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An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language/L

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An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language (1911)
by Alexander MacBain
1808707An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language — L1911Alexander MacBain


, latha, day, Ir. , g. laoi, O. Ir. lathe, laithe, lae, g. lathi, d. lau, lóu, : *lasio-, root las, shine; Skr. lásati, shines; Gr. λάω, behold.

làban, làban, mire, dirt, Ir. lábán; also làib. Cf. for root làthach (*làth-bo-).

labanach, a day-labourer, plebeian, Ir. labánach (O'B., etc.; Sh.); from Lat. labor?

labhair, speak, Ir. labhraim, E. Ir. labraim, O. Ir. labrur, labrathar, loquitur, W. llafar, vocalis, lleferydd, voice, Corn. lauar, sermo, Br. lavar, Gaul. river Labarus: *labro-, speak; Gr. λάβρος, furious, λάβρεúομαι, talk rashly. Bez. prefers the root of Eng. flap. Others have compared Lat. labrum, lip, which may be allied to bothe Celtic and Gr. (λαβρεúομαι). Hence G. and Ir. labhar, loud, O. Ir. labar, eloquens, W. llafar, loud, Gr. λάβρος.

la-bhallan, water shrew (Suth.), la-mhalan (Forbes):

lach, a wild duck, Ir., E. Ir. lacha; cf. the Lit. root lak, fly.

lach, reckoning, contribution per head; from the Sc. laugh, tavern

lachan, a laugh; from the Sc., Eng. laugh.

lachduinn, dun, grey, tawny, Ir., M. Ir. lachtna, grey, dun; cf. Skr. rakta, coloured, reddened, rañj, dye, whence Eng. lake, crimson.

làd, lòd, a load, Ir. lád; from the M. Eng. laden, to lade.

lad, a mill lead; from the Eng. lead, lade. For the N. H. meaning of "puddle", see lod.

ladar, a ladle; from the Eng. ladle by dissimilation of the liquids.

ladarna, bold, so Ir., M. Ir. latrand, robber, W. pl. lladron, theives; from Lat. latro, latronis, a thief.

ladhar, a hoof, fork, so Ir., E. Ir. ladar, toes, fork, branch: *plaðro-n, root pla, extend.

lag, a hollow, Ir. log, a pit, hollow: *luggo-, root lüg, bend; Gr. λυγίζω, bend; Lit. lugnas, pliant. Stokes gives the basis as *lonko-, root lek, lenk, bend, Lit. lànkas, a curve, lanka, a mead, Ch. Sl. lakŭ, bent; but this would give à in G.; Ger. lücke, gap, blank.

lag, weak, Ir. lag, E. Ir. lac, M. Ir. luice (pl.), W. llag, sluggish: *laggo-s, root lag; Lat. langueo, Eng. languid; Gr. λαγγάζω, slacken, λαγαρός, thin; Eng. slack, also lag, from Celtic. Cf. λάκκος.

làgan, sowens: *latag-ko-? Root lat, be wet, Gr. λαταξ, drop, Lat. latex. See làthach.

lagh, law, Ir. lagh (obsolete, says Con.); from the Eng. The phrase iar lagh, set in readiness for shooting (as of a bow) is hence also.

laghach, pretty, Ir. lághach, laghach (Donegal); cf. M. Ir. lig, beauty, root leg, Lat. lectus, chosen, Eng. election? Cf. O. W. lin, gratia. Kluge says Eng. like.

làidir, strong, Ir., E. Ir. láidir:

laigh, luigh, lie, Ir. luigh, E. Ir. laigim, O. Ir. lige, bed, W. gwe-ly, bed (Cor. gueli, Br. guele), Gaul legasit (= posuit?): *logô, legô, to lie, *legos, bed, I. E. root leꬶh, lie; Gr. λεχος, bed, λέχεται, sleeps (Hes.); Got. ligan, Ger. liegan, Eng. lie, etc.

laimhrig, landing place, harbour: from N. hlað-hamarr, pier or loading rock, Shet. Laamar. Also lamraig.

laimhsich, handle, Ir. laimhsighim: *lám-ast-ico-, from *lamas, handling, from làmh, q.v.

lainnir, brightness, polish, E. Ir. lainderda, glittering, glancing; also loinnear, bright, q.v.

lainnir, a falcon (Carm.):

laipheid, an instrument for making horn-spoons:

làir, a mare, Ir., O. Ir. láir, g. lárach: *lârex. Stokes suggests connection with Alban. pelé, pēlé, mare.

lairceach, stout, short-legged, fat, lairceag, a short, fat woman:

làirig, a moor, sloping hill, a pass; cf. M. Ir. laarg, fork, leg and thigh, O. Ir. loarcc, furca. Often in place names:

laisde, easy, in good circumstances; cf. Ir. laisti, a heavy, stupid person; from las, loose?

laisgeanta, fiery, fierce; from las, q.v.

laithilt, a weighing as with scales, Ir. laithe, scales: *platio-, root plat, plet, as in leathan.

lamban, milk curdled by rennet (Dial.); see slaman.

lamh, able, dare, Ir. lamhaim, E. Ir. lamaim, O. Ir. -laimur, audeo, W. llafasu, audere, Cor. lavasy, Br. lafuaez: *plamô, a short-vowel form of the root of làmh, hand, the idea being "manage to, dare to"? Stokes says it is probably from *tlam, dare, Gr. τόλμα, daring, Sc. thole; see tlàth. Windisch has compared Lit. lemiù, lemti, fix, appoint.

làmh, hand, Ir. lámh, O. Ir. lám, W. llaw, Cor. lof, O. Br. lau; *lâmâ, *plâmâ; Lat. palma, Eng. palm; Gr. παλάμη; Ag. S. folm, O. H. G. folma. Hence làmhainn, glove, E. Ir. lámind. làmh, axe (Ross), làmhaidh (Suth.); làmhag, a small hatchet (Arg.), M. Ir. laime, axe; O.Slav. lomifi, break, *lam, Eng. lame (St.).

lamhrag, a slut, awkward woman, lamhragan, awkward handling; from lámh: "underhand".

làn, full, Ir., O. Ir. lán, W. llawn, O. W. laun, Cor. leun, len, Br. leun: *lâno-, *plâno-, or pḹ-no- (Brug.), root pḹ, plâ, pel; Skr. pûrṇás, full; further Lat. plênus; Gr. πλήρης, πολúς, many; Eng. full, etc. See also iol, lìon, lìnn.

