヰラル其時ハ疑問或ハ確答ノ義ナリ. Used after verbs a, sometimes hardened into ya, expresses interrogation, and sometimes affirmation. Thus an a? “Is there”; an a, “there is,” which is intended being determined by the tone of voice. Syn: ta a? ta an?

A, , 齒、肉叉ノ股、支流. A tine. A tooth. A prong of a fork, spear, or harrow. Thus:—Re a ush op, “a trident.”

A, , 誰、タレ、何、ナニ、所ノ、トコロノ. rel. pro. Who. Which. As:—E kik a guru nen ne ruwe? “Who struck you.”

A, , 嗚呼. inter. Ah. Oh. Alas. As:—A ku kon nishpa, “Ah, my master”! A e seta, “Ah, you dog”; Syn: Aa.

A, , 然、シカリ、 adv. Yes. Syn: E. Ruwe ne wa. Kon ne.

A, , 一個、一方、全ク、 adj. and adv. One. One of a pair. Entirely. Wholly. Thoroughly. Quite. As:—A-shik, “one eye”; also ara-shik. Syn: Ara; at.

A, , 坐スル、(單數). v.i. (sing). To sit. As:—Kina kata a, “to sit on a mat.” Mo no a, “sit still.” A wa an, “to be sitting.” A kane an, “he is sitting.”

A, , 燃エル. v.i. To burn. As:—Abe a, “the fire is burning.” Syn: Rui. Paraparase.

A, , 豐饒ナル、ユタカナル、盛ナル、サカンナル. adj. and v.i. To be in plenty. Luxurious. To be.

Aa, アヽ, 嗚呼、アヽ. interj. Ah. Ah. Alas. See A.

Aahupkoropo, アヽフプコロポ, 貰子、モラヒコ. n. An adopted child. Syn: Aeahupkoropo. Ahupkoropo.

Aainukoro, アヽイヌコロ v.i. and adj. 敬ハレル、大切ニ思ハレル. To be treated with respect. Honoured. Revered. Important. Held in esteem.

Aainukorobe, アヽイヌコロベ, 大切ニ思ハレルモノ. n. A thing of importance. A thing of value.

Aakkari, アヽッカリ, 優リタル. adj. Surpassed. Passed by. As:—Hoshiki no an chip aakkari an na, “the ship which went out first has been passed.”

Aaktonoge, アヽクトノゲ, 弟、(尊敬スル語). ph. “My younger brother.” “Your younger brother.”

Aakutari, アヽクタリ, 弟等. ph. “your” or “my” or “our younger brothers.” From aokai, aki, and utari.

Aani, アヽニ, 運バルヽ、持タルヽ. adj. Held. Carried. Led. As:—Aani pon guru, “the little fellow who is being carried.”

Aani-ushike, アヽニウシケ, 手、(物ヲ握ム柄) 例セバ、シユアアニウシケ、鍋ノ手. n. A handle. A place to take hold of. As:—Shu aani ushike, “a pot handle.” Apa ushta aani ushike, “a door handle.”

Aanka, アヽンカ, 出來上リシ、置カルル、負ケシ. v.i. Made. Finished. Defeated. Placed. Put.

Aanno, アヽンノ, 負ケタル. v.i. and adj. Over-come. Defeated. Syn: Aannu. Aapkara.

Aannokara, アヽンノカラ, 負カサレル. v.i. To be over-come or defeated. Syn: Aannoka. Aapkara.

Aanno-raige, アヽンノライゲ, 爭フテ殺サレル. v.i. To be killed in contest. Syn: Anno-a-raige. Annu-a-raige. Annu-a-koiki.

Aannu, アヽンヌ, 負カサレル. v.i. To be defeated.

Aannu-no-hachire, アヽンヌノハチレ, 爭フテ負カサレル. v.i. To be overthrown in contest.

Aannu no hachiri, アヽンヌノハチリ, 爭フテ負カサレル. v.i. To be overcome in contest.

Aannu-no-koiki, アヽンヌノコイキ, 鬪フテ殺サレル. v.i. To be killed in contest.

Aannu-no-ye, アヽンヌノヱ, 議論シテ負ケル. v.i. To get the worst of it in argument.

Aapkara, アヽプカラ, 負カサル、腐ル. v.i. To be defeated. To have become rotten through exposure to the elements.

Aapkarabe, アヽプカラベ, 腐シタ物. Anything rotten.

Aapte, アヽプテ, 力ヲ落ス、落膽スル、弱イ、例セバ、アアプテグスアプカシエアイカプ、弱イカラ歩メヌ. v.i. and adj. To be very weak. To have lost one’s strength. As:—Aapte gusu apkash eaikap, “he cannot walk through weakness.”

Aara, アヽラ, 全ク、悉ク、假セバ、アアライサㇺ、全ク無シ. adv. Entirely. Quite. Thoroughly. As:—Aara iam, “it has entirely gone.” Syn: Ara. Aara.

Aara, アヽラ, 美麗ナル、ウツクシキ. adj. Beautiful. Pretty. Neat. Syn: Atomte.

Aara-ushtek, アヽラウシテク, 斷絕シタ. v.i. Exterminated. Extinguished.

Aara-ushtekka, アヽラウシュテッカ, 斷絕スル. v.t. To exterminate. To extinguish.

Aashi, アヽシ, 閉ジラレル. v.i. To be shut. Closed. Set up (as a door in a door-way or a post).

Aashiri, アヽㇱリ, 他人、ホカノヒト. n. Other persons. Strangers.

Aashiri-oreshpa-utara, アヽシリオレシパウタラ, 孤兒、ミナシゴ、(複數). n. Orphans. Lit: “persons brought up by others.”

Aashiri-oresu-guru, アヽシリオレスグル, 孤兒、ミナシゴ、(單數). n. An orphan.

Aashte, アヽシテ, 立タシメル、設立サレル. n. To be established. To be set up.

Aatama, アヽタマ, 難產ノ時ノ咒. n. Name of a ceremony in which any woman suffering from hard labour is made to partake of a certain food in order to procure parturition.

Aba or abaha,
アバ, アバハ,

Apa or apaha,
アパ, アパハ,

親類、(單數). n. A relation. Syn: Iriwak.
Aba or abahautara,
アバ, アバハウタラ,

Apa or apahautara,
アパ, アパハウタラ,

親類、(複數). n. Relations. Syn: Uiriwak utara.

Abe, アベ, 託、カコツケ、假僞. n. Pretence. Appearance. Syn: Ap.

Abe, アベ, 火、例セバ、アベアレ、火ヲ燃ク. n. Fire. Abe are, “to kindle a fire.” Abe-erau, “to cover up fire with ashes.” Abe erepo, “to rake fire together.” Abe kuru, “to approach the fire.” Abe oraitek, “the fire is dying out.” Abe-pakakse, “the fire crackles.” Abe-pat-patke, “the fire splutters.” Abre-rui, “the fire burns.” Abe ukopoye, “to stir a fire.” Abe ush, the fire is out.” Sometimes pronounced api.

Abe-chikuni, アベチクニ, 薪、タキヾ. n. Fire-wood. Syn: Abe-ni.

Abe-bashui, アベバシュイ, 火箸、ヒバシ. n. Fire-tongs.

Abe-etok, アベエトク, 上坐、カミザ. n. The head of a fire-place.

Abe-etumbe, アベエツムベ, 蛾、夜ノ蝶、ガ. n. A kind of large butterfly moth. (Lit: “Fire-borrowers”).

Abe-kamui, アベカムイ, 火女神 n. The goddess of fire. Syn: Kamui huchi; Iresu kamui; Unchi kamui.

Abe-kes, アベケス, 燒ク木. n. A fire brand. By some Abe-kis.

Abe-keshi, アベケシ, ネツポ n. Dragonet. [2]Callionymus sp.

Abe-kis, アベキス, 燒ク木. n. Same as abe-kes.

Abe-koro, アベコロ, 託言スル、カコツケル、マネル. v.i. To pretend to be. To ape. Simulate. Syn: Ap-koro.

Abe-kot, アベコツ, 爐、ロ. n. The hearth. The bed of the fire.

Abe-mau, アベマウ, 火熱、カネツ. n. Fire heat.




火花、ヒバナ. n. Fire sparks.

Abe-nep-koro-humi-an-tashum, アベネプコロフミアンタシュム, 熱病、ネツビヤウ. n. Fever. (Lit: the disease which feels like fire). Syn: Sesekmau tashum.

Abe-ni, アベニ, 薪、タキギ. n. Firewood. Syn: Abe-chikuni.

Abe-ni, アベニ, エゾサンザシ、ヤチザクラ. Cratægus chlorosarca, Max.



火光、ヒノヒカリ. n. Firelight.

Abe-nui, アベヌイ, 火焰、ホノオ、例セバ、アベヌイコテレケ、火ガ付ク. n. A tongue of fire. A flame of fire. As:—Abe-nui kotereke, “to catch fire.”

Abe-oi, アベオイ, 竈、カマド、爐、ロ. n. A Fire-place. A Furnace. Syn: Abe-sokot.

Abe-oi, アベオプ, 火鉢、ヒバチ. n. A Fire-box. A brasier.

Abe-o-usat, アベオウサッ, 熾ツテ居ル炭. n. Live coals.

Abe-push, アベプシ, 火ガ跳ネル ph. The fire jumps.

Abe-sakunto, アベサクント, 僞造靑銅、ニセカラカネ. n. A kind of spurious bronze. Metal which has been subjected to fire to give it the color of bronze; usually an old sword guard.





爐邊. n. The hearth. The fire-side.

Abe-sam-karabe, アベサムカラベ, ロセン、(灰ナラシ). n. A hearth-rake. Syn: Abe-sam kara kirai.

Abe-sam kara kirai, アベサムカラキライ, ロセン、(灰ナラシ). n. A hearth-rake.

Abe-samta, アベサムタ, 爐邊ニ、ロバタニ. adv., By the fire-side. As:—Abe samta an, “it is by the fire.”



火熱、ヒノネツ. n. Fire heat. Syn: Sesek mau.

Abe-shinda, アベシンダ, 爐. n. A Fire-place.

Abe-shotki, アベシヨッキ, 爐ノ中、(火テオク所). n. The very centre of a fire bed. The particular place in the centre of a fire in which the fire goddess is supposed to dwell.

Abe-sokot, アベソコッ, 爐、ロ. n. A furnace. A fire-place. Syn: Abe oi.

Abe-usat, アベウサッ, 熱灰、アツイハイ. n. Hot cinders. As:—Abe-o-usat, “living coals.”

Abe-ututta, アベウツッタ, 爐ノ下坐卽チ西端. n. The lower or western end of a fire-place.

Abi, アビ, 磨リ痕、スリキズ. n. A place caused by rubbing.

Abo, アボ, 母、ハヽ、又は父、チヽ.(方言). n. Mother in some districts and Father in others. Syn: Habo.



海ノ氷、ウミノコホリ. n. Sea-ice.

Acha, アチヤ, 小細ニ切ラルヽ、挽キ割ラレル、例セバ、チエプアチヤオケレ、魚切ラレタ. v.i. To be cut into fine pieces. To be sawn up as wood. As:—Chep acha okere, “the fish has been cut up.”

, アチヤ, 父、チヽ、叔父、ヲヂ、老人、トシヨリ. n. An uncle. Father. Also used as a term of respect when addressing old men. Syn: Achapo; achipo.

Achapo, アチヤポ, 叔父、ヲヂ、父、チチ、老人、トシヨリ. n. An uncle. See acha.

Achi, アチ, 熱シタル. adj. Cooked. Ripe.

Achi, アチ, 他ノ、外ノ. adj. Other. Strange. Belonging elsewhere.

Achi, アチ, アル (複数). v.i. Are. Pl. of an “to be.”

Achike, アチケ, 陰門. The vagina. The word to be used by a physician is chinuina-korobe. Syn: Chinunuke ambe.

Achikka, アチッカ, 滴タル. adj. and v.i. To drop. Dropped as water. v.t. chikka.

Achikka, アチッカ, 神ニ捧酒スル禮. n. The ceremony of offering libation to the gods and ancestral spirits. Syn: Icharapa an.

Achikka an, アチッカアン, 神ニ捧酒スル禮ヲ爲スコト. v.i. To perform the Achikka ceremony.



流レヲ塞グ、(河ナド). v.t. To obstruct the current of a river (as by logs of wood).

Achipiyere, アチピイェレ, 訴ラル、𠴰ラル. v.i. To be accused. To be reminded of one’s faults.

Achipiyere guru, アチピヱレグル, 私生子. n. A bastard. Syn: Apiya. Achiye. Chiappise.

Achipo, アチポ, 叔父、老人、父. n. Uncle. Father. An old man.

Achisei, アチセイ, 他ノ. adj. Other. Strange. Belonging elsewhere. Of another house. Syn: Atchisei.

Achisei un guru, アチセイウングル, 他ノ人、(單數). n. A stranger. A person of another house or village. Syn: Achi-un-guru. Atchi-un-guru.

Achisei un utara, アチセイウンウタラ, 他ノ人、(複數). n. Strangers, (pl: of achisei un guru).

Achiu, 刺込ム、サシコム. v.t. To stick in. To drive in.



流レヲ塞ク、(河ナド).v.i. To obstruct the current (as by logs).

Achi-un-guru, アチウングル, 他人、(單數). n. A stranger.

Achi-un-utara, アチウンウタラ, 他人、(複數). n. Strangers.

Achiye, アチヱ, 私生子. n. A bastard. Syn: Apiya. Chiappise.

Ae, アエ, 食セラル. v.i. To be eaten. Ae wa isam, “it has been eaten up.” The transitive form is e, “to eat.”

Aeahupkarapo, アエアフㇷ゚カラポ, 貰ヒ子、モラヒコ. n. An adopted child. Syn: Ahupkarapo.

Aeankes, アエアンケス, 惡マルヽ. v.i. and adj. To be disliked. Hated. Despised. The transitive form is Eankes. Syn: Etunne.

Aearamuye, アエアラムイェ, 端折、ハシヨル. v.t. To tie the clothes back as for walking or running. Syn: Ayoaramuye.



吐キ出スモノ. n. Vomit.

(Lit: “ matter made to run forth by vomiting).”

Aeatup, アエアトゥプ, 吐キ出スモノ. n. Vomit.

Aechake, アエチャケ, 坭ダラケナル、汚レタル. adj. Muddy. Dirty. Syn: Kapa.

Aechakkep, アエチヤッケプ, 不潔ナルモノ. n. A dirty thing. Dirt. Anything repulsive.

Aechararase, アエチャララセ, 靜ニ進ミ行ク. v.i. To glide along. To slip along. To go along stealthily. To go along and leave a trail behind one as drops of water falling from a bucket. Syn: Anechararase. Aeochararase.

Aechikopoye, アエチコポヱ, 擾亂サレタル、カキミダサレタル. adj. Mixed. Stirred up.



分ケ與フル. v.i. To be given out in small portions. As: Amam aehapapu, "to apportion food sparingly." Syn: Aeyukke.

Aehabapuno, アエハバブノ, 吝ミテ. adv. Sparingly. In a sparing manner. Syn: Aeyukke.

Aehatatne, アエハタッ子, 無事ニ護ラレル、例セバ、カムイホサリアングスアエハタッ子ルエ子、神様ノ御助クニテ無事ニ護ラルル. v.i. To be kept free from harm. As:—Kamui hosari an gusu aehatatue ruwe ne, "I have, by the providence of God, been kept free from harm."

Aehomatu, アエホマツ, 驚クペキ、 驚カサレタル. adj. and v.i. Wonderful. Marvellous. Surprising. Extraordinary. To be surprised, startled, or frightened.

Aehoshipire, (sing.),

Aehoshippare, (pl),

戻サレル、モドサル. v.i. To be sent back. To be returned.

Aehotke amip, アエホッケアミプ, 寢衣、ネマキ. n. Sleeping clothes. Night clothes.

Aehotkep, アエホッケプ, 寢間着、ネマキ. n. Same as aehotke amip.

Aehuye, アエフヱ, 何々ヲ......待ツ. v.t. To await. Syn: Atere.

Aeikapa, アエイカパ, 話ノ材料、ハナシノタネ, n. The matter or substance of a speech or lecture. As:—Upaskuma aeikapa wa ye, “give the matter of the address”

Aeikosamba, アエイコサムパ, 眞似タル、眞似ノ, v.i. and adj. Imitated. Like. Syn: Aeyukara.

Aeimau-anu, アエマウアヌ, 甚ダ怖ロシイ. adj. Very dreadful. (Lit: to have one's breath taken away)

Aeishiramnep, アエイシラム子プ, 必要ナル物, n. Needs. Wants. Necessities. Syn: Kon rusuibe.

Aeishokori, アエイショコリ, 信仰, n. Faith. Belief.

Aeishokorobe, アエイショコロベ, 信仰スルモノ、信經, n. Creed. What one believes.

Aeishungere, アエイシュンゲレ, 信ジラレヌ, v.i. To be disbelieved. To be treated as a lie.

Aeishungerep, アエイシュンゲレプ, 信ジラレヌ物. n. Disbelief. A thing disbelieved.

Aeiwange-eaikapbe, アエイワンゲエアイカㇷ゚ベ, 無用ノ物、怠惰者. n. An idle fellow. A useless thing or person.



無用ナル、怠惰ナル. adj. and n. Useless. Objects of no value.

Aeiyokunnure, アエイヨクンヌレ, 奇妙ナル、驚クベキ. v.i. and adj. Wonderful. Marvellous. Surprising.

Aeiyokunnurep, アエイヨクンウレプ, 奇妙ナモノ、驚クベキモノ. n. Something wonderful. A marvellous thing.

Aeiyonnupba, アエイヨンウプパ, 告發サレル. v.i. To be accused of a crime. To be had up before a court.

Aeiyonnupba-guru, アエイヨンウプパグル, 被告人. n. A person accused of a crime. A person upon trial.

Aekap, アエカプ, 挨拶、アイサツ. n. A greeting. A salute.

Aekatki, アエカッキ, 避ケル. v.t. To avoid. Syn: Eshishi.

Aekatnu, アエカッヌ, 甘、ウマキ. adj. Delicious. Nice. Pleasant. Pleasing to the taste.

Aekatnup, アエカッヌップ, 甘キモノ. n. Anything pleasing to the taste.

Aekimatek, アエキマテㇰ, 恐怖スル. v.i. and adj. Afraid. Fearful. Struck with fear.

Aekimatekbe, アエキマテクベ, 恐怖スベキモノ. adj. A thing to be afraid of. A fearful thing.

