An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/Pflug
Pflug, m., from the equiv. MidHG. pfluoc (gen. -ges), m., OHG. pfluog, pfluoh, m., ‘plough’; corresponding to the equiv. Du. ploeg, AS. plôh, E. plough, OIc. plógr. These cognates, which were diffused in Teut. at an early period, as may be inferred from the agreement of the dialects, curiously correspond to the Slav. class, Serv. and Russ. plugŭ (Lith. pliugas), though the normal permutation does not take place in Teut. The Slav. word is probably borrowed from the Teut. original, which was perhaps acquired during the migratory period; comp. Pfad. Teut. plôgo also appears in Rhæto-Rom. and in Upper Ital.; Tyrol. plof, Lombard. piò. OTeut. likewise contained many terms for ‘plough’ which afterwards became obsolete; AS. sulh (primit. allied to Lat. sulcus), Goth. hôha, OIc. arl, OSax. ęrida. —