lànain, a married couple, Ir. lánamhain, E. Ir. lánamain, O. Ir. lánamnas, conjugium: *lag-no-, root log, leg, lie, as in laigh? Stokes divides the word thus: lán-shamain. For samhain, assembly, see samhainn.

lànan, rafter beam, from lànain.

langa, a ling; from Norse langa, Sc. laing, Eng. ling.

langadar, seaware with long leaves (Lewis):

langaid, a fetter, fetters (especially for horses), langar, Ir. langfethir (O'B.; Lh. has †langphetir), E. Ir. langfiter (Corm. Gr., "English word this"), W. llyfethar, M.W. lawhethyr; from Eng. lang (long) and fetter. The Sc. has langet, langelt, which is the origin of G. langaid.

langaid, the guillemote (Heb.); from Sc. (Shetland) longie, Dan. langivie (Edmonston).

langaiseachadh, pulling a boat along by a rope from the bank:

langan, lowing of the deer; from the Sc., Eng. lowing?

langasaid, a couch, settee; from Sc. langseat, lang-settle, "long seat".

lann, a blade, sword, Ir. lann, also "a scale, scale of a fish, disc" (Arg., M'A.): *lag-s-na? Root lag, as in E. Ir. laigen, lance, W. llain, blade, Lat. lanceo, Gr. λόγχη, lance-point. Thur. (Zeit. 28) suggests *plad-s-na, "broad thing"; Gr. πλαθάνη, Ger. fladen, flat cake, further G. leathann, broad, etc. O. Ir. lann, squama, is referred by Stokes to *lamna, allied to Lat. lamina, lamna; which would produce rather O. Ir. *lamn, Modern lamhan. Ir. lann, gridiron, is doubtless allied to O. Ir. lann.

lann, an inclosure, land, Ir. lann, E. Ir. land, W. llan, O. W. lann, area, ecclesia, Br. lann: *landâ; Teut. land, Eng. land. See iodhlann.

lannsa, a lance, Ir. lannsa; from the Eng.

lanntair, a lantern, Ir. laindéar; from the Eng.

laoch, a hero, Ir. laoch, a soldier, hero, E. Ir. láech, a hero, champion: *laicus, soldier, "non-cleric", E. Ir. láech, laicus, W. lleyg; all from Lat. laicus, a layman, non-cleric.

laogh, a calf, so Ir., E. Ir. lóeg, W. llo, Cor. loch, Br. leué, M. Br. lue: *loigo-s, calf, "jumper", root leíꬶ, skip, Got. laikan, spring, Lit. láigyti, skip, Skr. réjati, skip (see leum further). It is possible to refer it to root leigh, lick: "the licker".

laodhan, pith of wood, heart of a tree, Ir. laodhan, laoidhean; also G. glaodhan, q.v.

laoighcionn, lao'cionn, tulchan calf, calf-skin; from laogh and †cionn, skin, which see under boicionn. crann-laoicionn, wooden block covered with calf-skin (Wh.).

laoidh, a lay, so Ir., E. Ir. láed, láid, O. Ir. lóid: *lûdi-? Alliance with Teutonic liuþ, Eng. lay, Fr. lai, Ger. lied, is possible if the stem is lûdi-; cf. for phonetics draoidh and ancient drûis, drûidos, Druid, Gaul. Lat. druidæ (Stokes).

laoineach, handsome; cf. loinn.

laoir, drub lustily (M'A.), laoireadh, rolling in the dust (H.S.D.). Cf. léir.

laoiscionn, thin membrane inside of sheep and cattle (Lewis); N. lauss-skin, loose skin?

laoisg, a group, crowd (disparagingly) (Skye):

laom, a crowd, lodge (as corn), Ir. laomdha, bent, M. Ir. loem, crowd, heap:

laom, a blaze, Ir. laom; from Norse ljómi, ray, Ag. S. léoma, Sc. leme, to blaze.

laom, go to shaw (as potatoes) (Skye):

laom-chrann, main beam of a house (Wh.):

laosboc, a castrated goat:

laoran, a person too fond of the fire-side:

lapach, benumbed, faltering; cf. lath. lapanaich, bedraggle (Perth).

làr, the ground, Ir., O. Ir. lár, W. llawr, O.Cor. lor, O. Br. laur, solum, Br. leur: *lâro-, *plâro; Eng. floor, Ag. S. flór, Norse flór, Ger. flur; root plâ, broad, broaden, Lat. plânus, Eng. plain, etc.

làrach, a site, Ir. láithreach, O. Ir. láthrach; from làthair, q.v.

las, loose, slack, W. llaes; from Lat. laxus, Eng. lax.

las, kindle, lasair, flame, so Ir., E. Ir. lassaim, lassair, W. llachar, gleaming: *laksar-; Skr. lakshati, see, show, O. H. G. luogên (do.). Also by some referred to *lapsar-, Gr. λάμπω, shine, Eng. lamp, Pruss. lopis, flame. See losgadh. Windisch has compared Skr. arc, ṛc, shine. Hence lasgaire, a youth, young "spark"; lastan, pride, etc.

lasgar, sudden noise:

lath, benumb, get benumbed. Cf. W. llad.

làthach, mire, clay, Ir., E. Ir. lathach, coenum, W. llaid, mire, Br. leiz, moist: *latákâ, *latjo-, root lat, be moist; Gr. λάταξ, λάταγές, drops; Lat. latex, liquid.

lathailt, a method, a mould (Wh.):

làthair, presence, Ir. láthair, O. Ir. láthar, lathair: *latri-, *lâtro-, root plât, plâ, broad; Lettic plât, extend thinly; further in G. làr above. Asc. refers it to the root of O. Ir. láaim, I send, which is allied to Gr. ἐλαúνω, I drive, etc. Hence làrach.

le, by, with, Ir. le, O. Ir. la, rarer le: *let; from leth, side.

lèabag, a flounder; see leòb. Also leòbag.

leabaidh, a bed, leabadh, Ir. leaba, leabuidh, E. Ir. lepaid, lepad, g. leptha: *lebboti-, *leg-buto- "lying-abode", from root leg, λεχ, lie, as in laigh? W. bedd.

leabhar, a book, so Ir., O. Ir. lebor, W. llyfr; from Lat. liber.

leabhar, long, clumsy, M. Ir. lebur, O. Ir. lebor, long: *lebro-, root leꬶ, hanging, Gr. λοβός, a lobe; Eng. lappet; also Lat. liber, book.

