An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language/P
pab, shag, refuse of flax, wooly hair, and (M'A.) tassel (= bab), M. Ir. papp, popp, sprig, tuft, E. Ir. popp, bunch, which Stokes refers to a Celtic *bobbú-, *bhobh-nú-, from *bhobh, *bhabh, Lat. faba, bean, Gr. πομφός, blister, pémfix, bubble, Lettic bamba, ball, I. E. bhembho-, inflate. Eng. bob, cluster, bunch, appears in the 14th century, and Sc. has bob, bab correspondingly; the Gadelic and Eng. are clearly connected, but which borrowed it is hard to say. the meaning of pab as "shag, flax refuse" appears in the Sc. pab, pob. Borrowing from Lat. papula, pimple, root pap, swell, has been suggested.
pac, a pack, Ir. paca; from Eng. pack. Hence pacarras, a mass of confusion.
pacaid, a packet; from the Eng.
padhadh, thirst, Manx paa; seemingly formed by regressive analogy from the adjective pàiteach, thirsty, a side-form of pòiteach, drinking, bibulous, from pòit, Lat. pôtus, drunk. M. Ir. paadh is explained by Stokes as *spasâtu-, root spas or spes, Lat. spiro, breathe, W. ffun, breath, from *sposnâ. For phonetics see piuthar.
padhal, ewer, Ir. padhal, ewer, pail, W. padell, pan; from Eng. pail; cf. adhal, paidhir, staidhir, faidhir, rathad.
pàganach, heathen, Ir. páganach, págánta, M. Ir. pagánta; from Lat. paganus, villager, pagan, whence Eng. pagan.
pàidhneachas, a penalty, pledge; from pàigh, with leaning on peanas.
paidhir, a pair; from English pair, M. Eng. peire, Fr. paire, from Lat. par. Cf., for phonetics, faidhir (fair) and staidhir (stair).
paidir, the Lord's prayer, so Ir., M. Ir. paiter, O. Ir. pater, W. pater; from Lat. pater in Pater noster, etc., which begins the prayer.
paidreag, a patch, clout:
paidrean, a cluster of grapes, posy, string of beads, Ir. paidrín, rosary, necklace; from paidir.
pàigh, pàidh, pay, Ir. paidhe, payment; from Eng. pay.
pail-chlach, pavement, Ir. páil-chlach, stone pavement, páil, pabhail, pavement; formed from the Eng. pave, pavement.
pailleart, a box on the ear, a blow with the palm: *palm-bheart, "palm-action", from Lat. palma, palm; cf. W. palfad, stroke of the paw, Br. palfod, blow on the cheek.
pàilliun, a tent, Ir. pailliún; from M. Eng. pailyoun (Barbour), pavilon, Fr. pavillon, from Lat. papilionem, a butterfuly - tents being called after the butterfly because spread out like its wings. Stokes takes it direct from the Fr.
pailm, palm tree, Ir., M. Ir. pailm; from Lat. palma, whence Eng. palm.
pailt, plentiful, pailteas, plenty, Manx palchys, Cor. pals, plenteous, M.BR. paout, numerous, Br. paot, many, much; the G. is in all likelihood a Pictish word - a root qalt, I. E. qel, company, collection, as in clann, q.v.
paindeal, a panther; founded on the Eng. panther, M. Eng. pantere.
painneal, a panel, Ir. paineul, W. panel; from the Eng., M. Eng., Fr. panel.
painnse, a punch; from the Sc. painch, pench, Eng. pauch.
painntear, a snare, Ir. painteur, M. Ir. painntér; from M. Eng. pantere, snare for birds, O. Fr. pantiere. Hence Eng. painter, boat rope.
pàipeir, paper, Ir. pâipeur, W. papyr; from Lat. papyrus, whece Eng. paper.
paipin, poppy, Ir. paipín, W. pabi; from Lat. popaver, whence Eng. poppy.
pàirc, a park, Ir. páirc, W. parc, parwg; from M. Eng. park, parrok, now park.
pairilis, palsy, Ir., M. Ir. pairilis, W. parlys; from Lat. paralysis, whence Eng. palsy.
pàirt, a share, part, Ir. páirt, E. Ir. pairt, W. parth; from Lat. pars, partis, a part, whece Eng. part. M. Ir. pars, point of time less than a minute.
pàisd, a child, Ir. páisde; formed from M. Eng. páge, boy, Sc. page, boy, now Eng. page.
paisean, a fainting fit, Ir., M. Ir. páis, E. Ir. paiss, passio, suffering; from Lat. passionem, patior, suffer.
paisg, wrap; see pasgadh.
