An English-Chinese dictionary of the Foochow dialect/A
Abacus, sáung-buàng: to work the –, páh sáung-buàng.
Abandon, ké: relinquish, sīa: – one's self to lusts, ṳ̀ng-cé̤ṳng sṳ̆-ṳ̆k.
Abase, áik giâ; páh iéng-ciéng: degrade in rank, gáung ngék.
Abate, – as rain, ṳ̄ náh: – as a flood, cūi tó̤i: – as a fever, tó̤i iĕk; tó̤i huò.
Abbot, hùo-siông tàu.
Abdicate, niông-ôi.
Abdomen, bók-lō̤.
Abduct, guāi; táu.
Abet, bŏng-câe̤.
Abhor, iéng-ké; hièng.
Abide, dêu; gṳ̆-cê̤ṳ.
Ability, buōng-sê̤ṳ; cài-cìng; cài-nèng; nèng-gúng.
Abject, â-ciêng.
Able, â̤; ô dăng-dŏng; ô niăh-ài; nèng-gáiu: an able man, buōng-sê̤ṳ nè̤ng.
Able-bodied, hṳ̀ng-cáung; ô lĭk.
Abnormal, mò̤ ciéu siòng.
Aboard, to go –, lŏ̤h sùng; siông sùng.
Abolish, dṳ̀: abolished, dṳ̀ kó̤.
Abominable, kō̤ ó.
Aborigines: hill women of Fuhkien, sià-bò̤: savages, as of Formosa, chăng-huăng.
Abortion, lŏ̤h-sĭng; dôi tăi: to produce –, páh lŏ̤h-sĭng.
Abound, ô sâ̤.
About, nearly, chă-bók-lŏ̤; iók-liŏk; iók-liŏk-niè; buóh: round, kuàng-ùi: – to go, buóh kó̤; ciŏng-buóh kó̤; cêu buóh kó̤: – this time, tō̤ mō̤ ciā sì-hâiu: to discourse –, lâung.
Above, gà̤-dēng; siông sié.
Abrade, gáuk: abraded, gáuk kó̤.
Abreast, to walk –, bà̤-bà̤ giàng.
Abridge, gāng-sanḡ; gāng.
Abroad, chók nguói.
Abruptly, huók-iòng-găng; dŏk-iòng-găng; sák-sì-găng; săng-bók siŏh-sì; sák-bŏk diòng-sì.
Abscess, nè̤ng-chŏng.
Abscond, diō-biê; dò cāu: – from creditors, diō cái: has absconded líu kó̤; líu cāu.
Absent, mò̤ diŏh; mò̤ diŏh lā̤; mò̤ dê̤ṳ.
Absent-minded, sĭng mò̤ diŏh lā̤; sĭng sáng kó̤; mò̤ sĭng.
Absolve, siá cô̤i; bóng.
Absorb, só̤: – all one's energies, ê̤ṳng cêng lík.
Abstain, gái.
Abstemious, sāng siăh.
Abstract, summary, dâi-mō̤; cūng-mō̤.
Abstruse, chĭng-uōng; chĭng-ó̤; ó̤-miêu.
Absurd, opposed to reason, mò̤ ciā lī; ngâng.
Abundant, cêng sâ̤; muāng cé̤ṳ́k.
Abuse, ill-treat, káng-dâi ngài; kŏ̤-ngiŏk: make an ill use of, sāi d(illegible text)ng: call bad names, có-má: slander, càng-cáing.
Abyss, chĭng kăng.
Academy, cṳ̆-iêng; hŏk-dòng.
Accede, cūng; ṳ̄ng-cūng.
Accelerate, siông-gīng.
Accent, N. ĭng dâe̤ng.
Accept, sĭu; sêu-năk:– with thanks, liâng sià: decline to –, sṳ̀ng sĭu.
Acceptable, hâk-é; dé̤ṳng-ê.
Access, chĭng-gê̤ṳng.
Accidentally, ngēu-iòng; nguô có̤.
Acclimated, has become – here, cŭ-uái cūi-tū siăh dék diŏh.
Accomodate, – others, bŏng-câe̤; dó̤i-chiū: – oneself to others, sùi nè̤ng é: accomodate oneself to circumstances, sùi-gĭ éng-biéng.
Accompany, cà̤ kó̤; sáe̤ng.
Accomplice, thief's –, chĕk bŏng; ché̤ṳ cūi.
Accomplish, siàng; siàng-cêu.
