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An Exposition of the Old and New Testament (1828)/Memoirs

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MOST readers of a work which has acquired any degree of celebrity, feel a desire to know something of the author; and that desire is increased, in proportion as they find themselves interested in the work itself. It may therefore be presumed, that the readers of Mr. Henry's writings, which have long been in high repute in the religious world, will wish for some information concerning the character and life of that excellent man, whose pen produced so many admirable performances. This is not merely an innocent, but a laudable curiosity, which we are happy to have the present opportunity of gratifying, on the republication of his smaller pieces, as well as his larger work on the Bible; most of which pieces have long been out of print; and we are persuaded, that the more the author is known, the greater pleasure pious readers will feel in the perusal of his writings.

A Life of Mr. Henry was published, shortly after his decease, by his intimate friend, the Rev. Mr. Tong, but it is now become exceedingly scarce; and though it contains a just character and a faithful narrative, drawn from personal knowledge, as well as from private papers, the manner in which it is drawn up is not the most pleasing, the writer being then far advanced in life; and it is rendered prolix, and even tedious, by the insertion of too many extracts from his diary, and too many articles relative to Mr. Henry's acquaintance and his own, as well as various other particulars, which at this distance of time are become uninteresting. On these accounts it was judged advisable, instead of reprinting that work, to compose a new one. In this, however, all that appeared interesting in the former is retained, and whatever else could be collected, is inserted, particularly in relation to his settlement at Hackney, where some persons were living when the writer of this first came to that place, who had the happiness to be Mr. Henry's hearers, and remembered him well.

Mr. Matthew Henry was the second son of the eminently pious and excellent Mr. Philip Henry, whose Life, published by him, is an admirable piece of biography, and who was ejected by the Act of Uniformity from his living in the parish of Worthenbury, in Flintshire, A. D. 1662. This his son was born October 28, in the same year, which also, he observes with pleasure in his diary, gave birth to many other ministers of his acquaintance, to whom God had appointed more peaceful days than their predecessors, whom their brethren, who hated them, had cast out. His birthplace was Broad-Oak, in Iscoid, Flintshire, within the parish of Malpal, which is in Cheshire; a district signalized in the British annals for the famous monastery of Bangor. Hither his father removed but a fortnight before his birth, not being suffered any longer to continue in the place of his former ministry; and here he spent the remainder of his days. Mr. Henry's mother was Mrs. Katharine Matthews, the daughter and heiress of Mr. Daniel Matthews, a gentleman of an ancient family and a considerable estate, which, upon his death, came into the possession of Mr. Philip Henry, by which he was enabled to live in comfort after his ejectment, and not only preach the gospel gratis, as he had opportunity, but likewise to relieve several of his necessitous brethren. But his wife proved to him a greater treasure, as she was a woman equally eminent for piety and every other endowment. Her son has done ample justice to her character, in an excellent discourse, occasioned by her death, on Prov. xxxi. 28. Her children arise up, and call her blessed. It is subjoined to the Life of his father.

The circumstances of Mr. Henry's birth were rather remarkable. Besides its being premature, (as the writer of this has been credibly informed,) his mother's labour was so sudden, that she was delivered before any assistance could be procured; and he was so weakly a child that no one expected him to live. He was therefore baptized the next day after he was born, by Mr. Holland, the minister of the parish, but without godfather or godmother; and his father desired the sign of the cross might not be used, but the minister said he durst not omit it.

When he was about five years old, he had the measles, by which his brother, who was a year older than himself, was cut off; a circumstance which deeply affected him, and which he noticed with great seriousness, in a paper written on his birth day, when he had completed his thirteenth year, wherein he drew out a list of the mercies which he had received, with lively expressions of gratitude to the Author of them. He long continued weakly, subject to agues and other complaints; but he very early discovered a good mental capacity, and a thoughtful turn, so that it was remarked his childhood had less of vanity than that of most children, and that at an earlier period than is usual, he put away childish things. He was able to read a chapter in the Bible distinctly when he was but about three years old, and was used to make pertinent remarks on what he read.

His first abiding convictions of religion, according to his own written account, in the paper above referred to, were wrought when he was ten years of age, in consequence of a sermon preached by his excellent father, on Psalm li. 17. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. "I think it was that," says he, "that melted me: afterward I began to inquire after Christ." He was early accustomed to make memorandums of the sermons which he heard, and of the effect they had upon his mind. From one of these papers, dated December 17, 1673, It appears that he he heard a sermon on the signs of true grace, which put him upon the strict examination of himself by the rules which had been laid down; and, after opening his mind to his father, he was encouraged to draw a favourable conclusion respecting his spiritual state. He particularly mentions his repentance for sin, according to the scripture account of it, in many passages which he transcribes; his solemn dedication of himself to God, according to the tenor of the gospel covenant, and his love to God, as evidenced by his love to the people of God, whom he chose as his best companions; and his love to the word of God, concerning which he expresses himself thus: "I esteem it above all; I desire it as the food of my soul; I greatly delight both in reading and hearing it; and my soul can witness subjection to it, in some measure; I think I love the word of God for the purity of it; I love the ministers and messengers of it; I rejoice in the good success of it; all which were given as marks of true love to the word, in a sermon I lately heard, on Psalm cxix. 140. Thy word is very pure, therefore thy servant loveth it."

In the same paper, which contains a catalogue "of the mercies of God to him, both temporal and spiritual," he mentions it as matter of peculiar thankfulness that he was blessed with pious parents, who took so much pains in his education, and by whose means he was brought so early to devote himself to God. After noticing with thankfulness his recovery from an ague which had hung long upon him, he mentions his first application to learning. It will be pleasing to the reader to see his own words.

"After this sickness, in the year 1669, I had health, and began to learn my grammar. Blessed be God that gave me an understanding! Mr. Turner entered me a little into the principles of grammar, and my father has carried me on in it; the Lord grant that he may live to perfect it!" As a proof of his affection to this his excellent father, as well as of his piety to God, the following addition is here subjoined: "In March, 1669, my dear father had a sore fever; we thought he would have died; but our extremity was God's opportunity, and he arose and helped us."

It was observed by all who knew him, that he was remarkably quick in learning any thing, and that he possessed a strong memory to retain it. He was early addicted to close application to his studies, and remarkably provident of his time; so that his good mother, fearful lest he should injure his health, was sometimes obliged to call him down from his closet and advise him to take a walk in the fields.

His whole conduct, in the happy family of which he was a member, was amiable and exemplary. As he ever manifested the greatest duty and deference to both his pious parents, so he exercised the utmost affection and kindness towards his sisters. They all lived together in the most delightful unity: and he made it his business and his pleasure to promote their best interests, both by his admonitions and his prayers. His father recommended it to them to spend an hour together every Saturday afternoon, in religious exercises, with a view to their preparation for the sabbath; and he conducted them with great propriety, to their mutual advantage.

He was always very regardful of his father's instructions, and with uncommon diligence he attended to his preaching; with which he was sometimes so deeply affected, that, as soon as the service was ended, he would retire to his closet, to weep and pray over what he had been hearing, and would hardly be prevailed upon to come down to dinner, lest the memory and impression of it should be effaced. He sometimes took an opportunity, especially in walking with his father, to relate to him the impressions which his discourses made upon him, and to open to him freely any difficulties that occurred to his mind; which proved of excellent use for his further information and encouragement.

It seems that Mr. Henry had an inclination to the ministry from his childhood. This partly appeared in his fondness for imitating preaching, which he did with a great degree of propriety and gravity beyond his years; as also in his frequent attendance at the private meetings of good people, with whom he would pray, and repeat sermons, and sometimes expound the scriptures, to the surprise of all present. One of them once expressed to his father some concern lest his son should be too forward, and fall into the snare of spiritual pride; to whom the good man replied," Let him go on; he fears God and designs well, and I hope God will keep him and bless him."

Mr. Philip Henry was used generally to have some young student in his house, previous to his entrance on the ministry, who, while he was a pupil to Mr. Henry, acted as a tutor to his children. One of these was Mr. William Turner, who was born in that neighbourhood, and had studied at Edmund Hall, Oxford. He was afterward many years vicar of Walburton, in Sussex, and was the author of a work in folio, on the History of remarkable Providences. He lived with Mr. Henry at the time his son entered on his grammar, and was the person referred to by him in the papers quoted above, as having initiated him into the Latin language; and it may be supposed, from his great piety and studious turn, that he was in other respects useful to him. Mr. M. Henry remained under his father's eye and tuition till he was about eighteen years of age, from which he enjoyed singular advantage for both literary and religious attainments, to qualify him for the ministerial office; and he soon afforded ample proof that he had not enjoyed them in vain. As his constitution grew stronger with his growing years, his mind also improved in knowledge, grace, and holiness, so that he was richly furnished betimes for the important office to which he had devoted his life, and seemed not to need any further assistance than he had enjoyed, or might yet enjoy, under the tuition, and from the example, of such a father, who was not only an excellent scholar himself, but had an admirable method of communicating knowledge to others. He was desirous, however, that his son might enjoy some further advantages in his education at some more public seminary.

Mr. P. Henry had been partial to a University, having himself passed some years at Christ Church, Oxford. But the sad alteration which had taken place in those seats of learning, after the Restoration, greatly altered his opinion; so that, to preserve his son from the snares and temptations to which he might have been exposed from the want of proper discipline, he determined upon sending him, in the year 1680, to an academy which was then kept at Islington by the learned and pious Mr. Thomas Doolittle, who trained up many young men for the ministry, who made a distinguished figure among the Protestant dissenters. Here, among many other excellent young persons, he enjoyed the society of Mr. Bury, who was from the same neighbourhood, and afterward an eminent minister, who bore this honourable testimony to Mr. Henry's character during the course of his studies: "I was never better pleased," says he, "when I was at Mr. Doolittle's, than when I was in young Mr. Henry's company. He had such a savour of religion always upon his spirit, was of such a cheerful temper, so diffusive of all knowledge, so ready in the scriptures, so pertinent in all his petitions, so full and clear in all his performances, &c. that he was to me a most desirable friend, and I love heaven the better since he went thither." Mr. Bury observes, however, that "he had an almost inconceivable quickness in his speech, but that he afterward happily corrected it, as well for his own sake, as for the benefit of others."

Another of Mr. Henry's fellow-students was Mr. Henry Chandler, afterward an eminent minister at Bath, and father of the learned Dr. Chandler, of the Old Jury, London. In a letter to Mr. Tong, he speaks of Mr. Henry in the following respectful terms: "It is now thirty-five years since I had the happiness of being in the same house with him, so that it is impossible I should recollect the several [particulars] that fixed in me such an honourable idea of him, that nothing can efface while life and reason last. This I perfectly well remember; that, for serious piety and the most obliging behaviour, he was universally beloved by all the house. We were near thirty pupils when Mr. Henry graced and entertained the family, and I remember not that ever I heard one of the number speak a word to his disparagement. I am sure it was the common opinion, that he was as sweet tempered, courteous, and obliging a gentleman as could come into a house; his going from us was universally lamented."