pait, a hump, lump, Ir. pait, M. Ir. pait, mass; also Ir. paiteóg, small lump of butter; from Eng. pat. Skeat thinks the Eng. is from the Gaelic, but the p is fatal to the word being native Gadelic.
pàiteag, a periwinkle (H.S.D., for Heb.):
palla, green shelf in a rock (Lewis); N. pallr, step, dais.
palmair, a rudder, Ir. palmaire; see falmadair.
pàlas, a palace, Ir. pálas, W. palas; from Lat. palatium, whence Eng. palace.
panna, a pan; from M. Eng. panne, now pan.
pannal, pannan, a band or company, also bannal, q.v.; from Eng. band.
pàp, the pope, Ir. pápa, O. Ir. papa, W., Br. pab; from Lat. papa, father, pope, Eng. pope.
paracas, a rhapsody (M'A.):
paradh, pushing, brandishing; cf. purr.
pàrant, a parent; from Eng. parent.
pardag, a pannier (Arm.):
pàrlamaid, parliament, Ir. pairliméid, M. Ir. pairlimint; from Eng. parliament.
parraist, a parish, Ir. parraisde; from Eng. parish, M. Eng. parische.
pàrras, paradise, Ir. parrthas, O. Ir. pardus, W. paradwys, Br. baradoz; from Lat. paradisus.
partan, a crab, portan (Skye), Ir. partán, portán, M. Ir. partan; Sc. partan. E. Ir. partar, partaing, ruby?
pasgadh, a wrapping, covering, pasgan, a bundle, pasg, a faggot; cf. Ir. faisg, a pen, W. ffasg, bundle, which last is certainly from Lat. fasces.
pasmunn, expiring pang (H.S.D.); from Eng. spasm? H.S.D. gives also the meaning "cataclysm applied to the sores of a dying person".
peabar, piobar, pepper, Ir. piobar, W. pubyr; from Lat. piper, Eng. pepper, Norse piparr.
peacadh, sin, so Ir., O. Ir. peccad, g. pectho, W. pechod, Br. pechet; from Lat. peccatum, peco, Eng. peccant.
péa-chearc, pea-hen: from the Eng. pea. See peucag.
peall, skin, hide, E. Ir. pell; from Lat. pellis, hide, allied to Eng. fell.
peallach, shaggy, matted in the hair, from peall, mat, hairy skin; see peall above.
peallaid, sheepskin; from Scotch pellet, a woolless sheepskin, Eng. pelt, from Lat. pellis through Fr.
peanas, punishment, Ir. píonús; from Lat. poena, with possibly a leaning on the English punish.
peann, a pen, so Ir., E. Ir. penn, W. pin; from Lat. penna.
pearluinn, fine linen, muslin; from Sc. pearlin, lace of silk or thread, Eng. purl, edgin of lace, from Fr. pourfiler, Lat. filum, thread.
pearsa, a person, Ir. pearsa, g. pearsan, O. Ir. pearsa, g. persine; from Lat. persona, Eng. person.
pearsail, parsley, Ir. pearsáil; from M. Eng. persil, Eng. parsley.
peasair, pease, Ir. pis, a pea, pl. piseanna, W. pys, Br. pl. piz; from Lat. pisum, Eng. pease.
peasan, impudent fellow, varlet; from Eng. peasant.
peasg, gash in skin, chapped gashes of hands, cranny, W. pisg, blisters; G. is possibly of Pictish origin. The Sc. pisket shrivelled has been compared.
peata, a pet, Ir. peata, E. Ir. petta; Eng. pet. Both Eng. and Gadelic are formed on some cognate of Fr. petit, little, Eng. petty (Stokes).
peic, a peck, Ir. peic, W. pec; from Eng. pec.
peighinn, a penny, Ir. pighin, E. Ir. pingin; from Ag. S. pennding, Norse peningr, now Eng. penny.
peilig, a porpoise; from Sc. pellack.
peileasach, frivolous; cf. Sc. pell, a soft, lazy person.
peileid, cod, husk, bag:
peileid, a slap on the head, the skull or crown of the head; in the last sense, cf. Sc. pallet, crown of the head, M. Eng. palet, head-piece. In the sense of "slap", cf Eng. pelt.
peileir, a bullet, Ir. peileur, L.M. Ir. pelér: from some French descendant of Lat. pila, ball, and allied to Eng. pellet, O. Fr. pelote, ball, Sp. pelote, connon ball.
peilisteìr, a quoit, flat stone; formed from the above stem?
peillic, a covering of skins or coarse clothe, Ir. peillic, a booth whose roof is covered with skins, E. Ir. pellec, basket of untanned hide; from Lat. pelliceus, made of skins, from pellis.
peinneag, a chip of stone for filling crevices in wall; from Sc. pinning, pinn (do.), allied to Eng. pin.
