An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/Bolle
Bolle (1.), f., ‘onion,’ properly identical with the following word; both are subdivisions of a probable primary meaning, ‘bulbaceous.’ It is hardly probable that Gr. βολβός, Lat. bulbus (whence E. bulb), ‘bulb, onion,’ had any influence on the meaning. See also Zwiebel.
Bolle (2.), ‘bulb,’ from MidHG. bolle, OHG. bolla, f., ‘bud, bowl’; comp. the corresponding AS. bolla, ‘vessel, bowl,’ E. bowl (ModHG. Bowle, is borrowed from Eng.). Interesting forms are OHG. hirnibolla, ‘skull,’ and the equiv. AS. heáfodbolla. It is evident that there was orig. some such idea as ‘boss-shaped’ in the OTeut. word; comp. farther MidHG. boln, OHG. bolôn, ‘to roll, throw, hurl.’