An Historical Essay on the Livery Companies of London/Introduction
SINCE I was first enrolled as a Liveryman of the Ancient Company of Cutlers, I have constantly lamented the want of a history which could make the Members thereof somewhat acquainted with the origin of the Company, and having for some years been favoured with frequent opportunities of acquiring information respecting the concerns of the Company, I have felt it would be interesting to many of my Brother Liverymen also to become acquainted with some particulars of the Ancient Guild to which they have the honour to belong.
I have accordingly collected a few remarks on the Livery Companies of London generally, with an account of the Incorporation of the Cutlers' Company—its Charters, Fundamental Laws, Bye-Laws, Estates, and Charities.
I now present it to my Brethren of the Company, and should it have the good fortune to receive their approbation, I shall consider the time devoted to its composition as having been well employed, and esteem myself amply rewarded for my labour.