leac, a flag, flag-stone, so Ir., E. Ir. lecc, W. llech: *liccâ, *ḷp-kâ, root lep, a shale; Gr. λέπας, bare rock; Lat. lapis, stone. Stokes and Strachan refer it to the root pḷk, flat, Lat. planca, Eng. plank, Gr. πλάξ, plain.

leac, a cheek, leacainnn, a hill side, Ir. leaca, cheek, g. leacan, E. Ir. lecco, g. leccan: *lekkôn-; O.Pruss. laygnan, Ch. Sl. lice, vultus. Root liq, liꬶ, appearance, like, Gr. -λίκος, Eng. like, lyke-wake, Ger. leichnam, body.

leadair, mangle, so Ir., E. Ir. letraim, inf. letrad, hacking: *leddro-:

leadan, flowing hair, a lock, teasel, Ir. leadán, M. Ir. ledán, teasel. Root li, stick; see liosta.

leadan, notes in music, Ir. leadán, musical notes, litany; from Lat. litania, litany.

leag, throw down, Ir. leagaim, inf. leagadh *leggô, from leg, root of laigh, lie (cf. Eng. lay)? The preserved g may be from the analogy of leig, let; and Ascoli refers the word to the O. Ir. root leg, lig, destruere, sternere: foralaig, straverat, dolega, qui destruit.

leagarra, self-satisfied, smug (Arg.):

leagh, melt, so Ir., O. Ir. legaim, legad, W. llaith, moist, dad leithio, melt, Br. leiz: *legô; Eng. leak, Norse leka, drip, Ger. lechzen.

leamh, foolish, insipid, importunate, Ir. leamh; cf. E. Ir. lem, W. llefrith, sweet milk, Corn. leverid, liuriz; O. Ir. lemnact, sweet milk); consider root lem, break, as in Eng. lame, etc.

leamhan, elm, Ir. leamhann, leamh, M. Ir. lem: *ḷmo-; Lat. ulmus, Eng. elm: *elmo-. W. llwyf (*leimá) is different, with which is allied (by borrowing?) Eng. lime in lime-tree.

leamnacht, tormentil, Ir. neamhain:

leamhnad, leamhragan, stye in the eye, W. llefrithen, llyfelyn: *limo-, "ooze"? Cf. Lat. līmus, mud, lino, smear, Eng. loam.

lèan, lèana, a lea, swampy plain, Ir. léana (do.): *lekno-? Cf. Lit. lëkns, lëkna, depression, wet meadow (cf. Stokes on lag above); this is Mr Strachan's derivation. The spelling seems against referring it, as Stokes does, to the root lei, Gr. λειμών, meadow, Lit. léija, a valley; though W. llwyn, grove, favours this. Cf. W. lleyn, low strip of land.

lean, follow, Ir. leanaim, O. Ir. lenim, W. can-lyn, dy-lyn, sequi: *linami, I cling to; Skr. linâmi, cling to; Lat. lino, smear; Gr. ἀλίνω (do.); *lipnâmi, Lit. lipti, cleave to; root , li, adhere. Inf. is leanmhuinn.

leanabh, a child, Ir. leanbh, E. Ir. leanab: *lenvo-; from lean? Corm. gives also lelap, which, as to termination, agrees with G. leanaban. Cf. αλοφυρμοαι.

leann, ale, see lionn.

leannan, a sweetheart, Ir. leannán, a concubine, E. Ir. lennan, lendan, concubine, favourite: lex-no-, root leg, lie, as in laigh? From lionn; cf. òlach?

lear, the sea (poetical word), Ir. lear, E. Ir. ler, W. llyr: *liro-, root li, flow, as in lighe, flood. Stokes gives the Celtic as lero-s, but offers no further derivation.

learag, larch; from Sc. larick, Eng. larch, from Lat. larix (*darix), as in darach, q.v.).

learg, leirg, plain, hillside, Ir. learg, E. Ir. lerg, a plain; cf. Lat. largus, Eng. large.

learg, diver bird (Carm.):

leas, advantage, Ir. leas, O. Ir. less, W. lles, Cor. les, Br. laz: *lesso-, root pled, fruit; Slav. plodŭ, fruit (Stokes, Bez.).

leas-, nick-, step-, Ir. leas-, O. Ir. less-, W. llys- (W. llysenw = G. leas-ainm), Br. les-; same as leas above: "additional". Cf. Fr. use of beau, belle for step-. Stokes suggests *liss-, blame, root leid, Gr. λοιδορέω, revile (Lat. ludere?); others compare leas- to Ger. laster, vice (see lochd); Bez. queries connection with Ag. S. lesve, false, Norse lasinn, half-broken.

leasg, leisg, lazy, Ir. leasg, O. Ir. lesc, W. llesg: *lesko-s; Norse löskr, weak, idle, O. H. G. lescan, become extinguished, Ger. erloschen (Stokes). Brugmann and other give stem as *led-sco-, comparing Got. latz, lazy, Eng. late, to which Norse löskr may be referred (*latkwa-z); root lêd, lad. ἐλιννυω, rest (Zeit.34, 531).

leasraidh, loins, Ir. leasruigh, pl. of leasrach; see leis.

leathad, declivity hillside; cf. Ir. leathad, breadth. See leud.

leathan, broad, so Ir., O. Ir. lethan, W. llydan, O. W. litan, Br. ledan, Gaul. litano-s: *ḷtano-s, Gr. πλατúς, broad; Skr. práthas, breadth; Lat. planta, sole of the foot, sprout: root plet, plat, extend.

leathar, leather, so Ir., E. Ir. lethar, W. lledr, M. Br. lezr, Br. ler: *letro-; Eng. leather, Ger. leder, Norse leðr. To prove that the Teutons borrowed this word from the Celts, it is asserted that the original Celtic is *(p)letro-, root pel of Gr. πελλα, hide, Eng. fell.

leatrom, burden, weight, leatromach pregnant, Ir. leathtrom burden, pregnancy; from leth and trom.

leibhidh, race, generation (McIthich, 1685); from Eng. levy?

leibhidh, amount of stock (Carm.):

leibid, a trifle, dirt, leibideach, trifling, Ir. libideach, dirty, awkward.

léideach, strong, shaggy, Ir. léidmheach, strong (O'B.), O. Ir. létenach, audax:

leig let Ir. léigim, O. Ir. léiccim, lécim: *leingiô; Lat. linquo; Gr. λείπω: Got. leihvan, Eng. loan.

léigh, a physician, leigheas, a cure, Ir. léigheas, M. Ir. leges; see lighiche.

