An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/Annotated/Asche
Asche (1.), feminine, ‘ashes, cinders,’ from Middle High German asche (esche), Old High German asca, feminine, ‘ashes’; corresponds to Dutch asch, Anglo-Saxon asce, œsce, feminine, English ashes (but also singular in bone-ash, potash, &c.); Old Icelandic aska, feminine, ‘ashes’; akin also to the abnormal Gothic azgô, feminine, ‘ashes’ (but Spanish ascua is borrowed). Trustworthy correspondences in other languages are wanting, nor is Esche allied to it. —
Asche (2.), feminine, ‘grayling,’ from the equivalent Middle High German asche, Old High German asco, masculine; scarcely allied to Asche, as if the fish were named from its ash-grey colour; Italian lasco.