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An Introduction to the History of the Assyrian Church/Synchronistic Table

From Wikisource


Date. Assyrian Patriarch. Persian King. Roman Emperor.
309 Papa Sapor II Constantine
328 Shimun bar Saba'i
337 Constantius
340 Shah-dost
346 Bar B'ashmin
347 (vacancy)
361 Julian
363 Jovian
364 Valens
379 Ardashir II Theodosius I
383 Tamuza Sapor II
388 Bahram IV
395 Qaiuma Arcadius
399 Isaac Yezdegerd I
408 Theodosius II
411 Akha
415 Yahb-Alaha I
420 M'ana Bahram V
421 Dad-Ishu
438 Yezdegerd II
451 Marcian
457 Babowai Piroz Leo
474 Zeno
485 Acacius Balas
488 Kobad (1st reign)
491 Anastasius
496 Babai Zamasp
498 Kobad (2nd reign)
505 Silas
518 Justin I
523 ("duality")
527 Justinian
531 Chosroes I
539 Paul
540 Mar Aba
552 Joseph
565 Justin II
570 Ezekiel
578 Hormizd IV Tiberius
582 Ishu-yahb I Maurice
590 Chosroes II
596 Sabr-Ishu
602 Phocas
604 Gregory
608 (vacancy)
610 Heraclius
628 Ishu-yahb II (anarchy)
632 Yezdegerd III
640 Khalifate Constantine III
644 Mar Imeh