Aekiroroan, アエキロロアン, 面白キ、綺麗. adj. Pleasant. Nice. Pretty. Interesting and pleasing to the sense of sight.

Aekiroroambe, アエキロロアムベ, 綺麗ナモノ、面白キモノ. n. Anything pleasant, pretty, nice.

Aekiroro-an-i, アエキロロアンイ, 綺麗ナコト、面白キコト. n. Pleasantness.

Aekiroro-anka, アエキロロアンカ, 喜バセル. v.t. To interest. To please.

Aekosamba, アエコサムパ, 眞似タル. v.i. and adj. Imitated. Syn: Aeyukara.

Aekotekot, アエコテコツ, 氣絕シテ後生キル. v.i. To faint away and revive. (Lit: "died and died").

Aekoiki, アエコイキ, 叱カラレタ、打タレタ. adj. Scolded. Smitten.

Aemaka, アエマカ, 暇ヲダサレタ、棄テラレタ、(單數). v.i. and adj. To be cast off. Abandoned. Thrown away. Discharged.

Aemakap, アエマカプ, 投棄ラレタルモノ. n. Refuse. Rubbish. Anything cast away.

Aemakatesu, アエマカテス, 外カラ中ノ內ニ曲ゲル. v.i. and adj. Turned up towards the inside from the outside.

Aemakba, アエマㇰバ, 投ゲ棄テラレタ、(複數). v.i. and adj. Cast off. Pl: of aemaka.

Aemakbap, アエマクバプ, 投棄ラレタモノ、(複數). n. Refuse. Rubbish. Waste. (pl.)

Aemarapto-kara, アエマラプトカラ, 何々……以テ饗應ヲ設ケル、例セバ、ラタスケプアエマラプトカラ、野菜ト果實ヲ以テ饗應ヲスル. v.t. To use in a feast. As:—Rataskep aemarapto kara, “to make a feast of vegetables, herbs and fruits (with no meat or fish.)

Aemina, アエミナ, 笑ハル. v.i. and adj. To be laughed at. Ridiculed.

Aeiminap, アエィミナップ, 笑ハルベキモノ. n. An absurdity. A laughable thing.

Aemina-no, アエミナノ, 笑ハルベキ. adj. Absurdly. Laughably. Ridiculously.

Aen, アエン, 第一人稱、單數代名詞、我ヲ、例セバ、アエンキキ、私ハ打タレタ. per. pro. 1st per. sing. pass. voice of the obj. case, “I am.” As:—A-en-kik “I am struck” (lit: “I was an object struck”).

Aeneusara, アエ子ウサラ, 喜バサル. v.i. To be pleased. Made glad. To be caused to rejoice.

Aeneusarabe, アエ子ウサラベ, 喜バシキ話. n. Pleasing stories. Gladdening news.

Aeninuibe, アエニヌイベ, . n. A pillow. Syn: Chieninuibe.

Aenishte, アエニシテ, 制セラル. v.i. To be governed.

Aenishte, アエニシテ, 何々ヲ耐ヘ能フ. v.i. and adj. To be able to endure.

Aenokoisamka, アエンコイサムカ, 損スル. v.t. To suffer loss. To be made to lose as in a bargain.

Aenupetne, アエヌペッ子, 喜ブ. v.i. To be rejoiced over. To be pleased with.

Aenupetnere, アエヌペッ子レ, 喜バセル. v.i. To be made to rejoice over. To be made pleased or happy.

Aenupurube, アエヌプルベ, 守護神、オマモリ. n. A charm used to keep off illness or bad luck. Syn: Chikashinninup, Aeshiship.

Aenuwap, アエヌワプ, 分娩. v.i. and n. Birth.

Aenuwap-toho, アエヌワップトホ, 誕生日. n. A birth-day.

Aeochararase, アエオチヤララセ, 痕ヲ殘ス. v.i. To go along and leave an intermittent trail behind one as water dropped from a bucket. Syn: Aechararase. Anechararase.

Aeoichiure, アエオイチウレ, 交合. v.i. To have sexual intercourse.

Aeokbe, アエオㇰベ, 衣類ヲ乾ス竿. n. A towel horse.

Aeok-ushi, アエオㇰウシ, 着物. n. Clothing. Syn: Amip.



傾ケル. v.i. To lean over. To bend over. Syn: Eshir'eoma.

Aeomare, アエオマレ, 對話スル. v.t. To hold intercourse with.

Aeomoshiroi, アエオモシロイ, 喜ブ. v.i. To be pleased with. To be delighted with. Syn: Aenupetne.

Aeomoshiroire, アエオモシロイレ, 喜バサレル. v.i. To be made pleased.

Aeoramsakka, アエオラㇺサッカ, 廢スル、止メル. v.i. To abolish. To make void. To bring to nothing. Syn: Aepande.

Aeoripak, アエオリパク, 怖ロシイ. adj. Dread. Dreadful. Syn: Ashitoma.

Aeoshikpekarep, アエオシクペカレップ, 目標、メジルシ. n. An object aimed at.

Aeoshirokbe, アエオシロクベ, 邪魔、ジャマ. n. A hindrance.

Aeoshirokokbe, アエオシロコックベ, 邪魔、ジャマ. n. A hindrance. (Lit: "Something knocked against").

Aep, アエㇷ゚, 食物、ショクモツ、例セバ、アエプケマン、饑饉. n. Food. As:—Aep keman, “a scarcity of food”; aep nuye an, “an abundance of food.”

Aepakashnu, アエパカシヌ, 敎ヘラレタ. adj. Taught. Instructed. Warned.

Aepakashnu-wa-an, アエパカシヌワアン, 敎ヘラレタ、誡メラレタ. adj. Taught. Instructed. Warned.

Aepange, アエパンゲ, 嫌ハレタ. adj. Abominated. Hated. Disliked. Syn: Aetunne. Aeangesh.

Aepange-i, アエパンゲイ, 憎惡、嫌ハレタコト. n. An abomination. Hatred. Anything disliked. Syn: Aetun-ne-i.

Aepangep, アエパンゲプ, 嫌ハレタモノ. n. A thing hated. Syn: Aeturnep.

Aepante, アエパンテ, 無クスル. v.t. To abolish. To bring to nothing. (Lit: To make weak or "insipid.") Syn: Katchakte. Aeoram-sakka..

Aepanup, アエパヌプ, 女ノ帽子. n. A woman's head dress. Syn: Chipanup.

Aepchari, アエプチヤリ, 食物ヲ粗末ニスル. v.t. To waste food. Improvidence in the matter of food. Syn: Aepkoshini.

Aep-chari-guru, アエプチャリグル, 大食家、タイショク. n. A glutton. One who wastes food.

Aepekarep, アエペカプ, 目的、メアテ. n. An object aimed at.

Aep-hapapu, アエプハパプ, 小食ナル. v.i. To eat sparingly. To be sparing in the matter of food.

Aep-itusare, アエップイツサレ, 食ヲ施ス. v.t. To bestow food (as on a beggar.)

Aep-koibe-isam-guru, アエプコイベイサムグル, 大食家、タイショク. n. A glutton.

Aep-koshini-guru, アエプコシニグル, 速ク又ハ多量ニ食スル人. n. A fast or wasteful easter. A great eater. A glutton.

Aep-op, アエプオプ, 辨當、ベンタウ. n. A food wallet.

Aep-rapapsep, アエプラパプセプ, 食ベ殘シ. n. Crumbs. Remnants of food. (Lit: "Food dropped down").

Aepuntek, アエプンテク, 滿足スル、喜ブ. v.i. and adj. To be happy. Contented Syn: Akopuntek.

Aepusukara, アエプスカラ, 浮ブ、(例セバ死魚ノ水面ニ浮ブガ如キヲイフ). v.i. To come to the top (as dead fish to the surface of water).

Aeramasu, アエラマス, 喜ブ、ヨロコブ. v.t. and v.i. To be pleased with. To consider delightful, interesting, or admirable.

Aeramasu-i, アエラマスイ, 面白キ、オモシロキ. adj. and n. Interesting. Of interest. Interest. Aeramasu-nonno, アエラマスノンノ, 綺麗ナ者、キレイナモノ. n. A handsome person (Lit: "an admirable flower)."

Aeramchuptek, アエラムチュプテク, 災害ノ、ワザハイノ. adj. Troubled. Calamitous.

Aeramchuptkbe, アエラムチュプテクベ, 災害、ハザハイ. n. A calamity.



不滿足、フマンゾク. adj. and v.i. To be dissatisfied.

Aeramu-hopunini, アエラムホプニニ, 情ヲ動ス. v.i. To have the feelings stirred up.

Aeramu-nishte, アエラムニシュテ, 慘酷ノ、ヒドイ. adj. Cruel. Hard-hearted. As:—Aeramu-nishte guru, “A cruel person.”

Aeramu-sarak, アエラムサラク, 心痛スル. v.i. To be in trouble. To be in adversity. To suffer mental pain. To grieve. To be mentally agitated.

Aeramusarakbe, アエラムサラクベ, 心配. n. Trouble. Adversity.

Aeramu-arakka, アエラムサラツカ, 心配サセル. v.i. and adj. Troubled.

Aeramu-shinne, アエラムシン子, 滿足ニ思フ、決心シタ、例セバ、クキアエラムシン子、私モ成シテ仕舞ッタ. v.i. To be satisfied. To have determined. Finished. As:—Ku ki aeramu-shinne, “I have finished doing it.” This word appears to carry the idea of contentment in it sometimes and as such equals the word yaiyai-nuwere.

Aeramushitne, アエラムシ子, 心配シテ居ル. adj. Troubled. Comfortless. To be in pain.

Areamu-usausak, アエラムウサウサク, 曖昧ナル、アイマイナル. adj. Ambiguous. Confusing.

Aeramu-usausakka, アエラムウサウサッカ, 瞞着セラレタ、ダマサレタ. adj. and v.i. To be confused. Syn: Eramu-kachipeutekka.

Aerannak, アエランナック, 無用、イラナイ、障碍、ジャマ. v.i. Not wanted. To be a hindrance.

Aerannakbe, アエランナツクベ, 無用物、イラナイモノ、障阻物、ジャマモノ. n. A nuisance. A hindrance. Something not wanted.

Aerannakka, アエランナッカ, 欲セヌ、好マヌ. n. To dislike. To think a nuisance.

Aeraratkire, アエララッキレ, 降サレタ、下サレタ. v.i. To be taken down. To be lowered.

Aeratkip, アエラツキプ, 禈ノ端. n. The ends of a loin cloth. Syn: Tepa.

Aerayap, アエラヤップ, 美イ、賞讚スベキ. adj. Beautiful. Pleasant. Pleasing. Praiseworthy.

Aerayapka, アエラヤップカ, 美ク恩フ. adj. and v.i. To be made to admire. To consider beautiful.

Aerikomare, アエリコマレ, 增大スル. v.t. To augment. To enlarge.

Aerusaikari, アエルサイカリ, 待チ伏セスル、先ヲ領スル、豫メ圖カル. v.t. To go to forestall. To forlay. To surround or get round.

Aesaman, アエサマン, 魔法、マホフ. n. Sorcery. Syn: Niwok.

Aesamanki, アエサマンキ, 魔法ヲ施ス. v.i. To practise sorcery. Syn: Niwokki.

Aesanasapte, アエサナサプテ, 敬フベキモノ. n. Something to be treated with reverence.

Aesanniyo, アエサンニヨ, 考ヘ定メラル、算數セラルヽ. v.i. To have settled or determined. To be treated as. To be reckoned up.

Aesanniyop, アエサンニヨプ, 精算書、考ヘ. n. An account. A thought. A consideration.

Aesapamuyep, アエサパムイェプ, 頭巾、フキン. n. A head-cloth.

Aeshinap, アエシナプ, 秘密、ヒミツ、隱クレタモノ. n. A secret. A hidden thing. Anything tied up so as to conceal it. A parcel.

Aeshikkoingara, アエシッコインガラ, 僞善スル. adj. and v.i. To act the hypocrite. Syn: Shikoingarara.

Aeshimoshmare, アエシモシュマレ, 知ラザル振リヲスル. v.t. To ignore. To pretend not to know a person.

Aeshinnuye, アエシンヌヱ, 記サレタ、錄サレタ. v.i. To be written. Syn: Anuye.

Aeshirikuran, アエシリクラン, 面白イ、可笑イ. adj. Comical. Funny.

Aeshiritomtomop, アエシリトムトモプ, 飾物、カザリモノ. n. A jewel. An ornament. Syn: Aeyaitomtep.

Aeshirun, アエシルン, 惡シキ. adj. Bad. Reprobate.

Aeshirun-guru, アエシルングル, 惡人. n. A bad person. A reprobate.

Aeshiship, アエシシプ, 守護、マモリ. n. A charm. Syn: Aenupurube. Chiko-shinninup.

Aeshitaigi, アエシタイギ, 叩ク、打ツ. v.i. To be beaten. Struck.

Aeshitchari, アエシッチャリ, 散ッタ. adj. Scattered. Dispersed. Syn: Chieshitchari.



晴着、ハレギ. n. The best clothes. The clothes worn at festivals.

Aeshopki-ainu, アエショプキアイヌ, 饗應ニ列ラナリシ人. n. Men sitting at a feast. Syn: Aneshopki-ainu.

Aetashumbe, アエタシュムベ, 病ノ原因. n. Any cause of illness.

Aeteshkara, アエテシュカラ, 雇ハル. v.i. To be sent on business. To be employed by another. To be sent for.

Aetomsam, アエトムサム, 身體、カラダ. n. The body. As:—Ete un aetomsam kohosari yan, “turn the body this way.”

Aetoitap, アエトイタプ, 農產物、リクサンブツ. n. Garden produce. Things planted in the garden.

Aetoranne, アエトラン子, 能ハズ、例セバ、イベアイトラン子、食スルコト能ハズ. v.i. To be unable to do. Not liking to do. As:—Ibe aetoranne, “To be unable to eat.” Iki aetoranne, “To be unable to do.” Mokoro poka iki aetoranne, “I was even unable to sleep.”

Aette, アエッテ, 與ヘタル. v.i. To be given. Sent. Handed over.

Aetunne, アエトゥン子, 嫌忌サレタ. v.i. and adj. Abominated. Hated. Disliked. Syn: Aepange. Akowen.

Aetunne-i, アエトゥンネィ, 忌ムコト. n. Dislike. Hatred. Abomination. Syn: Aepange-i.

Aetunnep, アエトゥンネプ, 忌ムモノ. n. Abomination. A thing hated. Syn: Aepangep.

Aeuitaknup, アエウイタクヌプ, 誓約、ケイヤク. n. A covenant. A promise.

Aeukote, アエウコテ, 結ビ合ハス. v.i. To be tied together.

Aeuminare, アエウミナレ, 喜バサレタ. v.i. (pl.) To be made to laugh. To be made pleased with. Syn: Aenupetne.

Aeunbe-ne, アエウンベネ, 天罰ニテ死ス. v.i. To die as a punishment for one's evil deeds.



葬儀ノトキノ饗應ノ食物. n. The food provided in feasts for the dead.

Aeurammakka, アエウラムマッカ, 喜バサル. v.i. To be made happy with. To be pleased with. Syn: Aenupetne.

Aeurep, アエウレプ, 施與、ホドコシ. n. Alms. Syn: Eungeraitep.

Aeutonotoush, アエウトノトウシュ, 醉ハセル. v.i. To be affected by strong drink. To be drunk.

Aewangep, アエワンゲプ, 道具、ドウグ. n. Tools. Implements.

Aewangep-ushike-isam, アエワンゲプウシケイサム, 無用ナルモノ. ph. Useless. Abject.

Aweange-ushike-ka-isam, アエワンゲウシケカイサム, 無用ナル. ph. Useless. Abject.

Aeyai-kamui, アエヤイカムイ, 祭ル神. n. The stronger and higher powers who are worshipped. The gods and demons who are supposed to be worthy of worship.



危キモノ. n, Dangers. A dangerous thing.

Aeyaikikip-i, アエヤイキキプイ, 危キコト. n. Danger. Dangerous places, events, or states.

Aeyaikikip-no, アエヤイキキプノ, 危ウシ. adv. Dangerously. With danger.

Aeyaikikip-no-iki, アエヤイキキップノイキ, 冒險、大膽ニ、例セバ、アエヤイキキノイキグル、大膽ナル人. adv. ph: Adventurously. In a dangerous manner. As:—Aeyaikikip no iki guru, , "An adventurous person."

Aeyaikittaktaku, アエヤイキッタックタク, 欲スレド能ハズ. v.i. To desire to have, be or do, but yet not able to realize the wish. As:—Nei guru naa shiknu kuni akon rusui koroka, tane aeyaikittaktaku wa an ambe ne ruwe ne, "he desires to live longer but is unable."




腐敗サレタ. adj. Spoiled.



告白、イヒアラハシ. n. A confession. Acknowledgement. Things one confesses.

Aeyairamattep, アエヤイラマテプ, 目的, モクテキ. n. Anything aimed at. Syn: Aeoshikpekarep.

Aeyairamokotep, アエヤイラモコテプ, 道具. n. Tools. Implements. Utensils.

Aeyaisambepokashterep, アエヤイサムベポカシテレ, 憐レナルモノ. n. A pitiable or miserable object.

Aeyairamshitne, アエヤイラムシツ子, 困ラセル. v.i. To suffer.

Aeyairamshitnere, アエヤイラムシツ子レ, 人ヲ困マラセル. v.t. To make suffer.

Aeyaitomtep, アエヤイトムテプ, 人ノ飾リニスルモノ. n. Personal ornaments. Syn: Aeshiritomotomop.

Aeyaiyattasa-kunip, アエヤイヤタサクニプ, 供物, ソナヘモノ. n. A return present. A gift given in acknowledgement of some favour. A sacrifice. An offering to god or to the names of the dead.

Aeyaiyattasap, アエヤイヤタサプ, 供物, ソナヘモノ. n. A sacrifice. Syn: Aeyaiyattasa-kunip.



定期用ノ為ニ備フルモノ. v.i. Set apart for some special purpose.

Aeyam, アエヤム, 大切ニ思フ. v.t. To take care of. To treat as of importance. Syn: Aehatatne.

Aeyam, アエヤム, 大切ナル. adj. Important. Of consequence.

Aeyambe, アエヤムベ, 大切ナモノ. n. A thing of importance. A think to be taken care of.

Aeyam-no, アエヤムノ, 大切ニ. adv. With care. Carefully.