peinnteal, a snare; another form of paintear, q.v.
peirceall, the jaw, lower part of the face, corer, Ir. peircioll, cheekblade, corer: *for-ciobhull, "on-jaw"? See ciobhull.
peirigill, deger, Ir. peiriacul; from Lat. periculum.
péire, the buttocks, Ir. péire (O'R.); cf. Cor. pedren, buttock, W. pedrain. The word peurs, lente perdere (M'A.), is doubtless connected.
peireid, ferret (M'A.).
péiris, testiculi (H.S.D.); apparently from Fr. pierre.
peiteag, waistcoat, short jacket; from Sc. petycot, a sleeveless tunic worn by men, Eng. petticoat. Manx has pettie, flanel waistcoat, peddee, waistcoat.
peithir, a forester (pethaire, M'D.), peithire, a message boy (M'A.); cf. Sc. peddir, a pedlar, Eng. pedlar.
peithir, beithir, thunderbolt; a mythic and metaphoric use of beithir, q.v.
peitseag, a peach; Ir. peitseóg; from the Eng.
peòdar, pewtar, Ir. péatar, W. ffeutar; from Eng. pewter. Also feòdar, q.v.
peucag, pea-hen, Ir. pêacóg, peacock (Fol.); from Eng. peacock.
peur, a pear, Ir. piorra, péire (O'R.), W. peran; from Eg. pear.
peurda, flake of wool off the cards in the first carding:
peurdag, piartag, a partridge, Ir. pitrisg (Fol.); G. is from Sc. pertrik, a side form of Eng. partridge, Lat. perdic-em.
peursair, perchman, shore herd (Carm.):
pian, pain, Ir. pían, poena, W. poen, pain, Cor. peyn, Br. poan; from Lat. poena, Eng. pain.
pibhinn, lapwing; from Sc. peeweip, Eng. peewit. The true G. is adharcan, "horned one" (from adharc, because of the appearance of its head).
pic, pitch, Ir. pic, W. pyg; from M. Eng. pik, now pitch.
pìc, a pike, Ir. pice, W. pig, from the Eng.
piceal, pike, Ir. picill (Fol.); from the Eng.
pigeadh, pigidh, earthen jar, Ir. pigín, W. picyn; from Eng., Sc. piggin, pig, which is a metaphoric use of Eng. pig, sow.
pighe, pigheann, a pie, Ir. píghe; from the Eng.
pigidh, robin redbreast (H.S.D.); a confused use of Eng. pigeon?
pilig, peel, peeling (Dial.); from the Eng. See piol.
pill, a sheet, cloth, the cloth or skin on which corn is winnowed; a particular use of the oblique form of peall, q.v. M. Ir. pill or pell means "rug".
pill, turn, Ir. pillim, better fillim (O'B.); see till for discussion of the root.
pillean, pack-saddle, pillion, Ir. pillín, W. pilyn; Eng. pillion is allied, if not borrowed, according to Skeat. All are formed on Lat. pellis (see peall). Sc. has pillions for "rags"; Br. pill (do.).
pinne, a pin, peg, Ir. pionn (Lh.), W. pin; from M. Eng. pinne, now pin.
pinnt, a pint, Ir. piúnt (Fol.); from the Eng.
pìob, a pipe, a musical instrument, Ir. píob, E. Ir. píp, pl. pipai (Lib.Leinster), (music) pipe; from Med.Lat. pîpa, whence Ag. S. pîpe, Eng. pipe, Ger. pfeife, Norse pípa. W., Cor., and Br. have pib, pipe, similarly borrowed.
piobar, pepper; see peabar.
pìobull, the bible (Dial.): see bìobull.
pioc, pick, Ir. piocaim; from Eng. pick. Thur. thinks that W. pigo is ultimately from the Romance picco (point), Fr. pique, or allied thereto. Skeat takes the Eng. from Celtic; but see Bradley's Stratmann.
piocach, a saith, coalfish (Wh.):
piocaid, pickaxe, Ir. piocóid; from pioc, Eng. pick, a pickaxe, from Fr. pic (do.). Whether the termination is Gadelic or the Fr. word piquet, little pickaxe, Eng. picket, was borrwed at once, it is hard to say.
pìochan, a wheezing, Manx piaghane, hoarseness, Ir. spiochan; Sc. pech, pechin, panting, peught, asthmatic. Onomatopoetic Cf. Lat. pipire, chirp, pipe. W. has peuo, pant.
pioghaid, pigheid, a magpie, Ir. pioghaid (Fol.), pighead (O'R.); from Sc. pyat, pyet, diminutive of pie, M. Eng. pye, now usually mag-pie.