How long he continued with Mr. Doolittle is not quite certain. Such was the persecuting temper of the times, that this good man was obliged to leave Islington, (upon which he removed to Battersea,) and soon after to disperse his pupils into private families at Clapham, to which place it does not appear that Mr. Henry followed them. It is certain, however, that when he quitted this academy, he returned to his father's house, where he pursued his studies with great assiduity. Among his papers is one dated Broad-Oak, 1682, (about which time it seems probable that he returned thither,) which is a memorial of the mercies which he had received from the hand of God from his birth to that time, which was his birthday: it consists of twenty six particulars, and discovers a lively spirit of devotion.

Mr. Henry was now twenty years of age, and had made great improvement in all the branches of science, which tended to fit him for appearing with great advantage under the ministerial character. But it does not appear that he had yet begun to exercise his talents in public. He was, however, frequently engaged in social exercises of devotion among the good people of his father's acquaintance, and who resorted to that house of prayer. His company was much coveted by them, and they were highly gratified by his visits, which he was ever ready to make to the meanest of them; when he was used to pray with them, and converse with great freedom, affection, and judgment, on their spiritual concerns. Greatly delighted were they to see such a son treading so closely in the steps of such a father; and his memory was long precious in that neighbourhood, and in the adjacent country, where Mr. Philip Henry used frequently to preach in the houses of those pious gentlemen who entertained the ejected ministers, though they generally attended the worship of the established church.

As the times were dark, and the circumstances of dissenting ministers were very discouraging, Mr. Henry had no prospect of a pastoral settlement with a congregation; he therefore, with the advice of friends, directed his thoughts to another and very different employment. He had formed an intimacy with Rowland Hunt, Esq. of Borcaton, who married the daughter of Lord Paget, and at whose house Mr. P. Henry used to preach once a quarter, and administer the Lord's supper. This worthy gentleman advised his father to enter him in one of the Inns of court, for the study of the law. His view in this was not to divert him from his design of pursuing the work of the ministry, but to find him some present employment of his time, as he was but young, which might hereafter be advantageous to him, not only in a temporal view, as he was heir to a handsome estate, but as it might be subservient to his usefulness as a minister. Accordingly, Mr. Henry went to Gray's-Inn, about the end of April, 1685.

Some of his friends discovered painful apprehensions lest this situation, and the connections he might here form, should prove unfavourable to his religious interest, and, in the issue, divert him from the sacred office to which his former studies had been directed, and for which he discovered such peculiar qualifications. But their fears happily proved groundless; his heart was fully bent for God, and established with grace; so that he still maintained his steadfastness amidst all the temptations with which he was surrounded. He happily formed an acquaintance with several young gentlemen, then students of the law, who were exemplary for sobriety, diligence, and religion, who were glad to receive him as an intimate associate, and with whom a mutual friendship continued to the last. Here his diligence in study, his quick apprehension, his rapid proficiency, his tenacious memory, and his ready utterance, induced some of the profession to think that he would have been eminent in the practice of the law, had he applied himself to it as his business. But he felt himself under no temptation to relinquish the object of his first resolution, and he continually kept that in his view, habituating himself to those exercises which might further his preparation for it. He heard the most celebrated preachers in town; among whom he seemed to be best pleased with Dr. Stillingfleet, at St. Andrew's, Holborn, for his serious, practical preaching; and with Dr. Tillotson, at Lawrence Jewry, for his admirable sermons against popery. He accustomed himself to take notes of what he heard; and he constantly sent a short scheme of the sermons to his father, to whom he generally wrote twice every week, giving him an account of all remarkable occurrences with great judgment, yet with all the caution and prudence which the difficulties of the times required.

During his residence in London, Mr. Henry not only attended with constancy on the public worship of God, but he promoted social prayer and religious conference with his particular friends, and he sometimes expounded the scripture to them. When he was about to leave them he delivered to them an excellent and affecting discourse, on 2 Thess. ii. 1. By the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our gathering together unto him; recommending to himself and them the hope of that blessed meeting, as their greatest comfort, now they were about to part. The letters which he wrote to his friends while he continued at Gray's-Inn, discover the lively sense of divine things which he preserved upon his mind, of which an excellent one of great length is published by Tong, to his friend Mr. G. Illidge, of Nantwich, whose father's Memoirs he afterward printed: from whence it appears how valuable a correspondent he was, and how much he aimed at usefulness, in his letters as well as in his conversation.

But though his time was not unprofitably spent in London, he sometimes complained of the want which he felt of those opportunities which he had enjoyed in his father's house: his "Broad-Oak sabbaths, and the heavenly manna," which he had tasted there; and expressed his earnest wishes to return. Accordingly in the month of June, 1686, he went down to Broad-Oak, and continued several months in the country; when he made it appear that his residence in London, and his study of the law, had been no way prejudicial to his religious temper, or his ministerial qualifications. He now began to preach frequently as a candidate for the ministry, and he every where met with great acceptance.

About this time he went to visit his friend Mr. Illidge, at Nantwich, who had been in a remarkable manner brought to a sense of religion by the ministry of Mr. P. Henry, and who was very zealous in promoting the spiritual benefit of his neighbours. Mr. M. Henry spent several days with him, and preached in his house every evening to a considerable number of people, of whom several dissolute persons appeared to be deeply impressed with what they heard. One instance was very remarkable. The last evening, Mr. Henry preached on Job xxxvii. 22. With God is terrible majesty. Mr. Illidge, observing one man present whom he knew to be notoriously wicked, went the next morning to his house, to see what impression this alarming discourse had made upon him; when he found him in tears, under a deep conviction of sin, and the apprehension of misery. He found his wife also weeping with him, on account of her husband's distress. Mr. Illidge gave him the best instruction he could, and prayed with him. He also made known his case at Broad-Oak, that he might have further help from thence. There soon appeared a great change in him. He manifested a deep and abiding concern about his eternal state, and that of his wife, whom he taught to read. He set up prayer in his family, went often to the meeting at Broad-Oak, and at length was admitted to the Lord's supper. He sometimes spoke of the joy he felt at the remembrance of what God had done for him, and he maintained a hopeful profession of religion for some years. His wife also gave proof of her conversion, and died, to all appearance, a good christian. But he afterward relapsed into sin, to the great grief of his best friends, and the dishonour of religion. Whether he was effectually recovered does not appear.

Mr. Henry's great acceptance and success, at the commencement of his ministry, encouraged him to prosecute it with increasing ardour. Having occasion to take a journey to Chester, some good people there, who had heard of his fame, desired him to preach to them one evening in a private house; liberty for public worship not being yet granted. He readily consented, and preached three evenings successively at different houses in the city. The specimen which these good people had now received of his talents excited in them an earnest desire to have him settle with them; having about two years before, lost two aged and faithful ministers; and another in the city, Mr. Harvey, being far advanced in years, and preaching very privately. Being encouraged by a prevailing report that government was disposed to grant indulgence to dissenters, some of them went about the latter end of the year to Broad-Oak, to express to him their wishes for his continued services. He was then in the twenty fifth year of his age. On consulting with his father, and thinking there was the voice of Providence in the affair, he gave them some encouragement to hope for a compliance with their invitation, if liberty should be granted, provided Mr. Harvey consented, and they would wait till his return from London, where he was going to reside some months. They expressed their readiness to receive him upon his own terms, and in his own time.

On the 24th of January, 1687, he set out for London with the only son of his friend Mr. Hunt. At Coventry he heard that there had been a fire at Gray's-Inn, and at Holborn's-Court, where he had a chamber; upon which he wrote to his father, that he expected that the effects which he had left there were all lost; but on his arrival, he had the pleasure to find that, by the care of a chamber-fellow, most of them were saved. The first material news he heard in London, was that the king had granted indulgence to the dissenters, and had empowered certain gentlemen to give out licenses: the price of one for a single person was ten pounds; but if several joined, sixteen pounds; and eight persons might join in taking out one license.

Not many dissenters took out these licenses; but the disposition of the court being sufficiently understood, many began to meet publicly. About the end of February, Mr. Henry wrote to his father, that Mr. Faldo, a congregational minister, had preached, both morning and afternoon, to many hundred people, at Mr. Sclater's meeting in Moorfields. The people of Chester now reminded him of his engagements to them, the propriety of which he sometimes was ready to question, but he did not hesitate to fulfil them. The reverend and learned Mr. Woodcock came to him, and told him that he wished to engage him in a lecture which was set up chiefly for young persons; but thanking him for his respect, he modestly declined the offer, and said that his service was most wanted in the country, and might be most suitable there.

Mr. Henry now began to think seriously on the business of ordination, and consulted some ministers about it, particularly Mr. Tallents, of Salop, who had been some time in London, and Mr. James Owen, who was lately come up from Oswestry, both of whom had known him from his childhood, and they gave him all possible encouragement in this design. He viewed the ministerial office in so awful a light, that he set himself to consider the engagement into which a person enters in his ordination to it, with the greatest seriousness. He drew up, on this occasion, chiefly for his own use, a discourse on 1 Tim. iv. 15. Give thyself wholly to them; in which he stated the nature and several parts of the ministerial work, and what it is for a man to be wholly in them, (as it is in the Greek,) and then proceeded thoroughly to examine his own heart, with respect to his fitness for them. The paper is entitled, "Serious Self-examination before Ordination;" with this text prefixed: Search me, O God, and know my heart, &c. "It is worth while," says he, "for a man at such a time, deliberately to ask himself, and conscientiously to answer, the six following questions: 1. What am I? 2. What have I done? 3. From what principles do I act in this undertaking? 4. What are the ends I aim at in it? 5. What do I want? 6. What are my purposes and resolutions for the future?"—To each of these questions he gives a distinct answer, in several particulars, at a very considerable length, which fill more than four large folio pages. The whole discovers the utmost seriousness, humility, and conscientious regard to truth and duty.