苦ハレヌ. v.i. Spoiled.



爲スコトヲ好マヌ、例セバ、アエヤヤブヲグスシヨモカラ、好マヌユエ爲サヌ. adj. and v.i. Disinclined to do a thing. Inexperienced. Not to like doing. As:—Aeyayapte gusu shomo kara, "he did not do it because he disliked it." Ki kuni aeyayapte, "he would not do it." Syn: Aniugesh.

Aeyopanerep, アエヨパ子レ,外套. n. A coat. Syn: Ashkakamurep.

Aeyukara, アエユカラ, 真似ラレタ. adj. and v.i. Like. Imitated. Syn: Aeikosamba.

Aeyukke, アエユ, 分ケ與ヘル、 少シク與ヘル、節約スル、例セバ、 子イアマムアエユブケワエイワンゲヤン、節約ニ食物ヲ用キテクレ. v.t. To give out anything a little at a time. To portion out. To use sparingly. To use with care. As:—Nei aman aeyupke wa eiwange yan, "use food with care."

Aeyukke-no, アエユクノ, 節約シテ. 例セバ、 アエユッケノアンクニプ子、注意シテ用ネベキモノナリ. adv. Sparingly. Grudgingly. In a sparing manner. With care. Carefully. As:—Aeyukke no an kunip ne, "it is a thing to be used carefully." Syn: Aehabapu.

Afuraye, アフラヱ, 洗濯セラレタ. v.i. and adj. Washed. To be washed.

Afuraye-ambe, アフラヱアムベ, 洗フコト. n. Ablutions. A washing. Things washed.

Afuraye-i, アフラヱイ, 洗ヒ. n. Ablutions. A washing.

Afurayep, アプライェプ, 洗ツタモノ. n. Things washed.

Aha, アハ, キンマメ、ヤブマメ. n. The hog-peanut. Amphicarpæa Edgeworthii, Benth. var. japonica, Oliver. Aha is applied to both the nut and vine though more properly aha is the nut and ahara the vine. Syn: Eha.

Ahacha, アハチヤ, ギンマメノハナ. n. The flower and pod of the hog-peanut.

Ahara, アハラ, ギンマメノクキ. n. The vine of the hog-peanut.

Aheshui, アヘシュイ, 坐眠スル、(Japanese characters). v.i. To sleep in a sitting posture. Syn: Aeshuiba.

Ahekote, アヘコテ, 結バレタ. adj. Tied up. Possessed.

Aekoteguru, アエコテクル, 夫、オット. n. One's husband.

Aekote-nishpa, アエコテニシパ, 主人、天子、王. n. Master. King. Emperor.

Ahi, アヒ, 此ノ字ハ awa ト同シ、在ッテ. part. Same as a-i. Being. Syn: Wa.

Ahonnokka, アホンノッカ, 馴ラス. v.t. To tame.

Ahori-pet, アホリペツ, 堀割、ホリワリ. n. A canal.



入口、入ルコト. n. An entrance. An entering in. As:—Ahui shiri soyui shiri shomo anukara, "I neither saw him going in nor coming out."

Ahun, アフン, 入ル(單數)、例セバ、チセイオルンアレン、内ニ這入ル. v.i. (sing) To enter. To go in. As:— Chisei orun ahun, "To enter a house." The plural form is ahup.

Ahun-apa, アフンアパ, 内ノ戸. n. An inner doorway. Syn: Ahun-turupa.

Ahun-chuppok, アフンチツポク, 西 ノ方. n. The west. Syn: Moshirigesh. Moshiri-pok. Chup-pok..



入レル(單數). v.t. (sing) To put in. To bring in. To admit.

Ahunge-i, アフンゲイ, 入レルコト(單數). n. A bringing in. Admittance.

Ahungere, アフンゲレ, 入レサセル(單數). v.t. To send in thorough another. To cause another to admit.

Ahun-i, アフンイ, 入口、入ルコト. n. An entrance. A place of access. Syn: Ahun-ushike.

Ahunka, アフンカ, 布ノヌキ糸. n. The woof of cloth. The threads which run across cloth. As:— Attush oro akunka omare, "to put the woof into cloth."

Ahunka-nit, アフンカニ, 糸卷キ、例 セバ、アフンカニツオロイヨ、糸卷ニ糸ヲ卷ク. n. A spool used in weaving. As:— Ahunka-nit oro iyo, "to wind thread on a weaving spool."

Ahun-mindara, アフンミンダラ, 中敷、土間. n. A small bare place just inside a hut upon which to leave one's foot-gear when entering. Syn: Rutom.

Ahunpara, アフンパラ, 地獄ノ入口. n. The entrance to hades.

Ahun-pururugep, アフンプルルゲプ, 家二吹キ込ミシ雨雪塵ノ如キモノ. n. Snow, rain or dust blown into a house by the wind.

Ahunrasambe, アフンラサムベ, 梟、フクロウ. n. An owl of any kind.

Ahun-tonchi-kama-ni, アフントンチカマニ, 戶ノ摩. n. A door-sill.

Ahun-turupa, アフンツルパ, 内ノ戶. n. An inner doorway. Syn: Ahunapa.

Ahun-ushike, アフンウシケ, 入口. n. An entrance. A place of entering in. Syn: Ahun-i.

Ahup, アフプ, 入ル(複數). v.i. To enter (pl).

Ahupkara, アフプカラ, 貰フ、例セバ、マチアフプカラ、妻ヲ貰フ. v.t. To receive. To accept. To marry. As:—Amip ahupkara, "To receive some clothes." Machi ahupkara, "To take a wife."

Ahupkarabe, アフプカラベ, 貰ヒ物. n. Something received. A present.

Ahupkara-guru, アフプカラグル, 乞兒、物ヲ貰フ人、コヂキ. n. A recipient. A beggar. Syn: Iya-hupkara-guru.

Ahupkara-po, アフプカラポ, 貰兒、モライコ. n. An adopted child.

Ahupte, アフプテ, 入レル(複數). v.t. (pl). To send in. To put in. To bring in. To admit.

Ahupte-i, アフプテイ, 入レルコト. n. An admittance. A bringing in.

Ahuptere, アフプテレ, 入レサセル(複數). v.t. To send in by another (pl).

Ahuptere-i, アフプテレイ, 他人ニ入レサセルヿ. n. A sending or bringing in by another.

Ai, アイ, 河ノ細支流. n. A tributary of a river.

Ai, アイ, 刺、トゲ. n. Thorns of plants.

Ai, アイ, 矢、例セバ、アイラプ、矢ノ羽根. n. An arrow. As:—Ai-rap, "feathers of arrow shafts." Ai-rum, "an arrow-head."



此ノ字ハ AWA ト同ジ、在リテ. part. This particle is a kind of past tense factor, equalling "did," "was". As:—Shomo ene ku inu kuni ku ramu ahi, tan orushpe ku nu, "I did not expect to hear such news as this I have now heard." A-hi is in some instances interchangeable with awa. Syn: An.



此ノ字ハ順序又ハ時刻ヲ指スモノナリ. part. Sometimes this particle is used as an adverb of time. As:— Ki kusu ne a-i., "the time it ought to be done." Tane ku oman kuni a-i epa ruwe ne., "It is now time for me to go."

Aiai, アイアイ, 嬰兒、赤子、アカゴ. n. A baby. An infant.

Aiai-iyomap, Same as Aiai-o-umbe.

Aiainukoro, アイアイヌコロ, 滿足ニ思フ. v.i. To be contented. Syn: Yaiyainuwere. Yaiyainukoro.

Aiai-o-umbe, アイアイオウムベ, 兒守カ兒ヲ負フトキ背ノ上ニ兒ヲ坐セシムル木. n. A piece of wood tied to a sling used for carrying children. The sling itself is called pakkai-tara.

Aibashi-kene-ni, アイバシケ子ニ, ハナヒリノキ. n. Leucothoe Grayana. Max.

Aibe, アイベ, 鮑、(樺太アイヌニチ蠣牡). n. The sea-ear. Haliotis tuberculata. Among the Saghalin Ainu aibe is "oyster;" so also is Piba.

Aibep, アイベプ, 食器. n. Eating utensils such as cups, plates, spoons and chopsticks.

Aichinka, アイチンカ, 矢ノ部分ヲ結ブ絲. n. Bark thread used for tying the different parts of arrows together.

Ai-chiure, アイチウレ, 矢ノ根ニ付ケル骨. n. The "foot" or bone head of an arrow to which the arrow point is fixed.



アカヱイ. n. Stingray. Dasyatis akajei, M. & H. Syn: Aikot-chep.

Aieninui, アイエニヌイ, 臥ス、伏ス. v.i. To lie down to rest. To lie down to sleep.

Aieninuibe, アイエニヌイベ, 枕、マクラ. n. A pillow. Syn: Aininuibe. Chieninuibe.

Ai-epishki, アイエピシキ, 射ル、矢ヲ以テ擊ツ. v.t. To shoot with arrows.

Aige, アイゲ, ナガラ、其後、例セバ、オマンアイゲシツチヤキルエ子、步キナカラ歌ヲ唱フ. post. As. Thereupon. And so. As:—Oman aige shinotchaki ruwe ne, "he sings as he goes along." Nei orushpe ku ye, aige, utara obitta en emina nisa ruwe ne, "I told the news, whereupon the people all laughed at me."

Aihatatne, アイハタ, 看護セラレル. v.i. To be taken care of (as a person). Syn: Aehatatne.

Aikakushte-amip, アイカクシテアミプ, 外套、上着. n. An overcoat.

Ai-kanchi, アイカンチ, 矢筈、ヤハズ. n. A notch in the end of an arrow for the bow-string.

Aikannit, アイカンニツ, 矢ノ根ニ付ク骨. n. The bone part of an arrow.

Aikap, アイカプ, 能ハズ. v.i. and adj. To be unable. Awkward. Unskilful. Syn: Appene.

Aikap, アイカプ, ホタテカイ. n. The pecten.

Aikap-sama, アイカプサマ, 右ノ方. adv. One the left hand side. With the left hand. Sometimes an awkward person.

Aikap-sei, アイカプセイ, ヱゾニシキ. n. A pecten shell. Pecten laetus Gould.

Aikarakara, アイカラカラ, 仕上ル、出來上ル. v.i. Finished. Done. Also "to do."

Aikarip, アイカリプ, スノキ. n. Vaccinium hirtum, Th.

Aikashup-ni, アイカシュプニ, イヌツゲ. n. Ibex crenata, Th.

Aikne, アイク子, 二分シタ、例セバ、アイク子ツヱ、二ツニ切ル. adv. Asunder. In two. As:—Aikne tuye, "to cut in two;" "to separate joint from joint."

Aikoikarabe, アイコイカラベ, 見本、手本. n. An example. A copy. Something to be imitated.

Aikoisamba, アイコイサムバ, (Japanese characters). v.i. and adj. Like. Imitated.

Aikoisambap, アイコイサムバプ, (Japanese characters). n. Something imitated.

Aikorep, アイコレプ, (Japanese characters). n. A present. A gift.




(Japanese characters). v.t. To imitate.

Aikoshi, アイコシ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To betray. Syn: Ekoshi.

Aikot-chep, アイコツチ, (Japanese characters). n. Sting ray. Dasyatis akajei, M. & H. Syn: Aichokoibe.

Aikup, アイクプ, (Japanese characters). n. Drinking utensils.

Aikushte-amip, アイクシテアミプ, (Japanese characters). n. A coat. An outer garment.

Aimakanit, アイマカニト, (Japanese characters). n. The bone part of an arrow to which the head is attached.

Aimokirika, アイモキリカ, (Japanese characters). adj. Miserable. Abject.

Aimokirika-shukup, アイモコリカシクプ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To live in a very miserable fashion. To live miserably.

Aina-ni, アイナニ, (Japanese characters). n. Lonicera Maximowiezi, Rupr.

Ainan-pone, アイナンポ子, (Japanese characters). The shin-bone. The bone between the elbow and wrist.

Aine, アイ子, (Japanese characters). post. Thereupon. After a while. Hardly. Upon which. At last. As:—Ramneto ku hotuyekara, aine, ese nisa ruwe ne. “I called him for a very long time and at last he answered.”



(Japanese characters). part. This particle indicates the past or perfect tense. As:—Tap seenne otta ku apkash kuni ku ramu a-ine koroka tap ku apkash nisa ruwe ne. “I did not expect to walk thus far yet I have come here.”

Ai-kot-chep, アイコトチ, (Japanese characters). n. Stingray. Dasyatis akajei, M. & H.

Aininuibe, アイニヌイベ, (Japanese characters). n. A pillow. Syn: Chiennuibe. Aieninuibe.

Ainu, アイヌ, (Japanese characters). n. Man. A man. The race of people called Ainu. Comrade. Father. Husband.

Ainu-ataye, アイヌアタイ, (Japanese characters). n. A fine for murder. Syn: Kewe-tak.

Ainu-bata, アイヌバタ, (Japanese characters). excl: Ah me! Expression of desire and dissappointment.

Ainu-buri, アイヌブリ, (Japanese characters). n. The habits or customs of man in general or of the Ainu in particular.

Ainu-ep, アイヌエオウ, (Japanese characters). n. A hobgoblin (supposed to walk backwards.

Ainu-eshpa, アイヌエシパ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To ignore a person.

Ainu-ikiri, アイヌイキリ, (Japanese characters). n. An age. A generation. A crowd of men.

Ainu-ikiri-ka-oma-buri, アイヌイキリカオマブリ, (Japanese characters). n. Original sin.

Ainu-kata-ehange, アイヌカツエハンゲ, (Japanese characters). ph. To be near dying (Lit:—Nearing a person's form). Syn: Rai-etokooiki.

Ainu-kina, アイヌキナ, (Japanese characters). n. Carpesium abrotanoides, L.

Ainu-kirikuru, アイヌキリクル, (Japanese characters). v.t To mock. To make fun of. To laugh at a person. Syn: Eoya-itak.

Ainu-koapkash, アイヌコアオウカシ, (Japanese characters). v.i. A woman to commit adultery with a man.

Ainu-koiwak, アイヌコイワク, (Japanese characters). v.i. To visit one's husband. To pay attentions with a view to marriage. To visit one's intended or spouse.

Ainukoro, アイヌコロ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To reverence. To honour. To treat with respect.

Ainu-kut, アイヌクツ, (Japanese characters). n. A man's throat.

Ainukutoro-humi, アイヌクトロフミ, (Japanese characters). n. The sound of men talking.

Ainu-kuwa, アイヌクワ, (Japanese characters). n. A man's grave mark.

Ainu-moshiri, アイヌモシリ, (Japanese characters). n. Ainu-land. Syn: Va-un-moshiri.

Ainu-muk, アイヌムク, (Japanese characters). n. Lactuca squarrosa, Miq.

Ainu-noka, アイヌノカ, (Japanese characters). n. The photo of a human being. A picture as a man. Syn: Ainu-nokaha.

Ainu-rak-guru, アイヌラㇰグル, (Japanese characters). n. Said by some ainu to be the ancient name of this race. Syn: Aioina-rak-guru.




(Japanese characters). n. Ainu posterity. Of ainu descent.

Ainu-sat-chiri, アイヌサツキリ, (Japanese characters). n. A kind of large grey kingfisher. Ceryle guttata (Vigors).

Ainu-shikashishte, アイヌシカシシテ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To treat people with indifference.

Ainu-shikashisthe-guru, アイヌシカシシテグル, (Japanese characters). n. One who treats others with indifference.

Ainushitchiri, アイヌシッチリ, (Japanese characters). n. The same as Ainu-satchiri.

Ainushkare-no, アイヌシカレノ, (Japanese characters). adv. Wonderously.

Ainu-shut, アイヌシュツ, (Japanese characters). n. The Ainu ancestors. Syn: Ainu-ekashi..



(Japanese characters). n. A crowd of men. An assembly of people.

Ainu-topake, アイヌトパケ, 酋長. n. A chief. Captain. Leader

Ainu-tukap, アイヌツカプ, 幽靈. n. A ghost. The manes of the dead (supposed to be of a white colour).

Ainu-utor-humi, アイヌウトルフミ, 人ノ歩ム音. n. The sound of men walking. Syn: Apkash utor'-humi.

Ai-o, アイオ, 刺アル. adj. Thorny. Syn: Aiush.

Aioina-kamui, アイオイナカムイ, アイヌノ先祖ノ名. The name of the ancestor of the Ainu.



凭レカカル. v.i. To lean over.

Aioro, airo, ayoro, アイロ, スズキ. n. Lateolabrap japonicus. (T. & S.) Syn: Shimechike. Shunchike.

Aipone, アイポ子, 股骨、モモホネ. n. The thigh bones.

Aipone-tanne-guru, アイポ子タン子グル, 長ク高キ人. n. A tall person.

Aiporo-sak, アイポロサク, 慚愧ナル、ハブカシキ. adj. To be ashamed. Syn: Iporohachiri.

Aiporo-sakka, アイポロサッカ, 愧カシムル. v.t. To make ashamed.

Airamkatchaushka, アイラムカッチャウシカ, 或事ヲ爲サヌヤウニ勸メラレタ. adj. and v.i. To have been dissuaded from something.

Airamye, アイラムイェ, 譽ムベキ、尊ムベキ. adj. and v.i. Adorable. Adored. Praised.

Airap-kina, アイラプキナ, クサソテツ、コヽミ、(方言). n. The fertile fronds of the basket-fern or Onoclea germanica, Willd.

Airu, アイル, 有ル、感ズル、音スル. v.i. To be. To feed. To sound. As:—Chikuikui ap-koro kumi airu an, “I feel as though I was being nibbled.”

Aisa, アイサ, 海鳥ノ類. n. A kind of duck species having a tuft of feathers on its head.

Aisarakka-kamni, アイサラッカカムニ, 過ツテ矢ヲ以テ打タルヽコト、過ツテ矢ニ當ル事. n. A being accidentally shot by arrows.

Aiseisekka, アイセイカッカ, 溫メル、熱セラル. v.i. To be heated. Madehot.

Aishikikiri, アイシキキリ, 矢ノ根ノ穴. n. The eye in the end of an arrow head in which the shaft is fixed.

Aishikoshirepa, アイシコシレパ, 到着シタ. v.i. (pl). To have arrived at a place.

Aishiri-ekot, アイシリエコツ, 死スル. v.i. To die.

Aishirubare-guru, アイシルバレグル, 狂人、惡鬼ニ付カレタル. n. A maniac. A person possessed by the devil.