Accomplished, chĭng chū: siàng lāu; – person, báuk-sê̤ṳ.
Accord, V. hăk: – with sùi: ŏ̤h; gé̤ṳ; sùi.
According to, bìng; ciéu; ŏ̤h; gé̤ṳ; sùi.
Account, a bill, só; só mĕ̤k: to enter an –, gé só: to take account, as of sales, kuá só: kuá siŏh bék; to cast up an account, giék só: to make up an –, kŭi só; kŭi dăng: to collect an –, siŭ só; tō̤ só: to reckon an –, sáung só: to settle an account, dèng só; kuàng só: to close an –, cĕk só: charge to my –, gé nguāi gì só: confused accounts, só mà cà: account-receipt, sĭu-dăng: account-book, só-buô: on account of, because of, ĭng ói.
Accountable, ô guăng hiê; dăng dŏng; ô cáik sìng.
Accoutrements, gŭng-cŏng.
Accumulate, còng cék.
Accurate, mò̤ dâng; ciáng-ciáng; diŏh.
Accuse, gó̤; kóng: – before a magistrate, gó̤ câung; páh guăng sĭ: – unjustly, dù lâi; uōng kók; uŏng gōng.
Accusation, gó̤ só: written –, diàng; câung sṳ̀.
Accused, N. bê gó̤.
Accusor, N. nguòng gó̤.
Accustom, sṳ̆k sék.
Accustomed, – to doing it, có̤ guáng; có̤ dék guáng; có gáing; có̤-bièng kó̤.
Ache, tiáng: it aches, â̤-tiáng: – as one's bones, sŏng-nē̤; sŏng.
Achieve, siàng; có̤ chĭng-chū: gain, dáik.
Acid, sŏng.
Acknowledge, nêng.
Acquainted, giéng-sṳ̆k; sŏng-băik; siŏng-sṳ̆k: to be acquainted with, báik.
Acquiesce, sŏng hăk; hăk ê.
Acquire, dáik.
Acquit, bóng.
Acre, (6.61 Chinese acres make one English acre) mū.
Acrid, lăk; hĕ̤.
Acrobat, giàng-gùng cāu-sò̤h; tiéu-só̤h gì nè̤ng.
Across, huàng; dā-lăng huàng.
Act, V. có̤; hèng: – as in a theatre, có̤ hié: stage-acting, giàng-hâi: N. one act of a play, hiê siŏh-chók.
Actions, hâing; pīng hâing.
Active, lêu; lìng-dông; māng-dâk; liŭ-lŭk; uăk dông: active and ready, as to do extra work, lĭk lŏ̤h.
Actor, hié-giāng; hié-cṳ̄.
Actual, sĭk; cīng.
Acute, sharp, ciĕng; lê: severe, dâing; lê-hâi: ingenious, lìng-gâuk: – angle, iô gáe̤k.
Adage, sṳ̆k-ngṳ̄.
Adapt, sāi ĭ hăk.
Add, gă; tiĕng; gă-tiĕng; gă-cĕng; cháiu; sié: to – water, diàng-cūi.
Addition, gă huâk: in –, ī nguô̤i; lêng nguôi.
Additional, lêng nguôi.
Addicted to, ngiéng; gáing.
Address, V. – a letter, sīa piĕ mēng: N. – of a letter, pĭe méng: to make a speech, gōng-lâung.
Adept, lō̤ chiū; sṳ̆k chiū.
Adequate, gâu ngiăh.
Adhere, nê; găk.
Adhesive, nĭ-nĭ; â̤ nĭ.
Adjacent, găng-biáh, lìng gê̤ṳng; hô gê̤ṳng.
Adjective, hìng-ṳ̀ng cê.
Adjoining, sŏng-lièng; gău-gái; găng-bíah.
Adjourn, câng dìng.
Adjust, pĭng; pĭng-puói; chṳ̄: – an account, huôi só: –, as a difficulty, chŏ̤-nò̤; dièu-chṳ̄.
Adjusted, miĕng-mŏng.
Adjudge, sentence, diâng áng: decide, giók duáng.
Administer, manage, lièu-lī; bâing-lī; guāng-lī: give, ké̤ṳk.
Admiral, cūi-sṳ̆ tì-dók.
Admire, tăng-siêu.
Admit, allow enter, ké̤ṳk ĭ diē: allow, cūng.
Admonish, gīng-gái; kuóng-gái.
Ado, bustle, nâu; nâu-iĕk: trouble, chăng-giăng.