piol, nibble, pluck; from Eng. peel, earlier, pill, pyll, peel, pluck, ultimately from Lat. pellis. Also spiol, q.v. W. has pilio, peel, strip.
piollach, (1) neat, trim (M'F., H.S.D., Arm.), (2) hairy (= peallach, of which it is a side form, H.S.D., etc.), fretful, curious-looking (M'A.). The second sense belongs to peallach, the first to piol: "pilled".
piollaiste, trouble, vexation: "plucked" state, from piol?
pioraid, hat, cap; see biorraid.
pìorbhuic, piorrabhuic, periwig, Ir. peireabhuic; from the Eng.
piorr, scrape or dig (H.S.D.), stab, make a lunge at one (M'A.); the first sense seems from Sc., Eng. pare; for the second, see purr.
piorradh, a squall, blast; from L.M. Eng. pirry, whirlwind, blast, Sc. pirr, gentle breeze, Norse byrr, root bir, pir, of onomatopoetic origin (Skeat, sub pirouette, for Eng.).
pìos, a piece, Ir. píosa; from Eng. piece, Fr. pièce, Low Lat. pettium, from Gaulish *pettium, allied to G. cuit, Pictish pet (see pit).
pìos, a cup, Ir. píosa; from Lat. pyxis, box (Stokes).
piostal, a pistol, so Ir.; from Eng.
pipheanaich, giggling (M'D.):
piseach, prosperity, luck, Manx bishagh, Ir. biseach, M. Ir. bisech. Cf. Ir. piseóg, witchcraft, M. Ir. pisóc, charm, Manx pishag, charm, Cor. pystry, witchcraft, M. Br. pistri, veneficium, which Bugge refers to Lat. pyxis, medicine box (see pìos).
piseag, a kitten, Ir. puisín; from Eng. puss. Aran Ir. piseóg, see bream.
pit, hollow or pit (Dict. only), κúσθος, M. G. pit (D. of L.), Manx pitt, Ir. pit; from Ag. S. pyt, pit, well, now pit, from Lat. puteus, well. for force, cf. Br. fetan, fountain, fete, κúσθος. The non-existent Dict. meaning is due to the supposed force of topographic pit discussed in the next article.
Pit-, prefix in farm and townland names in Pictland, meaning "farm, portion"; O. G. pet, pett, g. pette (B. of Deer), a Pictish word allied to W. peth, part, Gaelic cuid. See further under cuid and pìos.
piùg, a plaintive note (H.S.D.); cf. W. puch, sigh. Onomatopoetic?
piuthar, sister, Ir. siur, E. Ir. siur, fiur, g. sethar, fethar, O. Ir. siur, W. chwaer, Corn. huir, Br. hoar: *svesôr, g. svestros (Stokes); Lat. soror (= sosor); Eng. sister; Lit. sesüó; Skr. svâsar.
plab, soft noise as of a body falling into water; from Sc. plope, Dial. Eng. plop: onomatopoetic like plump. Skeat compares Eng. blab. See plub.
placaid, a wooden dish; through Sc. (?) from Fr. plaquette, plaque, a plate, whence Eng. placard, Sc. placad. M'A. gives also the meaning "flat, broad, good-natured female", which is a metaphoric use.
plaibean, a lump of raw flesh, a plump boy; founded on Sc. plope, as in plab above. Cf. Eng. plump.
plaide, a blanket, Ir. ploid; Eng. plaid, Sc. plaiden, coarse woollen cloth, like flannel, but twilled: all are founded on Lat. pellis, but whether invented by Gadelic or English is at present doubtful. Skeat says it is Celtic, a view which, as the case stands, has most to say for it; cf. G. peallaid, sheepskin. Dunbar's "Hieland Pladdis".
plàigh, a plague, Ir. pláigh, E. Ir. plág, W. pla; from Lat. plâga, disaster, M. Eng. pláge, Eg. plague.
plais, a splash; from Sc. plash, to strike water suddenly, Eng. plash, splash.
plam, anything curdled: cf. Br. plommein, a clot, as of blood. See slaman. M'A. gives it the meaning of "fat blubber cheek". Arg. has "bainne plumaichte", curdled or soured mild.
plang, a plack - a Scots coin; from Sc. plack, a copper coin equal to four pennies Scots, which came with the Flemish, etc., and is allied to Fr. plaque, used of coin, though really a "metal dish, etc.". See placaid.
plangaid, a blanket; Ir. plainceud (Fol.); from the Eng.
plannta, a plant, Ir. planda; from Eng. plant, Lat. planta.