léine, a shirt, so Ir., E. Ir. léne, g. lénith, pl. lénti: *leinet-, from lein, lîn; Lat. lînum, flax, Eng. linen, Sc. linder; Gr. λῖτα, cloth λίνον, flax. See lìon. Strachan refers it, on the analogy of deur = dakro-, to laknet-, root lak, of Lat. lacerna, cloak, lacinia, lappet.

léir, sight, Ir. léir, sight, clear, O. Ir. léir, conspicuous. If Strachan's phonetics are right, this may be for *lakri-, root lak, see, show, W. llygat, eye, Cor. lagat, Br. lagad, eye, Skr. lakshati, see, show, O. H. G. luogên (do.), as in las, q.v.

léir, gu léir, altogether, Ir. léir, M. Ir. léir, complete, W. llwyr, total, altogether: *leiri-s:

léir, torment, to pain: *lakro-, root lak, as in Lat. lacero lacerate?

leirg, a plain; see learg.

leirist, a foolish, senseless person slut (leithrist):

leis, thigh, Ir. leas, leis, hip, O. Ir. less, clunis; *lexa, root lek; Eng. leg, Gr. λάξ, kicking (St.). Nigra connects it with leth, side. See slios.

leisdear, arrow-maker; from the Eng. fletcher, from Fr. flèche, arrow. See fleasg.

leisg, laziness, lazy, Ir. leisg (n.); see leasg.

leisgeul, excuse; from leth and sgeul, "half-story".

leithid, the like, so Ir., E. Ir. lethet; from leth, half, side.

leithleag, léileag print for frocks:

leitir, a hillside slope, E. Ir. lettir, G. lettrach, W. llethr, slope: *lettrek-. It may be from *leth-tír, "country-side", or from let of leathan; cf. W. lleth, flattened, "broadened".

leòb, a piece, shred, Ir. léab a piece, leadhb, a patch of old leather. M. Ir. ledb: *led-bo-; for root led, cf. leathar? Hence leòb, a hanging lip, leòbag, lèabag, a flounder. Cf. Norse leppr, a rag (Craigie).

leobhar, long clumsy; see leabhar.

leòcach, sneaking, low:

leòdag, a slut, prude, flirt:

leog, a slap in the head (M'D.):

leogach, hanging loosely, slovenly:

leòir, enough, Ir., E. Ir. leòr, lór, O. Ir. lour, W. llawer, many: *lavero-, root lav, lau, gain, Lat. lûcrum, gain, Laverna, Skr. lóta, booty, Eng. loot, etc. Stokes refers W. llawer to the comparative stem of plê, full; see liuth.

leòm, conceit, leòmais, dilly-dallying; cf. Ir. leoghaim, I flatter, leom, prudery.

leómann, mothe, Ir. leomhan, léamhann, E. Ir. legam.

leómhann, leoghann, lion, Ir. leomhan, O. Ir. leoman; from Lat. leo, leonem.

leòn, wound, Ir. leónaim, E. Ir. lénaim, wound, lén, hurt; this Strachan refers to *lakno-, root lak, tear, as in Lat. lacero, lacerate, Gr. λακίς, a rent. But cf. leadradh, E. Ir. leod, cutting, killing, *ledu, root led, ledh, fell, Lat. labi, Eng. lapse.

leth, side, half, Ir., O. Ir. leth, W. lled, O. Br. let: *letos; Lat. latus. Brugmann refers it to the root plet, broad, of lethan.

leth-aon, twin, leth-uan: E. Ir. emuin, twins, *jemnos:

lethbhreac, a correlative, equal, match; from leth and breac(?).

lethcheann (pron. lei'chean), the side of the head, cheek; from leth and ceann, with ossibly a leaning on the practically lost leac, leacann, cheek.

leud, lèad, breadth, Ir. leithead, O. Ir. lethet; see leathan.

leug, a precious stone, Ir. liag, a stone, M. Ir. lég, lég-lógmar, O. Ir. lia, g. liacc: *lêvink-; Gr. λᾶιγξ, g. λάιγγος, a small stone, λᾶασ, stone; Ger. lei, stone, rock, Ital. lavagna, slate, schist.

leug, laziness, lazy, slow; see sléig.

leugh, lèagh, read, Ir. léaghaim, M. Ir. légim, O. Ir. legim, rolég, legit, legend, reading; from Lat. lĕgo, I read, Eng. lecture, etc.

leum, a jump, Ir., O. Ir. léim, léimm, W. llam, Br. lam, O. Br. lammam, salio: *lengmen-, O. Ir. vb. lingim, I spring, root leg, leng; Skr. langhati, leap, spring; M.H.G. lingen, go forward, Eng. light, etc. The O. Ir. perfect tense leblaing has made some give the root as vleng, vleg, Skr. valg, spring, Lat. valgus, awry, Eng. walk; and some give the root as svleng, from svelg. It is difficult to see how the v or sv before l was lost before l in leum.

leus, lias, a torch, light, Ir. leus, E. Ir. lés, léss, O. Ir. lésboire, lightbearer: *plent-to-, from plend, splend, Lat. splendeo, Eng. splendid (Strachan). Cf. W. llwys, clear, pure.

, colour, O. Ir. , líi, W. lliw Cor. liu, colour, Br. liou, O. Br. liou, liu: *lîvos-; Lat. lîvor, lividus, Eng. livid.

lia, a stone, O. Ir. lia, g. liacc; see leug.

liagh, a ladle, Ir., M. Ir. liach, O. Ir. liag, trulla, scoop, W. llwy, spoon, spattle, Cor. loe, Br. loa: leigâ, ladle, root leigh, ligh, lick (as in limlich, q.v.); Lat. ligula, spoon, ladle.

liath, gray, so Ir., E. Ir. líath, W. llwyd, canus, O. Br. loit, M. Br. loet: *leito-, *pleito-, for *peleito-; Gr. πελιτνός, livid; Skr. palitá, gray; Lat. pallidus; Eng. fallow, Ag. S. fealo, yellow. Cf. O. Fr. liart, dark grey, Sc. lyart (*leucardus?).

liathroid, a ball (M'D., liaroid):

liatrus, blue-mould, liathlas, liatas: liath+?

lid, liod, a syllable, lisp, lideach, liotach, lisping, Ir. liotadh, a lisp (Fol.); cf. Gr. λιτή, prayer, Lat. lito, placate.

lidh, steep grassy slope: N. hlið?

ligeach, sly; from the Sc. sleekie, sleekit, sly, smooth, Eng. sleek.

