Ancient India as described by Megasthenês and Arrian/Frag. VI.
Fragm. VI.
Strabo, XV. i. 12,—pp. 689-690.
Of the Size of India.
[From this, one can readily see how the accounts of the other writers vary from one an- other. Thus Ktêsias says that India is not of less size than the rest of Asia; Onêsikritos regards it as the third part of the habitable world; and Nearchos says it takes one four months to traverse the plain only.] Megasthenês and Dêimachos incline to ba more moderate in their estimate, for according to them the distance from the Southern Sea to Kaukasos is over 20,000 stadia.—[Dêimachos, however, allows that the distance in soma places exceeds 30,000 stadia. Of these notice has been taken in an earlier part of the work.]