plaosg, a husk, shell, Manx pleayse, Ir. plaosg, W. plisg (pl.), Br. pluskenn. This Ernault considers borrowed from Romance - Fr. peluche, shag, plush, Eng. plush, from Lat. *pilucius, hairy, pilus, hair: an unlikely derivation. Seemingly blaosg is another form (Manx bleayst, M. Ir. blaesc, W. blisg): *bhloid-sko-, root bhlōi, bhlē, bhel, swell, etc.; Gr. φλοιός (*βχλοvιο-?), bark, shell, φλέδων, bladder.
plàsd, a plaster, Ir. plasdruighim; from the Eng.
plàt, a sort of cloth made of straw; from Sc. plat, plait, Eng. plait. M'A. has the meaning "thrust, clap on", from Sc. plat, a stroke to the ground, blow with the fist, M. Eng. platten, strike, throw down, Ag. S. plaettan.
plath, pladh, a flash, glance, puff of wind; from *svḷ-, root svel of solus?
pleadhag, a dibble, paddle; also bleaghan, spleadhan, q.v.
pleadhart, a buffet, blow; from pailleart?
pleasg, a noise, crack, Ir. pléasg (pleasg Lh.) - an Ir. word (M'A.), Ir. pleasgan or pléascán, noise: cf. Sc. pleesk, plesk, plash, pleesh-plash, dabbling in water or mud.
pleasg, a string of beads:
pleat, a plait; from Sc. plett, Eng. plait.
pleigh, quarrel, fight, Ir. pléidh, debate; Sc. pley, quarrel, debate, all from M. Eng. pleie, plege, Ag. S. plega, game, fight, Eng. play.
pleoisg, plodhaisg, a booby, simpleton; cf. W. bloesg, a stammerer (mlaisqo-), Skr. mlecchati, talk barbarously, mleccha, foreigner, Lat. blaesus, Gr. βλαισός.
pleòdar, pewter; from Eng. spelter, with leaning on peòdar.
pliad (H.S.D., Dial.), a plot of ground; of Scandinavian origin - Swed plaetti, a plot of ground, Eng. plot, plat (Dr Cameron).
pliadach, flat, as of foot (Carm.):
pliadh, a splay foot; from Eng. splay.
pliaram, babbling (H.S.D.); for *bliaram; see blialum, from Sc. blellum.
plionas, a hypocritical smile (Wh.):
pliotair (pliodaire, M'A.), a fawner, cajoler; cf. Ir. pleadail, pleading; from Eng. plead.
pliut, a clumsy foot; cf. Sc. ploots, the feet when bare (Shet.), plootsacks, feet. Hence pliutach, a seal. See spliut.
ploc, a roud mass, clod, block (rare), Ir. bloc, a block, W. ploc, block, plug, Br. bloc'h, block, mass: Gadelic and W. are from Eng. block, from Fr. bloc, of German origin - Ger. block, clod, lump, from the root of Eng. balk.
plod, a clod; from Sc. plod, ploud, a green sod (Aberdeen).
plod, a fleet, Manx plod; from Norse floti, Eng. fleet, float, etc.
plod, a pool of standing water, Manx, Ir. plod; from M. Eng. plodde, a puddle, Eng. plod, originally "to wade through water", ploude, wade through water (Grose), Sc. plout, plouter (do.).
plodadh, parboiling; from Sc. plot, to scald or burn with boiling water, plottie, a rich and pleasant hot drink made of cinnamon, cloves, etc. Also "floating" wood down river.
ploic, the mumps; see pluic.
plosg, palpitate, throb, Ir. plosg (O'R., Fol.), blosgadh, sounding, E. Ir. blosc ("ro clos blosc-béimnech a chride", the hitting sound of his heart). See blosg.
plub, a plump, sudden fall into water; from Eng. plump. Cf. plab. Hence plubraich, gurgling, plunging; etc.
plub, an unweildy mass or lump; from the Eng. plump.
plubair, a booby, one speaking indistinctly, blubberer; from Eng. blubber.
pluc, a lump, pimple, Manx plucan, pimple; seemingly a side form of ploc. M. Ir. has plucc, club or mace. Cf. Sc. pluke, a pimple.
pluc, pluck, Manx pluck; from the Eng.
plùc, beat, thump; from M. Eng. pluck, a stroke.
plucas, the flux; founded on Lat. fluxus?
plùch, squeeze, compress, Ir. pluchaim, Manx ploogh, suffocation:
pluic, cheek, blub cheek, Ir. pluc: "puffed cheek"; from ploc.
pluideach, club-footed; see pliut.
plùirean, a flower, Ir. plúr; from M. Eng. flour (now flower), O. Fr. flour (now fleur).
plum, plunge into water; see plumb.
plùm, one who sits stock still, dead calm:
pluma, plumba, a plummet, Ir. plumba; from Eng. plumb, Fr. plomb, from Lat. plumbum, lead.
