An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/Traum
Traum, m., ‘dream, vision,’ from the equiv. MidHG. and OHG. troum, m.; corresponding to the equiv. OSax. drôm, Du. droom, E. dream (recorded about 1200 A.D.), OIc. draumr. The signification ‘dream,’ occurring in all these cognates, may be deduced from the lit. meaning, ‘phantom, illusion,’ so that Teut. draumo- (for draugmo- or draugwmó-?) would be connected with trügen. In any case, OSax. drôm (E. dream) and OSax. drâm (AS. dreám), ‘shout of joy, noise,’ must be regarded as etymologically different words; the latter is connected with Gr. θρῦλος, ‘noise.’ — Derivative träumen, vb., ‘to dream,’ from MidHG. tröumen, MidHG. and OHG. troumen.