Aishitomare, アイシトマレ, 畏ロシイ、騒々シイ. v.i. and adj. Dreadful. Noisy. Said to noisy children.

Aishumam, アイシュマム, 粟ノ類. n. A kind of millet.

Ai-shup, アイシュプ, 矢ニ用ユル篠. n. The reed shaft of an arrow.

Aitakepishte, アイタケピシテ, 繰言スル、クリゴトスル. v.i. To repeat one's self. To be voluble. Loquacious.

Aitakepishtep, アイカケピシテプ, 繰言、クリゴト. n. A heap of words. Loquacity. As:—Tapan tu itak re itak aitakepishtep nekon a ambe ne ruwe ta an? “what means this great heaping up of words”?

Aitam-niukeshte, アイタムニウケシテ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To defend with a sword. To render difficult by means of a sword.

Aitek, アイテク, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be sent. To be employed by another. Syn: Auitek.

Aituyere, アイツイ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To go as far as. To be taken. To be cut off.

Ai-ush, アイウシ, (Japanese characters). adj. Thorny. Syn: Ai-o.

Aiush-kuttara, アイウシクタラ, (Japanese characters). n. A thistle. Syn: Antsami. Cnicus sp.

Ai-ush-ni, アイウシニ, (Japanese characters). Acanthopanax ricinifolium.

Ai-ush-samambe, アイウシサマムベ, (Japanese characters). n. Ceidoderma asperimus (T. & S.)

Aiush-top, アイウシトプ, (Japanese characters). n. Arundinaria panicueata, Fr. et Sav.

Aiwak, アイワク, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be cast away. Buried. To return from one's work.

Aiwak-gusu-atere, アイワクグスアテレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To await.

Aiwakte, アイワクテ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To bury the dead. To throw away.

Aiyo, アイヨ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To fill up. As:—Nei uturu aiyo wa en kore, “Please fill up the spaces.”



(Japanese characters). n. Pieces of material let into garments for ornament. As:—Aiyo ekara, “to ornament a dress.”



(Japanese characters). adj. and v.i. To be cursed. Cursed.

Aiyonitasare, アイヨニタサレ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To change one's name.



(Japanese characters). n. An alias.

Aiyunin, アイユニン, (Japanese characters). v.i. and adj. To be in great bodily pain. To be in distress.

Ak, アク, (Japanese characters). n. A younger brother. Syn: Aki. Akihi.

Ak, アク, (Japanese characters). v.i. To shoot with an arrow.

Aka, アカ, (Japanese characters). n. Water. Syn: Wakka.

Akakoro, アカコロ, (Japanese characters). adv. Very many. Syn: Poronno.

Akakotare, アカコタレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To open. To divide.

Akam, アカム, (Japanese characters). n. A ring.

Akam, アカム, (Japanese characters). n. A round cake usually made of arrow-root and having a hole in the centre.

Akam, アカム, (Japanese characters). n. The sea-snail.

Akama, アカマ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To drop out (as a word in a sentence). To jump over. To pass over.

Akamkoreumbe, アカムコレウムベ, (Japanese characters). n. Same as Akamkotchep.

Akamkochep, アカムコツチ, (Japanese characters). n. Liparis Agassizii, Putnum. Seasnail.

Akam-saye, アカムサイ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be coiled up in rings as snakes are sometimes found doing.

Akam-ukopoyebe, アカムウコポイ, (Japanese characters). n. A stick used for stirring the pot when arrow-root cakes are being boiled.

Akamure, アカムレ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be covered up.

Akan, アカン, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be made. Same as akara.

A-kane, アカ子, (Japanese characters). part.: Sitting. To be in a sitting posture.

Akaparaka, アカパラカ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To thin out. Syn: Akapare.

Akara, アカラ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To have finished doing a thing.

Akara-eashkai, アカラエアシカイ, (Japanese characters). adj. Achievable. Able to be done.

Akarakara, アカラカラ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To do. To do fancy needle-work.

Akarakarape, アカラカラペ, (Japanese characters). n. Fancy needle-work. Syn: Chikarakarabe.

Akari, アカリ, (Japanese characters). n. A thing done. An action performed. The way to perform an action.

Akaru, アカル, (Japanese characters). Same as akari.

Aka-san-nai, アカサンナイ, (Japanese characters). n. A valley with water in it.

Akashi, アカシ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To hit slightly.

A-kasu, アカス, (Japanese characters). adj. Too much. Too many.

Akatchiu, アカチウ, (Japanese characters). v.i. and adj. To be struck. Pierced.

Akatchiu-guru, アカチウグル, (Japanese characters). n. An unamiable person. One who cannot be trusted.

Akateomare, アカテオマレ, (Japanese characters). adj. Aimable. Loveable.

Aka-ush, アカウシ, (Japanese characters). adj. Containing water. Watery. Syn: Wakka-ush.

Akbe, アクベ, (Japanese characters). n. A trap. A rat trap. (This is really a spring-bow which is often set in the trail of the larger animals or the runs of rats). Syn: Akku.

Akbe-imok, アクベイモク, (Japanese characters). n. A trap bait. As:—Akbe imok omare or Akbe imok unu, “to bait a trap.”

Akbe-ande, アクベアンデ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To set a trap.

Akbe-imok, アクベイモク, (Japanese characters). n. A trap bait.

Akbe-shuat, アクベシアツ, (Japanese characters). n. The wood catch placed in a trap to loosen that portion of wood which that the bow-string free.

Akbe-yokore, アカベヨコレ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To set a trap.

Akem-karabe, アケムカラベ, (Japanese characters). n. Needle-work.

Loquacity. As:—Tapan tu itak re itak aitakepishtep nekon a ambe ne ruwe ta an? “what means this great heaping up of words”?

Aitam-niukeshte, アイタムニウケシテ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To defend with a sword. To render difficult by means of a sword.

Aitek, アイテク, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be sent. To be employed by another. Syn: Auitek.

Aituyere, アイツイ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To go as far as. To be taken. To be cut off.

Ai-ush, アイウシ, (Japanese characters). adj. Thorny. Syn: Ai-o.

Aiush-kuttara, アイウシクタラ, (Japanese characters). n. A thistle. Syn: Antsami. Cnicus sp.

Ai-ush-ni, アイウシニ, (Japanese characters). Acanthopanax ricinifolium.

Ai-ush-samambe, アイウシサマムベ, (Japanese characters). n. Ceidoderma asperimus (T. & S.)

Aiush-top, アイウシトプ, (Japanese characters). n. Arundinaria panicueata, Fr. et Sav.

Aiwak, アイワク, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be cast away. Buried. To return from one's work.

Aiwak-gusu-atere, アイワクグスアテレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To await.

Aiwakte, アイワクテ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To bury the dead. To throw away.

Aiyo, アイヨ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To fill up. As:—Nei uturu aiyo wa en kore, “Please fill up the spaces.”



(Japanese characters). n. Pieces of material let into garments for ornament. As:—Aiyo ekara, “to ornament a dress.”



(Japanese characters). adj. and v.i. To be cursed. Cursed.

Aiyonitasare, アイヨニタサレ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To change one's name.



(Japanese characters). n. An alias.

Aiyunin, アイユニン, (Japanese characters). v.i. and adj. To be in great bodily pain. To be in distress.

Ak, アク, (Japanese characters). n. A younger brother. Syn: Aki. Akihi.

Ak, アク, (Japanese characters). v.i. To shoot with an arrow.

Aka, アカ, (Japanese characters). n. Water. Syn: Wakka.

Akakoro, アカコロ, (Japanese characters). adv. Very many. Syn: Poronno.

Akakotare, アカコタレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To open. To divide.

Akam, アカム, (Japanese characters). n. A ring.

Akam, アカム, (Japanese characters). n. A round cake usually made of arrow-root and having a hole in the centre.

Akam, アカム, (Japanese characters). n. The sea-snail.

Akama, アカマ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To drop out (as a word in a sentence). To jump over. To pass over.

Akamkoreumbe, アカムコレウムベ, (Japanese characters). n. Same as Akamkotchep.



(Japanese characters). v.t. To shut in.

Akoekomo, アコエコモ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To clinch.

Akoerayap, アコエラヤプ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be agreeably surprised.

Akoewara, アコエワラ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be blown to.

Akoewara-ewara, アコエワラエワラ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be blown away to. To be blown to.

Akohepitare, アコヘピタレ, (Japanese characters). v.i, To rise up as from a bending position.

Akoiki, アコイキ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To get killed. To be struck.

Akoipishi, アコイピシ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be judged.

Akoipishi-guru-atak, アコイピシグルアタク, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be arraigned. To be had up for judgement.

Akoipishi-guru-atakte, アコイピシグルアタ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To arraign. To bring before a court.

Akoisamka, アコイサムカ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To destroy. To bring to nothing. Sometimes also used intransitively.

Akokarakari, アコカラカリ, (Japanese characters). v.i. and adj. Rolled up. Wrapped up.

Akokatpakbe, アコカパクベ, (Japanese characters). n. A bad person. A sinner.

Akokatpak-guru, アコカパクグル, (Japanese characters). n. A bad person. A sinner. Syn: Katpak-ki-guru.

Akokemachichi, アコカマチチ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To lie with one's legs curled up. As:—Shotki kuruka akokemachichi, “he is lying upon his bed with his legs curled up.”

Akokemi-an, アコケミアン, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be scarce.

Akomuyep, アコムイ, (Japanese characters). n. The ordinary clothing buried with the dead.

Akonere, アコ子レ, (Japanese characters). v.i. and adj. (sing). Wrecked. Smashed up.

Akonerepa, アコ子レパ, (Japanese characters). v.i. and adj. (pl). Wrecked. Smashed up.

Akopan, アコパン, (Japanese characters). adj. Hated. Abhorred.

Akopangere, アコパンゲレ, (Japanese characters). adj. Hated. Abhorred. Syn: Aepangere.

Akopao, アコパオ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be scolded. To be punished. Syn: Akosakaikara.

Akpo, アコポ, (Japanese characters). n. A younger brother.

Akopuntek, アコプンテ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be pleased. To rejoice. Syn: Akoyainuchaktek. Akoyairenga.

Akopuntekte, アコプンテ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To please another. To make another rejoice.

Akoram-niukesh, アコラムニウケシ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To dissent from.

Akore, アコレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To receive. To take.

Akore-guru, アコレグル, (Japanese characters). n. A recipient.

Akor'ewen, アコㇽエウェン, (Japanese characters). v.t. To treat badly.

Akoro, アコロ, (Japanese characters). pro. My. Our. Your. Their.

Akoroashpa, アコロアシパ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be deaf to.

Akorobe, アコロベ, (Japanese characters). n. One's belongings.

Akorokaiki, アコロカイキ, (Japanese characters). adv. Although.

Akoropap, アコロパプ, (Japanese characters). n. One's belongings.



(Japanese characters). v.i. To be scolded. Syn: Akopas.

Akoshiratki, アコシラツキ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be taken care of.

Akoshiratkip, アコシラツキプ, (Japanese characters). n. One's guardian angel.

Akoshinninup, アコシンニヌプ, (Japanese characters). n. A charm.

Akoshituriri, アコシツリリ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be stretched out lengthwise. As:—Shotki kuruka akoshituriri. “He is stretched out lengthwise on his bed.”

Akowen, アコウェン, (Japanese characters). adj. and v.i. Abhorrent. Hated. despised. Syn: Aetunne.

Akoyoyamokte, アコヨヤモクテ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be troubled. As:—Kamui kuroro akoyoyamokte. “To be troubled by the deities.”

Akpo, アクポ, (Japanese characters). n. A younger brother. Syn: Aki.

Akshinot, アクシノツ, (Japanese characters). n. A game of archery.

Aktonoge, アクトノゲ, (Japanese characters). n. A younger brother. Syn: Aki.

Akusa, アクサ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To ferry across a river.

Akusa-guru, アクサグル, (Japanese characters). n. A ferry-man.

Akusa-ushi, アクサウシ, (Japanese characters). n. A ferry.

A-kush, アクシ, (Japanese characters). adv. Although.

Akuwakore, アクワコレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To give as a pledge. Also “to set up a mark to a grave.” As:—Itak gusu akuwakore. “To give as a pledge to one's word.” Rai-guru akuwakore, “to set up a post for the dead.”




(Japanese characters). n. Finger or fingernails. The claws of birds and animals. Am-ras, nail-pairings.”

Ama, アマ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To put. To place. To put away. As:—Shiri-kata ama, “to place on the ground”

Ama, アマ, (Japanese characters). v.i. and adj. Roasted.

Ama, アマ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be.

Ama-an, アマアン, (Japanese characters). past-part. Was. Syn: Ama-kane-an.

Amaka, アマカ, (Japanese characters). v.i. and adj. Opened. Syn: Makke.

Amakaraye, アマカライェ, (Japanese characters). adj. Open. Clear. Syn: Aomakaraye.



(Japanese characters). v.i. To sit cross-legged.



(Japanese characters). n. A younger brother.



(Japanese characters). n. Garden produce, such as rice, millet, wheat, barley.





(Japanese characters). n. A sparrow.




(Japanese characters). n. A rice cup. A cup used for eating rice or millet. out of.

Amamkoho, アマムコホ, (Japanese characters). n. Flour.

Amam-mosh, アマムモシ, (Japanese characters). n. A kind of small fly.

Amam-muru, アマムムル, (Japanese characters). n. Millet or rice husks.

Amampo-kikiri, アマムポキキリ, (Japanese characters). n. A grasshopper. Syn: Amamepo.

Ama-ni, アマンニ, (Japanese characters). n. A beam of wood.

Aman-ni, アマニ, (Japanese characters). n. The long poles to which the lower ends of the side-rafters of a hut are tied. Syn: Sopesh-ni.

Amapa, アマパ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To put. To place. (pl).

Amu-shi, アムシ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To take hold of with claws.




(Japanese characters). n. A younger sister. Syn: Mataki. Turesh.

Ama-u, アマウ, (Japanese characters). adv. The place where something has been put. Syn: Ama-ushi.

Amba, アマバ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To carry.

Amba, アムバ, (Japanese characters). n. The floats attached to the tops of fishing nets.

Ambai, アムバイ, (Japanese characters). Same as Ambayaya.

Ambari, アムバリ, (Japanese characters). A netting needle.

Amba-wa-apkash, アムバワアプカシ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To go along carrying something. (pl).



(Japanese characters). n. A crab.

Ambe, アムベ, (Japanese characters). n. Same as Abe, Fire. Syn: Unchi.



(Japanese characters). n. A thing. Article. Object. The matter of subject.

Ambe, アムベ, (Japanese characters). adv. Truly. Indeed. Is. It is so. As:—Ambe he? “Is it so?”



(Japanese characters). v.t. To pinch. (sing.) To scratch.

Amkokomo, アムココモ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To seize with the hands or claws. Syn: Amkosaye.




(Japanese characters). v.t. To seize with the hands or claws.

Amma, アムマ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To put. To place. Syn: Ama.

Amma, アムマ, (Japanese characters). part. Being. Same as an-wa.

Am-nishu, アムニシュ, (Japanese characters). n. A kind of footless mortar.

Amo, アモ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be at peace. To be at rest.

Amoini, アモイニ, (Japanese characters). Same as amunini, n. The forearm.

Amomka, アモカカ, (Japanese characters). v.i. and adj. To float. To drift. Floating. Afloat. As:—Amomka chip, “A floating boat.”

Amore, アモレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To let alone. To let rest. To quiet.

Ampayaya, アムパヤヤ, (Japanese characters). n. A crab. Syn: Hotempoyaya. Hotemtemu.

Ampiri, アムピリ, (Japanese characters). n. A scratch. A wound left by a scratch.

Ampiri-o, アムピリオ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To scratch. To wound with the nails or claws.

Amras, アムラス, (Japanese characters). n. Nail-parings. Met: a very small portion. “A jot or tittle.” As:—Amras pak no isam, “there is no the least bit.”



(Japanese characters). n. A throne. A seat. From a-se.



(Japanese characters). n. The entire floor of a house. Syn: Sho. So.

Amshokkara, アムショツカラ, (Japanese characters). n. A small mat made of large rushes and used to spread over the floor as a seat. Syn: Shokkara. A-putki.

Amsho-shut, アムショシュt, (Japanese characters). n. The edge of a floor. Syn: Sho-shut.

Amu, アム, (Japanese characters). n. The fingernails (pl).

Amuchichi, アムチチ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To scratch. (sing).

Amuchitpa, アムチツパ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To scratch.



(Japanese characters). n. The lower part of the arm. The fore-arm.

Amuraiba, アムライバ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To fondle a person by rubbing his head.

Amusa, アムサ, (Japanese characters). b.i. To stroke the head as in salutation.

Amushbe, アムシベ, (Japanese characters). n. A crab. Any animal, large or small, having claws.

Amkokomo, アムココモ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To seize with the hands or claws. Syn: Amkosaye.




(Japanese characters). v.t. To seize with the hands or claws.

Amma, アムマ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To put. To place. Syn: Ama.

Amma, アムマ, (Japanese characters). part. Being. Same as an-wa.

Am-nishu, アムニシュ, (Japanese characters). n. A kind of footless mortar.

Amo, アモ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be at peace. To be at rest.

Amoini, アモイニ, (Japanese characters). Same as amunini, n. The forearm.

Amomka, アモカカ, (Japanese characters). v.i. and adj. To float. To drift. Floating. Afloat. As:—Amomka chip, “A floating boat.”

Amore, アモレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To let alone. To let rest. To quiet.

Ampayaya, アムパヤヤ, (Japanese characters). n. A crab. Syn: Hotempoyaya. Hotemtemu.

Ampiri, アムピリ, (Japanese characters). n. A scratch. A wound left by a scratch.

Ampiri-o, アムピリオ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To scratch. To wound with the nails or claws.

Amras, アムラス, (Japanese characters). n. Nail-parings. Met: a very small portion. “A jot or tittle.” As:—Amras pak no isam, “there is no the least bit.”



(Japanese characters). n. A throne. A seat. From a-se.



(Japanese characters). n. The entire floor of a house. Syn: Sho. So.

Amshokkara, アムショッカラ, (Japanese characters). n. A small mat made of large rushes and used to spread over the floor as a seat. Syn: Shokkara. A-putki.

Amsho-shut, アムシヨシュツ, (Japanese characters). n. The edge of a floor. Syn: Sho-shut.

Amu, アム, (Japanese characters). n. The fingernails (pl).

Amuchichi, アムチチ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To scratch. (sing).

Amuchitpa, アムチツパ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To scratch.



