An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/säen
säen, vb., ‘to sow (seed),’ from the equiv. MidHG. sœjen, sœn, OHG. sâen (from an orig. sêjan); comp. the equiv. Goth. saian, OIc. sá, AS. sawan, E. to sow, Dan. zaaijen, OSax. sâjan. The Teut. root sê, ‘to sow,’ of which Saat and Same are derivatives, is common to the Aryan group; comp. the Lat. root sê in sê-vi, sa-tum, sê-men (Lat. sero is a reduplicated pres. for *si-so); OSlov. sěja (sěti), ‘to sow,’ Lith. sěja (sěti), ‘to sow.’