About this time a respectable person, whom he had consulted about his ordination, intimated to him an apprehension that he might possibly obtain it from one of the bishops, without those oaths and declarations to which the dissenters objected. This probably took its rise from the moderation which the clergy were now disposed to show towards the nonconformists, in consequence of the king's declaration for liberty of conscience, which they knew originated in his intention to promote popery. Whether there was any solid ground for the apprehension or not, it appears that the intimation of his friend induced Mr. Henry to investigate the question with the utmost care and impartiality, "Whether it be advisable for one that hath devoted himself to the service of God in the work of the ministry, but is by no means satisfied with the terms of conformity, to choose ordination by episcopal hands (if it may be had without any oaths and subscriptions) rather than ordination by presbyters." Having fairly stated, in writing, (dated April 28, 1687,) the arguments which occurred to him on both sides, with earnest prayer for direction, he determined for the negative, and applied to those ministers in London to whom he was best known, for their assistance in the solemn service.

On the 9th of May, these ministers met on the occasion, but where it was we have no account. The times were such as rendered a private ordination most eligible, in the opinion of the ordainers, who were all of the Presbyterian denomination, and who conducted the service in the manner which was common among the Presbvterians of that day, and long after. We have no information respecting either a sermon or a charge delivered, as is usual on such occasions; but among Mr. Henry's papers was found the Latin Thesis which he delivered on the question——An justificemur Fide absque operibus Legis? Affirmatur.——Mr. Tong has given an abstract of it, and has subjoined Mr. Henry's confession of faith, which perfectly agrees with the Assembly's Catechism.

For the same reason that the ordainers chose to have the service performed in private, they declined giving a certificate of the ordination in the usual form, (which seemed to be an excess of caution,) and only gave this brief testimonialː

"We, whose names are subscribed, are well assured that Mr. Matthew Henry is an ordained minister of the gospel.

Sic Testor,
W. Wickens,
Fran. Tallents,
Edw. Lawrence,
' May 9, 1687."
Nath. Vincent
James Owen,
Rich. Steele."

Of so much importance was a regular certificate of Presbyterian ordination esteemed in those days, that Mr. Henry, after he had been settled many years, and had many living epistles to witness for him, applied to the ordainers then living to give him a certificate in form; which had the signatures of Mr. Tallents and Mr. Owen, dated Dec. 17, 1702. It was remarkable, that one of the above ministers who engaged in Mr. Matthew Henry's ordination, was also employed in the ordination of his excellent father, Mr. Philip Henry, near thirty years before. This was Mr. Richard Steele, the author of that valuable Treatise on Old Age.

Mr. Henry, soon after his ordination, hastened down to Chester, to enter upon his pastoral charge. He left London the latter end of May, and went first to Broad-Oak, where he stayed but a short time. Several persons of the congregation came to meet him there, and conducted him to Chester, where it is needless to say how joyfully he was received, especially on account of the liberty which was now granted to the dissenters, though the object of the king in granting it was sufficiently known. Worship had hitherto been kept up in the house of Mr. Henthorne, which was large and commodious, but only between and after the hours of public service at the established church, where most of the people attended to hear Dr. Fogg and Dr. Hancock, whose ministry they highly valued. Their numbers, however, so much increased, that it was found necessary to provide a larger place. With this Mr. Henthorne, who was zealous in the cause, soon accommodated them against the time of Mr. Henry's coming; having a large out-building belonging to the Friary, which was in his possession. The work of fitting it up was begun on a Monday, and it was in sufficient forwardness to be opened for worship the next Lord's day. But Mr. Henry did not arrive till the Thursday following, which was the lecture-day, when he preached his first sermon, on 1 Cor. ii. 2. I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. Mr. Tong, who was present on the occasion, says, "I am a witness that they received him as an angel of God." But before he would preach, such was his respect to the aged and worthy Mr. Harvey, that he made him a visit, in order to be satisfied that his coming to Chester was with his approbation; for without it, he assured him that he would return. The good old man soon satisfied him on this head, telling him that there was work enough in Chester for them both. They afterward lived in the most perfect harmony. Mr. Henry constantly attended his Tuesday lecture, and always behaved towards him as a son to a father. He also advised all his friends to show him all possible respect, as a faithful minister of Christ, who had many years laboured there in the gospel, and had also been a sufferer for it.

Mr. Henry's situation at Chester proved highly agreeable to him, on account of the valuable society he met with there, and it was soon rendered the more so, as three of his sisters were providentially brought to reside in that place, in consequence of their being married to respectable and pious men, who belonged to his congregation, (Mr. Radford, Mr. Holton, and Dr. Tilston,) to whom he conducted himself with a truly fraternal affection. But a yet more agreeable and important circumstance was his entrance into the conjugal state, with a lady who was possessed of every qualification to render that state happy. This was Mrs. Katharine, daughter of Mr. John Hardware, of Moldsworth. On his first proposal, some obstacles lay in the way, but they were so completely removed, that the match was as agreeable to her parents as it was to his, so that they came to reside at Chester, and they all lived together. But this pleasing scene, like many earthly ones, was of very short continuance; for within a year and a half Mrs. Henry was seized, in childbed, with the smallpox, and died, Feb. 14, 1689, though the child was spared. Mr. Tong, who lived within eighteen miles, came to visit this house of mourning; who, having described the manner in which the tender mother was affected, says of Mr. Henry, the first words he spoke to him, with many tears were these: "I know nothing could support me under such a loss as this, but the good hope I have that she is gone to heaven, and that in a little time I shall follow her thither."

It was no small alleviation of his grief, that the child was spared. His good father came to visit him on the occasion, when he baptized the child in public, and the scene was peculiarly solemn and affecting. Mr. Henry, on presenting his child in baptism, (whom he named after her mother,) professed his faith and renewed his covenant, in a most affecting manner, and then added, "Although my house be not so with God, yet he hath made with me an everlasting covenant, &c. I offer up this my child to the great God, a plant out of a dry ground, desiring it may be implanted into Christ." Every heart was full, and few dry eyes were seen.

Under this severe affliction, God strengthened his heart and his hands, so that he pursued his work with his usual diligence and vivacity. At length a kind providence repaired his loss, and the mother of his deceased wife was the means of procuring him another. She recommended to him the daughter of Robert Warburton, Esq. of Grange, the son of Peter Warburton, Esq. serjeant at law, and one of the judges of the common pleas. He was a gentleman fond of retirement, who constantly had the Bible and Baxter's "Saint's Rest" on the table before him, and whose house was a sanctuary to the silenced ministers. Mr. Henry's marriage to this lady was consummated, July 8th, the same year, at Grange, when both his father and mother were present, who were greatly pleased with the new relation, and blessed God who had thus filled up the breach. Mr. and Mrs. Hardware now left Chester, and retired to an estate which they had in Wirral, but their affection for Mr. Henry as a son continued.

From this time he kept a regular diary of all material occurrences and transactions to the end of his life; a practice which he had lately recommended to his friends, in a discourse on Redeeming the time. From this diary of his the following part of his history is principally taken.—We shall now give some account of his family by this second marriage, and the manner in which he governed it.

In the space of twenty two years he had nine children, eight of which were daughters. Three of them, namely, the first, second, and fourth, died in their infancy. The first of these children was born, April 12, 1691, on which occasion he made his will; but she died in about a year and a half. In his diary he makes many pious remarks on this event, and the night of her funeral he writes thus: "I have been this day doing a work I never did before—burying a child. A sad day's work! But my good friend, Mr. Lawrence, preached very seasonably and excellently, from Psalm xxxix. 9. I was dumb, I opened not my mouth, because thou didst it."

On the birth of the fourth of these children, he writes, June 24, 1697, "This child has come into a world of tears;" for his pious father, who had taken a pleasure in coming to baptize his grandchildren, (which he did in a peculiarly interesting manner,) was now dead, and he was particularly affected at the recollection of that event, as it happened the very same day of the month the preceding year. But says he, "God has set the one over against the other, that I may sing of mercy and judgment." But this child was taken away in less than a year and a half; upon which occasion he writes, "My desire is to be sensible of the affliction, and yet be patient under it. It is a smarting rod; God calls my sins to remembrance—the coldness of my love, my abuse of spiritual comforts." But he adds, "'Tis a rod in the hand of my Father. I desire to see a father's authority, who may do what he will; and a father's love, who will do what is best. We resign the soul of the child to Him who gave it.—I am in deaths often; Lord, teach me how to die daily," &c.

On May 3, 1700, God was pleased to give him a son. But his birth was attended with such uncommon danger both to the mother and the child, that he mentions it as a miracle of mercy that their lives were spared. This child Mr. Henry himself baptized on the lecture day, in the following week, by the name of Philip,*[1] when he preached on the occasion from 2 Sam. vii. 14. 15. When this child was about a month old, he was so ill that there was but little hope of his life; and Mrs. Henry continued in such weakness, increased by her anxiety about her infant, that she, and all her friends, expected her speedy dissolution. But God mercifully interposed, and restored both her and her child. On this occasion Mr. Henry made a new will, which he did with exemplary prudence and seriousness, earnestly begging divine direction in this matter, as he did in every other, respecting himself, his family, and his friends. His diary affords ample proof how he acknowledged God in all his ways, and what an affectionate interest he took in the concerns of all with whom he was connected.

We shall now notice his conduct in his family, which was in a great measure regulated by the example of his pious father, of whose house those who had access to it were ready to say, This is no other than the house of God, and the gate of heaven. Mr. Henry was constant in the worship of God in his family, morning and evening, which nothing was suffered to prevent. He called all the members of it together as early in the morning as circumstances would permit; and he did not delay it to a late hour in the evening, lest drowsiness should prevent devotion. He was never tedious, but always full and comprehensive, performing much in a little time, which seldom exceeded half an hour. He began with a short invocation for assistance and acceptance. He then read a portion of scripture, (in the morning from the Old Testament, and from the New in the evening,) giving a short exposition, in a plain and familiar manner, so as to render it both intelligible and pleasant, and added practical reflections. To engage the greater attention, he used to examine some of his family how they understood, and what they remembered of what they had heard. After this, some part of a psalm was constantly sung, from a collection which he himself made, entitled, "Family Hymns," selected from different translations of the psalms; and every one had a book, to prevent the interruption occasioned by reading the lines. After singing, he prayed with great affection and propriety, noticing every particular case in his family, and not omitting the state of the nation and the church. This variety prevented the service from being tedious, and his whole family attended it with pleasure. When the whole was ended, the children came to him for his blessing, which he gave with solemnity and affection.

Beside his stated family worship, he occasionally kept family fasts, as special circumstances required; when he sometimes called in the assistance of his friends, whose respective cases and trials were committed to God with his own.

On the Lord's day he did not omit any part of his ordinary family worship, but rising earlier on that day, after his private devotion he began it somewhat sooner. On returning from the public morning service, after he had dined, he sung a psalm, offered a short prayer, and then retired till the time of the afternoon service. In the evening he usually repeated the substance of both his sermons, in his family, when many of his neighbours came in: this he followed with singing and prayer, and concluded with singing two verses more, previous to the benediction. Before supper, he catechised the younger children: after supper, he sung the 136th Psalm, and catechised the elder children and servants; examined them as to what they remembered of the sermons, and concluded the day with prayer. Having a happy constitution both of body and of mind, he went through all this service with constancy and comfort, beside all his ministerial work in public, which he performed without any assistance, and which we now proceed to notice.

