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An introduction to linear drawing/Chapter 7

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An introduction to linear drawing
by M. Francoeur
Questions on Part I
627129An introduction to linear drawing — Questions on Part IM. Francoeur





1. What do the first class draw ?

2. What is a right line ?

3. How may you ascertain whether a line be straight ?

4. To cut a right line into four parts or quarters, what must you first cut it into ? (Ans. halves.)

5. To cut a right line into eight parts, how must you proceed ? Ans. Cut it into halves and quarters.

6. What is a horizontal line ?

7. WThat is a perpendicular line ?

8. In making horizontal lines what must you ob- serve ?

9. In drawing perpendicular lines what must you ob- serve ?

10. What are parallel lines ?

11. What are oblique lines ?

12. What is an angle ? (page 4.J

13. What is the point or apex of an angle ?

14. Is it the length of the sides of an angle or the width of the opening that determines the size of the angle ?

15. When do two lines form a right angle ? Ans. When the two sides are perpendicular to each other.

16. What is an acute angle ? Ans. One that is less than a right angle.

17. What is an obtuse angle ? Ans. One that is more — larger than a right angle. 18. What is a triangle ? (page b.)

19. What is the base of a triangle ?

20. What is the apex of a triangle ?

21. What is the height of a triangle ?

22. What is an Isoceles triangle ?

23. What is an Equilateral triangle ?

24. What is a Scalene triangle ?

25. When a perpendicular is raised on a right line, must the right line be a horizontal ? Ans. No. A perpendicular may be raised on any right line whether horizontal or oblique.

26. What is a rectangular or right angled triangle ?

27. What is a rectangular isoceles triangle ?

28. What is a rectangle ? (page 6.)

29. What is the base of a rectangle ?

30. What is the height of a rectangle ?

31. What is a parallelogram ?

32. Has a parallelogram any right angles ?

33. What angles has a parallelogram ? Ans. Two acute, and two obtuse.

34. What is the height of a parallelogram ?

35. How are the sides of a square ?

36. How are the angles of a square ?

37. When are angles said to be parallel ? Ans. When their openings and points are parallel.

38. How are the sides of a Rhomb or Lozenge ?

39. How are the angles of a Rhomb ?

40. How do you proceed to draw a Rhomb ?(page 9.)

41. What part of a circle does a right angle form ?

42. If a right angle be cut into two equal parts, what part of a circle will each of these parts be ? (page 9.) SECOND CLASS.

1. How will you proceed in making two angles of perpendicular sides ? (page 10.)

2. What sort of angles will thus be formed ? Ans. One acute and one obtuse.

3. When you make two triangles of perpendicular sides, how must each side of each triangle be ?

4. How many sides has a trapezoid ?

5. Which two sides of a trapezoid are called the bases ?

6. What is the height of a trapezoid ?

7. In what does a trapezoid differ from a trape- zium ?

8. What is the meaning of the word polygon ?

9. What is the best method of making a polygon ?

10. When is a polygon said to be regular ?

11. After you have drawn a polygon, how must you proceed to draw diagonals ?

12. When you wish to draw a parallel polygon out- side of another, what must you do first ? Ans. Length- en the diagonals.

13. What is a triangular pyramid ? Ans. One whose base is a triangle.

14. How do you proceed to draw a triangular pyra- mid ?

15. What is the height of a pyramid ?

16. In drawing a pyramid, must the front or back lines of the base be uppermost ?

. 17. What is a quadrangular pyramid ?

18. When a pyramid is to be cut by a plane, what part must be drawn last ?

19. What is the height of a pyramid?

20. In drawing a pyramid, which lines are longest the front or back oblique lines ?

21. When the base of a pyramid is a regular poly- gon, how may you know if the pyramid be upright and regulp" s 22. What is a prism ? (page IS.)

23. Is it necessary that a prism have any particular number of sides ?

24. What is meant by the height of a prism ?

25. When is a prism said to be upright ?

26. When is a prism said to be oblique ?

27. What is a parallelopiped ? Ans. A prism whose bases are parallelograms.

28. What sort of a paralleopiped is a cube ?

29. Which two faces of a cube should be drawn first ?

30. What is meant by a plane 9

31. How can you easily represent a prism cut by a plane parallel to its bases ? (page 15.)


1. What is a Radius ? (page 16.)

2. What is the Diameter of a circle ?

2. What is the Arc of a circle ?

4. What is a Cord ?

5. How will you cut a circle into eight equal parts ?

6. What is meant by Concentrick Circles ? (p. 17.)

7. What is meant by the Centre of an Arc ?

8. What does the word Tangent mean ? (p. IS.)

9. What is a Tangent ?

10. What is the Point of Contact ?

11. When is a circle said to be circumscribed with a square ?

12. When is a circle said to be inscribed in a square or any other figure ? (p. 19.^

13. When four tangents make right angles with each other, what figure is formed ?

14. When is a polygon said to be inscribed in a circle ? 15. When a tangent is drawn from a given point, how many points of a circle can it touch ?