(Japanese characters). n. The lower part of the arm. The fore-arm.

Amuraiba, アムライバ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To fondle a person by rubbing his head.

Amusa, アムサ, (Japanese characters). b.i. To stroke the head as in salutation.

Amushbe, アムシベ, (Japanese characters). n. A crab. Any animal, large or small, having claws.

An, アン, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be. There is.

An, アン, (Japanese characters). adj. and adv. One. One of a pair. Quite. Entirely. Contracted from ara.

An, アン, (Japanese characters). part. Sometimes used as a superlative or intensifying particle. As:—Aneongami an-eyaiirage, “to respect and thank profundly.”

An, アン, (Japanese characters). part. Used before some verbs an, like a, has a past and passive signification. As:—An-raige, “he was killed.”

An, アン, (Japanese characters). adv. Quite. As:—An-rai, “quite dead.”

An, アン, (Japanese characters). n Night. Syn: chikara.

An-ai, アンアイ, (Japanese characters). adv. Changeless. The same.

An-aige, アンアイゲ, (Japanese characters). ph. In the act of. About to be. As:—Tane ariki an an-aige, “As they are just now coming.”

An-aine, アンアイ子, (Japanese characters). ph. Hardly. With difficulty. Whilst. Without provocation or cause. As:—An-aine uwepakita, “hardly and by degrees.” An-aine en kik, “he struck me without provocation.” Ikushta ek an an-aine hotuyekara, “he called to him whilst he was coming yonder.”

Anaishiri, アナイシリ, (Japanese characters). n. A departed spirit. The manes of the dead.

Anak, アンアク, and Anakne, アナク子 (Japanese characters). part. Anak serves to isolate or emphasize a word or subject, and may in a sense be regarded as a sign of the nominative case. When followed by ne it renders the whole sentence to which it is applied a substantive clause. Often it is not translated but in some instances it must be, the content alone determining by what phrase or word it should be represented. The words “as for;” “in reference to;” “as regards,” are among the most apt English equivalents. It very nearly represents the Japanese wa, (Japanese characters)

Anak-ka, アナッカ, (Japanese characters). As same as an yakka, “although there is.”

Anak-ki-koroka, アナッキコロカ, (Japanese characters). ph. Even though it is. Nevertheless.

Anak-ne, アナク子, (Japanese characters). See anak.

Anakoroka, アナコロカ, (Japanese characters). ph. Although there is.

An-an, アンアン, (Japanese characters). au v. There was. There is.

An-anchikara, アンアンチカラ, (Japanese characters). adv. One evening.

An.......an-gesh shiriki, アン...アンゲシシリキ, (Japanese characters). ph. Nearly. As:—An otke an-gesh shiriki, “it was nearly speared.” Syn: a followed by a passive.

Anakoro, アンアンコロ, (Japanese characters). aux. There will be. Same as an nangoro.

Anapa, アナパ, (Japanese characters). n. Relation. Syn: Apa-utara.

Anare, アナレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To defeat. Syn: Annokara.

Anasak, アナサク, (Japanese characters). adv. Without. Not being; not having.

Anasap, アナサプ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To connive at. Syn: Kashieshina.

Anat-ni, アナツニ, (Japanese characters). n. Oephalotaxus drupacca, S. et Z.



(Japanese characters). n. An article. A thing. An object. Truth. Fact. As:—Ambe ne, “it is the truth.”

Anchi, アンチ, (Japanese characters). n. Coal.

Anchi, アンチ, (Japanese characters). n. A kind of black flint. Obsidian.

Anchikara, アンチカラ, (Japanese characters). n. Night. Syn: Kunne-to. Anikara.

Anchikara-chup, アンチカラチュプ, (Japanese characters). n. The moon.

Anchikara-ibe, アンチカライベ, (Japanese characters). n. Supper.

An-chup, アンチュプ, (Japanese characters). The moon.

Ande, アンデ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To put. To place. To set on one side. To put away. Syn: Unu. Anu. Ama.

Ande, アンデ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To cease. To set down. To let alone. Syn: Moshima no oka.

Andepa, アンデパ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To put or place. Pl of the person.

Andere, アンデレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To cause to cease. To make put down. To cause another to set on one side.

Ane, ア子, (Japanese characters). pro. I. Syn: Ku, Kuani.

Ane, ア子, (Japanese characters). adj. Small. Thin. Tiny. As:—Ane ambe, "a tiny thing." Ane pon tap, "A tiny thin bamboo."

Ane-kane, ア子カ子, (Japanese characters). n. Wire. Thin needle.

Anekarara, ア子カララ, (Japanese characters). v.i. Done. Made. Finished. Syn: Aekarakara.

Anekempo, ア子ケムポ, (Japanese characters). n. A slug. Syn: Kina-mokuriri.

Anekik, ア子キク, (Japanese characters). v.t. To flog. To strike. Also flogged. Struck.

Anekosama, ア子コサマ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To imitate (sing).

Anekosamba, ア子コサマバ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To imitate (pl).

Anekoyaiiraige-an-na, ア子コヤイイライgランナ, (Japanese characters). ph. Hearty thanks.

Ane-kut, ア子クツ, (Japanese characters). n. A small girdle.

Aneonagami, ア子オナガミ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To pay profound respects.

Aneopetcha, ア子オペチヤ, (Japanese characters). n. A river with a narrow mouth.

Aneoshkoro, ア子オシコロ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To prize, desire or seek after earnestly.

Aneru, ア子ル, (Japanese characters). n. A trail. A bridle-path.

Ange, アンゲ, (Japanese characters). adv. To be about to do. As:—Ki ange shiriki, “he came near doing it.”

Angesh, アンゲシ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To dislike. Syn: Kopan. Pange. Kowen.



(Japanese characters). n. A fence. A hedge.

Anguru, アングル, (Japanese characters). n. A person.

An-gusu, アングス, (Japanese characters). part. Because. Syn: Gusu.

An-gusu-ne-na, アングス子ナ, (Japanese characters). ph. Because there is.

An-hike, アンヒケ, (Japanese characters). adv. When a thing is. The thing that is.

Ani, アニ, (Japanese characters). adv. As. So. As:—Ani korachi, “as it is;” “like that.” En otta ani korachi ku koramkon na, “I ask that it may be so to me.”

An-i, アンイ, (Japanese characters). n. Something done. Something which is. As:—Epirikare an gusu ene iki-an-i ne, “this thing was done for your benefit.”

An-i, アンイ, (Japanese characters). n. Abode. The place where something is. Syn: An-ushike.

Ani, アニ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To hold or carry in the hands. To lay hold on.

Ani, アニ, (Japanese characters). part. Sometimes used at the end of a sentence as an imperative particle. As:—Ek wa ye ani, “come and tell me.” Ni'shatta ek ani, “Come to-morrow.” Syn: Hani.

Ani, アニ, (Japanese characters). adv. When. Then.

Ani, アニ, (Japanese characters). part. By. With. By means of. Syn: Ari.

Ani, アニ, (Japanese characters). pro. He. She. It.

Ani-ambe, アニアムベ, (Japanese characters). n. Anything one is carrying.

Ani-ibe, アニイベ, (Japanese characters). n. Supper.

Anika-aiki, アニカアイキ, (Japanese characters). adv. So. So clever. Very clever. As:—Ani-ka aiki eashkai, “he can do it so cleverly.”

Anikara, アニカラ, (Japanese characters). n. Night. Syn: Anchikara.

Anikkotama, アニコタマ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To surround. (sing).

Anikkotamba, アニコタムバ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To surround. (pl).

Anikomeuba, アニコメウバ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To grub up as trees (pl).

Anikomewe, アニコメウェ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To grub up as trees (sing).

Anikoreuba, アニコレウバ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To strike with a sword (pl). Really "to bend."

Anikorewe, アニコレウェ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To strike with a sword (sing). Really "to bend."

Aninap, アニナプ, (Japanese characters). n. Jam. Anything smashed. As:—Anina-kapato, “preserves made of the Nuphar Japonicum.” Anina-nikaop, “jam made of fruit. Fruit preserves.” Anina-aiseu, “mashed acorns.”

Aniniap, アニニアプ, (Japanese characters). n. A bait drawn along the bottom of rivers or the sea as a decoy for fish. Syn: Apuiniap.

Aninka, アニンカ, (Japanese characters). adj. & v.i. To be absorbed. From nin, “to shrink up.”

Anipa, アニパ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To carry. Pl: of the person.

Anirukushte, アニルクシテ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To become actively excited. To stretch out the arms and legs in anger. Syn: Anurukushte.

Anishka, アニルクシテ, (Japanese characters). adj. Valuable. Difficult to spare. Syn: Aotupekare.

Anishuk, アニシカ, (Japanese characters). Called. Invited.

Aniugesh, アニシュク, (Japanese characters). v.i. To dislike to do a thing. To be disinclined to act. Syn: Aeyapte.

Ani-utara, アニウタラ, (Japanese characters). n. Carriers. Bearers.

Ani-utara, アニウタラ, (Japanese characters). pro. They. Those persons. Syn: Nei-utara.

Ankan, アンカン, (Japanese characters). adv. Whilst. As:—Ieiwange ankan, “Whilst using it.”

Ankara, アンカラ, (Japanese characters). Same as akaru, “made;" "finished;" "to be done.”

Ankerai, アンケライ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To receive.

Ankes, アンケス, (Japanese characters). adv. Daybreak. Early morning.

Ankes-pakita, アンケスパキタ, (Japanese characters). adv. The very first dawn of early morning.

Anki, アンキ, (Japanese characters). n. A fan. Syn: Aungi.

Anki, アンキ, (Japanese characters). aux. About to be. Will be.

Ankik, アンキク, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be struck. Same as akik.

Anko, アンコ, (Japanese characters). adv. If. Should. When.

Ankoiki, アンコク, (Japanese characters). Same as akoiki “to be beaten;" also "a battle," "a fight.”

Ankomonash, アンコモナシ, (Japanese characters). adj. Busy. In great haste.

Ankomonashte, アンコモナシ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To hasten.

Ankorachi, アンコラチ, (Japanese characters). ph. Like this. Thus. In this way. In accordance with. Openly. Above-board. As:—E ye itak ankorachi, “as you say.”

Ankoirushka, アンコイルシカ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To suffer the wrath of another. Syn: Akoirushka.

Ankoro, アンコロ, (Japanese characters). adv. When. If. Should. About the time of.

Ankoro-iki, アンコロイキ, (Japanese characters). adv. Although.

Ankoroka, アンコロカ, (Japanese characters). adv. Although there is.

Ankoro-ka-iki, アンコロカイキ, (Japanese characters). adv. Although.

Ankoro-kusu-ne, アンコロクス子, (Japanese characters). ph. There will be.

Ankura, アンクラ, (Japanese characters). n. A fence. A hedge. Syn: Angura. Chashi.

Ankura-guru, アンクラグル, (Japanese characters). n. A ferry man. Syn: Akusa-guru.



(Japanese characters). adv. By the help of. Owing to. By favour of. As:—E an kushkeraipo ku shiknu ruwe ne, “it is by your favour I am now alive.” As:—Kem-ush an, awa, ehep ankushkerai shiknu ash rume ne, “there was a famine, but owing to the fish we are alive.”

Ankushtai, アンクシタシ, (Japanese characters). adv. By the help of. Owing to. Syn: Ankushkerai.

Anna, アンナ,

Anne, アンヌ,

Anno, アンノ,

Annu, アンヌ,

(Japanese characters). adj. Healthy. In good health. Syn: Iwange-no-an.





(Japanese characters). n. Health. A person in health.



(Japanese characters). adv. In the same way. After the same manner. So. Syn: Nei-no-koroeki.

An-ni, アンニ, (Japanese characters). n. A standing tree. The trunk of a tree.

Annitne-kamui, アンニッ子カムイ, (Japanese characters). n. The worst of the demons.

Anno, アンノ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To defeat.

Anno-i, アンノイ, (Japanese characters). n. A defeat.



(Japanese characters). n. So. After the same manner. In the same way.

Anno-kara, アンノカラ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To defeat. To over-come Syn: Annu-kara.

An-noshike, アンノシケ, (Japanese characters). n. Midnight.

An-noshike-paketa, アンノシケパケタ, (Japanese characters). adv. The very middle of the night.

Annu, アンヌ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To defeat.

Annu-kara, アンヌカラ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To defeat. To over-come

Annu-kippo-kara, アンヌキッポカラ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To vie with. To strive with. To compete. As:—Nei ambe iki gusu toan ainu tura ku annu-kippokara kusu ne, “I will strive with him in doing business.”

Annu-no, アンヌノ, (Japanese characters). adj. Free of cost. Also, “having been defeated.”

Annu-no, アンヌノ, (Japanese characters). adj. Defeated. Beaten. Overcome.

Annu-no-hachire, アンヌノハチレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To defeat in contest.

Annu-no-hachiri, アンヌノハチリ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be defeated in contest.

Annu-no-koiki, アンヌノコイキ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To defeat. To over-come in strife.

Annu-no-ye, アンヌノイェ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To put to silence.

Annupa, アンヌパ, (Japanese characters). adj. To be in plenty. Plentyful.

Annu-tuiba, アンヌツイバ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To slay in battle.

An-nuye, アンヌイェ, (Japanese characters). adj. Written.

An-ohoro, アンオホロ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be lengthened. To have been kept for a long time. To lengthen.

Anokai, アンオカイ, (Japanese characters). pro. You. Ye. We. Syn: Aokai.

An-omare, アンオマレ, (Japanese characters). adj. Having been put in. Containing. Syn: Aomare.

Anomi, アノミ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To worship.

Anonoye, アンノイェ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To take aim at.

Anonoyep, アノノイェプ, (Japanese characters). n. An object. Syn: Atukambe.

Anore, アノレ, (Japanese characters). adj. Coloured Syn: Iroaush.

Anotange-kara, アノタンゲカラ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be struck with a sword.

Anoye, アノイェ, (Japanese characters). adj. Contorted. Twisted.

Anrai, アンライ, (Japanese characters). v.t. Slain. Quite dead.

Anraige, アンライゲ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To have been killed.

Anrakoro, アンラコロ, (Japanese characters). n. The black lily. Fritillaria Kamtschatensis, Gawl.



(Japanese characters). v.i. and adj. To be pleased. To be happy.

Anramush, アンラムシ, (Japanese characters). adj. Kind.

Anrapoki, アンラポキ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be defeated. To be killed. To be made to submit to another. As:—Yaikikip na, eanrapoki akari kusu ne na, “be careful, you will be defeated by me.”

Anramu-ochiu, アンラムオチウ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To permit. To allow. To concede.

Anrawechiu, アンラウェチウ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To kill. To defeat.

Anreika-kara, アンレイカカラ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To assent. To put the hands up to the head as a sign of assent. To praise.

An-reske-po, アンレスケポ, (Japanese characters). n. Children brought up by persons other than their parents. Syn: Aoreshpa utara.

Anro, アンロ, (Japanese characters). imper of an. Let be.

Anruki, アンルキ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To swallow.

Anruru, アンルル, (Japanese characters). adj. The western shores of Yezo. As:—Anruru un atui, “the western sea.”

Antek, アンテク, (Japanese characters). adv. Just. Only. For a little while.



(Japanese characters). n. Thistles. Cnicus sps. Syn: Aiush-kuttara.

Antuki, アンツキ, (Japanese characters). n. A kind of small red bean.

Antunanga, アンツナンガ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To meet.

Anturashi, アンツラシ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To ascend a ladder, mountain or a river together.

Anu, アヌ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To put. To place.

Anu, アヌ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be heard. Also ph.: “I hear,” and “do you hear.”

Anu, アヌ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To understand. To inquire. As:—Michi orota anu, “to inquire of one's father.”

Anuepare, アヌエパレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To fully tell. To repeat a tale. Syn: Anure-epare.

Anuirototo, アヌイロトト, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be quite destroyed.

Anuitashi, アヌイタシ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To have heard. Syn: No-okere.

Anukan, アヌカン, (Japanese characters). v.i. To appear. Same as anukara.

Anukan-no, アヌカンノ, (Japanese characters). adv. Clearly. Distinctly. Whilst seen.

Anukantek, アヌカンテク, (Japanese characters). v.t. To see.

Anukara, アヌカラ, (Japanese characters). n. night.

Anukara, アヌカラ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be seen. To appear. Also “to see.”

Anukar'etoranne, アヌカレトラン子, (Japanese characters). ph. “Not earing to see.”

Anukarahumi-wen, アヌカラフミウェン, (Japanese characters). adj. Unsightly.



(Japanese characters). n. An object or place seen or looked at. The direction in which one is looking.

Anukara-kopan, アヌカラコパン, (Japanese characters). ph. “To dislike to look at.”



(Japanese characters). v.i. & adj. To take pleasure in a thing. To delight in. Pleasant.

Anumge, アヌムゲ, (Japanese characters). v.i. & adj. Chosen out.

Anumse, アヌムセ, (Japanese characters). adj. Many. Numerous.

Anumunu, アヌムヌ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be stopped up. Syn: Chinumunu.

Anun, アヌン, (Japanese characters). n. Another person.

Anun-itak, アヌンイタク, (Japanese characters). n. Strange words. Foreign talk.

Anun-kopaki, アヌンコパキ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To look upon another as an enemy.

Anun-korobe, アヌンコロベ, (Japanese characters). n. Another person's belongings.

Anun-nishpa, アヌンニシパ, (Japanese characters). n. The other person. Sometimes “you.”

Anuno, アヌノ, (Japanese characters). adv. Intelligibly. Understandingly.

Anunukep, アヌヌケプ, (Japanese characters). A precious thing.

Anun-utara, アヌンウタラ, (Japanese characters). n. Strangers. Other persons.

Anupa, アヌパ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To place (pl).

Anupiwe, アヌピウェ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To conquer. Syn: Annokara.

Anure, アヌレ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be told. Made known.

Anure-epare, アヌレエパレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To tell.



(Japanese characters). v.i. To stretch out the arms and legs as in anger.

Anru-oka, アンルオカ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To finish (as a meal).

An-ushike, アンウシケ, (Japanese characters). n. One's abode. An abiding-place. The place where anything is. Syn: An-i.



(Japanese characters). v.i. To be called. To be invited.

Anushuye, アヌシュイェ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To call by beckoning to. Syn: Tekparuparu. Inushuye.

Anutureshi, アヌツレシ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To ascend a river together. Same as antureshi.

An-wa, アンワ, (Japanese characters). ph. and part. It is. Being.