Mr. Henry having chosen the christian ministry as the grand business of his life, set himself to discharge the duties of it, as soon as he obtained a settlement, with indefatigable industry and with equal delight, being willing to spend and be spent in the service of Christ, and for the good of souls. His stated public services in his own congregation, which were far from the whole of his labours, were such as few other persons could have gone through. His method of proceeding in them was as follows:

He began the public worship exactly at nine o'clock, with singing the 100th Psalm; then offered a short prayer, and next read some portion of the Old Testament in course, and expounded it in the same manner as appears in his printed Exposition. He went through the Bible twice while he was at Chester, and on his lecture-day he expounded all the Psalms not less than five times. After his public exposition was ended, he sung a second time, and prayed for about half an hour. After which he preached about an hour, then prayed, and usually concluded with singing the 117th Psalm. He pursued the same plan in the afternoon, excepting that he then expounded the New Testament, and at the close sung the 134th Psalm, or some verses of the 136th. In singing, he always made use of David's Psalms, or other scripture hymns, which he preferred to such as are wholly of human composition, the latter being generally liable to this exception: "that the fancy is too high, and the matter too low, and sometimes such as a wise and good man may not be able, with entire satisfaction, to offer up as a sacrifice to God."[2] In this work of praise he took great delight, as appeared from the manner in which he engaged in it.

In prayer, Mr. Henry's gifts and graces eminently appeared. He had a wonderful faculty of engaging the attention and raising the affections of the worshippers. Though in his second prayer he was always copious, yet he was not tedious. It was always suited to the congregation, to the sermon, to the state of the nation, and to the church of God. His petitions for the afflicted were very particular, pertinent, and affectionate. In regard to public affairs, he was never guilty of profaning the worship of God by introducing any thing obnoxious to government, or offensive to persons of any party; nor, on the other hand, by giving flattering titles to any description of men. The state of the reformed churches abroad was much upon his heart, and he was a fervent intercessor for those of them that suffered persecution for righteousness' sake.

How great a talent he had in preaching, is sufficiently known, from the many sermons of his which are before the public. He was very happy in his choice of subjects, and of apposite texts, especially on particular occasions and occurrences, public or private, which he was always ready to improve. His method in his sermons was just and easy; his language plain, sententious, and scriptural; his elocution natural, and free from any odd or affected tone; his address was popular, earnest, and affectionate; both he himself and his auditory were often transported into tears. The strain of his preaching was spiritual, evangelical, and practical. He shunned not to declare the whole counsel of God. He delighted in preaching Christ and the doctrines of free grace; but with equal zeal he preached up holiness in all its branches, constantly affirming it to be a faithful saying, That they who believe in God should be careful to maintain good works. He was indeed so practical a preacher, and sometimes used such a phraseology in treating on practical subjects, that some have censured him as being too legal; but he was no mere of a legalist than the apostle James, whom he knew well how to reconcile with the apostle Paul.

It was a common custom with Mr. Henry to preach a series of sermons upon a particular subject, which sometimes took up several years. But he did not follow the practice of several old divines, who delivered a great number of discourses on the same text: his method was, to prevent the tediousness of such a practice, to fix upon different texts for all the different parts of the subject which he discussed. By thus treating upon the various branches of faith and practice in this connected view, as well as by his exposition of the Bible in course, his hearers had peculiar advantage for improving in scripture knowledge, above those whose ministers only discourse upon short detached passages: accordingly it was remarked, that Mr. Henry's people in general greatly excelled in judgment and spiritual understanding.

Mr. Tong has given a list of the subjects which Mr. Henry thus discussed in their connexion, which would here occupy too much room. The following is a brief specimen. Soon after he settled at Chester, he delivered a set of sermons on the guilt and misery of an unconverted state, from several texts: in another, he treated on conversions. After these, he preached a series of discourses on a well ordered conversation, beginning with one on Psalm 1. 23. Each sermon contained a distinct direction, grounded on a separate text. A brief sketch of these may be acceptable and useful. 1. Fix a right principle of grace in the heart, 2 Cor. i. 12. latter part. 2. Eye the gospel of Christ as your great rule, Phil. i. 27.   3. Set the Lord always before you, Ps. xvi. 8.   4. Keep your hearts with all diligence, Prov. iv. 23.   5. Abide under the fear of God, Prov. xxiii. 17.   6. Be not conformed to the world, Rom. xii. 2.   7. Live in constant dependence upon Christ, Col. iii. 17.   8. Take off your affections from present things, 1 John ii. 15.   9 Be always upon your watch, Mark xiii. 37.   10. Keep a conscience void of offence, Acts xxiv. 16.   11. Live by faith. Gal. ii. 20.   12. Commune much with your own hearts, Ps. iv. 4.   13. Watch the door of your lips, Ps. xxxix. 1.   14. Follow the steps of the Lord Jesus, 1 Pet. ii. 21.   15. Set before you the example of the saints, Heb. vi. 12.   16. Be very cautious of your company, Prov. xiii. 20.   17. Make conscience how you spend your time, Eph. v. 16.   18. Pray to God for holy wisdom, James v. 1.   19. Often think of death and judgment, 2 Pet. iii. 11.   20. Converse much with heaven, Phil. iii. 20.

He next delivered a set of sermons for the consolation of God's people, on the covenant of grace: e. g. God in the covenant; a Father—a Husband—a Shepherd—a King, &c. Christ in the covenant; our Righteousness—our Life—our Peace—our Hope: in all his offices; Redeemer, High Priest, Captain, Forerunner, and Friend. The Holy Spirit in the covenant; a Teacher—a Comforter—a Spirit of adoption—an Earnest. Blessings in the covenant; pardon—peace—grace—access to God—ordinances—providences—creatures—death—heaven. These took him nearly a year and a half. He next treated on sanctification, in all its branches; which sermons were followed by another set, on divine worship, private and public, with various directions concerning each. After this, he delivered another series, on relative duties in all their extent. These, with some others in connexion with them, brought him to the year 1698, when he began a body of divinity, which (with occasional discourses) occupied him till the year 1712. Those who wish to see the whole plan, which is very extensive and methodical, are referred to Mr. Tong's Life of the author; where may be seen a sketch of his lectures on a weekday, and his sacramental discourses.

Another part of Mr. Henry's constant work was catechising, in which he engaged with peculiar delight, from his affection to the young; for which he was eminently qualified, by his happy talent for adapting his instructions to the weakest capacities. The time which he set apart for this service was the Saturday afternoon, when many besides the catechumens were used to attend, and esteemed it a profitable exercise. He usually spent about an hour in it, and both began and ended with prayer, in which his expressions were very plain and affectionate. He used the Assembly's Catechism with the elder children: but did not content himself with hearing them repeat the answers, but divided them into several short propositions, and put a distinct question to each, explaining every part in a familiar manner, and supporting it by a suitable text of scripture. His method of catechising may be seen in the addition of the Assembly's Catechism which he published, which is entitled, "A Scripture Catechism in the method of the Assembly's;" a text of scripture being annexed to the answer to every subordinate question, grounded on the general answer in that system; by which means children had a large collection of scripture passages treasured up in their memories.

But we are informed that an excellent and judicious friend of Mr. Henry, "Mr. Charlton of Manchester, thinking even the Shorter Catechism of the Assembly too long for children, and some parts of it too abstruse, and quite above their capacity, desired and pressed Mr. Henry to draw up a shorter and plainer catechism for children very young," which accordingly he did; and in the collection of his works it is prefixed to the former. Its title is, "A plain Catechism for Children." To which is added, "Another for the instruction of those who are to be admitted to the Lord's Supper."

In this work of catechising, Mr. Henry was remarkably blessed of God: for he had the desire of his soul, in seeing the good work of grace begun in many of his young people, in whom he afterward had much pleasure, as they proved honourable and useful members of his church; though some, of whom he had entertained good hopes, turned out loose and vain, to his unspeakable sorrow.

The ordinance of the Lord's Supper Mr. Henry was used constantly to administer on the first Lord's day in every month, not merely as this was customary in most other churches, but in conformity to the practice of the Jews, who observed the beginnings of their months as holy, though he did not think their law about the new moons, &c. to be obligatory on christians. In the manner of administering this ordinance he was particularly excellent, and is said herein to have excelled himself. On his lecture-days in the week before the sacrament, he had a series of subjects adapted to that institution. And he followed his father's judgment and practice in encouraging young persons to come to the table of the Lord, to fulfil their baptismal covenant. Among his catechumens he marked those whom he looked upon as intelligent and serious, with this view; when he had a competent number of such in his eye, he appointed them separately to come to him, to converse with them about their spiritual state; and if he perceived good evidence of their real piety, he recommended it to them to give themselves up to the Lord and his church. For several Lord's days he catechised them publicly concerning this ordinance; and the week preceding the administration, he preached a sermon adapted to their circumstances, accompanied with suitable prayers for them, and then they were all received into the church together. This Mr. P. Henry considered as the proper confirmation, or transition into a state of adult and complete church membership; and his son, in all that was material, adopted his method, in which he had much satisfaction, from observing the great utility of it.

The other positive institution, that of baptism, he administered with equal solemnity, and he always desired to have it in public, unless there was some peculiar reason against it. Mr. Henry had as little of the spirit of a sectarian about him as any man, and he lived in great friendship and affection with many good men, who differed from him in regard to this controverted subject. But he was firm in his opinion about infant baptism, and thought it a matter of no small importance, though by no means one of the essentials of religion; as he considered it to be capable of being applied to very good purpose in a practical view, which was his grand object in his administration of it.

Mr. Tong, in this part of Mr. Henry's Life, says, "His thoughts (upon this subject) he has with great judgment digested, in an excellent treatise, which well deserves to be made public, and I hope will be in a little time. The doctrinal, historical, and practical part of the ordinance are stated and discussed with great perspicuity, seriousness, and spirituality." The writer of this narrative can attest the justice of Mr. Tong's account of the work, having had the pleasure of perusing the manuscript. It may seem surprising that so elaborate a performance, by so eminent a writer, should have been suffered to lie so long in obscurity; especially as it is written not merely in a controversial manner, but for the most part practical, and very much in the spirit of his "Treatise on the Lord's Supper." One chief reason might probably be, its prolixity; and another, his laying on some things more stress than they will bear. These circumstances rendered it highly desirable that the work should be abridged. This was accordingly undertaken, at the urgent desire of some judicious persons who were acquainted with the manuscript, by the Rev. Thomas Robins, when tutor of the academy at Daventry, who had been the pastor of some of the author's descendants, at Westbromwich; and he executed the work with such propriety, that the abridgment is better adapted to answer the worthy author's end, as a useful family book, than the original, and well deserves to be republished. This treatise is particularly calculated to lead those who approve infant baptism, both parents and children, to make the best practical use of the ordinance.

