An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/Lauer
Lauer, m., ‘tart wine.’ “It is derived from Lat. lôra, which denotes the tart wine that is made from the skins and stones of grapes by pouring water on them” (Lessing). Even in OHG. lûra, MidHG. lûre, f. (OHG. lûrra, MidHG. liure, from the prim. form *lôrea, appears in the equiv. Suab. leier; to this Swiss glöri from OHG. glûrra is allied?). As to the period of the introduction of Italian vine-culture into Germany, comp. Wein, Winzer, Keller, Kelch, and Most. Lat. lôrea is also indicated by Ital. loja, ‘dirt.’