lighe, a flood, overflow, Ir., E. Ir. lia, O. Ir. lie, eluvio, W. lli, flood, stream, lliant, fluctus, fluentum, Br. livad, inundation; root , leja, flow; Skr. riyati, let run; Lit. lḗti, gush; Gr. λίμνη, lake, λεῖος, smooth, Lat. levis, level, lîmus, mud; etc. Stokes hesitates between root li and roots pleu (Eng. flow) and lev, lav, Lat. lavo, luo.

lighiche, a physician, Ir. liaigh, g. leagha, E. Ir. liaig, O. Ir. legib, medicis: Got. leikeis, Eng. leech.

lìnig, lining; form the Eng.

linn, an age, century, offspring, Ir. linn, O. Ir. línn, lín, pars, numerus: *lûnu-, from plên, as in lìon, fill (Brug.), q.v.

linne, a pool, linn Ir. linn, E. Ir. lind, W. llyn, M.W. linn, Cor. lin, Br. lenn: *linnos, root li, , flow; Gr. λίμνη, lake, etc.; see lighe.

linnean, shoemaker's thread; from Sc. lingan, lingel, from Fr. lingneul, Lat. *lineolum, linea, Eng. line.

linnseag, shroud, penance shirt; founded on the Eng. linsey.

liobarnach, slovenly, awkward, so Ir.; founded on Eng. slippery?

liobasda, slovenly, awkward, so Ir.; see slibist.

liobh, love (Carm.):

liod, lide, syllable; see lid.

lìomh, polish, Ir. líomhaim, liomhaim, M. Ir. límtha, polished, sharpened, W. llifo, grind, whet, saw; Lat. lîmo, polish whet, lîmatus, polished, root , lei, smooth, flow.

lìon, flax, lint, Ir. líon, E. Ir. lín, W. llin, Cor., Br. lin: *lînu-; Lat. lînum, flax; Gr. λίνον, flax, λῖτα, cloth; Got. lein, O. H. G. līn; Ch. Sl. lǐnŭ; root lei, li, smooth, flow.

lìon, a net, Ir. líon, O. Ir. lín; from the above word.

lìon, fill, Ir. líonaim, O. Ir. línaim: *lênô, *plênô; Lat. plênus, full; Gr. πλήρης, full; root plê, plâ, as in làn, q.v. Hence lìonar, lìonmhor, numerous.

lìon, cia lìon, how many; same as linn, O. Ir. lín.

lionn, leann, ale, so Ir., O. Ir. lind, M. Ir. lind dub, W. llyn: *lennu-; same root and form (so far) as linne, q.v. This is proved by its secondary use in G. and Ir. for "humours, melancholy". Stokes suggests for both connection with Gr. πλαδαρός, moist.

lìonradh, gravy, juice; from lìon, "fullness"?

lios, a garden, Ir. lios, a fort, habitation, E. Ir. liss, less, enclosure, habitation, W. llys, aula, palatium, Br. les, court, O. Br. lis: *ḷsso-s, a dwelling enclosed by an earthen wall, root plet, broad, Eng. place, Gr. πλατúς, broad; O. H. G. flezzi, house floor, Norse flet, a flat. For root, see leathan.

liosda, slow, tedious, importunate, so Ir., M. Ir. liosta, lisdacht, importunity, E. Ir. lista slow: *li-sso-, root li, smooth, Gr. λισσός, smooth, λεῖος, as in lighe.

liosraig, smooth, press (as cloth after weaving), dress, sliosraig (Badenoch); compare the above word for root and stem.

liotach, stammering, lisping. See lid.

lip, liop liob, a lip Ir. liob; from Eng. lip.

lipinn, lìpinn, a lippie, fourth of a peck; from Sc. lippie.

lìrean, a species of marine fungus (H.S.D.):

lit, porridge, M. Ir. lité, E. Ir. littiu, g. litten, W. llith, mash: *littiôn- (Stokes), *pḷt-tiô, from pelt, polt, Gr. πόλτος, porridge, Lat. puls, pultis, pottage.

litir, a letter, so Ir., E. Ir. liter, W. llythyr, Br. lizer; from Lat. litera.

liubhar (H.S.D. liùbhar), deliver; from the Lat. libero, Eng. liberate.

liùg, a lame hand or foot sneaking look, Ir. liug a sneaking or lame gait, liugaire, cajoler, G. liùgair (do.):

liuth, liutha, liuthad, many, many a, so many, Ir., O. Ir. lia, more, O. W. liaus, Br. liez: *(p)lêjôs, from plê full, Gr. πλείων; Lat. plus, plûres, older pleores; Norse fleiri, more.

liùth, a lythe; from the Sc.

liuthail, liuil, bathing, from liu, li, water (Carm.); M. Ir. lia, flood (Stokes, 249).

loban, lòban, lòpan, a creel for dyring corn basket, wooden frame put inside corn-stacks to keep them dry, basekt peat-cart, peat-creel; from N. laupr basket timber frame of a building, Shet. loopie, Ag. S. léap.

lobanach, draggled, lobair, draggle; from lob, puddle (Armstrong): *loth-bo-, loth of lòn q.v.?

lobh, putrefy Ir. lobhaim, O. Ir. lobat, putrescant, inf. lobad, root lob, wither waste; Lat. lâbi to fall, lâbes, ruin, Eng. lapse.

lobhar, a leper, so Ir., O. Ir. lobur, infirmus, W. llwfr, feeble, O. W. lobur, debile, M. Br. loffr, leprous, Br. laour, lovr, lor, leper. For root see above word.

lobht, a loft, Manx lout, Ir. lota (Connaught); from Norse lopt, Eng. loft.

locair, plane (carpenter's), Ir. locar; from Norse lokar, Ag. S. locer.

loch, a lake, loch, Ir., E. Ir. loch: *loku-; Lat. lacus; Gr. lákkos, pit.

lochd, a fault, so Ir., O. Ir. locht, crimen: *loktu-, root lok, lak, Gr. λακ-, λάσκω, cry; O. H. G. lahan, blame, Ag. S. leahan, Ger. laster, a fault, vice, Norse löstr. Eng. lack, leak, *lak?

lochdan, a little amount (of sleep), Ir. lochdain, a nap, wink of sleep (Arran and Eigg, lochd):

lòchran, a torch, light, Ir. lóchrann, O. Ir. lócharn, lúacharn, W. llugorn, Cor. lugarn: *loukarnâ, root louq, leuq, light; Lat. lŭcerna, lamp, lux, light; Gr. λευκός, white.