Visiting the sick Mr. Henry considered as an important part of ministerial duty, and he was diligent in the discharge of it. He never refused to attend the rich or the poor, when sent for, whether they were such as he knew, or strangers, whether resident in the town, or travellers, among whom were many passengers to or from Ireland; or whether they were persons of his own communion, or of the established church, among the latter of whom many desired his attendance in their illness. He often inquired of his friends whether they knew of any who were sick; and when bills were put up, desiring the prayers of the congregation, he requested that those who sent them would make themselves known, in order that he might properly attend to their cases. His prayers and conversation with sick persons were pertinent, affectionate, and useful. And if they recovered, he assisted them in their expressions of gratitude, reminded them of their sickbed thoughts and promises, faithfully exhorting them to improve their renewed lives to the best purposes.

Mr. Henry was considered by his people as a wise and faithful counsellor; they therefore often sent for him, to consult with him on affairs of importance relating to themselves or their families, on which occasions he was always ready to interest himself in their concerns, and to give them his best advice, which he followed with his prayers for their direction and success. But it was not merely on special occasions that he visited his flock; he maintained habitual intercourse with them, and promoted christian conference among them. Some of the more considerable and intelligent of his congregation had meetings at their own houses, to partake of a friendly entertainment, and enjoy rational and useful conversation. On these occasions, Mr. Henry was usually of the party, and he was one of the best companions in the world. His extensive knowledge, his good sense and ready wit, his cheerfulness of temper, his readiness to communicate what was entertaining and useful, together with his unaffected piety and humility, rendered his conversation highly agreeable; and these interviews contributed greatly to promote knowledge, christian friendship, and real religion; for they were always closed with prayer, and he had no relish for any visits without it.

But besides these friendly meetings, he had others more stated, especially appointed for christian conference and prayer, particularly with young persons of his congregation, in which he always presided. The subjects of these conferences "were not unprofitable questions, or matters of doubtful disputation, but points of faith and cases of conscience; and care was taken to prevent all vain jangling, and whatever might tend to puff up the minds of young people, or make them despise [or envy] one another;" which, as Mr. Tong observes, "every one who has made the trial, has found to require much wisdom." That wisdom Mr. Henry (as appears from his diary) was very desirous to obtain; and as his heart was much set upon this business, so he was very prudent and successful in it.

He was also a great example of ministerial wisdom and fidelity in general. He carefully watched over his flock, and attended with diligence to the respective cases of individuals in it. When he heard an ill report of any, he would go to them, or send for them, and inquire impartially into the truth of the case. If he found the persons guilty, he would deal plainly and faithfully with them in his admonitions, and urge a speedy repentance, in which he was in most instances happily successful; and there were, comparatively, few whom he was obliged to cast out of his church. When any such case occurred, his diary shows how much his soul was grieved, and what a discouragement it was to him in his ministerial labours. But his sorrow for such awful instances of apostacy was abundantly overbalanced by the joy he felt on the success of the ministry with the far greater part of his people, whom he saw growing up in wisdom and holiness, adorning the doctrine of God their Saviour, and strengthening the hands of their pastor.

One uncommon instance of his zeal, and his love to souls, was, the pains he took in visiting the prisoners and malefactors in the jail of Chester castle; which, it is said, he was first led to do on the request of the jailer's wife, who was a pious woman, and was much concerned at the remissness of those whose province it was to attend these unhappy objects, to whom she showed so much tenderness in other instances, that they yielded to her proposal to send for Mr. Henry to instruct and pray with them. This he did with constancy, and the most tender compassion, for the space of twenty years. And sometimes he preached to them, especially to the condemned malefactors, not without some good appearance of success. The subjects on which he discoursed were admirably appropriate to their condition. At one time three women were under sentence of condemnation for the murder of their bastard children, when he preached on James i. 5. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. The persons who attended on this occasion (as many were wont to do) were dissolved in tears, and the poor wretches themselves trembled exceedingly. He repeated his visits to them till the day of their execution, and they thanked him for his compassion to their souls; as also many other prisoners did, who were acquitted or pardoned. The last time he performed this humane office, was in the year 1710, when he was sent for by one who was condemned to death, and by the desire of the other prisoners. He had consented to go in the morning, but the curate of St. Mary's, in order to prevent it, sent word that he would go and preach himself, which he accordingly did. However, Mr. Henry went in the evening, and preached respecting the thief upon the cross. Upon which the governor of the castle was prevailed with to interpose, and prevent any more preaching there, except by the proper chaplain; and thus Mr. Henry was discharged from the arduous service which he had so long performed, without any other recompense than the pleasure of doing good to the souls of these wretched creatures, who greatly lamented their loss—a loss which was never made up, for no man in like manner ever cared for their souls.

Another useful service in which Mr. Henry zealously engaged in Chester, (beside many occasional discourses on fast days, and others relative to public affairs, in which he took great interest,) was, his concurrence with the clergy in forming a society for the reformation of manners, similar to that in London. This good work was promoted by the bishop and the dean, who had the interest of religion much at heart. A monthly lecture on a Friday was set up at St. Peter's church, which Mr. Henry constantly attended. The good bishop preached the first sermon, which afforded him great satisfaction. Dr. Fogg, the dean, preached next, on which Mr. Henrv writes, "It was an excellent discourse, much to the purpose. I bless God for this sermon; and as I have from my heart forgiven, so will I endeavour to forget, all that the dean has at any time said against dissenters, and me in particular. Such preaching against sin, and such endeavours to suppress it, will contribute, as much as any thing, to heal differences among those that fear God." Mr. Henry, the same year, began a course of reformation sermons on his lecture-day; and the dissenting ministers in Chester settled a reformation lecture in several parts of the country, the first of which was at Macclesfield, when Mr. Henry preached on the sanctification of the sabbath. Though the monthly sermons were carried on for some time at St. Peter's in Chester, the good work had many enemies, some of whom began openly to deride it, and form parties against it. Mr. Henry Newcomb, of Manchester, (though a son of the eminent nonconformist,) in a sermon which he preached at that church, broke out into severe invectives against the dissenters; suggesting, that because they did not conform to the church, they hardened the profane, and disabled themselves to reform them. On which Mr. Henry writes, "The Lord be Judge between us: perhaps it will be found that the body of dissenters have been the strongest bulwark against profaneness in England." The bishop and dean much lamented such obstructions to the work of reformation, but met with such discouragements from the misconduct of those who should have been most active in promoting the design, that at length it was resolved to adjourn this lecture sine die. This was matter of much grief to Mr. Henry, but it did not discourage him from proceeding in his own lecture, or uniting with his brethren in adjacent parts, in prosecuting this great object, though they laboured under great discouragement, for want of power to enforce the laws against profaneness.

But Mr. Henry's sphere of activity and attempts for usefulness were yet more extensive. Though his own flock was never neglected, he had a care for all the churches within his line, and readily lent his assistance to his brethren in all the adjacent parts; sometimes taking a compass of thirty miles, preaching every day in the week, but always returning home at the end of it. The towns and villages which lay near Chester enjoyed a large share of his labours, in several of which he had a monthly lecture. Beside attending stated meetings of ministers twice a year, he was frequently called upon to attend ordinations, to preach funeral sermons for his deceased brethren and other respectable persons at a distance: and he never refused complying with invitations to preach on any occasion, when he was able to do it; the great strength of his constitution, and the vigour of his mind, rendering these uncommon exertions easy and pleasant to him.

He was used to take a yearly journey to Nantwich, Newcastle, &c. preaching wherever he came; and another into Lancashire, to preach at Manchester, Chowbent, Warrington, &c. where he was highly valued; but he performed all within the week, choosing to be at any labour or expense rather than not to be with his own people on the Lord's day, from whom he was not absent on that day for ten years together; and never on the first sabbath in the month, but once, for twenty four years, and that was when he was in London, after a long absence from it: for though he had many connexions in the metropolis, he rarely visited it, as he had no apprehension that his services were there needed so much as in the country, where they had been eminently useful in the revival of religion all around him, both among ministers and people, but particularly in his own congregation, where he had the pleasure of seeing the Redeemer's interest greatly to flourish, and many families rising up to call him blessed.

In the year 1700, Mr. Henry's congregation built a new meeting-house for him, which was decent, large, and commodious. On the first opening of it, August 8, he preached an appropriate and excellent sermon on Joshua xxii. 22, 23. The Lord God of gods, the Lord God of gods, he knows, and Israel he shall know, if it be in rebellion, or if it be in transgression against the Lord, that we have built an altar. This sermon, which is entitled, "Separation without Rebellion," was not published by the author, though fairly transcribed; most probably by reason of his great solicitude to avoid giving offence to any members of the established church. It was printed in the year 1725, with a preface written by Dr. Watts, who bestows a high encomium upon the author, but hints at "some expressions in the sermon which may not gain the entire assent of some of his present readers;" referring, doubtless, to what relates to national establishments of religion, to which the worthy author was not averse. It is rather extraordinary that this discourse was not included in the folio edition of Mr. Henry's separate publications, which was printed in the year 1726, in the preface to which it is said, "that this volume contains them all." In the year 1781, the writer of this narrative published "Select Sermons of Mr. Henry," in a large octavo volume, in which this valuable discourse was inserted.

After the building of this new meeting house, the congregation much increased, especially by the accession of the greatest part of the people that had attended Mr. Harvey, who, in the year 1706, desisted from preaching in Chester, on account of the declining state of his health, and some difficulties about his place of worship; so that Mr. Henry's was now too strait for his hearers, and required a new gallery to be built. It was rather a singular circumstance, that Mr. Harvey's congregation (according to the tradition still current at Chester) occupied this new gallery, and there continued by themselves. But it is presumed that those of them who had been church members, united with Mr. Henry's church in the ordinance of the Lord's supper; for it appears that his church had considerably increased, so that he had at this time above three hundred and fifty communicants: and he had much comfort in them, as there was great unanimity among them, for which he expressed great thankfulness to God.