An-wa-ne-yakne, アンワ子ヤク子, (Japanese characters). ph. Yet. Although.

An-yakne, アンヤク子, (Japanese characters). conj. If there is.

Ao, アオ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be ridden. Contained in.

Aoattuye, アオアッツイェ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be cut quite off or through.



(Japanese characters). n. Pieces of cloth let into a garment for ornament.

Aoho-ekara, アオホエカラ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To ornament a dress.

Aoingara, アオインガラ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To peep at.

Aoingara, アオインガラ, (Japanese characters). n. The heights above. The open skies. Syn: Nishoro. Nishkotoro.

Aoingara-moshiri, アオインガラモシリ, (Japanese characters). n. The heights. The firmament. The open sky. The heavens.



(Japanese characters). v.i. To be cursed.



(Japanese characters). pro. You. Syn: Anokai. Enai. Eshiroma.




(Japanese characters). pro. Ye. you.

Aokai-yaikota, アオカイヤイコタ, (Japanese characters). pro. You yourself.

Aokbare, アオクバレ, (Japanese characters). v.i. Rebelled against. Persecuted.

Aokbare-guru, アオクバレグル, (Japanese characters). n. A person rebelled against or persecuted.

Aokere, アオケレ, (Japanese characters). v.i. Finished. Completed. Done with.

Aokerep, アオケレプ, (Japanese characters). n. A thing done. Anything accomplished.

Aokettektek, アオケッテクテク, (Japanese characters). v.i. Finished. Done. Completed.

Aokushke, アオクシケ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To dive. Aomakaraye, アオマカライェ, (Japanese characters). adj. Open.

Aomonnure, アオモンヌレ, (Japanese characters). adj. Praised

Aonai, アオナイ, (Japanese characters). n. A gully.

Aonga, アオンガ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To put to soak. To soak thoroughly. Syn: Ionga.

Aongami, アオンガミ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be adored. Worshipped.

Aop, アオプ, (Japanese characters). n. A vessel, bag or box in which anything is put.



(Japanese characters). n. A coat. Syn: Ashkakushtep. Ashkakamurep.

Aopentari, アオペンタリ, (Japanese characters). v.i. & adj. To be tilted up. To be raised up a little. Syn: Aotari.

Aopepipkere, アオペピケレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To cause to swell up (as by putting water in a dry tub.)

Aorakere, アオラケレ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To diminish. Do die out. To cease. To lower. Syn: Ramka. Arakere.

Aorauge, アオラウゲ, (Japanese characters). v.i. and v.t. To miss. To be behind-hand. Syn: Chiorauge.

Aosama, アオサマ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be doubled back or over.




(Japanese characters). n. A canal.

Aoreshpa-utara, アオレシパウタラ, (Japanese characters). n. Orpans. Adopted children. Childrens brought up by people other than their parents.

Aosh, アオシ, (Japanese characters). v.i. and adj. To be followed. Sought after. Valued. Prized. Desired.

Aoshikiru, アオシキル, (Japanese characters). v.t. To skirt or go round (as a mountain).

Aoshiraye, アオシライェ, (Japanese characters). vi. Move along.

Aoshiri-nukara, アオシリヌカラ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To watch out of sight.

Aoshkoro, アオシコロ, (Japanese characters). adj. Prized. Valued.

Aosura, アオスラ, (Japanese characters). v.i. and adj. Abandoned. Cast off (sing).

Aosurupa, アオスルパ, (Japanese characters). v.i. and adj. Cast off. Abandoned (pl).

Aota, アオタ, (Japanese characters). n. The next door. As:—Aota an guru, “the next door neighbour.”

Aotari, アオタリ, (Japanese characters). v.i. and adj. To be tilted up. Syn: Aopentari.

Aota-un-guru, アオタウングル, (Japanese characters). n. The next door neighbour.

Aota-un-utara, アオタウンウタラ, (Japanese characters). n. The next door neighbours.

Aotupekare, アオツペカレ, (Japanese characters). adj. Difficult to spare. Syn: Anishka.

Aotushetaye, アオツシェタイェ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be hung up by the hair of the head in punishment.

Aotuwashi, アオツワシ, (Japanese characters). adj. Bold. Fearless. Syn: Rametok-koro.

Aoyaitak, アオヤイタク, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be derided. Made a fool of. Mocked.

Aoyanenep, アオヤ子子プ, (Japanese characters). n. A butt for derision. A person made fun of.

Aowemushi, アオウェムシ, (Japanese characters). adj. Poor. In bad condition.

Ap, アプ, (Japanese characters). n. A fishhook. The head of a fish-spear.

Ap, アプ, (Japanese characters). n. An article. A thing. As:—Ine nei ap, “Where is that thing.” Syn: Ambe.

Ap, アプ, (Japanese characters). n. Pretence. Syn: Abe. Abe-koro.

Ap, アプ, (Japanese characters). part. Preceded by the words kusu ne, ap signifies that something was intended or ought to be done. As:—Ek kusu ne ap, “he ought to have come.” Chi ki kusu ne ap, “we intended to do it.”

Ap, アプ, (Japanese characters). part. Sometimes ap is used to express past tense. As:—Ibe ap, “he has eaten.” Ran ap, “he has gone down.”

Apa, アパ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To leak. Syn: Apekush.

Apa, アパ, (Japanese characters). n. A doorway. A gateway. An entrance. The open mouth of a river looked at from the sea. As:—Apa ashte, “to shut a door.” Apa chaka or maka, “to open a door.” Apa shi, “to shut a door.” Apa-ushta, “a door.”

Apa-chip, アパチプ, (Japanese characters). n. A door-sill. The grooved piece or word for a door to slide along in.

Apakashnu-guru, アパカシヌグル, (Japanese characters). n. A prisoner. A person undergoing punishment.



(Japanese characters). pro. This. Syn: Tapan. Tapani.

Apanne, アパン子, (Japanese characters). n. An edible kind of mussel.

Apakikkara, アパキッカラ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To defend one's door-way.



(Japanese characters). v.t. To shut the door to. To shut in or out.

Apangere, アパンゲレ, (Japanese characters). v.i. and adj. Abhorrent. Hated. Despised. Syn: Aetunne.

Apa-otbe, アパオッベ, (Japanese characters). n. A mat hung in a doorway.

Apapo, アパポ, (Japanese characters). n. Some kind of flower.

Apapok, アパポク, (Japanese characters). adv. Behind. As:—Chisei apapok, “behind the house.”

Apapu, アパプ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be scolded. To apologize. Syn: Akosakayokara.

Apara, アパラ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To injure. To condemn. To lay a fault upon another. Syn: Epara.

Aparakoatte, アパラコアッテ, (Japanese characters). adj. Accursed. Scolded. Syn: Akosakayokara.

Aparu, アパル, (Japanese characters). v.t. To fan. To blow by means of a fan or any such like instrument.

Aparu, アパル, (Japanese characters). n. The threshold.

Apa-shem, アパシェム, (Japanese characters). n. An entrance porch.

Apa-shi, アパシ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To close a door.



(Japanese characters). n. A door.

Apashte, アパシテ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To defeat. To silence in argument.

Apashte, アパシテ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To be made fun of. To be driven away.

Apatu, アパツ, (Japanese characters). adj. Scattered. Blown about.

Apaushbe, アパウシベ, (Japanese characters). n. A door. A mat hung before a doorway.

Apa-ushke, アパウシケ, (Japanese characters). n. A door-way.

Apa-ushta, アパウシタ, (Japanese characters). n. A door. Syn: Apashta.

Apa-utara, アパウタラ, (Japanese characters). n. Relations.

Ape-keshui, アペケシュイ, (Japanese characters). n. Dragonet (Callionymus curvicorinis, Cuv. & Val.)

Api, アピ, (Japanese characters). n. A wound caused by chaffing.

Api, アピ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To draw out as a sword from its sheath. As:—Tam api, “to draw a sword.”



(Japanese characters). v.i. To go along stealthily. As:—Hau-shut oroge apikuira, “he went along stealthily following the voice.”

Apikuira-no, アピクイラノ, (Japanese characters). adv. Stealthily. As:—Apikuira no oman wa nei yuk raige nisa, “he went along stealthily and killed the deer.”



(Japanese characters). n. The trail of an animal. A foot-print. A chaffing. A wound left by rubbing.

Apiru, アピル, (Japanese characters). v.i. and adj. Wiped. Rubbed. Chaffed.

Apiya, アピヤ, (Japanese characters). n. A bastard. A half-cast. Syn: Chiappise.

Apiye-guru, アピイェグル, (Japanese characters). n. A bastard. A half-cast.

Ap-ka, アプカ, (Japanese characters). n. A fishing line.

Apka, アプカ, (Japanese characters). n. A male deer. A buck.

Apkara, アプカラ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To take. To receive. Syn: Ahup-kara

Apkara, アプカラ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To defeat.

Apkara, アプカラ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To become rotten through exposure to the weather.

Apkash, アプカシ, (Japanese characters). v.i. and adj. To walk. On foot.

Apkash-komon-nukuri, アプカシコモンヌクリ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To falter in walking.

Apkash-shiniuka, アプカシシニウカ, (Japanese characters). v.i. Indisposed to walk.

Apkash-shinukuri, アプカシシヌクリ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To find a difficulty in walking either through old age or indisposition.

Apkash-utor-humi, アプカシウトルフミ, (Japanese characters). n. The sound of foot steps.

Apka-topa, アプカトパ, (Japanese characters). n. A herd of male deer.

Apkoro, アプコロ, (Japanese characters). adv. ph. As though. It appears. Like. As:—Chish apkoro iki, “he appears to be crying.” Eraman ap koro iki, “he seems to understand.”

Apkot-ni, アプッコニ, (Japanese characters). n. A fishing rod ready prepared for fishing.



(Japanese characters). n. A kind of fish decoy. Syn: Chininiap.

Apnini-furep, アプニニフレプ, (Japanese characters). n. Some kind of nut.

Apninisei, アプニニセイ, (Japanese characters). n. A nut shell.

Apnit, アプニツ, (Japanese characters). n. A fishing rod. Also a kind of spear. Syn: Perainit. Tush-ni.



(Japanese characters). n. A fan. Syn: Yaiparaparup.

Apohotonoge, アポホトノゲ, (Japanese characters). ph. My dear child.

Apoknare, アポクナレ, (Japanese characters). adv. Face-downwards.

Aponde, アポンデ, (Japanese characters). v.i. Reduced. Made small or little.

Aporose, アポロセ, (Japanese characters). v.i. and ph. Called by the name of. Called. Named. He who is named. That which is called.

Aporosep, アpロセプ, (Japanese characters). n. Things that are called or named. As:—Seta ari aporosep, “the things called dogs.”

Appene, アッペ子, (Japanese characters). adj. Clumsy. Awkward. Syn: Aikap. Katchak.

Apsai-ni, アプサイニ, (Japanese characters). n. A piece of wood to which hooks are attached when fishing.

Apsai-pit, アプサイピツ, (Japanese characters). n. A stone attached to an apsai-ni to keep it under water.

Apte, アプテ, (Japanese characters). adj. Weak. Powerless.

Apto, アプト, (Japanese characters). n. Rain.



(Japanese characters). v.i. To rain. It rains.

Apto-ashte-guru, アプトアシテグル, (Japanese characters). n. A rain maker.

Apto-chikap, アプトチカプ, (Japanese characters). n. The golden plover. Charadrius fulvus, Gm.

Apto-hauge, アプトハウゲ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To gradually cease raining.

Apto-nishoro, アプトニショロ, (Japanese characters). n. Rainy skies.

Apto-okake-an, アプトオカケアン, (Japanese characters). ph. It has finished raining. Syn: Apto-tui.



(Japanese characters). v.i. It is raining.



(Japanese characters). n. Sea-ice.

Apui-kotoro, アプイコトロ, (Japanese characters). n. The inside surface of the ears.



(Japanese characters). n. A fan. Syn: Aungi. Yaiparaparup.



(Japanese characters). adv. Gently. Softly. As:—Apun no mokoro, “good night” (lit. “sleep gently.”) Apun no apye, “good bye” (lit. go gently).

Apun-no-apun-no, アプンノアプンノ, (Japanese characters). adv. Very gently. Very softly.

Apushke, アプシケ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be torn by an animal.

Aputki, アプツキ, (Japanese characters). n. A mat made of rushed used for laying on a floor. Syn: Shok-kara

Ara, アラ, (Japanese characters). aux. v. Imperative form of the verb "to be," used as an auxilliary to other verbs. Syn: Yara As:—Apa shi-ara, “shut the door.”

Ara, アラ, (Japanese characters). adj. Open.

Ara, アラ, (Japanese characters). adv. Entirely. Quite. Only. Nothing but. As:—Ishirikurantere, ara mim patek, “dear me, it is nothing but fat.”

Ara, アラ, (Japanese characters). n. Forceps.



(Japanese characters). n. An earwig.

Ara, アラ, (Japanese characters). adj. One. One of a pair. Syn: Oara. As:—Ara-shik, “One-eye.”

Ara, アラ, (Japanese characters). n. Side. As:—Ar'ita, “the side boards of a boat.”

Ara, アラ, (Japanese characters). adj. Late. Slow.

Ara, アラ, (Japanese characters). adj. Pretty. Beautiful. As:—Ara chisei, “a beautiful house.”

Ara, アラ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To beautify. To ornament. As:—Chisei ara, “to ornament a house.”

Ara-attap-ne, アラアッタプ子, (Japanese characters). adv. Empty-handed.

Arage, アラゲ, (Japanese characters). adj. Half of anything. Partly. In part. As:—Keutum arage pirika kamui an, keutum arage wen kamui an, “they are deities partly good and partly evil.”



(Japanese characters). n. Beauty. Glory. Majesty.

Araige, アライゲ, (Japanese characters). v.i. Killed.

Araka, アラカ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To ache. To be in pain.

Araka-i, アラカイ, (Japanese characters). n. An aching. An aching place.

Arakap, アラカプ, (Japanese characters). n. An aching. Something which aches.

Arakare, アラカレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To give pain to. To agonize.

Arakat-oroge-chiepoknare, アラカトロゲチエポクナレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To dishearten. To cause to lose spirit.



(Japanese characters). adj. Half. One of two. As:—Chep arake, “half a fish.” Keire arake, “one shoe.”

Arake-chiraige-tashum, アラケチライゲタシュム, (Japanese characters). n. Paralysis.

Arakere, アラケレ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To diminish. To cease to be. To lower. Syn: Ramka. Aorakere.

Araki, アラキ, (Japanese characters). v.i. (pl). To come. Syn: Ariki

Arakikiri, アラキキリ, (Japanese characters). n. An earwig.

Arakirisamtek-omare, アラキリサムテクオマレ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To sit crosslegged.

Arakke, アラッケ, (Japanese characters). n. Wine. Sake. Strong drink.

Arakotomka, アラコトムカ, (Japanese characters). adv. Without a doubt. Doubtless.

Arakotomka, アラコトムカ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To ornament one’s self.

Arakuntukap, アラクンツカプ, (Japanese characters). n. The very worst of the demons.



(Japanese characters). n. Beauty. Glory. Majesty.

Arakurukashi, アラクルカシ, (Japanese characters). adv. Exactly above.

Arakushkonna, アラクシコンナ, (Japanese characters). adv. Very suddenly.

Arakuwan-no, アラクワンノ, (Japanese characters). adv. In front. Straight ahead.

Aramaken, アラマケン, (Japanese characters). v.t. To amuse. To laugh at.

Aramakenbe, アラマケンベ, (Japanese characters). n. An amusing thing.

Aramaukese, アラマウケセ, (Japanese characters). adv. By the side of.

Aramepakare, アラメパカレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To think. To consider. To evaluate. To weigh in the mind.

Aramoi-sam, アラモイサム, (Japanese characters). n. The north. Syn: Oyanruru.

Aramoisam, アラモイサム, (Japanese characters). n. A bay.

Arani-wano, アラニワノ, (Japanese characters). adv. Previously to. Syn: Ekanai-wano.

Araoraye, アラオライェ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To lower. To let down.



(Japanese characters). v.i. To go.



(Japanese characters). v.t. To send. Syn: Omande.

Arapekere-kamui, アラペケレカムイ, (Japanese characters). n. The best of the deities.

Ararapa, アララパ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To press down. To shake down.

Ararirari, アラリラリ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To shake or trample down. To press down. To harden by trampling on.

Arasatchepare, アラサッチェパレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To fly open, as parts of a dress.

Arasereke, アラセレケ, (Japanese characters). n. The half of anything.

Arashka, アラシカ, (Japanese characters). v.i. and adj, To be empty handed. Not carrying.

Arashne, アラシ子, (Japanese characters). adv. Altogether.

Arashuianda, アラシュイアンダ, (Japanese characters). adv. Once upon a time. At a certain time or place.



(Japanese characters). adj. Once. Syn: Ari-shui.

Arashui-range, アラシュイランゲ, (Japanese characters). adv. One at a time.

Arashunketu, アラシュンケツ, (Japanese characters). n. A grass band or cord.

Arataraka, アラタラカ, (Japanese characters). adj. Silly. Senseless. Delirious. Slovenly. Careless. Syn: Etaraka. Aretaraka.

Aratchi, アラッチ, (Japanese characters). adj. Quiet. Peaceable.

Aratchire, アラッチレ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be pacified. To be acquitted of a crime.

Arauratki-no, アラウラッキノ, (Japanese characters). adv. Only. Only this and nothing else.

Araushtek, アラウシテク, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be extinguished. Exterminated. Massacred.

Araushtekka, アラウシテッカ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To extinguish. To massacre. To exterminate.



(Japanese characters). adj. Seven.

Arawan-hotne, アラワンホツ子, (Japanese characters). adj. One hundred and forty.

Arawan-ikashima-hotne, アラワンイカシマホツ子, (Japanese characters). adj. Twenty seven.

Arawan-ikashima-ine-hotne, アラワンイカシマイ子ホツ子, (Japanese characters). adj. Eighty seven.

Arawan-otutanu, アラワンオツタヌ, (Japanese characters). n. The seventh. (For the numerals see Grammar Chapter vii).

Arawe, アラウェ, (Japanese characters). n. Froth. The scum of a boiling pot.

Are, アレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To kindle. To light. As:—Abe are, “to light a fire.”

Are, アレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To cause to sit. To set (as a fisher-man his nets).



(Japanese characters). adj. Quite. Entirely. With force.

Are, アレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To put. To place. Syn: Ande.

Are-abe, アレアベ, (Japanese characters). n. A flaming fire.