Adopt, – an heir, lik sê̤ṳ; guó-gié: – daughter, dáh huă-chéu.
Adopted, ngiê: – child, ngiê-giāng; kié-giāng; ké̤ṳk-iōng-giāng.
Adore, chĭng ái.
Adorn, cŏng; dā-bûing; cŏng-sók.
Adrift, táe̤ng kó̤.
Adult, duâi-nè̤ng; sìng-ìng.
Adulterate, chăng.
Adultery, găng-ìng.
Advance, céng-sèng; giàng sèng; hióng sèng: make progress, céng ék: – money, sĕng chók-cièng.
Advantage, iáh; lé iáh: to take advantage of, so as to injure, kiĕu.
Advantageous, ô iáh; dáik lé.
Advent, – of Christ, gáung-sié; gáung-lìng.
Adventure, V. dare, ô gāng: risk, báuk.
Adversary, siù-dĭk.
Adverse, sŏng-huāng; dó̤i-tàu: – wind, huâng hŭng; dó̤i-tàu hŭng.
Adversity, căi-huô.
Advertise, chók gó̤-băh.
Advice, gáu-hóng; kuóng gì uâ: to ask –, chīng gáu: to take –, sêu-gáu.
Advisable, hăk-ngì.
Advise, gá; kuóng.
Advocate, lawyer, câung-sṳ̆.
Aerolite, tiĕng dâung gì siŏh; ūng-sĭk.
Affable, huă-chō̤.
Affair, daî; dâi-ié: this particular –, cī siŏh-cŏng gì dâi.
Affect, gāng dông.
Affectionate, tṳ̄ng-ái.
Affections, sĭng găng.
Affix, – one's signature, uâ hô̤; chiĕng miàng.
Afflict, hâi nè̤ng kū.
Afflicted, káung kū; sêu kū.
Afflictions, kū-nâng; huâng-nâng.
Affluence, ká̤-uăk; hō̤ guó: affluent, bó.
Afford, able to buy, ô-gáu mā̤.
Affront, V. ū-mâng; kĭ-lĭk.
Afloat, lā̤-pù.
Afraid, giăng.
Africa, ā-hĭ-lé-gă.
Aft, sùng-mūi̤.
After, hâiu; âu: after all, at last, finally, géng-iòng; mūi̤-chiū; âu mūi̤; dó̤-dā̤.
Afterbirth, tăi ĭ.
Afternoon, â dáu.
Afterwards, ī hâiu; iòng hâiu: shortly –, hà-diāng.
Again, cái; gái; bô.
Against, dó̤i; dó̤i-tàu.
Agar-agar, hāi-chái.
Agate, mā̤-nō̤.
Age, a full year of age, có̤i: a year of one's age, huói: one's age, nièng-gī; nièng-huói: what is your age? gūi huói; niŏh-uâi huói; nièng-huói niŏh-uâi: to age fast, tăng-lâu: an age, siŏh sìe: ages, sié-dô̤i.
Aged, lâu.
Agent, dâi lī.
Aggravate, gă daê̤ng.
Aggressor, lièu-sê̤ṳ gì nè̤ng.
Agile, lêu.
Agitate, ièu dông: to be agitated, ké̤ṳk nó̤h ièu dông: (as things,) dêng-dâe̤ng.
Agony, tiáng nàng dŏng; tiáng dŏng mâ̤ kī.
Agree, assent, kīng: to be in accord, huò: to match, dó̤i hăk: to contract, gâe̤ng ĭ iók.
Agreeing, harmonious, sŏng huò; huò-sông; dèu-hăk.
Agreeable, suitable, â̤ hăk: pleasant, hō̤; chṳ̆-tióng.
Agreement, verbal, chói iók: written –, iók-cê; hâk-iók; hâk-dè̤ng: to make an –, gaê̤ng ĭ iók; có̤ iók-cê; lík iók.
Agriculture, có̤ chèng; gĕng cé̤ṳng.
Agriculturist, có̤ chèng nè̤ng.
Aground, kò̤-chiēng; kuá-chiēng.
Ague, bók-gàng; chéng-bé: to have the –, páh bòk-gàng; páh chéng-gàng.
Ahead, sèng-dāu: go on –, sèng giàng.
Aid, V. bŏng-câe̤; dó̤i-chiū: to – with strength, caê̤ lĭk: to – by charity, sié-cá̤; siā siè.
Ailing, ng tāu-tó̤h; ng sōng-kuái.
