An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/Ferkel
Ferkel, n., ‘sucking-pig,’ from MidHG. vęrker, verchel, vęrhelîn, OHG. farhelî(n); dimin. of MidHG. varch, n., ‘pig, sucking-pig,’ OHG. farah, farh, n.; AS. fearh, m., E. farrow; Du. varken, n., ‘pig’; Goth. *farha- is wanting. In any case it is a pre-Teut. word, since the allied Aryan languages have words corresponding to it both in sound and meaning; *farhaz from pre-Teut. porkos, corresponds to Lat. porcus (Gr. πόρκος), Lith. pàrszas, OSlov. prasę, n., OIr. orc. Like Eber and Schwein, this word too, unknown to Indian, is essentially West Aryan, while Kuh is a common Aryan word.