Areika, アレイカ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be pleased with. Syn: Erayap.

Areikop, アレイコプ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be named.



(Japanese characters). v.i. and v.t. To give assent to. To be praised. To second. To encourage.



(Japanese characters). adv. Very suddenly. In a moment.

Arepokara, アレポカラ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To die at sea.

Arerakari, アレラカリ, (Japanese characters). adj. Aired. Exposed to the wind.

Arerakari-ki, アレラカリキ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To air in the wind.

Areshirikush, アレシリクシ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To pass by.

Areshirikush-guru, アレシリクシグル, (Japanese characters). n. A passer by. A visitor. A caller.

Ari, アリ, (Japanese characters). post. By means of. With. For. As:—Marek ari chep koiki., “to kill fish with a spear.” Ari ya etaye an tush, “A rope used for drawing a net.” Syn: Ani.

Ari, アリ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be alight.

Ari, アリ, (Japanese characters). adj. Skinned. Syn: Iri-au.

Ari, アリ, (Japanese characters). adj. Late. Tardy. Slow. Syn: Ara.

Ari, アリ, (Japanese characters). pro. That. That which. As:—Ahup yau, ari hawash, “he says you are to enter.” Seta ari ayep, “that which is called a dog.”

Ari, アリ, (Japanese characters). adv. Quite. Severely. Entirely. With force. Syn: A. Ara.

Ari-au, アリアウ, (Japanese characters). pro. That. Those. As:—Ari an itak ani ye nisa ruwe ne, “he spoke with those words.”

Arikari-chisei, アリカリチセイ, (Japanese characters). n. The framework of a house. The roof over a pit-dwelling. Syn: Chisei-niye. Chirikari-chisei.

Ariki, アリキ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To come (pl. of ek).

Ariki-an, アリキアン, (Japanese characters). past. Have come.

Ariashin-no, アリアシンノ, (Japanese characters). adj. Once. Again.

Ariki-ash-shiri, アリキアシシリ, (Japanese characters). v.i. Coming. They are coming.

Arikiki, アリキキ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To bring up. To rear. As:—Rupne pak no arikiki, “to bring up to manhood.” Arikiki tuikata, “during adolescence.”

Arikiki-no, アリキキノ, (Japanese characters). adv. With all one's might. With might and main. Syn: Shiari-kiki-no

Ari-kiki-tuikata, アリキキツイカタ, (Japanese characters). ph. During adolescence.

Arikinne, アリキン子, (Japanese characters). adv. Quite. Thoroughly. Syn: Arara. Earakinne.

Arikiri, アリキリ, (Japanese characters). adj. Very much. Intensely.

Arikko, アリッコ, (Japanese characters). n. The feather columbine. Thalictrum aquilegifolium, L.

Arikko-kuttara, アリッコクッタラ, (Japanese characters). n. The same "as Arikko.

Arimu, アリム, (Japanese characters). n. A rat or mouse. Syn: Eremu.

Arikomare, アリコマレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To hang up. To put on a high place.

Arikoraye, アリコライェ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To raise. To shift from a lower to a higher position.

Arip, アリプ, (Japanese characters). n. A roof. A covering. As:—Chisei arip, “the roof of a house.”

Aripekunne, アリペクン子, (Japanese characters). n. A small knife.

Arishirikush, アリシリクシ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To call upon in passing. To look upon.

Arishui, アリシュイ, (Japanese characters). adj. Once. Syn: Arashui.

Arita-omap, アリタオマプ, (Japanese characters). n. A small boat with boards fixed to its sides used for sea-fishing.

Aro, アロ, (Japanese characters). adj. Very early. Premature. As:—Aro-paikara, “very early in the spring.”



(Japanese characters). adv. Purposely. On purpose. Syn: Hokamgin-no.

Aro-nochiu, アロノチウ, (Japanese characters). n. The evening star. Syn: Aronuman-nochiu.

Aro-numan, アロヌマン, (Japanese characters). n. Twilight. Late in the evening.

Aro-numan-nochiu, アロヌマンノチウ, (Japanese characters). n. The evening star. Syn: Aro-nochiu.

Aronnu, アロンヌ, (Japanese characters). v.i. Killed. Pl: of Raige.

Aronnu-wa-isam, アロンヌワイサム, (Japanese characters). ph. Killed and done away with.

Aropaikara, アロパイカラ, (Japanese characters). n. Very early spring.

Aroramboso, アロラムボソ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be agitated with fright. Syn: Aramboso.

Arorokishne-no, アロロキシ子ノ, (Japanese characters). adv. Secretly. Privately.

Aroshinep, アロシ子プ, (Japanese characters). n. The first one. Primier.

Aru, アル, (Japanese characters). part. Sometimes used as a plural prefix to verbs.

Aruchire, アルチレ, (Japanese characters). adj. Under-cooked.

Arukirika-samtek-o, アルキリカサムテクオ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To sit tailor-fashion. To sit cross legged.



(Japanese characters). v.i. To go. (sing.)

Arupakbe, アルパクベ, (Japanese characters). adv. Alike. In the same degree.



(Japanese characters). v.t. To send.

Arushantuka-aukoamba, アルシャンツカアウコアムバ, (Japanese characters). ph. To hang in orderly rows. To set in orderly array.

Arushito, アルシト, (Japanese characters). n. A round cake made of arrow-root. Syn: Akam.

Arushka, アルシカ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To have become an object of anger.

Arutam, アルタム, (Japanese characters). n. A sword. Syn: Tam. Emush.

Arutam-euk-guru, アルタムエウッグル, (Japanese characters). n. A captive.

Arutereke, アルテレケ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To jump about. Syn: Tereke-tereke.

Aruterekere, アルテレケレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To cause to jump about. To make frisk about (as animals).

Arutoro, アルトロ, (Japanese characters). n. The north.

Arutu, アルツ, (Japanese characters). adj. Imported. Syn: Chikusa. Chiyange.

Arutu-ashkoro, アルツアシコロ, (Japanese characters). n. Japanese sake. Syn: Chikusa-ashkoro. Chiyange-ashkoro.



(Japanese characters). n. The peculiar warbling sparrows make when they see a snake. Syn: Niwen-horipi.



(Japanese characters). n. Hemp. Nettles. Syn: Hai.



(Japanese characters). n. Bottom. Foundation. As:—Chisei asama, “the foundation of the house.” Ure-asama, “the sole of the foot.”

Asam-kotoro, アサムコトロ, (Japanese characters). n. The inside surface of the bottom of anything. As:—Pet asam-kotoro, “the surface of a river's bottom.”

Asam-sak, アサムサク, (Japanese characters). adj. Bottom-less.

Asam-sak-i, アサムサクイ, (Japanese characters). n. A bog. The abyss.



(Japanese characters). n. Hemp. Syn: Hai.

Asangi, アサンギ, (Japanese characters). adj. Blue. Green.

Asapa-muyep, アサパムイェプ, (Japanese characters). n. A head cloth. Syn: Aesapa-muyep.

Asarama, アサラマ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To choose.

Asari, アサリ, (Japanese characters). adj. Opened out. Open to the skies. The open skies.

Ase, アセ, (Japanese characters). n. A seat. A stool or chair. Syn: Aset. Amset. Set.

Aseika, アセイカ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To steep in hot water. To scald.

Aseireka, アセイレカ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To fry in hot water or fat.

Asesekka, アセセッカ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To heat. To make hot.

Aset, アセツ, (Japanese characters). n. A stool; seat; a chair.

Ash, アシ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To stand. To appear. To arise.

Ash, アシ, (Japanese characters). To blow (as wind). To descend (as rain). Syn: Rui.

Ash, アシ, (Japanese characters). part. When added to intrasitive verbs ash indicates the 1st per. pl. As:—Ariki ash, “we come.” Paye ash, “we go.” When added to intransitive verbs it indicates the action of the first person upon the second. As:—Kuani echi nure ash kusu ne, “I will tell you;” e kore ash na, “I give it to you.” Seta chi-ronnu ash okere, “we have killed the dogs.”

Ash-ash, アシアシ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To go a little way and then stop. Syn: Eyokkot.

Ashbe, アシベ, (Japanese characters). n. The first dorsal fin of the larger kinds of fish. On the smaller kinds of fish this is called. "Mekka-ushbe."

Ashi, アシ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To set up. To put. To hang over.As:—Shu abe kala ashi, “Set the kettle over the fire.”

Ashi-ai, アシアイ, (Japanese characters). n. Arrows with poison attached. See oha-ai.

Ashureka, アシュレカ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To leave. To go away. To depart.

Ashika, アシカ, (Japanese characters). n. Thread in cloth.

Ashikipet, アシキペツ, (Japanese characters). n. A finger. A toe. Ruwe ashikipet, “the thumb”; pon-ashikipet, “the little finger”; itangi-kem-ashikipet, “the index finger.”

Ashikipet-orun-kani, アシキオエツオルンカニ, (Japanese characters). n. A finger ring.

Ashikipettu, アシキペッツ, (Japanese characters). n. The fingers (pl).

Ashikipettu-orun-kani, アシキペッツオルンカニ, (Japanese characters). n. Rings for the fingers.



(Japanese characters). adj. Five.

Ashikne-hotne, アシク子ホツ子, (Japanese characters). adj. A hundred. (For the numerals see Grammar cpt. vii).

Ashiknen, アシク子ン, (Japanese characters). n. Five men.

Ashikne-otutanu, アシク子オツタヌ, (Japanese characters). adj. The fifth.

Ashikne-shine-wan-hot, アシク子シ子ワンホツ, (Japanese characters). adj. A thousand.



(Japanese characters). adj. Five times.

Ashiknure, アシクヌレ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be saved. To be made to live.

Ashikopa, アシコパ, (Japanese characters). adj. Resembling.

Ashikoraye, アシコライェ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To receive. Syn: Akore.

Ashikore, アシコレ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be born.

Ashimbe, アシムベ, (Japanese characters). n. A fine

Ashimbe-sange, アシムベサンゲ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To pay a fine.

Ashimbe-sangere, アシムベサンゲレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To fine.

Ashimbe-turu, アシムベツル, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be arranged in a row.

Ashin, アシン, (Japanese characters). v.i. To go out. To come out.

Ashin, アシン, (Japanese characters). adj. New. Syn: Ashiri.

Ashinge, アシンゲ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To send out. To root out. To pluck out. To pull out or up.

Ashinkop, アシンコプ, (Japanese characters). n. A noose. A knot.

Ashinkop-nere, アシンコプ子レ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To make into a knot.

Ashin-no, アシンノ, (Japanese characters). adv. Newly. Again. Afresh. For the first time.

Ashin-no-kara, アシンノカラ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To renew. To do over again.

Ashinru, アシンル, (Japanese characters). n. A water-closet. Syn: Soine-ru. Osoine-ru.

Ashinuma, アシヌマ, (Japanese characters). pro. One'self. I. Syn: Kuani. Yaikata.

Ashiokte, アシオクテ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To strike against. To get hooked up in.

Aship, アシプ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To flower. To blossom. (sing.)

Ashippa, アシッパ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To flower. To blossom. (pl.)

Ashiramkore-guru, アシラムコレグル, (Japanese characters). n. A friend. An acquaintance.

Ashirekatta, アシレカッタ, (Japanese characters). To fall down slowly.

Ashiri, アシリ, (Japanese characters). adj. New. The next. As:—Ashiri-pe, “a new thing”; Ashiri-pa, “a new year.” Syn: Ashiri-an.

Ashirikara, アシリカラ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To make over again. To renew. Syn: Ashin-no-kara.



(Japanese characters). v.i. To be crowded out.

Ashiriki, アシリキ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To do again. To renew. Syn: Ashiri-kara.

Ashishirikire, アシシリキレ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To retire.

Ashiseturuka, アシセツルカ, (Japanese characters). adv. Over one's back. One one's back. Syn: Asei. Akai.

Ashit, アシツ, (Japanese characters). n. New. Next. Syn: Ashiri.

Ashitoma, アシトマ, (Japanese characters). adj. Awful. Dreadful. Fearful.

Ashitoma-i, アシトマイ, (Japanese characters). n. A grave. A dreadul thing or place. Syn: Tushiri.

Ashitomap, アシトマプ, (Japanese characters). n. A dreadful thing. Something to be afraid of.

Ashitomarep, アシトマレプ, (Japanese characters). n. A thing to make one fear. An appalling thing or circumstance.

Ashituk-kirau, アシツㇰキラウ, (Japanese characters). n. The new horns of deer.

Ashiu, アシウ, (Japanese characters). adj. Once. Syn: Arashiu.

Ashkai, アシカイ, (Japanese characters). adj. Able. Clever. Adroit. Capable. Syn: Ri-no.

Ashkai-no, アシカイノ, (Japanese characters). adv. Ably. Cleverly. Adroitly.

Ashkai-samma, アシカイサムマ, (Japanese characters). adv. The right hand side.



(Japanese characters). n. A coat.



(Japanese characters). adj. Clean. Pure. Syn: Turu-sak.



(Japanese characters). v.t. To cleanse. Syn: Turu-sakte.

Ashkannere, アシカン子レ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To cleanse.

Ashke, アシケ, (Japanese characters). n. The hand. Syn: Teke.

Ashke-auk, アシケアウク, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be killed. To have one's life taken by hand.

Ashke-kotoro, アシケコトロ, (Japanese characters). n. The palm of the hand.

Ashketesh, アシケテシ, (Japanese characters). n. A comb.

Ashkeuk, アシケウク, (Japanese characters). v.t. To kill.

Ashke-ukom, アシケウコム, (Japanese characters). n. The fists.

Ashkoro, アシコロ, (Japanese characters). n. A handful.

Ashkoro, アシコロ, (Japanese characters). n. Wine or spirits of any kind. As:—Arutu ashkoro, “imported wine.”

Ashkororo, アシコロロ, (Japanese characters). n. A handful.



(Japanese characters). n. An oar. Syn: Assap.

Ashne, アシ子, (Japanese characters). adj. Five. Syn: Ashikne.

Ashni, アシニ, (Japanese characters). n. A memorial set up to mark a grave. A grave stone.

Ashni-pusa, アシニプサ, (Japanese characters). n. A tassle hung on a woman's grave mark.

Ashnu, アシヌ, (Japanese characters). adj. Quick. Well. Clever. Good. As:—Shukup-ashnu, “of quick growth.” Hoyupu-ashnu, “a good runner.” Ashnu-guru, “a clever person.”

Ashpa, アシパ, (Japanese characters). adj. Deaf. As:—Ashpa kisara itutanure, “to turn a deaf ear to.”

Ashpa, アシパ, 降ル、(複數). v.i. To descend. To come down. (pl. of ash).

Ash-ratchako, アシラッチャコ, 標燈、タチランプ. n. A standing light. A light set up as a guide.

Ashrekut, アシレクツ, 第一頂椎. n. The top of the spine. Atlas.

Ashrukonna, アシルコンナ, 建ツ. v.i. To stand (as a house). To be built up.

Ashte, アシテ, 立タセル. v.t. To set up. To make stand.

Ashui, アシュイ, 一度. adj. Once. Syn: Ashiu. Arashuine.

Ashuttasa, アシュッタサ, 供養スル. v.t. To perform certain rites for the dead.

Ashuye, アシュイェ, 手招キスル、搖スル. v.t. To call by beckoning to. To shake about. Syn: Ashuye-shuye. Korenna-shuye.

Ashwambe, アシワンベ, 陰核. n. Clitoris.

Asnap, アスナプ, 櫂、カイ. n. An oar.

Asoro, アソロ, 底、跡、臀、シリ. n. Bottom. Hinder-most. The posteriors. Syn: Asoro.

Asoye, アソイェ, 穴ヲ穿ツ. v.t. To bore a hole.

Asoyep, アソイェプ, 錐、キリ. n. A gimlet.

Assa, アッサ, 漕ク. v.t. To row. Syn: Assap-koro.



櫂、カイ. n. An oar.

Assap-chikiri-ush, アッサプチキリウシ, 水カキ足. n. Web-footed.

Assuru, アッスル, (Japanese characters). n. Fame.

Assuru-an, アッスルアン, (Japanese characters). adj. Famous.

Assuru-ash-hawe-o, アッスルアシハウェオ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To have become famous.

Assurunure, アッスルヌレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To make known.

Asura-ni, アスラニ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To make famous. To make known. To narrate. To describe.

Asuru-oroge-hopuni, アスルオロゲホプニ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To spread about a rumour.

Asurube, アスルベ, (Japanese characters). n. A bear's ear.

At, アツ, (Japanese characters). adj. One of a pair. One. Half. As:—At-kema, “one foot.” At-tem, “half a mile.” (lit: “half a stretch of the arms).

At, アツ, (Japanese characters). n. Elm fibre. A string. A thong. A loot-lace.

At, アツ, (Japanese characters). n. The handle of anything. The sash of a bag. Syn: Atu. Atuhu.

At, アツ, (Japanese characters). n. A kind of grey flying-squirrel. Pteromys leucogenys, Temm.

At, アツ, (Japanese characters). v.i. & adj. Shining. Light. To shine. Syn: Tom.

At, アツ, (Japanese characters). v.i. & adj. Plentiful. To be numerous.

At, アツ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To come forth as stream or smoke.

At, アツ, (Japanese characters). v.i. Are. (pl. of an).

Atak, アタク, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be sent for. To be fetched.

Ataku-kara, アタクカラ, (Japanese characters). v.i. & adj. Agglomerated. Syn: Taku-akara.

At-amba, アタムバ, (Japanese characters). v.t. (pl). To lead by a string.

Atane, アタ子, (Japanese characters). n. Turnips.

At-ani, アタニ, (Japanese characters). v.t. (sing). To lead by a string.

Atap, アタプ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To roll about as a ship at sea.

Atap, アタプ, (Japanese characters). n. Anything dug out of the ground. Syn: Ata-ambe.



(Japanese characters). n. A pallet. Couch. Mattress. A travelling bag. (used to sleep on at night.) Syn: Atarakina.

Atarimaye, アタリマイェ, (Japanese characters). n. One's rights. One's own business. One's own affairs. As:—Ku atarimaye gusu, iteki isaikako yan, “don't interefere for this is my business.” Syn: Yaikota gusu-an-kunip.

Atari-tari, アタリタリ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be shaken up and down as in a saddle when riding.

Atarope, アタロペ, (Japanese characters). Same as Atarabe.

Atat, アタツ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be cut up into small pieces. As:—Atat-chep, “fish cut up into small pieces and dried.”