This being the case, it may appear matter of surprise and lamentation that he should ever have quitted Chester, and accepted an invitation to a congregation in the vicinity of London. Of this great change, the cause and the consequences of it, an account shall now be given. He had received repeated invitations from congregations in or near London, before that which separated him from his friends at Chester, upon which he put an absolute negative without hesitation. The first of these was soon after his visit to London, in the year 1698. In consequence of his preaching at several principal meetings in the city, for instance, Mr. Doolittle's and Mr. Howe's, he became better known than he had been before, and acquired a considerable degree of fame and reputation as a preacher. It was at this time that he preached the excellent discourse, which was published, on "Christianity not a Sect, yet every where spoken against."

The following year a vacancy took place in the congregation at Hackney, (where a great number of wealthy dissenters resided,) by the death of Dr. William Bates, a man of distinguished piety, learning, and abilities, who had refused a bishopric, and would have honoured the first episcopal see in the kingdom. The first person thought of to succeed him was Mr. Matthew Henry; and it was unanimously agreed to send him an invitation to become their pastor, though they had no ground to suppose that he was at all dissatisfied with his present situation; and they desired Mr. Shower, an eminent minister at the Old Jewry, to give him a letter, in order to apprize him of their intention. Mr. Shower accordingly wrote; but Mr. Henry, by the next post, sent a strong negative to the application, assigning, as a principal reason, his affection for the people at Chester, and theirs for him; and he desired that he might have no further solicitation to leave them. The congregation at Hackney, however, not satisfied with this peremptory answer, wrote to him themselves, and sent him a most pressing invitation to accept their proposal. Mr. Henry, after taking a few days to deliberate upon the matter, wrote them a very respectful letter, in which he gave them a decisive negative, which put an end, for the present, to the negociation.

But after this, (so lightly have dissenters been wont to view the evil of being robbers of churches,) there was not a considerable vacancy in any London congregation, but Mr. Henry was thought of to fill it. Upon the death of Mr. Nathaniel Taylor, minister of Salters-hall, the people there had their eye upon Mr. Henry, but were discouraged from applying to him, at first, by the negative which he put upon the invitation from Hackney. However, after being disappointed in their expectations from Mr. Chorley of Norwich, and being much divided about an application to another minister, they unanimously agreed to make a vigorous effort to obtain Mr. Henry. Accordingly, letters were written to him by Mr. Howe, Mr. (afterward Dr.) Williams, and Dr. Hamilton, urging this among other arguments, that by coming to this place he would unite both sides, between whom there had been some contests. These letters occasioned him some serious and uneasy thoughts, as appears from his diary, in which he expresses himself willing to be determined by the will of God, if he did but know it, whatever it might be. He afterward takes notice that a dozen of his congregation had been with him to desire that he would not leave them, to whom he answered, that he had once and again given a denial to this invitation, and that it was his present purpose not to leave them, though he could not tell what might happen hereafter.

In the review of this year, he takes particular notice of his invitation to Salters-hall, as what surprised him; and he adds as follows: "I begged of God to keep me from being lifted up with pride by it. I sought of God the right way. Had I consulted my own fancy, which always had a kindness for London ever since I knew it, or the worldly advantage of my family, I had closed with it. And I was sometimes tempted to think it might open me a door of greater usefulness. I had also reason to think Mr. John Evans [then at Wrexham, afterward Dr. Evans of London, author of the 'Christian Temper'] might have been had here, and might have been more acceptable to some, and more useful than I. But I had not courage to break through the opposition of the affections of my friends here to me, and mine to them, nor to venture upon a new and unknown place and work, which I feared myself unfit for. I bless God, I am well satisfied in what I did in that matter. If it ever please God to call me from this place, I depend upon him to make my way clear. Lord, lead me in a plain path!" No candid person, after reading this, will be disposed to question Mr. Henry's integrity in the future part of his conduct, in quitting Chester, especially considering other invitations from the great city.

In the year 1704, Mr. Henry took another journey to London, accompanied by Mrs. Henry, to visit two of her sisters then in town, one of whom was dangerously ill. He takes notice of the pleasure he had in hearing Mr. Howe preach, on the morning of June 21. In the afternoon of the same day he preached at Salters-hall, where Mr. Tong was then minister, who mentions his text, Prov. xvi. 16. After visiting many friends, and preaching many sermons, he returned home with great satisfaction, and thankfully recorded some dangers which he had escaped in travelling, the roads being so bad, that in one place the coach was set fast; not apprehending or wishing for another call to the metropolis.

He had hitherto enjoyed a great share of health, but this year he had a very dangerous illness. As he was reading the scripture on Lord's day morning, August 27, he suddenly fainted away, but soon recovered so as to go on with his work. In the evening, however, feeling himself unwell, he writes, "A fever is coming upon me; let me be found ready whenever my Lord comes." He had a very restless night; but, having an appointment at Nantwich the next day, he went and preached on Psalm cx. 3. "And then," says he, "I was well." The day following, he went to Haslington Chapel, to preach the funeral sermon of Mr. Cope, an aged minister, who had spent some years there, and who had requested this of him. Mr. Egerton, the Rector, gave his consent. But this, Mr. Henry remarks, was likely to be the last sermon preached there by a dissenter; and it was like to have proved his last; for, on his return home, the fever came on with great violence, and confined him for more than three weeks.

It was soon after his recovery from this severe illness, that he began his elaborate work on the Bible. A friend[3] has communicated the following passage, extracted from his diary, which Mr. Tong had overlooked, but which will appear to most readers both curious and interesting. "Nov. 12, 1704. This night, after many thoughts of heart, and many prayers concerning it, I began my Notes on the Old Testament. 'Tis not likely I should live to finish it; or, if I should, that it should be of [much] public service, for I am not par negotiis. Yet, in the strength of God, and I hope with a single eye to his glory, I set about it, that I may be endeavouring something, and spend my time to some good purpose; and let the Lord make what he pleaseth of me. I go about it with fear and trembling, lest I exercise myself in things too high for me. The Lord help me to set about it with great humility." Many passages in his diary, written during the progress of this great work, would be pleasing and edifying to the reader, but the proposed limits of these memoirs forbid the insertion of them.

In the year 1709, Mr. Henry received a letter, dated February 18, informing him that the congregation in which Mr. Howe and Mr. Spademan had been joint pastors, in Silver-street, (both of them now deceased,) had chosen him to succeed the latter, as co-pastor with Mr. Rosewell, and that some of them purposed to go down to Chester to treat with him on this business. He also received many letters from ministers and gentlemen, pressing his acceptance of this call, with a view to his more extensive usefulness. Suffice it to say, he still remained immoveable, "his affection for his people prevailing" (as he expressed it, in his letter to Mr. Rosewell,) "above his judgment, interest, and inclination."

After this, we might naturally have expected to find that Mr. Henry would have ended his days at Chester, and that no society would have attempted to remove him. But the congregation at Hackney being again vacant, by the death of the worthy Mr. Billio, (who died of the smallpox, in the year 1710,) they determined upon renewing their application to Mr. Henry, which they did with increased importunity; and after a long negociation, and repeated denials, they at length prevailed. As the best justification of his conduct in yielding to their desires, and as a further illustration of his integrity and piety, as well as his regard to his affectionate friends at Chester, the reader shall have the account of the transaction in his own words, extracted from his diary.

"About Midsummer, 1710, I had a letter from the congregation at Hackney, signifying that they had unanimously chosen me to be their minister, and that I should find them as the importunate widow, that would have no nay. I several times denied them. At length they wrote, that some of them would come down hither; to prevent which, (not being unwilling to take a London journey in the interval between my third and fourth volume,) I wrote them word I would come up to them, and did so. Then I laid myself open to the temptation, by increasing my acquaintance in the city. They followed me, after I came down again, with letters to me and the congregation. In October I wrote to them, that if they would stay for me till next spring, (which I was in hopes they would not have done,) I would come up, and make a longer stay, for mutual trial. They wrote, they would wait till then. In May, 1711, I went to them, and stayed till the end of July, and, before I parted with them, signified my acceptance of their invitation, and my purpose to come to them, God willing, the next spring. However, I [should have] denied them, but that Mr. Gunston, Mr. Smith, and some others, came to me from London, and begged me [not to refuse] for the sake of the public—which was the thing that turned the scales. By this determination I have brought upon myself more grief and care than I could have imagined, and have many a time wished it undone; but, having opened my mouth, I could not go back. I did with the utmost impartiality (if I know any thing of myself) beg of God to incline my heart that way which would be most for his glory; and I trust I have a good conscience, willing to be found in the way of my duty. Wherein I have done amiss, the Lord forgive me for Jesus' sake, and make this change concerning the congregation to work together for good to it!"

Another paper, dated, Hackney, July 13, 1711, written after fervent prayer to God, contains the reasons which occurred to him why he should accept his invitation, which he wrote to be a satisfaction to him afterward. The following is a brief epitome of them: "1. I am abundantly satisfied that it is lawful for ministers to remove, and in many cases expedient. 2. My invitation to Hackney is not only unanimous, but pressing; and, upon many weeks' trial, I do not perceive any thing discouraging, but every thing that promises comfort and usefulness. 3. There seems an intimation of Providence in the many calls I have had that way before. 4. There is manifestly a wider door of opportunity to do good opened to me at London than at Chester, which is my main inducement. 5. In drawing up and publishing my Exposition, it will be a great convenience to be near the press—also to have books at hand to consult, and learned men to converse with, for my own improvement. 6. I have followed Providence in this affair, and referred myself to its disposal. 7. I have asked the advice of many ministers, and judicious christians. 8. I have some reason to hope that my poor endeavours may be more useful to those to whom they are new. 9. I have not been without my discouragements at Chester, which have tempted me to think my work there in a great measure done; many have left us, and few been [of late] added. 10. I am not able to ride long journies, as formerly, to preach, which last winter brought illness upon me, so that my services would be confined within the walls of Chester. 11. The congregation, though unwilling to part with me, have left the matter under their hands to my own conscience," &c.

It appears from Mr. Henry's diary, that his journey to London at the time here referred to was very uncomfortable, by reason of the badness of the roads, but especially by his great indisposition and pain, which much discouraged him. "I begged," says he, "that these frequent returning illnesses might be sanctified to me. I see how easily God can break our measures, and disappoint us, and make that tedious which we hoped would be pleasant." However, he arrived safe, May 12; when he writes thus: "And now I look back upon the week with thankfulness for the mercies of God, and the rebukes I have been under; such as give me cause to be jealous of myself, whether I be in my way. Lord, show me wherefore thou contendest with me, and wherefore thou relievest me!—Lord's day, 13. I had but a bad night, yet better in the morning. Preached, 2 Pet. i. 4. Partake of a divine nature. Administered the Lord's supper to the congregation at Hackney. Not a hundred a communicants.[4] I was somewhat enlarged in preaching, but at the Lord's supper very much straitened, and not as I used to be at Chester.—14. A very good night, and perfectly well, blessed be God. Mr. Tong and Mr. Evans came, and staid with me most of the day. We talked much to and fro of my coming hither, but brought it to no issue. The congregation seems very unanimous."