lod, lodan, a puddle, Ir. lodan: *lusdo-, *lut-s, root lut, lu, Lat. lutum, mud, Gr. λῦμα, filth.

lòd, a load, Ir. lód; from the Eng.

lodhainn, a pack (of dogs) a number: "a leash"; see lomhainn.

lodragan, a clumsy old man, plump boy:

logais, logaist, awkward, unwieldy person, loose slipper or old shoe (Arg.); from Eng. log. Cf. Sc. loggs. Eng. luggage?

logar, sea swash (Lewis):

logh, pardon, Ir. loghadh (n.), E. Ir. logaim, O. Ir. doluigim. Stokes refers it to the root of leagh, melt.

lòghar, excellent:

loguid, a varlet, rascal, soft fellow, M. Ir. locaim, I flinch from:

loibean, one who works in all weathers and places; cf. làib, under làban.

loiceil, foolishly fond, doting, Ir. loiceamhlachd, lóiceamhlachd (O'B.), dotage:

loigear, an untidy person, ragged one:

lòine, a lock of fine wool, tuft of snow: Cf. λαχνη;

loinid, churn staff, Ir., M. Ir. loinid. Stokes takes from N. hlunnr. O.R. has lunn, churn-dasher.

lòinidh, rheumatism, greim-lòinidh:

loinn, good condition, charm, comeliness, joy, Ir. loinn, joy, M. Ir. lainn, bright; from plend, Lat. splendeo, Eng. splendid. Hence loinnear, bright. So Stokes.

loinn, glade, area; oblique form of lann, the locative case in place names.

loinn, a badge; a corruption of sloinn?

loinnear, bright, elegant, E. Ir. lainderda, glittering: *lasno-, from las, flame, q.v.? Cf. lonnrach. See loinn.

loinneas, a wavering:

loirc, wallow, loir (Perth):

loirc, a deformed foot, lorcach, lame; cf. lurc, lorc.

loireag, a beautiful, hary cow; a plump girl, pan-cake, water-nymph (Carm.); cf. lur, lurach.

loireanach, male child just able to walk; cf. luran.

lòiseam, pomp show:

loisneach, cunning: "foxy"; Ir. loisi, los, a fox: *luxo-; Gr. λúγξ, lynx, O. H. G. luhs, Ag. S. lox, lynx.

loistean, a lodging, tent, Ir. lóistín; from the Eng. lodging.

loithreach, ragged (Hend.):

lom, bare, Ir. lom, O. Ir. lomm, W. llwm: *lummo-, *lups-mo-, root lup, peel, break off; Lit. lupti, peel, Ch. Sl. lupiti, detrahere; Skr. lumpami, cut off. Hes. has Gr. λυμνός = γυμνός, which Stokes suggests alternately. Hence lomradh, fleecing, O. Ir. lommraim, tondeo, abrado, lommar, bared, stripped; which last Stokes compares rather to Lat. lamberat, scindit ac laniat.

lombair, bare; cf. O. Ir. lommar, bared (see lom). Possibly the b is intrusive, as in Eng. number, slumber.

lomchar, bare place; from lom and cuir, cor.

lomhainn, a leash, Ir. comna, a cord (O'Cl.), O. Ir. loman, funis, lorum, W. llyfan, Cor. louan, Br. louffan, tether: *lomanâ.

lomhair, brilliant:

lomnochd, naked, so Ir., E. Ir. lomnocht; from lom and nochd, naked.

lompair, a bare plain; see lombair, which is another spelling of this word.

lompais, niggardliness, Ir. lompais; from *lommas, from lom.

lòn, food, Ir., M. Ir. lón, O. Ir. lóon, adeps, commeatus, O. Br. lon, adeps: *louno-. Strachan and Stokes cf. O.Sl. plŭti, caro, Lat. plutà, a crust, Lettic pluta, a bowel. Bez. queries if it is allied to L.Ger. flôm, raw suet, O. H. G. floum. It was usual to refer it to the same root as Gr. πλοῦτος, wealth; and Ernault has suggested connection with blonag (*vlon), which is unlikely.

lòn, marsh, mud, meadow (Arg.), water (Skye): *lut-no-, root lut, muddy O. Ir. loth, mud, Lat. lutum; further root lu, lou, as in lod. It may be from *louno-, with the same root; cf. M. Ir. conluan, hounds' excrement.

lon, lon-dubh, the blackbird, Ir., M. Ir., O. Ir. lon. Stokes refers it to *lux-no- (root leuq, light, Lat. lux, etc.), but this in the G. would give lonn.

lon, elk, M. G. lon (D. of L.), Ir. lon: *lono-; cf. O.Slav. lani, hind, and, further, Celtic *elanî, roe (see eilid).

lon, a rope of raw hides (St Kilda): possibly a condensation of lomhainn

lon, lon-chraois, gluttony, M. Ir. con cráis. Kuno Keyer, (Vision of M'Conglinne) translates lon separately as "demon". For craois see craos. lon, water (Carm.) + craos?

lon, prattle, forwardness, Ir. lonaigh, a scoff, jest, W. llon, cheerful: *luno-, root lu, lav, enjoy, win, W. llawen, merry; Gr. ἀπολαúω, enjoy; Got. laun, reward. See further under luach. làn-aighear, boisterous mirth (Wh.)?

long, a ship Ir. long, E. Ir. long, vessel (vas), ship W. llong, ship: *longâ; Norse lung, ship (Bez.); cf. Lat. lagena, flagon (Stokes). Usually supposed to be borrowed from Lat. (navis) longa, war ship. Cf. Ptolemy's River Lόγγος, the Norse Skipafjörðr, now Loch Long. *plugnâ? Eng. fly?

longadh, a diet, so Ir. E. Ir. longad, eating; a side form of slug, which see for root.

longphort, harbour, camp, palace, Ir. longphort (do.); from long + port. Hence lùchairt, palace; longart, lunkart, in placenames.

lonn, timber put under a boat for launching it; from Norse hlunnr, a roller for launching ships.

lonn, anger, fierce, strong, Ir. lonn, O. Ir. lond, wild. Stokes (Zeit.30, 557) doubtfully suggests connection with Skr. randhayati, destroy, torment.

lonnrach, glittering, so Ir.; cf. loinnir. lònrach, well fed (Hend.).

lòpan, soft, muddy place (Suth.): see làban.

