An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/Rebhuhn
Rebhuhn, n., ‘partridge,’ from the equiv. MidHG. rëphuon, OHG. rëba-huon, rëbhuon, n.; it is not probable that Rebhuhn signifies ‘the fowl that is fond of frequenting vines (Reben).’ Perhaps reba- has here another sense. To assume also, on account of LG. raphon, Swed. rapphöna, ‘partridge’ (OIc. rjúpa, ‘ptarmigan’), that the word is derived from LG. rapp, ‘quick,’ is inadmissible, since the HG. term occurs at a very early period. It is most probably connected with the equiv. Russ. rjabka (allied to OSlov. rębŭ, Russ. rjaboj, ‘variegated’).