Aim, intention, sĭng-é: to – as a gun &c, ché̤ṳ cūng.
Air, N. tiĕng-ké: to – as clothes, tĕ̤ng ké: a circulation of –, tĕ̤ng hŭng: to take the –, liòng hŭng.
Alarm, V. sāi nè̤ng giăng: alarm-clock, nâu-cṳ̆ng.
Alarmed, sêu giăng; giăng-huòng.
Alas, kō̤-sêk: what a pity! â̤ siāng; găi siāng.
Albino, băh-nè̤ng.
Album, sióng-buó.
Alcohol, hūi-cīu.
Alert, on one's guard, dŏng-hòng: brisk, léu.
Alight, lŏ̤h: – as a bird,
Alike, siŏh-iông; sŏng-chiông; dè̤ng-iông; sŏng-dè̤ng: to be –, siŏng-sê̤ṳ.
Alive, uăk.
All, lūng-cūng; dŭ; cṳ̆-huàng: – persons, cé̤ṳng-nè̤ng: – things, uâng ŭk: all of us, nè̤ng-gă gáuk nè̤ng: all day, ciòng nĭk; táu nĭk: all at once, có̤-siŏh-â.
Allay, cī: – pain, cī tìáng: – thirst, cī kák.
Allegory, gēng kĭng.
Alley, haé̤ng; hè̤ng-háe̤ng; láe̤ng; lè̤ng-l(illegible text)e̤ng.
Allied, sṳ̆k.
Alligator, ngáuk-ngṳ̀.
Allot, hŭng-huák; hŭng-tăng; buŏng.
Allow, ké̤ṳk; ṳ̀ng; cūng; éng-hṳ̄.
Allowable, â̤ cūng dék; â̤ sāi dék.
Allude, cī.
Ally, V. to unite by friendship, gău-gă: form friendship with another country, tŭug-siŏng.
Almanac, uòng-lík; tŭng-cṳ̆.
Almighty, ciòng nèng.
Almond, hâing-ìng.
Almost, chă-bók-dŏ̤; hiēng-siĕ.
Alms, to give –, sié-cá̤; siā-sié; cĭu-cá̤: (term used by beggars) bó̤-sié.
Aloes, lù-guó̤i; tìng-hiŏng.
Aloft, diŏh gà̤-dēng.
Alone, dŭk-dŭk: single handed, dăng-chīu.
Along, – with, gâe̤ng.
Alongside, diŏh buòng-biĕng: go – the ship, lē̤ng sùng biĕng.
Aloud, duâi siăng: to read –, tĕ̤k; kŭi siăng tĕ̤k.
Alphabet, cê mō̤.
Already, ī-gĭng: so soon, cī ká̤.
Also, iâ; bô.
Altar, dàng; cié-dàng.
Alter, gūi̤; uâng; biéng-uâng; gāi-uâng.
Alternate, lùng-liù: – day, lùng nīk.
Alternative, câi nṳ̄ gēng: no –, mò̤-huák-dék.
Although, chŭi-iòng.
Altogether, kūng-cūng: – good, dŭ hō̤.
Alum, huàng; băh huàng.
Always, siòng-siòng; sì-siòng; sèu-sèu; mūi̤-mūi̤.
Am, sê.
Amalgam, ngū-gĭng căk-cék.
Amalgamate, kău; niāng; dèu.
Amass, còng-cék.
Amateur, băh-niăh.
Amaze, sāi nè̤ng cháuk-ngáuk.
Ambassador, kĭng-chă̤.
Amber, hū páe̤k.
Ambiguous, sĕ̤ng-guăng: – language, lŭk-lṳ̀ gì uâ; sĕ̤ng-guă g gì uâ.
Ambitious, hó̤ séng; hó̤ gŏ̤.
Ambush, to lie in –, muài hŭk; hŭk dió: soldiers' –, hŭk bĭng.
Amend, gāi biéng; biéng hō̤.
Amends, to make –, bùi̤.
America. Huă-gì-guók.
Amiable, hō̤-tiáng.
Amicable, huò-mŭk.
Amidst, prep. following noun, dái-dŏng; dṳ̆ng-găng.
Amiss, ng diŏh; ô dâng.
Ammunition, iŏh lièng cī; hūi̤ iŏh.
Among, dṳ̆ng-găng; dâi-dŏng.
Amount, the sum total, gê̤ṳng cūng; gê̤ṳng gié; gê̤ṳng sìng: amounts to how much? éng guāng niŏh-uâi?
