An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/Annotated/Minne

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Minne, feminine, reintroduced in the latter half of the 18th century on the revival of Old German studies, from the equivalent Middle High German minne, feminine, ‘love,’ which became obsolete in the transition from Middle High German to Modern High German; Old High German minna, feminine, Old Saxon minna, minnia, feminine ‘love,’ literally and originally ‘recollection, memory’; compare Old Icelandic minne, neuter, ‘remembrance, recollection, toast.’ English mind, from Anglo-Saxon mynd, is also connected with the same root man, men; compare Gothic muns, ‘meaning.’ These belong to the common Aryan and also Teutonic root men, man, ‘to think’; compare Greek μένος, ‘temper, disposition,’ μιμνήσκω, ‘I remember,’ Latin memini, reminiscor, mens, moneo, Sanscrit root man, ‘to opine, believe, think of, purpose’; compare mahnen and Mann.