An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/schaudern
schaudern, vb., ‘to shudder, shiver,’ ModHG. only, from LG. schuddern; comp. Du. schudden, ‘to quake, tremble’; MidE. schudderen, E. to shudder. Schütten is of a cognate stem, and, like the words of this class, is based on a Teut. root skud, ‘to be shaken’; allied to OHG. scutisôn, ‘to shudder,’ scutisôd, ‘quaking, trembling.’ The assumption that Schauder is connected, like Schauer, with MidHG. schûr is not warranted, because the MidHG. word does not mean ‘shudder.’ See Schutt.