An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/Annotated/Scheide
Scheide, feminine, ‘sheath,’ from Middle High German scheide, Old High German sceida, feminine, ‘scabbard’; compare Old Saxon scéðia, feminine, Dutch scheede, feminine, Anglo-Saxon sčœ̂ð, feminine, English sheath, Old Icelandic skeiðer (plural), ‘sheath’; Gothic *skaiþi (from skaitî), feminine, ‘sheath,’ is wanting (the term used being fôdr, neuter, ‘sheath,’ see Futteral). Allied to scheiden, hence literally ‘separation, the separating covering’?. Modern High German Scheide, ‘separation, parting,’ is the same word; compare Middle High German scheide, feminine, ‘separation, severing, departure, distinction, boundary’; Old High German sceida.