During this visit at Hackney, Mr. Henry preached frequently in the city, and several of his sermons at Salters-hall were published: viz. On Faith in Christ—On Forgiveness of Sin as a Debt—Hope and Fear balanced. Many entertaining articles appear in his journal respecting the visits he made, and the occurrences he met with, during his stay at Hackney, which must be passed over. On the whole, he seems to be better reconciled by it to the thoughts of returning. In one place he says, "Blessed be God, I meet with a praying people, and that love prayer." His last entry is July 29. "Preached, 1 John ii. 25. This is the promise, &c. Administered the Lord's supper. We had a "very full congregation, which is some encouragement, at parting, to think of coming again." This he did much sooner than he expected; for it appears from his MS. now before me, that, in the next January, he had a subpoena to be a witness in a cause to be tried in the Queen's Bench, which greatly perplexed him. On this occasion he preached at Hackney, January 27, and again on the 30th, being the lecture-day; when he writes, that he "met some of the heads of the congregation, earnestly begging them, with tears, to release him from his promise," who told him that "they could not in conscience do it, because they thought his coming was for the public good." On February 4, he had a fit of the stone. On the 18th, he set off very willingly for Chester, and arrived in better health than when he set out. But he had frequent returns of that complaint soon afterward which however did not occasion him to spare his labours.

The time now approached for him to fulfil his engagement with the people at Hackney, but the thought of leaving his friends at Chester proved a very severe trial to him, and pressed down his spirit beyond measure, as appears from many passages in his diary written about this time. On May 11, 1712, when he took his leave of his flock, he expounded the last chapter of Joshua in the morning, and of Matthew in the afternoon, and preached on 1 Thess. iv. 17, 18. After this service he writes, "A very sad day—I see I have been unkind to the congregation, who love me too well.—May 12. In much heaviness I set out in the coach for London, not knowing the things that shall befall me there. 15. Came to London—But Lord, am I in my way? I look back with sorrow for leaving Chester; I look forward with fear; but unto thee, O Lord! do I look up."

Mr. Henry commenced his pastoral work at Hackney on the Lord's day, May 18. The appearance of the meeting-house, which then stood on the opposite side of the way to the present, where three houses now stand, was not very inviting, either without or within. It was an old irregular building, originally formed out of dwelling-houses; but it was large, and the congregation was in a flourishing state, both in point of numbers and of wealth; for it is said, no less than thirty gentlemen's carriages constantly attended the meeting, and that the annual collection for the Presbyterian Fund for poor ministers was three hundred pounds. This being the case, it seems surprising that in Mr. Henry's time a better place of worship should not have been erected. What his salary was does not appear, doubtless it was something considerable; but that was with him no object in his removal. His grand motive was usefulness to the church of God; and of this he had here a very encouraging prospect.

On his first appearance as the minister in this congregation, in the morning he expounded Genesis i. and in the afternoon Matthew i. thus beginning as it were, the world anew. He preached on Acts xvi. 9. Come over to Macedonia, and help us. "O that good," says he, "may be done to precious souls! But I am sad in spirit, lamenting my departure from my friends in Chester. And yet if they be well provided for, I shall be easy, whatever discouragements I may meet with here."

Mr. Henry conducted his ministerial work at Hackney in much the same manner as he had done at Chester. He began the morning service on the Lord's day, (as the writer has heard some of his hearers relate,) at nine o'clock. Though the people had not been accustomed to so early an hour, they came into it without reluctance, and many of them were well pleased with it. The only difference in the order of service was, that he began with a short prayer, which it is supposed had been the custom, as it is to this day. In labours he was more abundant here even than he had been at Chester, excepting that he did not now take such frequent journeys, so that he soon made it appear that he did not remove with a view to his own ease and pleasure. Though his bodily strength was abated, and some disorders began to grow upon him, his zeal and activity continued the same, in expounding, catechising, and preaching, both to his own congregation and in various other places. As he found here a larger field of service, his heart was equally enlarged. He sometimes preached the Lord's day morning lecture at Little St. Helen's, at seven o'clock, and afterward went through the whole of his work at Hackney; and frequently, after both these services at home, he preached the evening lecture to the charity school at Mr. Lloyd's meeting, in Shakspeare's Walk, Wapping; and, at other times, he preached in the evening at Redriff; after which he performed the whole of his family worship as usual. Sometimes he was employed in preaching at one place or other every day in the week, and even twice or thrice on the same day. He showed himself ready to every good work, as if he had a secret impression that his time would be short; and the nearer he came to the end of his course, the swifter was his progress in holiness and all useful services. Nor did he appear to labour in vain, for he had many pleasing proofs of success. He had great encouragement soon after his coming to Hackney, from the usefulness of some sermons which he preached, on Matth. xvi. 26. What is a man profited, &c.; many of his hearers were greatly affected, and some of them said they were resolved never to pursue the world so eagerly as they had before done. This was preaching to good purpose.

So many were the calls which Mr. Henry had to preach in and about London, and so ready was he to comply with them, that he sometimes appears in his diary to think that he needed an apology, and to excuse it to himself, that he preached so often. After opening an evening lecture near Shadwell church, January 25, 1712, when his text was Psalm lxxiii. 28. he writes thus: "I hope, through grace, I can say, the reason why I am so much in my work is, because the love of Christ constrains me, and I find, by experience, it is good for me to draw near to God."

Beside catechising on Saturday at Hackney, which he began to do the second month after his coming thither, he had a catechetical lecture in London, which he undertook at the request of some serious christians in the city, but not without the approbation of several of his brethren. Such was his humility, and his respect for the ministers in London, that he declined giving an answer to the proposal till he had consulted them on the subject; when they all expressed their cordial approbation of the design, and several of them, of different denominations, sent their sons to attend his instructions, and often attended themselves. The place fixed upon for this service, was Mr. Wilcox's meeting-house, in Monkwell-street, where his tutor, Mr. Doolittle, formerly preached, and had been used to catechise. The time was Tuesday evening, when considerable numbers, besides the catechumens, were used to attend; and there was great reason to believe that Mr. Henry's labours on these occasions were very useful to numbers of both. It may not be amiss here to introduce an anecdote which he records of a robbery, after one of his evening lectures, for the sake of his pious reflections upon it. As he was coming home,[5] he was stopped by four men, within half a mile of Hackney, who took from him ten or eleven shillings; upon which he writes, "What reason have I to be thankful to God, that having travelled so much, I was never robbed before! What abundance of evil this love of money is the root of, that four men should venture their lives and souls for about half a crown apiece! See the vanity of worldly wealth, how soon we may be stript of it, how loose we ought to sit to it."

Mr. Henry's tender concern for the best interests of young persons, made him very desirous that they might enjoy all proper means for instruction in the knowledge of divine things. With this view, he exerted himself to increase the number of charity schools, for the promoting of which he drew up the following paper: "It is humbly proposed that some endeavours may be used to form and maintain charity schools among the dissenters, for the teaching of poor children to read and write, &c. to clothe them, and teach them the Assembly's Catechism. It is thought advisable, and not impracticable." He then goes on to prove both, and produces a series of arguments at some considerable length, which it is unnecessary here to specify, and answers some objections which might be urged against his plan.

While he was thus laying himself out for the good both of old and young, in and about London, his mind was deeply affected with the state of his congregation at Chester, which was yet destitute of a settled minister; and the disappointment they had met with in their applications to several cost him many prayers and tears. When he took his leave of his old friends, he promised them that he would make them a visit every year, and spend some sabbaths with them. This his friends at Hackney not only consented to, but recommended. Accordingly, July 20, 1713, he set out on a journey to Chester in the coach, and in his diary he records the particulars of it, with many pious and benevolent remarks, and the sermons which he preached at the different places he visited. An extract may be acceptable, as it discovers his unabated zeal, and his unwearied diligence, in doing good wherever he went; in comparison with which, he says, The charge and the trouble of the journey shall be as nothing to me. "July 23. Came to Whitchurch: a wet day, but many friends met me there, to my great reviving. In the afternoon, went to Broad-Oak, and preached from Rom. i. 11. I long to see you, &c. Next day went to Chester, where my friends received me with much affection and respect. Lord's day, preached from 1 Tim. vi. 12. Lay hold on eternal life. It was very pleasant for me to preach in the old place, where I have often met with God. and been owned by him. On Wednesday kept a congregational fast. The next Lord's day preached and administered the Lord's supper to my beloved flock: a great congregation. Monday went to Middlewich; preached from Matth. xxiv. 12. Iniquity abounds. The next day to Knutsford, to a meeting of ministers: preached from Col. ii. 8. Though absent in the flesh, yet present in the spirit. Lord's day, August 9, preached at Chester, Tit. ii. 13. Looking for the blessed hope. I took an affectionate farewell of my friends; prayed with many of them: the next day set out, with much ado, for Nantwich, where Mr. Mottershed is well settled: preached from Jos. i. 5, 6. As I was with Moses, I will be with thee, &c. From thence, that night, went to Wrenbury-wood, and preached there from John i. 48; from thence to Danford, and preached at Whitchurch, on 1 Pet. v. 10; took leave of my dear friends there, and went in the coach alone. Came to London the 15th, and found my tabernacle in peace."

The following day being the sabbath, he preached twice at Hackney, as usual, and administered the Lord's supper. But it appeared that his late great exertions in preaching and travelling were too much for him; so that it was no wonder he should, on the day following, have complained of great weariness, which was attended with drowsiness. Sir Richard Blackmore, being sent for, perceived symptoms of a diabetes, which obliged him to confine himself to the house. The doctor absolutely forbid his going out the next Lord's day; upon which he writes—"A melancholy day: yet not without some communion with God. Perhaps I have been inordinately desirous to be at my study and work again." By the blessing of God, however, upon the means prescribed, his disorder was removed in a few days after this, and the following sabbath he went on in his ordinary work. "Blessed be my God," says he, "who carried me through it with ease and pleasure."

