Anecdotes of Great Musicians/Anecdote 8
This old saying is particularly true of musical anecdote and story. Of course, it must be that history really does repeat itself, for certainly no one could be so heartless as to charge the enterprising manager or the penny-a-liner, sadly in need of copy, with hunting among old tales for one to apply to modern favorites. Munsey's Magazine for December ('93) gives the following incident:—
"A touching incident is recorded among the experiences of Madame Melba (now singing in New York) last year at Palermo. It was during a performance of 'Lucia.' The diva was changing her costume between the acts, when a lady appeared in her dressing-room. After complimenting her on her singing, the stranger took up in one hand some strands of Madame Melba's hair, which was flowing loose over her shoulders, and asked:—
"'Is this all your own?'
"Upon being satisfied on this point the visitor continued:—
"'Allow me, Madame Melba, since I have no wreath of flowers to offer you, to twine you one with your own beautiful tresses.'
"This she did, trilling a bar or two of music meanwhile, for the visitor was none other than Christine Nilsson."
It seemed to me that the above incident had about it the flavor of antiquity, and turning to an English work published several years ago, I find the following: "On the occasion of her second visit to Naples in 1835, an incident occurred which afforded Madame Persiani deep gratification. During the representation of 'Lucia' she was one evening changing her costume between the acts, when a lady entered her dressing-room, and after a few general compliments on her singing, took in her hands the long, fair tresses which floated in wild profusion over the shoulders of the cantatrice, asking if they were really her own.
"Madame Persiani laughingly invited her to satisfy herself on this point, when the visitor said with a smile, 'Allow me, Signora, since I have no wreath of flowers to offer you, to twine you one with your own beautiful tresses,' and she did so.
"Madame Persiani's heart beat with pride and joy, for it was Malibran, 'the greatest singer of the day,' who spoke."