plumb, noise of fallinng into water, plunge; from Eng. plump.
plumbas, plumbais, a plum, Ir. pluma; from M. Eng. ploume, now plum.
plundrainn, plunder, booty; from Eng. plundering.
plùr, flour, Ir. flúr; from M. Eng. flour; same as Eng. flower, flour being for "flower of wheat".
plutadh, falling down, as of rain; from Sc. plout, Belg. plotsen, Ger. plotzlich, sudden, from *plotz, "quickly falling blow".
pobull, people, Ir. pobal, O. Ir. popul, W., Br. pobl, Cor. pobel; from Lat. populus, whence Eng. people.
poca, a bag; from Sc. pock, Ag. S. poca, Norse, poki, O. Fr. poche.
pòca, pòcaid, pocket, pouch, Ir. póca, pócait (F.M.), bag, pouch; from M. Eng. póke, Ag. S. poca, as above. Eng. pocket, M. Eng. poket, is a diminutive. K.Meyer takes the Ir. from the Norse poki.
pòg, pàg, a kiss, Manx paag, Ir. póg, O. Ir. póc, pócnat, osculum, W. póc, Br. pok; from Lat. pâcem, "the kiss of peace", which was part of the ritual for the Mass; hence in Church Lat. dare pacem, means "to give the kiss". The old Celtic liturgies generally carry the rubric "Hic pax datur" immediately before the Communion.
pòireagan, rag, rags (M'D.):
poit, a pot, Ir. pota, W. pot, Br. pod; from Eng. and Fr. pot, from Lat. potare ultimately. See next.
pòit, drinking, tippling, Ir. póit: from Lat. pôtus, drunk (Eng. potation, poison, etc.). See òl.
poitean, a small truss of hay or straw; see boitean.
poll, a pool, a hole, mud, Ir., E. Ir. poll, W. pwll, Cor. pol, Br. poull; from Late Lat. padulus, pool, a metathesis of palus, paludis, marsh (Gaidoz), whece It. padula, Sp. paúl. Teutonic has Ag. S. pól, Eng. pool, Du. poel, O. H. G. pfuol, Ger. pfuhl. Skeat considers that poll is from Low Lat. padulis, and that the Ag. S. pól was possibly borrowed from the British Latin or Latin remains seen in place-names having port, street, -chester, etc. (Principles 1 437).
poll, pollair, nostril, Ir. polláire, poll-sróna; from poll.
pollag, the fish pollock or lythe - gadus pollachius, of the cod and whiting genus, Ir. pullóg; from poll? Hence the Eng. name. The Irish Eng. pollan, Sc. powan, is a different fish - of the salmon genus.
pollairean, the dunlin (Heb.), polidna alpina. Mr Swainson (Folklore of British Birds) translates its Gaelic name as "bird of the mud pits (poll)", an exact description, he says.
ponach, boy, lad (Dial.), poinneach (W.Ross); cf. Manx ponniar, a boy, a small fish basket? In ARg. boinnean (Wh.), from boinne. Cf. use of proitseach. The word is for bonach.
pònaidh, a pony; from the Sc. pownie, from O. Fr. poulenet (l lost as usual), little colt, now poulain, a colt, from Med.Lat. pullanus, from Lat. pullus, foal, Eng. foal, filly.
pònair, bean or beans, Ir. pónaire, M. Ir. ponaire; from Norse baun, O. H. G. pôna, Ger. bohne, Eng. bean, Du. boon (Stokes' Celt. Dec.).
pong, a point, note, pongail, punctual; see punc.
pòr, seed, spore, Ir. pór, seed, clan, W. par, germ; from Gr. σπόρος, seed, Eng. spore.
port, harbour, port, Ir. port, harbour, fort, O. Ir. port, W., Corn. porth, Br. pors, porz; from Lat. portus, Eng. port.
port, a tune, Ir. port, M. Ir. ceudport, rhyme, prelude: "carry = catch"; from Lat. porto, carry. Sc. port, catch, tune, is from Gaelic. Cf. Eng. sport, from Lat. dis-port.
pòs, marry, O. G. pústa, wedded (B. of Deer), M. Ir. pósaim; from Lat. sponsus, sponsa, betrothed, from spondeo, I promise (Eng. spouse, respond, etc.).
post, post, beam, pillar, Ir. posda, posta, W. post; from the Eng. post, from Lat. postis. Pl. puist, slugs for shooting (Wh.).
prab, discompose, ravel (pràb, H.S.D.), prabach, dishevelled, ragged, blear-eyed, Ir. prábach (O'R.): "suddenly arrayed", from prap?
pràbar, pràbal, a rabble; from pràb, prab, discompose. See above word.
