An Examen of Witches/Chapter 44
Chapter XLIV.
The Marks Borne by Witches.
Let us pass on to the other point. Françoise Secretain was stripped, that it might be known whether she had any mark upon her. Dan. the 4th point.For all witches have a mark some on the shoulder, some on the eyelid, some on the tongue or the lip, and others on the shameful parts; in short it is said that there is no witch who is not marked in some part of her body. Satan marks them thus to show them that they are in the future to become his slaves; for we read that slaves are usually branded, as is chiefly the case in Spain and Barbary, where they are branded on the face: and at all times Princes and Captains have had certain signs by which they could know their own subjects and soldiers. It is then but reasonable that Antichrist also should mark his own with a distinct sign by which he may know them.
Further, I would say that just as Jesus Christ wished the faithful to be distinguished by the venerable sign of the Cross, so this Ape of God has imitated this by marking his subjects with some sign and character.
Raemond in his “Antichrist” says that he has seen witches who recognised each other by some little spot in the eye, and that Trois-eschelles was especially proficient in this. I do not doubt this; for it has been remarked that witches usually have two pupils in one of their eyes, just as the Tibians of Pontus had a double pupil in one eye and the image of a horse in the other, and could bewitch by their looking, as it is said that every woman can who has a double pupil.
Bodin, Demonom. IV. 4.
Caron, Antichrist, Part I.Now the mark of a witch is generally some sort of blemish or hare’s foot, or some such thing. There was one who had a face of the size of a farthing, from the centre of which extended several threads of hair to the circumference. Yet the place where they bear these marks is so insensitive that they do not shrink even if they are probed to the bone in that place.
But they are very difficult to find, because they are very inconspicuous; and also the Devil most often effaces them as soon as the witch has fallen into the hands of Justice, as he did to George Gandillon, who showed me where the Devil had touched him on the left shoulder, which is the place where he usually touches witches. Ibid.Caron the physician writes that when he and his colleagues were once searching for the mark upon a witch named la Boyraionne, Satan, who was possessing a young girl by means of this woman, told them the place where it was, mocking them for not having been able to find it.
Yet there are witches who say that they have never been marked. Among such was Groz-Jacques, who, on dying contrite, assured me of this. Therefore I hold that there are witches who are not marked; and I am of opinion that Satan marks only those of whose loyalty he is a little doubtful. And in this he does neither more nor less than those who lend money; for if they trust their debtor they are content with his word; but if not, they tie him strictly down in writing. We have read, also, of witches who have given the Devil schedules written and signed in their own blood, Demonom. III. did the Advocate of Paris of whom Bodin speaks.
Therefore I conclude that they are wrong who are so scrupulous as to be unwilling to condemn a witch to death unless a mark can be found, as is the practice in a certain Republic which I shall not name. For what, then, would be the point of what we have just said, namely, that the Devil most often removes the mark from a witch as soon as he is made a prisoner?
Finally, these marks are of great importance in dealing with witchcraft; for they constitute an extremely strong presumptive evidence of guilt, so much so that, when they are joined to other indications, it is lawful to proceed to an immediate condemnation.