Amoy, â-muòng.
Amphibious, cūi lṳ̆k gì séu.
Ample, spacious, kuăng chiōng; guōng kuák: enough, ô gáu; gáu ngiăh.
Amputate, gé̤ṳ.
Amulet, hù; hù-dô̤i.
Amuse, sāi nè̤ng lŏk: – as a child, piéng.
Amusement, káh-lièu dâi; lŏk-sê̤ṳ.
Amusing, ô ché̤ṳ; ô mê; hō̤ chiéu.
Anaemia, mò̤ cūi sáik; sék háik.
Anaesthetic, mùng-gâng-iŏh.
Analogous, sŏng chiông.
Analyse, chŭi nguòng.
Anarchy, huāng-luâng; náung; hŭng-hŭng-náung: to produce –, iēu luâng.
Anatomy, ciòng tā̤ chiĕng mì.
Ancestor, cū-cŭng.
Ancestral, – temple, sṳ̀-dòng: – tablet, cūng-tó̤; bà̤-tó̤; sìng-cṳ̄-bà̤.
Anchor, N. déng; V. páh déng; pă déng; bŏ̤h sùng: to weigh –, kī déng; kŭi tàu.
Anchorage, ó̤-tàu; bŏ̤h sùng gì ói-ché̤ṳ.
Ancient, gū; gū-cā: in – times, gū-cā sì-hâiu.
And, gâe̤ng; lièng; bô; giĕng; (used in numeration) lìng: one hundred and three, siŏh-báh lìng săng.
Aneurism, háik-lìu.
Angel, tien̆g-sé̤ṳ.
Anger, nô; nô ké.
Angle, N. gáe̤k: V. – for fish, diéu ngṳ̀.
Angry, sāi-sáng; sêu-ké; ché̤ṳk.
Animal, domestic –, tàu-săng: wild –, iā-séu.
Animalcule, bā-lāng-gū-tùi.
Animate, miēng-lâ̤; buák-chāng.
Animated, ô cĭng-sìng; kī guâng; dék lĭk.
Animosity, hâung; uóng-hâung; hièng-hâung.
Anise, báik gáe̤k hiŏng.
Ankle, kă ngú-mĕ̤k; giĕ mĕk-ciŭ.
Anklet, kă sŏ̤h.
Annals, sṳ̄ gé.
Annam, ăng-nàng.
Annex, sié.
Annihilate, dṳ̀-miĕk.
Anniversary, – of a death, gê sìng.
Announce, tŭng-dĭ; háng.
Annoy, chāu; chāu-iēu; dò̤-dĕk.
Annoyed, ké̤ṳk nè̤ng chāu-iēu: vexed, huàng-nō̤; ché̤ṳk-bì.
Annual, nièng nièng; mūi̤ nièng.
Annuity, – to an old man, iōng lō̤ kuāng.
Annul, dṳ̀; hié.
Anoint, muák; dù.
Anonymous, mò̤ miàng mò̤ sáng: – placard, băk-cê-sĭ.
Another, bĕk ciáh: – place, bĕk ôi; bêk ôi-ché̤ṳ.
Answer, V. éng; dák éng; dó̤i: – as prayer, cūng: it will –, â̤ sāi dék: N. dák; éng dó̤i: an – by letter, hùi̤ piĕ: a verbal –, hùi̤ uâ.
Answerable, responsible for, ô guăng-hiê; ô cáik-sìng; dăng-dŏng.
Ant, ĕ̤ng-ngiê: ant's nest, ĕ̤ng-ngiê nŏ.
Antagonist, dó̤i-tàu.
Antecedents, lài-lĭk.
Antelope, lìng-iòng; gī.
Anterior, – in place, sèng-dāu: – in time, câi sèng.
Anteroom, lòng-dāu.
Anticipate, sèng lâiu.
Antidote, gāi dŭk iŏh.
Antipathy, hièng.
Antique, gū: antiques, curios, gū-dūng.
Antler, lĕ̤k gáe̤k.
Anus, bóng-muòng-kāu; gŏng-muòng.
Anvil, tiék dōng.
Anxious, lê̤ṳ; guá-lê̤ṳ; chău-sĭng.
Any, – how, sùi-biêng: – time, sùi-sì: – one, hùng-nè̤ng; bók-lâung diê-nè̤ng: is there any more? gó ô mò̤?
Apart, with an interval, láe̤ng: separated, liê kŭi.
Apartment, bùng; bùng-găng: female –s, giĕ-bùng.