lorc, shank (Carm.):

lorg, a staff, Ir., E. Ir. lorg, Cor. lorc'h, baculus, Br. lorc'hen, temo: *lorgo-, Norse lurkr, a cudgel (Bez., Cam.).

lorg, track, footstep, Ir., E. Ir. lorg, O. Ir. lorc, trames, lorgarecht, indago, W. llyr, course duct, Cor. lergh, lerch Br. lerc'h, track: *lorgo-. Bez. compares L.Ger. lurken, creep. Rhys adds W. llwrw, direction (Manx Pray.2, 127).

los, purpose, sake, Ir., E. Ir. los sake, behalf, part, M. Ir. los, growth; a los, "about to" (Wh.); in doghran losleathan, beaver (ooter of broad tail), Ir. los, tail, end (O'Cl), W. llost, Br. lost, *losto-, lostâ:

losaid, a kneading trough, Ir. losad, E. Ir. lossat: *lossantâ, *lok-s-, root lok, lek; Gr. λέκος, a dish, pot; Lit lekmenė, a puddle; Lat. lanx, dish.

losgadh, a burning, Ir. loscadh, E. Ir. loscud, W. llosg, urere, Cor. losc (n.) Br. losk: *loskô, I burn, *lopskô, root, lop, lap; Gr. λάμπω, shine; O.Pruss. lopis flame, Lett. lapa, pine-torch (Stokes). See lasair, to whose root it is usually referred.

losgann, a toad, Ir. loscain, E. Ir. loscann; from losg above, so named from the acrid secretions of its skin.

lot, wound, so Ir., E. Ir. lot, damage, loitim, laedo: *lottô, *lut-to-, root lut, lu, cut; Skr. lû-, cut; Gr. λúω, loose; Eng. loss, lose; Pruss. au-laut, die. Stokes refers it to a stem *lud-nó-, root lud, Teut. root lut, Eng. lout, little, Norse lúta, to lout, bow, Ag. S. lot, dolus, etc.

lot, share, etc., one's croft (Lewis):

loth, a colt, Manx, lhiy, W. llwdn, young of deer, sheep, swine, hens, etc., Cor. lodn (do.), M. Br. lozn, beast, Br. loen, animal: *pluto-, *plutno-; cf. Lat. pullus, foal, Eng. filly.

loth, marsh (Suth.), O. Ir. loth, mud; see further under lòn. Hence Loth, parish.

lothail, the plant brook-lime, Ir. lothal (O'B.), lochal:

luach, worth, value, Ir. luach O. Ir. lóg, luach: *lougos, root lou, , gain; Lat. lûcrum, gain, Laverna, the thieves' goddess; Got. laun, a reward, Ag. S. léan (do.); O.Slav. lovŭ, catching.

luachair, rushes, Ir., E. Ir. luachair: "light-maker", from louk, light (Lat. lux, etc.), M.W. lleu babir, rush-light.

luadh, fulling cloth; cf. Ir. luadh, motion, moving, root ploud (Lit. plaudżu, wash, Eng. fleet), a side-form of the root of luath. But compare dol.

luaidh, mention, speaking, Ir. luadh, O. Ir. luad: *laudo-; Lat. laus, laudis, praise. Hence luaidh, beloved one: "spoken or thought of one".

luaidh, lead, Ir., M. Ir. luaidhe: *loudiâ; Eng. lead, Ag. S. léad (*lauda-), Ger. loth.

luaimear, a prattler, Ir. luaimearachd, volubility; see next word.

luaineach, restless, Ir. luaimneach, E. Ir. luamnech, volatile (as birds), lúamain, flying; root ploug, fly; Eng. fly, Ger. fliegen, Norse fljúga.

luaireagan, a grovelling person, a fire-fond child; from luaith, ashes: "one in sackcloth and ashes"?

luaisg, move, wave, luasgadh (n.), Ir. luasgaim, M. Ir. luascad, O. Br. luscou, oscilla, Br. luskella, to rock: *louskô, *ploud-sko-, root ploud or plout, plou, go, flow, move, as in luath, q.v. Bez. queries connection with Lit. plúskát, plúkt, pluck, tear.

luan, moon, Monday, so Ir.; M. Ir., O. Ir. luan, moon, Monday: *loukno-, Lat. lux, luceo, lûna, moon. The Gadelic is possibly borrowed from Lat. Ir. go lá an Luain, till doomsday.

luaran, a dizziness, faint:

luath, ashes, Ir. luaith, E. Ir. lúaith, W. lludw, Cor. lusu, Br. ludu: *loutvi-. Bez. queries if it is allied to Ger. lodern, to flame.

luath, swift, Ir. luath, O. Ir. lúath: *louto-, root plout, plou, go, flow, be swift; Eng. fleet, Norse fljótr, swift (root pleud); Gr. πλέω, I sail; Lat. pluit, it rains; Skr. plavate, swim, fly.

lùb, bend, Ir., M. Ir. lúbaim, E. Ir. lúpaim (ro-lúpstair, they bent, L.Leinster): lúbbô, root leub, lub; Eng. loop, M. Eng. loupe, noose; λυγίζω see lag. Skeat regards the Eng. as borrowed from the Celtic. Hence lùib, a fold, creek, angle.

luch, a mouse, Ir., O. Ir. luch, g. lochat, W. llyg, llygoden, Corn. logoden, Br. logodenn, pl. logod: *lukot-, *pluko-, "gray-one"; Lit. pilkas, gray, pele, mouse; root pel, pol, gray, as under liath. Stokes refers it to the Gadelic root luko-, dark (read lauko- or louko-), whence E. Ir. loch (read lóch), which he takes from I. E. leuq, shine (Lat. lux, etc.), comparing W. llwg, vivid, blotchy, to which add W. llug, blotch, dawning. From this obsolete G. word lóch, dark, comes the name of the rivers Lòchaidh, Adamnan's Nigra Dea or Loch-dae, which we may take as the G. form of it from another of his references.

lùchairt, a palace, castle; see longphort.

luchd, people, Ir. luchd, O. Ir. lucht, W. llwyth, tribe: *lukto-, from plug, pulg, Eng. folk, Ger. volk, whence O.Slov. pluku, a troop.

luchd, a burden, Ir. luchd, E. Ir. lucht, W. llywth a load: lukto-. The O. W. tluith (or maur-dluithruim, multo vecte) has suggested *tlukto-, allied to Lat. tollo, raise (Stokes). Eng. flock?

