An Attempt Towards An International Language/Other works
HENRY HOLT & CO., New York.
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Grammars and Exercise Books.
Borel’s Grammaire Française. A l’usage des Anglais. Par Eugène Borel. Revised by E. B. Coe. 12mo. 450 pp. Half roan.
Delille’s Condensed French Instruction. B. C. J. Delille. 18mo. 143 pp.
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Eugène’s Elementary French Lessons. Revised and edited by L. H. Buckingham, Ph. D. 12mo. 112 pp.
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The Joynes-Otto First Book in French. By Edward S. Joynes. 12mo. 116 pp. Boards.
Whitney’s French Grammar. By William D. Whitney. Professor in Yale University. 12mo. 443 pp. Half roan.
Whitney’s Practical French. Taken from the author’s larger Grammar and supplemented by conversations and idiomatic phrases. By Professor W. D. Whitney.
Natural Method and Conversation Books.
Alliot’s Contes et Nouvelles. Suivis de Conversations, d’Exercices de Grammaire. Par Madame L. Alliot. 12mo.
Aubert’s Colloquial French Drill. By E. Aubert, Professor in the Normal College, New York City. 16mo. 86 pp.
Le Jeu des Auteurs. 96 Cards In a Box.
Moutonnier’s Les Premiers Pas dans L’Étude du Français par la méthode naturelle. Par C. Moutonnier. 12mo. 197 pp. Illustrated.
Parlez-vous Français? A pocket manual of French and English Conversation, with hints for pronunciation and a list of the irregular verbs. 18mo. 111 pp. Boards.
Stern & Méras’s Etude Progressive de la Langue Française. By Sigmon M. Stern and Baptist M Méras. 12mo. 288 pp.
Witcomb & Bellenger’s French Conversation. Dialogues on Familiar Subjects, to which is annexed the Seminary of French Grammar, by Delille. 18mo. 259 pp.
HENRY HOLT & CO., New York.
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Grammars and Exercise Books.
Blackwell’s German Prefixes and Suffixes. By J. S. Blackwell, Professor in the University of Missouri. 16mo. 137 pp.
Huss’s Oral Instruction in German. By H. C. Huss, Professor of Modern Languages in Princeton College. 12mo. 230 pp.
Joynes-Otto First book in German, The. For young pupils. By Emil Otto. Revised by Edward S. Joynes, Professor in the South Carolina College. 12mo. 116 pp. Boards.
Joynes-Otto Introductory German Lessons, The. New edition, with full vocabularies. By Prof. Edward S. Joynes 12mo. 252 pp.
Keetels’s Oral Method with German. By Jean Gustave Keetels. 12mo. 371 pp.
Otis’s Elementary German. By Charles P. Otis. 16mo. 382 pp.
Otto’s German Conversation Grammar. By Dr. Emil Otto. New edition, revised, and in part re-written, by Wm. Cook. 12mo. Half roan. 291 pp.
Otto’s Translating English into German. By Dr. Emil Otto. Edited by Prof. Rhodes Massie and Prof. Edward S. Joynes. 12mo. 187 pp.
Spanhoofd’s Deutsche Grammatik. By A. W. Spanhoofd, teacher in St. Paul’s School. N. H. 16mo. 187 pp.
Wenckebach und Schrakamp’s Deutsche Grammatik für Amerikaner. By Carla Wenckebach, Professor in Wellesley College, and Josepha Schrakamp. 12mo. 291 pp.
Whitney’s Compendious German Grammar. By Wm. D. Whitney. Professor in Yale University. 12mo. 472 pp. Half roan.
Whitney’s Brief German Grammar, based on the author's “Compendious German Grammar.” By Wm. D. Whitney. 16mo. 143 pp.
Whitney-Klemm German by Practice, The. By Dr. L. R. Klemm, Edited by William D. Whitney, 12mo. 305 pp.
Natural Method and Conversation Books.
Game of German Conversation. By Mme. F. Jeff Tensler.
Heness’s Der Nene Leitfaden Beim Untericht in der deutschen Sprache. By Gottlier Heness. 12mo. 403 pp.
Heness’s Der Sprechlehrer unter seinen Schülern, von Gottlieb Heness. 12mo. 187 pp.
Kaiser’s Erstes Lehrbuch. Von Heinrich C. Kaiser, Ph. D. 12mo. 128 pp.
Pylodet’s German Conversation. By L. Pylodet. 18mo. 278 pp.
Schrakamp und Van Daell’s Das Deutsche Buch. By A. N Van Daell and Josepha Schrakamp. 12mo. 144 pp.
Sprechen Sie Deutsch? 15mo. 147 pp. Boards.
Stern’s Studien und Plaudereien. First Series. By Sigmon M. Stern, Director of Stern’s School of Languages. 12mo. 262 pp.
Stern’s Studien und Plaudereien. Second Series. By Sigmon M. Stern and Menco Stern. 12mo. 380 pp.
Wenckebach’s Deutscher Anschauungs-Unterricht. By Carla and Helene Wenckebach. 12mo. 451 pp.
Williams’s German Conversation and Composition. By Alonzo Williams, A. M., Professor in Brown University. 12mo. 147 pp.
Synonyms Discriminated:
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12mo. pp. 781. $2.25
An unusually full and fresh treatment of this subject. The author is not content to give the usual cut-and-dried generalizations, but by judicious comment and illustration endeavors to make the distinctions and relations between words interesting living as well as clear. The quotations from authors are a noteworthy feature of the book. They are numerous enough to illustrate all the important distinctions, yet every passage is selected with care, not simply with reference to the illustration in question but also because it is an example of forcible writing.
The derivation of words is given wherever necessary to an understanding of the fundamental meaning: but this feature of the work is not allowed to overburden it.
A Higher English Grammar. New edition, revised and enlarged. By Alexander Bain, Professor in the University of Aberdeen. 16mo. 358 pp.
Composition Grammar. By Alexander Bain. 12 mo. 355 pp.
A Hand-book of Anglo-Saxon and Early English. With Notes, Glossary, and Grammatical Synopses. By Hiram Corson, Professor in Cornell University. Second edition, thoroughly revised. Large 12mo. 584 pp.
History of the English Language. By T. R. Lounsbury, Professor in Yale University. 16mo. 371 pp.
A Compendious German Dictionary. (German–English and English–German.) With Notation of Correspondences and Brief Etymologies. By William D. Whitney. 8vo. 900 pp. Half roan.
French and English Dictionary for the Pocket. By John Bellows, 32mo. 600 pp.
A New Dictionary of the French and English Languages. (French–English and English–French.) By Ferdinand E. A. Gasc. 8vo. French–English part, 600 pp.; English-French part, 586 pp.
Improved Modern Pocket Dictionary of the French and English Languages. (French–English and English–French.) For the Every-day Purposes of Travellers and Students. By F. E. A. Gasc. New Edition. 18mo. French–English part, 261 pp.; English–French part, 387 pp..
The Greek in English. First lessons in Greek, with Special Reference to the Etymology of English Words of Greek Origin. By Thomas D. Goodell, Professor in Yale University. 16mo. 128 pp.
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