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An Examen of Witches/Chapter 19

From Wikisource
An Examen of Witches
by Henry Boguet, translated by E. Allen Ashwin, edited by Montague Summers
Henry Boguet4710426An Examen of WitchesMontague SummersE. Allen Ashwin

Chapter XIX.

Of the Day of the Sabbat.

I was formerly of the opinion that the Sabbat is held only on a Thursday night, since all the witches that I have examined have so reported it. But I have since read that some of the same sect have confessed that they have met together, sometimes on Monday night, sometimes on Friday or Wednesday or Sunday night; and therefore I have concluded that there is no fixed day for the Sabbat, but that witches go to it whenever they are so commanded by Satan. And here I shall add that, in this connexion, Antide Colas confessed that for a period of about seven years she had been to the Sabbat at each of the great Festivals of the year, as at Christmas, Easter, the Fête-Dieu and such days; and that the last time she had been there one Easter evening in the Valley of Saint Marie, where there were about forty persons assembled; and she said also that on the night of the preceding Christmas she had been there between the midnight Mass and the first Mass of the day. This is how the wicked one celebrates his assemblies on Holy Days, and seduces the creatures of God from His service.