lùdag, the little finger, Ir. lughadóg, O. Ir. lúta, dat. lútain: *lûddôn-, root lûd, lud, Eng. little, Ag. S. lýtel, O. H. G. luzil; root lu, , Eng. loss, -less, Gr. λúω, etc.

lùdag, lùdan, lùdnan, a hinge, ludanan, hinges, Ir. lúdrach (Fol.), ludach ludann (O'R.):

ludair, a slovenly person, ludraig, bespatter with mud, luidir, wallow Ir. ludar (n.), ludair (vb.); two words from lod, mud, and luid, rag.

ludhaig, permit, allow: from the Eng. ’lowing, allowing. lughaic, stipulate for (Hend.).

lùgach, having crooked legs, lùgan, a deformed person, lùigean, a weakling: *lûggo-, root leug, lug, bend, Gr. λυγίζω, bend, Lit. lugnas, pliant.

lugh, swear, blaspheme, O. Ir. luige, oath, W. llw, Br. le: *lugio-n, oath, "binding"; Got. liugan, wed, O. H. G. urliugi, lawless condition, Ag. S. orlege, war.

lugh, a joint (M'A.), luighean, a tendon, ankle, Ir. luthach, joints, luighéan, a nave, M. Ir. luíthech, sinew.

lugha, less, Ir. lugha, O. Ir. lugu, laigiu, positive, lau, , little, W. llai, less, from llei, Br. lei, from lau: *legiôs, from *legu-s, little: Lat. levis; Gr. ἐλαχúς, little; Skr. laghá-s, light, Eng. light.

luibh, an herb, Ir. luibh, O. Ir. luib, lubgort, herb-garden, garden, W. lluarth, garden, Cor. luvorth, Br. liorz, garden: *lubi-, herb; Norse lyf, herb, Got. lubja-leisei, witchcraft, "herb-lore", O. H. G. luppi, poison, magic, Ag. S. lyb (do.).

luid, luideag, a rag, a slut, Ir. luid: *luddi, root lu, cut, lose, as under lot.

luidhear, a vent, chimney, louvre, W. llwfer; from M. Eng. louere, lover, smoke-hole, O. Fr. lover. The Norse ljóri, a louvre or roof-opening is from ljós, light.

luidse, a clumsy fellow; from the Sc. lotch, lout, louching, louting.

lùigean, a weak person; see lúgach.

luigh, lie; see laigh.

luighean, an ankle; cf. E. Ir. lua, foot, kick, O. Ir. lue, heel:

luighe-siùbhladh (laighe-siùbhladh), child-bed, Ir. luidhsiúbhail (Fol.), M. Ir. ben siuil, parturient woman, luige seola, child-bed. Stokes refers siuil to M. Ir. siul, bed, and compares the Eng. phrase to be brought a-bed. The G. and Ir. seem against this, for the idea of luighe-siùbhladh would then be "bed-lying"; still worse is it when leabaidh-shiùladh is used. Consider siubhal, bearing.

luigheachd, requital, reward: *lugi-, root lug, loug, as in luach.

luim, a shift, contrivance:

luimneach, active (Smith's S.D.); cf. luaineach.

luinneag, a ditty, Ir. luinnioc, chorus, glee, M. Ir. luindiuc, luindig, music-making; *lundo-, root lud, as in laoidh, Eng. lay?

luinneanach, tossing, floundering, paddling about; see lunn, a heaving billow.

luinnse, luinnsear, a sluggard, lazy vagrant, Ir. lunnsaire, idler, watcher; from Eng. lungis (obsolete), lounger.

lùir, torture, drub (M'A.); see laoir.

lùireach, a coat of mail, Ir. lúireach, E. Ir. lúirech, w. llurig; from Lat. lôrîca, from lôrum, a thong. Hence lùireach, a patched garment, an untidy female.

luirist, an untidy person, tall and pithless:

lum, part of the oar between the handle and blade; from N. hlumr, handle of an oar.

luma-làn, choke-full, also lom-làn and lumha-lan (Hend.); from lom+làn.

luman, a covering, great-coat, Ir. lumain, E. Ir. lumman (g. lumne, M'Con.). In some dialects it also means a "beating", that is a "dressing".

lùnasd, lùnasdal, lùnasdainn, Lammas, first August, Ir. lughnas, August, E. Ir. lúgnasad, Lammas-day: "festival of Lug"; from Lug, the sun-god of the Gael, whose name Stokes connects with Ger. locken, allure, Norse lokka (do.), and also Loki(?). E. Ir. nassad, festival (?), is referred by Rhys to the same origin as Lat. nexus, and he translates lúgnasad as "Lug's wedding" (Hib.Lect, 416).

lunn, a staff, oar-handle, lever; from Norse hlunnr, launching roller. See lonn. Dial. lund

lunn, a heaving billow (not broken); also lonn. See lonn, anger.

lunndair, a sluggard; cf. Fr. lendore, an idle fellow, from M.H.G. lentern, go slow, Du. lentern. Br. landar, idle, is borrowed from the Fr.

lunndan, a smooth grassy plot (possibly "marshy spot", Rob.). Hence place-name An Lunndan.

lunndraig, thump, beat; from the Sc. lounder, beat, loundering, a drubbing.

lur, delight, lurach, lovely, luran, darling, a male child; *luru-, root lu, lau, enjoy, as in lon.

lurc, a crease in cloth; from Sc. lirk, a crease, M. Eng. lerke, wrinkle.

lurcach, lame in the feet; see loirc.

lùrdan, cunning, a sly fellow; from Sc. lurdane, worthless person, M. Eng. lourdain, lazy rascal, from O. Fr. lourdein (n.), lourd, dirty, sottish, from Lat. luridum.

lurg, lurgann, a shank, Ir., E. Ir. lurgu g. lurgan; W. llorp, llorf, shank, shaft.

lus, an herb, plant, Ir. lus E. Ir. luss, pl. lossa, W. llysiau herbs, Cor. les, Br. louzaouen: *lussu-, from *lubsu-, root lub of luibh.

luspardan, a pigmy sprite, Martin's Lusbirdan; from lugh little (see lugha), and spiorad.

lùth strength, pith, Ir. lúth, E. Ir. lúth; cf. O. Ir. lúth, velocity, motion, from the root pleu, plu of luath. Or tlúth, from tel?

ma, if, Ir. , O. Ir. , ma, Cor., Br. ma (also mar); cf. Skr. sma, smâ, an emphatic enclitic (= "indeed") used after pronouns etc., the -sm- which appears in the I. E. pronoun forms (Gr. ἀμμε = ṇs-sme, us).