An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/Leiste
Leiste (1.), f., ‘list, border, selvage,’ from MidHG. lîste, OHG. lîsta, f., ‘long strip, edge, lace, list’; comp. AS. lîst, f., E. list; Ic. lísta (lĭsta?), f., ‘border, strip’; in the non-Teut. languages there are no cognates. Note, however, the words borrowed in Rom. Ital. lista, Fr. liste, ‘strip, lace.’
Leiste (2.), f., ‘groin,’ ModHG. only, probably not connected with the preceding word, but with Goth. *laistô, f. The latter is indicated also by E. last (dial.), ‘groin.’ The equiv. AS. leósca, MidE. lêske, ModDu. liesche, OSwed. liuske, Dan. lŷske, diverge too widely in sound from the HG. form; the attempt to connect it with MidLat. laisius, ‘lap’ (Lex Salica), is also dubious.