Apathetic, mò̤ sìng.
Ape, gàu: V. to imitate, ŏ̤h iông.
Aperient, siá-iŏh.
Aperture, kĕ̤ng-kĕ̤ng; póng-póng.
Apex, ciĕng; dīng; mūi̤.
Apologize, háng dáik-cô̤i; nêng dâng; bùi̤-bók-sé.
Apology, nêng dâng gì uâ; bùi̤-bók-sé.
Apoplexy, dé̤ṳng-hŭng.
Apostasy, huāng gáu; liê dô̤.
Apostle, sè̤ṳ-dù.
Apothecary, kŭi iŏh dáing gì nè̤ng.
Appall, hâi nè̤ng giăng.
Apparatus, gă-sĭ.
Apparel, ĭ-siòng.
Apparent, mìng-bĕk; hiêng: apparently, káng-chiông.
Appeal, V. sióng kóng; kóng-gó̤: – to emperor, dâ̤ ngê̤ṳ-câung.
Appear, hiêng; hiêng-chók.
Appearance, one's –, mâu; nguô̤i mâu; méng mâu.
Appease, cī: – hunger, cī kŭi: – wrath, cī sāi-sáng.
Append, sié mūi̤ lā̤.
Appendix, buō mì.
Appertain, lièng-sṳ̆k; sṳ̆k.
Appetite, bì-ôi: no –, mâ̤ siăh; chói sáik; bì-ôi muôi̤ kŭi: to excite the –, kŭi bì.
Applaud, tăng-siêu; chĭng-cáng: – by exclamation, hák-chāi.
Apple, bìng-guō; mĭk-lìng-ìng: Adam's –, giék-hèu.
Applicable, ê̤ṳng dék diŏh; hăk ê̤ṳng.
Apply, –, as a plaster, táik: – the mind, ê̤ṳng sĭng; ciŏng-sĭng: – for, sìng.
Appoint, puái.
Appointment, employment, dê-huŏng: official employment, cék hông; êng.
Apportion, hŭng-huák; dā-huák: – evently, ṳ̀ng sèu: – money, păng-puŏ.
Appreciate, káng dâe̤ng.
Apprehend, perceive, huôi̤-é; huôi̤-nguó: seize, niăh.
Apprehensive, ngé̤ṳng; sĭng lā̤ ngé̤ṳng; giăng.
Apprentice, N. dù-dâ̤; săi-hiăng: V. sāi ī có̤ dù-dá̤.
Approach, V. giàng gê̤ṳng: to cause to –, lē̤ng.
Appropriate, V. iéng: adj. hăk-ngì.
Approve, huăng-hī; dé̤ṳng-é.
Apricot, chăng-giāng.
Apron, ùi-sĭng-gùng.
Apt, fit, hăk-ngì: ready at, ciĕk-lò̤: liable, giĕ.
Arbitrary, cê̤ṳ ciō.
Arbitrate, dièu-chṳ̄; gŭ-chṳ̄; gŭng duáng.
Arbitrator, dièu-chṳ̄ nè̤ng; gŭ-chṳ̄ nè̤ng.
Arbour, huă-dìng.
Arbutus, chiŏ-ùng.
Arch, kuŏng-mā: – of a bridge, giò muòng: arched, nŏ sêk: an arched bridge, mā-ăng giò.
Archer, gṳ̆ng-ciéng-chīu.
Archery, siŏh-ciéng huák-dô: to practice –, siŏh-ciéng.
Archives, guók-gī.
Ardour, iĕk-sĭng.
Arduous, găng-nàng; ŏ̤-có̤.
Are, sê; ô: are there any? ô ā mò̤?
Area, space before a house, diàng.
Argue, debate, biêng-lâung; biêng-báuk; biêng; lī-lâung: dispute, buàng-báuk.
Argument, biêng-lâung.
Arise, kī; gók-kī.
Aristocracy, sié-gă; hiŏng-sĭng-gă.
Arithmetic, sáung-hŏk; sáung-huák.
Arm, bié; chīu-bié; upper –, giĕng-bié: fore-arm, chīu-guāng.
Arm-chair, kó̤-chīu-iē; gŭng-cô̤-iē.
Armistice, bâ bĭng.
Armour, kŭi̤-gák.
Armpit, gó̤h-ló̤h-â.
Arms, bĭng-ké; gŭng-ké.
Army, gŭng-iàng.
Aroma, hiŏng ê: aromatic, hiŏng.
