An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/Annotated/Metzger
Metzger, masculine, from the equivalent Middle High German mętzjœre, mętzjer, masculine, ‘butcher.’ Adopted in the Middle High German period from Middle Latin; at least no better explanation can be found than the derivation from Middle Latin macellarius, from which, through the medium of mazil-, Old High German *męzijâri, with a German accent and mutation, would be evolved. Allied to Middle Latin macellum, ‘shambles,’ macellarius, ‘qui carnem in macello vendit’; yet the change of ll into j is not clear, therefore a Middle Latin *macearius (Old High German *mezzigâri) has been assumed. From Middle Latin macellarius were derived Middle High German mętzler, Old High German męzzilâri, ‘pork-butcher.’