An Excellent Collection of Popular Songs ("The Hawthorn")/The hawthorn
The Hawthorn:
One midsummer morning, all nature look’d gay,
I met my dear Jamie a tedding the hay,
Who said, my lovely treasure, come see where I dwell,
Beside the bonny hawthorn that blooms in the vale:
That blooms in the valley, that blooms in the vale;
Beside the bonny hawthorn that blooms in the vale.
He prais’d me, and said that his love was sincere,
Not one on the green was so charming and fair;
I listen’d, with pleasure, to Jamie's tender tale.
Beside the bonny hawthorn that blooms in the vale.
That blooms, &c.
O hark, bonny Bess, to the birds in yon grove.
How delightfu’ they sing, how inviting to love:
The briers, deck’d wi’ roses, perfume the fanning gale,
Beside the bonny Hawthorn that blooms in the vale.
That blooms, &c.
His looks were so pleasing, his words soft and kind.
They told me the youth had no guile in his mind;
My heart, too, confess’d him the flower of all the dale,
Beside the bonny hawthorn that blooms in the vale.
That blooms, &c.
I tried for to go, and oft said I could not stay,
But he would not leave me, nor let me away;
Still pressing his suit, at last he did prevail,
Beside the bonny hawthorn that blooms in the vale.
That blooms, &c.
Now tell me, ye maidens, how I could refuse,
His lips were so sweet, and so binding his vows;
We went and were married, and most cordially we dwell.
Beside the bonny hawthorn that blooms in the vale.
That blooms, &c.