Around, kuáng-kuàng-ùi.
Arouse, buák chāng: – from sleep, chĭng chāng: aroused, earnest, hè̤ng; chiék.
Arraign, gó̤.
Arrange, bà̤: well arranged, bà̤ dêk hō̤; miĕng-mŏng.
Arrear, tuă kiéng.
Arrest niĕh.
Arrive gáu.
Arrogant, giĕh-ngô̤; gŏ̤-ngô̤.
Arrogate, cê̤ṳ-ciŏng; cê̤ṳ-ciō-é.
Arrow, ciêng-chī: to shoot an arrow, siŏh-ciêng.
Arrow-root, ngâu-hūng; báik-hăk-hūng.
Arsenal, sùng-chiōng.
Arsenic, piĕ-sŏng.
Arson, bóng hūi̤.
Art, an –, huák; ngiê; gĕ̤ng-ngiê.
Artery, măh-guōng; háik-guōng.
Artful, gāu-guái; kiēu.
Article, nó̤h; dèu; kuāng.
Artifice, gūi-gié.
Artificer, să-hô.
Artificial, gā; cŏng-có̤: – flower, chō̤-huă.
Artillery, lòng-gĭ; duâi páu: – men, páu-chīu.
Artisan, să-hô.
Artist, uâ-sṳ̆.
Artless, lō̤-sĭk; dṳ̆ng-dĭk.
Arum, – aquaticum, uô.
As, cièu; bìng; ŏ̤h; chiông: – before, chiông gô-dā̤; gâe̤ng ī-sèng siŏh-iông: as soon as, cêu.
Asafoetida, ŏ̤-ngôi.
Ascend, siông; sĭng.
Ascertain, că mìng.
Ascetic, N. ṳ̄ng-ciā.
Ascites, gū-dióng.
Ashamed, siēu-lā̤; mò̤-méng.
Ashes, hūi̤-hŭ; hŭ: ash color, hŭi̤ sáik: to roast in –, ŭi̤.
Ashore, to go –, siông ngiâng: aground, kò̤ chièng.
Ashpit, bóng-dó̤-diàng.
Asia, ā-să̤-ā.
Ask, buòng-biĕng: apart, lêng-cê; lêng-nguôi: stand –, kiê biĕng; piáh biĕng; siŏh-bèng ā: to put –, bóng biĕng.
Aside, muóng: – for, gìu; tō̤: – courteously, chiāng.
Askance, to look – at, pā̤ ngā̤.
Aslant, sià; uăi; gă-lāng-kĭ.
Asleep, káung-diŏh; káung lŏ̤h mìng.
Asp, dūk siè.
Asparagus, dé̤ṳk-sūng; lô-sūng.
Aspect, countenance, mêng mâu: view, gīng-dê: state or condition, siê; guŏng-gīng.
Aspire, sṳ̆-muô: – after fame, gìu miàng-siăng.
Ass, lè̤.
Assail, gŭng.
Assassin, ché̤ṳ-káik.
Assault, gŭng.
Assemble, huôi̤; cê̤ṳ-cĭk; huôi̤-cĭk; huôi̤-cà̤: assembled, huói̤-diŏh.
Assembly, huôi̤.
Assent, express willingness, éng-sìng; kīng: agree with, hăk-é; dùng-sĭng.
Assert, dĭk-cĕk gōng: – as one's rights, bā diâng-diâng.
Assess, tĭu; diâng suói̤.
Assets, dī cái gì nó̤h.
Assiduous, kṳ̀ng-gīng.
Assign, puái.
Assist, câe̤; bŏng; bŏng-câe̤; dó̤i-chīu.
Assistant, bŏng-chīu; huō-gé; dó̤i-chīu.
Associate V. – with, gău-gă; gău-lài: N. dùng-bŏng.
Association, huôi̤
Assuage, cī; gā̤: – thirst, cī kâk.
Assume, take for granted, liông-bêk: upon oneself to do, cê̤ṳ ciŏng: – a name, mô̤ miàng.
Assuming, cê̤ṳ-ciō-ê.
Assurance, chĭng-séng; chìong ciâ: self reliance, cê̤ṳ ciû.
Assure, sĭk sĭk gōng; bău: insure, bō̤-hiēng.
Assuredly, guō iòng.
Asthma, hĕu.
Astonish, sāi nè̤ng cháuk-ngáuk.
Astonished, cháuk-ngaúk.
Astray, páh-dâung-dió; giàng dâng-diô.