The next month, September 20, he had a severe fit of the stone, and it happened to be on the Lord’s day: but it did not prevent his going through his public work. That evening, and the day following, he voided several stones, and rather large ones. He went, however, on the Tuesday, to catechise in London, and on Wednesday preached his weekly lecture at Hackney; on Thursday evening a lecture in Spitalfields, and on Friday joined in the service of a fast, at Mr. Fleming’s Meeting, at Founder’s-hall, where he preached the sermon. This seemed to be trying his strength beyond the rule of prudence or of duty. However on the Saturday he writes—"I bless God, I have now my health well again." But the painful disorder several times returned. Early on Lord’s day morning, December 13, he was seized with another fit, but the pain went off in about an hour, and, notwithstanding the fatigue it had occasioned, he ventured to London, to preach the morning lecture, before it was light, when he took that text, John xx. 1. The first day of the week early, while it was yet dark, &c; and, after this, he performed the whole service at Hackney. Having related these circumstances, he says—"Blessed be God for help from on high!" On the following Thursday he had another very violent fit of the stone, of which his own account is as follows—"I went to my study very early, but before seven o’clock I was seized with a fit of the stone, which held me all day: pained and sick, I lay much on the bed, but had comfort in lifting up my heart to God, &c. About five o’clock in the evening I had ease, and about ten I voided a large stone. Though my God caused me grief, yet he had compassion. December 18. Very well to day, though very ill yesterday. How is this life counterchanged! And yet I am but girding on my harness; the Lord prepare me for the next fit, and the Lord prepare me for the last!"

That period was not now very distant, though none apprehended it to be so near as it proved. Though his constitution was strong, his uncommon exertions must have tended to weaken it; and his close application in his study doubtless occasioned his nephritic complaint. It was also said, by those who knew him at Hackney, that after his settlement there, he yielded to the many invitations he had to sup with his friends, when he was under the temptation, though not to any unbecoming excess, yet to eat and drink what was unfavourable to the health of so studious a man, and one who has been used to a more abstemious mode of life, and had grown corpulent, as his portrait shows him to have been. It is not improbable that this circumstance tended to shorten his days.

At the beginning of this his last year (for so it proved to be) Mr. Henry’s mind appears from his diary to have been filled with dark apprehensions, on account of public affairs. The bill which had passed for suppressing the schools of the dissenters he looked upon not only as a heavy grievance in itself, but as a prelude to further severities. On this occasion he preached an excellent discourse at Mr. Bush’s meeting, on 2 Chron. xx. 12. Neither know we what to do, but our eyes are up unto thee.

The following week he took his journey to Chester, from whence he never returned. On May 30, he administered the Lord’s supper, as the best way of parting with his friends at Hackney. In the morning he expounded Exodus xxxviii, in the afternoon Luke vii, and preached on Rev. v. 9. For thou wast slain, &c. On the next day he took the coach for Chester. Mr. Tong, and some other friends, going to Coventry, accompanied him as far as St. Albans, and there they parted with him, never to see his face any more! From a letter to Mrs. Henry, dated June 7, it appeared that he bore the journey well, and that his friends told him he looked better than he did when they saw him the last year. In the same letter he expressed much joy on account of his old congregation being well settled with a minister, with whom he had communicated at the Lord’s table the day preceding, much to his satisfaction. With pleasure he remarks—“They had a full communion: none of the congregation are gone off: if none have left it while it was unsettled, I hope none will leave it now.”

From a subsequent article in Mr. Tong’s narrative, it appears that Mr. Gardiner was not the sole minister of the congregation, but that a Mr. Withington was united with him. How long the church and congregation continued in the flourishing state in which Mr. Henry now beheld it, is uncertain; but it is well known that, whatever was the cause, Mr. Gardiner lived to see it greatly decline. This, however, was no just reflection upon him: it has been the common affliction of the best of ministers, especially when they have been advanced in years. Mr. Henry, however, was gone to a better world before the sad change took place, the knowledge of which would have occasioned him inexpressible regret, on the recollection of his being at all accessory to it.

As he continued to interest himself in the welfare of that society to the very last, so likewise he did in whatever concerned the other congregations in that neighbourhood, with which he had been so long connected; and in this his last journey he visited several of them, to the great injury of his health: indeed he may be said to have sacrificed his life in their service. On Tuesday, June 8, he went to Wrexham, and, having preached there, returned to Chester that night; he says, "not at all tired:" but it seems he had some apprehension of a return of the diabetes, and drank some of the Bristol water, by way of prevention. On the 14th, he went to visit his brother Warburton, at Grange, and from thence to Knutsford, whither Mr. Gardiner accompanied him, and where he met several of his brethren. From thence he rode, on the Tuesday evening, to Chowbent in Lancashire, and the next day returned to Chester. Though he did not perceive himself to be greatly fatigued, some of his friends could not but fear that he must have injured his health by riding so many miles in so short a time, and by preaching at every place where he came, especially in so hot a summer. Indeed he himself, in a letter written at this time to Mrs. Henry, complains of the heat of the weather, which, he says, made him as faint and feeble as he was when he came up last from the country; and, from a subsequent passage, it seems as if he found himself, after his late hasty tour, far from being well. "If God bring me home in safety," says he, "I believe it will do well to use the means I did last year, unless the return of the cool weather should make it needless; for when I am in the air I am best." He adds, "Though I am here among my old friends, yet I find my new ones lie near my heart, among whom God has now cut out my work."

In the last letter which Mrs. Henry received from him, dated June 19, he informed her that he had taken the coach for Wednesday, the 23d, and that he was to get into it at Whitchurch, from whence he was pleased to think he should have the company of Mr. Yates of that place; and as the following Wednesday was the day for the quarterly fast at Hackney, he expressed his desire that due care might be taken to engage the assistance of some of his brethren.

The next day after he wrote this letter was the sabbath, which he spent at Chester; and it was the last he spent on earth: a remarkable circumstance, that Providence should so order it that his last labours should be bestowed where they were begun, and where the most of his days had been spent. It was also singular and pleasing that, on his two last sabbaths in the church below, he was directed to a subject so peculiarly adapted to the occasion, namely, that of the eternal sabbath in heaven, on which he was so soon to enter; for on the preceding Lord’s day, he had preached twice on Heb. iv. 9. There remaineth a rest for the people of God; which he considered, agreeably to the original, under the idea of a sabbath, which he illustrated in a variety of particulars. On the Lord’s day following, he kept the same idea in view, while he treated on that solemn caution, for the improvement of the subject—Let us therefore fear, lest a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it. The circumstances of Mr. Henry’s closing his ministry in this remarkable manner, induced Mr. Tong, in his Life, to give his readers the substances of both these discourses.

The next day after delivering them he set off, in his journey homeward, without feeling any inconvenience from the past day’s labours; indeed he thought he had found relief from his late indisposition, by his excursion to Knutsford and Lancashire; so that he was encouraged (not very prudently) to make an appointment for preaching at Nantwich that day, in his way to London. But all his friends observed that he appeared very heavy and drowsy; though, when asked how he did, he always answered, "Well." An apothecary, however, Mr. Sudlow, a good friend of Mr. Henry, said, before he left Chester, they should never see him again. His friends therefore should have dissuaded him from this undertaking, especially on horseback. As he passed Dudden he drank a glass of the mineral water there. Before he came to Torporley, his horse stumbled in a hole, and threw him off. He was a little wet, but said he was not hurt, and felt no inconvenience from the fall. His companions pressed him to alight at Torporley, but he resolved to go on to Nantwich, and there he preached on Jer. xxxi. 18; but all his hearers noticed his want of his usual liveliness, and, after dinner, he was advised to lose a little blood. He consented to this, though he made no complaint of indisposition. After bleeding he fell asleep, and slept so long, that some of his friends thought it right to awaken him, at which he expressed himself rather displeased.

His old intimate friend, Mr. Illidge, was present, who had been desired by Sir Thomas Delves and his lady to invite him to their house, at Doddington, whither their steward was sent to conduct him. But he was not able to proceed any further, and went to bed at Mr. Mottershed’s house, where he felt himself so ill that he said to his friends, "Pray for me, for now I cannot pray for myself." While they were putting him to bed, he spoke of the excellence of spiritual comforts in a time of affliction, and blessed God that he enjoyed them. To his friend, Mr. Illidge, he addressed himself in these memorable words: "You have been used to take notice of the sayings of dying men—this is mine: That a life spent in the service of God, and communion with him, is the most comfortable and pleasant life that one can live in the present world." He had a restless night, and about five o’clock on Tuesday morning he was seized with a fit, which his medical attendants agreed to be an apoplexy. He lay speechless, with his eyes fixed, till about eight o’clock, June 22, and then expired.

A near relation of his wrote on this occasion, "I believe it was most agreeable to him to have so short a passage from his work to his reward. And why should we envy him? It is glorious to die in the service of so great and good a Master, who, we are sure, will not let any of his servants lose by him." Yet it cannot but be regretted, that any of them should, by an inordinate zeal, shorten their days, and, by this means, prevent their more lasting usefulness.

On Thursday, before the corpse was removed from Nantwich, Mr. Reynolds, of Salop, preached an excellent sermon on the sad occasion, which was printed. Six ministers accompanied it to Chester, who were met by eight of the clergy, ten coaches, and a great many persons on horseback. Many dissenting ministers followed the mourners, and a universal respect was paid to the deceased by persons of distinction of all denominations. He was buried in Trinity church, in Chester, where several dear relatives had been laid before him. Mr. Withington delivered a suitable discourse, for the improvement of the providence, at the Thursday lecture, and another on the Lord’s day morning after the funeral, as Mr. Gardiner also did in the afternoon, on 2 Kings ii. 12. My father, my father, &c. Mr. Acton, the Baptist minister, took a respectful notice of the loss which the church had sustained by this event. When the news of his death reached London, it occasioned universal lamentation: there was scarcely a pulpit among the dissenters in which notice was not taken of the breach made in the church of God; almost every sermon was a funeral sermon for Mr. Henry; and many, who were no friends to the nonconformists, acknowledged that they had lost one who was a great support and honour to their interest. The sermon preached to his congregation at Hackney, July 11, 1714, was by his intimate friend, Mr. William Tong, on John xiii. 36. Whither I go thou canst not follow me now; but thou shalt follow me afterward. This discourse was published, and afterward subjoined to the folio edition of Mr. Henry’s Works.

  1. It appears that he took the name of Warburton, upon inheriting the estate of his maternal grandfather: and there was too great a propriety in his relinquishing the name of Henry, as he had departed from the spirit of his pious ancestors of that name, But his father, who often tenderly mentions him in his diary, did not live to witness the unhappy change.
  2. Mr. Henry's judgment and practice in this matter deserve the serious consideration of those who perpetually sing Hymns of mere human composition, almost to the exclusion of David's Psalms.
  3. The Rev. Thomas Stedman, of St. Chads, Shrewsbury.
  4. How much they were increased afterward, does not appear; but it is probable that they were never very numerous, as many dissenters, who live in the villages near London, keep up their connexion with the churches of which they had been members when they resided there.
  5. Mr. Tong says, from catechising on Tuesday; but from his own MS. it appears that it was on a Lord's day evening, after preaching at Mr. Rosewell's.