prac, vicarage dues, small tithes, which were paid in kind (N. H. and Isles), pracadair, tithe collector; from Sc. procutor, Eng. proctor, procurator.
pracas, hotch-potch; cf. Sc., Eng. fricasse.
pràcais, idle talk; from Eng. fracas?
pràdhainn, press of business, flurry (M'A. for Islay), Ir. praidhin, O. Ir. brothad, a moment; see priobadh.
prainnseag, mince collops, haggis; from prann, pound (M'A.), a side form of pronn, q.v.
prais, brass, pot-metal (Arm.), pot (M'A.), pràis, brass (H.S.D., M'L., M'E.), Manx prash, Ir. práis, prás, W. pres; from M. Eng. bras, Ag. S. bræs. Hence praiseach, bold woman, concubine, meretrix.
praiseach, broth, pottage, etc., Ir. praiseach, pottage, kale, M. Ir. braissech, W. bresych, cabbages; from Lat. brassica, cabbage.
pràmh, a slumber, slight sleep:
pràmh, priam, heaviness; properly "blear-eyed-ness"; cf. Ir. srám, eye-rheum.
praonan, an earthnut; see braonan.
prap, quick, sudden, Ir. prab, M. Ir. prap; see under priobadh.
prasach, a manger, crib, frasach, (M'Rury):
prasgan, brasgan, a group, flock; cf. Ir. prosnán, a troop, company (O'R.):
prat, a trick (Wh.); pratail, tricky; see protaig.
preachan, a crow, kite, moor-bittern, Ir. preachan, crow, kite, osprey (accordinng to the adj. applied), M. Ir. prechan, crow, raven:
preachan, a mean orator (M'A.), Ir. preachoine, crier, M. Ir. prechoineadha, præcones; from the Lat. praeco(n), crier, auctioneer.
preas, a bush, brier, W. prys, burshwood, covert: *qṛst-, root qer of crann? The G., which is borrowed, is doubtless of Pictish origin.
preas, a press, cupboard, Manx, prest; from the Eng. press.
preas, a wrinkle, fold; from the Eng. press.
preathal, confusion of mind, dizziness; see breitheal.
prighig, fry; from the Eng. frying.
prìne, a pin; from the Sc. preen, M. Eng. prēon, Ag. S. préon, Norse prjónn, Ger. pfriem.
priobadh, winking, twinkling (of the eye), Ir. prap in le prap na súl, in the twinkling of the eyes (Keating), from prap, sudden, preaba in na bi preaba na sula muich (B. of Moyra), M. Ir. prapud, brief space (as twinkling of the eyes), la brafad súla, older friha brathad sula, where we get the series prapud, brafad, brathad (g. brotto), O. Ir. brothad, moment. Stokes compares the similar Gothic phrase - in brahva augins, where brahv might = a British *brap, borrowed into Irish. The form frafad could easily develop into brap; the difficulty is the passinng of th of brothad (which gives g. brotto) info f of brafad (but see Rev.Celt.10 57). The G. priobadh has its vowel influenced by preabadh, kicking, that is, breabadh, q.v. Zim. (Zeit.32 223) cites brofte, momentary, and says brafad is made from bro, eyebrow, falsely.
priobaid, a trifle, priobair, a worthless fellow; from Sc. bribour, low beggarly fellow, M. Eng. bribour, rascal, thief; from O. Fr. bribeur, beggar, vagabond, briber, to beg, bribe, morsel of bread, Eng. bribe. Hence priobaid is from an early Northern form of Eng. bribe. See breaban further.
prìomh, prime, chief, Ir. príomh, a principal, primh, prime, O. Ir. prím, W. prif; from Lat. primus, first, Eng. prime.
prìonnsa, a prince, so Ir., M. Ir. prindsa; from M. Eng. and Fr. prince (Stokes takes it from Fr. direct).
prìosan, prison, Ir. príosún, M. Ir. prísún; from M. Eng. prisoun, from O. Fr. prison (Stokes takes it from O. Fr. prisun).
prìs, price, W. pris; from M. Eng. prīs, from O. Fr. prīs, Lat. pretium.
probhaid, profit; from the Eng.
procach, a year-old stag (Rob Donn):
proghan, dregs, lees:
proinn, a dinner, O. G. proinn (B. of Deer), Ir. proinn, O. Ir. proind, praind; from Lat. prandium.
pròis, pride, haughtiness; from Sc. prossie, prowsie, nice and particular, Dut. prootsch, preutsch, proud, Eng. proud. The Arran Dial. has pròtail for pròiseil.
proitseach, a boy, stripling; cf. brod balaich, brodan, boy, from brod. The termination is -seach, really a fem. one. In Arg. propanach, a boy, from prop, also geamht.
pronn, foon; see proinn.
