An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/Wut

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An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, W (1891)
by Friedrich Kluge, translated by John Francis Davis
Friedrich Kluge2508666An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, W — Wut1891John Francis Davis

Wut, f., ‘rage, fury, madness,’ from the equiv. MidHG. and OHG. wuot, f.; in OHG. also wuot, AS. wôd, E. wood, adj., ‘furious, mad,’ Goth. wôds, ‘possessed, lunatic.’ There exist, besides these cognates, AS. wôð, ‘voice, song,’ OIc. óðr, ‘poetry, song.’ The connection between the meanings is found in the primit. allied Lat. vátes, ‘inspired singer’ (OIr. fáith, ‘poet’); comp. the Sans. root vat, ‘to animate spiritually.’ From the same is prob. derived the name of the OTeut. god Wôdan (AS. Wôden, *Wêden, OSax. Wôdan, OIc. Oðenn, OHG. Wuotan), whose name is preserved in Du. Woensdag, E. Wednesday. The orig. mythological idea of das wütende Heer, ‘the spectral host,’ is based on MidHG. (and OHG.) Wuotanes her, ‘Odin’s host.’