16. What is the proportion between the radius of a Circle and one side of a hexagon inscribed in it ?

17. What is meant by unequal circles ? (p. 20.)

18. What is meant by a regular Polygon ? (p. 21.)

19. What is a regular hexagon ?

20. What is a regular pentagon ?

21. What is a regular octagon?

22. How will you circumscribe a triangle with a circle ?

23. How will you find the Centre of a circle to be in- scribed in a triangle ?

24. Where is the centre of an Arc which passes through two given points ?

25. When you wish to draw several arcs through two given points, as in drawing the meridians on a map of the globe, how do you proceed ?

26. When the base and other sides of a triangle are given, how will you find the point where the other two sides will touch ?

27. If the sides cannot touch, how is the problem said to be ?


1. In drawing a right line, tangent to two circles, how must the two circles be placed t (p. 25.)

2. When are two circles said to intersect each other ?

3. How many tangents may be drawn to two circles ?

4. How many will be interior, and how many ex- terior ?

5. Where will the interior tangents cross each other ? Ans. On a line drawn from the centre of one circle to the centre of the other.

6. How will you proceed to " add two squares," that is, to find a third square whose surface shall be as large as two smaller squares, (p. 26.)

7. After you have drawn your [triangle, what will a semicircle drawn on the greatest side of the triangle touch ? (p. 2%.)

8. When the two smaller squares are equal, what sort of a triangle wi)l be required to find the square equal to both of them ?

9. If the great square and one of the small ones be given, how will you find the size of the other small one ? (p. 27.)

10. How will you " take half of a square that is, how will you find two small squares which shall be equal to one large one ?

11. What part of a circle is a Protracter ?

12. How many degrees are graduated on a Pro- tracter ?

13. How will you proceed to graduate or mark the degrees on a Protracter ? (bottom of page 21.)

14. What other way ? (top of p. 21.)

15. Does the size of a circle increase the number of degrees into which it is divided ? (p. 28.)

16. What is the difference then between the degrees of a large circle and those of a small one ?

17. Is the angle between any two radii affected by lengthening the radii ?

18. How many degrees of a circle form a right angle ?

19. What is an angle of less than 90 degrees called ?

20. What is an angle of more than 90 degrees called ?

21. How will you find the size of an angle with the protracter ? 22. What would two diameters of a circle drawn perpendicular to each other be called in geography?

23. What are the ends of the axis called? (p. 29.)

24. What are arcs of circles passing through both poles called in geography?

25. Where are the centres of these arcs?

26. What are the arcs called in geography, which are drawn nearly parallel to the equator? (p. 30.)

27. Where will be the centre of these arcs?

28. What is an Ellipse?

29. How do you proceed to make an Ellipse?

30. What Geometrical rule can you give for drawing an Ellipse?

31. What amusing method is used?

32. How may the figure be made more or less elliptical?

33. How must you proceed to draw a Cone?

34. What is the difference between a Cone and a Pyramid? (p. 22.)

35. What is the height of a Cone?

36. When is a Cone said to be upright?

37. Why does the base of a cone appear to be an Ellipse?

38. What is a Cylinder? (bot. of p. 32.)

39. What is the height of a Cylinder? (p. 33.)

40. When is a cylinder said to be upright?


1. How are the figures of the fifth Class formed? (page 34.)

2. What is the general name of fillets, beads, congees, &c.?

3. What is a Torus? (p. 35.)

4. What is a Plinth ?

5. How is the profile of a Talon formed ? (p. 36.J


1. What are the Four principal Orders of Architec- ture ? (p. 40.)

2. What are the three principal parts of an Order ?

3. Which of these parts is sometimes omitted ?

4. What supplies its place? (p. 41.J

5. How is the Corinthian Order distinguished ?

6. How is the Ionick Order distinguished ?

7. How is the Dorick ?

8. How the Tuscan ?

9. By what other characteristicks are these orders distinguished ?

10. Of what Orders is the Composite composed ?

11. How were the proportions of the orders discov- ered and established ?

12. What proportions are common to all the or- ders ? (p. 42.)

13. Into what is the Pedestal divided ?

14. Into what is the Column divided ?

15. Into what is the Entablature divided ?

16. How does the height of the Tuscan column com- t pare with its diameter ?

17. How does the height of the Dorick column com- pare with its diameter ?

18. How of the Ionick ?

19. How of the Corinthian ?

20. What, in measuring columns, is meant by a Module ?

6 21. Into how many parts is the Module divided in the Tuscan and Dorick orders ?

22. Into how many in the Ionick and Corin- thian ?

23. What is meant by Intercolumniation ?

24. If you know the height, how can you find the Module ? (p. 45.j

25. What other method ? 2G. What is a Pediment ? 27. What are Pilasters ?