pronn, bran, Manx pronn; see next word. Hence Sc. pron.
pronn, pound, bray, mash, Manx pronney, pouding; see, for root and form, bronn, distribute, from the root bhrud, break, which thus in G. means (1) distribute, (2) break or crush. Hence pronnag, a crumb, Sc. pronacks.
pronnasg, brimstone; formed on Sc. brunstane, Norse brenisteinn, Eng. brimstone. Dial. of Badenoch has the form pronnasdail.
pronndal, muttering, murmering (Dial. brundlais):
prop, a prop, Ir. propa; from Eng. prop.
propanach, a boy (Wh.):
prosnaich, incite; see brosnaich.
protaig, a trick; from Sc. prattick, trick, stratagem, Ag. S. prœtt, craft, prœtig, tricky, Eng. pretty, Norse prettr, a trick.
prothaisd, a provost; from the Eng.
pubull, a tet, Ir. pupal, g. puible, O. Ir. pupall, W. pabell, pebyll; from Lat. papilio, butterfly, tent, Eg. pavilion. See pàilliun.
pùc, push, jostle; from the Sc. powk, thrust, dig, M. Eng. pukken, pouken, póken, to thrust, poke, Eng. poke, Ger. pochen, knock, Dial. fùc.
pucaid, a pimple; see bucaid.
pudhar, harm, injury, Ir. púdhar (O'B.), M. Ir. pudar, E. Ir. púdar, pudar; from Lat. pudor, shame. Usually taken as borrowed from Lat. pûtor, rottenness, Eng. putrid.
pùic, a bribe:
puicean, a veil, covering, Ir. puicín:
puidse, a pouch; from the Eng.
puinneag, sorrel:
puinneanach, beat, thump; from M. Eng. pounen, now pound, Ag. S. punian.
puinse, punch, toddy; from Eng. punch.
puinsean, puision, poison; from the Eng. Manx has pyshoon.
pùirleag, a crest, tuft, Ir. puirleógach, crested, tufted (O'B., Sh.), puirleog (O'R.) - an Irish word. See pùrlag.
pulag, round stone, ball, pedestal, also pulag; from M. Eng. boule, a ball or bowl, now bowl, Fr. boule.
pulaidh, turkey cock: Fr. poulet.
pùlas, pot-hook (Dial.); see bùlas.
punc, a point, note, Ir. punc, O. Ir. ponc, W. pwnc; from Lat. punctum, Eng. point.
punnan, a sheaf, Manx bunney, Ir. punnann, E. Ir. punann, pundand (Corm.); from Norse bundin, a sheaf, bundle, Eng. bundle, bind.
punnd, a pound, Ir. punta, punt, M. Ir. punt; from the Eng.
punnd, a place for securing stray cattle, a pound; from the Eng. pound.
punntainn, funntainn, benumbment by cold or damp; cf. Eng. swoon, M. Eng. swoghne, *swog-. Cf. Sc. fundy.
purgaid, a purge, Ir. purgóid; from Lat. purgatio, Eng. purgation, purge.
purgadoir, purgatory, Ir. purgadóir, E. Ir. purgatoir, Br. purgator; from Lat. purgatorium, Eng. purgatory.
pùrlag, a rag, tatter, fragment:
purp, purpais, sense, mental faculty; from Eng. purpose.
purpaidh, purpur, purple, Ir. purpuir, M. Ir. purpuir, W. porphor: from Lat. purpura, Eng. purple. The old Gadelic form, borrowed through British, is corcur.
purr, thrust, push; from Sc. porr, thrust, stab, Du. porren, poke, thrust, Low.Ger. purren, poke about; further Eng. pore.
pus, a cat, Ir. pus; from the Eng.
put, the cheek (Stew., H.S.D.); from Eng. pout.
put, thrust, push; from Sc. put, push, thrust, M. Eng. puten, push, now Eng. put. Also G. but, butadh.
pùt, young of moorfowl; from Sc. pout (do.), Eng. poult, chicken, from Fr. poulet, from Lat. pulla, a hen, pullus, young fowl.
pùt, a large buoy, usually of inflated sheepskin; seemingly of Scand. origin - Swedish Dial. puta, be inflated; cf. Eng. pudding, W. pwtyn, a short round body, Cor. pot, bag, pudding.
putag, oarpin, also butag; from Eng. butt. Cf. Am Buta Leòdhasach, the Butt of Lewis.
putag, a pudding, Ir. putóg; from the Eng.
putag, a small rig of land (H.S.D.):
putan, a button, W. botwn; from Eng. button.
puth, puff, sound of a shot, syllable; onomatopoetic. Cf. Eng. puff, etc.
puthar, power (M'A.); from the Eng. power.