Atau, アタウ, (Japanese characters). adv. A place where something is or has been placed (pl.)

Ataye, アタイェ, (Japanese characters). n. Price. As:—Ataye kara, “to pay.” Ataye eraratikire, “to beat down in price.” Syn: Aro.

Ataye-arapare, アタイェアラパレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To pay.

Ataye-eraratkire, アタイェエララッキレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. to beat down in price.

Ataye-hauge, アタイェハウゲ, (Japanese characters). adj. Cheap. Syn: Ataye-pan. Oro-pan.

Ataye-kore, アタイェコレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To pay. Syn: Ataye-sange. Ataye-omande. Oro-omande.

Ataye-nupuru, アタイェヌプル, (Japanese characters). adj. Expensive. Dear. Syn: Ataye-yupke. Oro-nupuru.

Ataye-pan, アタイェパン, (Japanese characters). adj. Cheap.

Ataye-sange, アタイェサンゲ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To pay.

Ataye-ye, アタイェイェ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To price.

Ataye-yupke, アタイェユプケ, (Japanese characters). adj. Expensive. Dear.

Atchei, アッチエイ, (Japanese characters). adj. Other. Strange.

Atchi, アッチ, (Japanese characters). adj. Dirty. Filthy. As:—Atchi an na, “it is dirty.”

Atchisei, アッチセイ, (Japanese characters). n. Another house. A stranger's dwelling.

Atchisei-un-guru, アッチセイウングル, (Japanese characters). n. Strangers.

Atchiu, アッチウ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To thrust. To throw a spear.



(Japanese characters). adj. Clever at throwing a spear.

Ateineka, アテイ子カ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To water. To moisten.

Atemka, アテムカ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To revive (by sprinkling water upon).

Atere, アテレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To await. Syn: Aehuye. Etere.

Aterekere-terekere, アテレケレテレケレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To dangle up and down as a child.

Atesep, アテセプ, (Japanese characters). n. Anything woven.

Ateshkara-kore, アテシカラコレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To send a message by a person.

Ateshko, アテシコ, (Japanese characters). v.t. and v.i. To send a message by another. To be emplayed on an errand by another. Arapa guru ateshko rusui, “I wish to send a message by him.” Syn: Tesh-kara.

Ateuina, アテウイナ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To tie up.

Atkochi, アッコチ, (Japanese characters). n. A fish's tail. The caudal fin of a fish.

Atkoro-guru, アッコログル, (Japanese characters). n. Octopod. Syn: Atuina.

At-ni, アツニ, (Japanese characters). n. Mountain elm. Ulmus montana, Sm. var. laciniata, Traute.

At-ni-koro, アツニコロ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be tied up to a tree. To fix in the fork of a tree. Syn: Oknikoro.

Atomte, アトムテ, (Japanese characters). adj. Beautiful. Pretty. Neat. Syn: Aara. Irammasure.

Atomte-no, アトムテノ, (Japanese characters). adv. Beautifully. Prettily. Neatly. Syn: Irammakaka.

Atomte-no-kara, アトムテノカラ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To do well. To make pretty. To beautify.

Atpa, アツパ, (Japanese characters). n. A leader. A general. A captain. As:—Yuk atpa, “a leader deer.” Utara atpa, “a captain of a gang of men.”

Atpa, アツパ, (Japanese characters). post. The head or beginning. At the fron of anything.

Atpake, アツパケ, (Japanese characters). n. Beginning. Commencement. As:—Atpake otta, “in the beginning.” Atpake un, “at the beginning.” Atpake wana, “from the beginning.”

Atpaketa, アツパケタ, (Japanese characters). adv. In or at the beginning.

Atpata, アツパタ, (Japanese characters). adv. At the head.

At-saranip, アツサラニプ, (Japanese characters). n. A kind of bag made of elm fibre.

Attapne, アッタオウ子, (Japanese characters). adv. Empty handed. Having nothing.

Attashnure, アッタシヌレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To drink up at once without resting. To swallow quickly (as any kind of noxious medicine).

Atte, アッテ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To make shine. To send forth. To explain. To increase. As:—Nupeki atte, “to send forth light.” Yuk atte, chep atte, “to make deer and fish increase.”

Atte, アッテ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To hang up. To suspend. As:—Horikashi atte, “to suspend from.” To set up.

Atte-kane, , (Japanese characters). adv. Hanging. In a suspending position.

Attem, アッテム, (Japanese characters). n. Half the distance one can attain by stretching the arms out.

Attereke, アッテレケ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To jump or hop about as a frog.

Attereke-tereke, アッテレケテレケ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To jump or hop about as a frog. Frequentative of Attereke.

Attomsama, アットムサマ, (Japanese characters). adv. As far as. To. As:—En-attomsama eushi, “he came to me.”

Attune-no-an, アッツ子ノアン, (Japanese characters). v.i. and adj. To be slighted. To be treated in a slighting manner.

Attush, アッツシ, (Japanese characters). n. A kind of cloth made from the inner bark of mountain elm trees. A garment made of mountain elm bark cloth.

Attush-aiyo, アッツシアイヨ, (Japanese characters). n. Pieces of Japanese stuff let into attush for ornament.

Attush-bera, アッツシベラ, (Japanese characters). n. A flat piece of wood used in making cloth.

Attush-kara, アッツシカラ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To weave attush.

Attush-karabe, アッツシカラベ, (Japanese characters). n. A loom.




(Japanese characters). n. A handle. A sash of a bag. A lace. Thong. Reins.

Atu, アツ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To vomit. As:—Atu-kopase, “to vomit very much.”

Atu-amba, アツアムバ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To lead by a string. (pl).

Atuhu, アツフ, (Japanese characters). n. A handle. The sash of a bag.

Atui, アツイ, (Japanese characters). n. The sea. The ocean. As:—Atui-tomotuye, “to cross the seas.” Atui turimimse and atui turu turimimse; atui kunrakkunrak, “the roaring of the sea.” Syn: Rep.

Atui-epirika, アツイエピリカ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be a good sailor.

Atui-ewen, アツイエウェン, (Japanese characters). n. Sea-sickness.

Atui-gesh, アツイゲシ, (Japanese characters). n. The western part of the sea.

Atui-ka, アツイカ, (Japanese characters). adv. Over the sea. Also the surface of the sea.

Atuikata-kaikai, アツイカタカイカイ, (Japanese characters). n. A short choppy sea. Syn: Rera-kaikai.

Atui-kor'ekashi, アツイコレカシ, (Japanese characters). n. The gods of the sea.

Atui-koro, アツイコロ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To go to sea. To go a voyage.

Atui-kom, アツイコム, (Japanese characters). n. A kind of stomapoda, (Squilla sp.). Syn: Okom. Rokom.

Atui-kurukashi, アツイクルカシ, (Japanese characters). n. The surface of the sea.




(Japanese characters). n. An octopod. Syn: Atkoro guru. Atuinne.

Atui-ochiuchiu, アツイオチュウチウ, (Japanese characters). n. Eastern blue rock thrush. Monticola cyanus solitaria (Mulb).

Atui-orun-ahunrasambe, アツイオルンアフンラサムベ, (Japanese characters). n. A kind of sea bird said to resemble on owl.

Atui-pa, アツイパ, (Japanese characters). n. The eastern portion of the sea. Also sometimes called, atui-pake. As:—Atui-pa ne atui-gesh ne, “from one end of the sea to the other.” Atui pa pakno atui-gesh pakno, “to the ends of the sea.”

Atui-seppa, アツイセッパ, (Japanese characters). n. Sand-cake. (Laganum, sp.). Syn: Ruru-seppa.

Atuita, アツイタ, (Japanese characters). adj. Ten. (Used only in counting animals). As:—Tu atuta, “twenty animals.”

Atui-tometuye, アツイトモツイェ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To go a voyage. To cross the seas.



(Japanese characters). n. the roaring of the sea.

Atu-kopase, アツコパセ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To vomit very much.

Atupepeotke, アツペペオッケ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be taken prisoner.

Atupepeuk, アツペペウク, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be bound prisoner.

Aturainu, アツライヌ, (Japanese characters). adj. and v.i. Lost. Gone astray. To have lost one's way. Syn: Shitturainu.

Aturainu-ambe, アツライヌアムベ, (Japanese characters). n. Something lost.

Aturainu-wa-an, アツライヌワアン, (Japanese characters). adj. Lost. Gone astray. Syn: Shitturainu-wa-an.

Atura-wa, アツラワ, (Japanese characters). adv. Together with.

Aturika, アツリカ, (Japanese characters). n. The warp in cloth.

Atusa, アツサ, (Japanese characters). adj. Naked.

Atushi, アツシ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To bind with a cord.

Atushpa, アツシパ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To strip naked.

Atuyaokkarapbe, アツヤイッカラプベ, (Japanese characters). n. Compassion.




(Japanese characters). n. Branches or forks of trees. Brankes or forks in deer's horns. River branches. As:—Au-ush-kirau, “horns with branches.” Pet au, “the branch of a river.” Ni awe, “the branches of a tree.”

Auitek-guru, アウイテッグル, (Japanese characters). n. A servant.

Aukashiu, アウカシウ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To help one another.

Aukoamba, アウコアムバ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To carry (pl. of the object).

Aukomaktekka, アウコマクテッカ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To feel mutual satisfaction. To be mutually happy. To rejoice together.

Aukonuchattekka, アウコヌチヤッチッカ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To mutually rejoice. To be merry. To rejoice together.

Aukomi, アイコミ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be clothed with. To be wearing (pl. of the object).

Aukomomse, アウコモムセ, (Japanese characters). adj. and v.i. Bent. Humped. To stoop. To bow in thanks.

Aukonumba, アウコヌムバ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be pressed upon. To be thronged.

Aukopa, アウコパ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To wrest (as one's words).

Aukopa-eaikapbe, アウコパエアイカプベ, (Japanese characters). n. Something incomparable. Things differing from one another.

Aukoramu-oshma, アウコラムオシマ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be in accord. To agree. To be agreable.

Aukoramu-oshmap, アウコラムオシマプ, (Japanese characters). n. An agreement. Accord.

Aukoratchire, アウコラッチレ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be pardoned. To be forgiven. To be pronounced innocent.

Aukosamba, アウコサムバ, (Japanese characters). v.i. & adj. Tho resemble one an other. Like. Alike. Syn: Uanukopa. Aukopa.

Aukoshina, アウコシナ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To tie together.

Aukotama, アウコタマ, (Japanese characters). adv. Collectively. Also v.t. To take in a collective manner. To add together.

Aukotunere, アウコツ子レ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To pass to one another to look at (as a treasure).

Aukowende, アウコウェンデ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To stir up strife. To set at variance.

Aumshup, アウムシュプ, (Japanese characters). n. Heirlooms. Things handed down from father to son.

A-un, アウン, (Japanese characters). pro. We. The first person plural passive voice to verbs. As:—A-un-kik, “we are struck.”

A-un, アウン, (Japanese characters). pos. pro. One's own. As:—A-un-chisei, “one's own house.”

A-un-guru, アウングル, (Japanese characters). n. A neighbour. Syn: Aota-an-guru.

Aungeraitere, アウンゲライテレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To receibe (as a prize).



(Japanese characters). n. A fan. Syn: Apunki. Yaiparaparu.

Aunnumba, アウンヌムバ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be pressed together. To be squeezed.

Aunochiubare, アウノチウバレ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To have died.

Auoniutasare, アウオニウタサレ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To change one's name. Syn: Aiyonitasare.

Auoshmare, アウイシマレ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To have become fully grown. As:—Okkaiyo shiripo auoshmare, “to have become a man.” Shiwentep shiripo auoshmare, “to have become a woman.” Syn: Rupne. Shukup-okere.

Aupshi, アウプシ, (Japanese characters). adv. Upside down.

Aupshire, アウプシレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To turn upside down.

Aupushi, アウプシ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be strung together as onions or chestnuts.

Aure, アウレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To give.

Aureechiu, アウレエチウ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be reverential. To stumble.

Aureerutu, アウレエルツ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To push on one side with the foot.

Ausatuye, アウサツイェ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To be cut in pieces.

Aush-kina, アウシキナ, (Japanese characters). n. Anemone dichotoma, L.



(Japanese characters). v.i. To be massacred.




(Japanese characters). n. Relations. Syn: Apa-utara.

Autasa-ashte, アウタサアシテ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To set at variance. To set up crosswise.

Automotnoka, アウトモッノカ, (Japanese characters). adj. and v.i. Unlearned. Not to know. To be ignorant.

Autunashi, アウツナシ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To pound in a mortar (pl. of the person).

Auturashi, アウツラシ, (Japanese characters). Same as Anuturashi (pl.) To ascend a river in company with.

Auwa, アウワ, (Japanese characters). v.t. Goldeneye. Fulifula elangula, Linn.

Auwatore, アウワトレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. and v.i. To be in order. To be correct. As:—Itak auwatore wa ye, “to speak correctly.”

Auwatori, アウワトリ, (Japanese characters). v.t. and v.i. To be registered. To register. To be set apart. To enrole.

Auwatori-kambi, アウワトリカムビ, (Japanese characters). n. A register.

Auwechiure, アウウェチウレ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To come into contact with another.

Auweunu, アウウェウヌ, (Japanese characters). adj. Complete.

Auwonnumyere, アウウォンヌムイェレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To chose out.

Auwonnuyetasare, アウウォンヌイェタセレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To translate.

Awa, アワ, (Japanese characters). part. Awa expresses past time, and indicates that one thing having been done another was commenced. This particle never finishes a subject. It is also sometimes like the adverb "as," and sometimes like the conjunctions "and," "also."

A-wa, アワ, (Japanese characters). adj. Ablaze.

Awa-kina, アワキナ, (Japanese characters). n. Grass. Growing grass.



(Japanese characters). n. Forks of trees. Tributaries of rivers. Branches on the horns of a deer. Syn: Au.

Awekatta, アウェカッタ, 突入スル. v.i. To rush in.

Awendarap, アウェンダラプ, 夢、ユメ. n. A dream.

Awendarapte, アウェンダラプテ, 夢ミル. v.i. To be caused to dream.

Awepetetne, アウェプテツ子, 言ヒ能ハズ. v.i. To be unable to speak (as through cold or parched or stiff lip).

Awoshi, アウォシ, 結合スル. v.t. To tie together.

Awotereke, アウォテレケ, 急ギテ入ル. v.i. To rush suddenly in (as into a house.)

Aya, アヤ, 木理、モクメ、掌ノ條. n. Grains in wood. The lines of the hands.

Ayai-epirikare, アヤイエピリカレ, 利己スル、私ヲ益スル. v.i. To have done one's self good. To have gained something for one's self.

Ayaikikip, アヤイキキプ, 危險ナル. adj. Dangerous.

Ayaikikipbe, アヤイキキプベ, 危險ナル者. n. Anything dangerous. Dangers. A dangerous person.

Ayaikikip-i, アヤイキキピ, 危險ナルコト. n. Dangers. Dangerous times or places. As:—Ayaikikip-ikoekari, “to meet with dangers.”

Ayaishishire-ushi, アヤイシシレウシ, 隱レ處. n. A shelter.

Ayaita-o, アヤイタオ, 灸點スル. v.t. To apply the moxa.

Ayatuka, アヤツカ, ……デ有ルナレド. ph. Though it is. Though he is.

A-yakne, アヤク, ……デ有ルナラバ. ph. If it was. If he was.

Ayaku, アヤク, 破レタル. adj. Burst.

Ayangep, アヤンゲプ,

Ayange-kunip, アヤンゲクニプ,

供物. n. A sacrifice. An offering.

Ayapo, アヤポ, 嗚呼、アヽ. exclam. Oh! An exclamation of pain. Syn: Itasasa. Ayo.

Aye, アイェ, 稱セラル、名付ケラル. v.i. To be called. To be named. As:—Ainu ari aye utara, “the people called Ainu.” Syn: Aporose.

Aye-hi, アイェヒ, 言ハレシコト. n. Speech. Anything said, or spoken. The way of calling or saying. Syn: Itak-hi.

Ayemonetoko, アイェモ子トコ, 甚ダ、多ク、酷烈ニ. adv. Severely. Very much. Syn: Niwen-no. Yupke-no.

Ayep, アイェプ, 稱セラレタル、例セバ、セタアリアイヱプ、犬ト云ハレルモノ. ph. Things called. That which is called. Also a noun; a speech. Anything said. As:—Seta ari ayep, “the things called dogs.” Nei ayep anak ne wen, “that was a bad speech.”

Aye-wairure, アイェワイルレ, 言語ヲ誤マラレル. v.i. To be caused to make a mistake in speaking. Syn: Itak-pitaksakka.

Ayo, アヨ, 嗚呼、アヽ. exclam. Oh. An exclamation of pain. As:—Ayo habo, habo, “oh mother, mother.” Syn: Ayapo. Itasasa.

Ayoaramuye, アヨアラムイェ, 裳ヲカヽグ. v.t. To tie the clothes back (as when one wishes to work or run). Syn: aeasamuye.

Ayokitanne, アヨキタン子, 流ル(潮ノ). v.i. To flow, as the tide. Syn: Shirara-pesh. Shiraraika.

Ayokitakne, アヨキタク子, 退󠄁ク、ヒク(潮ノ). v.i. To ebb, as the tide. Syn: Shirara-ha.

Ayomnere, アヨム子レ, 中止スル(罰ヲ恐レテ). adj. and v.i. To be kept from doing something by fear of punishment.

Ayoro, アヨロ,

Aioro, アイオロ,

Airo, アイロ,

スズキ. n. A kind of perch. Lateolabrax japoniscus, T. and S.

Ayupnishpake, アユプニシパケ,

Ayupnishpakehe, アユプニシパケヘ,

兄、アニ. n. One's elder brother.

  1. On comparing the English and Japanese titles of this work a discrepancy will be at once observed by those who read these two languages, for while the work is called “An Ainu–English–Japanese Dictionary” in English, the Japanese title reads “An Ainu–Japanese–English Dictionary.” The explanation is two-fold. 1stly, Originally the Mss. were in Ainu and English only, the Japanese being added afterward at the request of Japanese friends. 2ndly, After going to press the order was changed by placing the Japanese before the English. But the work is essentially Ainu–English so that whereever any discrepancy should appear between the Ainu and Japanese the real sense must be settled by the English. Moreover, it will be found that many more examples have been given in English than in Japanese, while in some instances only sufficient Japanese has been written to give the bare key to the word defined in English.
  2. There are three species of the Callionymus in Yezo.