Astringent, – medicine, sĭu liēng iŏh.
Astrology, sĭng hŏk: astrologer, sĭng sê̤ṳ.
Astronomy, tiĕng-ùng: astronomer royal, kīng-tiĕng-gáng.
Astute, lìng gáuk.
Asylum, foundling –, iōng-ṳ̆k-dòng: leper –, gŭ-lō̤-iêng.
At, diŏh; lŏ̤h; câi: – home, diŏh; diŏh chió; lŏ̤h chió: – once, cêu: – first, bô̤-câ: – last, dó̤-dā̤; sák-mūi̤.
Atlas, dê-lī-dù gì cṳ̆; dê dù cháh.
Atmosphere, tiĕng ké.
Atom, chiĕng dìng.
Atone, sṳ̆k; bùi̤: – for sin, sṳ̆k cô̤i.
Atrocious, hṳ̆ng-áuk.
Attach, – to the end of, sié.
Attached, sŏng-lièng: – by affection, chĭng iĕk; sŏng-tiáng.
Attack, gŭng.
Attain, gain, dáik: reach, gâu: attainable, â̤ dáik dék.
Attempt, ché có̤.
Attend, fix the mind on, ê̤ṳng sĭng; ciŏng sĭng: wait on, têng-hâiu; sê̤ṳ-hâiu: – to, as business, gáng; lièu-li.
Attendant, personal –, kiê-sĭng: domestic servant, gă-ìng; followers, gṳ̆ng-băng.
Attention, lìu-sĭng.
Attentive, gīng-sêng.
Attest, có̤ găng-céng.
Attire, N. ĭ-siòng: V. sê̤ṳng ĭ-sióng; cŏng sók.
Attitude, hìng câung.
Attorney, câung sṳ̆.
Attract, īng: – as a magnet, hiêk.
Attractive, – as child or female, nĕu.
Auction, páh-mâ̤.
Audacious, huóng-sé̤ṳ; huóng-dāng.
Audience, lā̤ tiăng gì nè̤ng: to give an – to, īng-giéng.
Audit, V. kâng só; că só.
Auger, bà-lăk-lô̤i; băk-lăk-cáung.
Augment, gă; gă-tiĕng; tiĕng.
Augur, V. káng hâiu-ông; báuk-guá.
Aunt, paternal –, niòng gŭ; maternal –, niòng ì.
Auspicious, hō̤; gék: of good omen, hō̤ diêu; gék diêu.
Austere, ngièng; ngièng-sók.
Australia, Gĭng-săng.
Austria, ŏ̤-dâi-lé-ā.
Authentic, káuk-sĭk; sĭk.
Author, dé̤ṳ-cṳ̆ gì-nè̤ng.
Authorize, sé̤ṳ guòng-báng.
Authority, guòng; guòng-báng.
Autograph, chĭng-chīu-bék: to append one's –, lŏ̤h kuāng.
Autumn, chĭu; chĭu tiĕng; chĭu gié: beginning of –, lik-chĭu.
Avail, V. – of, têng: – of an opportunity, têng gĭ-huôi: N. iáh.
Avarice, tăng-sĭng; tăng cièng.
Avenge, bó̤-sìu.
Average, chiē bàng.
Averse, ng dê̤ṳng-ê; ng kīng.
Aversion, hièng.
Avert, ward off, dā̤; turn aside, chiă biĕng: – malign influences, piáh sià; dā̤ sák.
Avoid, biê; miēng; miēng dék; pià; diō.
Avow, nêng; mìng-mìng gōng.
Await, dīng; dīng-hâiu.
Awake, chĭng-chāng.
Award, duáng.
Aware, – of, căi-gáe̤k; giéng-gáe̤k; hiēu-dék: not aware of, ng căi-gáe̤k; ng giéng-gáe̤k; mâ̤ hiēu-dék.
Away, absent, mò̤ diŏh lā̤.
Awe, giăng; giăng-huòng; awe-inspiring, uĭ-ngièng.
Awhile, siôh-â; piéng-sì; siŏh-káik-gū; niă-nó̤i-òng.
Awkward, mò̤-sié; chŭ-lū; ng biêng.
Awl, cáung.
Awning, liòng bàng; buó mâng; buó púng.
Awry, uăi.
Axe, puō-tàu
Axiom, cê̤ṳ-iòng gì lī.
Axis, dṳ̆k.
Axle, chiă dṳ̆k.
Azalea, muāng-săng-è̤ng; dô-giŏng huă.