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An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language/Authors Quoted

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An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language (1911)
by Alexander MacBain
Authors Quoted
1809326An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language — Authors Quoted1911Alexander MacBain


Adamnan. abbot of Iona, who died in 704, wrote a life of St Columba, edited by Reeves 1857, re-issued by Skene in 1874.
Ascoli is publishing in connection with his editions of the MSS. of Milan and St Gall a "Glossary of Ancient Irish," of which the vowels and some consonants are already issued.
Bezzenberger edits the Bez. Beit, noted above, has contributed to it Celtic articles, and has furnished comments or suggested etymologies in Dr Stokes' Urkeltischer Sprachschatz.
Bradley's Stratmauns Middle English Dictionary.
Brugmann is the author of the "Comparative Grammar of the Indo-Germanic Languages," a large work, where Celtic is fully treated.
Cameron: The late Dr Cameron edited the Scottish Celtic Review, where he published valuable Gaelic etymologies, and left the MS. material which forms the basis of the two volumes of his Reliquiæ Celticæ.
Cameron: Mr John Cameron of the Gaelic Names of Plants, 1883.
Carmichael's Agrestic Customs of the Hebrides, in the Napier Commission Report.
Edmonston is the author of an Etymological Glossary of the Orkney Dialect.
Ernault, author of an Etymological Dictionary of Middle Breton, and contributor to the Rev. Celt of many articles on Breton.
Fick, compiler of the Comparative Dictionary of the Indo-Germanic Languages (not translated yet, completed in 1876. The fourth edition was begun in 1890 with Dr Whitley Stokes and Dr Bezzenberger as collaborateurs: the second volume of this edition is Dr Stokes' Urkeltischer Sprachshatz Early Celtic Word-Treasure, 1894.
Jamieson, author of the Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language, 2 vols., 1808, Paisley edition, 5 vols., 1879-1887.
De Jubainville, editor of the Rev. Celt., has written much on Celtic philology in that periodical and otherwise.
Guterbock author of a brochure on Latin Loan-words in Irish 1882.
Hennessey, who offered some etymologies in his Criticism of Macpherson's Ossian in the Academy, August 1871.
Kluge, compiler of the latest and best Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, 5th edition here used mostly.
Loth, author of inter alia the Vocabulaire Vieux-Breton, 1884, the work usually referred to under his name
Mackinnon: Prof. Mackinnon in lnv. Gael. Soc. Tr., in Celt. Mag and in the Scotsman.
M'Lean: Hector Maclean wrote many articles on Gaelic philology in news-papers and periodicals; here quoted as an authority on the language.
K. Meyer, editor of Cath Finntrága, 1884, Vision of MacConglinne, 1892, &c, all with vocabularies.
Murray, editor of the Philological Society's New English Dictionary in process of publication.
Osthoff: especially in Indogermanischen Forschungen, 4 264-294.
Prellwitz, compiler of an Etymological Dictionary of Greek, 1892.
Rhys: Prof. Rhys is author of Lectures on Welsh Philology, 1879, Celtic Britain, 1884, Hibbert Lectures, 1886, and a colophon to the Manx Prayer Book, 2 vols., on the Phonetics of the Manx Language.
Skeat, author of the Etymological Dictionary of the English Language.
Stokes: Dr Whitley Stokes, author of books and articles too numerous to detail here. His Urkeltischer Sprachschatz was used throughout the work; it is to this work his name nearly always refers.
Strachan: Prof. Strachan's paper on Compensatory Lengthening of Vowels in Irish is the usual reference in this case.
Thurneysen, author of Kelto-romanisches, 1884, the work usually referred to here, though use has been made of his articles in Zeit. and Rev. Celtique.
Wharton, author of Etyma Grcæca, 1882, and Etyma Latina, 1890.
Windisch, editor of Irische Texte mit Wörterbuch, used throughout this work, author of a Concise Irish Grammar, of Keltische Sprachen in the Allgemeine Encyklopædie, of the Celtic additions to Curtius' Greek Etymology, etc.
Zeuss, Grammatica Celtica, second edition by Ebel.
Zimmer, editor of Glossæ Hibernicæ, 1881, author of Keltische Studien, 1881, 1884, pursued in Zeit., of Keltische Beiträge, in which he discusses the Norse influence on Irish, and many other articles.