An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/schicken

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An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, S (1891)
by Friedrich Kluge, translated by John Francis Davis
Friedrich Kluge2509616An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, S — schicken1891John Francis Davis

schicken, vb., ‘to bring about, send, despatch,’ from MidHG. schicken, ‘to bring about, do, create, prepare, set going, depute, send.’ This vb., undoubtedly a primit. form, which is wanting in OHG. and the OTeut. dials. generally, seems, like Goth. skêwjan and OIc. skœ́va, ‘to go,’ to be connected with a primit. Teut. root skē̆hw (skē̆w) from pre-Teut. skē̆q (to which OIr. scuchim, ‘I go away,’ from skok? is allied). Akin to late MidHG. schic, m., ‘method,’ and shicklich, which first occurs in ModHG.; see geschickt. These specifically G. cognates, which passed into Du., Fris., and Scand., are wanting in OHG. until the 12th cent.; on account of their formation, however, they must be very old; OHG. *scicchen, Goth. *skikkjan. Allied to (ge)schehen. Deriv. Schicksal.